I hope he (or someone he re-tweets) makes a similar montage with the women in white sitting on their hands for every item of good news, until he mentions women elected to Congress, after which they go nuts with enthusiasm. Show them as the self-worshipping narcissists they are.
I’m proud of Democrats for not clapping for this fraud. That would be hypocritical. It was interesting to see how they tried to stifle laughing at him outright. As far as anyone being “hurt” that would be Trump for losing in a huge way to Nancy Peolosi and House Democrats.
That damn Trump. Pretty obvious he so giddy about all the new jobs for minorities and all Americans because he thinks somehow that makes him look good. Nobody cares about that.
Kinda like my friend who thinks she is special when she volunteers at the soup kitchen all the damn time
We still have to tear down the walls of the abortion chambers. Unfortunately, unlike the minority activism and advocacy for one-child, the progress of selective-child requires baby steps, I suppose.
Everybody hurts. 76% dudes and dudettes. CBS poll: 76% approve. CNN poll: 76% approval. Everybody hurts sometimes, and that sometime is now. The Dean Martin bit is for us old folks.
“If Hillary wasn't so loathsome, Trump wouldn't be president.”
Indeed that is true, funny Chickenlittle said the VERY SAME EXACT thing yesterday. 2020 will be a different story as there are a number of excellent Democratic candidates already and as Walker lost big in Wisconsin in 2018 as blowback for Trump, Trump will lose bigly in 2020 in an even bigger Democratic Wave. Whooosh! It’s coming.
We gotta figger out a way to provoke Bernie Sanders to run again. Need to keep up the socialist taunts.
If Bernie runs, he tears apart the Dem coalition. The left-wing crazies love him, the rich liberal elite will get nervous that he actually will do the things he says he will do to confiscate their wealth.
f Trump wouldn’t be so loathsome the House wouldn’t be in Democratic hands. That’s gotta hurt.
Sometimes you have cogent things to say and sometimes you are so hyper-partisan that any cogent things you say are completely dismissed, drowned out by your hyper-partisan rantings.
You are old enough to have lived through a few first-term mid-terms, so why are you ignorant of the facts?
Sure Trump lost 40 seats. But Obama lost 63 and Clinton lost 52. Reagan lost only 26 and W gained 8. If you took even a few moments to consider the perspective you would realize just how sad an pathetic your taunts are. It is not unusual for a first term President to shed Congressional seats at the mid-term. The voting public is fickle.
If Trump wouldn’t be so loathsome the House wouldn’t be in Democratic hands. That’s gotta hurt.
2016 Trump loses 41 seats in the House = Loathsome 1994 Clinton loses 54 seats in the House = Super Loathsome 2010 Obama loses 63 seats in the House = Super Dooper Pooper Loathsome
No Shouting Thomas, I’ve been around a long time and I’m not going anywhere. I suggest you go back under the rock you slithered out from. You have no idea that how you mistook my comment is abnormal? YOU are the one with he perverted mind, not I. My last comment to you as it’s taking away from the thread.
First you say losing the house proves something. I demonstrate that it does not, (or one could argue that if it DID prove something your last two Democratic heroes were, in fact, worse than he whom you loathe). So your response is to point to his tweets to demonstrate your point as if that were the real point after-all.
You say "two can play that game." but you are the only one playing, thus demonstrating, once again my point. Your hyper-partisan approach drowns out any hope that you can be taken seriously on substantive issues. You can't both engage in vacuous grade-school taunts on one hand and think you can use any logical point to advocate for your side. Essentially, you score more own-goals than you can ever hope to score for your side. Thanks for the help, though we don't really need it.
I hate to break it to you, but I don’t really care if you take me seriously, just as you seem to not care that more than half of the voting population of the US doesn’t take Trump as a serious person or one with a smidgeon of credibility. I’m not the President, what you think about me is neither here nor there, but Trump is the POTUS and that he doesn’t have a shred of credibility is a very serious thing.
Inga...Allie Oop said..No Shouting Thomas, I’ve been around a long time and I’m not going anywhere. "
That's not true, you decrepit old twat. You are going to be worm food and then straight to hell, and if the actuarial tables are correct, within the next decade. Hopefully before the end of Trump's second term.
My version was a bit more grammatically nuanced, so give me credit. But I can see why this feeds your delusion that I am FullMoon. I am not. I try to avoid using "wasn't" in the subjunctive mood as in Moon's version. I would have written: "If Hillary weren't so loathsome,..."
Inga said: If Trump wouldn’t be so loathsome the House wouldn’t be in Democratic hands. That’s gotta hurt.
Although the sitting U.S. President's party usually loses seats in a midterm election, the 2010 election resulted in the highest losses by a party in a House midterm election since 1938,[6][7] and the largest House swing since 1948.[8] Republicans made their largest gain in House seats since 1938.[9]
Loathsome? Look at who is really loathsome, and ill equipped. No experience in running anything...EVER... As compared to a highly successful entrepreneur, spanning 4 decades.
But that's history, and Inga only knows of history that has happened since she got out of bed today
“Sarah Sanders: Ann Coulter Is Not "An Influential Voice In This Country" Or In The White House”
LOL in light of Trump’s tweet.
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump . @AnnCoulter has been amazing. We will win and establish strong borders, we will build a WALL and Mexico will pay. We will be great again! 8:45 AM · Jan 23, 2016 · Twitter for Android 2.3K Retweets 5.6K Likes
I hate to break it to you, but I don’t really care if you take me seriously, just as you seem to not care that more than half of the voting population of the US doesn’t take Trump as a serious person or one with a smidgeon of credibility.
More shifting goal posts.
at least 35% of the population will reliably vote R, 35% D, Of the 30% left, 10% will usually vote R and 10% will usually vote D, and the mush remaining 10% are fickle as all heck. Thus we will always have close to half with various fluctuations for or against any president. Obama's popularity dipped below 50% lots of times. This is meaningless. Thus it is true I don't care what the current polls say about anyone. I only care if the policies being advocated are good.
Taunting is childish. You are childish. It is sad.
Inga...Allie Oop said...Indeed that is true, funny Chickenlittle said the VERY SAME EXACT thing yesterday.
FullMoon wrote "If Hillary wasn't so loathsome, Trump wouldn't be president.”
I actually wrote: If Hillary hadn't been so loathsome, there wouldn't be a Trump in the White House.
My version was a bit more grammatically nuanced, so give me credit. But I can see why this feeds your delusion that I am FullMoon. I am not. I try to avoid using "wasn't" in the subjunctive mood as in Moon's version. I would have written: "If Hillary weren't so loathsome,..."
However, were one so inclined, one might erroneously use "wasn't"in order to mileads Internet Sluts.
#OnlyReadsHeadlines Inga: "I hate to break it to you, but I don’t really care if you take me seriously, just as you seem to not care that more than half of the voting population of the US doesn’t take Trump as a serious person or one with a smidgeon of credibility."
Inga has decided her mind reading abilities now extend far beyond Muellers team of hacks and encompasses the thoughts of tens of millions of Americans.
How is it advertising firms arent beating a path to her door?
“...as there are a number of excellent Democratic candidates already...”
Really? Which ones? I think they all signed on to the Green New Deal, didn’t they? Have you read it? I have. It is the most incredibly stupid political document ever produced, by any political party, in the history of the world. Anyone who believes in that is so stupid they shouldn’t be elected to any political office, at any government level, in the entire country. Trump should take that thing and not only hang it around their candidate’s neck like an albatross but beat them to a pulp with it at every opportunity. Hell, my 4 year old grandson is smarter than the imbeciles who put the GND together.
“Really? Which ones? I think they all signed on to the Green New Deal, didn’t they?”
“Democratic Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar, who launched her presidential bid at a snow-covered address in Minneapolis on Sunday, told Fox News on Tuesday that the "Green New Deal" proposal is merely "aspirational" and that she would likely oppose specific elements of the plan if they came up for a vote.”
“The Green New Deal as it has been proposed is about as realistic as Trump saying that Mexico is going to pay for the wall. Let's focus on what's possible, not what's impossible. #GND #GreenNewDeal,” Delaney, a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, tweeted Thursday.”
Obviously Pelosi’s not running, but this is an interesting comment.
“Some have expressed skepticism about its chances of success or put caveats on their support. Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) referred to the proposal as the "Green dream, or whatever they call it," and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg (D) stressed that a Green New Deal should offer realistic solutions and not "things that are pie in the sky." Bloomberg is considering a 2020 bid, and has long been an advocate of combating climate change.”
Apologies to all because I usually ignore her, but I can't help it this time.
Inga...Allie Oop said... “If Hillary wasn't so loathsome, Trump wouldn't be president.”
Indeed that is true, funny Chickenlittle said the VERY SAME EXACT thing yesterday. 2020 will be a different story as there are a number of excellent Democratic candidates already and as Walker lost big in Wisconsin in 2018 as blowback for Trump, Trump will lose bigly in 2020 in an even bigger Democratic Wave. Whooosh! It’s coming.
Inga, early on Election Night, 2016 said. . .
Amazing how well Clinton is doing in NC, huh? Hi Althousians! I dropped by in honor of election night and to celebrate the first woman President.
That Inga can dominate a thread is to her credit. You guys do realize that in her physical prime, she was a large breasted blonde prowling the street of Milwaukee in miniskirts, tempting sailors.
chickenlittle: "That Inga can dominate a thread is to her credit. You guys do realize that in her physical prime, she was a large breasted blonde prowling the street of Milwaukee in miniskirts, tempting sailors."
I heard she was a MAGA-hat wearing white supremacist hunting black actors in Chicago at 2am in below freezing weather, and always with her trusty bottle of bleach and "noose".
Blogger Inga...”And as loathsome as Clinton was, she would’ve made a better President than Trump.”
Doubtful at any level. Hillary would have been far more bellicose with the military. Hillary was just a frightful “choice” made by Dem leaders and foisted on the rank and file. She is best forgotten and if she is behind any of the current Dem infighting, she should be outed and frogmarched.
That the Dems try to make the GND "aspirational" is even more laughable. How do you aspire to do something that from whatever viewpoint you choose - science, technology, economics - is totally impossible to do? Even given all the time and money in the world almost the entire proposal is complete fantasy. That one of our two political parties could produce such a profound piece of aspirational bullshit and try to pass it off as a legitimate direction for the country to take is just breathtaking. The whole thing is just a gift to anyone who wants to paint the Democrats for the imbeciles that they are and I think Trump would be the perfect person to do it. He won't hold back.
I'll give you an idea of what the future of this country would be if the GND were attempted: If you don't already, watch the latest episode of "The Walking Dead" this Sunday night. It would be just like that, just without the zombies.
I thought Inga wanted to send us all back to the Stein Age? Both Inga and Ritmo despise Hillary. That Inga showed up on election night 2016 to gloat was just her reacting to possibly having a female POTUS. Because that’s what really counts in her book.
You gotta give the girl a break for hating Trump so much. She isn't exactly getting good information. After 2 plus years of nonstop coverage of the Russian collusion witch hunt, the media outside of FOX never told people like her that there was no collusion.
"Networks: 2,202 Minutes on Russia Scandal, Zero for No Collusion Report"
"It’s been two days since NBC’s exclusive reporting that the Senate Intelligence Committee has found no material evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, and as of yet none of the three major broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) have given it even a single second of coverage in their evening newscasts. Considering these networks have given the Russia probe a massive 2,202 minutes of airtime, their silence on this major development is deafening. "
Even if Trump is loathsome, I'd still vote for him, becuase I like low unemployment for minorities, lower taxes for everyone, higher wages, more jobs, more American manufacturing, less wars, and someone trying to reverse the suicidal trade polices that have hurt so many Americans for so long, but that's just me. With all that at stake, loathsome sound pretty good. I sure wouldn't sacrifice all that just to have the right race, sex, party or pants crease in office. See I care more about results, and people - not my feelings, my team, or appearances.
Drago and Chickenlitte -- re: Inga. personal attacks on her are loathsome. Rise above Hillary, please.
Inga said: I said Democrats would take the House in 2018, I said Walker would lose in 2018. I said Obama would win the Presidency...twice..
As a life long Republican(but NO relation to Chuck's brand of LLRism) I did and made the same predictions. You missed on The Big One. But, so did I - thought sure The Hildebeast was going to win and didn't vote either major party.
My prediction for 2020?? If Trump is able to significantly decreases the flood of illegal immigration - whether via "the wall", stronger verficiation for benefits, whatever - he will claim victory and not run. Dems should give him this one last victory and he would exit stage left, but then. . . . they wouldn't have anything to run against and their crowded field of 2nd raters would be up against Nikki Hailey. GOP wins a 2nd (and a 3rd) term. Rah-rah.
GND "aspirational" is even more laughable. How do you aspire to do something that from whatever viewpoint you choose - science, technology, economics - is totally impossible
Not impossible, but in leftist-speak: unviable. They know what they should do, but they choose prophets and profits as truth to power. To be fair, despite The Grey New Deal being a burden on economy, development, and community, it does have niche applications and cute, little #Labels that accompany it.
The journolists are doubling down on conflating immigration, excessive immigration, and illegal immigration, all while denying emigration reform and brazenly insulting black, brown, yellow, orange, and white Americans in defense of labor arbitrage, welfare profits, democratic gerrymandering, diversity, and Pro-Choice/Planned/selective/cannibalized-child.
Blogger n.n said...The journolists are doubling down on conflating immigration, excessive immigration, and illegal immigration, all while denying emigration reform and brazenly insulting black, brown, yellow, orange, and white Americans in defense of labor arbitrage, welfare profits, democratic gerrymandering, diversity, and Pro-Choice/Planned/selective/cannibalized-child.
That’s why I heartlessly chuckle at most “hardship “ stories about journalists. They spent their credibility ignoring their fellow Americans. So when the chips are down for them, and their jobs are outsourced to bloggers and upstarts, it’s just karmic.
It's amusing to watch people virtue signal how they are SO above the fray, knowing that when THEY are attacked they will respond in kind.
It's a corruption, a perversion, of something. The bully can push kids into lockers all semester and everyone tolerates it as the New Normal. But the moment a kid punches back at the bully, everyone suddenly has a problem with it.
Correction - they have a problem with the kid punching back, not with the bully who has been shoving him into lockers all year.
I think the truth is its the drama they loathe. The bullying doesn't even get on their radar until someone contests it and creates conflict.
I've never understood that hypocrisy. They will preach all day about ignoring the troll, but are themselves apparently incapable of ignoring the counter-trolling. Why can't they take their own advice?
If you can ignore Inga's attacks on us, you can ignore our attacks back. If you want to root out the problem, look to Inga and Chuck, not those that respond to them.
Sidebar - Althouse/Meade had no trouble running off disruptive commenters like "Mary". They would simply delete her remarks and those of anyone who responded to them. Trolls hate that.
So, despite what our hosts may say, Inga-Chuck remain because Althouse wills it. Consider that and ask why.
Fen notes: “So, despite what our hosts may say, Inga-Chuck remain because Althouse wills it. Consider that and ask why.”
I’ve long said that Althouse would have to invent them if they didn’t exist or reinvent them if they went away. They are part of her breakfast table game.
Smidgeon and Smidgen Similar meaning words mutual synonyms
Smidgeon Show Definitions Smidgeon noun – A tiny or scarcely detectable amount. Smidgen is a synonym for smidgeon. In some cases you can use "Smidgen" instead a noun "Smidgeon". Nearby Word: smidgen Synonyms for Smidgeon
Smidgen Show Definitions Smidgen noun – A tiny or scarcely detectable amount. Smidgeon is a synonym for smidgen. You can use "Smidgeon" instead a noun "Smidgen". Nearby Word: smidgeon Synonyms for Smidgen
"I’ve long said that Althouse would have to invent them if they didn’t exist or reinvent them if they went away. They are part of her breakfast table game."
I still suspect that Inga-Chuck are sockpuppets for Althouse-Meade to anonymously troll their guests with contempt. Note that the standard rules and CoC do not apply to them.
“Smidgeon is an alternative form of smidgen. As nouns the difference between smidgeon and smidgen is that smidgeon is (smidgen) while smidgen is a very small quantity or amount.”
smidgen (also smidgin, smidgeon) NOUN
informal A small amount of something. ‘add a smidgen of cayenne’
Inga...Allie Oop said... “The Green New Deal as it has been proposed is about as realistic as Trump saying that Mexico is going to pay for the wall.
Sorry, I'm having trouble with Inga's analogy. It seems to be comparing apples and oranges. The Democrats put out a serious policy statement which will destroy the USA economy which will and turn most of the people into surfs and Inga compares that policy statement to the method to fund a wall? Really?
If leftists hadn't destroyed so many countries' econimies and reduced their inhabitants to surfdom over the last 100 years perhaps we could dismiss that policy statement as far fetched. The old saying fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. But in the case of leftists they fool no one. The people who put out that statement know exactly what they are doing and are just as sociopathic as all the rest of their leftist pantheon.
“The Green New Deal as it has been proposed is about as realistic as Trump saying that Mexico is going to pay for the wall.”
Not my analogy. Take it up with Delaney. My point in posting the excerpt was to show that not all Democrats are on board with the New Green Deal.
“The Green New Deal as it has been proposed is about as realistic as Trump saying that Mexico is going to pay for the wall. Let's focus on what's possible, not what's impossible. #GND #GreenNewDeal,” Delaney, a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, tweeted Thursday.”
I realize that you were quoting someone else, but obviously you agree with the analogy or you wouldn't have quoted it. There is no comparison. The Democrat proposal is a deadly serious proposal which will radically alter the lifestyle of everyone and will reduce the majority of the population to serfdom and the other is Trump having fun trolling everyone over how to fund a wall.
Why shouldn't we take the Democrats seriously when they make those radical policy proposals? Leftists have already murdered millions and millions of people and reduced even larger numbers to abject poverty in their utopias so why should we doubt that thery are serious this time?
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Troll level: Master.
I love the long shots of Romney.
Well. That's one way to spike the football.
That close up of Romney at the end is *chef's kiss.
What a troll.
Bitter Hillary clingers.
Kamama is one angry government whore.
Nice touch to use REM/Michael Stipe. Doubles the troll level.
Quality. Nice!
I think they've convinced themselves that the Russians tricked everyone in the rust belt to vote against Hillary. Circus face anger- max.
Kick 'em when they're down
Oh God, I love this man.
I hope he (or someone he re-tweets) makes a similar montage with the women in white sitting on their hands for every item of good news, until he mentions women elected to Congress, after which they go nuts with enthusiasm. Show them as the self-worshipping narcissists they are.
Show himself as the self-worshipping narcissist he is.
Yes, he does it everyday.
Greatest President EVER!
I love that shot of Romney, juxtaposed with all those embittered Dems! heh.
All those jokers who want to be President.....
I’m proud of Democrats for not clapping for this fraud. That would be hypocritical. It was interesting to see how they tried to stifle laughing at him outright. As far as anyone being “hurt” that would be Trump for losing in a huge way to Nancy Peolosi and House Democrats.
If you haven't watched the "Bad Lip Reading" version, you're missing out. Some real gems.
If Trump wouldn’t be so loathsome the House wouldn’t be in Democratic hands. That’s gotta hurt.
That damn Trump. Pretty obvious he so giddy about all the new jobs for minorities and all Americans because he thinks somehow that makes him look good. Nobody cares about that.
Kinda like my friend who thinks she is special when she volunteers at the soup kitchen all the damn time
If Trump wouldn’t be so loathsome the House wouldn’t be in Democratic hands. That’s gotta hurt.
So how loathsome Obama must have been to lose 63 seats in 2010? Ouch.
Inga effectively stipulates that the only way Democrats can win anything is if the alternative is "so loathsome". Now that's funny.
Trump is a little happy about new jobs for Americans, a little less spiritually destructive welfare, irrespective of their diversity.
If Hillary wasn't so loathsome, Trump wouldn't be president
That's gotta hurt.
We still have to tear down the walls of the abortion chambers. Unfortunately, unlike the minority activism and advocacy for one-child, the progress of selective-child requires baby steps, I suppose.
Everybody hurts. 76% dudes and dudettes. CBS poll: 76% approve. CNN poll: 76% approval. Everybody hurts sometimes, and that sometime is now. The Dean Martin bit is for us old folks.
If Inga wasn’t so loathsome she wouldn’t have to make up imaginary children.
“If Hillary wasn't so loathsome, Trump wouldn't be president.”
Indeed that is true, funny Chickenlittle said the VERY SAME EXACT thing yesterday. 2020 will be a different story as there are a number of excellent Democratic candidates already and as Walker lost big in Wisconsin in 2018 as blowback for Trump, Trump will lose bigly in 2020 in an even bigger Democratic Wave. Whooosh! It’s coming.
If Langford Peel, the local racist, aka Trooper York, wouldn’t be so loathsome, he wouldn’t have to wear his wife’s bras for his huge man boobs.
If Inga wasn't so loathsome tbe blog wouldn't reek of a putrid fetid..
Like a dead fish.
You folks are a wee bit in a bad mood eh? I guess losing hurts.
Walker lost big in Wisconsin in 2018
By 30,000 votes out of 2.7 million cast is big? Only on Planet Inga.
We gotta figger out a way to provoke Bernie Sanders to run again. Need to keep up the socialist taunts.
If Bernie runs, he tears apart the Dem coalition. The left-wing crazies love him, the rich liberal elite will get nervous that he actually will do the things he says he will do to confiscate their wealth.
Sanders-Ocasio-Cortez for President!
I thought huge man boobs was the ultimate goal of the Democratic Party.
Somebody change Inga's drool bucket.
f Trump wouldn’t be so loathsome the House wouldn’t be in Democratic hands. That’s gotta hurt.
Sometimes you have cogent things to say and sometimes you are so hyper-partisan that any cogent things you say are completely dismissed, drowned out by your hyper-partisan rantings.
You are old enough to have lived through a few first-term mid-terms, so why are you ignorant of the facts?
Sure Trump lost 40 seats. But Obama lost 63 and Clinton lost 52. Reagan lost only 26 and W gained 8. If you took even a few moments to consider the perspective you would realize just how sad an pathetic your taunts are. It is not unusual for a first term President to shed Congressional seats at the mid-term. The voting public is fickle.
“...how sad an pathetic your taunts are.”
🎼Everybody hurts...sometimes.🎻
Not as sad and pathetic as Trump’s tweets/taunts. Two can play that game.
If Trump wouldn’t be so loathsome the House wouldn’t be in Democratic hands. That’s gotta hurt.
2016 Trump loses 41 seats in the House = Loathsome
1994 Clinton loses 54 seats in the House = Super Loathsome
2010 Obama loses 63 seats in the House = Super Dooper Pooper Loathsome
Inga, you hang around in chat rooms too much.
The drool thing is apropos. You're hyped up on dopamine and anger.
Go sit in the hot tub and cease being such a damned old fool.
Hahaha, Shouting Thomas, coming from you that’s pretty funny. Hey how are your grandkids? Still babysit? I hope you behave yourself around them.
Ah, and there you go.
Notice the default accusation of abuse.
Inga, you're an evil old fuck.
“If Hillary wasn't so loathsome, Trump wouldn't be president.”
Indeed that is true, funny Chickenlittle said the VERY SAME EXACT thing yesterday.
Great minds....
“Notice the default accusation of abuse.”
You are seriously messed up in the head. My comment was an innocent one. You are one FU old man.
“Great minds....”
Like clones!
I hope you behave yourself around them.
You're such an evil old fuck you don't even have the sense to be ashamed of yourself.
Now, you've completely shit yourself. Why do you shut up and go away?
You're too vile to be out in public.
You're a worthless, evil old cunt, Inga.
Shouting Thomas said...
Ah, and there you go.
Notice the default accusation of abuse.
Inga, you're an evil old fuck.
Ok, I hafta ask, did you propose to Inga, and did she ruin your opinion of "women from America" like she did to diminutive Ritmo?
No Shouting Thomas, I’ve been around a long time and I’m not going anywhere. I suggest you go back under the rock you slithered out from. You have no idea that how you mistook my comment is abnormal? YOU are the one with he perverted mind, not I. My last comment to you as it’s taking away from the thread.
Ah... the shifting goal post gambit.
First you say losing the house proves something. I demonstrate that it does not, (or one could argue that if it DID prove something your last two Democratic heroes were, in fact, worse than he whom you loathe). So your response is to point to his tweets to demonstrate your point as if that were the real point after-all.
You say "two can play that game." but you are the only one playing, thus demonstrating, once again my point. Your hyper-partisan approach drowns out any hope that you can be taken seriously on substantive issues. You can't both engage in vacuous grade-school taunts on one hand and think you can use any logical point to advocate for your side. Essentially, you score more own-goals than you can ever hope to score for your side. Thanks for the help, though we don't really need it.
Wa St Blogger,
I hate to break it to you, but I don’t really care if you take me seriously, just as you seem to not care that more than half of the voting population of the US doesn’t take Trump as a serious person or one with a smidgeon of credibility. I’m not the President, what you think about me is neither here nor there, but Trump is the POTUS and that he doesn’t have a shred of credibility is a very serious thing.
self-worshiping narcissist
Who else does a narcissist worship?
its not like he promised to make the seas recede or anything
Inga...Allie Oop said..No Shouting Thomas, I’ve been around a long time and I’m not going anywhere. "
That's not true, you decrepit old twat. You are going to be worm food and then straight to hell, and if the actuarial tables are correct, within the next decade. Hopefully before the end of Trump's second term.
Inga...Allie Oop said...Indeed that is true, funny Chickenlittle said the VERY SAME EXACT thing yesterday.
FullMoon wrote "If Hillary wasn't so loathsome, Trump wouldn't be president.”
I actually wrote: If Hillary hadn't been so loathsome, there wouldn't be a Trump in the White House.
My version was a bit more grammatically nuanced, so give me credit. But I can see why this feeds your delusion that I am FullMoon. I am not. I try to avoid using "wasn't" in the subjunctive mood as in Moon's version. I would have written: "If Hillary weren't so loathsome,..."
Inga said: If Trump wouldn’t be so loathsome the House wouldn’t be in Democratic hands. That’s gotta hurt.
Although the sitting U.S. President's party usually loses seats in a midterm election, the 2010 election resulted in the highest losses by a party in a House midterm election since 1938,[6][7] and the largest House swing since 1948.[8] Republicans made their largest gain in House seats since 1938.[9]
Loathsome? Look at who is really loathsome, and ill equipped. No experience in running anything...EVER... As compared to a highly successful entrepreneur, spanning 4 decades.
But that's history, and Inga only knows of history that has happened since she got out of bed today
(or it could be predictible political cycles)
“Sarah Sanders: Ann Coulter Is Not "An Influential Voice In This Country" Or In The White House”
LOL in light of Trump’s tweet.
Donald J. Trump
has been amazing. We will win and establish strong borders, we will build a WALL and Mexico will pay. We will be great again!
8:45 AM · Jan 23, 2016 · Twitter for Android
Inga, adults here understand the difference between correlation and causation. Jr High Science helps.
How come the video doesn't focus on any Republicans?
Inga makes blog comments, dems make bad law, therefore Inga is the cause of bad laws. Correlation proves causation, correct?
I hate to break it to you, but I don’t really care if you take me seriously, just as you seem to not care that more than half of the voting population of the US doesn’t take Trump as a serious person or one with a smidgeon of credibility.
More shifting goal posts.
at least 35% of the population will reliably vote R, 35% D, Of the 30% left, 10% will usually vote R and 10% will usually vote D, and the mush remaining 10% are fickle as all heck. Thus we will always have close to half with various fluctuations for or against any president. Obama's popularity dipped below 50% lots of times. This is meaningless. Thus it is true I don't care what the current polls say about anyone. I only care if the policies being advocated are good.
Taunting is childish. You are childish. It is sad.
“Taunting is childish.”
Trump. BTW, what is the title of this blogpost?
chickenlittle said...
Inga...Allie Oop said...Indeed that is true, funny Chickenlittle said the VERY SAME EXACT thing yesterday.
FullMoon wrote "If Hillary wasn't so loathsome, Trump wouldn't be president.”
I actually wrote: If Hillary hadn't been so loathsome, there wouldn't be a Trump in the White House.
My version was a bit more grammatically nuanced, so give me credit. But I can see why this feeds your delusion that I am FullMoon. I am not. I try to avoid using "wasn't" in the subjunctive mood as in Moon's version. I would have written: "If Hillary weren't so loathsome,..."
However, were one so inclined, one might erroneously use "wasn't"in order to mileads Internet Sluts.
er, Sleuths.
Damn auto correct.
There may be a Methadras to my grammatical madness.
what do we have here:
#OnlyReadsHeadlines Inga: "I hate to break it to you, but I don’t really care if you take me seriously, just as you seem to not care that more than half of the voting population of the US doesn’t take Trump as
a serious person or one with a smidgeon of credibility."
Inga has decided her mind reading abilities now extend far beyond Muellers team of hacks and encompasses the thoughts of tens of millions of Americans.
How is it advertising firms arent beating a path to her door?
Their loss I suppose.
“...as there are a number of excellent Democratic candidates already...”
Really? Which ones? I think they all signed on to the Green New Deal, didn’t they? Have you read it? I have. It is the most incredibly stupid political document ever produced, by any political party, in the history of the world. Anyone who believes in that is so stupid they shouldn’t be elected to any political office, at any government level, in the entire country. Trump should take that thing and not only hang it around their candidate’s neck like an albatross but beat them to a pulp with it at every opportunity. Hell, my 4 year old grandson is smarter than the imbeciles who put the GND together.
Hey Inger - Tell us about the much anticipated Mueller report.
“Really? Which ones? I think they all signed on to the Green New Deal, didn’t they?”
“Democratic Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar, who launched her presidential bid at a snow-covered address in Minneapolis on Sunday, told Fox News on Tuesday that the "Green New Deal" proposal is merely "aspirational" and that she would likely oppose specific elements of the plan if they came up for a vote.”
Fox news
The Democrats aspire to FORCE & Rule as fascists.
“The Green New Deal as it has been proposed is about as realistic as Trump saying that Mexico is going to pay for the wall. Let's focus on what's possible, not what's impossible. #GND #GreenNewDeal,” Delaney, a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, tweeted Thursday.”
The Hill
Obviously Pelosi’s not running, but this is an interesting comment.
“Some have expressed skepticism about its chances of success or put caveats on their support. Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) referred to the proposal as the "Green dream, or whatever they call it," and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg (D) stressed that a Green New Deal should offer realistic solutions and not "things that are pie in the sky." Bloomberg is considering a 2020 bid, and has long been an advocate of combating climate change.”
The Hill
Apologies to all because I usually ignore her, but I can't help it this time.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
“If Hillary wasn't so loathsome, Trump wouldn't be president.”
Indeed that is true, funny Chickenlittle said the VERY SAME EXACT thing yesterday. 2020 will be a different story as there are a number of excellent Democratic candidates already and as Walker lost big in Wisconsin in 2018 as blowback for Trump, Trump will lose bigly in 2020 in an even bigger Democratic Wave. Whooosh! It’s coming.
Inga, early on Election Night, 2016 said. . .
Amazing how well Clinton is doing in NC, huh? Hi Althousians! I dropped by in honor of election night and to celebrate the first woman President.
Political forecasting ain't Inga's strong suit.
“Political forecasting ain't Inga's strong suit.”
I said Democrats would take the House in 2018, I said Walker would lose in 2018. I said Obama would win the Presidency...twice.
More like haunting/soothing. He's a little older, a little wiser, but Democrats playing hard to get, they can't get over their first boyfriend.
Inga, early on Election Night, 2016 said. . .
Amazing how well Clinton is doing in NC, huh? Hi Althousians! I dropped by in honor of election night and to celebrate the first woman President.
OOOO - that's a keeper. LOL. Damn them Russians.
And as loathsome as Clinton was, she would’ve made a better President than Trump.
My rough count suggests that Inga has written 20% of the comments on this thread. Much higher, if you count responses mentioning "Inga".
This thread has gone full Inga
Never go full Inga.
Not with all that colostomy baggage!
Inga: "And as loathsome as Clinton was, she would’ve made a better President than Trump."
I'd prefer to keep the remaining 80% of uranium ore produced in the US for the US, and not give it to Putin and his pals.
I'm sure you disagree.
Do you recall where the 20% went, and by whom, and overseen by whom, and approved by whom in the FBI?
I'm sure you do, being in touch with reality and all.....
That Inga can dominate a thread is to her credit. You guys do realize that in her physical prime, she was a large breasted blonde prowling the street of Milwaukee in miniskirts, tempting sailors.
chickenlittle: "That Inga can dominate a thread is to her credit. You guys do realize that in her physical prime, she was a large breasted blonde prowling the street of Milwaukee in miniskirts, tempting sailors."
I heard she was a MAGA-hat wearing white supremacist hunting black actors in Chicago at 2am in below freezing weather, and always with her trusty bottle of bleach and "noose".
Blogger Inga...”And as loathsome as Clinton was, she would’ve made a better President than Trump.”
Doubtful at any level. Hillary would have been far more bellicose with the military. Hillary was just a frightful “choice” made by Dem leaders and foisted on the rank and file. She is best forgotten and if she is behind any of the current Dem infighting, she should be outed and frogmarched.
Well Inga - that's why you voted for her.
Hillary is not only loathsome - she's a criminal. But we all know that Criminal-D = Excusable.
That the Dems try to make the GND "aspirational" is even more laughable. How do you aspire to do something that from whatever viewpoint you choose - science, technology, economics - is totally impossible to do? Even given all the time and money in the world almost the entire proposal is complete fantasy. That one of our two political parties could produce such a profound piece of aspirational bullshit and try to pass it off as a legitimate direction for the country to take is just breathtaking. The whole thing is just a gift to anyone who wants to paint the Democrats for the imbeciles that they are and I think Trump would be the perfect person to do it. He won't hold back.
I'll give you an idea of what the future of this country would be if the GND were attempted: If you don't already, watch the latest episode of "The Walking Dead" this Sunday night. It would be just like that, just without the zombies.
“Well Inga - that's why you voted for her.”
I thought Inga wanted to send us all back to the Stein Age?
Both Inga and Ritmo despise Hillary. That Inga showed up on election night 2016 to gloat was just her reacting to possibly having a female POTUS. Because that’s what really counts in her book.
You gotta give the girl a break for hating Trump so much. She isn't exactly getting good information. After 2 plus years of nonstop coverage of the Russian collusion witch hunt, the media outside of FOX never told people like her that there was no collusion.
"Networks: 2,202 Minutes on Russia Scandal, Zero for No Collusion Report"
"It’s been two days since NBC’s exclusive reporting that the Senate Intelligence Committee has found no material evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, and as of yet none of the three major broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) have given it even a single second of coverage in their evening newscasts. Considering these networks have given the Russia probe a massive 2,202 minutes of airtime, their silence on this major development is deafening. "
In the war of wits Inga is unarmed.
Even if Trump is loathsome, I'd still vote for him, becuase I like low unemployment for minorities, lower taxes for everyone, higher wages, more jobs, more American manufacturing, less wars, and someone trying to reverse the suicidal trade polices that have hurt so many Americans for so long, but that's just me. With all that at stake, loathsome sound pretty good. I sure wouldn't sacrifice all that just to have the right race, sex, party or pants crease in office. See I care more about results, and people - not my feelings, my team, or appearances.
Its called noise to signal, like what miss Omar was doing yesterday at the hearing
BUMBLE BEE: "In the war of wits Inga is unarmed."
She can always count on -Republican victories are a "disaster"-LLR Chuck for support.
Drago and Chickenlitte -- re: Inga. personal attacks on her are loathsome. Rise above Hillary, please.
Inga said: I said Democrats would take the House in 2018, I said Walker would lose in 2018. I said Obama would win the Presidency...twice..
As a life long Republican(but NO relation to Chuck's brand of LLRism) I did and made the same predictions. You missed on The Big One. But, so did I - thought sure The Hildebeast was going to win and didn't vote either major party.
My prediction for 2020?? If Trump is able to significantly decreases the flood of illegal immigration - whether via "the wall", stronger verficiation for benefits, whatever - he will claim victory and not run. Dems should give him this one last victory and he would exit stage left, but then. . . . they wouldn't have anything to run against and their crowded field of 2nd raters would be up against Nikki Hailey. GOP wins a 2nd (and a 3rd) term. Rah-rah.
"Troll level: Master."
At the age of 72!
GND "aspirational" is even more laughable. How do you aspire to do something that from whatever viewpoint you choose - science, technology, economics - is totally impossible
Not impossible, but in leftist-speak: unviable. They know what they should do, but they choose prophets and profits as truth to power. To be fair, despite The Grey New Deal being a burden on economy, development, and community, it does have niche applications and cute, little #Labels that accompany it.
"personal attacks on her are loathsome. Rise above Hillary, please."
Inga has been cunty to us for ages.
We reserve the right to punch back.
The journolists are doubling down on conflating immigration, excessive immigration, and illegal immigration, all while denying emigration reform and brazenly insulting black, brown, yellow, orange, and white Americans in defense of labor arbitrage, welfare profits, democratic gerrymandering, diversity, and Pro-Choice/Planned/selective/cannibalized-child.
Blogger n.n said...The journolists are doubling down on conflating immigration, excessive immigration, and illegal immigration, all while denying emigration reform and brazenly insulting black, brown, yellow, orange, and white Americans in defense of labor arbitrage, welfare profits, democratic gerrymandering, diversity, and Pro-Choice/Planned/selective/cannibalized-child.
That’s why I heartlessly chuckle at most “hardship “ stories about journalists. They spent their credibility ignoring their fellow Americans. So when the chips are down for them, and their jobs are outsourced to bloggers and upstarts, it’s just karmic.
Because Hillary lost, the left are determined to trash the Constitution as revenge.
...twice as hard.
Personal attacks are dumb.
My hypothesis on why people loose their mind in response to Inga and Chuck. Both did not vote for Hillary.
Both live in swing states.
Both will, most likely, change their vote decisions 2020. Thus, they drive some people CRAZY.
Inga, it's spelled smidgin, not smidgeon.
Know the word before you use it.
"Personal attacks are dumb"
It's amusing to watch people virtue signal how they are SO above the fray, knowing that when THEY are attacked they will respond in kind.
It's a corruption, a perversion, of something. The bully can push kids into lockers all semester and everyone tolerates it as the New Normal. But the moment a kid punches back at the bully, everyone suddenly has a problem with it.
Correction - they have a problem with the kid punching back, not with the bully who has been shoving him into lockers all year.
I think the truth is its the drama they loathe. The bullying doesn't even get on their radar until someone contests it and creates conflict.
I've never understood that hypocrisy. They will preach all day about ignoring the troll, but are themselves apparently incapable of ignoring the counter-trolling. Why can't they take their own advice?
If you can ignore Inga's attacks on us, you can ignore our attacks back. If you want to root out the problem, look to Inga and Chuck, not those that respond to them.
Sidebar - Althouse/Meade had no trouble running off disruptive commenters like "Mary". They would simply delete her remarks and those of anyone who responded to them. Trolls hate that.
So, despite what our hosts may say, Inga-Chuck remain because Althouse wills it. Consider that and ask why.
“So, despite what our hosts may say, Inga-Chuck remain because Althouse wills it. Consider that and ask why.”
Because we aren’t you.
Inga’s in her high dungeon.
Fen notes: “So, despite what our hosts may say, Inga-Chuck remain because Althouse wills it. Consider that and ask why.”
I’ve long said that Althouse would have to invent them if they didn’t exist or reinvent them if they went away. They are part of her breakfast table game.
Molly, know the word before correcting others.
Smidgeon and Smidgen
Similar meaning words
mutual synonyms
Show Definitions Smidgeon noun – A tiny or scarcely detectable amount.
Smidgen is a synonym for smidgeon. In some cases you can use "Smidgen" instead a noun "Smidgeon".
Nearby Word: smidgen
Synonyms for Smidgeon
Show Definitions Smidgen noun – A tiny or scarcely detectable amount.
Smidgeon is a synonym for smidgen. You can use "Smidgeon" instead a noun "Smidgen".
Nearby Word: smidgeon
Synonyms for Smidgen
"I’ve long said that Althouse would have to invent them if they didn’t exist or reinvent them if they went away. They are part of her breakfast table game."
I still suspect that Inga-Chuck are sockpuppets for Althouse-Meade to anonymously troll their guests with contempt. Note that the standard rules and CoC do not apply to them.
"in her physical prime, she was a large breasted blonde prowling the street of Milwaukee in miniskirts, tempting sailors."
She was Laverne DeFazio?
OK dearie!
“Smidgeon is an alternative form of smidgen.
As nouns the difference between smidgeon and smidgen is that smidgeon is (smidgen) while smidgen is a very small quantity or amount.”
(also smidgin, smidgeon)
A small amount of something.
‘add a smidgen of cayenne’
And dearie, if you had a smidgeon of common sense you’d apologize and retreat.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
“The Green New Deal as it has been proposed is about as realistic as Trump saying that Mexico is going to pay for the wall.
Sorry, I'm having trouble with Inga's analogy. It seems to be comparing apples and oranges. The Democrats put out a serious policy statement which will destroy the USA economy which will and turn most of the people into surfs and Inga compares that policy statement to the method to fund a wall? Really?
If leftists hadn't destroyed so many countries' econimies and reduced their inhabitants to surfdom over the last 100 years perhaps we could dismiss that policy statement as far fetched. The old saying fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. But in the case of leftists they fool no one. The people who put out that statement know exactly what they are doing and are just as sociopathic as all the rest of their leftist pantheon.
“The Green New Deal as it has been proposed is about as realistic as Trump saying that Mexico is going to pay for the wall.”
Not my analogy. Take it up with Delaney. My point in posting the excerpt was to show that not all Democrats are on board with the New Green Deal.
“The Green New Deal as it has been proposed is about as realistic as Trump saying that Mexico is going to pay for the wall. Let's focus on what's possible, not what's impossible. #GND #GreenNewDeal,” Delaney, a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, tweeted Thursday.”
The Hill
2/15/19, 6:13 PM
I realize that you were quoting someone else, but obviously you agree with the analogy or you wouldn't have quoted it. There is no comparison. The Democrat proposal is a deadly serious proposal which will radically alter the lifestyle of everyone and will reduce the majority of the population to serfdom and the other is Trump having fun trolling everyone over how to fund a wall.
Why shouldn't we take the Democrats seriously when they make those radical policy proposals? Leftists have already murdered millions and millions of people and reduced even larger numbers to abject poverty in their utopias so why should we doubt that thery are serious this time?
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