February 11, 2019

On the Monday after the weekend when Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar announced their candidacy for President, is there any new evidence that the NYT has already picked a winner?

Look how the NYT home page structures the coverage this morning (click to enlarge and clarify):

I've had the tag "NYT pushes Kamala" since December 29th, when I wrote "The NYT makes its 2020 presidential choice obvious."

There are 5 women running in the race for the Democratic Party nomination — so many that I have to stop and try to remember them all. I count on my fingers and I google to check my work. And I feel that the NYT is always there to say, Don't worry, don't be confused, there's Kamala, and there's everyone else.

And I wonder about holding back the other women. The NYT can't know Kamala Harris will wow the crowds at rallies and shine at the debates. I don't think Harris, as a presidential candidate, has been tested at all, and I don't know anything about how serious antagonists will try to take her down... other than 1. She had a sexual relationship with Willie Brown and he boosted her early career, and 2. She's too much of a prosecutor to win the love of a minority group Democrats need to turn out if they're going to beat Mr. Criminal Justice Reform Donald Trump.

The big link — the one with the smiling face — goes to "THE LONG RUN/‘Progressive Prosecutor’: Can Kamala Harris Square the Circle?/Ms. Harris seemed to try to be all things to all people as a district attorney and state attorney general. Now, as she runs for president, her record faces a chorus of critics, especially on the left." The photo reappears and fills the whole screen. I see that the article is about the second thing of the 2 things I know. Is the NYT running interference for her? If you actually read the article, you'll find lots of criticism. It's not a puff piece. Excerpts:
“She played it very careful,” said Laurie Levenson, a professor at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles who served on an independent panel that investigated one of the cases of prosecutorial misconduct while Ms. Harris was attorney general. “She had her sights set on what her future might be, and she realized every day she was navigating a minefield, because she had law enforcement to deal with, she had the public to deal with, the minority community to deal with. I think she was trying to be very careful not to alienate.”...

Ms. Harris scorns what she calls false choices, and says her critics are imposing them on her record. Those who have worked for her call her disciplined, a characterization she prefers to “cautious.” She describes her thinking — about criminal justice, but also about the other issues animating her presidential candidacy, like health care and economic inequality — as scientific. “It’s a hypothesis; this is how we can do things better,” she said in a recent interview. “You have to inform it with: Where’s the empirical evidence? Where is the data? Where is the detail?”...

“She really was a sideline player in all the decarceration efforts,” said Robert Weisberg, a law professor and co-director of the criminal law center at Stanford. “She didn’t stake out a strong position on what to do other than, ‘Let’s promote re-entry and anti-recidivism programs.’”...

In a case in Orange County, a public defender had discovered that the district attorney’s office was strategically placing jailhouse informants, offering them leniency if they could coax confessions from fellow inmates. A judge found that the district attorney’s office had lied to him about the use of informants and withheld potentially favorable evidence from defense lawyers.

When the judge disqualified the entire office from a death penalty case, Ms. Harris appealed, accusing the judge of abusing his discretion. While she opened an inquiry into the case at hand, she rejected repeated calls for a broad investigation of the prosecutor’s office....

Frustrated by her refusal to investigate, Erwin Chemerinsky, then the law school dean at the University of California, Irvine, joined with a former attorney general to ask the Justice Department to examine what they believed was a pattern of civil rights violations in the prosecutor’s office. Their letter was signed by 25 prominent law professors, prosecutors and defense lawyers.

“Twice Kamala Harris called on my cell and said she was on top of it and looking into it,” he said. “To my knowledge, the California A.G. never did anything with regard to the scandal.... Their reaction ranged from silence to criticizing the judge who found the misconduct... Never did they attempt to be a force for reform.”
Much more at the link. This is a serious article and it deserve the front-page highlighting it gets.

The second article, "Democrats’ 2020 Choice: Do They Want a Fighter or a Healer?" refers to Cory Booker and Elizabeth Warren in the squib on the front page, but it's a fairly lightweight look at rhetoric, based on Booker's Obamaish language of healing and Warren's repetition of the word "fight." This piece deserves subordination beneath the big substantive Harris article.

Finally, "Amy Klobuchar Enters 2020 Presidential Race." Yeah, we know. That's a fact and it must have an article. It is what it needs to be, with references to the snowfall and the juiciest (most embarrassing?) quote: "Let’s stop seeing those obstacles as obstacles on our path. Let’s see those obstacles as our path." It's completely fair to subordinate this article too.

So I'm okay with the NYT here. The first look at the home page made me suspicious, but a closer look restored my (wary) trust. Be good, NYT, please. We need you.


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Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You should buy a gun and shoot yourself in the face.

Oxy-Contin Man and the Great White Die-Off's most ardent exponent speaks!

Listen to his violence! Listen to his desperation. Listen to his hatred.

Yawn. Maybe next time.

Shouting Thomas said...


Have you ever considered writing in a style and at a length that would incentivize a normal human to read your stuff?

You've always cranked it up to 11 by the end of the first sentence. At that point, I ignore you and read somebody else, which I'm sure is true of 99% of readers.

You're wasting your time.

All your huffing and puffing is going to waste.

HipsterVacuum said...

"Listen to his violence! Listen to his desperation. Listen to his hatred."

Yes, I, like every other person in the world, do hate you. And hope that you'll consider buying a gun and shooting yourself in the face.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Seriously, Vacuum. How many of your white male relatives have overdosed on Oxy-Contin? How many have shot themselves to death?

How many are as boring, hateful and full-of-shit as your own unemployed ass is on a Monday morning?

You've got some premium talents. Don't let the welfare check clerks who dispense your subsistence and laugh at you behind the counter every time you go to pick up the check persuade you otherwise.

HipsterVacuum said...

"How many are as boring, hateful and full-of-shit as your own unemployed ass is on a Monday morning?"

I'm only hateful toward you, someone who desperately needs to buy a gun and shoot yourself in the face.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Have you ever considered writing in a style and at a length that would incentivize a normal human to read your stuff?

You've always cranked it up to 11 by the end of the first sentence. At that point, I ignore you and read somebody else, which I'm sure is true of 99% of readers.

My response to you was short enough to cater to your ADHD-induced short attention span. So what are you complaining about?

As for the other stuff, the realities of the world exist and are worth exploring and solving regardless of how trite a style and length your short attention span demands.

And hey! If my lengthy writing puts you off, I get it. You don't have much time left on this planet anyway.

But everyone else still needs to fix the fuck-ups that your stupid generation created. So just leave them to it already.

Shouting Thomas said...

You see what I mean Ritmo?

I quit 4 words short of the end of your first sentence.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm only hateful toward you,

I doubt that.

As I doubt that you have anything useful to say beyond revealing what a boring, violent jack-off you are.

HipsterVacuum said...

"And hey! If my lengthy writing puts you off, I get it."

It's not your writing. It's your very existence that puts people off. The best way to remedy this problem is to buy a gun and shoot yourself in the face.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I quit 4 words short of the end of your first sentence.

Ha ha. Right. Right at the part about "your ADHD-induced short attention span."

We all know that you are illiterate and thin-skinned. I don't write for the benefit of the illiterate, though. That would be stupid.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Shorter ST: "I'm dying and my life has made little difference to others. Please excite and entertain me with the little time I have left!"

No, I don't think so.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's your very existence that puts people off.

Vacuum-Head asserts facts not in evidence: The assertion that he is or knows "people."

Shouting Thomas said...

You don't make any money writing, Ritmo.

I do. I also make an income from playing music.

Everything you do is buried at the bottom of a comment section. The futility of your existence is mirrored in your bottom of the comments section raving that everybody ignores.

The stuff I write and the music I play is read and heard by audiences.

Pyrrhric victory is all you can manage. I make money.

Try making it in the real world, kid.

HipsterVacuum said...

"As I doubt that you have anything useful to say beyond revealing what a boring, violent jack-off you are."

The only violence I support is against you. Repeatedly. Endlessly. Every waking moment of your useless existence. Until you finally decide to buy a gun and shoot yourself in the face.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You don't make any money writing, Ritmo.

I do. I also make an income from playing music.

I'm so excited at hearing this that I'm ejaculating all over the screen.

Does the musicians' union support your work at scale?

I'm having fun, here. You know it, you do it too. I don't need to justify that to anyone.

After you're dead and gone what I'm saying will still be right and important to say and I like doing things that aren't wrong and unimportant.

The fact that you think my life begins and ends here is ridiculous. But just the sort of thing you'd believe.

hstad said...

Blogger Trump International Crime Syndicate said...
"I only say things in person to actual people."

My friend you are one big "Dunce" with this comment. Really - 40+ comments on this one subject and your come out with such a zinger? You have a job? Or is this your job?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I've heard a clip of ST's music before. Horrible, immature, kiddie honky tonk piffle.

Seriously, he could make a better living writing children's music, if he could only sanitize the stuff of all the hate and prejudice and ignorance.

Parents aren't into that stuff.

Shouting Thomas said...

Try making it in the real world, kid.

These tough guy demonstrations at the bottom of the comments section... any fool can do that.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The origin of Hipster's fixation on faces and blows has been found!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Try making it in the real world, kid.

Dude, what's your musician's scale "salary" and the number of hours per week on average you're up to it at?

I do better than that. You don't have to worry about me.

And neither does the H.R. department of whatever real-life job that you believe you were chased out of.

HipsterVacuum said...

Nobody clicks on your links, Ritmo. Now be a good boy and buy a gun and shoot yourself in the face.

tcrosse said...

From reading his comments on this thread, and the times they were posted, we can infer how long it takes for Ritmo's drugs to kick in.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Nobody listens to what little dustbuster vacuum says. Ever. That's why he's so angry.

Now go be a good boy and overdose on your Oxy-Contin. If you're lucky your brother/uncle/nephew/cousin and all the other Vacuum Family meth addicts should have some left over for you.

HipsterVacuum said...

Not angry, just disappointed. Disappointed that you haven't bought a gun and shot yourself in the face yet.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

From reading his comments on this thread, and the times they were posted, we can infer how long it takes for Ritmo's drugs to kick in.

Lol. Reading what stupid people here have to say is I suppose something of a drug in itself.

You'd become more disillusioned reading what these disillusioned conservatwats and greivance-mongerers have to say than at a bar full of alcohol.

I guess what they say about mindsets being contagious is true. That's why it's annyoing that I have to save the country from them before they can save themselves. They really think that white pride and cheerleading billionaires is more important than reason or self-preservation.

That's why I'm not too unhappy about their higher death rates. You can only fight Darwin for so long.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yep, well it's not going to happen. And I don't go hunting with Dick Cheney, either.

So why haven't you bought your own gun to shoot your own self in the face, yet? It's clear that your accomplishments in life amount to zilch and that your resentment is through-the-roof.

That's just the kind of demographic to shoot oneself. In fact, maybe that's why it's an action that you relate to so persistently and obsessively.

HipsterVacuum said...

"That's why it's annyoing that I have to save the country from them before they can save themselves."

HAHA Ok I get it now. "Ritmo" is an elaborate ruse like a clown in a dunk tank.

Amadeus 48 said...

So Ritmo. Today sounds like a good day. Top of the world, right? Look out for the crash.
Your caregiver needs to be sure you are taking all your meds.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The only crash I'm concerned about is Trump's repetition-in-progress of 1929 and 2008. Is there a reason I shouldn't be?

What do his supporters find so compelling about those policies? I mean, other than the white nationalism?

FullMoon said...

"Trump International Crime Syndicate said... [hush]​[hide comment]

Watch for self-declarations of total victory over an obviously vanquished foe. That's a tip-off.

Watch for the right-wing foe to sputter and avoid responding with anything other than resentment, violence or silence.

That's a tip-off, too. A big tip off.

The Toothless Revolutionary typically loses control over friendly teasing about climate change
Ok, so because you can't work with your brain, had a shit education, bought a house and can't figure out how atmospheric temperature regulation works, you feel that you're better than me, and that that somehow makes your inability to understand geophysics the correct lack of understanding.

Oh, and you think I'm pathetic and that you hurt me.

Let's get together IRL and I'll take out a few of your remaining missing teeth, then. Is that how confident you are? That you need to obsess on everything I say and do?

When I ring the door to your trailer make sure you tell the doorman that I'm there to give you a swirly that you'll also argue the physics of. No, the toilet really IS NOT FLUSHING DOWNWARD! I'VE GOT A HOUSE TO PROVE IT!

Go back to your high school reunion, the one you didn't graduate from, and work out your issues with those guys. Or can you not afford the ticket back to Timbuktu?

wsw said...

Where’s Tom Wolfe when we need him... Where are the great satirists today? This era is more ripe for satire than maybe any and every other. -WSW

FullMoon said...

More seriously,though. He really means it,this time.

President Pee-Pee Tape said...

I'll be happy to meet either that sociopath Jeans or Moon in person and kick both of their asses. Either individually or together.

Of course, Trump continues to perpetuate the Great White Male DIe-Off so both of them will have shortened lifespans thanks to him anyway. But if either one of them had the balls to show themselves they could get their wish a heck of a lot earlier and in the way they prefer.

A couple turkeys were pardoned a few weeks ago but I'm sure that act didn't apply to either of them.

If you two just overdosed on opioids that would do the trick just as easily. It's good to see what both of you losers live for; I'm sure your personal lives are filled with nothing less hateful and asinine than what you both bring here. Both of you miserable sons of bitches are actually rather transparent that way.

Jack Klompus said...

President Pee-Pee Tape said...

I'll be happy to meet either that sociopath Jeans or Moon in person and kick both of their asses. Either individually or together."

Haha I'd love to watch Ritmo in a "fight."

FullMoon said...

Haha I'd love to watch Ritmo in a "fight."

He a lover, not a fighter:

(Enticing Inga)
Ritmo Re-Animated said... [hush]​[hide comment]

Yes. Make love to my brain. Or something.

Should I have proposed marriage right off the bat? I hope you're not like that.

I'm only green once a year during Mardi Gras. Or at bedtime.

Think of all the love we'll be able to make out in the garden, or by the lake, at nightfall if need be. Or not.

Shouting would consider that much too primeval. But you and I can be natural like that. Together. You think these detractors call the hippies "dirty" on account of hygiene?

No ma'am.

Imagine being covered in the flowers that you're being made love to on top of.

I dare you to pass that up.

Plus, I've got the finances and the taste to enjoy that old house. I love Wisconsin. And I travel with room for two as often as you'd like. When we're not getting stuck in the charming shops of Madison or other, more rustic corners of the state.

I'm just starting.

Jack Klompus said...

Will President Warren perform the commitment ceremony or will they prefer to live in sin?

FullMoon said...

Wedding off. No more women "from America"

The Toothless Revolutionary said...

The only women I date are either not from America or are closet freaks - (the good kind). But then sometimes even the freaks aren't also open about all the other things. But not hating yourself sexually is a good start.

Gahrie said...

Lenin wrote sixty books that were over six hundred pages long. He wasn't afraid of analyzing statistics and no one ever accused him of plagiarism. He was much smarter than his contemporary Warren Harding and, moreover, he had a vision for the future. We can learn so much not just from visionary leaders like Lenin

Hitler wrote books too, and had a vision for the future also. Very similar to Lenin's in fact, derivative you might say. Was Hitler a visionary leader?

Try going back to that paragraph and substitute "Hitler" for "Lenin". How many people would find that acceptable? Yet Lenin was ever bit as evil as Hitler, and in fact even more murderous. Why does the Left continue to give Communism and Communists deference?

Jack Klompus said...

"The only women I date are either not from America or are closet freaks - (the good kind)."

I'm trying to picture Ritmo engaging in the timeless art of seduction.

Nichevo said...

She is a looker. Willie and I will give you that.

Says who? She's got a nose like Joe Camel! Has she got bewbs and ass for days or something? Just because some other politician stuck it in her doesn't make her beautiful.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm trying to picture Ritmo engaging in the timeless art of seduction.

Whatever it takes to get your little stiffy going, Jimmy. An unemployed nobody like yourself needs all the help he can get.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The Toothless Revolutionary typically loses control over friendly teasing about climate change...

RIght. Because when people think of the sociopath shyster contractor Half Loon the first thing they think of is self-control.


Whether you’re trying to spot a potential school shooter, a dangerous romantic partner, a total liar at work, a scammer on the internet or someone pushing a bogus business deal on you, it helps to know some of the warning signs for sociopaths. As I explained in Part 1 of this two-part series, sociopaths can have some of the most hidden and dangerous personality features.

The DSM-5 lists 10 criteria for diagnosing antisocial personality disorder1 (ASPD), but it assumes you have professional training and a lot of information about them. I’m not going to teach you how to diagnose an ASPD or to distinguish them from a sociopath (or psychopath or con artist). They are similar terms when it comes to the ordinary, untrained person who just wants to protect himself or herself.

This post focuses on a few of the hints that they may give you, at your first or first few encounters with them. These hints may help you choose to keep your distance despite how appealing they may seem on the surface. Don't be a target for a sociopath.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Whether you’re trying to spot a potential school shooter, a dangerous romantic partner, a total liar at work, a scammer on the internet or someone pushing a bogus business deal on you, it helps to know some of the warning signs for sociopaths. As I explained in Part 1 of this two-part series, sociopaths can have some of the most hidden and dangerous personality features.

The DSM-5 lists 10 criteria for diagnosing antisocial personality disorder1 (ASPD), but it assumes you have professional training and a lot of information about them. I’m not going to teach you how to diagnose an ASPD or to distinguish them from a sociopath (or psychopath or con artist). They are similar terms when it comes to the ordinary, untrained person who just wants to protect himself or herself.

This post focuses on a few of the hints that they may give you, at your first or first few encounters with them. These hints may help you choose to keep your distance despite how appealing they may seem on the surface. Don't be a target for a sociopath.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...


Sociopaths are fast talkers. Their words are mostly false, if not entirely false. But they use many, many words designed to cover their behavior. They may be a completely different person from who they say that they are. Watch out for extremes. Big promises. Big stories, about the past or the future. Big plans, with no basis for them or no experience at whatever they’re planning.

EXTREMELY POSITIVE WORDS: You’re the best! I can’t live without you! I will never hurt you! You deserve better! You make me a better person! We’ll be rich! You’re the most beautiful [smart, persuasive, honest, ethical, spiritual, etc.] person I ever met! I’ll take you around the world! I’ll introduce you to some really famous people! Believe me!

EXTREMELY NEGATIVE WORDS: On the other hand, their words can be extremely negative, often after they’ve known you a little bit. They will blame you (their Target of Blame) for minor or non-existent offenses, such as: You lied to me! (Even though you didn’t and they lie constantly to you.) I can never trust you again! No one will ever hire you! No one will ever want you! I own you! I will destroy you! Don’t tell anyone what we’re doing, or I’ll have to hurt you! You deserve to be punished after what you did! You owe me this! I have never hurt you, but look at what you’ve done to me!

THE SWITCHEROO: A sociopath will often switch back and forth between extreme charm and extreme threats to get whatever they want from someone, depending on what they see is or isn’t working at the time. Watch out for strong opinions, which they then drop to adopt the opposite point of view when it’s convenient or makes them look good. They will use whatever words they perceive as helping them dominate the situation at the moment, like an artist’s palette of colors.

They also will figure out your weak spots, your vulnerabilities. They may play on them positively, with words to boost your ego. You will be incredibly successful. With my connections and your brains, we’ve got it made. Or they may play on your deepest fears. See, your body really isn’t attractive at all. No one will ever want to be intimate with you. Or no one will ever hire you. I’m the best you’ll ever get. You better be grateful. Very grateful.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Their BEHAVIOR (The 90% Rule)

A surprisingly simple way to spot a sociopath is to stay focused on their behavior and ignore their words. Pay special attention to any extreme behavior that they do that 90% of people would never do. Ask yourself: Would I ever do that? Extreme behavior is common for sociopaths, but they quickly cover it up with excuses. I was tired. I was under a lot of stress. He (or she) made me do it. I had to do it given what the other person did. It almost doesn’t matter what the behavior was, their excuses are often the same regardless. They are always blameless and rarely apologize, unless they are caught and it will make them look good.

TARGETS OF BLAME: As I mentioned in Part 1, many sociopaths end up focused on Targets of Blame—people who they feel justified in treating cruelly, whether in their families, at work or in their communities. They often enjoy the suffering of other people. While they may target anyone, most people will just avoid them. The ones they keep targeting or bullying are those who stay engaged with them. Either they get aggressive back with the sociopath (who can do aggressive better than anyone else) or they show their fear or frustration. Both of these are unwise. It’s better to calmly disengage than to show how they affect your emotions. They will enjoy your helpless anger and/or your helpless frustration. It just confirms that they are dominating you.

SMILES, SMIRKS AND LAUGHTER: One of the surprising things is to see how they enjoy other people’s pain and hardships. In legal cases, I have seen several sociopaths smile, smirk or outright laugh when a victim of a crime or injustice is telling their story in a deposition or in court. It gets your attention, because 90% of people would never do that. They know better and usually feel some empathy for the victim. If you see someone smiling, smirking or laughing out loud as they watch another’s pain on TV, in a movie or on the street at an accident, you may be watching a sociopath who can’t help himself (or herself).

CHILDHOOD BEHAVIOR HISTORY: One of the DSM-5 criteria for antisocial (sociopathic) personality disorder is that the person has signs of a conduct disorder by age 15. This could include behaviors such as: torturing or killing small animals or pets, stealing from family and strangers, fire-starting and a serious pattern of lying. This is surprisingly common for sociopaths, so they may try to hide such a history or give excuses. The Parkland shooter in Florida apparently had a history of harming animals. Many people knew about that, but perhaps didn't realize the potential that he might be a sociopath.

FullMoon said...

What? No all caps yet?


Life is good.

Climate change is a hoax.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Oh yeah. Climate change is really funny stuff. If NASA, NOAA and the DOD are all concerned about something, let's laugh off the idea of taking it seriously. Oh, hahahaha. Hee hee. Whatever, sociopath.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Life is good.

Cause you're a sociopath you feel a need to portray that about yourself:

SMILES, SMIRKS AND LAUGHTER: One of the surprising things is to see how they enjoy other people’s pain and hardships. In legal cases, I have seen several sociopaths smile, smirk or outright laugh when a victim of a crime or injustice is telling their story in a deposition or in court. It gets your attention, because 90% of people would never do that. They know better and usually feel some empathy for the victim. If you see someone smiling, smirking or laughing out loud as they watch another’s pain on TV, in a movie or on the street at an accident, you may be watching a sociopath who can’t help himself (or herself)

Climate change is a hoax.

Again, whether you believe that or not you need to pretend you do to avenge your resentment over the fact that you build houses for people who know better and to whom you owe your bread and butter.

Very sociopathic.

Go get a psychiatric evaluation on it and see how you measure up.

FullMoon said...

More taxes or we all dead in twelve years. Hoax

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What? No all caps yet?

Just quoting the psychiatrists on your condition.

I'm sure you feel you know better than them, too.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

More taxes or we all dead in twelve years. Hoax.

Cutting taxes on the people who own your business revenue will decrease the debt through compensatory economic growth. Hoax.


I understand it makes you angry to accept what the atmospheric scientists know that you don't. But that doesn't mean you're right. It just means you're a sociopath - with no kids. And no concern about the future.

FullMoon said...

One of the surprising things is to see how they enjoy other people’s pain and hardships.

Like someone laughing over opioid overdose?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Everyone knows that the physical laws of the universe need to petition Exxon-Mobil's lobbies and an ignorant housing contractor to be granted permission to exist.

I sure am glad that a housing contractor who couldn't finish high school or a chemistry course knows more than NASA, NOAA and the DOD on these things. Because money makes the things he wants to believe true.

What is he going to do? Make a living using his mind? Lol! Right, that's a laugh.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Like someone laughing over opioid overdose?

If they're pushing for policies and presidents that are increasing it, yes.

I can't be everyone's mommy, like you think you want to be. All I can tell them is that they're doing things that are killing themselves and let them figure out if they want to be sane and rational about it.

But your feigned empathy is an amusing one, sociopath.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FullMoon said...

Like someone laughing over opioid overdose?

If they're pushing for policies and presidents that are increasing it, yes.

Addicts overdosing and dying makes you laugh. Good to no.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

True. Atomic warfare is good for humanity. That's the housing contractor's view on it, so the truth SPEAKS!

IF you had access to Google for Housing Contractors version, maybe you could evidence of a wide scale consensus that global cooling was ever happening in the 20th century.

Other than that, I'm interested in hearing why you think earth is so much warmer than outer space, if you reject the science of how greenhouse gases behave. I mean, you did fail high school and any chemistry course so your personal opinion on the matter is really important to hear. I'm sure you can cite lots of scientific findings to back that up.

I'd ask why this matters so much to you, but I think the premise is clear. You have no way to make any money by using your mind so you feel a need to prove that you're somehow better than anyone who does. And because lobbies have the money to propagandize your weak mind into believing it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"If they're pushing for policies and presidents that are increasing it, yes."

Addicts overdosing and dying makes you laugh. Good to no.

The sociopath housing contractor sez it's important to let the demographic most devastated by opioid overdoses push for policies that increase it. Sez that makes him empathetic. Good to "no."

Misspelling things makes you know that he feels there is strength in his ignorant sloppiness. What great attributes to look for in a housing contractor.

FullMoon said...

Afraid to address these lies by your scientists, eh?

99% of scientists agree, we all are doomed !

Atomic bomb

Catastrophic California earthquake

Over population

Global cooling

Global warming

Climate change

Hole in ozone

Acid rain


Nuclear was

Global cooling

FullMoon said...

Employment up
Approval 52%

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Housing contractor science class, Kids!

Afraid to address these lies by your scientists, eh?

99% of scientists agree, we all are doomed !

Atomic bomb

Catastrophic California earthquake

Over population

Global cooling

Global warming

Climate change

Hole in ozone

Acid rain


Nuclear was

Global cooling

2/11/19, 5:01 PM

Coming to a community college near you.

Just go teach a class on your expertise, slick.

Put on your resume: "Feels very inferior and resentful when reminded how ignorant he is of any basic science."

I'm sure it will get you the job.

Young minds relying on a moron. What fun!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Employment up
Approval 52%

Mueller indictments up 500%!

FullMoon said...

Run! Hide ! Global cooling,we all gonna die!

Run! Hide! Globalwarming,we all gonna die!

Haha! Not happening. Another lie by so-called scientists.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Employment up
Approval 52%

Right. 52% approval for Trump.

Is that subtracting the votes that he said illegitimately went to his opponent in the 2016 election and left him with millions in a popular vote deficit?

I'm sure job satisfaction is up just as much. Remember, not everyone is a housing contractor who gets paid to sit on his ass, stiff his clients, and pretend to be all upset all over the internet about his educational deficiencies.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Run! Hide ! Global cooling,we all gonna die!

Run! Hide! Globalwarming,we all gonna die!

Haha! Not happening. Another lie by so-called scientists.

Right. "So-called scientists." You know you don't even believe that. Go name them. Every one of them.

You're just a sociopath pretending to have something to disagree about because no one pays you attention in life. Why not just start deleting your posts now, instead of coming back like a serial killer to the scene of the crime to bury his bodies?

You can delete them now. sociopath. You know that even you don't believe them. You just wish that you did.

FullMoon said...

Employment up
Approval 52%

Mueller indictments up 500%!

Keep hope alive.Maybe indict Trump, kill the jobs and economy like you want. But then, you, your paramour,and LLr Chuck can gloat and say I told you so.
Now, that is intelligent

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Mueller convictions up 1000%!

What a loser. Look at the lengths he'll go to to boost his loser leader.

I think Moon should get really close to Trump to prove what he'll do for him.

Remember Moonie, if you're off to jail for covering up for Unindicted Co-Conspirator #1 it just shows your loyalty to him.

He'll really make things happen for you from inside that cell.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Keep hope alive.Maybe indict Trump, kill the jobs and economy like you want.

Oh for fuck's sake. Yes, Trump is a magic man who makes economies happen. Without the god you worship, there would be no more money, banking, industry or work for you or anyone else. What a fucking moronic thing to say.

Do you kiss his dick when you ask to see his wallet - I mean, IRS forms?

FullMoon said...

Right. "So-called scientists." You know you don't even believe that. Go name them. Every one of them.

Surely you have not come around to realizing the end of world stories were lies?

No longer believe nuclear war will destroy ?
No longer believe overpopulation.....
No longer believe global cooling....
No longer believe hole in ozone.......
No longer believe acid rain.....

Only global warming gonna kill us all now, unless we tax more. Got it.

FullMoon said...

Ah! the homophobic stuff,as usual.
Is that form the "one time in college" thing you talked about?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Talk about chicken little, sky-is-falling fear mongering. The guy thinks it's wrong to abstain from changing the atmospheric composition of the planet but predicts that we'll all be eating canned goods out of basement bunker pantries if Trump is called to account for his crimes and lies. What a bunch of bull shit.

FullMoon said...

So sorry your goddess Hillary lost.Man up and get over it.

Keep hope alive, she may run again.

FullMoon said...

The guy thinks it's wrong to abstain from changing the atmospheric composition of the planet but predicts that we'll all be eating canned goods out of basement bunker pantries if Trump is called to account for his crimes and lies.

Sure, that happened.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

No longer believe nuclear war will destroy ?
No longer believe overpopulation.....
No longer believe global cooling....
No longer believe hole in ozone.......
No longer believe acid rain.....

Twenty bucks says the sociopath doesn't disbelieve the science or reality of any of that, no matter how little of it he actually understands or gets right. He's just trying to say that he hates environmentalism and believes it to be a hoax but that Trump is the only one who can make the U.S. economy work.

Geez, Moon. Your contracting business must have been in a really shit position prior to your savior Trump. Maybe if you'd been a more honest or talented businessman that wouldn't have been the case. Can't change entire economies just because one loser can't compete in them, now.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So sorry your goddess Hillary lost.Man up and get over it.

Sounds like you're a shit compiler of comments threads archives - for someone who can't comment about anything else. Find a single comment of mine pushing for Hillary Clinton to go anywhere in politics.

You know you can't find it.

For a sociopath, you're pretty fucking stupid.

Next up, cue Moon's whining and crying about how Hillary was treated in a sexist way. We know how much that stuff really motivates you, Moonie!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Just delete your comments, dude. I'm copying enough of them that everyone can see what a full-of-shit dumbass you for posting them.

Just stop being a sociopath for a second and pretend that reality matters to you for another.

FullMoon said...

Some other guy says:

"Deniers?" What kind of silly talk is that?

Do conservatives like me "deny" that the climate changes? Nope. The climate changes all the time; all of your cited evidence proves it.

In fact, everything changes over time. Every single thing. Everyone out here knows that, and agrees.

What we don't agree with is your conclusion that, ergo, since the "climate is changing," we need to stop it with taxation. Yes, we need to stop nature's changing, just like King Canute commanding the tide to stop rising.

Taxation? Do you really believe the planet should be a certain temperature, and the only way to achieve that magic number is to tax people's use of fuels?

Well, if you pay attention, you'd see that taxes don't solve problems. The Social Security tax does not allow people to retire comfortably. The medicare tax does not allow people to have full healthcare when they're over 65. The lottery (tax) doesn't provide enough money for our schools. And plain old taxation, period, has never eliminated poverty, as Lyndon Johnson said it would.

And every single year, state, local and federal governments vote to raise taxes, because the taxes they already levied on us aren't enough to solve the problems taxes are allegedly raised to solve.

We don't deny that climate is changing. We deny that government can solve the problem, since government hasn't solved any problems yet. (Tell us, oh Climate Change Believer, how are the war(s) on poverty, drugs, cancer, etc., going? Anyone win yet? Why would a war on climate change do any better?)

However, I'm sure being on the side of Right-Thinking Climate Change believers gives you something: it gives you an excuse to call people who disagree with you idiots. I'm sure it gives you a warm, compassionate feeling to put down people you don't like.

What piece of work you must be!

FullMoon said...

Sad! Obviously you loved Hillary .Right up until the time she lost to the alpha male Drumph.

I feel your pain.

FullMoon said...

Seriously now.
Did scientists predict an ice age and the end of civilization as we know it.

More importantly, did you agree?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Do conservatives like me "deny" that the climate changes? Nope. The climate changes all the time...

By how much does it change "all the time" independent of the gases that keep it 60 degrees warmer on average across the globe than it would be without them, dumb-dumb?

Taxation? Do you really believe the planet should be a certain temperature, and the only way to achieve that magic number is to tax people's use of fuels?

The question is why you disbelieve that the planet's temperature over the past 10,000 years that civilization and agriculture have developed is something to do away with? Because you hate civilization and agriculture? Cause no other answer would make sense.

Well, if you pay attention, you'd see that taxes don't solve problems. The Social Security tax does not allow people to retire comfortably. The medicare tax does not allow people to have full healthcare when they're over 65. The lottery (tax) doesn't provide enough money for our schools. And plain old taxation, period, has never eliminated poverty, as Lyndon Johnson said it would.

More ignorant BS from a proud up-from-nowhere type. No one ever said that these taxes and problems would END anything. But you know you can't find any data to dispute that those problems have gotten massively better because of them. QED.

You don't even know what you're fucking debating. You're just trying to say that you're proud to have come from nothing to build houses for people who think you're honest enough to take the chance of buying them from you. That's not an argument for anything having to do with taxes, science, or any of the other things you can't stand to hear about.

Talk about an ego that can't account for reality.

I bet you quoted that entire comment from someone else, anyway. It doesn't omit as incorrect facts as you're wont to do and states the half-truths it does include much more articulately than you're able to.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Seriously now.
Did scientists predict an ice age and the end of civilization as we know it.

Nope. Find a study that did.

Not a magazine cover.

I realize that pictures and pop journalism help you understand things better, but I'm pretty that you're wrong to pretend that this was anything approximating the volume of evidence that exists according to what the DOD, NASA and NOAA know about the same greenhouse gases that you don't know (or don't want to know) a thing about.

FullMoon said...

So, we are going to die in twelve years if America doesn't do what you say?

Okey dokey!

FullMoon said...

More importantly, where have all the flying insects gone? Scientists are concerned.
Possible link to cow flatulence?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So, we are going to die in twelve years if America doesn't do what you say?

Okey dokey!

Find a cite for that one, too - self-appointed blog archiver.

Newflash, Bridges and Tunnels Guy: Lying about what other people say on this blog doesn't make you appear any smarter. And we know that those successful kids who didn't drop out of the high school you flunked out of don't think it makes you any smarter, either.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

More importantly, where have all the flying insects gone? Scientists are concerned.

Sure they're concerned. Ever heard of a process called pollination?

Cuyahoga River catches fire. Housing contractor says putting flammable oils into water outlets is a great idea!

Housing contractor says that relaxing the coal mercury emissions standards is a great idea!

Housing contractor says that putting lead in Flint's water is a great idea!

On and on and on. He hates the environment. Why should it be allowed to exist, anyway?Just houses should exist, that's all.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Does hating nature help you come to terms with your own defective, sociopathic nature?

FullMoon said...

Lying about what other people say on this blog doesn't make you appear any smarter.

Yeah, we all know that. Surprised at how long and how often you have been and continue to do it.

Kinda like "she persisted", eh!

FullMoon said...

Hawaii recorded what may be the lowest elevation snow in state history

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hawaii recorded what may be the lowest elevation snow in state history.

Which proves what, assuming you can even find a verifiable source for that?

Maybe you should stick to aluminum siding, inhaling asbestos particles and eating lead paint chips.

FullMoon said...

Hillary Lover MUL said:

I don't really see myself as white or black either; although I would probably pass generally for "white" I don't tend to identify with that assignment either as a demographic category for reasons that probably go beyond the scope of Ann's blog.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Still waiting for your source/reasoning on how the economy's going to fall apart unless Trump is the president and allowing more mercury to be emitted by coal-fired plants. Which accounts for what percentage of California's energy mix, BTW?

See? You're too dumb to even know.

Keep forcing those utilities to buy energy from a source that loses as much money as coal does. Great economics, man!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ah, ok. SO that was the white supremacist/nationalist's supposedly "pro-Hillary" comment. Got it. What great detective work.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Housing Contractors for White Supremacy!


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

When does the next meeting of White Supremacist Housing Contractors take place, man?


FullMoon said...

Keep forcing those utilities to buy energy from a source that loses as much money as coal does. Great economics, man!

Yep. You progressive gods here in California are leaders of the climate change scam. This is what happens when you people take over the govt.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Housing Contractors for White Supremacy will be aligning itself with the White Supremacist Home Decorators' Contingent to discuss the very important matter of bedding sheets.


FullMoon said...


Now you are mocking the liberal climate change activists in california govt that impose the earth saving programs you espouse.
In an effort to somehow insult me? LOL!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yep. You progressive gods here in California are leaders of the climate change scam. This is what happens when you people take over the govt.

What? A cleaner environment and leading industries that you power from going outside or plugging into your outlet instead of paying some rentier to extract a dirty material from the ground? Oh, the shame.

Maybe you should live in New Jersey instead and go swimming in medical waste. Or Flint Michigan and drink the leaded water. That's really great stuff, I hear.

The Republican government had to reach into the state's legal defense fund to lawyer up on that one. What integrity!

FullMoon said...

Oh, so you agree that California is doing the right thing. Therefore, now I am a good guy 'cause I live here? OK.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Dude, we get it. You vehemently hate the environment and can't figure out why. So where's the argument?

Just go with it. Say it loud and proud. The planet gets in the way of your income, or so you believe.

I'm not taking on that one. Just say it and stop trying to distract with the pretension of any facts to cite to support your position. You have a completely emotional, fact-free, dangerous and stupid stance and you wish more people would credit you for it. So cheers. There's your credit.

Now go away?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Oh, so you agree that California is doing the right thing. Therefore, now I am a good guy 'cause I live here? OK.

Maybe once you change your housing to the Supermax in Pelican Bay.

Your arguments are infantile. You don't even know what you're arguing.

FullMoon said...

The sun is shining.
Life is good.

Climate Change doomsday is a lie. You can't fool mother nature.

FullMoon said...

Maybe once you change your housing to the Supermax in Pelican Bay.

Well, actually have a relative who spent seven years there. Would love for you to meet him.

FullMoon said...

ByeBye, Hillary lover.
Keep hope alive, you may get to vote for her again.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The sun is shining.

As it does in Death Valley.

Life is good.

Sociopath smiling means it's ok to poison the victims of coal-fired mercury emissions and leaded water.

Climate Change doomsday is a lie. You can't fool mother nature.

Right. But you can fool a sociopath!

What is a greenhouse gas and what does it do, Bridges and Tunnels Guy?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What would losing that idiotically be without him throwing in a parting lie?

Do you lie like this to your clients?

I don't even think you have a contracting business, honestly. Or any other business. I think you made it up.

John henry said...

This was headlined at Drudge most of the day:

Trump's approval rating among likely voters soars to his best in 23 MONTHS at 52 per cent after State of the Union address as border-wall shutdown talks intensify

Rasmussen Reports poll as Trump at 52 per cent approval, his best showing in 23 months and a higher number than his winning edge in 2016



The Squeamish Fascist seems to be on a tear today. 2-3 times the normal comment level and even more unhinged, less intelligible/intelligent than normal.

Nope, I didn't think that was possible but SF says "Hold my beer and watch this."

I think the 2 things are correlated. I think SF feels particularly dismayed with the 52% polling and has gone harpic.

SF has been threatening to beat up on people. It's what fascists do when they sense they are losing the argument. It's what Mussolini's Squadrismo used to do. It is what American fascists, claiming to be anti-fascist, do. It is what SF would like to do but is too squeamish to do more than bluster safe behind what sh/e/it thinks is a who series of increasingly bizarre names.

Hint: You were not that hard to find.

So how about it tough guy, want to come try it on with me? Give you a chance to get a bit of sunshine.

Come see me any time at tourist.milder.requested

Or I can come visit you if you prefer.

John Henry

FullMoon said...

You are about the most stupid person I have ever dealt with online.

So easy!

Stay happy.

BTW, still dating those women fifteen and twenty years older but not from America?

You crack me up,dude.

Never change,I mean it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael said...

John Henry
I think Ritmo was recently terminated from his "employment" whatever that might have been. Commenting in a froth of a Monday morning with a heightened level of incoherence and insanity. Fun to watch. World War Two theories particularly nutty. Very unhinged.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

housing contractor is not allowed to date who he wants to. Waaaah.

Got it.

FullMoon said...

John Henry invites SF:
So how about it tough guy, want to come try it on with me? Give you a chance to get a bit of sunshine.

No need to get physical, JH. You are one of the people who make him run away by getting scientific with him and making him look stupid. Cracks me up every time you do it.

FullMoon said...

Rumor has it Inga ruined you for women from America. She from Austria, right?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You are one of the people who make him run away by getting scientific with him and making him look stupid.

Cite a place where that ever happened.

Cracks me up every time you do it.

Because you can't?

But neither can he, of course.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ah, right. Sure domination. Explains your relationship to Trump, John Henry, Michael K., and everyone else who's butt you lick.

I get it. You talk about what you know. Things you're familiar with and excited by. Interesting.

Does your wife know?

John henry said...

Blogger Squeamish Fascist said...

Seriously now.
Did scientists predict an ice age and the end of civilization as we know it.

Nope. Find a study that did.

Not a magazine cover.

Here you go:


Patterns and Perspectives in Environmental Science

National Science Board 1972

Or this


Science and the Challenges ahead

National Science Board 1974

Or this


Understanding Climactic Change

National Academy of Science 1975

Nope. Nothing at all, right Squeamish?

(I can cite more when you get finished with these.)

John Henry

John henry said...

And this, Squeamish:


It’s Official: 2018 Was the
Fourth-Warmest Year on Record


It even has a helpful graph showing that 2018 was cooler than 2017.

Oops, the graph also shows that 2017 was cooler than 2016. Perhaps a trend?

Oh, jeepers, silly me. It is only a trend when it goes up. Even if just one year. Cooling events are just anomalies.

John Henry

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

If you're saying their data was as sweeping/voluminous and their conclusions as certain as the IPCC/DOD/NASA/NOAA findings then you're wrong.

You're just another conservative who's uncomfortable with science as a provisional form of knowledge - as all real knowledge is - without proposing how much of it you feel a need to ignore and deny.

FullMoon said...

Look out Squemish, here it comes now.

He gonna find someplace else he needs to be pretty quick now !

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Oh, jeepers, silly me. It is only a trend when it goes up. Even if just one year. Cooling events are just anomalies.

Ok, so you don't know how to distinguish trends from anomalies. What else is new?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Here's a trend: Identify any planet without an atmosphere or those containing GHGs that can stay as warm as one that does.

I think there's a trend there that Henry is very uncomfortable with.

FullMoon said...

... without proposing how much of it you feel a need to ignore and deny.

Surely you are not ignoring his evidence? HaHa!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Anyone who thinks that NYT graphic doesn't show a trend line is fucking blind.

Officer! I was only going 73 mph for a second after you clocked me at 76, 77 and 75! I really wasn't going faster than the speed limit, I swear!

No trend. It says nothing about my relationship to obeying the law.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Surely you are not ignoring his evidence? HaHa!

He's not showing evidence. He's proposing an erroneous conclusion.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

John Henry doesn't understand how regression analysis works.

FullMoon said...

Current Climate scientists cannot be trusted

Current Climate Scientists lie

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Here's how you do a regression analysis, dummy.

John Henry can't figure out how to determine a trend line.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Housing Contractor to the rescue! This science won't stop itself!

John henry said...

I thought I was clear abut the difference between a "trend" and an "anomaly". Here it is again:

A "trend" is any data point, no matter how sketchy, that can be tortured into supporting the global whatsit.

An "anomaly" is anything that contradicts, no matter how mildly, global whatsit.

Only applies to climastrology. Not to anything in the real world.

Clear now?

I can give you a call tomorrow if you like and we can discuss it further. What's a good time for you?

John Henry

FullMoon said...

John Henry doesn't understand how regression analysis works.

Cannot argue the facts, so make up stuff about the commenter.
Gee, you have never done that before.


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

2009 data. He's really on the ball.

Maybe he should sell a house that was built based on 2009 specs that he didn't double-check.

Michael said...

Beaten like a rented mule. Braying. Bleating. So very fun to watch.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

A "trend" is any data point, no matter how sketchy, that can be tortured into supporting the global whatsit.

Nope. That's not what a "trend" is.

You're basically saying that any trend with an r-squared of less than 1 is wrong. Name a statistician who agrees with that bullshit proposition of yours.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Check out Michael - A finance guy who can't figure out what to make of quant. I'm sure that's a recipe for success. Moneyball was all wrong!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

If Henry knows any stats, then he doesn't believe what he's actually saying.

FullMoon said...

From my link above regarding climate scientists veracity:

You are kidding me. Over the weekend we learned a server at East Anglia was hacked and emails were distributed that contradict Global Warming. In addition, they discuss how to overstate the findings in order to further their agenda. Yet, The Chronicle still blindlly pushes the Global Warming agenda. If that is not enough, tempatures have not risen over the last ten years. In fact, they have dropped slightly. How can any reader take a publication seriously when they refuse to report facts.

FullMoon said...

2009 data. He's really on the ball.

Data? Reference is to LIES.

Lies by so-called scientists.

Just like you.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Whatever did or did not happen at East Anglia in 2009 (or how moon loon misinterprets the hacked emails) doesn't change all the data that's out there before and since. Believe it or not, East Anglia U is not the only institution with access to the actual data.

Moon doesn't understand this. But somehow it's helping his contracting career!

Trump is singlehandedly keeping the economy afloat, too! With heavily subsidized coal!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

so-called scientists.

Right. Now there's a phrase!

You believe that there are "so-called judges", too? Because their parents were Mexican and that makes them not real judges?


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

John Henry sure is taking a long time to prove a way of pretending that his ignorance of what a linear regression is gives him any credibility.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Any time you want to take back your humungously ignorant error on how to identify a coefficient of determination John I'm ready to hear it.

Moon isn't, though. He's just as in the dark as well. About everything, really.

He's waiting for you to rescue him, Henry.

GO to it.

Spaceport guy to the aid of angry scientifically illiterate housing contractor.

Doesn't get any better than that.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

This angry housing contractor isn't going to fuck up the regression analysis on his own, Henry.

He needs a self-appointed spaceport construction expert to help him with that!

Come on! Help him!

Michael said...

Hilarious. Wish we were back on the causes of WW2. That was a treat. Remarkable "reasoning." Ahistorical.

FullMoon said...

From 2009 thread:

Has anyone else noticed the palpable sadness among the more honest global warming advocates? You would think that the possibility of AGW not being true would make any reasonable person happy. Hurrah, it is wrong. We don't need to radically change our lifestyles and energy use. Not so with the advocates. They seem geniunly distrubed at the prospect of people being able to go on with life how it is currently lived.

They really are just modern day killjoy puritans who have replaced God with the State and Gia.

FullMoon said...

You crying ritmo? Haha!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Wish we were back on the causes of WW2.

SUre you do, quantitatively illiterate Michael. Easier for you to hide your ignorance from on that one than your aggressive rejection of the concept of coefficients of determination.

Any other statistical concepts you reject out of hand?

Come on, Michael. Your quant is waiting on it.

Fucking hilarious.

Let me guess. You believe that the Laffer Curve hasn't reached its maximum revenue-generating potential yet, either, right?


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

A blog comment from 2009. That's science, folks!

Desperate. Ridiculously stupid.

John henry said...

The there are several problems with the temperature data and trends:

1) The temperature record, only goes back to 1880 or so. Before that the data is pretty well non-existant

2) After 1880 there is a measured data (with thermometers) but only a very small portion of the earth's land surface is measured, and even less of the sea surface.

3) Most of the temperature measurements were made with uncalibrated thermometers, whose locations changed, many times. Sometimes by a mile or two when they moved the firehouse. Sometimes by a lot when they decided to measure at LA Airport instead of Pasadena.

4) There was no standardized way of recording temperatures. Some were taken at noon and midnight and averaged. Others were taken every hour and averaged, still others were the average of daily high and low regardless of hour, others were recorded in other ways. In other words, no comparability between readings in Pasadena, London and Peking (except there were no reading at all for Peking in many years)

5) Temperatures were taken by untrained people who had no idea that precision mattered. (I was one of those taking ocean temps for 2 years. I would not guarantee my data within +/- 3 or 4 degrees. If that)

6) Methods of taking sea temperatures changed over the years. From dipping up in a wooden bucket, to metal buckets to using engine intakes. Each of these, even if done by trained people, carefully reading calibrated thermometers, will give differing results.

7) Many of the temperature stations, over the years, have been surrounded by buildings, parking lots and other heat sources. See "heat islands" One temperature station is located at SeaTac Airport by an active runway and gets hit by jet blast dozens of times daily.

And so on. I'll be happy to go on if you like.

The point is that the temperature data is so crappy that it would be difficult to tease out 5 degrees of warming (or cooling) much less the 0.5 (NOAA) to 0.8 (IPCC) of warming that the hoaxers claim certainty about.

IF they knew how the data was collected, they MIGHT be able to statistically adjust it. But they don't know how most of it was collected.

No, the temperature data from which the trends are derived is bullshit for anything other than really, really, gross variations.

John Henry

John henry said...

Then, if we take the temperature data, between 1880 or so and present day, what period do we pick to do our trend line?

If we pick one starting point, we have a cooling trend. If we pick another we show a warming trend.

Don't try to bullshit me about trends, Squeamish. You have no idea what you are talking about.

John Henry

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael said...

LOL. What a great end to a great day. Money in the market. Deal flow quite good. Exercise complete. Lovely wife in the next room. Might just break out a Cuban to top it off. Romeo y Julieta Exhibition #4 with a box date of 2009.

FullMoon said...

A blog comment from 2009. That's science, folks!

Science has an expiration date?
OK got it.

Like Drago says, history begins anew every dayfor the left

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

No, the temperature data from which the trends are derived is bullshit for anything other than really, really, gross variations.

And yet, even if true - you're rejecting any data that does actually exist.

So the question is, where is your data for a planet with GHGs whose temperature does not depend on how much GHGs are in atmosphere? Because if you can't contradict the basic science then you're basically advising to reject a really important conclusion on no rationale at all. As well as the actual data that does exist, and gets stronger and more accurate every year.

And none of this explains your obvious ignorance on what a coefficient of determination is.

You reject that data, I reject yours. So there.

Again, which planets with GHGs in their atmosphere have climates whose temperatures are not determined by those GHGs? Go on, name one.

A single one.

Michael said...

Fucking hilarious. I think I will. The Cuban that is.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Science has an expiration date?

Data continues to accumulate and science continues to get more precise and accurate because of it after a single date ten years ago, dumb-dumb.

Housing Contractor Science. From a guy who thinks that Trump is saving the economy by forcing utilities to buy subsidized, mercury-leaden coal.


John henry said...

Squeamish put me in mind of something that I think people born after 1980 lack. That is an understanding of what math means.

For example, I am so old I learned to do regression analysis using a slide rule. I still remember a Saturday 4 of us spend doing a regression of glass sales as a function of housing starts and auto production.

All those columns of X^2, Xbar, Xbar-Ybar and so on. All calculated by hand.

Now, Excel will do the math and plot the graph as fast as I can type it in. And I see a nice line, I have great data, but no idea how I got there.

It is why, as late as 2010 when I was still teaching operations management I made my students do linear programming problems by hand. They could use calculators but not computer programs.

John Henry

FullMoon said...

Don't try to bullshit me about trends, Squeamish. You have no idea what you are talking about.

Never stopped him before.

FullMoon said...

Data continues to accumulate and science continues to get more precise and accurate because of it after a single date ten years ago, dumb-dumb.

Unless it contradicts the global warming- tax -the -poor -man hoax, right?

John henry said...

Blogger Trump International Crime Syndicate said...

Because their parents were Mexican and that makes them not real judges?

Dunno about being not real judges.

But if their parents were Mexicans (born in Mexico) they are real Mexican citizens.

John Henry

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What's the coefficient of determination on that trend-line you're rejecting, just because, Squeaky Spaceport Fat Fuck? There is nothing that says each year has to be hotter than the last for the trend line to continue being valid. CO2 can be stored in other reservoirs on the planet. The ocean, for instance - where most of the warming is happening, along with the poles.

Again, you are making yourself look like a fucking moron. Name that planet in the galaxy whose GHGs in its atmosphere have no effect on its climate.

Come on, John. You can do it. Your rationale is almost as persuasive as NASA's NOAA's and DOD's.

I mean, that's why you're building a spaceport, right? To put a man on the moon and end this doubt and speculation about whether the Apollo moon landings actually took place?


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

But if their parents were Mexicans (born in Mexico) they are real Mexican citizens.

How is that even fucking remotely the point, you fucktwit?

Jesus H. Christ. Alzheimers, here John Henry comes!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And I see a nice line, I have great data, but no idea how I got there.

You have no idea about lots of things, old man.

Again, where are these GHG-atmospheric planets whose GHGs don't affect its climate?

Come on. Name one.

Your entire premise relies on it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Unless it contradicts the global warming- tax -the -poor -man hoax, right?

There is much more of the other kind of data than this "data."

You're throwing assertions out there without any way of reconciling them with one another.

John henry said...

Blogger johnhenry100 said...

Dunno about being not real judges.

Sloppy phrasing, perhaps. What I meant by that statement was that nobody, as far as I could ever see, was denying that Judge Curzel (Name?) was a real, legitimate, born in the USA, US citizen, constitutional judge.

The question was always whether or not his Mexican citizenship was a potential or apparent conflict of interest that should have caused him to recuse himself.

John Henry

FullMoon said...

There is nothing that says each year has to be hotter than the last for the trend line to continue being valid. CO2 can be stored in other reservoirs on the planet. The ocean, for instance - where most of the warming is happening, along with the poles.

HaHaHA! Yep, those oceans warming from stored heat,
Rising too, every day, then lowering, every day.
What a moron.
You are not a climate scientist. You are simply gullible and stubborn.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Sloppy phrasing, perhaps. What I meant by that statement was that nobody, as far as I could ever see, was denying that Judge Curzel (Name?) was a real, legitimate, born in the USA, US citizen, constitutional judge.

The question was always whether or not his Mexican citizenship was a potential or apparent conflict of interest that should have caused him to recuse himself.

No it wasn't. When has any other president called a member of the judiciary a "so-called" judge? THat's a direct attack on his legitimacy - to decide that or any case.

Trump has a well-known hatred for our co-equal branches of government and you know it. He wants to rule alone and his supporters want him to.

Now back to the question. Which of the planets with atmospheres containing GHGs have climates that are not determined largely by those GHGs? Including earth?

Time's a-wasting, John.

John henry said...

Blogger Trump International Crime Syndicate said...

I mean, that's why you're building a spaceport, right?

Where did you get the idea I am building a spaceport? I am building, or built, a very rudimentary website to make a bit of money if Branson changes his mind again and comes back to PR.

I'll either sell advertising or sell the entire site. $7 a year is a pretty cheap investment.

John Henry

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yep, those oceans warming from stored heat,
Rising too, every day, then lowering, every day.

Right. I'm sure they don't know how to account for that. All those later-year measurements were just taken at the wrong time of day!

Jesus! Are you this incompetent when you do your housing contractor work?

What a moron.
You are not a climate scientist.

Neither are you. But you don't even have a clue as to what it is that they even do.

You are simply gullible and stubborn.

So says the guy who believes that Trump is singlehandedly saving the economy by allowing more mercury to be emitted from the coal that he has to force utilities to buy at subsidized, below-market rates.


FullMoon said...

You're throwing assertions out there without any way of reconciling them with one another.
So you honestly believe the world will end if we do not tax fossil fuels.OK. And, without taxing fossil fuels, alternatives will never develop.
And, govt is the only way to develop alternative energy/.
Govt subsidize Ford, Edison, Westinghouse? Nicky Tesla?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Where did you get the idea I am building a spaceport? I am building, or built, a very rudimentary website to make a bit of money if Branson changes his mind again and comes back to PR.

I'll either sell advertising or sell the entire site. $7 a year is a pretty cheap investment.

Sounds like a beautiful dream, John.

Make sure you tell those astro-entrepreneurs your revised theory on the non-contribution of atmospheric GHGs to a planet's climate. I'm sure they'll be really interested in hearing this heretofore never proposed concept.

FullMoon said...

So says the guy who believes that Trump is singlehandedly saving the economy by allowing more mercury to be emitted from the coal that he has to force utilities to buy at subsidized, below-market rates.

It sure isn't your goddess, Hillary.
Get over her loss, sore loser.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So you honestly believe the world will end if we do not tax fossil fuels.OK. And, without taxing fossil fuels, alternatives will never develop.
And, govt is the only way to develop alternative energy/.
Govt subsidize Ford, Edison, Westinghouse? Nicky Tesla?

Fossil fuels are not taxed, but subsidized.

They captured the market more than a hundred years ago and are now sitting pretty on their anti-innovation rentier status.

Anyway, I don't respond to lies, but let's see how you feel about it: You honestly believe that the world/economy will end if Trump does not allow more mercury to be emitted from coal plants and forced onto the utilities at rates that are anti-competitive?

Slow on the uptake, eh?

FullMoon said...

Fortunately, God equipped all sea life to adapt and thrive to the rapidly warming waters.
Warmist hysterics believe mankind is less able than the fishes.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It sure isn't your goddess, Hillary.
Get over her loss, sore loser.

Repeating something that I never said does not somehow mean that I now said it.

Get over the fact that millions more voted against Trump and can't stand his criminal bullshitting ass and want to throw him out.

Also, get over the fact that he's all about stiffing contractors like you. What Stockholm Syndrome you have!

Is he your dom?

John henry said...

So are you saying that the Judge is not a Mexican citizen, Squeamish?

He is a US citizen too, of course, having been born in Ohio.

The question is whether he has ever legally renounced his Mexican citizenship and/or is the Mexican government allowed him to do so.

As far as I've been able to find, he has never even tried.

It's been fun fucking with you, Squeamish but you hurt my feelings calling me "fat" I prefer to think of myself as pleasingly plump. Anyway, now you have motivated me to jump on my exercise bike and ride.

I'll call you tomorrow. Good night.

John Henry

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Fortunately, God equipped all sea life to adapt and thrive to the rapidly warming waters.

Sure, right! The creationist view of evolution and pollution, folks!

Michael said...

John Henry

Similar experience with spread sheets. In the old days if we were doing a complex waterfall of distributions in a deal we would make the juniors do them by hand. A mistake in the fifth year of a ten year hold would mean having to do the last five all over. They are sloppy today on Excel, they fucking jam a number on a model and pay hell cleaning that up on the next deal. They believe the results even though they are fucking wrong. Because Excel.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

My, my. You really are a lonely one, John.

FullMoon said...

Anyway, I don't respond to lies,

HaHaHa! Your whole persona is lies. So simple, you been doing it for a decade. Make up stupid lies about any commenter. Expect them to respond by denying your idiotic statement and then carry on from there.
You are so easy to trigger. So predictible. And so inconsequential.

Dissed by women "from America". Reported toHr for feeble attempts at flirting. Romancing Inga from a state away.
Bro, your comments and attitudes through the years are hilarious.

And, I have not even brought up your genius level comments regarding credit card down payments on million dollar homes causing the housing crash.

You rock!

FullMoon said...

Oh, and GENOMES!

Michael said...

I am actually OK that we can't legally buy Cuban cigars here. If the market opened up the quality would crash. Iffy enough as it is. They roll six million Montecristos every year. No way can they all be good.

FullMoon said...

Sure, right! The creationist view of evolution and pollution, folks!

Did I mention easy and predictable ? Hahaha!

Gotta give you credit, though, after four times, you do not take the your/you're bait anymore.

Geeze, your stupid !

chickelit said...

To paraphrase Meade, this place is filled with toxygen.

Biff said...

0_0 said..."Biff- does Kamala have a voting record?"

Believe it or not, she does!

Unknown said...

Just wondering if anyone remembers "Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers". Plus ca change....

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