From the NYT report:
"It was definitely not me,” Mr. Northam, a Democrat, told reporters at a news conference in the governor’s mansion. “I can tell by looking at it.”Yes, but you said it was "a photograph of me." How can you get that wrong? Did it look like something you might have done?
Pressed on why he initially apologized, Mr. Northam said he had wanted to “take credit for recognizing that this was a horrific photo that was on my page with my name on it.”
The governor called the images, which first surfaced Friday afternoon, “offensive, racist and despicable.” But he said that “I cannot in good conscience choose the path that would be easier for me to duck the responsibility to reconcile.”For reasons I develop in my earlier post today, I'm inclined to approve of his not resigning. But this is weirder than it was before, and now we have not only decades-old behavior to judge but current behavior. It's not very reliable of him to say one thing and then another. Is he lying or simply confused and given to speaking without thinking? And then there's this new blackface incident:
[He revealed that he] had darkened his face with shoe polish for a Michael Jackson costume in a dance contest in Texas in 1984, when he was a young Army officer....And there's the fact that as an undergraduate student he had the nickname "Coonman." And then there was his mixed-up or downright evil statement about very late-term abortions. To me, it looks like it was the abortion material that made him a target and led someone to decide to rid the Democratic Party of him by dropping the old photograph. I'd like to know the background on that, but it's not in the NYT article.
ADDED: This is the highest-rated comment at the Times:
I am a black man, but I am not offended by the photo, though it is obviously in poor taste.
It looks like a joke to me, since Klansmen and black men don't generally have a beer together. Probably because they called him "coons man" in College.
It seems that my Party (Democrats) can't seem to avoid falling into one identity pothole after another, and the circular firing squad is in full force again.
If this keeps up, I will be staying home in November of 2020. Or, I might try to find Al Franken, to console him on his earlier electronic lynching.
1 – 200 of 258 Newer› Newest»Clearly, this man should not be governor.
He should be president.
the fun part, will be tomorrow morning; when we'll be told by ALL the sunday news shows, that this was just a big hyped up blow up; and that REALLY there's Nothing Wrong with someone nicknamed COONMAN dressing up in blackface and recommending the post-birth abortion of all black babies
Fun, fun
Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam claims he was "unaware" of what was on his yearbook page and saw the racist photo for the first time yesterday: "I believe then and now that I am not either of the people in that photo"
So, now he's saying that he was 'blacked out' All through college, and never sobered up enough to read his yearbook? That didn't work for Bret K. when they accused him of it; why should it work for an obvious racist? Oh, right; on account of because of the fact that the racist is a democrat
@Gilbar, I think it more likely he never before saw the Yearbook. I vaguely recall a Yearbook when I was an undergrad. In grad school? Nope. I think the same would be true of Med School.
If he doesn't resign, what does this do for Kamala Harris and her campaign? I find her actions here a little too quick on the draw. But if it means we can all judge politicians by their actions when they were in their late 20s, so be it.
Gosh, just what we need, more people to stay home. I get it, it's messy and not perfect (to the highest rated commenter), boo hoo. Please - xinay on the threats to stay home-nay. There are too many non-participants as it is. Just knuckle under, get in there, yes, and vote.
So how did that picture get on his yearbook page? Has anyone talked to the yearbook editors? His classmates? Looks like a party photo to me.
Re: the "Added"--one person wore blackface to a party and another wore a klan outfit. While there they posed for a picture together. That has now become some sort of pantomime of blacks and klansmen having beers together in fun and games togetherness moment?
The human capacity for rationalization is astonishing.
Re: should he resign? He should never have been elected. Sure, he's not the only shamelessly hypocritical politician out there, but he's the one who got caught red-handed yesterday. So it's his turn. He cannot complain about the rules of the game he helped make.
Unanswered question--why did he not say which one was him? Was this so normal that he cannot recall which one he was in this picture?
Yes, that's exactly the situation--it was so normal that the picture does not ring any particular bells. That's why they put it in the yearbook. It was normal white kids down g what white kids do.
Like if Kavanaugh really did rape a bunch of women, but raping women was normal in his environment. No harm no foul, right? Boys will be boys and racists will be racists while destroying other people careers by falsely painting them as racists, right?
I am, however, surprised that there is a medical school yearbook. There was none at Creighton. My Law School class didn’t even have a class composite.
Could this be a hoax? A Russian or Chinese hoax?
Democrats need to wait and see what is going on with this photo. It’s beyond strange that Republican oppo research didn’t find it before the election. Maybe someone knew about his Michael Jackson imitation and thought that wasn’t bad enough to cause him to be pressured to resign, so this photo shows up. The entire thing is very strange.
I want a massive investigation.
oh FFS !
this is getting unbearable. Kiss that Sanger Award goodbye, Coonman.
ruin his life with the investigation. You know - what corruptocrats do to everyone else.
As much as I oppose him, his idea of new facts made sense. He was already in the Army that was putting him through Med School and he had an assignment to report out of town after graduation probably before the Year Books came out. And he says he never saw one. Those tasks are assigned to the student volunteers who cram together layouts for pages in a small Med School called Eastern Virginia Medical School in Hampton Rodes/ Norfolk Virginia ( in the heart of Military bases it serves). They would grab the photos sent in to them and put them together on page layouts without any help from the Graduates approving the pictures on their page.
I believed him. Not that he will be judged fairly by the Democrats who are 100% racists now.
This is shock journalism. Twisted, ugly and wrong:
Number 1. Youthful indiscretions are a GOOD THING.
Number 2. Teenage behavior has nothing to do with someone's present governing abilities.
So, I think Governor Northam should stick around. Heck, "W" was a cocaine addict and a drunk and nobody cared.
This is not "we," Madison Man; it's a Democrat party. Just get out of the way and let them have at it.
Oh God, that last line says that it was written by a political operative. Who still gives a shit about Al Franken or really thinks he was badly treated?
Other than that, he’s right.
Let me get this straight-
The democrats don't like, and won't abide by the new rules they apply fiercely and mercilessly to everyone else?
Do I have that right?
Like Kurt Schlitchter reminds them daily-You're not going to like the new rules.
I would be more sympathetic to the Governor if he hadn't run an ugly, race-baiting campaign to get elected.
As soon as he said Michael Jackson, it made complete sense. That’s who that is supposed to be, look at the hat! And sure he would pose with the Klansman, It’s funny! It’s a goof on Klansmen. It’s an homage to Michael Jackson. Obviously. I am enjoying the circular firing squad, but this is just another Covington style Twitter mob at the castle door with pine knot torches, pitchforks, and a refusal to accept anything they don’t already believe.
Memory from that far back is foggy, unlike the accusation from CBF.
The difference between false memories and true ones is the same as for jewels: it is always the false ones that look the most real, the most brilliant.. Salvador Dali
W drank like a fish, but there is only one candidate who admitted to using cocaine,
yes, he should stick around, because the policy will sadly not change, and that is why this large squirrel has run rampant, as for the gope,, they are very good at backstabbing re bolling v. cuccinelli, warner v. north et al
For everyone inclined to give Northam the benefit of the doubt. That is, it's not me. I never saw this before yesterday, etc. There's this.
"WaPo has already reached out to some of his old med-school classmates to ask about the yearbook, in fact. An interesting detail:
Joan Naidorf, whose husband’s yearbook page is opposite Northam’s in the yearbook, said she was surprised the photos are only now coming out, given Northam’s stature in Virginia politics.
“We’ve often wondered over the last 10 years or so why someone didn’t dig this up sooner,” said Naidorf, a nonpracticing emergency room physician who lives in Alexandria…
Eastern Virginia Medical School allowed students to pick their own photos for their yearbook page, Naidorf said. Her husband chose their engagement photo and other personal pictures. Another student chose a picture of men in blackface and dressed as women in what appears to be a variety-show routine."
I'm tired of the anti-bigotry crusade.
In my dreams, everybody shuts up about this shit, goes home, and finds something else to do.
I play music a lot. This is a wonderful thing. It prevents me from thinking about this crap.
David Begley said...
So how did that picture get on his yearbook page? Has anyone talked to the yearbook editors? His classmates? Looks like a party photo to me.
From today's WaPo.
"Two classmates of Northam’s at Eastern Virginia Medical School said Saturday that they had never seen him in costumes like those that appear in the photo on his yearbook page. However, they were at a loss to explain how a mix-up might have occurred that would result in the racist image being placed on his page in error, because students were responsible for submitting their own photos.
Tobin Naidorf, who also graduated in 1984 and is now a gastroenterologist in Alexandria, said he did not recall the exact procedure for submitting photos to the yearbook staff. However, he said he was the only person who could have submitted the family photos that appeared on his own page.
Walter G. Broadnax, Jr.’s page in the Eastern Virginia yearbook included a photo of his deceased grandmother beneath the heading “These are the people who have helped keep the dream alive.”
“Pictures as close as that, I would have had to have chosen those. I can’t speak for Ralph, though,” said Broadnax, whose entry also included a favorite Langston Hughes poem. He doesn’t remember how the yearbook was created or even seeing it once it was published.
Pamela Kopelove, who is credited in the yearbook as its editor, did not respond to repeated calls for comment."
And (although buried way, way down in the article)...
"Joan Naidorf, whose husband’s yearbook page is opposite Northam’s in the yearbook, said she was surprised the photos are only now coming out, given Northam’s stature in Virginia politics.
“We’ve often wondered over the last 10 years or so why someone didn’t dig this up sooner,” said Naidorf, a nonpracticing emergency room physician who lives in Alexandria.
She said when she first saw the photo, shortly after the yearbook was published, “I thought: ‘That’s awful.’ I assumed it was something at a drunken frat party.”
She said she didn’t know when or where the photos were taken. Her husband, Tobin, wasn’t available Friday. He met Northam a few times when they worked medical rotations together but weren’t friends, Joan Naidorf said.
Eastern Virginia Medical School allowed students to pick their own photos for their yearbook page, Naidorf said. Her husband chose their engagement photo and other personal pictures. Another student chose a picture of men in blackface and dressed as women in what appears to be a variety-show routine."
Blogger lezlies said...
I would be more sympathetic to the Governor if he hadn't run an ugly, race-baiting campaign to get elected.
Remember they Tweet about the Covington boys “Watch whiteness work.” Well, watch “Being a Democrat” work. It’s hard to defend him when you know that the Democrats wouldn’t give a Republican anything like any benefit of even a huge doubt. Look though at Inga, she is disbelieving of it, thinking that it’s a faked picture. You know, like they faked that picture in the Buffalo Bills fan magazine of OJ in Bruno Mali shoes. Watch absolute loyalty work!
the ProgLibDems invented "misremembering" and the "speak-o" (var. of 'typo')
they also invented "fake but accurate",
so anything is possible
Hey, as a Black man, I agree with that NYT's "black man"
Coonman, Coonsman, Coon's Man?
Is this from..hunting?
Great Scot!,
Does his initial confession not concern you?
Which version should you believe?
Inga: "Democrats need to wait and see what is going on with this photo."
Inga pronounced Trump and all republicans traitors, called Kavanaugh a rapist and called for the destruction of a 16 yr old wearing a MAGA hat based on a faked up edited video which was conclusively debunked.
But for an infanticide-advocating racist dem: whoa everyone, lets take our time with this and not jump to any conclusions BUT lets also conjure up possible nefarious republican oppo research conspiracies!!
Totally awesome Inga. You hit every single lefty psycho double-standard conspiracy-minded angle in one fell swoop!!
"To me, it looks like it was the abortion material that made him a target and led someone to decide to rid the Democratic Party of him by dropping the old photograph. I'd like to know the background on that, but it's not in the NYT article."
I have a theory running the other way- he knew the picture with the story was coming earlier in the week and tried to polish up his pro-abortion bona fides in an attempt to inoculate himself- he is just too clueless to realize how that wouldn't actually help him.
I think it has been demonstrated that the yearbook is real as is the page. I do think it possible he never saw it before this week. The people who prepared the layouts are likely still alive, and even if they can't tell you for certain where the photograph came from, they probably could tell you how much input someone had for their particular page.
I personally think Northam is the guy on the left in blackface and that the KKK outfit wearer was his date to a party. It was probably a joke that seemed funny at the time to both of them. I think Northam lied today in the press conference. I bet someone has the Michael Jackson photos ready to publish tomorrow and that is the only reason he came clean today. I think he spent part of yesterday and last night contacting the KKK person and the photographer and got their assurances that they would keep their silence, so he was free to change yesterday's story- or so he thought.
So much Fen's Law data points being offered up by our lefty/LLR pals...
I'm sorta shocked at all this "blackface" and "Coonman" stuff, since the VA Governor spent the entire campaign screeching that the Republican was a RACISS.
So, no. I don't accept his half-assed apology.
Let him live up to his own standards. If ED Gillespie had been elected and found with a blackface/KKK Photo would dear old Northam been so forgiving?
hahahahaha. I make joke.
"said she was surprised the photos are only now coming out, given Northam’s stature in Virginia politics".
parlez-vous Roy Moore? le Roy est mort, vive le Roy!
but there is only one candidate who admitted to using cocaine,
Yeah. accusations without evidence that make Republicans look bad are all true, obviously. If you read it on DailyKos, you can take it to the bank! It’s called “winnerism."
Hey Inga. Please make another comment.
/s/ Drago.
Hey Inga.
Please make another 20 comments.
/s/ Drago.
parlez-vous Roy Moore? le Roy est mort, vive le Roy!
But not Bob Menendez - D NJ, accused user of trafficked teenage girls. “Watch being a Democrat work."
he just trafficked in them. He didnt sign their yearbook, silly
The left are still not finished torturing Kavanaugh for something meaningless and stupid in a 1980's yearbook. Teenage male bravado circa 1980, must be smashed with a leftist fascist mind-crime hammer. Anyway, 1980's yearbook Certainly doesn't come close to the top notch mind crime crime on the left which is "You're a racist!"
No worse crime on the left than "YOU'RE A RACIST."
If this isn't "You're a racist!" - I don't know what is. Playing by the left's rules here.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
Democrats need to wait and see what is going on with this photo. It’s beyond strange that Republican oppo research didn’t find it before the election. Maybe someone knew about his Michael Jackson imitation and thought that wasn’t bad enough to cause him to be pressured to resign, so this photo shows up. The entire thing is very strange.
This same person trashed a 16 year old boy with no reservations.
Because he wore a MAGA hat.
She also cheered for all sorts of violence committed by democrats because NRA supporters should just expect to get shot by crazy leftists.
Because they deserve it for supporting gun rights.
Democrats are the party of the KKK. They were all democrats and still are.
They just direct their hatred and racism at different people. Nothing really changed.
Waiting for Kamala Harris and Liz Warren to retract their demands that Ralphie Boy resign.....
I keep hoping against hope, Althouse, that you will take the lead in trying to bring this stupid anti-bigotry crusade to an end.
We've all got to let go of our own bitch. That's the first step.
wait til they find out Ole Coonman boofed, boffed, barfed, and
stood near a punch-bowl
So the first report was fake but accurate
“[The Governor] shall be ineligible to the same office for the term next succeeding that for which he was elected”
So does that mean the Lt. Gov., if he serves out the remainder of Northam’s term, would nevertheless be eligible to run in 2021? Makes you wonder who might have had something to gain from all this becoming public.
Yesterday, I didn't think Northam should resign at all- 100%. After today's press conference, though, I am less certain of that position. His press conference was a disaster, and I think he flat out lied during it. If the photographer or the other person shows up and contradicts him, he is done.
“This same person trashed a 16 year old boy with no reservations.
Because he wore a MAGA hat.
She also cheered for all sorts of violence committed by democrats because NRA supporters should just expect to get shot by crazy leftists.”
You sound insane. Go find and repost here where I “trashed” the young man. Go and repost here where I said that violence committed by Democrats was justified in any way, state or form.
In the meantime Heather Heyer is still dead.
The collective hypocrite left "It was college!"
oh wait. So high school counts, college - not. OK.
Maybe he can dress as OJ and look for the real klansman.
You boyo's can't resist the whipsaw. Thanks for being verklempt so I don't have to
In the meantime Heather Heyer is still dead
You do know that it was a Hillary supporter and member of Occupy who organized that bizarre demonstration, right? When are the facts going to come out of that, anyway? All we have is the same level of knowledge that we had one day after the Covington lynch mob started up. I would like to know the facts. I did see one YouTube clip of a car being chased by a mob with weapons, clubs, etc. I don’t know if that’s the car that hit Heather or not. We don’t know anything.
I am, however, surprised that there is a medical school yearbook.
We had a year book but that was 50 years ago.
Shorter Shouting Thomas: can't we all get along.
Expect continuing degradation of everything, until there is a crisis. Or more likely a long series of crises, a "time of troubles". The pain must become widespread and intense for there to be a crisis, and then instability leading to despair, before sense will return.
Who knows what will survive to that point.
"In the meantime Heather Heyer is still dead."
So is Kathryn Steinle. Inga, try to stay on topic.
This week, Democrats finally succumbed to the inescapable logic of abortion. They have admitted, perhaps against their better judgement, that there really is no difference between abortion and infanticide.
Between New York’s expansive new abortion legislation, a bill now before the Virginia General Assembly, and Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s infamous comments about making a just-born infant “comfortable” while the mother and a physician discuss whether to snuff its life out, there can be no doubt that Democrats have acceded to the demands of their own ruthless logic on abortion.
“Democrats’ Inexorable Abortion Logic Has Finally Caught Up With Them.
It looks like he is lying today.
You boyo's can't resist the whipsaw.
So which party is self immolating in this story again, Howard?
Inga owes Heather Heyer so much.
let's make a deal and wrap this all up neat n tidy,eh?
Northam takes the rap for attacking Smollet.
everyone's happy, and we can all go home. Deal??
Democrats need to wait and see what is going on with this photo.
And that's all you need to know about today's left.
Bullshit, factless accusations against Republicans? Kill him!!!
Plain as day proof of straight-up racism by a Democrat? Let's wait and see.
There is no reasoning with them. None.
"cant we all get along"
No, you can't. Satan is at work.
The only way out is a spiritual revival. And that can only happen, in the mass, when you collectively hit bottom.
“You do know that it was a Hillary supporter and member of Occupy who organized that bizarre demonstration, right? When are the facts going to come out of that, anyway?”
The demonstration was titled Unite the Right, not Unite Occupy. You do know the perp was found guilty of first degree murder and hate crimes and sentenced to life imprisonment?
Number 1. Youthful indiscretions are a GOOD THING.
Number 2. Teenage behavior has nothing to do with someone's present governing abilities.
Tell that to Roy Moore. Or Brett Kavanaugh.
Fucking hypocrite.
Know idea, Tim. I didn't read any of it except the headlines and skim the scum of Althouse community. Thanks for caring
Buwaya Puti craves end times like Trump craves pornstars
Howie just drops by to play "I'm above it all".
Mid-80's Michael Jackson would require only a spray tan.
Wait a minute. Didn't he confess to the whole thing last night and promise to work hard to regain the trust of the people of VA? And today he says 1) that he never saw the picture until yesterday. That is, the picture in his own yearbook, and 2) it wasn't him? But he did do a blackface in another context?
This doesn't pass the smell test.
Show of hands. How many of you never looked at your own picture in your own yearbook at any time in the last 34 years.
I sincerely hope so quite frankly at this point.
CNN labeled him as an (R) this morning. As far as I'm concerned anything that enables and justifies detonating a tactical nuke under these people is ok with me now.
I'm increasingly an "accelerationist". The only way this train stops is when it hits a wall.
Blogger Ralph L said..."Mid-80's Michael Jackson would require only a spray tan."
Jay Leno's Michael Jackson joke was "Only in America could a black man become a white woman.". Little did he know at the time where we were headed.
The demonstration was titled Unite the Right, not Unite Occupy. You do know the perp was found guilty of first degree murder and hate crimes and sentenced to life imprisonment?
Yeah, and Obamacare was entitled “AFFORDABLE Care Act.”
And now that he has been found guilty, all of the evidence is on display for all to see, right?
I am escaping the "end times" Howard. Its a big world and much of it is not about to descend into a pit of madness. Five months from now.
And lifelines out, plus money moved. You probably won't hear from me after.
You can hang out wherever you are, for as long as it is still there.
You may be so old or so ill that you can count on missing the worst.
I dont know if you have children and grandchildren. I would worry about them much more than yourself. Do something for them, if you can.
I don't see what you can do about it frankly, not in any collective sense. Its all baked in, programmed by the state of your generations.
Good luck, you all will need it.
He's no Lyndon Johnson. From The Path to Power, by Robert Caro:
While still an undergraduate at Southwest Texas State Teachers College, in San Marcos, he [Johnson] arranged to have excised (literally cut out) from hundreds of copies of the college yearbook certain pages that gave clues to his years there
It seems impossible to even make an impact in this shrieking madness of sibling rivalry that is the anti-bigotry madness.
Can't all of you just do something else?
Inga: "In the meantime Heather Heyer is still dead."
Heather Heyer again.
Inga, here is the about the 20th opportunity for you to do something you've continuously refused to do: simply mention the names Kayla Cuevas and Nisa Mickens, victims of a Nancy Pelosi approved "spark of divinity" MS13 machete murders.
Inga, after all these years, has refused to offer aby criticism at all of illegal alien murders, rapes or assaults. She has also steadfastly refused to criticize islamic supremacists for mass beheadings, sexual slavery of thousands of young girls or for the burning of gays alive in cages.
Inga even refused absolutely to criticize female genital mutilation by islamic extremists.
Nope. Only Heather Heyer matters. Only Heather.
Thousands of American families, victims of illegal alien crimes, mean nothing to her.
Not enough to mention anyway. They arent Heather Heyer.
Meanwhile, thousands of illegal alien murder victims are still dead.
Would have loved to see Northam do the moon walk! Man is his wife a spoil sport.
Inga...Allie Oop said: "It’s beyond strange that Republican oppo research didn’t find it before the election."
No, it isn't. There is a reason the the Republican Party is known as The Stupid Party. That they didn't find this is a perfect example of the Gillespie campaign's incompetence.
“Inga, after all these years, has refused to offer aby criticism at all of illegal alien murders, rapes or assaults. She has also steadfastly refused to criticize islamic supremacists for mass beheadings, sexual slavery of thousands of young girls or for the burning of gays alive in cages.
Inga even refused absolutely to criticize female genital mutilation by islamic extremists.
Nope. Only Heather Heyer matters. Only Heather.
Thousands of American families, victims of illegal alien crimes, mean nothing to her.”
What absolute lunacy. Drago, when you must resort to such lies, you’ve lost.
Can't all of you just do something else?
It’s just a comment thread, ST.
“No, it isn't. There is a reason the the Republican Party is known as The Stupid Party. That they didn't find this is a perfect example of the Gillespie campaign's incompetence.”
They may be stupid, but they can’t all be that stupid.
I am a black man, but I am not offended by the photo, though it is obviously in poor taste.
Good for him, but nobody should even care if he's offended. Taking offense is a power play in politics. It aims at silencing something.
I am escaping the "end times" Howard. Its a big world and much of it is not about to descend into a pit of madness.
If the US goes Venezuela, there will be no hiding.
It's not like you people are so elevated that being above it all is some sort of ego stroke, Walter. It's just my way to have a bit of fun. I'm too old to pull wings off flies, Cuck bashing is more socially redeeming.
The Phillipines can’t be any safer than the US nowadays.
Scott Adams always cares if somebody is offended; but then he goes out of his way to avoid offending women. There are career constraints even on a rich cartoonist.
Truth after retirement only.
SOTU is getting more fun by the minute!
Northam says he won the dance contest. He's setting himself up to be a contestant on Dancing With The Stars! Will them have him moonwalk? Of course they will. Will he be in blackface? Regrettably, no. It is, after all, network TV.
Cuck bashing is more socially redeeming.
Yeah, we like to bash Cucks like Paul Ryan and God rest his soul, John McCain too.
Buwaya Puti is an effective drama Queening successful in roping in Tim to his end times fetish
"I am a black man, but I am not offended by the photo, though it is obviously in poor taste."
Hey, guess what! I'm not a black man, but I am not offended by the stupid fucking photo either. Guess we're all alike under the skin. Or the hood. Whatever.
Fat fucking Heather shouldn't have been chasing after a car in a mob holding a weapon wishing to do someone she didn't even know grievous harm. Her heart attack was Karma. Instant Karma.
Chuck is the cuck we like to bash the most though. Kasich, another cuck, we used him for a piñata on the other thread.
You know, there are these survivalists and preppers out there, doing very, well, superficial things to prepare for some sort of general calamity, nuclear wars or widespread natural disaster. They are mainly fantasists half-desiring a dramatic cataclysm.
Thats not the most likely result in this case. A slow grinding descent, a fall from the pinnacle of humanity, a general impoverishment, are undramatic and unrewarding.
Consider the process to be much less like Sodom and Gomorrah, and much more like Detroit.
There are tons of examples around the world and from all times. Your crises in your "time of troubles" are not likely to involve burning cities, vast wastelands and hordes of mutant looters. Probably not even guillotines or firing squads. Much more likely is a descent into, well, Venezuela perhaps, but probably not even that. My own endstate projection is Argentina. Stable but inadequate and hopeless, a shadow of its former glory, and its people no longer entertaining the ambitions of their ancestors.
And the advice I have from an Argentine aquaintance is that the best disaster-prep is not arsenals and food-caches, but passports.
Tim making my job here a Cuck walk
“I dressed up in a ... what’s his name, the singer? Michael Jackson. Excuse me. That’s why I have Pam with me,” he said.
Northam said he jumped the gun Friday when he admitted in writing he was in the KKK-blackface photo, which he believes was mistakenly placed on his yearbook page without his knowledge.
“I didn’t study it as well as I should. The first comment I made to the individual that showed it to me, I said this can’t be me.”
Why didn’t he say that from the start?
“My word is important to me and my first intention ... was to reach out and apologize. As you might imagine and understand, there are a lot of people that are hurt by this and I wanted to reach out to them. After I did that last night, I sat and looked at the picture. Today, I’ve had the opportunity to talk to classmates, my roommate and I am convinced that is not my picture.”
“I have a very close friend who was my assistant during the campaign. He really did a good job of communicating to me why that's so offensive. And it was actually during that conversation, I said, ‘You know, Seth, I put some shoe polish on my face, I competed in a dance contest dressed up as Michael Jackson. And I said, ‘I assume you probably would think that's offensive.’ He said, ‘I would.’ And I said, ‘You know what, Seth, I appreciate you being open with me. I apologize for what I've done in the past. And I can promise you I'll never do that again in the future.’"
Mild Cognitive Decline? Spectrum dweller?
Or..Occam's Razor says...
Our hostess is exactly correct, this is a political hit to take Northam out to stem the bleeding from his Kingsley’s Gaffe on abortion. I wouldn’t be surprised if Terry McAuliffe’s scummy fingerprints are on the release of the photo. The left does so oppo research at a level that’s leaps and bounds ahead of the right, it’s beyond belief that they wouldn’t have had this years ago.
OK, I’m bored. Later Howard.
Weren’t 20 killed in a bombing of a Catholic cathedral in the Phillipines last week by ISIS? Seems like we here is the States may be safer from attacks by ISIS than the Phillipines.
Inga: "What absolute lunacy. Drago, when you must resort to such lies, you’ve lost."
Here we go again!
Okay Inga: post s link to just one criticism you ever offered for any of those things. Ever.
You cant, because you never have.
Now, as before, you will start spinning like a whirling dervish to avoid the obvious: you literally never have.
More importantly, you never will.
Only Heather Heyer matters.
Because she is politically useful.
Alinsky Rule #4: "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."
StoughtonSconnie: "Our hostess is exactly correct, this is a political hit to take Northam out to stem the bleeding from his Kingsley’s Gaffe on abortion."
Who can forget how Inga and her democrat infanticide allies asserted that the undercover Planned Parenthood videos were deceptively edited....and now it has been proven that Inga and her pals were lying about those videos.
Inga and her pals had to lie about the videos, because what those videos exposed was the horror that the democrats want to allow.
Dan Bongino claimed this morning to have known of this photo months ago, but refrained from comment on it because he had no verification of the authenticity.
Buwaya Puti promotes running away from trouble. That's real honor.
Perhaps to get him out before the amount of Planned Parenthood $$ support he got becomes common knowledge?
But the Lt. Guv has ties as well.
Goodnight Dick
Bongino is not a journalist, he stated that he is an opinion commentator. Odd that an opinion commentator has higher standards of journalism than actual journalists these days.
It's now being reported that Governor Northam is claiming that Billie Jean is NOT his lover, although he does recall dancing with her, on the floor, in the round.
The Philippines has a 5% Muslim minority.
My advice to you is to avoid aquiring a 5% Muslim minority.
Not that such advice will do any good, nor could you prevent it, even if you were convinced, as its going to happen. No more than the population of Europe could. Its just one of the calamities that are baked in due to the state of your leadership and your culture.
Re the bombing of the Jolo Cathedral. The Cathedral was in, well, Jolo. Jolo is a Muslim island, the seat of the old Sultanate, and not coincidentally a very violent place. The Cathedral serves a Christian minority, which does not usually leave the Jolo city limits. Its that kind of place. Muslims from these places are likely to wander about or settle outside their zones, and they have, increasing the general risk. But for the most part they torture each other and whatever infidel victims are close at hand.
My ancestor was in the Spanish expedition that took the place for Spain in 1876. I am translating an account of the expedition.
"Northam said he only realized the Michael Jackson blackface was offensive during a conversation about blackface with a young campaign staffer."
Add in his idiotic comments about abortion and that he refused to shake hands with his black GOP opponent in 2103 and there emerges the pattern of a clueless man. (His level of stupidity reminds me of a former COO I had who was good at getting promoted and in shifting the blame, but little else.)
To air out these grievances, I propose that Kamala Harris sponsor a "Beer Summit" -- similar to what Obama did with that cop and Professor Henry Louis Gates - for Governor Northam and Al Sharpton at the nearest Popeye's restaurant.
We could call it the "Fried Chicken Summit".
Yes. Running away is the logical thing to do in the face of oncoming danger that you cannot stop. Its like cowardly Hawaiian homeowners leaving in the face of flowing lava. I suppose you could call a Hawaiian courageous, who stands his ground before a lava flow, and dares it to burn him. One sort of courage.
What you have coming for you is a human-cultural lava flow.
and maybe later:
"At The Black-Faced Rat can deny did or saw the drawing"
What a pity there's no new SNL tonight. With all this Northam news, you can be sure their cold open would be a skit ridiculing Trump.
"I am a black man, but I am not offended by the photo, though it is obviously in poor taste. It looks like a joke to me."
Well, that's so generous of you, black man.
Now, I'm sure you will give GOPers the same benefit of the doubt, won't you?
And you'll help us resist the identity-political demeaning of conservatives, right?
Thanks in advance, black man!
If he was doing a Jackson impression he'd be wearing the varsity jacket from thriller, the leather jacket from beat it.
CWJ@5:35PM With a little something for you cucks and Democrats straining to give Coonman the benefit of the doubt. Democrat party members were always going to stand up for fellow traitors and bigots, but WTF is wrong with you pathetic fucking non-democratic party members? Well, you'll have to come up with a better excuse to tell yourself why this despicable baby-killer bigot deserves to be given the benefit of the doubt.
His story (now) is that's not him in the picture.
But he admits to the other dance scenario..wearing black only on his cheeks because it's hard to remove.
He should just shut his moronic trap...but I hope he shows up on MTP or the like tomorrow...maybe Ellen next week. He can show his moves in an appropriate setting and seek redemption.
Kinda concerned for those who were under his medical care.
Yesterday, he remembered it was him in the picture but couldn't remember if he was in the robe or blackface. Today he remembered that he was not in the picture at all. Just imagine what tomorrow will bring.
Under no circumstances do I want Governor Ralph Abortham to resign. Nope. I want him to be the face (ha) of the latest iteration of the pro-death movement. Stay in the news buddy. Don't give up!!!
I know a funny little man,
As quiet as a mouse,
Who does the mischief that is done
In everybody’s house!
There’s no one ever sees his face,
And yet we all agree
That every plate we break was cracked
By Mr. Nobody.
’Tis he who always tears out books,
Who leaves the door ajar,
He pulls the buttons from our shirts,
And scatters pins afar;
That squeaking door will always squeak,
For prithee, don’t you see,
We leave the oiling to be done
By Mr. Nobody.
Sorry red jacket from beat it, I would accepted the time machine explanation
And then there was his mixed-up or downright evil statement about very late-term abortions.
Try downright evil. And I would regard post-partum as "very, very late term."
@Althouse, I think that his stand on abortion does have something to do with his current troubles. I think the party leadership figures that if he can't get a simple post-partum abortion bill through then then need to get someone who can. They're hoping Justin Fairfax can play the black card effectively.
I'm surprised no one has brought up Northam attending VMI when it was all male.
So does that mean the Lt. Gov., if he serves out the remainder of Northam’s term, would nevertheless be eligible to run in 2021? Makes you wonder who might have had something to gain from all this becoming public.
Yes to your question.
Dems are an odd bunch. I know other folks have made this point, but the Virginia Gov is totally cool with post-birth abortions today, but all tied up in knots over goofy yearbook photos from 35 years ago.
Seems like a misplaced focus. But, Hey, that's just me.
Well I gotta say; debating Governor Northam's racial indiscretions from 35 years ago sure does give us something to talk about besides, say, health care reform or the national debt.
And debating Northam is so much easier; less data and fewer hard decisions.
"So does that mean the Lt. Gov., if he serves out the remainder of Northam’s term, would nevertheless be eligible to run in 2021? Makes you wonder who might have had something to gain from all this becoming public."
Worked for LBJ.
Facial Recognition software has determined that the guy in blackface was Lindsey Graham. Yeah, that's the ticket.
An amusing related matter - the NYT has published a piece by a fellow called Pollack-Pelzner, who calls the Disney Mary Poppins racist because of the chimney-sweep scene, where, of course, everyone is in "blackface", having been flying through chimneys. Pollack-Pelzner is some sort of academic and a regular contributor, as a theater and literature critic, to the New Yorker.
You may not consider this little bit of hysterical absurdity a sign of the end-times - but it is, in the context of the case, and of the ubiquity of the incident, and of the unanimity of the world view. Pollack-Pelzner is not some outlier among English professors. They are nearly all like that, and the main difference between this gentleman and his peers is that nearly all the others would also like to be published in the NYT and the New Yorker, but aren't.
These sorts of characters, and much worse, indoctrinate your coming generations leadership, and worse yet are part of the filters they have to pass, and to top it off they train other layers of the filter screen. This is why you are in a hopeless case. Two generations of poisoned minds, and the one coming up is in an even worse case, as the filters become ever finer.
And, of course, that the pinnacle-arbiters of your high culture print this fellows work, and so much else, in all seriousness. Cause or symptom? Chicken or egg?
This goof well hes well credentialed:
@buwaya -- Titania McGrath is all over the Mary Poppins meme.
Here's an old photo of Julie Andrews applying blackface for a production of "Porgy and Bess".
Chuck, who is debating Northam?
This is a controversy made up in the MSM. They decide, we don't.
What we talk about here matters not one bit to anyone. It, like NR, is for amusement only.
And, I note, you pay no heed to actual economic conditions or data when they are presented, say in the context of the administrations economic policy. If you want a data-driven struggle session re employment rates or labor force participation (and I will require regression models, or at least trendlines), then have at it.
Titania McGrath has pre-parodied pundit Professor Pollack-Pelzner.
And another loose squirrel:
When the topic doesn't fit the narrative - you shut everyone up or attempt to change the subject.
This is a leftist fascist tactic.
Remember how circumspect and restrained people were in their criticism of Michael Jackson. There's a guy that got lots and lots of due process and presumption of innocence. Compare that with how Northam is being treated, especially by black leaders who were so cautious in rushing to any kind of judgment on Michael Jackson. Duly noted: impersonating Michael Jackson is a far more heinous offense than child molestation.......Megan Kelly's career got terminated just for saying she didn't think it was wrong for a white woman to dress up as Diana Ross. This man actually dressed up as Michael Jackson. There can be no forgiveness.
I wonder if some enterprising journalist will track down the other person in the photograph. There are lives yet to be ruined for a bad joke from thirty five years ago......I wonder if Northampton had been running as a Republican if one if his classmates wouldn't hav dropped a dime on him.......Picture, if you will, a revered white comedian who went around slipping girls knock out drops and raping them. Do you think he could have gotten away with it for decades?
Quilted northam, has just gotten too silly.
"I am a black man, but I am not offended by the photo, though it is obviously in poor taste. It looks like a joke to me."
Aww, that's cute. The man thinks the mob has actually taken offense.
Poor LLR Chuck. His ally Northam has left self-described smear merchant and #StrongDemDefender Chuck in an extremely difficult position as Chuck tries his hardest to somehow distract from this latest democrat snafu.
Quite frankly, between Chuck's democrat pals letting their desired "pro-4th Trimester" abortion policy out of the bag and now this, LLR Chuck's standard MediaMatters/DNC/VOX/MSNBC talking points are nowhere near powerful enough to change the subject.
LLR Chuck may be forced to resort to some of his more extreme measures, which he was happy to employ before, such as making racist attacks (not a good time for that now, is it?) and blaming Trump, or threatening women and claiming he was just making a point, or, most likely, attacking children online.
If I had to bet I would guess LLR Chuck would go with the child rumor-mongering/smear attacks. He seems to enjoy those the best.
Ronnie Jackson, has regained his post and sinker has been absolved of ethics charges
I gots the Hot Sauce in my Pocket,
And I aint no-wise tarr'd baby.
The Black Race--
I dressed in black face
to mock it.
But now that wasnt me,
Or yes it was, maybe
Sat night lift dump
that's not funny.
Franken was no longer politically viable and self-aborted with a selfie and a giggle.
@ Chuck
All of the sudden, racism and sexual indiscretions like this are unimportant. For two and a half years up until two days ago, they were everything important. VERY important. And they will once again become VERY important next week, when something against an R or Trump comes to light.
Well I gotta say; debating Governor Northam's racial indiscretions from 35 years ago sure does give us something to talk about besides, say, health care reform or the national debt.
No one cared when Obama was in control and the debt was doubled, no one cares now.
Seeing Red: The Only adult in the Room.
Take a bow!
Rt1 Rebel, LLR Chuck already knows that, as do all allies of Team Dem/Left.
Last weeks incredible jobs report along with China's agreement to purchase a zillion tons of soybeans and the amazing manufacturing numbers and the the US pulling out of the BS INF treaty so we can kick the Russians and Chinese butts in missile development have all been body blows to Chuck.
Not even curling up with issue after issue of lefty billionaire-funded pro-dem propaganda will enable Chuck to rise out of his funk.
If there is a dog anywhere near Chuck these days, Watch Out!
the NYT has published a piece by a fellow called Pollack-Pelzner, who calls the Disney Mary Poppins racist because of the chimney-sweep scene
So, they want to decarbonize the economy because of anthropogenic coal dust diversity, not because of the prophecy of Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming, which is a separate racket and means to force redistributive change.
To sum up:
"I didn't do it. You can't prove it. I'll never do it again."
"Last weeks incredible jobs report along with China's agreement to purchase a zillion tons of soybeans and the anazing manufacturing numbers the the US pulling out of the BS INF treaty si we can kick the Russians and Chinese butts in missile development have all been body blows to Chuck."
Even Chuck must appreciate Trump pumping up his portfolio.
We've now established the precedent that careers can be ruined for a tasteless joke from thirty five years in the past. I suppose if it had to happen to anyone, then Northam is more deserving than most. Still, it's a precedent, and Northam won't be the last casualty.
Inga: "In the meantime Heather Heyer is still dead."
You know, Inga, a couple of years back an illegal immigrant killed three people in Woodburn, OR, maybe 20 miles north of here. He had already been deported six times. For those who need reminding, initial illegal entry and visa-overstaying are civil infractions, but reentry after deportation is a felony. So, multiple felon here.
Anyway, three people are dead. But none of them is named Heather Heyer, so they don't count. Is that it?
"I am a black man, but I am not offended by the photo, though it is obviously in poor taste. It looks like a joke to me."
You can recruit a lot of Toms in 300 years.
“Anyway, three people are dead. But none of them is named Heather Heyer, so they don't count. Is that it?”
Michelle, perhaps you haven’t noticed, but I only bring up the murder of Heather Heyer when rightists here say it’s the left that is is violent and would like to kill them. I’ve heard this so many times I can only counter with an example of the woman who was killed by a rightist, a white supremacist and a Trump supporter.
Michelle perhaps you missed this comment and the subsequent comments by Drago. This is what I was responding to.
“She also cheered for all sorts of violence committed by democrats because NRA supporters should just expect to get shot by crazy leftists.
Because they deserve it for supporting gun rights.
Democrats are the party of the KKK. They were all democrats and still are.
They just direct their hatred and racism at different people. Nothing really changed.”
2/2/19, 5:54 PM
Inga: "Michelle, perhaps you haven’t noticed, but I only bring up the murder of Heather Heyer when rightists here say it’s the left that is is violent and would like to kill them."
In all the years she has been posting here, Inga has never once criticized MS13 murderers, islamic extremist mass murderer and mass enslavers, the practitioners of FGM, illegal alien criminals, etc.
Meanwhile, Inga has called Trump voters every single name in the book, and then some.
When called on her galactic hypocrisy, Inga always denies it.
When challenged to produce a single posting where she did in fact criticize any of the above groups, Inga........doesn't.
Because she can't.
Because she hasn't.
And because she never will.
The only difficulty Inga might encounter in the future is when an islamic supremacist murders the next Heather Heyer. At that time, Inga will probably do what the lefties did when the islamists murdered journalist Daniel Pearl: they blamed Bush and the republicans. Including Daniel Pearl's own father.
Behold: the Left
Behold Drago, who cannot speak without lies.
What's most amazing is that Inga won't even write the names of young girls butchered by Nancy Pelosi's and the dems "spark of divinity" MS13ers.
She won't even write their names.
They are nameless and faceless sacrifices on the altar of a desired permanent democrat majority secured by a massive influx of uneducated third worlders who know only to vote socialist.
It literally took Inga a full year after the Hodkinson shooting to write that it was wrong for a democrat Bernie Bro to shoot up a field full of republicans. She spent an entire year dancing around that with the classic dem tactic of using weak tea generics and never calling dems/leftists/protected identity groups out by name.
But then again, why should Inga be different than any other democrat/LLR?
I would be more sympathetic to the Governor if he hadn't run an ugly, race-baiting campaign to get elected.
That's my take. Ed Gillespie is no racist, and the Northam campaign repeated painted him as one.
I wonder if Drago sits with his device next to him at all times checking to see when he can jump in and spread more propaganda.
I suspect this is his job, no one with a any other job can be here and commenting as much as Drago.
Inga: "Behold Drago, who cannot speak without lies."
A single link from you to a past post where you criticized any of those above groups would prove me a liar.
But you have yet to produce one.
Because you can't.
Because you haven't.
And you never will.
Inga: "I wonder if Drago sits with his device next to him at all times checking to see when he can jump in and spread more propaganda."
Inga just sat here for several days watching post after post after post by PPPT and she said......nothing.
Fen's Law.
Over and over again.
Just a single link to one of your past posts criticizing any of those groups Inga.
Just a single link.
Just a single one.
Drago, I’m not going to play your game of defending myself from something I know I’m not guilty of. Your propaganda skills are probably your only strong suit, otherwise I’d say you’re a pretty weak human being who is obsessed with the liberals who comment here.
My favorite Inga obfuscation/defense of the worst sort of behavior on the part of one her favored groups was when, after it was pointed out by the CDC that literally thousands of girls in the US (guess what religious denomination, I'll bet you can) were at serious risk of FGM, what was Inga's response?
Oh so telling.
"Not all of them"
It was the quintessential Inga.
Inga: "Drago, I’m not going to play your game of defending myself from something I know I’m not guilty of."
There really is no defense for not posting a single criticism of horrific actions for so many years by so many of your favored groups.
So, you're right, you're not going to defend yourself.
Because you can't.
Inga, you don't know the names of the people killed in Woodburn, because they weren't deemed newsworthy, unlike Heather Heyer. Just a few people killed by another person, nothing to see here, move along. Your Mass Killing of the Week. And we shuffle along and deal with it, do we not?
If you can think of a woman in Charlottesville who was killed by "a rightist, a white supremacist and a Trump supporter," and I can think of three people (one a woman) killed by a six-times-deported illegal immigrant half an hour's drive from my house, which of us is in the right? Maybe both of us?
There really is no defense for not posting a single criticism of horrific actions for so many years by so many of your favored groups.
You can't defend yourself against things you didn't do.
Sounds like a Johnny Cash song.
Michelle, I actually dared Inga to simply write the names of the girls slaughtered by the dems "spark of divinity" MS13 machete butchers.
Inga refused to even write their names.
Absolutely refused.
But Heather Heyer? About a hundred mentions by Inga.
Drago claims/ claimed ALL Muslims want/have/ are in favor of having their daughters mutilated. I said no, not all of them, but Drago would like you to believe something else. That IS quintessential propaganda. This is what Drago does, 24/7. Drago is very dishonest. Drago is a propagandist.
Inga: "This is what Drago does, 24/7. Drago is very dishonest. Drago is a propagandist."
Simply post a single link that would prove me wrong.
A single one would do it.
But you can't.
Because you haven't.
And you never will.
Just think about that.
Inga has been posting here for years. YEARS
Yet she can't link to a single post where she criticized MS13 murderers, islamic supremacist murderers and sexual enslavers, practitioners of FGM, etc.
Not a single link.
Because it doesn't exist.
You know Inga, a normal person, even a dem, if given enough time, would by now have at least "accidentally" posted a criticism of one of these groups.
But not you.
It's not "the liberals who post here" so much as the very wide group of activist, committed Leftist Collectivists that the commenters here represent. The negative externalities Leftists produce in their Collectivist pursuit of power must be ignored. Any recognition of negatives that flow from the pursuit of power must never be acknowledged.
We cannot spend $4 trillion per year on Medicaid for all? Your numbers and logic cannot survive my feelz.
And that is true for every issue.
The fact of the matter Inga is that no one can be here 24/7, yet I felt supremely confident that because you had been the "slipperiest" little lefty eel in refusing to offer up any criticism whatsoever of these favored groups of yours while I've been on the site that you clearly had no intention of ever offering any criticism of any of these groups.
And you have demonstrated quite clearly that is true.
It is a part of Leftism that man might be perfected. If man is perfectable then man can be made to have no downside. The entire Leftist project, therefore, can be seen as an all-benefit, no-detriment program.
Admitting a cost subverts the overall messaging.
Birkel: "It is a part of Leftism that man might be perfected."
That is indeed central to leftist "thought".
A hundred million humans in mass graves in just 70 years is a testament to the lefties intention and seriousness about seeing that through.
“And you have demonstrated quite clearly that is true.”
And you Drago have demonstrated that you will sink to whatever level you feel you need to to spread your propaganda, but that is what propagandists have been trained to do. Anyone with an inkling of awareness by now must suspect that is what you are.
Inga: "And you Drago have demonstrated that you will sink to whatever level you feel you need to to spread your propaganda,..."
So many many many words when a single link would do the trick.
Just a single one.
But it isn't there, is it Inga?
But if man may be perfected then there cannot be costs.
That is the interesting next thought.
Seeing red,
What does that matter if caggggw monster will consume us in like 12 yrs?
Simply taxing the snot out if rich ogres will pay
Birkel: "But if man may be perfected then there cannot be costs.
That is the interesting next thought."
That's the first of several fundamental lefty axioms that makes it perfectly acceptable to plow live humans under the dirt if it advances the Lefty project.
Those weren't human costs, just necessary steps on the way to making the lefty Paradise omelette.
You and I are both already dead because net neutrality was repealed.
Did you not get the memo?
“That's the first of several fundamental lefty axioms that makes it perfectly acceptable to plow live humans under the dirt if it advances the Lefty project.
Those weren't human costs, just necessary steps on the way to making the lefty Paradise omelette.”
And the Propaganda beat goes on...
Birkel: "walter, You and I are both already dead because net neutrality was repealed.
Did you not get the memo?"
You were already dead before that due to the de-regulations of the Trump admin.
....wait!! I stand corrected! You were dead after de-reg but before Net Neutrality because of the obamacare changes!!
....wait!! I stand corrected! You were dead after (insert any random Trump admin policy here) but before (insert any other random Trump admin policy here) because of (insert any other Trump admin policy here)!!
Yes, on the macro level. Anybody can see the eggs that were broken.
But on the micro level individual Leftists must deny costs. Witness Inga never admitting a cost. She holds that one name as a talisman. But she (almost literally) cannot admit the costs that you and I see. To do so would cause cognitive dissonance.
It's an idea that is new to me on the micro level.
It would explain a lot.
But you got much better,
Inga: "And the Propaganda beat goes on..."
Inga now denying, in real time, the at least 100 Million humans killed in the communist "experiments" of the 20th century.
All those millions....don't even exist to Inga. They never existed to the left. They never existed at all.
No wonder Inga will never criticize the mass murderers of MS13, islamic supremacists, illegal aliens, etc.
Inga won't write the names of illegal alien murder victims.
A hundred million murdered by commies. Inga's response? Nothing.
But Heather Heyer get's 10,000 mentions.
She counts. Because she serves the cause.
Birkel: "It's an idea that is new to me on the micro level.
It would explain a lot."
The left could never carry out their plans on the macro level without total acquiescence and lock-step behavior of the lefties at the micro level.
Vaclev Havel said it best in his "Power of the Powerless".
Mass psychosis I can understand.
But how does one confront the individual believer who must deny the obvious or suffer the collapse of an entire belief system?
They may as well be anorexic and I am trying to get them to stop doing jumping jacks at 3am in their hospital room.
You cannot say the right thing to such a person.
It would be interesting to hear Inga explain how Heather Heyer gets so many mentions, but no one else does, even though they number in the millions (in particular the thousands of murdered citizens in the US by illegals).
But then, the lefties never explain that, do they?
Just look at how many lefties came out, in the wide open spaces of twitter and in print, calling for the destruction and murder of not just the 16 year old Covington kid, but also his entire family. In fact, his entire community.
The left knows who stands in the way of their brave new world, and they are going after them.
Damn it, Birkel.
I should have been informed.
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