"... the severed penis is instead a listless nubbin, small and sad: not a pound of flesh so much as a few pathetic ounces. Still, it is the enduring symbolic power of the penis which gives the documentary its cumulatively disquieting effect.... Most salutary is the way that 'Lorena' reveals what happens when symbols of manhood are under threat—a subject as relevant today as it was in the early nineties, when John’s penis became a potent stand-in for masculinity itself and the cultural response to Lorena’s act suggested what might ensue when masculinity is robbed of its potency.... The raucous humor that still surrounds the story—that made the Bobbitts a punch line for decades—disguises an unbidden and unwelcome sense of vulnerability on the part of that half of the population who had hitherto not been obliged to think of their intimate body parts as means by which they might be violated. It takes a comedian, Whoopi Goldberg, to articulate, in a clip from her show, the unfunny truth behind the humor. 'Women live with the knowledge that weird shit can happen at any point—you go down a dark alley and whoosh, somebody grabs you,”' she says. 'Now men actually have to think about this shit.'"
From "The Lorena Bobbitt Story Offers New Lessons on Male Vulnerability" by Rebecca Mead (in The New Yorker), about the 4-part Amazon documentary, "Lorena."
I remember the days of court tv and live coverage of this trial. I watched quite a bit of it.
I vividly remember thinking, though now I don't remember why, that the prosecutor made it sound like the severed penis had somehow come to life and was chasing Lorena around the room.
Also first time I ever heard of Greta van Sustern.
John Henry
"Women live with the knowledge that weird shit can happen at any point"
As opposed to men, who do all of the dangerous jobs, are much more likely to get hurt doing them, run far greater risks at the hands of other men, and die on average, oh, about five years earlier.
But hey, as readers of this blog well know, when it comes to women's bodies, any absurdity goes.
Let me guess......Lorena is being re-cast as the victim?
The truth is that I am deathly afraid to go into a dark bedroom, and Whoosh, somebody grabs me and cuts off my penis. I think about it all the time.
Yes, I didn't read the article.
The writer assumes way too much I think.
Men don't usually obsess about the potential for bodily harm. Some odd neurotic ones may do so, but it is unusual.
Even when in dangerous situations. Fight or flight is episodic at best, not back-of-the-mind 3am anxiety. Nor is severe injury in someone else usually met with "there but for the grace of God go I". Male dread is rarely personal, or not in a bodily sense. It is always a matter of status and respect.
There is an underlying sense of expendability in the male, which I think is misunderstood as invulnerability.
"In 2013, there were up to 507,000 U.S. women and girls who had undergone FGM/C or were at risk of the procedure, according to PRB’s data analysis. This figure is more than twice the number of women and girls estimated to be at risk in 2000 (228,000).4"
When this sad fact was pointed out to Inga some months back her response was "not all muslim girls".
So, good news. Only hundreds of thousands of muslim girls in the US are in danger of this barbaric procedure at the hands of islamic practitioners, some of them even women.
I remember movies in the 80s the some guy got his balls crushed or dick chopped. The women giggled and the guys groaned. Been going on forever, and violently. Ancient mythologies created vagina dentata . . .
"Did you see the dick on that bug?"
Men have less to fear from modern women cutting their dicks off than they have to fear from the Trans-sexual Medical Science tempting them into doing that to themselves.
Men have always been subject to this sort of treatment--in all the battles in all the wars in all the world that they have fought in, in torture after having been captured, etc.
Any woman who thinks men either are invulnerable or think they're invulnerable is just wrong.
Male genital mutilation is far more widespread than female genital mutilation .
It's called "circumcision."
I used to think this was kind of a funny subject. That is until I learned that the foreskin is the male equivalent of the clitoris.
Genital mutilation produces the same result in men as in women, which is remarkably reduced sensory stimulation during sex.
But, as you'll see in the comments that follow, you're not a real man if you bitch about this and the whole subject is really pretty funny.
Hunter S Thompson said, "When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." He was certainly right in this case.
There wouldn't have been nearly as many jokes if the couples' last name had been Smith.
IIR Osiris was cut into pieces by his brother Set but his wife Isis found and reassembled all his pieces except his dick, but she concieved a son by him anyway, and the son took revenge.
All emasculators out there take warning.
One difference vis-a-vis FGM/C (thats quite an acronym, and useful!) is that any male equivalent would greatly reduce or remove fertility, while the female would not. Pretty fundamental.
Penile removal or injury is not much of a theme in male-oriented literature. Quite rare really. Eunuchs are present mainly as elements of the exotic. It seems to be much more of a thing in female lit, and especially gay lit. There's a reason Mary Renault's "Persian Boy" made her rich. Homosexuality leads to very specific obsessions it seems.
This is otherwise a very rare detail. The only case I can think of in anything prominent is in Neal Stephenson's "Baroque Cycle". So far, I think I am one of the very few to have waded through the whole thing.
A man can be raped... or is it rape-raped (hat tip: Whooopi)? But a man... correction, masculine male, cannot be "burdened" (hat tip: Obama) in the organic sense. A man could lose his penis in a phallus-envy rage. A man is more likely to be rape-raped by a male transgender/homosexual, transvestite, neo-female, and fiscally raped by their legal partner of either sex. So, there is a difference in risk profiles.
As an uncircumcized male, and having long and intimate experience with clitorii, I can attest that the foreskin is in no way similar.
It's a lesson for men; be careful about whom you marry.
And I imagine that for millennia the risk of being shorted "down there" was very real. As late as World War II the Japanese were fond of cutting off the penis of American prisoners.
This topic cannot be allowed to pass without the
Seinfeld Bris scene
"... not a pound of flesh so much as a few pathetic ounces."
How can you tell if a Scotsman is a McDonald? Lift up his kilt and see if he has a quarter pounder?
"He always have orgasm and he doesn't wait for me to have orgasm," she told a police lieutenant hours after the incident. "He's selfish. I don't think it's fair, so I pulled back the sheets then and I did it."
" . . . disguises an unbidden and unwelcome sense of vulnerability on the part of that half of the population who had hitherto not been obliged to think of their intimate body parts as means by which they might be violated"
So we have a female writer (she has no other qualifications) writing about how men feel.
For a counter factual, imagine a man cuts off his wife tits because he thinks that she is fooling around. The impact this has on the way women think is explored, not by a psychologist or sociologist, but a male feature writer.
For the record, men have been castrating men and boys for thousands of years, sometimes as punishment, sometimes for utilitarian reasons. Ms. Mead does not seem to know anything at all about what and how men think.
The left's goal is not to make everyone happy (by ending rape, discrimination, or distributing wealth), but to make everyone miserable (by making people afraid or by killing the rich). Whoopi Goldberg well expresses this attitude.
It's a mentality, not (only) an ideology.
“When this sad fact was pointed out to Inga some months back her response was "not all muslim girls".”
Liar. I said not all Muslims believe in the barbaric practice. Did I indicate in ANY way that I was in favor of or was I dismissive of the FGM that does occur in this country? No, but you’d love to push that notion. Why Drago are you such an unserious, lying sack of shit? What is wrong with you?
Can you not make a cogent argument without dragging in some liberal by name and lying about what they said? Drago is daily trying to push the notion that ALL Muslims are alike, that they all practice their religion the same way. Also, is FGM tied to Islam? Is it tied to Islam at all? Or is it cultural in certain countries?
Also why does Drago use the subject of this blogpost to accuse others of being in favor of heinous acts? I think he is driven to do so by some internal extremist thought process. It is not normal.
Males are also vulnerable because the have extremely sensitive testicles that nature made hang outside the body.
"Women live with the knowledge that weird shit can happen at any point"
Because women worry themselves silly. Overanalyzing. 'Reading to much into things'. Taking to much that cannot be helped. You name it. Women aren't defenseless and vulnerable on planet earth because they don't have a penis, women are defenseless and vulnerable on earth because they're smaller, have half a man's muscle mass, have a poorer sense of hand-eye-coordination, and distinct lack of testosterone.
Women are creatures that evolved to be afraid of mountain lions, sabre tooth cats, and even foxes. Men kill mountain lions with their bare hands, bears too. Women do not. Men use spatial relationships to invent spears and bows and arrows. Women do not.
Women are afraid because for most of history, men are not a woman's biggest threat...it is quite literally everything else. Women have evolved a whole suite of methods TO ATTRACT A MAN as soon as possible to protect them against 'everything else'.
Whoopi projects not because she's afraid of memen, but because at this point, no man would come near her.
...and oh yeah. Lorena cut his dick off because if I remember right she was jealous of his carrousing and her hind-brain was afraid 'of losing him'. Way to strike a blow by channeling your Id Lorena...way to strike a blow for womankind.
More proof that journalists are stupid people who don't get out much.
Almost every sport men play includes some kind of protection for the rather tender bits that hang out. Every young boy becomes very aware of their vulnerability. You could ask any man and he will tell you how he learned his vulnerability.
A suggestion to journalists. Don't start your long treatise with something that is obviously false. Anyone who isn't as stupid as you will stop reading.
"It is not normal."
No, it's not normal for someone to accuse others of things they did not write or say. The person is not attempting to engage in sincere debate about a intellectual or policy idea. It's typical of anti-social behaviour. For anyone who is interested in abnormal psychology, it's interesting. Many articles about sociopathy on the internet. Gamergate & other weird stuff on the internet make good research subjects and data bases for research.
This typology wants to generate a negative emotional response from the target. Reasons? It varies slightly, but they're all similar: to generate a feeling of power over others, a joy of hurting others, or or to cause chaos.
Don't try to engage as if the person is a normal psychology and expect you'll get a normal or healthy response. You won't because their goal is not to be social or what we call "normal" human behaviour. The goal is anti-social, not social.
Inga: "Liar. I said not all Muslims believe in the barbaric practice."
Great!! That only leaves hundreds of thousands of young girls at risk!! Woo hoo.
But then, I'll bet none of their names are "Heather Heyer", literally the only death that matters to Inga. She actually laughed out loud about the Angel Moms during the SOTU.
None of those children's names were "Heather Heyer" either.
Inga: "Did I indicate in ANY way that I was in favor of or was I dismissive of the FGM that does occur in this country?"
Yes, by dismissing it with a "not all muslims"....and then....that was that. As always.
There is, to this day on this blog, not a single post by you criticizing any muslim practice, regardless of how barbaric or murderous, anywhere to be found.
Nor will there ever be.
“...way to strike a blow for womankind.”
FYI, Lorena doesn’t represent all womankind. Men commit heinous violent sexual acts toward women also. I won’t blame all of mankind.
Scene from the movie "Teeth".
Have to watch the movie to see what the dog does next
Drago, get some help for your OCD.
Inga: "Also, is FGM tied to Islam? Is it tied to Islam at all? Or is it cultural in certain countries? "
And there you go.
Oh no. It's all strictly coincidental where it shows up in the US, Great Britain, Western Europe, the Middle East, the Far East, Africa, etc.
All just one big coincidence. One. Big. Coincidence.
After all, they aren't MAGA-hat wearing Catholic High Schoolers, so how bad can they be really?
Inga: "Drago, get some help for your OCD."
That's about all you had left in the quiver, wasn't it?
Inga, your time would be better spent telling FGM practitioners to get some help for their barbarity.
Like that would ever happen.
“ Also, is FGM tied to Islam? Is it tied to Islam at all? Or is it cultural in certain countries? “
Exactly the kind of bad-faith, mock-disingenuous, idiocy that changed me from a liberal into a conservative in the late ‘80’s.
If Inga is correct and a large percentage of Muslims do not believe in these barbaric practices, then why aren't they speaking out more forcefully against it?
Why is it that so few do?
So very few.
And those that do, like Ayann Hirsi Ali are viciously attacked by leftists and not even allowed to speak on some college campuses where the crazy Inga-like lefties control things.
Those idiot lefties at Brandeis got the invitation for an honorary degree and speaking event for Ali cancelled.
Why? Because she speaks out about the barbaric islamic practices which were inflicted upon her personally.
But Inga's lefty pals want nothing to do with her.
Why? Because today's left is fully and completely aligned with radical islam...and that goes to their continuous BDS attacks on Israel as well.
That "hind-brain"/"female Id" piece of that comment went right last you didn't it?
“So we have a female writer (she has no other qualifications) writing about how men feel.
For a counter factual, imagine a man cuts off his wife tits because he thinks that she is fooling around. The impact this has on the way women think is explored, not by a psychologist or sociologist, but a male feature writer.”
I don’t that is as good of a counter factual as, for example, sewing up her vagina or having a clitorectomy done on her.
“For the record, men have been castrating men and boys for thousands of years, sometimes as punishment, sometimes for utilitarian reasons. Ms. Mead does not seem to know anything at all about what and how men think.”
A couple of weeks ago, my partner and I got into a debate. She claimed that Roman gladiators were gelded for performance reasons. That didn’t make sense to me, because it is the testosterone that facilitates muscle mass growth. It appears that I was right (but won’t bring it up with her, because she will claim that our positions were reversed). Turns out that Romans apparently loved castration as a spectacle. Interestingly, some losing gladiators were given the choice of self castration or death. Given the social consequences of castration, apparently a majority chose death. There was also a decent amount of rape by mostly foreign objects. After all, if it is part of the spectacle, then a nice clean death is not nearly as exciting as a slow painful one. And the Roman masses loved their executions.
So why is FGM always, with almost no exceptions, carried out by women?
How come men get the blame for something they have nothing to do with?
John Henry
“It is not normal."
“No, it's not normal for someone to accuse others of things they did not write or say. The person is not attempting to engage in sincere debate about a intellectual or policy idea. It's typical of anti-social behaviour. For anyone who is interested in abnormal psychology, it's interesting. Many articles about sociopathy on the internet. Gamergate & other weird stuff on the internet make good research subjects and data bases for research.
This typology wants to generate a negative emotional response from the target. Reasons? It varies slightly, but they're all similar: to generate a feeling of power over others, a joy of hurting others, or or to cause chaos.
Don't try to engage as if the person is a normal psychology and expect you'll get a normal or healthy response. You won't because their goal is not to be social or what we call "normal" human behaviour. The goal is anti-social, not social.”
Very well put wwww.
What about Huma's ladybits? Are they all there?
Here mother has always been an advocate of FGM. Her mother's scholarly journal where Huma was editor in chief was in favor of it.
If Huma has a mutilated vulva, labia, clit etc, it might explain her husband's behavior.
John Henry
Inga quoting wwww: "No, it's not normal for someone to accuse others of things they did not write or say."
How many recent incidents do we have where the lefties like Inga accused others of things they did not say, write or do.
Covington Catholic anyone?
The Jussie Smollet hoax?
An entire cottage industry of pundits who tell us what Trump "really said" and what his supporters "really believe".
Armies of lefties now claim a MAGA hat is a white hood.
History will forever begin anew each day for Inga and her pals.
I would say to any of the female comedians making fun of John Bobbit being bobbitted, women have their own fears, and I suspect that the closest here would be rape by a large foreign object. So, maybe try this one with anyone who jokes about cutting off your penis:
What do you call Nancy Pelosi being mounted by a large stud (stallion)?
A good start?
Especially delicious because, looking at her, she probably hasn’t lubricated on her own for several decades.
Just like weight lifting, this isn’t a contest that women want to get into with men. As pointed out above, women are far more likely to obsess about what could happen to them, and their precious wombs, than men are with their balls and dicks.
Wow, some very defensive sounding men commenting today. I guess it makes them uncomfortable thinking that they too are not invulnerable.
'Women live with the knowledge that weird shit can happen at any point—you go down a dark alley and whoosh, somebody grabs you,”' she says. 'Now men actually have to think about this shit.'"
Sure..never crosses a guy's mind.
And if you have a Subway Club, you are ready for anything.
Shouting Thomas said...I used to think this was kind of a funny subject. That is until I learned that the foreskin is the male equivalent of the clitoris.
Genital mutilation produces the same result in men as in women, which is remarkably reduced sensory stimulation during sex.
Female genital mutilation is classified into 4 major types.
Type 1: Often referred to as clitoridectomy, this is the partial or total removal of the clitoris (a small, sensitive and erectile part of the female genitals), and in very rare cases, only the prepuce (the fold of skin surrounding the clitoris).
Type 2: Often referred to as excision, this is the partial or total removal of the clitoris and the labia minora (the inner folds of the vulva), with or without excision of the labia majora (the outer folds of skin of the vulva ).
Type 3: Often referred to as infibulation, this is the narrowing of the vaginal opening through the creation of a covering seal. The seal is formed by cutting and repositioning the labia minora, or labia majora, sometimes through stitching, with or without removal of the clitoris (clitoridectomy).
Type 4: This includes all other harmful procedures to the female genitalia for non-medical purposes, e.g. pricking, piercing, incising, scraping and cauterizing the genital area.
Inga: "Wow, some very defensive sounding men commenting today."
A very weak fallback/retreat position to take.
But then again, as with the other threads, Inga has no real argument.
The truth of the matter is that men are only human afterall, despite all the crowing, barking and howling. Your penis and testicles are only flesh and blood.
Speaking of lefty hoaxes Inga bought into hook, line and sinker like a typical lefty sheep, the Jussie Smollet collapse is now complete.
The police found the bleach at his house, the Nigerian pals bought the "noose" (cord) and they have flipped on Jussie.
Thus endeth another fever dream of Inga and LLR Chuck.
The truth of the matter is that women are only human afterall, despite all the crowing, barking and howling. Your genitalia are only flesh and blood.
“Your genitalia are only flesh and blood.”
Precisely. Who said otherwise?
Later Inga: "Precisely. Who said otherwise?"
Early Inga: "Your penis and testicles are only flesh and blood."
Precisely. Who said otherwise?
“Just like weight lifting, this isn’t a contest that women want to get into with men. As pointed out above, women are far more likely to obsess about what could happen to them, and their precious wombs, than men are with their balls and dicks.”
Not from what I’ve seen and heard over my lifetime.
I still cringe when I hear her name. This subject is actually, seriously, Not Funny.
“Early Inga: "Your penis and testicles are only flesh and blood."
“Your genitalia are only flesh and blood.”
Hahaha! Drago you don’t consider your penis and testicles genitalia?
Ohhhh boy.
“This subject is actually, seriously, Not Funny.”
The vulnerability of humans and violence toward their prospective genitalia is absolutely not funny. A sharp knife will cut flesh whether it is female flesh or male flesh.
Angry women, their fantasies of castration and unmanning, expressed in stereotypical feminist mumblespeak, presented as something of human significance.
And here we are, on the luge track to death, brakes inoperable, many of us, including our Hostess and myself (by way of example and not limitation) on the the lee side of 60 years of life, and this is what we are thinking, talking about? Where is the epiphany? Where is a moment of clarity to be found?
The sun is setting through the bare trees behind my house. It is mild evening in February, the budding silver maples suspect that spring is not far off, and I will never see this sunset again.
I will contemplate these present things, rather than the rages of unhappy human beings.
Inga is getting confused seeing her own posts reposted.
Having been raised in the real world, I never went down an alley I wasn't prepared to fight my way out of. That being said, only assholes go down "dark" alleys, they get their deserts eventually.
On the other hand, perhaps it represents a glimmer of hope that Inga finds her own posts as ridiculous as everyone else does.
No-fault divorce is more worrisome to guys.
Shouting Thomas said...
Male genital mutilation is far more widespread than female genital mutilation .
It's called "circumcision."
I used to think this was kind of a funny subject. That is until I learned that the foreskin is the male equivalent of the clitoris.
Nonsense, the foreskin may be equated to the clitoral HOOD. It is expendable. Trust me, I do fine with the sensitiviry and all that. If you're correlating the performance of your wedding tackle on having taken or not taken a trimming, well, a bad workman can never find a good tool.
If these FGM cultures had developed a ritual, with techniques, tools, processes, tending to ensure safe correct practice a la the mohel in Judaism, it wouldn't, perhaps, be or seem too lousy (dunno what actual clean removal of clitoral prepuce would be), but I understand that often they do it with BROKEN GLASS or any jagged edge they can find. No doctors or professionals involved. Comparing this to a bris is perfectly obscene.
I have to laugh at the mutilation of women. Fair is fair.
It takes a comedian, Whoopi Goldberg, to articulate, in a clip from her show, the unfunny truth behind the humor.
It was funny because it wasn't true.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
The vulnerability of humans and violence toward their prospective genitalia is absolutely not funny. A sharp knife will cut flesh whether it is female flesh or male flesh.
I have no idea why you took time out of your day to respond to my comment with this. I can only hope any future comments I make do not inspire you to respond at all, let alone with this gibberish.
Back in the day Pat Oliphant drew a funny cartoon with the caption "Now, tell the jury what you did with the knife, Mrs. Bobbitt..." Can anyone find a link to it? I can find thumbnails, but not the cartoon itself.
'Women live with the knowledge that weird shit can happen at any point—you go down a dark alley and whoosh, somebody grabs you,”' she says. 'Now men actually have to think about this shit.'"
And men don't???
This is probably one of the dumber things that Goldberg has said. (And that is saying something).
Everyone lives with, or should live with, the knowledge that shit can happen at anytime. Men, women, children even. It is called having situational awareness. Even the best "awareness" isn't always going to save you from weird shit.
I would think that most men, who are generally in more dangerous occupations and situations that present danger would be most aware. I am amazed at the people and especially women, who walk around as if they are surrounded by some sort of protective bubble. Never looking up from their omnipresent cell phones.
Ladidah!! Tripping lightly down the street, across the parking lot, in the parking garage, even in the grocery store.
Buwaya said it earlier. Tactical awareness. When you walk down a pathway, walk into a building, a room, a barroom, do you not check out who or what is in it? How are people acting? Where they are standing? Where the exits might be? Anything seem strange? Out of place?
In the pathway, while hunting in the wilderness, are there animal signs. nearby? Signs of recent activity? Are the birds silent? Can you hear, see, smell anything? Can I find my way back quickly? Is there an alternate way back?
If you don't do this tactical awareness, you are a fool.
Amen, DBQ.
I didn't bother to read the linked article. If Rebecca Mead is so shortsighted as to use the phrase "new lessons" in her title then one can only doubt the value of time spent reading her prose in its entirety. Treacherous acts by women with knives done upon the bodies of sleeping males is an old story.
The only difference is Lorena Gallo got off with 45 days in the state hospital instead of the prolonged jail stay she richly deserved.
DQB wrote: This is probably one of the dumber things that Goldberg has said. (And that is saying something).
One of the worst things about "systemic racism" in America is the fact that Whoopie (it's not rape rape) Goldberg is a celebrity rather than a pariah.
“I have no idea why you took time out of your day to respond to my comment with this. I can only hope any future comments I make do not inspire you to respond at all, let alone with this gibberish.”
It wasn’t so much a response TO your comment, don’t flatter yourself. I was using your comment to make my point, which is loosely associated with your comment. The world doesn’t revolve around you, asshole
hey, c'mon-- a girl can dream, cant she??
I am Curious, (Yellow)1967
It wasn’t so much a response TO your comment, don’t flatter yourself.
Now, be a darling, and go fuck yourself.
Look Browndog, no need to be so defensive. I know you’re very sensitive about your testicles and the fact they never descended IIRC, but really, try to be an adult.
Cupid stunt clogs up the entire thread and then comes up with this beauty: The world doesn't revolve around you, asshole.
What a piece of work.
Joke around that time:
Who's the meanest woman in the world?
Tonya Rodham Bobbitt.
So women think a penis is an achilles?
Inga: "Wow, some very defensive sounding men commenting today"
So predictable.
But I had you posting this drek before 5 mins. (Hands Drago a 20). What took you so long?
Bill Burr has some interesting comedy on this topic. How it's "funny" if a man gets mutilated, but oh god if the same happens to a woman, the nation comes to a halt for a day of mourning, the NFL has to wear some effeminate color for a week. Most spoiled creatures on the planet.
At 2:30
"Cupid stunt clogs up the entire thread and then comes up with this beauty: The world doesn't revolve around you, asshole. hat a piece of work."
Yah but that was the highlight of her weekend. Think about how bitter her life must be. Every Inga post is cry out for Hospice.
At least Ed Gein killed the woman before wearing her skin.
I am Laslo.
'The only case I can think of in anything prominent is in Neal Stephenson's "Baroque Cycle". So far, I think I am one of the very few to have waded through the whole thing.'
How many times did you read it?
Just yesterday, my wife and daughter were talking dating and nonsense.
I mentioned to my daughter that most men don't care about a degree or a career in their partner; they care about kindness, looks, availability, and maternal instinct.
'Men don't really think like that! They care about careers!' I was told quite strenuously.
'Who did Tiger Woods marry?'
'An Au Pair.'
'Was he screwing Senior Legal Partners and PhDs or cocktail waitresses?'
Stony Silence.
I won the 'point' but because of female self deception, I lost a lot of points as well.
I've read the Baroque Cycle 3 times and the last book, by itself once or twice more.
I've read Cryptonomicon 17-18 times. I find new stuff or new ways of lookin at stuff every time
Other books ive read at least 10 times that never lose their freshness
A town like alice
Atlas shrugged
Sometimes a great notion
Heart of darkness
Much of Elmore leonard
Much of Donald Westlake
The Corps (8 book cycle)
John Henry
Also coming up for air and other George orwell book
John Henry
"I won the 'point' but because of female self deception, I lost a lot of points as well."
Heh. Isn't that always the way of it with women?
Jordan Peterson has some good vids where he explains men will marry down the hierarchy while women tend to marry only up the hierarchy. Intelligent and successful women prefer mates who are more intelligent and successful, men don't care.
Maybe you can get her tuned into Peterson. We tend to accept hard truths when we think we are finding our own way. And you won't lose points! :)
Here's a better one
"I would think that most men, who are generally in more dangerous occupations and situations that present danger would be most aware."
Correct. I've been out of the Marine Corps for 20 years and I still scan rooftops for sniper positions. I walk into a 7-11 and subconsciously size up everyone I encounter, instinctively identify objects I can use a weapons in a pinch and best avenues of retreat. And I never let myself get boxed into a disadvantaged position.
I don't even think about it consciously. Its just an ongoing threat evaluation always running in the background.
My wife, bless her heart, is clueless to "tells" I pick up off other males. But she listens when I warn her to walk on the other side of me or focus altertness on some random passerby.
Anyone who thinks men don't operate like this to some degree 24/7 is ignorant, and probably sheltered. The girl who jogs at dusk witb her headphones on. Easy prey.
"Women live with the knowledge that weird shit can happen at any point—you go down a dark alley and whoosh, somebody grabs you,”' she says. 'Now men actually have to think about this shit.'"
Frontrunner for the dumbest thing I've heard this year.
Ung and Gah are walking down the traul and WHOOSH a sabre-toothed tiger grabz Gah and drags him back to its lair.
Thanks For Amazing and Useful Information. Keep It Up. Please Visit My Blog PSL
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