"... whom they regard as unduly sympathetic to the Soviet Union. The story, along with such other Cold War fantasies as 'Fail Safe' and 'Dr. Strangelove,' belongs to a genre that shares certain assumptions and plot points. The President is a reasonable fellow, doing his best to insure the survival of the planet, and the villains are the defenders of the permanent bureaucracy, usually the military. Things don’t always end well in these sagas—to wit, the destruction of New York City, in 'Fail Safe,' and of civilization, in 'Strangelove'—but the underlying message is that the President always has the interests of the American people at heart. The genre received a nonfiction update last week, when Andrew McCabe published 'The Threat"... [about] eight days in May of 2017.... McCabe’s tale is like a photo negative of the Cold War stories. Now the contest pits a despotic and, at times, seemingly deranged President against shocked and horrified bureaucrats scrambling to safeguard the basic principles of our democracy."
Writes Jeffrey Toobin in The New Yorker.
I don't think Toobin meant to imply that "The Threat" is a work of fiction — and a cheesy one at that — a mere "popular novel," in the genre of "Cold War fantasies."
Toobin is so fully in the grip of TDS that he can’t recognize a Seven Days in May coup attempt when it is staring him in the goddam face.
Not to mention Dave (1993), a nice-guy socialist whom the schemer attempts to thwart.
Do you think that the Democrats still have a “war room” someplace where people look at the news and order up editorials and news stories with particular slants? Because it sure looks like it. Democrats, Google/Alphabet, The New York Times, all at the table, but who sits in the big chair at the head of the table? All I know is that they have a lot of money to spread around.
“Now the contest pits a despotic and, at times, seemingly deranged President against shocked and horrified bureaucrats scrambling to safeguard the basic principles of our democracy."
WTF? The FBI was plotting to use the 25th Amendment because Trump fired a guy who deserved to be fired.
Trump won the election. Comey and McCabe didn’t.
Toobin's article quotes McCabe: "Trump, McCabe writes, “has shown the citizens of this country that he does not know what democracy means. He demonstrates no understanding or appreciation of our form of government."
So what's McCabe's and Toobin's solution? Let's execute a coup d'etat. That'll bring democracy back on the rails.
They just don't get it.
They wouldn’t have to watch CNN or MSNBC except some low level staffer who makes sure that their orders are being followed, since the “war room” would get no new information from those outlets.
Comey, McCabe, and Strozk were fired. Baker resigned. Page dumped Strzok, went back to her husband and resigned.
Comey and McCabe wrote books and make fools of themselves on The Shows.
The President trashes them in tweets.
Weak plot. Also no minorities. The upper echelon if the FBI would never be that white in a movie.
It’s funny that the Democrats aren’t democratic at heart, preferring to keep their policies from in front of the electorate and advancing them through means of unelected bureaucrats and judges, and still they are mad when we refuse to call them the “Democratic Party.” What really bothers the Democrat politicians is the insolence it shows against our natural rulers.
Zealots and Career Bureaucrats aren't normally seen as synonyms, but when one fears for their political future I guess they can be. Today it seems everyone and their (insert gender-neutral noun/pronoun here) think they know how best to save the U.S. and if they are discovered at least they get a book deal out of the affair.
"McCabe’s tale is like a photo negative of the Cold War stories. "
There were at least two novels published during the Cold War in which the President really was the villain and the heroes had to find a way to stop him.
In "Night of Camp David," by Fletcher Knebel, one of the President's trusted aides starts to suspect that the President is clinically psychotic.
In "The Hell Candidate," a supernatural thriller by Thomas Luke, an otherwise nondescript candidate for President actually makes a deal with the Devil to become President in exchange for his immortal soul.
To anyone in the left-wing Resistance against Trump, I recommend "The Hell Candidate" because of how the guy gets elected President with the Devil's help.
Every time I think of what the Deep State tried to do, I think of a line from Roosevelt’s “Date Which Will Live in Infamy” speech: “... the American people in their righteous might will win through ...”
So Trump is even a bigger hero?
Don't you think that if Mueller had anything it would have been leaked by now?
Humperdink said...
"So what's McCabe's and Toobin's solution? Let's execute a coup d'etat. That'll bring democracy back on the rails."
I agree, except "democracy" should be "republic".
Some of these people need to be tried for treason.
Toobin admits it was/is a coup attempt and he supports that.
Seven Days in a trailer?
Toobin hasn't watched the film or read the Wikipedia entry for "Fail Safe". The military did nothing to undermine the President in the film.
via Sailer -
"It Sure Looks Like Trolls Are Weaponizing Call-Out Culture to Weaken Democrats"
"According to a report Wednesday in Politico, Democratic contenders have been the targets of online propaganda aimed at sensationalizing missteps and promoting falsehoods." [We're looking at you, NYT!]
"So far, we don’t know the source of this activity—it’s not clearly linked to the Internet Research Agency, the Russian disinformation factory that was behind thousands of accounts stirring unrest[!] during the 2016 and 2018 elections. Wherever it’s from, what has been found so far does appear to be coordinated and bears many of the traits of past foreign operations."
"Even if a meme[sic] you see that disparages a Democratic candidate is based on truth, it’s important to remember that its goal might be to simply weaken Democrats by making candidates toxic for swaths of the left, and ultimately make 2020 a repeat of 2016."
People - mysterious people! - writing stuff on the internets is deeply disturbing when those people stray from praising socialists.
"Now the contest pits a despotic and, at times, seemingly deranged President against shocked and horrified bureaucrats"
What the hell does that mean, "despotic"? Trump can't even staff positions in his administration. Prog judges throw up roadblocks. Mueller continues his witch hunt. Etc. Etc.
"seemingly deranged"--as in, fighting back against the actual deep-state attack?
The "shocked and horrified" Dem "bureaucrats" put their machinations into motion before Trump was even elected, with Brennan running operatives at the Trump campaign, Hill and the FBI colluding with Steele and Russians, and the O administration "unmasking" civilians' info the better to surveil Trump's campaign.
The prog narrative is a carefully manufactured delusion.
In order to save democracy we had to destroy it.
"...safeguard the basic principles of our democracy."
If I were writing a clickbait listicle of "Clown World's Ten Most Orwellian Phrases", #1 in the line-up would be "our democracy".
Phrases invoking the same gnostic "we" (the we-that-has-no-us) would probably make up a majority of entries. (E.g., "not who we are").
Even when he’s the villain there is something so likeable about Burt Lancaster.
Is there a present day equivalent?
What is interesting to me is that this was a failed coup attempt by the Dems and the Deep State is now within the Overton Window. Even a couple months ago, the talk of a coup attempt was hushed up as right wing paranoia. One of those things, like lower sub Saharan African IQs, that are just not mentioned in polite company. We knew that pretty much anyone talking about a DoJ/FBI coup was also reading Q posts, and was probably even one of the dreaded Anons. Now? The left is now starting to admit that it was a coup attempt, but that it was somehow justified. Nope. Bad move, strategically, trying to justify it. This isn’t how we learned things worked in 9th grade Civics. The permanent bureaucracy isn’t supposed to replace the President they are supposed to be working for, just because he dies his hair an odd color, and tweets too much. More and more, Trump is being seen as a victim here, and those opposing him, cheering those in the Resistance on, or even actively participating in it, are being considered unAmerican, because they are trying to thwart our Constitutional form of government. That just makes him stronger.
"Now the contest pits a despotic and, at times, seemingly deranged President against shocked and horrified bureaucrats scrambling to safeguard the basic principles of our democracy."
"Seemingly" is a useful adverb. Lawyers and legal writers use it when they want to make an assertion for which they have no evidence. But I think I'll start using it more for good clean mockery.
Seemingly, Democrats.
Seemingly, Toobin.
Seemingly, CNN.
Seemingly, Smollett.
The upper echelon if the FBI would never be that white in a movie
But Comey loved the White House drapery, so there's one not-normally-shaped gay guy at least.
Blogger Fernandistein said...
via Sailer -
"It Sure Looks Like Trolls Are Weaponizing Call-Out Culture to Weaken Democrats"
It sure looks like Republicans can read and they got ahold of a copy of Alinsky!
I love the implicit assumption that there would be no Americans with the ability to do this stuff.
Gotta love Trump's latest tweet (4 minutes ago):
"93% Approval Rating in the Republican Party. 52% Approval Rating overall! Not bad considering I get the most unfair (BAD) press in the history of presidential politics! And don’t forget the Witch Hunt!"
We are at the point in this Coup Movie where the democrats and LLR coup plotters and sycophants have spent over 2.5 years of denying every incremental fact that we have learned is true.
For instance, for over a year during 2016/2017 every talking head and dem and LLR denied, vehemently, that Hillary and the DNC had paid FusionGPS. Remember that?
But we have reached critical mass on exposure of what these Coup Plotters have done and, having failed to take out Trump with their lies, we are likely to get the final pieces of the puzzle released.
So, with nothing else to lose, the dems/MSM/LLR's have decided they might as well just admit that "You're Godd*** right I ordered the Code Red!!"
Now the entire effort is to continue the smokescreen coverup of obamas and hillarys spying criminality and world record corruption of our institutiions.
Ah, if only Iowahawk would write that movie script!
It makes one wonder who or what would have been calling the shots if Hillary had won (God forbid). Probably not Hillary.
"not who we are"
My current favorite variant on "not who we are" is in this bit of word salad from Kamala Harris:
"Let's speak the truth right now that climate change is providing a threat to who we are as human beings"
Harris is in Ames, IA today, where we are currently contemplating digging out from under the latest blizzard. What is it about Dem. politicians and their ability to conjure up snow?
Over the past two years damn near EVERYTHING Toobin write or speaks is fiction.
"To anyone in the left-wing Resistance against Trump, I recommend "The Hell Candidate" because of how the guy gets elected President with the Devil's help."
So you're saying Hillary is the Devil? Great minds....
Fernandistein @8:41:
It's kind of interesting how progs have devolved into an extremely primitive ultra-touchy shame culture - "I can diss you, you piece of shit, but how dast you diss me!" - having purged themselves utterly of the sense of shame proper to civilized men.
Arvinder Sambei, the FBI's legal counsel in the UK, told George Papadopoulos to travel to Rome to talk with Joseph Mifsud.
The role of FBI official Sambei in this history should be explained to the public.
Papadopoulos tells about Sambei:
Professor Mifsud is a Maltese professor. Just so everybody understands – he’s not a Russian.
I [Papadopoulos] was working at this organization in London – the London Center for International Law Practice (LCILP) – that unbeknownst to me at the time was apparently some sort of front group for ex-western diplomats and ex-western intelligence types of personalities.
As well, the legal counsel for the FBI in the UK, Arvinder Sambei, just happens to also be a director at this organization I used to work for. I tell this organization:
"Look, I’m joining the Trump Campaign, I’m leaving. I’m going back to the U.S. I’m leaving London."
But they all of a sudden tell me:
"Before you leave, you really need to come to Rome with us. We want to introduce you to some people there."
So, I say:
"That’s fine. I’ll go to Rome. It’s a three-day holiday before I get back to Washington."
They introduce me to Josef Mifsud at this university in Rome called Link Campus. This isn’t any normal university in Rome. At the time I had no idea what this place was. But apparently, it’s a training ground for western intelligence operatives in Rome. The CIA has held symposiums there. David Ignatius from The Washington Post has actually written extensively about this place. They have connections to the FBI and other groups.
I also saw many Italian diplomats there. The ex-foreign minister of Italy was the director of this university, so things started to pop in my mind that this isn’t just a random event – a random meeting.
They tell me it’s very important for you to meet Josef Mifsud. I had no idea who this person was. He came up to me, presented himself as this mid-fifties, former diplomat, who knew the world.
Things don’t always end well in these sagas—to wit, the destruction of New York City, in 'Fail Safe,'
Stop. Just stop. In Fail Safe, there was not simply "the destruction of New York City." In that film, whereas the bombing in the Soviet Union was accidental, President Henry Fonda intentionally ordered the bombing and murder of millions of people in NYC.
It didn't just happen. It was an act of purposeful mass murder. Fonda was the most evil person in that movie. And that was the anti-nuke crowd's answer to the nuclear danger.
And mifsud has ties to Saudi intelligence, in fact he maybe in one of their safe houses.
"To anyone in the left-wing Resistance against Trump, I recommend "The Hell Candidate" because of how the guy gets elected President with the Devil's help."
Poor Hillary. She made a deal with Satan to win the popular vote.
That Satan's tricky.
Always remember, when referring to the cold war era, anti-war, peace movement, movies, etc....
They were not anti-war, merely on the other side. *
As far as I can tell - as far as McCabe seems to be saying - these guys wanted to overturn the election of Trump because they hate him. They imagined him a Manchurian candidate (hi again, John Frankenheimer) and they found it plausible because they hate him. They spun all kinds of nightmare scenarios from which only they could save the country because they hate him.
So Toobin recognizes the Seven Days in May parallels, but reveals that if the president in the novel/movie had been the hawk, and the generals all for the peace treaty, he would have been rooting for General Scott. Well, I'm rooting for Colonel Casey in either scenario.
Mark, 9:43:
I'm with you on Fail Safe. I'm always tempted to argue when people want to say "Oh, it's too bad Strangelove got all the attention, Fail Safe was really just as good or better."
As a commenter on the Slate article put it some years ago, "Fail Safe works better if you watch it assuming that Henry Fonda is a madman, and the whole thing is an elaborate plot on his part to kill his wife."
Fonda could play evil. See Once Upon a Time in the West.
So, with nothing else to lose, the dems/MSM/LLR's have decided they might as well just admit that "You're Godd*** right I ordered the Code Red!!"
I think these desperate actions are telling us that the Left’s worst possible outcome is now on the way. They surely realize that the leftist coup has now failed. All the seamy details of their illegal FISA machinations and perjury and conspiracy and FusionGPS’s illegal access to the NSA raw comms database are going to come out. There are going to be real, serious, lasting consequences, and these dirty cops are realizing that the only pathway left to keep themselves and some other very big names out of prison is going to be extralegal and nakedly political.
They surely realize that the leftist coup has now failed
"Seven Days in 'Meh' "
Seven Days in May isn't a bad movie, but the premise is absurd. The JSC - all appointed and/or approved by POTUS Fred March ignore the will of the Senate (2/3 have voted for the treaty) and a large hunk of the public and decide to take over and put General Burt Lancaster in charge.
And how does Fred march find out? Not through the FBI, CIA, or Secret Service but through Lowly Marine Corps JCS aide Kirk Douglas. The whole thing is a silly liberal wet dream. Although, you can certainly imagine a LEFT WING President ignoring the Congress and the American people and - for their own good of course - declaring himself "El Presidente for Life".
7 days in May - most absurd casting: John Houseman as the Fat, English Chief of Naval Operations.
Toobin does NOT have 'TDS'. He's a complete Deranged leftist and NEVER has been an objective reporter. He'd be just as absurd/stupid if Jeb Bush was President. TDS, implies he just deranged because of TRump and when Trump leaves he'll go back to normal. Which is NOT the case.
rcocean: "7 days in May - most absurd casting: John Houseman as the Fat, English Chief of Naval Operations."
Not the first time someone has made note of that.
The jokes usually go something like Houseman has a great agent who thought he was getting Houseman signed up to play a Charles Laughton-like Captain Bligh because all those "Navy scripts look alike"...
The idea that Trump is "despotic" and "deranged" is, itself, deranged.
Hey, I don't like him as a person, either, and I have all sorts of problems with his deportment as President, and some of his policy positions. But he is NOT a despot (Hillary was primed to be that, as the behavior of the Obama-appointees at DoJ and Intel services shows), and he is no more derange than most big-city real estate developers.
I am just glad we have Trumpit here to try and keep LLR Chuck's TDS in check........
McCabe’s tale is like a photo negative of the Cold War stories. Now the contest pits a despotic and, at times, seemingly deranged President against shocked and horrified bureaucrats scrambling to safeguard the basic principles of our democracy."
As a justification, Toobin elides that fact that all this all started inside Hillary's campaign and with the FBI brooming her felony charges.
The rest since then has been cover-up.
They aren’t crazy. They are very much the norm throughout history. They are the ruling class and they believe that is their rightful place.
They cannot succeed in a free market with competition. That is why they try to destroy the free market and freedom in general.
Capitalism and free markets leads to unprecedented growth and prosperity for the masses.
They hate the masses.
The Derp state imagines Trump as Captain Queeg, and wants unlimited strawberries for all.
From what I could stomach of the threat, it's a very dry uninformed read. The things he focuses on are unimportant, the significant matters are unaddressed, for instance the pulse night club shooting is left as an after thought. The names of fusion or crowdstrike or even schristopher Steele are not even in the index.
The subtext to seven days in may, is it's set after another protracted conflict, which kneel saw occurring in Iran, not Vietnam,
I don't see exactly how "Fail Safe" fits as an analogy, but it has been years since I have seen the film. In the film as I remember it there are complaints from the military leaders when they are ordered to provide the intelligence necessary to to shoot down the US bomber, but they still do so under the orders of the President- and they also follow the orders to drop a nuclear weapon on NYC despite their differences with the President.
Fonda is willing to nuke New York, in order to assuage the damage that general ripper will wreak on Moscow and not let the war escalate.
Furthermore they gave to so this because, the bombers will not respond to recall communications past a certain approach vector, the real villain in the system that grotteschaeur a thinly disguised Kissinger or Kahn justifies,
Imagine this hypothetical:
A Trump supporter in the DoJ comes forward to Congress as a whistleblower in the Summer of 2017 and claims that a group of FBI agents and DoJ apparatchiks were plotting to secretly record the president and to reach out cabinet officials to institute 25th Amendment proceedings.
How do you think people like Toobin would have written about such a whistleblower? Do you, like I, think Toobin would have mocked such a whistleblower as another paranoid schizophrenic seeing plots where none could possibly exist?
It's astonishing that Toobin lacks the intellectual breadth to see that the conspirators in all those films were saying precisely the same things that Toobin is saying-- that the president is defective and must be removed. In "Seven Days in May" the conspirators are upset that the president is a liberal squish, and I agree with them. It's still treasonous for them to presume that their political wishes must take precedence over the wishes of the electorate.
We would have to admit hes in the wrong, which I think hes been since the 80s when he went after colonel north, for providing support for the resistance against the sansinistas.
May I present for your approval James Coburn in The President's Analyst? I saw it at a tech conference many years ago. Certainly the audience's background helped, but if you like your late 60s paranoia with some humor, I think you too will like it.
Ann Althouse does not don't think Toobin meant to imply that "The Threat" is a work of fiction — and a cheesy one at that — a mere "popular novel," in the genre of "Cold War fantasies."
Jeffrey Toobin was very direct on this point.
The [“Seven Days in May,” “Fail Safe” and “Dr. Strangelove”] genre received a nonfiction update last week, when Andrew McCabe published “The Threat,” a book about his tenure at the F.B.I., which ended with a brief, tumultuous period as its acting director. The focus of his narrative is not seven but eight days in May of 2017, between President Trump’s firing of James Comey, the director of the F.B.I., and the appointment of Robert Mueller, the special counsel charged with investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election.
Then there is this conclusion from WIRED surrounding this conspiracy investigation:
It would be rather embarrassing for Donald Trump at this point if Robert Mueller were to declare that the president isn’t an agent of Russian intelligence. The pattern of his pro-Putin, pro-Russia, anti-FBI, anti-intelligence community actions are so one-sided, and the lies and obfuscation surrounding every single Russian meeting and conversation are so consistent, that if this president isn’t actually hiding a massive conspiracy, it means the alternative is worse: America elected a chief executive so oblivious to geopolitics, so self-centered and personally insecure, so naturally predisposed to undermine democratic institutions and coddle authoritarians, and so terrible a manager and leader, that he cluelessly surrounded himself with crooks, grifters, and agents of foreign powers, compromising the national security of the US government and undermining 75 years of critical foreign alliances, just to satiate his own ego.
In short, we’ve reached a point in the Mueller probe where there are only two scenarios left: Either the president is compromised by the Russian government and has been working covertly to cooperate with Vladimir Putin after Russia helped win him the 2016 election—or Trump will go down in history as the world’s most famous “useful idiot,” as communists used to call those who could be co-opted to the cause without realizing it.
Regardless, he is our PresInDebt.
I have a theory. It's bolstered by the ease with which the leaders of our intelligence community turned into coup plotters willing to decide or overturn the election.
They were not anti-Trump and pro-Hillary because they feared Trump or because they agreed with Hillary's political positions and wanted to see the first female president.
No, they were pro-Hillary because they were holding hard evidence of her lies and corruption and with Hillary as President they, the New Masters of the Universe, would have had a hook in her and she would have come under their control when they threatened her with exposure.
This would have made her their puppet and put them effectively in control of the USA.
The bizarre behavior of Comey, McCabe, Clapper, Brennan and others before and after the election makes it clear that these people are not concerned, righteous patriots but simply power hungry traitors who believed that they should be in control.
Hillary's election would have given them that control. Trump's unexpected victory spoiled their plans. Now they're bitter about the failure of their plan and in great fear of exposure.
like supplying javelin missiles to the Ukrainians, blasting the prime Russian mercenary company to blitherings, and challenging their proxies in cuba and now Venezuela, play another eight track tape,
Fail-Safe and 7 Days in May were both released in 1964. Congress, no doubt alarmed, passed the 25th Amendment in 1965.
To agree with so many above, "Fail Safe" doesn't fit.
Also to agree with so many above, a lot of this sort of movie was the work of Soviet "agents of influence", the engineered part of the "long march". Which was smaller than the part of the long march that occurred out of the baked-in cultural dynamics of a decadent society.
And of course, the MSM is managed. Untangling that back-room system is, I think, essential to destroying this weapon, but if that is happening, or someone is trying, at least, nobody is telling.
@Rabel @1:47.
I like your theory. It pulls together many loose ends.
I consider articles like this one by Toobin to be 2019 election season battle prep. The Democrats are going to have to run against the fact that the worst paranoid fears of early 2017 Trump loyalists have proven to be nowhere near paranoid enough.
The "slow motion coup" by the bureaucracy against Trump is without a doubt one of the gravest political scandals in the history of the republic. While it was the bureaucracy that did the dirty work, the media & the Democratic Party establishment were its eager enablers. They have much to answer for. The questions are "Will they ever?" & "If so, how?".
I'm afraid they'll get away with it scott-free.
Trivia note about Fail Safe -- the premise is somewhat similar to Dr. Strangelove. And when Kubrick learned that Fail Safe was being produced at the same time, a copyright lawsuit was filed against Fail Safe, resulting in a long delay in the latter's release.
With satirical Dr. Strangelove being released first, the public had already been there, done that by the time Fail Safe finally came out. And those that did go see Fail Safe already had the satirical idea of nuclear crisis in their heads and so people were laughing at it (when they weren't supposed to).
"The President is a reasonable fellow, doing his best to insure the survival of the planet," in other words, a proponent of the Green New Deal.
Correction general ripper was in red alert, not fail safe, the uses of both were to the purpose of the antinuclear movement.
All you folks who complain that Trump doesn't act "presidential" are obviously way too young to remember Harry Truman and Lyndon Johnson. Truman was known as "Give 'em Hell Harry". Johnson was noted for showing his surgical scar to reporters, lifting his hound dogs by the ears, and whipping out his Johnson which he called "Jumbo".
A little more perspective:
Who did he lobby, and to what result?
“Don't you think that if Mueller had anything it would have been leaked by now?”
NO. But if it makes you feel better, go ahead and believe it.
“In short, we’ve reached a point in the Mueller probe where there are only two scenarios left: Either the president is compromised by the Russian government and has been working covertly to cooperate with Vladimir Putin after Russia helped win him the 2016 election—or Trump will go down in history as the world’s most famous “useful idiot,” as communists used to call those who could be co-opted to the cause without realizing it.”
So says ths man who wants to have muellers baby, memoirist is too small an ambition for Garrett graff,
Trump approval ratings, 538.
Now objectively Angela Merkel relying on the nord stream pipeline which in turn is managed by an ex stasi agent, add to the that refusing to fund a mere 2% to NATO expenditures is proof of the pudding
Alex dryden a fmr?? Mi 6 operative, outlined in his series, a plan that Putin had set up to neutralize Europe, over a 20 years span.
He is indulging in diversity, operating abortion chambers, engaged in redistributive change, and conducting social justice adventures without borders. Surely, grounds for impeachment.
Now the contest pits a despotic and, at times, seemingly deranged President against shocked and horrified bureaucrats scrambling to safeguard the basic principles of our democracy.
The basic principle of our democracy is that elections decide who holds office, not cabals of bureaucrats.
Seeing as mifsud halper and co had as many western European connections as russiams
Wild in the Streets comes to mind when I see Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
But will we be able to lower the voting age and the minimum age for holding office to 14 before the 2020 elections?
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