February 11, 2019

How to stop Amy Klobuchar.

Say things like "Republicans gush over Klobuchar" (Politico).
In a Democratic caucus filled with presidential hopefuls taking a hard line against Donald Trump’s presidency, the Minnesota senator's brand of pragmatic politics stands out. And numerous Republicans are raving about Klobuchar — her personality, her respect for the other party, even her competitiveness in a general election. In fact, a dozen GOP senators were so effusive in interviews this month that some worried they might damage her candidacy in a Democratic nomination fight that has many candidates embracing the party’s left flank.


Mr. D said...

Among the allegations against Klobuchar is that she threw a binder in a fit of rage and hit a staffer with it. I would think that alone would give Mitt Romney a reason to admire her verve.

rehajm said...

Oh yah, she's great! All the girls love her. She makes her own clothes...

langford peel said...

You really love a drunk nasty bitch! You really really love her.

Bay Area Guy said...

My only thought is that if she adopts a moderate tone, and a few moderate policies, and she can survive the left wing crazies in the Democrat Party, she'd have a really good shot at becoming Prez.

Ralph L said...

Let's have another Operation Chaos as in 2008.

Ken B said...

So far she is one of the few I haven’t ruled out yet. Of course I don’t know much about her, but that might be a good sign. Like Althouse I have an inclination towards the boring in politics. I liked Romney for instance.

Ken B said...

That is my usual observation. A genuinely moderate Democrat would be hard to beat. I thought Gephardt would have won easily. But with the strident left in charge no moderate can win. And they are really extreme. These people want to JAIL anyone who sounds like FDR or JFK.

Henry said...

This post neatly bookends the Kamala Harris story.

campy said...

How long have these "gushers" been republicans? Life-long?

tcrosse said...

Amy isn't big Box Office, so is unlikely to attract that long show-biz green.

le Douanier said...

Давайте проведем еще один Операционный Хаос, как в 2016 году.

Davayte provedem yeshche odin Operatsionnyy Khaos, kak v 2016 godu.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

haha. The second you say something like "This person is at least somewhat moderate" - it kills it for the new radical left. It's the kiss of death, indeed. Moderates need not apply. You must demand tax rape, new green pill, the end of immigration and customs enforcement, a glorious new future of government ONLY healthcare.

The left want a radical female - a Third Reich of leftist politics.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

WE all know Trump might lose, so if Trump does lose, we'd at least like to keep The Constitution in place, and not go full crazy leftwing ugly communism-ice-cream-social dictator.

Drago said...

To be fair, LLR Chuck gushes over every democrat.

Ann Althouse said...

I'm afraid anyone decently moderate — that is, acceptable to me — will be eliminated.

All the Democrats need to do is give us somebody solid and normal, but apparently that's just impossible, and after all this, I'll be left again with no candidate that suits me at all.

Bay Area Guy said...

I really want Bernie Sanders to run and win the Dem nomination. Crazy Bernie drives moderates and Independents to vote Trump. Bernie would lose the popular vote 54 - 46 in the general election.

Run, Bernie, Run!

mccullough said...

She won’t get any minority votes or any socialist votes.

So what percent of white soccer moms make up Dem
Primary/Caucus voters.

Klobuchar could do well in the general against Trump. But like facing MLB pitching or playing QB in the NFL, no one knows who can do it until the person faces it.

I don’t see Klobuchar getting through the primaries. Not enough white soccer moms.

Bay Area Guy said...

AA sez: All the Democrats need to do is give us somebody solid and normal, but apparently that's just impossible, and after all this, I'll be left again with no candidate that suits me at all.

Well, you have an option though: fight for and support a moderate (like Klobuchar) and fight against all the crazy left-wing, Democrats.

Wince said...

"How to stop Amy Klobuchar" is tantamount to "how to re-elect Donald Trump..."

Ostracize moderate Democrats by having Politico say things like...

"Republicans gush over Klobuchar" (Politico).

Arashi said...

Nope - the Dems want full blown bat-shit crazy for 2020, so anybody not full on BSC is not going to get the nod. I still think its Harris/Booker.

Ticks most of the balkanized culture boxes, and nobody can say anything negative without being labled a full on racist hater. Plus the msm loves both of them.

le Douanier said...

"Well, you have an option though: fight for and support a moderate (like Klobuchar) and fight against all the crazy left-wing, Democrats."

She's already running the concern troll game.

You blind?

tcrosse said...

AA sez: All the Democrats need to do is give us somebody solid and normal

That's what Hillary was supposed to be.

Ken B said...

Did she sign on to that crazy Green New Deal without reading it? Spartacus did, Prosecutor K did, Fauxcahintas did. If she didn’t that’s a big plus. Thinking first helps.

Ken B said...

Nope, she wants the GND, cow farts and all.
How is this less impulsive than Trump?

mccullough said...

Klobuchar votes Dem bullshit all the time. She is moderate in tone but not in voting. Obama was the same. But she lacks Obama’s charisma, youth, and skin color.

Sebastian said...

"decently moderate — that is, acceptable to me — . . . somebody solid and normal"

Yeah, we know. It's not about policy, or the direction of the country, or the party agenda, or appointments, but about "moderation," being "solid and normal," somebody "serious."

Klobuchar's got your number: she can fake moderation just well enough to appeal to white women who consider themselves rational.

CJinPA said...

The Senate is a club. You're either in the club or you're not.

JohnAnnArbor said...

Among the allegations against Klobuchar is that she threw a binder in a fit of rage and hit a staffer with it.

Hillary admirer?

Rosalyn C. said...

I agree with the comments above that if you like someone you have to actively support her/him, regardless of how likely you think their chances are of winning. Klobuchar would be my first choice so far of Democrat candidates.
I was thinking about her questioning Brett Kavanaugh in his confirmation hearing and found out by accident that Klobuchar's father was an alcoholic, something she didn't mention the other day. Klobuchar Questions Kavanaugh At Supreme Court Hearing

Tacitus said...

It can at least be said of Amy Klobucher that she did not grow up in prosperity. Her dad was -and he's still alive at age 90 - an old school newspaperman. Wrote a very readable column. Drank like a fish. That was journalism back in the days before it became corrupted by partisan politics.


Achilles said...

Ann wants her statist overlords to be nice about using the IRS to punish her political opponents.

She wants someone normal to spy on democrat/uniparty political opponents.

The left is tired of apologizing for their racist bigotry and hatred of freedom.

They are letting their hatred of Jews be out and proud and free.

And Northam is showing us they are OK with the KKK.

California is pushing complete abrogation of federal law allowing illegals to kill citizens with impunity and allowing the country of Mexico to vote in elections.

Nothing about the democrat party is normal.

Jim at said...

A genuinely moderate Democrat would be hard to beat.

So would a unicorn.

Meade said...


There. Now she'll win.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Republicans pounce.

Nonapod said...

Let's be honest here, she's kind of a non factor. At the moment Amy Klobuchar has a name recognition about as high as the second unit director on the new Avengers movie. To get any traction in the MSM she's gonna have to say or do something a little loony, like put forth some sort of "plan" that's even more absurd the the Green New Deal. Maybe free Lamborghinis for everyone? Or maybe a plan forcing all white cisgender males into re-education internment camps?

Plus, hasn't the NYT has all but anointed Kamala?

Sebastian said...

"Nothing about the democrat party is normal."

But you see, if the candidate is "serious" and "moderate" and "competent" and "not a hack," the Althouses of the world will be happy. They are not voting for a party, after all, or even for a set of policies, just for "the best person," the one who happens to affirm their high opinion of their own superior judgment.

traditionalguy said...

Amy is authentic and smart. And she is mid western. And she can fence with the Master Communicator using a lot of the truth, which is something that the Socialists can never ttempt or their False Narratives are ruined.

The only thing Amy cannot pull off well is accusing Trump of being a pro-Confederate racist. But Trump was never going to be hurt by that false accusation anyhow.

zipity said...

Amy is a fraud. Highest turnover of any other Senator. Had to be lectured by HARRY REID to stop abusing her staff.

Lucky for her,the Lame Stream Media© will protect her, and bury any negative stories.

n.n said...

allowing illegals to kill citizens with impunity

Elective abortion, yes. Outside the walls, but under a cloak of press-induced privacy. Also, rape... rape-rape and impregnate prepubescent feminine females.

Clyde said...

Sen. Klobuchar would probably be the least-worse of the candidates the Democrats are likely to offer up. That's not the same as good, though. I do remember that when watching the Kavanaugh hearings, she was the only Democrat who seemed to have a shred of decency or humanity. Being the best of a bad lot is a low bar.

Bill Harshaw said...

Nonsense--most Democrats want to beat President Trump more than anything. We'll vote for anyone who seems to have the best chance of doing so. If her support among Republican senators translates into support among independents in the polls and primaries she'll be our candidate.

Sammy Finkelman said...

allowing illegals to kill citizens with impunity

If you were to prose deporting them, instead of prosecuting and jailing them in the USA, that would be true. Now bbail policies may be aproblem.

Hagar said...

I think that in the end the Democrat candidate will be a dot.com billionaire and a male.

n.n said...


Balance restored.

mccullough said...

Beto is looking good. He’s got Obama’s charisma and Kushner’s progressive policies.

n.n said...

Control costs and progressive change. Shifted responsibility and monotonic policies produce a short-term return with long-term consequences.

Static Ping said...

Her voting record is anything but moderate. She's been playing the Obama game of keeping her head down and not doing anything too wild as to not freak out the independents and actual moderates. Of course, Obama had the good sense to vote "present" as much as possible while Amy has left an extensive voting history.

There is also the matter that most voters do not know who she is. Compared to most candidates, it would be relatively easy to paint her as such and such. Obama was a cipher, but he was a well known cipher who was hailed as a brilliant up-and-comer. Amy is just some senator from flyover country.

The effort to define her is already underway. The bad boss stories are not by accident.

Sammy Finkelman said...

Of course she's a fraud, but nevertheless she is better than a lot of them.

She lent herself to the slanderous campaign against Brett Kavanaugh. I remember how she was questoning Christine Blasey Ford about how a psychiatrist’s notes are considereed good evidence.


KLOBUCHAR: .... Dr. Ford, under federal law — and I don’t expect you to know this, but statements made to medical professionals are considered to be more reliable. There’s a federal rule of evidence about this. You told your counselor about this back in 2012, is that right?

FORD: My therapist?


But the truth was, the notes contradicted what she said! But at the time the time nobody ahd access to the notes. You could only infer it by carefully studying the public record.

Not enough people read, or understood about the published clues in the Washington Post and about how she was for a long time uncertain about the year

It was not only that the notes aaid 4 boys rather than two boys (!) That was explained away as a mistake on the part of the therapist – there were four boys at the house it was said) – but also that the incident happened in her “late teens”

She had to make it 1982 because Kavanaugh was gone by the summer of 1983.

Klobuchar looks like she doesn't try to do the right thing, but the more or less middle ground thing. They're not the same thing.

Sammy Finkelman said...

The bss thing (coming from Democrats) is agood thing. It means she doesn't entirely play ball.

Chuck said...

Drago: Since you called me out by name for personal attack on a page where I hadn’t even commented, I will use this occasion to point out to the few remaining sensible readers that you cannot name a single Democrat about whom I have “gushed.”

One time, I said that one Rachel Maddie interview was “brilliant.” Later, she won an Emmy for that interview.

On one occasion — the “shithole countries” controversy — I thought that the generally evil Dick Durbin was telling the truth. Telling the truth along with Senators Graham, Scott and Flake, while all of the Trump loyalists shucked and jived around it. It is the only time I’ve ever written anything about Durbin that was not openly hostile.

On another occasion — the “disheartening and demoralizing” controversy — I wrote that Senator Richard Blumenthal would certainly be shown to have characterized his conversation with then-SCOTUS nominee Judge Gorsuch accurately. At the same time that Trump was tweeting about how Blumenthal had “mischaracterized” Judge Gorsuch. Later, in his confirmation hearing and in sworn testimony on live national television, Gorsuch used the exact same words.

That’s it. Drago, you say that I have “gushed” about Democrats. It’s a lie, and it is a false, phony personal attack that amounts to pure clutter among the serious comments addressing Althouse’s blog post.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump Tweet:

"I think it is very important for the Democrats to press forward with their Green New Deal. It would be great for the so-called “Carbon Footprint” to permanently eliminate all Planes, Cars, Cows, Oil, Gas & the Military - even if no other country would do the same. Brilliant!"

oh noe - Racist tweet. wait, what?
How can you not like the guy? He's funny and - correct.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Clyde said...

Contrast the unflattering picture of Sen. Klobuchar on the Politico article with the flattering picture of Sen. Harris on the NYT hagiography in the earlier post. We're going to see a lot of that in the next year-and-a-half. You'll know the ones disfavored by the MSM by their unflattering pictures. Words won't be necessary, and since Democrats usually make their decisions by feelz rather than thinking, they'd be downright superfluous.

Nonapod said...

It seems like the main stream media is basically running the Democrat party at the moment, and they've pretty much picked Kamala. I mean, sure, if they were rational they'd actually try to pick someone that with at least bit more surface appeal to moderates. But since the 2016 election they've all become hyperventilating moonbats who aren't interested in anything remotely reasonable. They don't seem to have enough self awareness to understand how far they drifted away from the middle-of-the-road.

I'll allow that I could be wrong here. It's possible that the decision makers in the upper echelons of the Party will realize that they're far out of step with a clear majority of voters on issues like late term abortion, border security, and various heavy handed solutions to Climate change. But I doubt it.

Chuck said...

2/11/19, 1:16 PM
Blogger Achilles said...
Ann wants her statist overlords to be nice about using the IRS to punish her political opponents.

She wants someone normal to spy on democrat/uniparty political opponents.

The left is tired of apologizing for their racist bigotry and hatred of freedom.

They are letting their hatred of Jews be out and proud and free.

And Northam is showing us they are OK with the KKK.

California is pushing complete abrogation of federal law allowing illegals to kill citizens with impunity and allowing the country of Mexico to vote in elections.

Nothing about the democrat party is normal.

It is uniquely interesting to me, to see you Trump-cult shit heads so recklessly mischaracterizing Althouse, the same way you have mischaracterized me.

gilbar said...

and some LLR reminds us, that; Other than all the times he's gushed for democrats (in and out of office), he's never been proven to have gushed for democrats.

Of course, by his own words; he's a liar and a slanderer
damage the reputation of (someone) by false accusations; slander.

Bay Area Guy said...

In 1984, former VP Walter Mondale, Dem nominee for President, boldly proclaimed on live television that we needed to raise taxes.

He then lost 49 states.

The lesson the Dems learned was, not that high taxes are bad for the country. Rather, they simply learned to not tell anyone they favor high taxes.

I see a similar dynamic with the border. The Dems want open borders. They like the cheap labor. They changed the term "illegal alien" to Undocumented Immigrant." They have Chamber of Commerce GOP-types on their side. They like the Dem votes, they like the increase in welfare spending. They pine for turning Texas blue, like they turned California Blue. Of course, they ignore the crime, the drug smuggling, the rape by Coyotes, and the MS-13 gang members. Kate Steinle was not available for comment.

However, the Dems have learned not come out and say these things. They don't say "Amnesty" They don't say "open borders."

This is a highly toxic, 3rd rail issue, but Trump retains the slight advantage. Even moderate Dems living in the North recognize the huge distinction between legal immigrants, who follow the rules, and illegal immigrants who flout the law.

We'll see how it plays out. It'd be nice for Senator Klobuchar to recognize the problem with illegal immigration and border enforcement. However, I doubt the crazies in her party will let her. But one can still hope.

Chuck said...

Quote me, gilbar.

You fucking liar.

Quote me “gushing” about any Democrat(s), and supply the link.

Do it right now, you pussy.

Meade said...


traditionalguy said...

Play chess, not checkers. If Amy gets nominated and she gets well known but loses to the Master Politician who is enjoying the best peace economy in over 100 years, then she still gets the head of the line for the 2024 Election. The people will want a change then, and at least Amy is a sane and intelligent human.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Had a long and winding discussion with an old army buddy who I hadn't seen in almost 5 years this weekend. It was great to catch up over several whiskeys (unfortunately I'm paying the price for this today).

This guy was definitely left-of-center both when he was in and even after. True-blue Obama supporters etc. etc. etc. During our talk it was quite evident that he - like so many other heterosexual men (he's black btw) in this country - has undertaken a complete political 180.

The general gist of the conversation and the points I agreed with are something I've come to realize both before and after Trump's election...

The Democratic party no longer represents the interests of and things of importance to heterosexual men. Period. It has become the party of women, gays and other cloying lesser demographic orbiters, bound firmly by their hatred for anything that has a penis and likes chicks. There are literally 5 now - 5 - female candidates for the Democratic nomination and it is entirely likely that their nominee will be one of them. The party's male old guard is not only O.L.D. old but are being sidelined even as we speak (Biden has a likeability problem now as I'm seeing it flashed in headlines today).

For him and by extension to me personally I don't see what or who the Democrats could run that would convince me that party cares about anything I find important from family matters to rule of law or even foreign policy. Their end-run at top speed even further left is irreversible in my view. Moderation will not return to their party and moderation is effectively dead politically across the board.

The democrats have lost huge numbers of hetero guys of all ethnicities. These guys and myself will not be returning. The only female candidate I will consider voting for these days is the virgin mary.

Meade said...

"Play chess, not checkers. If Amy gets nominated and she gets well known but loses to the Master Politician who is enjoying the best peace economy in over 100 years, then she still gets the head of the line for the 2024 Election. The people will want a change then, and at least Amy is a sane and intelligent human."

Well thought out and well said.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"party’s left flank" - what a nice way to say "radical leftwing socialism"
Noted that the MSM never describes the leftwing as they are.

Achilles said...

Chuck said...

It is uniquely interesting to me, to see you Trump-cult shit heads so recklessly mischaracterizing Althouse, the same way you have mischaracterized me.

Nobody is mis characterizing anything.

You just don't like the truth.

The masks are off and the open borders free trade endless wars cucks are no longer in charge of the republican party.

In fact nobody listens to you at all anymore. We just make fun of you.

Ann hates you because you are scum and you are completely disingenuous in every way.

Ann hates me because I pop her little bubble. She is just fine with a little racism/sexism, even with a rapist or two, and a bit of government harassment of those deplorables.

That is "normal."

Ann is one of the Beautiful people and has lived a pampered sheltered life while calling all those little people who paid her salary sexists/racists. She trained a generation of shit head leftist lawyers and holds on to all of those reflexive progressive hatreds.

You are just a complete loser nobody will ever care about again.

chuck said...

"Raving"? What an odd word choice. I doubt it is accurate.

langford peel said...

Preach it Brother Achilles!!!!!!

langford peel said...

Althouse hates the deplorables. She just makes money off of them. First as a professor and now as a blogger catering to a conservative crowd.

Sometimes the mask slips.

Achilles said...

Jim at said...
A genuinely moderate Democrat would be hard to beat.

So would a unicorn.

The media is the only thing a moderate democrat would have going for them.

Trump's policies are overwhelmingly popular. If he was being covered like Bill Clinton was covered he would be just as, if not more, popular than Clinton and he has a better economy.

We have 3+% growth. Lowest unemployment in decades. Highest wage growth in decades.

Great things are happening all over the world. Trump is ending wars. Socialists and Mullahs are scrambling. China is being forced to be a decent participant in the world economy.

Trump is the best president we have had since Lincoln.

The only chance democrats have in 2020 is voter fraud. 2018 was a dry run and we saw how effective "vote harvesting" was.

chuck said...

I'll be left again with no candidate that suits me at all.

Why not Trump? He's better than marijuana at the disinhibition thing and has no trouble making fun of the pompous.

Drago said...

Durbin Cuckholster Chuck: That’s it. Drago, you say that I have “gushed” about Democrats."


"Masterful" (utter lefty hack) Lawrence O'Donnell
"Professional" (utter lefty hack "journalist" who bragged about undermining republicans during their debate) John Harwood

The list is endless....end----lesssssssss

stevew said...

So if Republicans like her so much who pushed the "Evil Amy" stories of the past week? It strikes me that the attacks are made against her because of her perceived strength for the nomination. Why don't Democrats like her as their nominee? Because they think she will lose to Trump? No, more likely because they think she will be willing to 'dialogue' with the GOP as she has in the past and is not a trusted true believer in the Democrat platform.

My tin foil hat tells me the Clintons are behind this...

gilbar said...

Chuck said...
One time, I said that one Rachel Maddie interview was “brilliant.” Later, she won an Emmy for that interview.
On one occasion — the “shithole countries” controversy — I thought that the generally evil Dick Durbin was telling the truth.
On another occasion — the “disheartening and demoralizing” controversy — I wrote that Senator Richard Blumenthal would certainly be shown to have characterized his conversation with then-SCOTUS nominee Judge Gorsuch accurately.

see, the problem (my problem) is that i read your posts; do you?

Chuck said...


Respectfully, I wish I could tell you who ran the oppo-stories on Klobuchar. But way beyond any doubt in my mind, it was one or more other competing Democratic campaigns.

The story didn’t come out of Fox News or Breitbart or WSJ. It came out of Huffington Post. The primary sources were Democrats who had worked for or with Klobuchar.

The “motive” and “means” for creating that story are all with other Dem campaigns.

William said...

She doesn't raise that many hackles, especially compared to Warren. Still, she seems more stale than accessible. The Dems are looking for something fresh and new. Beto has a crisp look. He's cut in the mold of Obama, but that makes him look imitative....... How about Butigieg? We've never had a gay, small town mayor run for President. He seems very earnest and likable. If you're looking for something completely new, he's the one.

Chuck said...

gilbar I have patiently recounted my commenting history on notable
Democrats. More carefully and patiently than you deserve.

You and Drago claim that I have “gushed” favorably about Democrats. I again challenge you to quote me and supply a link. But you cannot do that and so you should just shut the fuck up.

traditionalguy said...

Thanks Meade.

JackWayne said...

None of the current Democrat front-runners will be the nominee. None of them have shown any talent for the Twitter ju-jitsu necessary to win in the primaries. Trump slaughtered Low-Energy Jeb 14 months before the election. He has already punked Warren and Klobuchar. Every cycle starts earlier than the previous cycle. If the 30-40 Democrat candidates wait too long they will be out. Democrats are looking for a puncher just like the Republicans in 2017. They need to start NOW to show their chops.

Alex said...

So who is the best Democrat 'puncher' running right now? None of them really fit the bill. AOC is too young to run and she strikes me as the only one who understands how to yield social media as a weapon.

David Duffy said...

I sometimes take a few minutes out of the workday to read the Althouse blog and comments (one of my favorite distractions from being productive), I was wondering about the pictures that are attached to the commenters.

Who is the sunglassed lady in Dikin'? What's with the tomcat in Ralph? The Cyclops with Mede? The bass with gilbar? And Ms Althouse looks very much like my Swedish Mrs Duffy in her profile picture. Although, Mrs Duffy is far more beautiful in portrait (no offense Ms Althouse).

Ralph L said...

If Amy gets nominated and she gets well known

She'd do better to get the VP spot now and run again in 2024. No more Adlai's!
Considering her chances, that may be what she's doing.

Drago said...

Vichy LLR Chuck: "...you should just shut the f*** up"

tsk tsk

No wonder you have been asked repeatedly by the blog hosts to leave.

Not to worry Chuck, after you've left all your lefty allies will still be here posting the very lefty things that you would post, and have posted, repeatedly, over the years.

So, you know, like, nothing lost. Right?


Ralph L said...

I haven't had cats in 20 years, and there's no way I'm putting my dorky face on the internet, so I stole Angry Cat from somewhere years ago, and it was the only non-porn, non-car to survive a hard drive crash.

Drago said...

Jack Wayne: "Democrats are looking for a puncher just like the Republicans in 2017. They need to start NOW to show their chops."

Whichever dem emerges, he or she has to know that every single LLR will be in his or her corner.

As they have been for the last 3 years.

AllenS said...

Mr Duffy, my picture is of me. That is my passport photo. When I show friends, they all say: "you'll never get back into the country". Don't know about that, because I've never used it. Who gives a shit what you look like? This isn't a dating site.

David Duffy said...

Thanks Ralph and Allen. Good grief, if I posted my passport photo everyone would think Mrs Duffy was a gold digger.

Kevin said...

Do these Republicans think Amy has the ability and inclination to reform the left wing of her party?

Or do they not think it's necessary?

Kevin said...

This isn't a dating site.

Tell it to Inga and Achilles.

Ralph L said...

Google allows you to post a pic. Fortunately, I haven't been using Google+ here, but years of my fabulous jewels will soon disappear from JustOneMinute.

MB said...

Gushing and pouncing and dancing and prancing
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!

Kevin said...

There. Now she'll win.

That's not going to help. The Dems need to either lose big or win so we can get on with the destruction of the country.

Running an endless string of people who aren't crazy enough to sign on to the Green New Deal just leaves people out there believing the only reason it hasn't worked is we didn't really try it.

We don't want the US to become like Canada, continuously worried Quebec might secede.

When Quebec wants out, you show them the door. Then you build a wall for when they decide it's too cold and they want back in.

Yancey Ward said...

The goal of the media is to have this race down to Harris, Biden, Sanders, and O'Rourke by the time they move to the South Carolina. The way to accomplish this is to drive all the other women out of the race along with Booker. This is why the press is tough on Warren and now Klobuchar. Candidates like Gillibrand and Brown don't matter and will simply be ignored.

I will make the following prediction right now- in Iowa it will be (1)Biden (2)Harris (3)Sanders (4)Warren. In New Hampshire, it will be (1)Sanders (2)Harris (3)Biden (4)Warren. After that, the race is down to the top three giving a big edge to Harris who will be the nominee unless either Michelle Obama and/or Hillary Clinton enter the race.

David Duffy said...

"This isn't a dating site."

Talking to Mrs Duffy about what we found interesting on the internet at the end of the day, we would have never crossed paths.

Scientific Socialist said...

I haven't checked but it's doubtful that Klobuchar's voting record differs much from Kamala Harria or Kirsten Gillibrand. She just seems more moderate. Repubs giddy with joy over a Trojan Horse.

David Duffy said...

Back to Klobuchar and the first female President--I'm guessing Elizabeth Warren being defeated by Trump and the ladies having to wait again. Then someone like Klobuchar in 2024. By that time I hope I won't care anymore.

Meade said...

"Who is the sunglassed lady in Dikin'? What's with the tomcat in Ralph? The Cyclops with Mede? The bass with gilbar? And Ms Althouse looks very much like my Swedish Mrs Duffy in her profile picture. Although, Mrs Duffy is far more beautiful in portrait (no offense Ms Althouse)."

No offense taken. But just so you know, I snapped that shot of the gorgeous Mrs. Meade nearly 10 years ago now. In other words, the photo doesn't do her beauty justice for she is now that lovely +10.

As for my own avatar, it's a shot I snapped using a telephoto lens of a cardinal perched in an arborvitae tree in our backyard.

"This isn't a dating site."

Oh yeah? Could've fooled me.

Meade said...

I like Dave Duffy's 6:10 comment. I could have written it myself were I just a little bit sharper and a whole lot less lazy.

Meade said...

In fact, I think, given Google's promise to soon disappear all G+ comments, I think I shall memorialize it thus:

Dave Duffy said...
Back to Klobuchar and the first female President--I'm guessing Elizabeth Warren being defeated by Trump and the ladies having to wait again. Then someone like Klobuchar in 2024. By that time I hope I won't care anymore.

2/11/19, 6:10 PM

Indeed, bore repeating.

David Duffy said...


From Wikipedia: "In 2009, Althouse announced her engagement to Laurence Meade, a commenter she had met through the blog."

I get your point about the blog being a dating site. I don't know how Wikipedia works, but you need to give the scoundrels at Wiki a better picture of Mrs Meade.

I'm grateful my stumbling around trying to date the 18 year old future Mrs Duffy isn't on Wikipedia. Goodness, that's one reason to get an avatar in the com box.

Known Unknown said...

"No offense taken. But just so you know, I snapped that shot of the gorgeous Mrs. Meade nearly 10 years ago now. In other words, the photo doesn't do her beauty justice for she is now that lovely +10."

Hey, get a room already.

Or a blog.

Clyde said...

Re: Avatars, mine is the letter O from the kasnake font in venom green, which I use for the logo for my Strat-O-Matic computer league baseball team, the Oconomowoc Mocs, and I expanded its use for my online commenting as well. There are no water moccasins in Wisconsin, of course; their range only goes as far north as southern Illinois, but the team name was all about the onomatopoeia. It sounded right. We've been to the playoffs the last six years, winning the league championship in 2015 and losing in the Series in 2017. Go Mocs!

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Harris will be the nominee (nominette?). Because Race. Because Gender. It's written in the Democrat stars and it cannot be any other way. Since she's jealous of the younger, prettier AOC who didn't have to fellate her way to prominence, she will attempt to run to the left of AOC. The American electorate is not ready to countenance Democratic Socialism and the Green New Deal. She will lose to Trump 410 to 128.

Birkel said...

Chuck is the worst house guest ever.
What a momzer.

gadfly said...

Amy K is has the personality to be a good President, but she is so wrong about Climate Change, as are all Dems seeking an issue. She spent too much time in Minnesota schools, I guess - although my son graduated from UM-Minneapolis and he is as Libertarian as could ever be.

Klobuchar went so far as to say that reupping with the International Warmists would be her first act as President

gadfly said...

@zipity said...

Amy is a fraud. Highest turnover of any other Senator.

If staff turnover is the criteria for determining fraudsters - Donald Trump must certainly top all lists.

john marzan said...

how to promote weak candidates? trump should attack them, and let dems rally to his/her defense.

AllenS said...

Re: this isn't a dating site

This morning I remembered, well, except for that Meade thing, but I see that the subject was covered.

alanc709 said...

The Dems should just come out and nominate Pinocchio. Although, I guess his wanting to be a real boy is a disqualifier.

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