I have now spent more time in Vietnam than Da Nang Dick Blumenthal, the third rate Senator from Connecticut (how is Connecticut doing?). His war stories of his heroism in Vietnam were a total fraud - he was never even there. We talked about it today with Vietnamese leaders!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 27, 2019
One tweet too far? The Trumpster should stick to the business at hand; plenty of time later to score points.
Acting presidential is for soap opera women.
Every adult judgment is "What will soap opera women think of it?"
Challenging the seriousness of that view is a public good.
Not letting soap opera women back into the power structure.
Trump is changing the meaning of “to act presidential”.
More Winning!
What is he up to? He wants disparagement from the press. It keeps it in the news and wipes out the Cohen plan.
Soap opera channel disruption.
Politics should stop at the water's edge, and at one time did so largely in practice.
It could have been worse. He could have pointed out that unlike Nathan Philips, Jane Fonda actually got to Vietnam. ;)
That's great that Vietnamese leaders feel comfortable talking to Trump about our politicians who lied about serving in Vietnam. Or weird. One of those - great of weird.
It seems that President Trump has less than zero respect for this totally fake hero of the Left. At least DJT has the goods on this slimeball, while the arrogant leftists are the ones that accuse our President 24/7 of lying, but with zero proof.
Well, is it true or not that Trump has spent more time in Vietnam than Dick Blumenthal?
Because if he has, then he is speaking the truth. What's wrong with speaking the truth? You prefer Dick Blumenthal's lies?
Train leaving Hanoi, famous for track down the middle of a narrow city alley
(watch the first 4 minutes)
Kamala Harris said Trump is a racist https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/feb/26/kamala-harris-i-do-believe-trump-racist/
Trump's tweets don't bother me in the least. It's his only accessible path to respond to the non-stop attacks.
Just stupid. The man can't help himself. He'd be at 55% approval without his Twitter feed.
Well I never!
Isn't it so embarrassing to have a president without gravitas?!
...sputter the soap opera women of both sexes who've been tolerating a political class that shows up for work every morning in full clown regalia.
Congress is holding a vote to overturn Trump's Emergency Declaration while he is overseas.
These back stabbing sleazebags earned everything Trump dishes out.
Watching Mikki on Morning Joe and she just spits TDS.
"How to act presidential in Hanoi"
Works for me.
Tregonsee: Politics should stop at the water's edge, and at one time did so largely in practice.
You must be quite old.
Politics can't stop at the water's edge, because the "parties" of contemporary politics aren't intra-national.
Outragey for the perpetually outraged with the newish spin of attacking a domestic politician from outside the United States. Leftists and Never-Trumpers are screaming and fainting as we read this.
Rhhardin: It's a total soap opera tweet of vindictive gossip. Trump lives the complete soap opera lifestyle and you people eat it up.
He's NOT wrong!!
Would it make people feel better if he was over there apologizing for how bad America is??
He'd lose half his base if he didn't tweet like a bitch.
"He'd be at 55% approval without his Twitter feed."
Disagree. He'd be in GWB second term approval ratings territory (upper 20's to low 30's) without the tweeting.
Reading a bio of Winston Churchill. Trump is surprisingly like Churchill in temperament and style.
It’s just stupid.
Maybe instead of sleep walking Donald Trump sleep tweets.
I'm pretty sure that is Alinsky rule 69;
Hit them Early
Hit them Often
Hit them
Hit them
Hit them
Rhhardin: It's a total soap opera tweet of vindictive gossip. Trump lives the complete soap opera lifestyle and you people eat it up.
Trump's a pretty serious negotiator. The soap opera serves a purpose for him when he has that purpose. When not, he doesn't use it.
The domestic enemy is the soap opera left. He clogs their channel with what he wants obsessed over instead of what the left wants obsessed over. The left can't help themselves, because the MSM is after clicks and Trump supplies the best outrage. The channel that doesn't carry Trump's stuff loses to leftist competitors, so they carry it instead of, say, Cohen, the left's preferred content.
Compared to the Platonic ideal of a philosopher king, President Trump is just awful.
Compared to his actual predecessors? Not so much.
I don't really see the virtue in pretending to be a saint while your minions sling the mud for you. Was it really better, for example, when President Clinton sent his wife out to slut-shame the women he'd sexually assaulted?
(Wow. The prove-you're-not-a-robot captchas have now gotten sufficiently complicated that I half-suspect we're actually being used to perform distributed-computing work for someone.)
Politics used to end at the waters edge.
Democrats blew up that quaint practice a long time ago. That's one of those practices of respect Democrats demand of others, but are not bound to by themselves.
If women were serious adults, Trump wouldn't put out any soap opera at all. And the left wouldn't work.
The interesting thing to see today will be a split screen showing Dems simultaneously at war with the President of the USA while our Stable Genious America First President creates real peace ending the Asian war that Dems have leveraged and kept percolating in a semi truce-open hostility state for 66 years.
"He'd be at 55% approval without his Twitter feed."
Disagree. He'd be in GWB second term approval ratings territory (upper 20's to low 30's) without the tweeting.
He'd be back in NYC running his family business and HRC would be president.
Honesty is the best policy!
We note that the "MODERATE" Klobuchar is fine with infanticide, by the way.
Whole new definition of "moderate" there, eh?
Why the President is right to tweet.
"rhhardin said
He clogs their channel with what he wants obsessed over instead of what the left wants obsessed over. The left can't help themselves, because the MSM is after clicks and Trump supplies the best outrage. The channel that doesn't carry Trump's stuff loses to leftist competitors, so they carry it instead of, say, Cohen, the left's preferred content."
"Nails it," said the woman to herself, placidly gliding by a later rhhardin typical nastygram on how women are messing up the country.
Twitter helped get him elected. But sometimes less is more. He needs to pick and choose his spots. This was an unnecessary lame target, and not a good time or location to let it fly. Just reinforces his negatives.
Captain bone spurs still feels defensive about his manufactured 4F status but why now? Perhaps becauce Cohen is about to tell us what everybody already knows: Trump is a liar,racist and con man?
The self-authored Donald Trump Style Guide says:
A gratuitous bitch slap of a contemptible poser is seldom inappropriate. Indulge yourself if it sparks joy.
Schlump needs a new gig - like orange jumpsuits made in North Korea.
The MSM will not spend time repeating this tweet. It would only remind the public
of "D" Blumenthal's loose connection with the truth.
Keep kicking them in the nuts, Trump, I'm loving every minute of it. Keep fresh batteries handy for your Twitter Machine, and don't stop using it.
The best thing in life, Temujin, is to drive your enemies before you and savour the screams and cries of their women. Conservatives have been putting up with ropey mouthed liberals for decades. Liberals whine about civility but won’t engage in it themselves. They deserve all the ridicule they get and more.
KGO (San Francisco) will drop the second and following hours of the very popular Armstrong and Getty show to carry Cohen's testimony live. Gotta learn about Trump-crime.
It's hard to see how the left resists the tweet.
I used to win sabre matches by seeming to hold my head forward and low as a particularly inviting target. Unfortunately the head attack, which involves a down-cut and run past the opponent, is a little tricky so nobody's really good at it, and I'm expecting it and so parry and nail the guy in back as he goes by.
Trump is inviting the commentary that he got deferments and didn't go to Vietnam - the coward line - as being irresistable to the left. Draw the attack you expect.
I think that Trump does not even really know what happened with Blumenthal's Senate campaign (against Trump friend Linda McMahon) in 2010.
Here's the Hartford Courant story from the last time that Trump blew up with a Tweet relating (falsely) to Blumenthal; the history of Blumenthal's Vietnam record.
On the Trump scale of lies (bone spurs, Hawaii investigators, Mexican wall payments, knowledge of payments to Stormy Daniels) of 1 to 10, Blumenthal's were about a 3, and reduced to a 2 after Blumenthal acknowledged them in detail and apologized.
@gilbar: Nice!
Captain bone spurs still feels defensive about his manufactured 4F status but why now?
The expected attack. But as a matter of just reading, he doesn't seem defensive. On the contrary he's drawing attention to it.
The President takes no prisoners. And he mutilates the corpses. Interesting juxtaposition to the rank and file GOP that is all go along get along for the most part. Scalps and coup!
roesch/voltaire said...
Captain bone spurs still feels defensive about his manufactured 4F status but why now? Perhaps becauce Cohen is about to tell us what everybody already knows: Trump is a liar,racist and con man?
I can't wait to learn how powerful his current testimony is. We know Cohen's been strictly honest and trustworthy in the past, right?
Yet he's still President and winning!
Wow Chuck, you’re so debilitated by your trump hatred that you’re ok with Dickie’s stolen valor statements?
At the very least, embrace the power of “and”.
You don’t have to give up your deep seated trump hatred to also think Dickie is... well, a Dick.
Politics should stop at the water's edge, and at one time did so largely in practice
Right. Like when Bush got sick in Japan. That wasn't used politically at all.
He knows Cohen will be testifying today in front of a House committee, and yesterday he was in front of lying Dick Blumenthal.
Captain bone spurs...
He did four years in a military school, which is four more years than you did, right?
The MSM will not spend time repeating this tweet. It would only remind the public
of "D" Blumenthal's loose connection with the truth.
This is an astute observation, for the media really do carefully select which tweets to publicize for Trump, although they rarely get the context right.
Blumenthal bashing. It's what's for dinner in Hanoi today. Fracking Fonda is for tomorrow.
[Captain bone spurs...
He did four years in a military school, which is four more years than you did, right?]
Why do you defend such an abject disaster of a worthless human being?
I agree with the perspective that besides being entertaining to his base, Trump's tweets are strategic. He dominates the conversation, and gives the news media something to attack like a bunch of piranhas. Meanwhile, he gets real stuff done. Otherwise the media would be more successful in their obstruction. Trump doesn't give them permission to choose the topic of conversation.
Also, my guess is that the Vietnamese officials are enjoying him. They probably have the same contempt for fake soldiers like Blumenthal that Trump does.
What's the difference between a soap opera and a WWF story arc? I think the Blumenthal tweet and Cohen's testimony about paying off a pornstar are more consistent with the WWF than with Days of Our Lives, although I just admit ignorance of either art form. It does seem to me that Trump is better at being crass than the Dems are at pretending to be lofty souls in search of peace and beauty.
Chuck, that's just so predictable, pathetic, and sad. It must be tough to be a eunuch in the age of Trump.
WWF is soap opera for cucks
Blogger rhhardin said...
KGO (San Francisco) will drop the second and following hours of the very popular Armstrong and Getty show to carry Cohen's testimony live. Gotta learn about Trump-crime.
We need to bear in mind that Cohen already has a felony perjury conviction, has lost his law ticket and is on his way to jail. This testimony is sort of a Hail Mary play to reduce his jail time.
Why should anyone believe anything he says?
John Henry
A question for the lawyers here:
Cohen was Donald Trump's attorney, correct?
Wouldn't normal attorney-client privilege prevent an attorney from disclosing the kind of things that Cohen has disclosed and is apparently going to disclose before congress?
What am I missing here?
John Henry
Imagine if McCain or Romney had fought this hard against Obama. McCain could have won easily if he had repeatedly insulted Obama's two-bit racist church. Imagine if Bush Sr. or Bush Jr. had fought this hard against Democrats in Congress. What if they had dismissed their opponents with mockery, rather than indulge in "civility bullshit"? Maybe it wouldn't have worked because of their personalities. But I find Trump's take-no-prisoners style refreshing. After all these years, watching a Republican politician display a backbone is a beautiful thing to behold.
Andrew said...
watching a Republican politician [Trump] display a backbone is a beautiful thing to behold.
Blumenthal would be the emptiest suit in the Senate were it not for Connecticut's other gift to the nation, Senator Chris Murphy. Somehow, though, these clowns are untouchable on Election Day. (At least CT still has an day, rather than having extended early voting periods.)
Blogger Mike said...
Captain bone spurs...
He did four years in a military school, which is four more years than you did, right?
“Military school” is just a euphemism, right? Trump’s high school featured ersatz military-style uniforms and some parade marching. The school had no official connection to any branch of the real military.
By your standards — who had “more military” for a longer period of time, there are dozens and dozens of Democrats whose real, actual military service obliterates Trump’s private school “military.”
In any event, it doesn’t matter much to me whether Trump served in the military or where he might have served. What matters is that by any reasonable account, Trump avoided the draft with a phony medical exam.
Analysis of tweet:
1. Dems attack Trump while he’s overseas, historically.
2. Trump punches back.
3. Cohen (convicted liar) is going to testify under direction of Clinton fixer, Lanny Davis, in open testimony. The date is not an accident. Per the testimony he is going to sling a lot of mud at Trump.
4. The media try’s to downplay anything positive Trump does, such as this summit.
5. Blumenthal has been attacking Trump, and his son.
6. The tweet highlights Trump is in Vietnam
7. The tweet forced the MSM to cover he’s in Vietnam and what he’s doing.
8. It hits back at Blumenthal
9. It distracts from the Cohen testimony, and controls the news cycle.
10. Trump will seek to control the news cycle tomorrow thru some new action...
Ah yes, me and the other world leaders had quite a laugh at little Dick, as we discussed international affairs and huge trade deals.
"Maybe it wouldn't have worked because of their personalities. But I find Trump's take-no-prisoners style refreshing. "
Ha. McCain was known for his abrasive "I'm not Miss Congeniality" personality, and slashing attacks.
Its just that he only attacked Republicans.
More details about Trumps military school:
Sad it went bankrupt due to declining attendance, and is now owned by a Chinese company.
What a strange world!
Chucks comments got me curious on the school.
Re bone spurs:
Are they a serious medical condition that would prevent anyone from entering the military?
Did Donald Trump have them? If all it took was a note from a doctor, anyone could have gotten deferments for them. It would have been very easy to find a doctor opposed to the draft that would help a potential draftee out.
I was 1-A in 1966 and getting a medical deferment took a bit more than just a note from a doctor.
I would be very surprised if the military deferred DJT JUST on the basis of a doctor's note.
I dodged the draft and VN service by joining the Navy.
John Henry
Lanny Davis along with Chertoff blocked that other oligarchs extradition, which had been handled poorly by lisa page.
Trump sure does know how to surround himself with a lot of liars, and fools. Flynn, Manafort, Cohen, Stone, Scarmouche, etc.
With Cohen that's not an opinion, that's a legal fact.
Hey, was McCain a war hero? Debate.
Holy cats! Did you see what he said about Blumenthal? And to the Vietnam leadership, too. It sounds like they had a good laugh over it.
Let's see. What other lying blowhards who hate Trump are in the news today? They are all alike, aren't they? That Blumenthal is a real POS. So is Cohen.
Hint: Trump isn't going to win CT in any case. Blumenthal is an easy target. Now the press will talk about this--how dare Trump tell the truth about Blumenthal to our new BFF in southeast Asia -- as well as what Cohen--a confessed liar--is saying. Bret Stephens has another foul tweet to add to his list of foul tweets. Stephens will have to put a bag over his head in shame. Trump's overall comportment continues to be a foul stain on the office of the presidency. What a turkey.
Trump is epic.
Good on PDT. Blummy and the D play hard ball time the Rs did too. Come on Cohen testifying while PDT is meeting with KIM? CNN claiming meeting with KIM is the distraction. Showing they are lying bastards is fine by me.
General Flynn was miles above the rest of the national security establishment, Manafort was used by many parties one of the last was balladur the respectable enarque, Sarkozy caught the backwash he was pretty effective.
Hey, was John Kerry a war hero? Debate.
Blogger rcocean said...
Hey, was McCain a war hero? Debate.
McCain was a shitty Naval officer and a shitty Naval Aviator.
He only got into the Academy because of who his father and grandfather were (They were war heros)
Ditto flight school, ditto not being thrown out of Naval Aviation and possibly the Navy.
As a POW he performed heroically. If that makes him a "war hero" so be it.
It takes balls of brass to fly an A-4 off a carrier and especially back on. It also takes balls of brass to fly an A-4 over VN. I take nothing away from him for that.
Not sure it makes him a "war hero" though.
I guess it depends on how you, rcocean, would define the term.
John Henry
John Henry
That would be firtash the subject of Glenn Simpsons early pre fusion GPS profiles.
Ken Vogel revealed that other nothingburger about klimnik was just that,
Isn't anything the President does automatically "Presidential". What Slick Willie did with an intern was the "Presidential" version. It now involves pizza and tobacco products by tradition.
Greatness, true greatness.
Blogger AllenS said...
Hey, was John Kerry a war hero? Debate.
End of debate.
Was he a "traitor" in the Constitutional meaning of the word for talking with the North Vietnamese in Paris?
While still in the Navy?
Was he despicable for his testimony before congress as a "winter soldier"?
Read it and decide.
John Henry
John Henry, I served in Vietnam, and you are correct.
How dare that bad orange man call out a liar's lie.
AlbertAnonymous said...
Wow Chuck, you’re so debilitated by your trump hatred that you’re ok with Dickie’s stolen valor statements?
At the very least, embrace the power of “and”.
You don’t have to give up your deep seated trump hatred to also think Dickie is... well, a Dick.
I didn’t defend Blumenthal. I gave everyone the link, to one of the more clear-eyed recent recounting of the relevant story(ies). So you can make your own appraisal of those facts.
I think that you are debilitated by your own stupidity for having failed to understand that. You dumb, myopic, fearful Trump fans seem to never be able to understand any nuance at all.
But I give you credit for understanding that my hatred of Trump is deep, profound and personal. Hopefully you also understand, unlike other Althouse commenters, that I really did vote for Trump as the lesser of evils, so that we’d get a whole lot of Federalist Society judicial nominees.
"Hero" is and should always be defined as VOLUNTARILY taking a very very serious risk for someone or something beyond yourself, and that risk should usually be risk of life and limb. Flying combat missions over Vietnam certainly qualifies. All those who did are heroes.
I used to wish that he would hold off on about 10-20% of his tweets. But the Democrats play so dirty and so obviously would rather have the country suffer than have Trump be successful, that I am now fully in favor of the tweets. The media is not going to point out their hypocrisy and sheer evilness, and most career Republican politicians are so enamored of the system that they won't do it either. So go for it, President Trump!
McCain and Kerry are people who served honorably and indeed gallantly and then came home and did worse. McCain was completely erratic and enjoyed poking his friends in the eye to the applause of his enemies. Kerry came back and betrayed his comrades in front of Congress and the world.
“Military school” is just a euphemism, right?
Nope, it was staffed by real officers. His mentor was a guy who led the invasion of Italy and stayed long enough to see Mussolini swing from a lamp post. It is a prep school for the Academies, modeled after West Point. He was 14, Chuck. They don’t commission kids. And it’s still four more years submitting to authority and doing it the Army way than you or RV ever did.
Captain Chuckles,
Please tell us about your military experience.
Thanks to good lottery numbers, I did not get drafted.
Your turn.
"Wouldn't normal attorney-client privilege prevent an attorney from disclosing the kind of things that Cohen has disclosed and is apparently going to disclose before congress?"
The privilege is the client's and normally the lawyer cannot break the promise of confidentiality, but there are limited exceptions, including the so-called "crime/fraud" exception where a lawyer can be compelled to reveal confidential communications. The exception is usually tightly defined, other evidence directly related to the confidential matter must already exist and must suggest a crime or fraud, and the party compelling the disclosure usually must show that there is no other way to get the information they expect the lawyer has.
Cohen is rather eagerly cooperating, which suggests a personal motive. A loyal attorney would make it very difficult or impossible for the other side to get anything useful.
VDH in a New Yorker interview on his new book on Trump, sees him as a tragic hero, in the ancient Greek model. To accomplish and sacrifice much, but get none of the credit.
Why do you defend such an abject disaster of a worthless human being?
Trump Cultism
Tragic Zero
Boeing and GE announced a big trade deal with Vietnam.
That Trump tweet should get more attention.
I hate it when rhhardin is proven correct.
Blumenthal is a low-level target so it’s interesting Trump would trash him. Just an easy distraction with the Vietnam tie in.
Romney like Clinton dodged the draft as well as Trump. Most people don’t care about military service after Clinton got elected even though he was a draft dodger.
Blumenthal is in office because the voters don’t care.
It’s odd to single out Trump. It’s especially funny when the neo-cons do it since they didn’t serve either but love war.
Progs dont care about results, how many times does one need to be reminded, Cohens testimony has been impeached many times over, only thr documentary record means anything.
"We talked about it today with Vietnamese leaders!"
Trying to discredit a U.S. Senator to foreign leaders is damaging to the country, so it is therefore treasonous. Trump should be arrested, impeached, and imprisoned, or executed. This is a serious crime that can't be denied.
worthless human being
Yes deplorable. Irredeemable. Worthless. Tell us how inhuman you view people who don't share your murderous ideology Inga! You know better than God what is in Man's heart, right?
“Yes deplorable. Irredeemable. Worthless. Tell us how inhuman you view people who don't share your murderous ideology Inga! You know better than God what is in Man's heart, right?”
I view every human as human, no matter what they have done. I don’t know what is in anyone’s heart apart from what comes out of their own mouths. All one has to do is listen.
"...only thr documentary record means anything."
What about audio records, e.g. the recorded and/or intercepted phone calls?
Trump should be arrested, impeached, and imprisoned, or executed. This is a serious crime that can't be denied.
You really are insane with Trump hate. What did you do with yourself all day before this all-consuming hatred appeared? You are pining for banana republic style governance where we imprison or kill the prior regime. Fascists never change, they just change their name to Trumpit.
"Cognitive dissonance" thy name is Inga.
"You are pining for banana republic style governance where we imprison or kill the prior regime."
Lock Her Up!
And I still think people are not irredeemable, but the first step in redeeming yourselves is facing the truth and taking responsibility.
Would it be better if we took responsibility while we had some free time? Like time at a camp?
Have you googled Mao Zedong, Royal ass Inga?
You don't have to go that far, shes familiar with Josef broz tito.
"You know better than God what is in Man's heart, right?"
It may be located in his 1 inch putz because he's heartless. Schlump is greedy, narcissistic, hateful, etc. That's a lot to retain for one micro dingdong owned by a microcephalic.
“You are pining for banana republic style governance where we imprison or kill the prior regime.”
Trump said to Clinton during one of the debates...
“You’d be in jail.”
It must take a tremendous amount of cognitive dissonance for Mike to say this.
“Cognitive dissonance" thy name is Mike.
Not sure why Trump decided today to pick on Blumenthal (beyond the obvious), but I do think that he should remain on the attack at all times. Why cower in the corner as the MSM tries to kick you in the teeth?
That Cohen hasn't enough scruples to adhere to attorney/client privilege pretty much reveals the value of his "testimony". One would certainly like to know who is picking up the tab for Clinton crony Lanny Davis.
We won't really know the answer to Cohen's motivation until he is released from prison and, more than likely, joins a Clinton related organisation.
Mike, "self-righteousness thy name is Inga" is more accurate.
anti-de Sitter space said...
"You are pining for banana republic style governance where we imprison or kill the prior regime."
Lock Her Up!
Yes, thank you for proving my point. What y'all once opposed (superficially) you now endorse. And it's all that sonuvabitch Trumpy's fault!
Well that's that:
Inga your example proves my point. Trump was not threatening her, he was saying that if Comey followed the DOJ's own rules she would be in jail, which we all know is true. The DOJ admitted it was AG Lynch who told them she would not accept a recommendation to prosecute, so they had to invent a new standard of "intent" to mishandle top secret data.
The people, WE THE PEOPLE, are the ones who started the chant, "Lock her up" because the common man has more sense of fairness and respect for the law than Swamp Creatures like Comey and Lynch. Even Rosenstein thought she should be locked up. That's why he wrote the "fire Comey" memo.
You gotta long way to go just to get to the first Inga step.
"...facing the truth..."
Khesanh 0802 said...
Not sure why Trump decided today to pick on Blumenthal (beyond the obvious), but I do think that he should remain on the attack at all times. Why cower in the corner as the MSM tries to kick you in the teeth?
I think it was because Michael Cohen's testimony to the House Committee on Oversight a few minutes ago noted how ironic it was that President Trump was in Vietnam at this time, when Trump had mentioned to Cohen that, regarding military service, "You think I'm stupid; I wasn't going to Vietnam..."
That Cohen hasn't enough scruples to adhere to attorney/client privilege pretty much reveals the value of his "testimony". One would certainly like to know who is picking up the tab for Clinton crony Lanny Davis.
Professional ethics doesn't just tolerate a departure from attorney/client privilege, it DEMANDS that departure in several circumstances pertinent to Cohen and Trump. First, the privilege doesn't even exist when Cohen is operating as a non-attorney "fixer." The privilege pertains only to the communications in furtherance of legal advice.
Second, there is a crime-fraud exception to the privilege.
Third (and related to the Second item immediately above), is the issue that both Trump and Cohen were subjects of criminal investigations and Trump says that he cooperated and so there is the very real chance that there has been at least some waiver as to documents and t;hings that we don't even know about.
We won't really know the answer to Cohen's motivation until he is released from prison and, more than likely, joins a Clinton related organisation.
I can hardly wait! Can you?
Professional legal ethics can demand nothing of Michael Cohen.
He is not a member of any state bar.
Francisco D said...
Captain Chuckles,
Please tell us about your military experience.
Thanks to good lottery numbers, I did not get drafted.
Your turn.
I didn't need to rely on any lottery. I was too young for the draft. But with an older brother who was in the lottery (and not drafted), and close enough in time to know what was going on and feeling it myself, I know very well that I would have served.
As for voluntary service, I also know that if undergraduate tuition at Michigan had been what it is now, I would have entered ROTC service as fast as I could. But I was an undergraduate in the late 1970's, and the military was reducing its size and didn't really work at attracting any of us, much less drafting us. And I could afford tuition with no loans.
"One tweet too far? The Trumpster should stick to the business at hand; plenty of time later to score points."
Absolutely not. You win by being relentless. Look at the cries of the Lefties above.
Birkel said...
Professional legal ethics can demand nothing of Michael Cohen.
He is not a member of any state bar.
He was until yesterday. But taking your point to its idiotic end, Cohen has no need to observe any privileges now that he has been disbarred as of yesterday? That makes this discussion even easier.
Lanny Davis represents a much larger player dimitroff firtash and he is in turn the errand boy of the big boss semyon mogulich,
"Why do you defend such an abject disaster of a worthless human being?"
I'm not sure which Democrat you are referring to, becuase it fits so many. Just look at the people elected: people who have accomplished nothing more than getting people to vote for them, people who think government provides services for free, who think taxation is harmless at any level, believe socialism works, and wonder if Guam will tip over from too many people.
As for why we defend Trump, two things: 1)results, 2) see above: the alternatives are almost always unaccomplished poseurs who want to steal our hard-earned income and freedom for fairy tales.
Blogger John Tuffnell said...
Cohen is rather eagerly cooperating, which suggests a personal motive. A loyal attorney would make it very difficult or impossible for the other side to get anything useful.
Thank you for the explanation, John.
I suspect his personal motive is to stay out of jail.
Would PDJT be able to sue Cohen for breaking the attorney/client privilege? Or at least for not trying to respect the privilege?
One more reason not to believe anything Cohen may have to say.
John Henry
Mueller likely based on the advice of his then boss, William weld chose not to enquire too deeply into the blood spilled by the winter hill gang.
No, Chuck, disinvited racist fopdoodle, the privilege is not held by the attorney.
The privilege is held by the client, Trump.
What you just attempted was just plain stupid.
"....You are awarded no points. May God have mercy on your soul."
We have lionel hutz here ladies and gentlemen thats why one retains an attorney so your matters can remain confidential.
Also, switching the verb tense without acknowledgement puts the lie to your comment, Chuck.
My comment was present tense.
Yours was past tense.
You are a disgrace.
A sitting and vocal Senator lies about his service in Vietnam (no accident). Trump brings up the truth of it, and he's the problem? I'm really sorry if it embarrasses some people who vote for fake heroes, but who's fault is that? Not Trump's.
I don't agree with Karl Marx, I don't even think he was a first-rate thinker, but it's hard to resist quoting him occasionally. "History repeats itself--the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce." Americans in Vietnam, then politicians covering up or lying about what they actually did during those years, and now Blumenthal--Nathan Phillips--Trump--Vietnamese leaders having a good laugh.
"Would PDJT be able to sue Cohen for breaking the attorney/client privilege? Or at least for not trying to respect the privilege?"
Yes, but. It's more a matter of legal ethics and if Cohen has nothing to protect (e.g. his license) then he has little to fear. A client could sue his lawyer for damages resulting from a breach of confidence, but would have to prove causation and damages, and that seems pointless in this situation.
And yet another exception to the client's privilege exists -- a lawyer may reveal confidences necessary to protect himself against claims from the client (such as malpractice, for example). Here, whatever was said (and maybe more, limited only by the imagination of Cohen) is now out. Either glorious or gratuitous, depending on how you see things.
Not at all shocked to see that Inga and Chuck and a few others are totally on the side of treasonous leftists who lie about their Vietnam service.... but then, they DID vote for John Kerry after all. While I know Inga will defend Jane Fonda, I would love to see Chuck be driven to the same extreme in his quest to attack Trump.
Still, one thing has come out of this: never, ever hire Chuck as your lawyer. One, he's not very good at it, and two, he thinks that the attorney client privilege should be either not allowed or should be subject to the "if it helps the left, it should be broken" standard. Mighty curious standard, that. I sure wouldn't want an attorney who thought that my information was to be kept secret unless a leftist wanted it. I also bet that Chuck and Inga would be horrified at the very idea that Hillary Clinton's private lawyer be forced to turn over all those top secret emails that he has in his office from Hillary's server.
Because, after all, only politics matters anymore. If it helps the left, it's ok, and if it hurts the left, it must be suppressed. That's Inga's view of the law. And that's Chuck's view of the law.
It sure beats rounding up American citizens of Japanese ancestry and locking them up in concentration camps. That was some other president acting "presidential".
I reject your irony. I think it is appropriate for a president to explain how bogus his critics are.
Heh, heh, heh!
I suspect his personal motive is to stay out of jail.
He was also very resentful that he was not offered a White House job. Rush Limbaugh did segment on that today,.
LImbaugh suggested that this was the moment he turned on Trump and decided to try to hurt him,.
I thought we elected Trump because he wouldn't act presidential.
That's certainly one of the reasons I voted for him. Haven't been disappointed yet.
Also not sick of winning.
However, I'm mighty sick of Cohen. And having worked in New York City myself, I agree with those who say you meet -- and need -- some pretty scuzzy lawyers there.
Cohen's scuzzy, but stupid--I'm a bit surprised that Trump hired someone so dumb, but there is a place for dumb aides too.
Au contraire, are either of their suits emptier than the one worn by Patty "Osama The Daycare Provider" Murray?
Unknown said...
Not at all shocked to see that Inga and Chuck and a few others are totally on the side of treasonous leftists who lie about their Vietnam service.... but then, they DID vote for John Kerry after all. While I know Inga will defend Jane Fonda, I would love to see Chuck be driven to the same extreme in his quest to attack Trump.
Still, one thing has come out of this: never, ever hire Chuck as your lawyer. One, he's not very good at it, and two, he thinks that the attorney client privilege should be either not allowed or should be subject to the "if it helps the left, it should be broken" standard. Mighty curious standard, that. I sure wouldn't want an attorney who thought that my information was to be kept secret unless a leftist wanted it. I also bet that Chuck and Inga would be horrified at the very idea that Hillary Clinton's private lawyer be forced to turn over all those top secret emails that he has in his office from Hillary's server.
Because, after all, only politics matters anymore. If it helps the left, it's ok, and if it hurts the left, it must be suppressed. That's Inga's view of the law. And that's Chuck's view of the law.
More of your worthless stupidity, Vance. You've done this too many times to count. Instead of having the decency and the intellectual honesty to ask me what I think or what my position on a subject might be, you presume to know and write it out as if you were speaking for me.
You're not just a fool; you're a hateful fool for having done this repeatedly despite my having dressed you down for this several times previously.
I didn't vote for Kerry; I was a Republican National Lawyers Association election volunteer for Bush.
You didn't characterize me fairly on matters of attorney-client privilege; you didn't come close and you appear to have not even tried.
You want to know what my "view of the law" is? Then ask me, you miserable prick. Better yet, don't ask me. Just stay away from me and my comments. Don't read them, don't respond to them. You are not worth my time.
Blumenthal's were about a 3, and reduced to a 2 after Blumenthal acknowledged them in detail and apologized. - Chuck
Why don't you go run your mouth to people who actually served in Vietnam and see what they think of you excusing Blumenthal's lies?
I used to be uncomfortable with Trump’s tweets. No more. Somebody has to call these swamprat scumbags on their shit. Who, if not Trump?
It is a disgrace that Blumenthal is a Senator.
I guess insult comedy is to Trump what golf was to our other presidents.
After a while, people don't take it very seriously. It's just "Trump being Trump."
anti-de Sitter space said...
You gotta long way to go just to get to the first Inga step.
"...facing the truth..."
The truth is if any service member with a clearance did what Hillary did they would get a jail sentence of thousands of years.
There are service people in jail now for doing a few times what she did thousands of times with much more sensitive information.
But she is a powerful democrat with stupid piece of shit voters like you supporting her.
The truth is you people are completely disgusting amoral shit heads who believe some people should not be subject to the law.
Hillary is a criminal. We know what she did. She belongs in jail. Any one of us would be in jail if we did what she did.
That doesn't even include taking millions of dollars from Russia and selling the country out.
Chuck said...
As for voluntary service, I also know that if undergraduate tuition at Michigan had been what it is now, I would have entered ROTC service as fast as I could. But I was an undergraduate in the late 1970's, and the military was reducing its size and didn't really work at attracting any of us, much less drafting us. And I could afford tuition with no loans.
Oh god.
You are such a pathetic loser. Nobody believes a word you say. Not even Inga.
Thank god nobody had to have you as their butter bar lt.
I've lived through, let's see, fourteen U.S. Presidents and only one of those has communicated to me personally, several times a day. Only one has made me feel like he is interested in me and wants me to know what he's doing. And invites me to join him, at a breakfast, or lunch, or to play golf. Yeah, I like those tweets. I have a special Twitter account devoted to PDT tweets, but I get them on my other accounts as well.
"Politics should stop at the water's edge, and at one time did so largely in practice."
Someone let Joe Biden know as well.
Civility bullshit.
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