February 19, 2019

"How do you know there's something not right with the coverage? When they simplify it all and there's no gray — there's no gray."

Yesterday, I tried the episode of the Mike Drop (Mike Ritland) podcast with Lara Logan, but it's over 3 hours long and the first half hour is lightweight warm-up chatter. Did she really say she drinks alcohol at breakfast and drinks a lot generally? How long did it take her to say what America means to me is freedom — 10 minutes? I do understand how these podcasts work, but I couldn't watch. This morning I'm seeing....

And I see a tip about where to begin, so let me cue you to there, about 8,000 seconds in, and it really does get very good:

Ritland has asked her about political bias in the media, and Logan has opined that maybe only 1% of mediafolk are on the right. She continues:
Visually, anyone who’s ever been to Israel and been to the Wailing Wall has seen that the women have this tiny little spot in front of the wall to pray, and the rest of the wall is for the men. To me, that’s a great representation of the American media, is that in this tiny little corner where the women pray you’ve got Breitbart and Fox News and a few others, and from there on, you have CBS, ABC, NBC, Huffington Post, Politico, whatever, right? All of them. And that’s a problem for me, because even if it was reversed, if it was vastly mostly on the right, that would also be a problem for me.

My experience has been that the more opinions you have, the more ways that you look at everything in life — everything in life is complicated, everything is gray, right?, nothing is black and white... even the ones where you really think you're in the right, where you think you're right about everything. So... how do you know you're being lied to, how do you know you're being manipulated? How do you know there's something not right with the coverage? When they simplify it all and there's no gray — there's no gray. It's all one way. Well, life isn't like that. If it doesn't match real life... something's wrong.

For example, all the coverage on Trump, all the time, is negative. There's no mitigating policy or event or anything that has happened since he was elected that is out there in the media that you can read about. That tells you that's a distortion of the way things go in real life. So my starting point is — okay, if I want to find the truth, where do I begin? I begin there, and I investigate from that point onwards. It's got nothing to do with whether I like Trump or don't like Trump or whether I believe him or don't believe in him or identify with him — whatever. I don't even want to have that conversation, because I approach that the same way I approach anything. I find that is not a popular way to work in the media today. Because although the media has alway been — historically, always been — left-leaning, we've abandoned our 'pretense' or at least the effort to be objective today.
I put "pretense" in quotes because she made air quotes. Abandoning pretense sounds like a move toward honesty, paradoxically. She's saying that before, they were biased and political, but they still believed that was wrong and tried to cover it up.
The former executive editor of the NYT has a book coming out — Jill Abramson — and she says, we would do — I don't know — dozens of stories about Trump every single day, and every single one of them was negative. She said, we have become the anti-Trump paper of record. Well, that's not our job. That's a political position. That means we've become political activists, in a sense. And some could argue, propagandists — right? — and there's some merit to that. So it doesn't mean that everything that's written is untrue. It doesn't say anything about where I stand on it. I do my job today the same way I've always done it.... I am consistent.... So if I'm doing my job exactly the same way... and suddenly today that makes me a Nazi and a fascist and a Trump lunatic, I'm like, how did we get there?


Fen said...

Is Laura Logan that reporter who was mass-gropped by a throng of Muslim men overseas? In Iraq, I think.

Or am I confusing her with another?

tim in vermont said...

Democracy dies in darkness, and the New York Times and Washington Post are bulk purveyors of darkness. It’s like the Climategate leak and the DNC leak, we didn’t learn anything new, even the fact that we were right is not new.

Phil 314 said...

Cleavage gets you viewers to a podcast.

And the woman’s section of the Wailing Wall isn’t tiny (not 1/2 but not tiny). By using this analogy she does expose the ignorance of the MSM to religious issues. Traditionally women were not part of the Mitzvah so tradition would not have them at the Temple.

Humperdink said...

"Is Laura Logan that reporter who was mass-gropped ....?

Yes, in Cairo,Egypt.

David Begley said...

Fen. Yes. See below.

She was on 60 Minutes. She got suspended and then brought back. I’d love her take on the McCabe interview.

Is she currently employed? Maybe she’s angling for a new job. UN?

“One of the crowd shouted that she was an Israeli, a Jew, a claim that CBS said, though false, was a "match to gasoline". She went on to say that they tore off her clothes and, in her words, raped her with their hands, while taking photographs with their cellphones. They began pulling her body in different directions, pulling her hair so hard she said it seemed they were trying to tear off chunks of her scalp. Believing she was dying, she was dragged along the square to where the crowd was stopped by a fence, alongside which a group of women were camping. One woman wearing a chador put her arms around Logan, and the others closed ranks around her, while some men who were with the women threw water at the crowd. A group of soldiers appeared, beat back the crowd with batons, and one of them threw Logan over his shoulder. She was flown back to the U.S. the next day, where she spent four days in the hospitaL”

Ralph L said...

I do my job today the same way I've always done it.... I am consistent

Maybe trying to be consistent, which is more than 99% of them. One cannot touch pitch without being defiled, said Trollope.

rhhardin said...

A subtle litmus test isn't needed. I spotted crap in 1970 and left TV. Anybody could do it.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Is this a sign the tide is turning or is Logan an outlier?

rhhardin said...

They reported stuff that I knew something about. Who watches this crap? That was the reaction.

Ann Althouse said...

"Is Laura Logan that reporter who was mass-gropped by a throng of Muslim men overseas? In Iraq, I think."

Yes, but it was in Egypt.

I just made a tag for her and applied it to the archive, so click on the tag and you'll get to old posts about that incident. She believed she was going to be torn up by the hands to the point of death, and that seems to be what would have happened if some women hadn't rescued her. So it was quite a bit more than groping.

I don't know what relationship there is between that horrific experience and her choice of eye-popping cleavage for the podcast, but I'm not going to try to figure it out. It's just pointless bad taste, and you know I'm not above discussing women using boobage in politics and media.

Ann Althouse said...

@ D Begley

Thanks for putting up the quote.

Ralph L said...

I'm trying to place her accent without looking it up. Originally British, but which part? Cigarettes or booze?
He's wearing a hat indoors in the presence of a lady. Disgraceful!

tim in vermont said...

“One of the crowd shouted that she wearing a MAGA hat, a claim that CBS said, though false, was a "match to gasoline". She went on to say that they tore off her clothes and, in her words, raped her with their hands, while taking photographs with their cellphones. They began pulling her body in different directions, pulling her hair so hard she said it seemed they were trying to tear off chunks of her scalp.

Ralph L said...

It's just pointless bad taste
So I was about to say something about it. One wonders if it changed her political viewpoint, however. At any rate, she's brave to say this.

gilbar said...

AJ Lynch said... Is this a sign the tide is turning or is Logan an outlier?

I think the word is: OUTCAST

Browndog said...

"mass groped" is an interesting term for violently gang-raped that forced her to be hospitalized for weeks.

rhhardin said...

I didn't consciously notice the boobage. It hit the fake boobs mental filter, registering as not interesting.

rhhardin said...

If there had been a dog driving a car in traffic behind her, I would have noticed the dog.

AllenS said...

Tags: No shit

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

"Pretense" is interesting. Did reporters in the old days (decades ago?) pretend to be objective, finding this was an insidious and clever way of getting their liberal bias across to the gullible public? Or does "pretense" belong in air quotes because in fact the discipline of maintaining some kind of objectivity actually forced reporters to ask at least some questions with which they might not be comfortable. Are the bad people right, at least this once? Are the good people wrong? This is the kind of thing very few people seem to be asking at all any more. Free speech, if it can be achieved, may not be the best way to arrive at truth for absolutely everyone (it's surely not true that there are exactly two sides to every question, nor that there are always so many sides, we might as well say there is no truth), but for a reporter on deadline, necessarily putting together a somewhat sketchy case based on a few pieces of evidence, a great deal of skepticism is warranted, and "listening to the other side" is likely to help. Maybe Smollett is lying, and one clue is the business about a white racist and homophobic gang walking around, in the cold, with a rope that is useful for a lynching; a second clue is Smollett showing up at the police station, with the rope still around his neck.

Tommy Duncan said...

Mark Twain was right:

“If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed.”

Henry said...

her choice of eye-popping cleavage for the podcast

I always thought a podcast was something you listened to.

Dave Begley said...


She's from South Africa. So she's an African-American.

MountainMan said...

@Ralph L: Lara Logan is from South Africa.

Ralph L said...

Dave, thanks. That explains the ample bosom /racist!

Lucid-Ideas said...

@Tommy Duncan

+1. Was just about to post that and you beat me to it.

donald said...


They’re pretty sweet.

buwaya said...

The last part of the interview - or near last, the thing is so long - is her extremely detailed story of her rape. Its rather painful to hear. And yes it was rape-rape.

She had to have several surgeries afterwards.

FIDO said...

This is something that even Althouse has noted over the years: the media is biased and is tries to drive a narrative.

Unfortunately, they aren't called on this nearly enough.

But that is the problem when they make 40% (or more) of their potential audience think that they are against them: they are in a fiscal corner with no way out.

I mean, what exactly is Rachael Maddow or Anderson Cooper going to do or say to make me suddenly think they are credible and objective? Certainly nothing that they are willing to do.

(Hmm...maybe a huge expose of Clinton Inc which resulted in charges...just throwing that out there CNN!)

So I will continue to visit news sites which are a bit less Black and White (Or Black and Black as the Jussie Smollett case showed us).

Dad29 said...

Mike's eyeballs were not directed toward her face....

FIDO said...

She sounds a bit drunk in the podcast.

Then again, I was listening to Jordan Petersen talking on the radio to a man who was thinking of going into academia. His suggestion was to make sure you take stands early on what you really believe in, or you will end up despondent and alcoholic later in life.

Ms. Logan seems to be bearing that out. She has been pushed by the narrative groupthink and she probably has some self loathing at having heretofore ejected her principles and journalistic ethics. Or perhaps despondency at how there is nothing to do to save or reform an organization that she used to love so much.

I mean, I can't look at Wolf Blitzer's face on CNN and not think 'Hostage Video'. He knows what he has become. And self aware sell outs are in a terrible kind of hell.

He deserves it.

FIDO said...

"Mike's eyeballs were not directed toward her face...."

And who could blame him? They were magnificent and she is correctly proud of them.

donald said...

Extensive research confirms that she is very proud of her breasts and for that I am thankful.

Hey Skipper said...

Over the past couple years, there have been a nearly uncountable number of stories about Trump that nearly all the MSM outlets have had to "walk back".

If their journalism was objective*, then one would expect those walk-backs to be randomly distributed across the spectrum of Trump-unfavorable to Trump-favorable.

Nope, nothing like it. Every one of them has come from the far Trump-unfavorable end. That's all the proof you need to know journalists are really propagandists.

*Journalistic objectivity isn't that hard to define, or do: requires reporting all the available facts at a given level of abstraction for any given event, and equally reporting all events within a class. I cancelled my longstanding NYT subscription yesterday, because they have long ago left any semblance of that behind.

Kevin said...

Is this a sign the tide is turning or is Logan an outlier?

She remarks on the podcast this discussion is most likely committing professional suicide.

Michael K said...

I mean, I can't look at Wolf Blitzer's face on CNN and not think 'Hostage Video'. He knows what he has become. And self aware sell outs are in a terrible kind of hell.

Conrad Black, who was at one time Blitzer's employer (Jerusalem Post, I think), says Blitzer was the greediest employee he ever had.

Jessica said...

I love what she has to say. That cleavage is CRAZY.

Wince said...

Wasn't the real Joe Rogan available?

Ralph L said...

I said elsewhere that one of our local news left out the white MAGA part of the Smollett (he passes spellcheck but MAGA doesn't) hoax. There's a small, independent newspaperman at JOM who corrects the AP copy before he publishes it, so they may just have taken the crap off the wire and looked no further, as Logan says. That's the charitable interpretation.

rehajm said...

She should go start a network with Sharyl Attkisson. It could be the only network devoted to 24 hour news.

buwaya said...

Its funny. Its common to think that men see women as a physical thing, a sex object, first of all. I don't think this is true. I have seen this woman for years on TV, and she was conventionally good looking, but not extraordinary or notable, in the way of talking heads. Even good looking people can be furniture. Nice expensive furniture maybe, but otherwise no personal reaction (there may be furniture-sexuals out there of course, you never know).

What she was known for, for a woman on US network TV, was daring, courting danger, hanging out with the troops. A bit of a war-chick. Christiane Amanpour, but with more balls.

But now she seems different. She is real, and beautiful. Its interesting.

I like the way its put in the "Adelita" - right off it mentions courage

- "En lo alto de una abrupta serrania, acampado se encontraba un regimento, y una moza que valiente lo seguia..."

- On the heights of a jagged mountain, was found a regiment encamped, and a lass who bravely followed it... "

And a bit later only

- "que ademas de ser valiente era bonita.."

- who besides being brave, was beautiful. . "

- and so made an impression, in that order. This is not unusual.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

EDH said...

Wasn't the real Joe Rogan available?

Beat me to it! Accept no substitutes!

rightguy said...

The mainstream media has been (loudly) 90% rote partisan democrat for so long now that I am having trouble remembering when it wasn't.

Ralph L said...

and a lass who bravely followed it...
Not to be confused with "camp follower", I assume.

BarrySanders20 said...

To pretend is to create a pretense. It's another way of saying fake news.

Levi Starks said...

Cruel Partiality

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Well her career is toast.

Anyone who drops off the corrupt democratic media plantation is over.

buwaya said...

A camp follower indeed. These were the soldiers women.

The real Adelita was apparently a volunteer nurse, of good family. She bore the soldier-songwriter a son. He was killed in battle.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Here in CO - even the local "news" is democratic party "news".

America is in deep shit because of this.

narayanan said...

some of the comments on her cleavage amount to asking her to cover up?!

is it not victim shaming/blaming for her ordeal?

Professora Emerita said

... I don't know what relationship there is between that horrific experience and her choice of eye-popping cleavage for the podcast, but I'm not going to try to figure it out. It's just pointless bad taste, and you know I'm not above discussing women using boobage in politics and media...

Bob Boyd said...

Abandoning pretense isn't a move toward honesty if you're abandoning the pretense of honesty. It means honesty has become essentially irrelevant.

Bob Boyd said...

"you know I'm not above discussing women using boobage in politics and media."

I watched the whole 3 hours with the sound off.

Daniel Jackson said...

I find the "boobage" and women praying at the Kotel to be fascinating--a rather un-subtle dig that appears to be equivocal.

Robert Cook said...

"Did she really say she drinks alcohol at breakfast and drinks a lot generally?"

That would fit with her being 1) British and 2) a journalist, wouldn't it?

Robert Cook said...

I never knew Logan was so buxom! Given her sexual assault a few years ago, I'm surprised she would display herself this way.

William said...

In the old-old days, publishers were conservative and reporters were on the left. There was some balance of powers. The left wing reporter could not write too enthusiastically about the wisdom of Eugene Debs. He had to show a little restraint.....It is, perhaps, instructive to look at the example of Theodore White and Henry Luce. Theodore White had studied China at Harvard and knew all about the subject. He was hired to be the Time magazine China correspondent. Henry Luce was the publisher of Time. He had grown up in China, but he was a capitalist and thus didn't understand the workings of the world the way Theodore did. Luce was pro- Nationalist; White was as pro Communist as he could get away with.......Sometime back I read White's account of his dealings with Luce. White told of his brave struggle to get the truth out. White seemed to think that history had vindicated his interpretation of events. Well, Taiwan under the Nationalists evolved into a democracy with a western standard of living and China under the Communists evolved into the Great Leap Forward and whatever it is today..........Reporters could learn much if they reflected on their mistakes, but that's not what they do. Now the publishers are men like Bezos and Sulzberger. Such men are not likely to tamp down the enthusiasm of men like White for a great, proletarian cultural revolution.

buwaya said...

Logan delicately implies that the messaging is directed from corporate, for political reasons. Its not just a question of giving journalists their desires. They were liberal-left forever.

I am not the only one with a conspiracy theory on this.

rehajm said...

A bit of a war-chick

Isn’t the scale different for a woman in a war zone? Ammanpour is a New York five but a war zone eight. What happens when you’re already a New York eight?

Ralph L said...

I'm surprised she would display herself this way.
She's uncovered and uncowed. Brava!

Was that tasteless?

William said...

All this talk of boobs in the comments made me click on the video. Boobs work. She really is sexy. I don't recall picking up on that when she was on broadcast television. I guess you have to turn that down when you're on the news. Boobs are also distracting. I paid more attention to the décolletage than to what she was saying......Anyway, she seems like a brave, honest woman, and I wish her luck.

tcrosse said...

Sharyl Attkisson, another brave, honest woman, shows a lot of leg on TV, although hers aren't spectacular. They're real, anyway.

FIDO said...

If we seem to be commenting more on her display or her history, or even her drinking, it is because that except for the Hard Leftists here, we already know that the news is stunningly and manipulatively biased, whether we really want to process it or not.

Actually, the Hard Leftists ALSO know this, but they look at it as a point of pride and their principle weapon in the culture war.

So that base knavery on their part is really more worthy of discussion than her Double Es.

David Docetad said...

""How do you know there's something not right with the coverage? When they simplify it all and there's no gray — there's no gray.""

With the MSM, there is no gray when they control the narrative. As soon as independently verifiable facts emerge, and the MSM loses control of the the narrative, then everything is all of sudden grayer than a February day in Scranton, Pennsylvania.

tcrosse said...

"How do you know there's something not right with the coverage? When they simplify it all and there's no gray — there's no gray."

We need to sharpen our graydar.

Howard said...

For Trump, this is an opportunity, not an obstacle. The msm and democratic apparatchik are so engorged on ideology, they can't see that they are shooting themselves in the foot.

Howard said...

Blogger rehajm said... A bit of a war-chick Isn’t the scale different for a woman in a war zone? Ammanpour is a New York five but a war zone eight. What happens when you’re already a New York eight?

Then they are an LA four

Bob Boyd said...

David Docetad said...

""How do you know there's something not right with the coverage? When they simplify it all and there's no gray — there's no gray.""

At first glance, I read that as "How do you know there's something not right with the cleavage?..."

Sally said...

"...I can't look at Wolf Blitzer's face . . ." I think of his turn on Jeopardy!.

hombre said...

Conservatives continue to hope that revelations like this from heretofore respected journalists will affect leftmedia propaganda. It won’t. Like Democrats, mainstream mediaswine are shameless purveyors of bullshit and enablers of criminals.

It will result in ad hominem attacks on the “turncoat”, but that’s all. The media manipulates the Democrats and, to an only slightly lesser extent, the Republicans. They are running the country. Trump is a temporary and slight impediment to their control.

hombre said...

Boobalicious, by the way.

Danno said...

I wonder whether her accent is from exposure to Afrikaner dialect in her native South Africa, which is derived from the Dutch heritage of many people in South Africa.

MayBee said...

Robert Cook said...
I never knew Logan was so buxom! Given her sexual assault a few years ago, I'm surprised she would display herself this way.

I'm guessing she was much more covered at the time she was assaulted. So perhaps this serves as a nice F* YOU.

Anthony said...

Lara Logan can spank my naked ass up and down the decks of the good ship Lollypop if she wants to. . . . . . .

Earnest Prole said...

I'm all for the Jessica Valenti treatment when there's nothing much else to talk about, but she's a serious journalist saying serious things that very few if any of her colleagues are willing to say.

n.n said...

is her extremely detailed story of her rape. Its rather painful to hear. And yes it was rape-rape.

She had to have several surgeries afterwards.

Arab Spring, Cairo, Egypt. I remember that she was assaulted, but I didn't know she was raped. Such an extraordinary individual who survives extreme personal violation and remains not only sane, but moderate, and productive, too. Some may say, rightly, heroic.

Dude1394 said...

That is a pretty impressive lady.

Dude1394 said...

Her comment about lack of eyeballs on the conservative media side is telling. Nowhere can you find a conservative viewpoint when you are walking in a store, around an airport, everywhere. It's all democrat propaganda.

mandrewa said...

This is remarkable interview. It's long but it's worth watching the whole thing. This is a special person. I am amazed by her strength.

I'm a bit embarrassed about all the comments about her cleavage. Being male and heterosexual I understand where it's coming from: it's the first thing I noticed too.

But it's her own business, and actually if you listen to the whole interview, you can guess part maybe of what that breast display is about. And I think it's partly defiance. She's saying her sexuality has not been shut down and has not been destroyed by what happened to her.

Her account also proves that the media was lying big time about happened to her in Egypt (if you remember what they said at the time). Once again the media lies.

I'm not so certain about her interpretation that she was deliberately targeted by the Egyptian government. It could be but her suspicions aren't the same as really knowing that there was a conspiracy. I believe part of the reason that so many Egyptians have apologized to her for this, as if their culture was to blame, is because it really kind of is. This sort of thing is hardly unknown there. And Laura Logan makes that point herself, actually.

Sebastian said...

"how do you know you're being lied to, how do you know you're being manipulated? How do you know there's something not right with the coverage? When they simplify it all and there's no gray — there's no gray. It's all one way. Well, life isn't like that. If it doesn't match real life... something's wrong."

Inching toward insight but still a little too close to the old Althousian I-can't-believe they don't do gray, it's-so-sad something's wrong.

The point is that wrong is right: progs manipulate on purpose, they don't do gray, they aim to change rather than match reality. News is a tool in the culture war, part of The Narrative that paves the way to power.

Of course, sometimes the manipulation backfires, or an odd fact stands in the way, or nice women that progs count on have pangs of conscience. "Don't they want to be individuals?" they'll exclaim. It's so sad they don't try to be objective!

It's nice that Logan dissents. But a luta continua. Until the Logans and the Althouses draw a line, not just with nice-woman laments but with actual derision and actual votes, choosing sense over sisterhood, it will keep going.

Jupiter said...

"Her account also proves that the media was lying big time about happened to her in Egypt (if you remember what they said at the time). Once again the media lies."

It was possible even then to learn what was done to her (I prefer that to "what happened to her"), but not from the MSM. I am not sure whether they were trying to protect her or their friends the Muzzies. Probably a little of each.

Henry said...

Is Rogan wearing a compression sleeve on his left arm?

Achilles said...

The major media is owned by about 20 people.

They don’t care about ideology right left politics etc. Those are just tools they use to keep idiots voting for Republicans and Democrats they bought.

They just want their serfs back.

Trumps greatest accomplishment is removing their masks.

Unknown said...

I"m wondering when our resident leftists (not Cookie, who is an honest, if wrong, leftist) will come in and cast stones at her... it's the kind of thing the left does: excommunicate the heretic and then hope the worst happens.

The left will now say that she didn't suffer enough that night in Cairo... because that's what happens to women who don't toe the leftist line!

It's sick, it's horrible, and it's what the left will do.


Jupiter said...

" I believe part of the reason that so many Egyptians have apologized to her for this, as if their culture was to blame, is because it really kind of is."

"Kind of"? As she explains quite clearly, this is business as usual to Egyptian Muzzies. There are multiple youtube videos of Muzzies "playing this game", as they like to describe it. This is what they are doing when they feel up the girls at public festivals in Europe. This is who and what they are.

M.K. Popovich said...

she can wear whatever the fuck she wants, ffs!

Jeff Brokaw said...

The most remarkable thing here is that this formerly obvious take is now dangerous to point out in public, rather than just an accepted way of doing business in the journalism world.

Achilles said...

buwaya said...
Logan delicately implies that the messaging is directed from corporate, for political reasons. Its not just a question of giving journalists their desires. They were liberal-left forever.

I am not the only one with a conspiracy theory on this.

It isn’t a conspiracy.

The media is literally owned by about 20 people.

The number of people that own everything and everyone in DC is in triple digits.

They just want their serfs back.

Guildofcannonballs said...

The defection was from Blonde to blah.

"I wish people would create and sign off each comment with a tagline, like dear old Feste." - Guildy

Martin said...

It would be interesting to get Lara Logan and Sheryl Atkisson together to compare notes.

Anthony said...

Jupiter said...
" I believe part of the reason that so many Egyptians have apologized to her for this, as if their culture was to blame, is because it really kind of is."

"Kind of"? As she explains quite clearly, this is business as usual to Egyptian Muzzies. There are multiple youtube videos of Muzzies "playing this game", as they like to describe it. This is what they are doing when they feel up the girls at public festivals in Europe. This is who and what they are.

I spent many seasons working in Egypt and I have to opine. Yes, there are a lot of Muslim men -- primarily those in the big cities who cater to tourists -- who will take every opportunity to feel up Euro women. But the vast majority are decent people who don't do crap like that. It's pretty much the same thing all over. Unfortunately, the bad apples do get the most attention.

patandemma said...

Professor Althouse you should listen to the whole podcast--Logan is an absolute psycho adventure junkie who finds her outlet in conflict journalism. She relates the incredible and frequently devious efforts she made to get herself into so many of the most dangerous conflict zones in history . Were she a man she probably would have become a Navy SEAL like Mike Ritland the interviewer..
She or somebody should write a biography

narciso said...

certainly ben Rhodes was doing the latter, he hid the nature of the Egyptian sawhra, uprising, just as he did with the assassination of ambassador stevens, then another cbs consultant, fmr acting company director vetted Dylan davies, a shadowy contractor to plant him in logan's team, to subsequently undermine her investigation,

wildswan said...

It matters that a reputable reporter is now saying that bias in the news has hugely increased to the point that we are very close to propaganda. When I listen to Lara Logan (or Andrew McCabe) what each is saying is very old news - very old to me anyhow, almost not interesting, to me anyhow. But I have many relatives and friends who have been denying that the news is now totally slanted (or that there was a deep-state coup attempted against Trump.) When I bring up facts, they ask "where did that fact come from" and the fact is supposed to come from reliable sources like NYT or Wapo or NPR. If not, it's not a fact. Even if the fact comes from an actual document, it isn't a fact to them unless a herald from the MSM comes with it, shouting "ABC says this is a fact." That's how it is. And in order to change their opinions you have to have a person like Lara Logan (or Andrew McCabe) speak up and say "the MSM heralds are now unreliable" (or "the deep state committed treason") because my sleepwalking friends and relations will listen to that sort of person.

So I feel as if something is changing, as if this rather bold woman has decided to do the radical thing as she has always done and meet with the despised (in this case, a right wing podcaster) because it's time for the forward spirits to do that. Time to admit that the water around Clinton's grown while Trump is beginning to shine.

And PS, And she wears a non-Muslim approved dress just to show she's still Lara Logan, alcohol at breakfast, the media for lunch, fun clothes if she feels like it. And to Hell with all of you.

wildswan said...

It matters that a reputable reporter is now saying that bias in the news has hugely increased to the point that we are very close to propaganda. When I listen to Lara Logan (or Andrew McCabe) what each is saying is very old news - very old to me anyhow, almost not interesting, to me anyhow. But I have many relatives and friends who have been denying that the news is now totally slanted (or that there was a deep-state coup attempted against Trump.) When I bring up facts, they ask "where did that fact come from" and the fact is supposed to come from reliable sources like NYT or Wapo or NPR. If not, it's not a fact. Even if the fact comes from an actual document, it isn't a fact to them unless a herald from the MSM comes with it, shouting "ABC says this is a fact." That's how it is. And in order to change their opinions you have to have a person like Lara Logan (or Andrew McCabe) speak up and say "the MSM heralds are now unreliable" (or "the deep state committed treason") because my sleepwalking friends and relations will listen to that sort of person.

So I feel as if something is changing, as if this rather bold woman has decided to do the radical thing as she has always done and meet with the despised (in this case, a right wing podcaster) because it's time for the forward spirits to do that. Time to admit that the water around Clinton's grown while Trump is beginning to shine.

And PS, And she wears a non-Muslim approved dress just to show she's still Lara Logan, alcohol at breakfast, the media for lunch, fun clothes if she feels like it. And to Hell with all of you.

wildswan said...

Sorry for the double post - Blogger said it hadn't gone through when I hit send but apparently it had.

narciso said...

Yes I dont think the govt was involved, but it made the Arab spring narrative look bad.

narciso said...

McCabe lies for a living, that's why 60 minutes had him on, no contrary point of view has been presented, Logan has been brave in many places not merely tahrir square. Early on she did a profile of how things were being handled in Ramadi, under a very diligent national guard commander (and fmr police officer) on his watch there wasnt a single fatality between 2003-2004,

phantommut said...

I never knew Logan was so buxom! Given her sexual assault a few years ago, I'm surprised she would display herself this way.

Defiance, for which I am inspired (and grateful).

narciso said...

Its curious how you have stories of gretchen Carlson (busy destroying the miss universe pageant) and Megyn Kelly because roger Ailes must evil man in the universe, despite the fact they wouldn't have a career If not for him. But a story like hers doesn't even get considered.

narciso said...

Yes shes easy on the eyes, she was a former model, in her native south Africa, before she turned to journalism.

Nichevo said...

Robert Cook said...
I never knew Logan was so buxom! Given her sexual assault a few years ago, I'm surprised she would display herself this way.

2/19/19, 9:08 AM

What are you saying, Bob, she ought to know when she's licked? She should know her place?

Nichevo said...

BTW Althouse: what happened to Lara Logan is what those pouty models are asking for. Except Logan didn't ask for it.