February 21, 2019

Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson speaks about the Jussie Smollett case.



WisRich said...

He didn't pull any punches. Pretty devastating.

Fustigator said...

Sure he did - pulled a couple punches. He seemed to be pissed how this tarnished the reputation of the city of Chicago. I dont think I heard one word how he was pissed that impugned white males, republicans, conservatives and Trump supports (e.g. deplorables).

Never even mentioned. Was all about diversity....blah...blah....blah.

Also dont think there are hardly any instances of racial/hate crimes other than black on white that never gets reported. Seems to imply there are plenty of real hate crimes. I dont see it.

Chuck said...

Why can't anybody give a speech or a press conference anymore, without a bunch of people lined up behind them as stagecraft?

There must be an intended political meaning for that female CPD Captain standing behind the Superintendent.

JohnAnnArbor said...

Why can't anybody give a speech or a press conference anymore, without a bunch of people lined up behind them as stagecraft?

It seems to be common in local political and law enforcement circles, and has been for decades. Not sure if it's trying to say "look, we're a big team working on this ((problem at hand))" or what.

Nonapod said...

I mean, this really should go without saying but...

Note to the anti-Trump people: In the future if a report of some event like this occurs again (evil MAGA hat wearing white males behaving in ways you imagine they would), if something just confirms your biases so well... too well, you shouldn't automatically assume it's true. Be skeptical. You don't always have to be the first person to comment. Before you open your big dumb mouth, maybe wait a bit.

narciso said...

it's a microcosm of the dysfunction in the windy city, there wasn't any evidence to really investigate this matter, unlike the 18 murders that occurred in the interval, that were not investigated,

Chuck said...

JohnA2: Sometimes, in a mass casualty situation, or a natural disaster, many people may need to answer media questions on many divergent issues. Or there may be differing statements from city, county, state and/or federal law enforcement, with different jurisdictions.

But now, every political speech has people standing on a riser behind the politician. And even where there is just one person of authority giving the statement, they line up lower-level executive branch personnel to stand there and stare grimly forward.

Everybody does it; left, right and center. Trump's rallies pretty much all do it, if they can't get Air Force One or an F-18, or a fire truck, or a European-built Harley Davidson to sit behind Trump.

I watch those things and I sit there and think that if I were the event coordinator I'd be sweating bullets, hoping that none of the poor schmucks lined up behind my candidate flipped the bird, or vomited, or felt up the girl standing in front. But what do I know about what cable news desires?

Bay Area Guy said...

The hammer has dropped.

Many folks - at the beginning - thought the story was fishy. Very few white guys in Chicago wearing MAGA hats in public, at night, mugging black dudes, sorry.

Let a thousand media/politico apologies blossom!

narciso said...

this concerns the mayoral primary, which includes a far left candidate, who has ties to the district attorney, the anti lynching bill that harris and booker signed on to, the eloi claxon against phantom maga supporters, all to hide the dysfunction in the city,

JohnAnnArbor said...

if something just confirms your biases so well... too well, you shouldn't automatically assume it's true.

Applies to everyone, all persuasions. If something seems too perfect, wait for confirmation. And even if not, wait anyway.

MadisonMan said...

He should be asking those questions right in Jussie's face.

I'm starting to thing Smollett is contemptible.

Fernandinande said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lucid-Ideas said...



They can't cover for him. Damage control time. Throw-him-under-a-bus time. They've been given 'the signal' that it's ok to sacrifice this lamb.

But whatever they do, they shouldn't bring any attention to

A) His willfulness is almost signing a complaint against the 2 Nigerians
B) His desire to start a race riot
C) His malevolent attack on white Americans or the 60+ million people that voted for Trump

You already start to see the message forming at the beginning of the week.

The narrative can't be salvaged, but he'll be sacrificed and bear the cross to keep the discussion focused on him and away from the real issue.

I wouldn't even be surprised if the 'wasn't paid enough' motive turns out to be false.

MadisonMan said...

Also -- the split screens with the Police Chief on the left and Jussie on various Red Carpet is very effective at making Smollett look incredibly bad.

Fernandinande said...

There isn't enough racism to cause any significant pain and anger to blacks, as Chicago Police Department Superintendent Eddie Johnson dishonestly stated; other than this dishonest Police Department Superintendent, the scariest part of the whole incident is that someone called The Littlest Victim a "fig".

Sydney said...

It puzzles me that someone as successful as Jussie Smollett would feel the need to do this. He already gets a lot of attention as an actor. But I read that he started acting as a child, so who knows what Hollywood did to him.

Lucid-Ideas said...

I mentioned this in a previous post.

This is not going to go quickly

This is unspeakably ugly and has gotten 'normies' attention. It can't be ignored. This is a strong candidate for 2019's biggest 'redpilling'.

As long as it drags out it can't be kept out of the news.

Que Delicioso

Achilles said...

Again they are just concerned with how this will affect the reaction to hate crimes and their perception.

No concern at all about their fellow leftists attacks on political opponents.

eddie willers said...

It's a bit sad to me because I thought his sister was the cutest little thing on Friday Night Lights.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


BTW - can Colbert be charged with a hate crime? He's a hate merchant and he causes people like Smolette to do crap like this.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Now his big lie is that he was mad at his salary.

Jussie's twitter content was a seething pile of Trump-hate.

Jim at said...

Let a thousand media/politico apologies blossom!

Fat chance.

langford peel said...

This is what happens when you accept gay black men.

They should be relegated to their traditional roles of backup singers or tap dancers.

Why are you surprised?

Jim at said...

It puzzles me that someone as successful as Jussie Smollett would feel the need to do this.

It shouldn't. It's quite clear why he did it.

langford peel said...

You never heard anything bad about a Pip.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Pics are circling 'webwide' of (Smollett+"______") photo-ops. The dude has pictures with literally everyone....

All Dems and media personalities. Everyone is 'on the hook' for this guy. I can foresee oppo-stringers at 2020 candidate rallies sneaking in photo-ops/copies of tweets with this putz front and center causing momentary 'deer in the headlights' moments for Harris and Gillibrand et al like bullets shot through a teleprompter.

They have Effed up so so bad. God is just.

narciso said...

so this was the big squirrel, from last week:


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Peel - bugger off.

Rabel said...

I'll bring this up here:

Is it possible that he has a way out of the false report charge because he was not the one to make the first report to the police, the 60 year old is named as making that report?

The Illinois statute is not specific about what constitutes a "report."

And note that CPD is not the FBI. You can lie to them, you just can't make a false "report."

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Sydney said...
It puzzles me that someone as successful as Jussie Smollett would feel the need to do this."

It's not puzzling at all. His mother was involved with the Black Panthers and Angela Davis. He's a chip off the old block.

He saw this as a twofer - he'd gain saintly victim status ("I'm the Gay Tupac!") and discredit Trump voters AND Hollywood would reward him with more money and bigger and better roles.

The only problem was he was too stupid to come up with a plausible hoax. And if he's not appropriately punished for this vile stunt, somebody smarter will come up with one.

Tank said...

Why can't anybody give a speech or a press conference anymore, without a bunch of people lined up behind them as stagecraft?

Maybe those were the detectives who worked on the case and he wanted to give them credit?

JohnAnnArbor said...

I wonder when the feds become involved. The letter was false, too, and anything involving the mail is a federal crime. Do not mess with the Postal Inspectors.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

:..one of the largest Pride parades...." outsized only by participation at the Annual Chicago Heterosexual Pride Parade.

But yeah, well said, Superintendent. Kudos.

Surprising however to have the Police Superintendent making public statement of "facts" that normally would be determined/vetted by court proceeding. May point to a decision having been made somewhere not to prosecute, just publicly humiliate and let it go.

Tank said...

The Chief is worried that now people may be skeptical about reports of hate crimes. They should be; that is lesson number one from this disgusting affair.

Bay Area Guy said...

“Smollett took advantage of the pain and anger of racism to promote his career,” superintendent Eddie Johnson said.

True, but a bit muddled. Should read:

“Smollett took advantage of a left-wing anti-Trump narrative to promote his career, to inflame racial tensions and to further his political aims, by falsely adopting a victim status ,” superintendent Eddie Johnson said.

Much better, no?

Sebastian said...

The chief starts with the "racial divide." What racial divide, exactly? In Chicago, the killing is mostly black on black. In the country, the divide is mostly dug by progs. The divide rhetoric is itself a prog tool, used to advance The Narrative that made Smollett possible.

He also somewhat cluelessly asks why a black man would use the noose etc. etc. Why indeed? Plays to prog stereotypes, exploits prog sympathy, pins blame on the bad white racists out there--useful for him personally, fits The Narrative nationally. Same as all the other fake hate crimes. And indeed prog sympathy did pour forth, for poor gay black man assaulted by bad white homophobic racists, you know, AmeriKKKans.

Except that facts got in the way, in a way that will be a bit more difficult to whitewash than in the case of various campus fake-haters.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Seen on twitter...

@hannibalsector "Is straight up case mental illness otherwise he wouldnot have thought that sotry could work. This is what white homophobia does. He shouldve known better but he wasnt thinking clearly."

Translation: Jussie's just crazy otherwise he would've done it right and gotten away with it to prove why we hate white people!

They live among you. They breath your oxygen. They - short of a record - can buy weapons. They vote.


exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

And if he's not appropriately punished for this vile stunt, somebody smarter will come up with one.

2/21/19, 2:27 PM

On the upside, the people who stage fake hate crime hoaxes all seem to be dumber than doorknobs.

They tend to have a weird fixation on nooses, for instance, as if they think Trump voters wander the streets with rope in hand on a routine basis.

John Ray said...

This guy named Justin is angry that he makes in excess of 1KK a year from the flic series and his music? Give this responder a break. I'd be a fool to buy that.

Justin is a "disturbed young man" as the 16 starred Johnson called him? No, I don't buy that either. He's pushing 40 -- old enough to run for President of U.S. O.K., he may well be sicko, but a stupid one at that. He paid his partners-in-crime with a check, FCOL.

Justin is: a convicted criminal from a few years back; willing to throw his own family members under the bus to save his own butt; he's pure lying trash.

Demeaned Chicago or the CPD, including that ugly captain behind the 16 starred Johnson? Don't buy that either. Nothing so corrupt or inept could be demeaned.

Balfegor said...

RE: Achilles:

Again they are just concerned with how this will affect the reaction to hate crimes and their perception.

No concern at all about their fellow leftists attacks on political opponents.

Yeah -- the possibility that people might be slightly more skeptical about the next claim of a hate crime really ought to be a second-order concern, next to the fact that the man tried to exploit political hatred of Trump-supporters for his own gain. The first-order victim of this hoax is every Trump supporter in the Chicago area, really.

Also, the policeman talks about the noose as a symbol of racial oppression, but one of the fishy things about this whole business from the start was the noose itself. Honestly, I don't think nooses have any particular racial meaning to anyone other than Black activists -- are there really White racists whose go-to anti-Black symbol is a noose? For most people, nooses are just a quaint old-timey Western thing you use to hang cattle-rustlers and bandits!

Bay Area Guy said...

From Larry Schweikart:

"Hands up, don't shoot." HOAX
"Poor Nathan Phillips." HOAX
"Video caused Benghazi." HOAX
"Jussie Smollett." HOAX

Anyone seeing a pattern here?

Not a hoax - Dem Governor moonwalking in Michael Jackson blackface/Dem Lt. Governor raping women.

Chuck said...

Hahaha! My mind was so made up, I never even bothered to watch the ABC interview done by Robin Roberts. So I had missed it, when Jussie Smollett referred to "fear mongrels." Hahahahahahahahahaha.
Thanks for putting that up, Althouse. You're such a great aggregator.

Nonapod said...

(Off Topic) I hear that Kamala Harris is for "reparations for black Americans". With this new information I'm no longer completely convinced that she'll be the eventual Dem nominee.

Lucid-Ideas said...

More racial politics angle....

I wish I may I wish I might see a Trump tweet condemning Jussie for his willingness to character assassinate his Nigerian friends tonight.

One little tweet from the President on how a black-American was perfectly fine and willing to throw Africans - real Africans - under a bus. Mr. Jussie "I make $1.17 mil to pay a $3500 faux-hate bill" Smollett had no problem - none whatsoever - in bearing false witness against other black people. At least they weren't Black-Americans...whew that was close he could've been called out for snitching but they don't count.

If Trump was smart that's what he would do. Stick it right in their faces.

This is what blacks-fucking-over-blacks-on-black crime actually looks like. "Rich gay blacks FUCK YOU...not the other way around." LOL

Nonapod said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rhhardin said...

The part about abusing the sacred noose symbolism was pretty awful. Even the sensible leftists buy the victim hype.

rhhardin said...

The noose was a boy scout knot when I was a kid. Instructions in the handbook.

traditionalguy said...

This press conference by the professional CPD is well worth the watching...twice. The attitude and the themes of this Chief is like watching an America Made Great Again. These Chicago Polices appreciate the world of Trump more than the Fake News Media will let us know. This was carefully NOT broadcast live.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Honestly, I don't think nooses have any particular racial meaning to anyone other than Black activists -- are there really White racists whose go-to anti-Black symbol is a noose?"

I heard a black woman on the radio this morning say she started to have doubts about the story when she heard Jussie kept the noose around his neck until the police showed up. She said, "What black person would do that?"

The proper question is "what person would do that?" Whites are not immune to strangulation via rope. The normal, natural response any conscious person would have to feeling a noose tighten around the neck would be to claw at the rope. Thoughts of historical injustices perpetrated by the KKK would not be on anybody's mind at that moment - just a panicked "get this goddamned thing off my neck!"

Bay Area Guy said...

Jussie only paid the Nigerian extras a paltry $3,500?!!?

I think the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) wage scale for hate crime hoaxes is closer to $5,000 + a per diem lunch.

Hollywood - always tryin' to shaft the black man.......

Mike Sylwester said...

This whole episode proves that the Federal Government needs an anti-lynching law.

Seeing Red said...

it takes a while to figure out that you're still going to be non-white, an other, in a world where White has the Money and White makes the Rules.

Now IF he was in China....

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Russians stole the election from Hillary. HOAX.

Late night TV Trump hate = real. Where are the hate crime charges?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Not a HOAX - Hillary setting up and using a Private Server to conduct offical State Business in secret so she could stuff Clinton Foundation coffers.

in secret.

WhoKnew said...

Well, Jussie Smollett may be a fraud and a loser, but he may have a future as a wordsmith. I, for one, am going to work "fear mongrel" into every conversation I possibly can

Mike Sylwester said...

Whenever a hate crime is reported, the most gullible people are university people -- students, professors, administrators. These people obviously lack the skepticism and critical-thinking skills that most, normal people do possess and exercise.

In this Smollett case, though, the most gullible people were the Democrat candidates for the 2020 Presidential election. They fell for Smollett's hoax faster than even the university people did.

The university people never learn anything from these hate-crime hoaxes. Let's hope that the Democrat candidates will learn a lesson.

Tank said...

Althouse should draw a fear mongrel.

Bay Area Guy said...

"Hands up, don't shoot." HOAX
"Poor Nathan Phillips." HOAX
"Video caused Benghazi." HOAX
"Jussie Smollett." HOAX

Adding to the list:

"Duke Lacrosse rapists."HOAX
"Virginia Frat House, Rolling Stone rapists." HOAX
"You Can Keep Your Doctor." HOAX

Anyone note the pattern? Anyone?.....Bueller?....Bueller?

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

I hope Empire Fag Nigger dies slowly and painfully in prison.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't even hire a couple of honest-to-goodness peckerwoods to fake the attack.
Had to hire some black foreigners...pathetic

The Vault Dweller said...

Especially given his prior crime where he tried to falsely blame it on his little brother. Smollett seems to be a liar without conscience. Maybe even rising to the levels of sociopathy. I hope he spends some time in the klink. I think 18 months sounds about right.

That being said I'm conflicted about the media. There seemed to be so many issues and questions which while didn't prove it was a hoax to begin with should have prompted a great deal of skepticism from the media. I'm not necessarily surprised, but what I'm conflicted over is that there was so much right away, that to still be wrong on the issue and report the alleged attack as fact rather than just an allegation looks like malfeasance instead of just incompetence. To be wrong because one is gullible is a lot different than to be wrong because you just don't care about the truth. This is pushing my meter away from lefty media are just dumb towards lefty media actually have malicious intent.

Fen said...

"Applies to everyone, all persuasions. If something seems too perfect, wait for confirmation. And even if not, wait anyway."

Can we not go anywhere near Both Sides Do It, Fake But Accurate, and Nevertheless A Teachable Moment.

I thought the Right handled themselves with grace, dignity, and the discipline to not hang him for real. If we would like them to repeat that behavior again we should reward them for it.

And remember that despite the outing of the hate crime as a hoax, their will still be "retaliaton" against some poor conservatives over this.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Maxine Waters is doubling down and blaming Trump.
This women is hate merchant extraordinaire .

Anonymous said...

"I still want to believe after all that has happened that there is still something called justice," said Jussie Smollette.

Me too.

traditionalguy said...

Smollett's phone records that show whom he talked to before turning himself in the past few days are said to lead to Kamalla Harris.

I wonder how will the Dem's MSM will cover this up. For the last 50 years, the FBI would swoop in and take over the Investigation until all evidence had been disappeared and any witness giving the wrong statements were silenced by threats or killed. Think Las Vegas massacre.

Tomcc said...

I watched the mash-up; thank you for providing it. "How are you going to heal?" I do believe he will have plenty of time to himself in the not too distant future.

Tomcc said...

Hey! Maybe he and Weinstein can go halvsies on some of that "counseling" they both desperately need- you know, to show how repentant they are.

Anonymous said...

Tank said...
Althouse should draw a fear mongrel.
2/21/19, 3:25 PM

Hahahaha! I heard that too and had to shake my head.

“My mom was in the movement with Bobby Seale and Huey Newton, and one of her first mentors was Julian Bond,” Mr. Smollett said of the Black Panther founders and the civil rights leader. “To this day, Angela Davis is one of her dearest friends. We’ve spent Mother’s Day with Angela.”

No wonder this guy is so jacked up. What a way to grow up. Apparently mom and dad took him and his siblings back and forth between LA and NYC to get them into show biz. No time to learn reading and writing and basic, you know, American English. Growing up around those Black Panther "fear mongrels" really twisted little Jussie's mind. What a waste.

Seeing Red said...

And $1 mill isn’t enuf to live on for a commie.

William said...

His fame and the initial success of his hoax will work against him. He's a carbon copy of Sherman McCoy. All those celebs and pols who were invested in his story will now feel obligated to speak out against him and demand exemplary punishment......Nathan Phillips got caught in some blatant lies, but his fraud was nowhere near as successful. He'll probably be allowed to slink off the stage......I wouldn't want to overdo it with Jussie. The extrajudicial punishment will be heavy. This is a guy who could look forward to all the choice cuts at the banquet. Now he's the choice cut.

Achilles said...

Northham is still Governor of Virginia.

His rapist Lieutenant Governor is still free to rape more women.

The racist AG is still AG.

Bill Clinton.

Democrats are all racists and rapists or enablers.

MadisonMan said...

"Jussie, everyone makes mistakes. Don't beat yourself up over this"

Meme seen today that made me chuckle.

walter said...

Lucid-Ideas said...
More racial politics angle....
I wish I may I wish I might see a Trump tweet condemning Jussie...

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"He who sows to the wind, will reap the whirlwind"

Welcome to the Windy City

Digging thru his phone records and the convos w/ lib politicos should be interdasting

Achilles said...

Bay Area Guy said...
"Hands up, don't shoot." HOAX
"Poor Nathan Phillips." HOAX
"Video caused Benghazi." HOAX
"Jussie Smollett." HOAX

Adding to the list:

"Duke Lacrosse rapists."HOAX
"Virginia Frat House, Rolling Stone rapists." HOAX
"You Can Keep Your Doctor." HOAX

Anyone note the pattern? Anyone?.....Bueller?....Bueller?

This is a concerted effort to smear and dehumanize the globalists political opponents.

And in every situation lefty sympathies are still with the perpetrators of the hoaxes.

Ann still gives her sympathy to Phillips and Smollet. She makes it explicit in her posts.

To be on the left you are either a hater or you enable hate. They have no first principles.

It ends in the same place either way.

walter said...

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...Digging thru his phone records and the convos w/ lib politicos should be interdasting
Right..but remember it's Chicago..

AlbertAnonymous said...

So what (if anything) will SNL do with this case?

Ray - SoCal said...

What seems to upset the Chicago Establishment more was the leaks

and a blog
that just would not let go of this case.

The reason the DA withdrew, was she saw no upside to being involved.

The real goal of the Chicago establishment was just sweep this under the carpet, and use the crisis for good effect. Rahm (never let a crisis go to waste) is mayor. Just as was done with Mathew Shepard (drug deal gone wrong) became a gay martyr over a so called hate crime.

It's funny reading of opinion writers saying they knew it was fake, but they were afraid to say anything do to the online mob. So much like the fairy tale of the Emperor Wore No Clothes.

Breezy said...

Despite his skipping a cpl key victims here, I am glad the super said what he said and the manner that he said it. Preaching accountability. Amen.

FIDO said...

The Police Chief spoke powerfully.

There was one omission in his speech: Smollett tried to smear White People and Trump supporters as racists He was trying to cause a wider racial divide for...reasons.

I mean, the Police Chief seems offended more that he thinks that violet Trump Racists would be in town than that this guy tried to set up a witch hunt.

I was pleasantly shocked that he directed even a touch of ire at Kalama Harris et. al. for their buffoonery and race baiting.

So I give him a B for a black Democrat political shill of a cop. That wasn't a bad speech. Could have been better but I am satisfied.

Shouting Thomas said...

Is the anti-bigotry crusade finally crashing and burning?

I can only hope.

FullMoon said...

Saw a clip of Jussie leaving courthouse. He is not feeling well.
He is sick to his stomach. He will not sleep well, probably will need medication to help him sleep.

No matter what his attorneys say, he will worry he is going to prison.

His money is being spent on attys and publicity people. Money he could have spent on a Bentley or given to the homeless or donated to Kamala's and Spartacus campaign.

He is worried he may be un-employed and never earn hundreds of thousands of dollars without much effort.

His fans and hangers on will desert him.

He gets it the old fashioned way, he earned it.

Tommy Duncan said...

Booker and Harris gave their opponents some priceless ammunition. Even CNN criticized them. We normally expect those of Presidential timber to exercise some restraint and judgement when faced with explosive allegations. Even just adding the words "if true" makes a difference.

Of course some candidates get "do-overs" while they get used to their training wheels.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Booker T. Spartacus and Kamala Wakanda and of course rev Al were pushing the anachronistic lynching bill and needed some extra "juicy" spin. Betcha grooming him for politics since the acting gig is going south.
Check his bank statements also

Bay Area Guy said...

He is sick to his stomach. He will not sleep well, probably will need medication to help him sleep.

No matter what his attorneys say, he will worry he is going to prison.

His money is being spent on attys and publicity people. Money he could have spent on a Bentley or given to the homeless or donated to Kamala's and Spartacus campaign.

He is worried he may be un-employed and never earn hundreds of thousands of dollars without much effort.

If your life was crumbling down, based solely on your own blinded lies and deception, you'd feel the same way too!

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Is the anti-bigotry crusade finally crashing and burning?

I can only hope.

2/21/19, 4:45 PM

A conservative student was just called a "racist" and punched in the face at Berkeley. But that's OK because he's a white male and therefore not human and he had it coming.

Tommy Duncan said...

“The vicious attack on actor Jussie Smollett was an attempted modern-day lynching. I'm glad he's safe. To those in Congress who don't feel the urgency to pass our Anti-Lynching bill designating lynching as a federal hate crime– I urge you to pay attention,” senator and Democratic candidate Cory Booker, N.J., said on Twitter last month."

“.@JussieSmollett is one of the kindest, most gentle human beings I know. I’m praying for his quick recovery. This was an attempted modern day lynching. No one should have to fear for their life because of their sexuality or color of their skin. We must confront this hate,” Kamala tweeted last month.

TobyTucker said...

I'm just wondering why his manager wasn't arrested as well. He was obviously part of the plot and for all we know, might be the one who came up the idea for this in the first place. Don't managers get a percentage of their clients earnings or is that just the agent? In any case, he would certainly benefit if his client had ended up with a higher profile and increased earnings if this hoax hadn't been busted.

I can see why the two guys who carried out the "attack" got off easy as they ended up cooperating with the police but why haven't we heard anything about the manager's part in all of this?

Danno said...

ay Area Guy said..."Many folks - at the beginning - thought the story was fishy. Very few white guys in Chicago wearing MAGA hats in public, at night, mugging black dudes, sorry."

Much less tracking and following a specific actor from some obscure cable show that no self respecting conservative would watch, follow or be aware of.

Danno said...


Nichevo said...

Blogger Sydney said...
It puzzles me that someone as successful as Jussie Smollett would feel the need to do this. He already gets a lot of attention as an actor. But I read that he started acting as a child, so who knows what Hollywood did to him.

2/21/19, 2:00 PM

I wonder if he knows Ed Buck. Remember, the secret of Harvey Weinstein's success was that he could in fact provide career promotion, or demotion, both sticks and carrots. Money was a lubricant, but not his means. Power was.

But can Ed Buck help you in Hollywood? It seems he can in DC from all the D pol love. Would people call him "the devil" and then return to him, had he not some attractive power (likely not charisma)?

Has he, or another like him, had this nasty little piece of work, this Jussie Smollett, under his hands?

Who sent you, Jus? Talk. Rat. Tbe reason he needs the book thrown, as should happen to Northam, is to pile a thousand years on him and make him talk.

Why wouldn't he talk? Flipping is an easy and effective way out. I guess he knows he'll never eat lunch in that town again, but that may not be up to him anyway, not for some time if the Post Office decides to go balls-out for him for decades of consecutive sentences.

Is it anyone's particular business to pursue justice from Smollett? Should PDT say something? Chuck, I know your answer, DIAF, but then

(as I would ask you politely, if not that you have been banned here, and should not respond)

Should anybody else say or do anything, besides just BAU, in the JS case? Anything to be done that you would wish to see? Any expected or hoped for result?

(How much white space is ok, Althouse? I like two or even three lines sometimes but more is glaring. But I'm responding to two separate commenters)


Squirrel? At first glance, they make the fellow look like a serious problem. I was prepared to wait and see, and the tidbit that Inga trotted out, to the effect that the case had been soft-pedaled, was interesting. But you have already sounded it's depths? What do you find?

Danno said...

Make that stalking rather than tracking and following.

Matt Sablan said...

"I'm starting to thing Smollett is contemptible."

-- He let his alleged friends stew. He is contemptible. Even bad guys usually are loyal.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"Hoaxie" Awards
Hollywood/ProgLibDem elites should just be loud n proud with it,
and have the annual ceremony.
"Best Biased Editing"
"Best Racial Attack"
"Best Rape"

Drago said...

"Hoaxie" Awards

Best "Lifelong Republican"

FIDO said...

In related news:

A Leftist Berkley Student, ginned on by assholes like Smollett just hauled off and punched a Conservative twice, screaming 'racist'.

Some lady knocked a MAGA hat off the head of a man eating in a Mexican restaurant in front of cops, screaming 'you shouldn't be allowed to eat in a Mexican Restaurant'.

How much racist violence is there? How about compared to Leftist violence?

FIDO said...

If Smollett was making a million in Hollywood, that is...not a basic salary, but it isn't mansions, swimming pools or movie stars either.

He has to watch his twenties.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Blogger Shouting Thomas said...

Is the anti-bigotry crusade finally crashing and burning?

Did you mean "anti-bigotry crusade" (ie: perpetual race baiting/grievance mongering?)
if so, are you asking the ProgLibDems to tear a plank out of their platform?

langford peel said...

Why the shock? Why the surprise?

Don't you know that this is what they do?

The constant drumbeat of pissing and moaning about discrimination and oppression from blacks and gays is the dominant narrative from the media and the cucks.

The only answer is to divorce yourself from contact with these people.

Read Debyshire's letter to his son that got him fired. You can't tell the truth anymore.

We have lost our way. You virtue signalers can suck cuck dick all you want. But the Derb told it true.

chickelit said...

I think Booker and Harris are casualties as well as any other candidates who overreacted and weighed in early. Harris especially because she's ex=law enforcement and should have known better than the rest.

chickelit said...

AlbertAnonymous said...So what (if anything) will SNL do with this case?

The Second City players could have had a field day and made everyone laugh and begin healing. I predict that SNL will ignore it because it doesn't fit the progressive narrative.

Tommy Duncan said...

Blogger chickenlittle said...

"I think Booker and Harris are casualties as well as any other candidates who overreacted and weighed in early."

It will be entertaining to watch Harris and Booker attempt to put distance between themselves and their mindless assertions in the Smollett case.

n.n said...

Is the anti-bigotry crusade finally crashing and burning?

The anti-sanctimonious hypocrisy adventure is in progress, and will persist until it is no longer PC (e.g. politically congruent).

Tommy Duncan said...

Imagine if Obama were still President and this event/hoax had occurred with the races and political affiliations reversed: A white, gay actor stages a fake attack by alleged black Obama supporters. The original attack would have been ignored by the press and possibly by the police. The hoax, on the other hand, would have brought in the DOJ, Jesse and Al, Antifa, BLM, and Democrat politicians would be fighting each other to co-sponsor dozens of hate crime bills.

Derve Swanson said...

Christ would teach us to pray for Jussie Smollett in his hour of need, not repeat his sin and hate on him right back...
(Justice is ours, amen, but
"Leave the vengeance unto Me,"
sayeth the Lord. Romans 12:19)
Maybe something good will come of this.

Scripture tells us small things can sprout greatness with the Lord's help. I hope Jussie has people to pray with.

(The Boy with a Demon --
Afterward the disciples came to Jesus privately and asked, “Why couldn’t we drive it out?” “Because you have so little faith,” He answered. “For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20)

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Jussie Smollett really made a name for himself. That name is "Empire Fag Nigger".

MaxedOutMama said...

The police chief's words were rather affecting.

RichardJohnson said...

David Rutz's combination of the police chief speech with the Smollett interview shows Smollett in tears. Someone who can cry while telling a lie is quite the actor- or sociopath.

MaxedOutMama said...

I am sad that the first part of the Chief's statement was cut - he referred to the victims of gun violence.

In any case, this ridiculous story should now fade into a bewildering footnote. I doubt most of us can really comprehend the mindset that led to this stunt.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Remember this McWhorter Atlantic article Althouse linked to the other day?
The headline quote from the post was McWhorter writing:

"Smollett—if he really did stage the attack—would have been acting out the black-American component in this eschatological configuration, the role of victim as a form of status."

Which turned out to be self-serving nonsense on the part of McWhorter. If you can believe the Chicago cops, Smollet's motive was money and esteem, the same thing that motivates people of any race or sexuality. Black people are not special, they do not have a unique Black-American eschatology.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Smollete wanted to bring violence toward anyone who supports Trump. He's a Nazi.

Marc in Eugene said...

At least I now know how to properly pronounce Mr Smollett's name.

le Douanier said...

BTW, we need two have two more black folks arrested for committing fraud:



madAsHell said...

It's not white privilege. It's 15 to 20 points of IQ.

Michael K said...

I talked to my sister, a Chicago resident. She Wa very impressed with the Chief's presser. I think it did him a lot of good, at least with whites.

DEEBEE said...

The Chi Pol Chief’s perplexity at Jussie’s use of all the narrative paraphernalia reminded me of possibly Panera officials wondering, why their stores with suggestions for donations and not prices did not work. The soft socialist experiments march on.

walter said...

By all means, 'sitter..call the authorities on that.

MAJMike said...

This is a prime example of Nigerians doing a job Americans won't.

effinayright said...

MadisonMan said...
"Jussie, everyone makes mistakes. Don't beat yourself up over this"

Meme seen today that made me chuckle.

Yeah. Because he DID beat himself up over this, to fake his assault.


FullMoon said...

This is killer:

Devastating Prosecution Proffer

walter said...

Given the crew and their luck, give him a couple IQ points for switching the liquid from gasoline to bleach.

Sebastian said...

"The Chi Pol Chief’s perplexity at Jussie’s use of all the narrative paraphernalia"

Right. Even the forthright chief can't bring himself to acknowledge the real racism at work here, aimed against Trumpian deplorables, and the real reason for the stunt, the culture of prog sympathy and racist prejudice in which smears have a chance to flourish.

Bay Area Guy said...

Nothing says "eschatological configuration" than hiring two Nigerians to beat yourself up....

David Duffy said...

$3,000 in unreported income to the Nigerian actor beater-uppers. Immigrants doing the job American's won't do.

David Duffy said...

Will the IRS make sure beater-uppers reported this income on their taxes?

Gunner said...

Gay Tupac will never face real punishmemt.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Gay Tupac will never face real punishmemt.

2/21/19, 9:13 PM

That's what I thought at first, but Gay Tupac is pleading innocent rather than coming out with a sob story about how drugs, mental illness and Trump made him do what he did. I don't think doubling down on stupid will work for him, but we shall see.

Bay Area Guy said...

I've had a really rough week. The rains flooded my basement, my boss demoted me, my wife slept with my neighbor, my kid was expelled and my dog died.

So, due to the stress and anxiety, I've decided to ..........hire two Nigerians to beat me up to gain sympathy from CNN.

Good idea or bad?

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
walter said...

So.. who paid for those flights to Nigeria?

Gahrie said...

I've had a really rough week. The rains flooded my basement, my boss demoted me, my wife slept with my neighbor, my kid was expelled and my dog died.

Sounds to me like you've got the makings for a smash hit country western song....

wendybar said...

And the ANGRY racist Smollett is crying that he was set up, and didn't get due process. WAHHHHHHHHH. He will be a left wing HERO by next week. Celebrities are already lining up protecting him. https://www.weaselzippers.us/411649-sheryl-lee-ralph-smollett-made-a-bad-mistake-but-a-lot-of-people-have/

wendybar said...

BETRAYED!!!! Bahahahahhaha.....

RMc said...

The Chief is worried that now people may be skeptical about reports of hate crimes.

Not really. People who want to believe in this sort of thing will continue to do so; those who don't, won't. And media outlets will do anything that attracts eyeballs (especially if they can order it with a side of Social Justice).

JAORE said...

The Chief should shut up about the case beyond recitation of facts. Let the courts decide.

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