He’s a rich target in crazy times like this, because he’s not a normal guy. He’s a vegan and a Rhodes Scholar, and he never touches alcohol or tobacco. He meditates daily, and Tweets quotes from Jewish scholars and Buddhist priests. He once supported vouchers for private schools, and he attends prayer meetings with a Republican senator who thinks climate change is a hoax....
But put that aside. The core criticism of Booker is that he is a showboat with a silver tongue, a man whose real talent is promoting himself, not getting stuff done. That last part -- about not getting stuff done -- is wildly unfair....
In Newark, Booker beat the corrupt old guard and became the first mayor in 45 years to leave office without being indicted. He cut the city’s workforce by 25 percent, a record of austerity unmatched in the state. He doubled the supply of affordable housing. He drove down crime sharply, at least until a cut in state aid forced police layoffs. He was a key figure in expanding charter schools that now educate one-third of city students, and are rated as among the best in the country by outside experts....
Booker was a leading negotiator of the most important bipartisan effort since President Trump was elected, the criminal justice reform signed in December....
February 1, 2019
"Booker is running. I’ve watched him for 20 years. Here’s what I’ve learned."
Writes Tom Moran at NJ.com (as Booker announces his run this morning).
Spartacus/T-Bone 2020
Ask Booker what he thinks about charter schools and lowering crime now though? That's why he will lose. And badly.
Booker beat the corrupt old guard and became the first mayor in 45 years to leave office without being indicted
Convicted? No. Never convicted.
I'd vote for that Booker.
But a pro-police, pro-voucher Democrat sounds like the kind of centrist Frank Rich will claim everyone detests.
The phrase clown car will not be uttered by MSM for at least two years.
With Spartacus Booker and Wiley E. Brown's mentoree (cough) now in the race, we'll get to see if the Brown Paper Bag Test can really work a second time,
They left out, "and he's known to be fond of quoting Hollywood movies".
He's been seen with puppies in his lap.
He once took in his neighbors garbage cans.
He actually sat at the same table with people eating hamburgers.
He's a Delta Diamond level holder, but has spoken with those in Zone 4.
Loves mirrors.
Booker should give more detail about his drive to Hawaii.
That's news people can use.
He was a key figure in expanding charter schools that now educate one-third of city students,
This will be the first test of whether his record is worthy of support. If he flips on this it will demonstrate he's interested in political theater fomenting hate instead of changing the circumstances which cause the poverty he claims to be reacting to. So to sum up he'll be just like every other Democrat.
I know which way I'd bet.
"Vote for me - I'll make America look like Newark"
Jared and Ivanka are big fans of Booker.
"became the first mayor in 45 years to leave office without being indicted."
Now that's a high bar!
If he repudiates most of his prior Deeply Held Principles, he might have a chance. Which I expect will come easily to him; as a silver-tongued orator, he will find it easy to describe how he has evolved to discover the evils of charter schools. Otherwise, the teachers' unions will veto his candidacy.
Ellen Page has TOLD US that "the world as we know it will Not Exist in, um, 2030"
SINCE the world has only 11 more years to run; Why should we care?
I remember a time (maybe still is...) when NY mayors always had presidential ambitions...
The another term as mayor with a quick sojourn to Washington as rep followed by a slot at the white house kind of thing.
Watch out NY...NJ wants a piece of the action!
WHY should we taxpayers be paying ANYTHING for educating the young? World Ends in 2030!
WHY should we taxpayers be paying ANYTHING for health care? World Ends in 2030!
WHY should we taxpayers be concerned about ANY of the BIG problems out there? World Ends in 2030!
Trump doesn't smoke or drink either. Sorry Cory, early abstinence catches the nomination!
Affordable housing means rent control, if I'm guessing right.
That's how Obama got elected. Pretending to be a family-values moderate.
“He drove down crime sharply, at least until a cut in state aid forced police layoffs.”
Booker, Danno?
He is vegan no thanks. I suspect he will try and make us all eat like he does.
In my experience, "Affordable Housing" means old run down homes, that may or may not pass Board of Health inspection, in very bad neighborhoods that charge HUD $1,200-1,800 per month rent depending on the number of "bedrooms."
Booker [..snip..] became the first mayor in 45 years to leave office without being indicted.
Damning with faint praise.
"became the first mayor in 45 years to leave office without being indicted"
For a black Dem, that's a major accomplishment. Gotta give him that.
"I'm not a crook"--now there's a slogan.
I heard him described as Obama Lite. How is it possible to be have less substance than Obama?
I heard him described as Obama Lite. How is it possible to have less substance than Obama?
I object! I object! I most strenuously object!
Obama has plenty of substance. I flushed about a half a kilo of that substance just an hour ago.
Here's the elephant in the room on Booker: Is he gay? Asexual? Has he ever dated a woman? Has he jumped KKH's bones? AOC's? Gillibrand's?
“In Newark, Booker beat the corrupt old guard and became the first mayor in 45 years to leave office without being indicted.”
Talk about low bars...
I’d make the joke about being the tallest pygmie, but I’m sure I’d be called racist.
"became the first mayor in 45 years to leave office without being indicted"
Booker was Mayor from 2006 - 2013.
His impressive stat probably tells us more about Obama's integrity than it does about Booker's.
Booker beat the corrupt old guard. - other democrats.
Cory's problems is that he's just another flavor of economy-killing tax rape for free goodies. and he's an odd looking duck. Obama is handsome. Cory? not.
"He cut the city’s workforce by 25 percent." If he would try that with the US Federal Government employees, I would vote for him. But no, didn't hear a word about it during the recent shutdown.
"the first mayor in 45 years to leave office without being indicted". "Better than nothing is a high bar."
Obama is handsome. Cory? not.
Actually, I've never thought Obama handsome. To me, Booker is more physically attractive. But appearance is the last thing on my voting priority list.
I was amazed that Hillary did not choose him for VP. Kaine is an idiot. Why not Booker? I think if she had had him on the ticket, it might have brought out enough black votes for her to win.
Maybe just bad chemistry but I think he would have helped her where she really needed help.
Such fawning press.
Mockturtle - appearance ins't on my voting list, either. Just making notes.
Michael K -
Hillary had no choice but to choose the person who would keep her secrets. Clinton loyalty.
Booker is much less Socialist than the other three Senators. He’s a Crony Cpitalist like the GOP and the vanishing Clinton Democrats. He’s on the SJW bandwagon so he’s a bit to the left of Mitt Romney. But Romney will get there in a year.
The first time I ever read Booker's name was on Mickey Kau's Slate blog back in 2008. He attended the Ed Challenge for Change in Denver just before the DNC convention. Kaus was impressed by a group of state and local politicians, including Cory Booker of Newark, Adrian Fenty of D.C., Peter Groff of Colorado, and Michael Nutter of Philadelphia. In addition to all being black and bald, all were prominently speaking out against the teacher's union, normally sacrosanct among state and local Democratic politicians, who are often highly dependent on teacher union support.
Actually, I've never thought Obama handsome. To me, Booker is more physically attractive. But appearance is the last thing on my voting priority list.
Ehh, I'd kick 'em both out of bed for Don Lemon, even though the poor beautiful guy has nothing but empty space between his ears.
Mockturtle - appearance ins't on my voting list, either. Just making notes.
Dickin - Oh, I know. BTW, I find Beto very unattractive. But then I didn't find JFK attractive, either. W was probably the most attractive President in my lifetime.
Ehh, I'd kick 'em both out of bed for Don Lemon
Sure, Farmer, because you're a guy. Lemon looks like a girl.
My daughter and I both had a crush on Ari Fleischer. ;-)
Of all the Senate clowns in the Kavanaugh Konfimation Komedy, Booker was the No. 1 Bozo. Ignorant, Arrogant, and completely out-of-his-depth.
Plus, he has Crazy Eyes. According to Trump he 'drove Newark into the Ground'. In any case, he's black Pol #2, and will disappear once Harris starts rolling.
So what is his stand on taxes? Or on Medicare for all? Or immigration? None mentioned in the piece of fluff. I think Harris will take his balls off.
Whenever I see Cory Booker, I am reminded of Martin Luther King, because both men practiced civil disobedience.
During the Senate hearings about Brett Kavanaugh, Booker used civil disobedience to speed up the release of a document that showed that Kavanaugh opposes racial profiling at airports.
Because of his civil disobedience, Booker has earned the admiring nickname "Spartacus".
The Democrat party wants women and black/minority candidates. Harris is a two-fer.
Holy fucking shit!, Newark is presented is aspirational for America. Not since Nathan Phillips was presented as the pride of the Marines have I seen such a crock. Affordable housing? The housing in Detroit is far more affordable. You can pick up a Victorian mansion for a few hundred dollars there. Maybe that former mayor, Kwame something, can think of running for Prez. He should run it by his probation officer.
My daughter and I both had a crush on Ari Fleischer. ;-)
You officially lost the right to mock my Don Lemon crush.
I liked that Booker. The Booker I saw in the Kavanaugh hearings not so much.
I was amazed that Hillary did not choose him for VP. Kaine is an idiot. Why not Booker? I think if she had had him on the ticket, it might have brought out enough black votes for her to win.
Maybe just bad chemistry but I think he would have helped her where she really needed help.
I think she didn't want a VP candidate who would steal the spotlight. She didn't want to be McCain to someone else's Palin.
AND he has an imaginary friend named T-Bone that may just run as his Vice President!! (also, look into how he got money from Big Pharma) https://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2013/08/the_tale_of_t-bone_cory_bookers_past_statements_haunt_him_on_campaign_trail_with.html
I liked that Booker. The Booker I saw in the Kavanaugh hearings not so much.
Thanks to the presence of cameras, those hearings have mostly become opportunities for political grandstanding and attention-seeking. Booker is already prone to these temptations, so the addition of cameras is no help.
I don't pay that much attention to appearances. None of them are grotesquely ugly, and some are reasonably good looking. Good looks are probably advantageous, although on a subliminal level. They certainly worked for Ted Bundy, and they may give Beto a leg up......Technically speaking, Hillary wasn't grotesquely ugly, but the incontinence problem worked against her. It was amusing watching all those journalists and fellow pols trying to pretend that they were in a field of lavender when the noxious fumes around her were causing innocent bystanders to sicken and die.
@ Mock
Dickin - Oh, I know. BTW, I find Beto very unattractive. But then I didn't find JFK attractive, either. W was probably the most attractive President in my lifetime.
Beto is unattractive, I agree. He's young and that's about it. I never thought much about W's looks, one way or the other. But now that you mention it, he is a mildly good looking man.
You know who is hot? Van Jones.
Thankfully, not running for prez.
"Hillary wasn't grotesquely ugly"
Yes she is. Mostly because I see into soul, her inner core. She is hideous.
Trump could end Booker's political career with one word:
Good news for Trump!
You know who is hot? Van Jones.
Thankfully, not running for prez.
Not bad, but Marc Lamont Hill is hotter.
I don't pay that much attention to appearances. None of them are grotesquely ugly, and some are reasonably good looking. Good looks are probably advantageous, although on a subliminal level.
I have to admit, I never got all the fawning over Sarah Palin's looks. She was certainly not an unattractive woman, but she certainly wasn't cuter than the average Fox News bobble head.
You don’t seem to be attracted to bald men. Or you don’t like bigger guys like Booker?
Booker played football at Stanford. Not as good as Gerald Ford was but it’s pretty impressive. Booker is taller than Trump and more athletic.
Booker looks like a president.
Booker would be the first bald president since IKE.
Dickin' declares: You know who is hot? Van Jones.
Thankfully, not running for prez.
Agree on both counts.
Booker... became the first mayor in 45 years to leave office without being indicted.
What Mr. Moran leaves out is there were only three mayors during that 45 year time frame: Hugh Addonizio, Ken Gibson, and Sharpe James. For that matter, Addonizio only barely qualifies having left office in 1970 (and being indicted in 1969). Gibson served for 16 years, James for 20, Booker for 7-ish. Most likely James would have remained mayor for longer and blocked Booker's path if not for the fact that James was going to prison.
Newark has been notorious for its corruption for a long time and the city has suffered greatly for it.
You don’t seem to be attracted to bald men. Or you don’t like bigger guys like Booker?
No, was never too much into the jock, beefcake type. I preferred slender pretty boys. But now this is starting to get into TMI territory.
Booker and Lindsey Graham were character witnesses for Bob Menendez at his corruption trial.
I give both of them credit for being loyal to a friend. Most politicians wouldn’t do that out of self-preservation.
Booker is the best of The Senators.
Farmer, I'm relieved we won't be competing for the same guys. ;-)
I think she didn't want a VP candidate who would steal the spotlight. She didn't want to be McCain to someone else's Palin.
Good point. I thought it was because he is dumb but then you have to explain Kaine.
And as someone who has witnessed the various mayors of Newark, I will say that Booker was much better than James and, for that matter, James was much better than Gibson. Gibson was a complete disaster, both super corrupt and completely ineffective, for which he was rewarded with being re-elected again and again. James was corrupt but he actually got some productive things done and things got better. Booker was less corrupt and more effective than James. It's progress.
The thing is Newark is still a place you do not want to live, save for a few nice-ish neighborhoods, if you can at all help it. It is a better place to live than in, say, the 1970s when it would be negatively compared to Detroit, but it is a dangerous place to go at night and there are neighborhoods you do not want to be in during the day. Still a high unemployment rate in the 6% range is miles ahead of the 50% rate that they had during prime Gibson, and crime rates are down dramatically.
Personally, Booker always seemed to me to be a bit of a showboat who was more interested in looking good getting things done than actually getting things done. But the thing is he would actually do the work to get things done, at least sometimes, as opposed to taking credit for nothing in particular. By Newark standards he should be Booker the Great.
I still would not want him to be President, but I would say that of the entire Democratic field at the moment. On the national stage is appears that whatever the good work done on the local level is tossed out for lockstep orthodoxy of whatever the radical left has decided upon 5 minutes ago, so past performance is basically useless as a guide.
Michael K asked:
"I was amazed that Hillary did not choose him for VP. Kaine is an idiot. Why not Booker? I think if she had had him on the ticket, it might have brought out enough black votes for her to win."
A good question. In hindsight, it is obvious that Kaine was selected because Hillary thought she had to win Virginia in order to win the election- basically every political pundit (including me, by the way) thought Trump had to win either VA or FL to have even a chance to win the electoral college- picking Kaine was seen by Clinton and her team as basically shutting Trump out of any chance to win.
Of course, in hindsight, it is likely that Clinton wins VA without Kaine on the ticket, and perhaps Booker would have brought home Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin quite handily.
Booker the looker. He might do better than the covey of Democrat-Communists , because he seems to be a traditional New Deal Coalition Democrat, with added Racist Demagogue credentials.
My prediction is that Booker will be the VP on the next Democratic ticket and the president will be a woman. 60% it's Hillary, 25% Harris, 10% Gabbard, 5% some other woman.
Spartacus better use his shield well. Hold it low to avoid female kicks to the groin, or maybe put it behind his back to avoid the back stabbers. One way or another his candidacy is likely to be bloodied early.
I cannot trust this rag unless I learn it is owned by a billionaire.
The question for Booker & indeed for all of the ever growing list of Dem candidates is --- can they quickly raise some cash to get the show on the road?
Harris has some West coast Silicon Valley & Hollywood money, so it appears she's set to at least start. I've seen Booker on a new cast saying sweet things about Wall Street, so he may have some good tie-ins to Wall Street money. Newark is part of greater NYC metroplex that considers the finance industries to be the local cottage industry. We'll see if he can cash in.
On the other hand, unlike Silicon Valley or Hollywood money, Wall St. money is seen as toxic by the left wing of the Democratic Party, so that may cause problems for Booker.
So this is the second offering from Ms. Althouse about two democratic candidates. So Senator Harris has shown herself to be lazy, mean politician of low morals with a cuckold of a husband and no accomplishments whatsoever. Senator Booker is a liar of the first order but oddly, sexless. Perhaps a voluntary celibate? I will always picture his jazz hands at a Senate hearing. Anyway, I firmly believe it is Hilary Clinton's nomination to lose.
Farmer, I'm relieved we won't be competing for the same guys. ;-)
Luckily I have been off the market for some time.
"Of course, in hindsight, it is likely that Clinton wins VA without Kaine on the ticket, and perhaps Booker would have brought home Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin quite handily."
What's the support for that? Hillary already had the black vote sown up. She didn't need Booker to help bring out the black vote. Secondly, Booker is from NJ which was 100 percent for Hillary. He brought nothing to the party in terms of Hillary winning a state.
Third, and most importantly, Booker is an odd person, and a loose cannon. Look at his goofy comments during the Kavanaugh hearings. Finally, I'd bet some dirt in his background from his Newark days.
IOW, why take risk on Booker who bring very little to the ticket.
Kaine stayed out of the way, and delivered VA.
And why we'd want the former Mayor of Newark, and a Senator from corrupt NJ, as President is puzzling.
"The core criticism of Booker is that he is a showboat . . ." No, the core criticism of Booker is that he is a STATIST showboat, If there were a libertarian whose showboating could promote the freedom philosophy, I'd be all for him (or her).
J Farmer wants to break the first rule.
His list of potential guys is off putting.
Never put your dick in crazy.
J Farmer, pay attention to the first rule.
Please, for your own sake.
Luckily I have been off the market for some time.
Me, too, Farmer!
That is... when and if you return to the market, obey the first rule.
Birkel said...
J Farmer wants to break the first rule.
His list of potential guys is off putting.
Never put your dick in crazy.
J Farmer, pay attention to the first rule.
Please, for your own sake.
I feel like there is a reference in here I should be getting, but sadly it is going right over my head. Would be lying if I didn't say I was intrigued, though.
J Farmer,
The first rule of dating girls that boys learn is "don't put your dick in crazy."
The same rule should apply in same sex relations.
Just saying, the Lefties you mentioned above are all crazy as fuck.
Don't even daydream about crazy.
Ah, Birkel. Now I get it. And it's good advice. But women also need to beware the crazy guy that will stalk you forever. Very scary.
I agree it works in both directions.
But the rule is less straightforward with girls.
Crazy dudes can go crazy even without a motivating incident.
They can stalk based on nothing, I have witnessed.
So the rule there ain't snappy.
Cory got crazy eye..
The white pillars would be rehabbed.
The first rule of dating girls that boys learn is "don't put your dick in crazy."
Haha. I see now. I can say with some certainty that the likelihood of me ever having sex with Don Lemon or Marc Lamont Hill is about as close to absolute zero as you can get. Nonetheless, I still think they are both good looking men. But if I had to pick between the two, it'd probably be Hill. Lemon is cuter, but at least you could have an intelligent conversation with Hill. And given that we are about 180 degrees on the race issue, that'd be some heated pillow talk.
Good looking is how the crazy ones trick you into breaking the first rule.
That is why God invented red heads, LMAO.
For plenty, it's the last rule learned in dating.
That is why the tragedy of fatherless homes is an underreported shame.
Every dad should pass that along to every son.
The real problem lies with those who realize that crazy is usually fantastic in the sack.
Those poor souls never recover.
Kamala Harris springs to mind.
Good looking is how the crazy ones trick you into breaking the first rule.
No it's the incredibly hot sex and ego-shattering orgasms. See Michael Doughlas in Fatal Attraction. You're not going to get that action in the elevator with the ol' lady.
p.s. Damn you beat me to that point two minutes early ;)
J Farmer,
Trust me when I write that I know more about that particular subject than do you.
And you are wrong, thank God.
It would be a tragedy otherwise, for me.
Now, Now Birkel.
You've got Brooks fumbling to turn on his desk fan.
Trust me when I write that I know more about that particular subject than do you.
A point I am happy to concede to you.
Though don't necessarily assume your experience is that much more expansive than my own ;)
With women?
And the subset of crazy women?
I will take my chances.
Birkel said...
With women?
And the subset of crazy women?
I already conceded it was more. I just suggested that it may not be by the order of magnitude you presume. Then again, I don't know your age. So maybe.
Farmer's been there, done that...apparently.Crazy may have influnced his trajectory.
My trajectory towards sane, calm rationality? Perhaps.
Alright everybody gather 'round
The Candy Man is here
What kind of candy do you want
Sweet choc'late
Choc'late malted candy
Gum drops
Anything you want
You've come to the right man
'Cause I'm the Candy Man
Oh, who can take tomorrow (who can take tomorrow)
Dip it in a dream (dip it in a dream)
Separate the sorrow and collect up all the cream
The Candy Man (the Candy Man)
Oh, the Candy Man can (the Candy Man can)
The Candy Man can
'Cause he mixes it with love
And makes the world taste good (makes the world taste good)
Ah..great tune. I thought Bernie should have used it in his campaign.
I was an admirer of Booker as mayor, but as Senator I only see the Kavanaugh hearings.
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