February 18, 2019

At Ratty's Café...

... I'm sure you've got plenty left to talk about.

And stuff to buy at Amazon — through the Althouse Portal. I just bought an 8-pack of Tiny But Mighty popcorn.


Inga...Allie Oop said...

Here is poor Roger Stone who was so poorly treated by the FBI when they raided his house...


“Roger Stone's lawyer has filed a formal court document apologizing for an image posted to Stone's Instagram account earlier in the day showing the face of the judge in his criminal case next to an apparent crosshairs symbol. The photo of U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson appeared on the former Trump adviser's account Monday afternoon and included the symbol in the corner.”

D. said...

the happy rat cafe

Meade said...

The tiny popcorn is mighty good.

Inga...Allie Oop said...



“Former West Virginia official who was fired for slurring Michelle Obama as an “ape” recently pleaded guilty to defrauding the Federal Emergency Management Agency, according to the Charleston Gazette-Mail. She now faces up to 30 years in prison and a fine of up to $500,000.

Pamela Taylor, who had served as executive director of the Clay County Development Corporation, lost her position in 2016 after she praised Melania Trump and insulted Michelle Obama with a racist Facebook post.

“It will be refreshing to have a classy, beautiful, dignified First Lady in the White House,” Taylor wrote. “I’m tired of seeing an ape in heels.”

Drago said...

Entire armies of leftists have called for Trump to be killed and made music videos, plays in the park, and used every other medium to depict just that.

Meanwhile, an Inga/LLR Chuck in Kentucky pulled a gun in a walmartand pointed it directly at the head of a Trump supporter and his wife.

But his wife isnt named Heather Heyerso she doesnt count.

So, in summary, more firepower was used to bring Roger Stone in than was used to storm Bin Ladens compound.

Elian Gonzalez knows what that is like as well:

They sure showed Elian who's boss, didnt they?

Drago said...

Inga, did he do it in blackface? Maybe whilehe was raping a couple gals?....oh, wait, we dont Believe All Women anymore, do we?

Drago said...

I see Inga is in Full Jussie Switch Mode now.

But why? Dont we need to stand up to those roving MAGA gangs in Chicago?

Do you think Kavanaugh is the ringleader?

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

The good news for Inga is that Farrakhan came out super strong for his Womens March anti-semitic leadership!

So, you know, you've got going for you.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Hey, he's just another Hodgkinson in the making.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Meanwhile, an Inga/LLR Chuck in Kentucky pulled a gun in a walmartand pointed it directly at the head of a Trump supporter and his wife.”

So you’re accusing me of being in Kentucky and pulling a gun on someone? I don’t own a gun, nor do I step foot in Walmart, here in WI and definitely not in Kentucky

Drago said...

Inga: "...nor do I step foot in Walmart, here in WI and definitely not in Kentucky"

I dont blame you. Lotta lefties pulling guns there.

Very prudent.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

16 states are suing Trump over his bogus National Emergency.

Drago said...

Inga: "16 states are suing Trump over his bogus National Emergency."

Filed under "duh"!

This national emergency is so very very different than the previous 70+ and 31 still active!

David Begley said...

1. Meade: How did you learn about this popcorn?

2. Ann: Nice rat.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Entire armies of leftists have called for Trump to be killed...”

Ohhhh Hahahaha, I missed this gem. Surrrrre Drago, liberal armies on the march! In Drago’s head.

Big Mike said...

@Meade, if you're still around, did you get paid for my order with Amazon -- it's the modest order that included hiking boot laces and female hair care products.

Humperdink said...

20-30 million undocumented democrat guest voters does not constitute an emergency with the lefties. No kidding.

Big Mike said...

Rats can can make their own Snuggie!

tim in vermont said...

nor do I step foot in Walmart,

Too many poor people there, just trying to get by.

narciso said...

You had antifa operatives working in the consumer bureau, EPA operatives representing themselves as company and keeping secret email accounts, of course Amy Jackson represented William 500 k Jefferson before judge ellis


narciso said...

So you have black face herring Becerra another fool, the folks who tried to put eyrman out of business in Washington, challenging an order backed by a dozen statutes.

tim in vermont said...

Monday afternoon and included the symbol in the corner.”

LOL, that’s a fucking stretch. It was probably some photoshop marking, like when you crop a photo. No, it was secret code calling for an assassination!

Inga can see Russia from her house!

Darrell said...

Big Mike,

I'm sure your nickel was appreciated.
If it reached that lofty amount.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

we're thinking of writing a book about the Althouse commenters

the History of the Althouse Blog Commentariat

"how a retired law professor-turned-blogger became ringmistress of an online circus"

waddya think?

JackWayne said...

Here’s an important story that got memory-holed by our Bureaucracy and their media lapdogs. There’s more war against Trump than just Russian Collusion.

Big Mike said...

Darrell, a few more orders and they can buy a gumball.

mockturtle said...

Nice lookin' rat!

narciso said...

You have a whole host of apparatchiks in robes or sometimes just three piece suits masquerading as objective observers Mueller his one time boss weld, Comey his sancho panza pat Fitzgerald who ran interference for Michigan state for a year and half

Ken B said...

“Big, if true.” Nice.

Drago said...


Inga, did you ever get your tickets for that one?


Golly gee, Inga has never heard of any of that!

walter said...

Blogger Drago said...
This national emergency is so very very different than the previous 70+ and 31 still active!
Eminem: This ones...ORANGE!

narciso said...

As pointed out earlier, two of the fund sources for the wall do not require an emergency,

rhhardin said...

Consider illustrating Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations

52. If I am inclined to suppose that a mouse has come into being by spontaneous generation out of grey rags and dust, I shall do well to examine those rags very closely to see how a mouse may have hidden in them, how it may have got there and so on. But if I am convinced that a mouse cannot come into being from these things, then this investigation will perhaps be superfluous.

tim in vermont said...

“16 states are suing Trump over his bogus National Emergency”

Didn’t we establish once and for all during the Obama presidency that issues pertaining to the border and immigration were Federal issues?

Drago said...

TIV: ,Didn’t we establish once and for all during the Obama presidency that issues pertaining to the border and immigration were Federal issues?"

Obama literally legislated DACA all by himself (he had a phone and a pen: "We Can't Wait", "Congress wont pass a bill!")

Yep, "we cant wait" was obama had to say to start legislating without congress.

There isnt a single lefty anywhere that opposed that.

Drago said...

These are always fun...

"College students denounce 'Trump' immigration quotes until realizing Democrats said them"


walter said...

At the heart of Republicans’ criticism were (Inga,) two senior F.B.I. officials, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, who exchanged text messages about their dislike of Mr. Trump, his supporters and his policies — even as they investigated his campaign’s ties to Russia.

“Just went to a southern Virginia Walmart,” Mr. Strzok wrote in August 2016, just a few weeks into the Russia investigation. “I could SMELL the Trump support.”

walter said...

You know those people of Walmart pics?
Imagine Petey smirking through the store while he looks for wheatgrass juice.

narciso said...

Heck I remember when 100 Hollywood celebrities swore an oath to Obama, his there were school children being dragooned into singing songs to him, holy hunger games, when judges issued injunctions against him on funding acorn or banning oil drilling he ignored them

Seeing Red said...

Via Insty:

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is expected to leave the Justice Department in mid-March, CNN reports.

ABC News: “Jeff Rosen, the current deputy at Transportation, is newly-confirmed Attorney General William Barr’s top pick to become deputy attorney general.”

tim in vermont said...

The Democrats used to claim to represent the people who shop in WalMarts. Now they represent the billionaires, the Hollywood hyper-wealthy left, and since they don’t actually have that many votes, only piles of money, they are importing the voters they need who won’t question them.

They bring people like Inga along by feeding them the same hate propaganda Democrats have always used, just against powerless poor whites now.

“I am a bigot... but for the left” - Woody Allen [Annie Hall]

walter said...

Smollett is an English and Scots surname, originally meaning small head.
"Jussie..What's in your smollet?"

roesch/voltaire said...

I watched Amy Klobuchar and found her so well informed with such a clear record of accomplishment on so many levels from social justice to drug addiction with a commitment to up hold the law and constitution that I now will become her supporter.

Virgil Hilts said...

I think we should talk about popcorn. I don't like the small popcorn very much. So far I find Bob's Red Mill to be a good bet. We use one of those blue silcone things in the microwave and use a tab of putter plus a tbsp of oil. Very quick and easy. I find that coconut oil works great.

gilbar said...

TiV said ...The Democrats used to claim to represent the people who shop in WalMarts

The interesting thing is:
my parent's gen (born in the Depression) will Always vote for demos, 'cause of FDR
my sister's gen (born in the 50's) will Always vote for demos, 'cause of JFK

Won't be long, and those groups will be dust
Demos assume that the young and stupid will continue to vote for them; but Why?
In 10 years, WHY would a 22 year old vote for the party of Tom Steyer?
Will the young and stupid, be THAT stupid?

tim in vermont said...

with a commitment to up hold the law and constitution

You mean like programs like DACA that were created with a pen and a phone or the Iran “agreement” which never went to the Senate for ratification, stuff like that?

narciso said...

Well if every publication is increasing sjw and digital samizdat keep getting deplatformed, where will the other point of view have purchase.

tim in vermont said...

How could Obama ever play golf when he had declared more national emergencies than even Bush, who was president during 9-11?

CNN didn’t seem too worried then.

tim in vermont said...

What about immigration law? Any convincing plan to uphold that one R/V?

narciso said...

No the purpose is to devalue the legal resident, and that sticks in my craw, illegals and criminals note that link up thread they matter every one else doesnt.

cubanbob said...

Won't be long, and those groups will be dust
Demos assume that the young and stupid will continue to vote for them; but Why?
In 10 years, WHY would a 22 year old vote for the party of Tom Steyer?
Will the young and stupid, be THAT stupid?

Yes. The Demos appeal to the demographic that has larceny in their hearts.

mockturtle said...

Virgil Hilts explains his popcorn recipe: and use a tab of putter.

Do you use a blade putter or a center-shafted?

cubanbob said...

Trump should repeal DACA tomorrow just to see the very same state AG who are suing him for the national emergency claiming he can't legislate defend Obama's DACA legislation.

narciso said...

Yes and those judges will restore it, much like the stream of permits issued outside the 5th circus

Rosalyn C. said...

I like Trader Joe's organic popping corn heated on the stove using a little bit of Trader Joe's organic virgin coconut oil. The coconut oil adds a subtle sweet flavor. Finish with salt, no butter.

narciso said...

Because it's about power it about truth or law or custom, otherwise they would be concerned if illegals purchased a fire arm

William said...

My parents were New Deal Democrats. The closest I ever came to Obama type adoration of a pol was with Bobby Kennedy, but I think I was more enamored with his hype than his substance. In those days I was far more trusting of the good things I read about Democrats and the bad things I read about Republicans. That's definitely changed........I do not know if I'm truly a Republican. I seem to distrust them less than most Democrats, but we're all made of the same common clay. In any event, your political party is not your religion and don't trust your salvation to it........ On any given issue there's a 40 to 60% chance that I'm wrong. And that's not the worst of it. The issues on which I have the most certainty are not necessarily the issues on which I'm right. I really did believe that the Iraqis would greet us as liberators after we deposed Saddam. For this reason I extend some courtesy to those who believed that Smollett was attacked by MAGA hatsmen in the dead of night. We're all speckled with credulity and cynicism, although the spots seem to be arranged in different formations.

Chuck said...

From just this morning:

Ann Althouse said...
Please address the substance of the post and the comments. Try not to name a commenter and talk about him personally. Quote what he said and address the substance of it. There is WAY too much pointless back and forth about personalities here. Who the hell cares? Remember there are many readers who do not comment and are interested in the subject. Why would they be interested in the one particular commenter whose substance is only as good as it is? If the substance isn't worth talking about, IGNORE HIM.

I know I could just delete every single comment that names Chuck, but the whole conversation here is idiotically sidetracked into a subject of ZERO importance. STOP TALKING ABOUT HIM. IT'S A HUGE BORE.

2/18/19, 8:36 AM

Althouse, your offending commenters couldn't even observe that admonition on that same page, within hours of your comment.. They couldn't observe it for a single day here on this page.

This page, where I've now been called out by name for personal insult when I have not heretofore posted a comment at all.

narciso said...

I think many did in Iraq but remember who ran ths power structure in Iraq and had made a good living off it, as the country decayed into a toxic stew. Soms were disappointed we had betrayed then in 91, after urging an uprising and of course you have ths Iranian influence

narciso said...

Some, Saddam has cynically cultivated the salafi giving them some degree of autonomy, at home as well abroad like hekmatyar and the algerian militants. Hence Baghdad wasnt unfamiliar hunting ground in 2003-04.

effinayright said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
16 states are suing Trump over his bogus National Emergency.


You estupida.

The federal statute doesn't allow states to question his decision.

Drago said...

LLR Chuck: "From just this morning:"

Over the past several months, Meade to LLR Chuck: "Leave"

Drago said...

LLR Chuck: "Althouse, your offending commenters couldn't even observe that admonition on that same page, within hours of your comment.."

Meade, your offending commenter Chuck couldn't even follow your explicit directives given over and over and over again.

narciso said...

Hes like bill Murray in what about Bob, I admit sometimes drago brings an alpha strike when a single cruise missile will do, but then he jumps in with yet another ridiculous uncooked narrarive.

buwaya said...

Arroz a la Cubana -

Things my wife will never understand - Beef and rice and eggs and fried bananas?

Arroz a la Cubana, no speech step by step

Philippine style - lots of Tagalog, or rather Taglish - thats the common tongue of Manila

Spanish (Spain) style

From Peru! No beef!

I have NOT been able to find a native Cuban version!

Differences are mainly in the preparation of the beef, but not entirely.

This is a genuine leftover of the late Spanish Empire. A true bit of the hispanosphere. It is very widespread - Cuba of course, but it became very common in Spain, in various parts of Central and South America, and even to the furthest colony in our gran imperio. It was a staple of Spanish-mestizo life, and even a purely native favorite in the Philippines and can still be found in plenty of restaurants there, commonly seen on both breakfast and lunch menus. We inevitably came home from Sunday Mass to Arroz a la Cubana.

Oh boy I am so homesick.

Darrell said...

Tire chucks have a purpose. Drill chucks are critical. All other chucks are like tits on a goose.

narciso said...

That's intriguing, I would leave out the beef, or you can have rice and plantains I'm not so much for ground beef (picadillo) but i Like hamburge. Go figure.

Drago said...

narciso: "Hes like bill Murray in what about Bob, I admit sometimes drago brings an alpha strike when a single cruise missile will do, ..."

Strike planning in your spare time for fun and profit!

I do miss a good "points of the compass" attack with a full complement of double-cycled birds.

Gahrie said...

Never before in history have we seen a society in which women had it better than the United States of today. Pregnancy is no longer the leading cause of death for women. Access to birth control allows a woman to regulate her fertility. Women have an absolute right to kill their unborn child. Rape and sexual assault are at historic lows. Women have equal legal and political rights. Laws about marriage, divorce and support favor women. Women have legal preferences provided to them by Affirmative Action. Women dominate college admissions and the colleges cater to their needs and whims. Women live longer than men, yet have more attention and resources committed to their health.

Yet the hysteria never ends. Educated and professional women continue to moan and complain about the plight of women today. Rape culture! Always believe the woman!

So...just exactly what would have to happen for feminists and activists to say: "You know what? Women have it pretty good right now. Time to go home."

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I watched Amy Klobuchar and found her so well informed with such a clear record of accomplishment on so many levels from social justice to drug addiction with a commitment to up hold the law and constitution that I now will become her supporter.”

I agree. I’m so impressed by her, I think she has a very good chance.

narciso said...

Alinksy said 'rub raw the sources of their discontent' so people cant get a proper bearing, its 1984 as how to manual or the poorly plagiariized 'if this goes on' the handmaids tale.

Drago said...

Inga: :I agree. I’m so impressed by her, I think she has a very good chance."


Lefty 1 agrees with Lefty 2 that Lefty 3 is the bees knees.

tim in vermont said...

Still no answer on whether she will “uphold the Constitution” in the case of DACA. Seek approval of treaties in the Senate, unlike the Iran “deal” as the Constitution says, and enforce immigration law.

Words don’t mean anything to these people.

Drago said...

Klobuchar came out in support of AOC's insane Full Commie Green New Deal Mass Grave Plan.

Yep, so middle of the road and pragmatic....LOL

tim in vermont said...

Just. like Inga says that anybody who believes that Americans have a sovereign right to determine, through their duly elected representatives and laws, who gets to come here and become citizens “hates America."

Fen said...

You must believe Althouse to be an idiot. When the other kids pick uo the rocks you threw at them and throw them back, you run to teacher: "they're picking on me!".

Chuck: "Althouse, your offending commenters couldn't even observe that admonition on that same page, within hours of your comment"

That's because

A) people read the thread top down or bottom up and reply to comments as they find them - very few people read the entire thread of comments before posting, and/or

B) people think Althouse is full of shit and they simply ignored her.

C) people think its hypocritical for others to demand we ignore the trolls while these others prove themselves incapable of ignoring the counter-trolling. Take your own advice. If you fon't like the back and forth with Chuck and Inga, skim past it.

D) What I wrote, having seen this play 5 times now:

If Charles and Ingrid are constantly involved in fights on the playground, with almost every other kid at one time or another, perhaps its because Charles and Ingrid are always instigators.

This has been going on for at least 6 years now. Like a soap opera you come back to a decade later only to find the same subplot STILL running. Its ridiculous. And really, there is something deeper going on here. Are they protected sockpuppets? Anonymous accounts of our hosts? It doesn't add up.

Either remove Charles and Ingrid, or quit asking EVERYONE ELSE to ignore the instigators. Anything else is bullshit.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

“If you put butter and salt on it, it tastes like salty butter.”

― Terry Pratchett, Moving Pictures

Where is CMOT Dibbler when you need him?

Johno said...

Was Inga created by Meade to be the Emmanuel Goldstein of the blog? Chuck could be real but why try so hard so often? I like to check in to see what people are thinking but don’t comment.

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fen said...

Inga: "nor do I step foot in Walmart"

Let me guess.. you're too good for THOSE people.

Typical tribal parochialism. ...from someone living in WISCONSIN lol. You remind me of those small town women who get haughty because they live in the nicest trailer park in town. People like you are why social venues in WISCONSIN get turned into petty Game of Thrones reshoots.

Typical tribal parochialism... the Father of racism. Appropriate, since yours is the party of slavery, tbe KKK and Jim Crow.

gadfly said...

"Klan Needs to Ride Again" Editorial from Goodloe Sutton — who is the publisher of the Democrat-Reporter newspaper in Linden, Alabama

Big Mike said...

Klobuchar? Which one is she? Is she the bottle blonde who was lecturing us about global warming in the middle of a. blizzard? The one too stupid to come in out of the snow? That one?

exhelodrvr1 said...

"I do miss a good "points of the compass" attack with a full complement of double-cycled birds."

Time On Target

Ann Althouse said...

"I watched Amy Klobuchar and found her so well informed with such a clear record of accomplishment on so many levels from social justice to drug addiction with a commitment to up hold the law and constitution that I now will become her supporter."

Thanks! I didn't watch because it was on too late and I don't like politics going into my head right before sleeping. But I will check it out. Amy was my default choice from the beginning, based on my preference for boring and normal.

Ann Althouse said...

"Althouse, your offending commenters couldn't even observe that admonition on that same page, within hours of your comment.. They couldn't observe it for a single day here on this page."

Yes, but you are part of the problem and have been for years, and Meade asked you repeatedly to just leave and you WON'T, so you're a terrible messenger.

YOU should stick to substance and stop COMPLAINING about other people. IT'S BORING. I am bored! This blog is about what I find interesting, and I have a lot of readers because there are some people in the world who find this inroad into interestingness valuable. I estimate that 1% of my readers are commenters and 5% of the commenters are frequent commenters like you. Are you considering the ridiculousness of your footprint in relation to why people are here and reading? Obviously not.

STOP talking about yourself. Or just go away. Stick to the substance. Respect the readers. Respect the forum. Or be know as a bad faith commenter who we want OUT.

YOU ARE BORING. Become a silent reader for a while and build respect for this enterprise or go away. Write your own blog. If you did, do you think anyone would go there? You know they wouldn't. So respect this platform. OR GO AWAY.

The rule for you now is: Talk substance only. Interact with others ONLY on the substance of the issue. Do not talk about other commenters. AT ALL. Actually, the rule for you is GO AWAY. Meade told you that, so every single word you write is against that rule. Show some humility.

Here's a substantive issue: Why don't boring people understand how boring they are? Or do they understand and choose, maliciously, to burden other people and think they are getting away with it? Discuss without talking about any individual in a way that makes them recognizable.

Ann Althouse said...

Thanks to all who have used the Althouse portal to Amazon.

I see that 14 of you bought "Bonfire of the Vanities."

I'll have another "Bonfire" post soon.

Ann Althouse said...

"If I am inclined to suppose that a mouse has come into being by spontaneous generation out of grey rags and dust, I shall do well to examine those rags very closely to see how a mouse may have hidden in them, how it may have got there and so on. But if I am convinced that a mouse cannot come into being from these things, then this investigation will perhaps be superfluous."

I like the detail that the rags are grey.

It's like the coconut milk and the breasts.

Ann Althouse said...

"B) people think Althouse is full of shit and they simply ignored her. C) people think its hypocritical for others to demand we ignore the trolls while these others prove themselves incapable of ignoring the counter-trolling. Take your own advice. If you fon't like the back and forth with Chuck and Inga, skim past it."


This blog is mine, so I get to determine the values. I reject back and forth because it's boring. YOU don't get to set the rules. You show up and announce your preferences and insult me. That's just saying you are in bad faith. Shape up or don't comment. Remember that there are something like a thousand readers for every frequent commenter. Show some respect. These names that come up over and over in the back and forth are not the names of people who a scintillating conversationalists. The best comments shine, and I think that I, Meade, and most of the readers would agree about who they are. They are not back-and-forthers. So take your vision of blog commenting over to your own place and gather your own readers to enjoy the stupidity with you.

Ann Althouse said...

A way to stop talking about other commenters is to copy the text of the thing you want to respond to and then respond to that text. Don't name the person. Let the substance take the forefront.

Ann Althouse said...

I can't believe I'm talking about this before 5 in the morning!


On to Amy Klobuchar and Lara Logan and whatever....

exhelodrvr1 said...

Get it out of the way early!

Fen said...

"Was Inga created by Meade to be the Emmanuel Goldstein of the blog?"

The anon sockpuppet theory has been around for at least 6 years.

Note also that "Inga" is spotlighted as an instigator in the Madison Downfall parody, posted in 2013, 6 years ago. The more things change:


Same recurring soap opera plot, waaay back from Season 1. Today's recycled con is nothing new, except for the marks.

So my eyebrows raised when I came back here after 6 years only to find Chuck and Inga still the central instigators on this blog.

See, in the past, when Althouse has genuinely disapproved of a commenter's behavior, their comments were admin deleted and they disappeared shortly thereafter.

But Inga and Chuck remain and, for more than 6 YEARS now, have routinely violated Ann's CoC without consequence. That doesn't follow unless...

"Meade is Inga" - July 14 2013, 6:14 AM

Here (hat tip, Crack):


Regulars won't be surprised by the comments. And while I can appreciate any disdain for inside baseball, it's in our best interests to catch up so we know exactly what we are dealing with.


"Meade, is running around on other blogs, attempting to sow dissent amongst their former commenters"


"For the pair of them to bring to Lem's blog anything other than clean encouragement and clear support for him and his venture seems to me to be a form of misuse and meddling tantamount to poisoning another's well or sowing another's field with salt. Generosity of spirit is not soley marked with financial donation. By overtly and covertly presenting their own unresolved issues, justifications, and quarrels with others at Lem's, without openly owning their part in the situation that caused his blog to form, or providing a place for a mutual public dialogue on the subject to take place; they foment discord and continue to foster loss among the very people they labeled as "losers".


Granted, no one is perfect. Althouse is mortal, we tend to forget there are delicate humans on the other end of that intertube. Especially when they come off as highly intelligent, emotionally strong, and formidable in debate. But even the best of us can feel (wrongly) that we were betrayed. We miscommunicate, we hurt, we lash out. Even at loyal fans who don't deserve it. Or understand it.

I was one, once. I defended Althouse vehemently in the Valenti Breast Gazing incident, and to good effect. I only turned after she began unfairly sliming me as a racist and homophobe. There can only be one star here, and don't presume she wants a supporting cast to thank onstage.

Nevertheless, as witnessed recently with the Smollett case, once you see someone's true nature, you finally know what other behavior they are capable of. If the attack was fake, likely the hate mail was faked too. If you are willing to chase down loyal regulars to another blog and harass them, it's more likely you would harass regulars on your own blog.

...If I ran a blog, I'm sure I would have contempt for some of my guests, and be tempted to vent that contempt with trollish abuse of those guests. But not under my blogger name - no, that would affect my reputation as a host and drive off traffic. But a sockpuppet account conveniently evades that problem.

And if that problematic "commenter" remained while others were shown the door, it would not be unreasonable to speculate it was my sockpuppet.

So, the longer Chuck and Inga are allowed to remain and instigate extra drama (and clicks for advertisers), the more credible the sockpuppet theory will become.

6+ years and counting. But I guess its up to each individual to decide whether they are marks being played.

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fen said...

Althouse: "YOU don't get to set the rules."

I'm not trying to set the rules. I'm remarking on how you enforce them.

We are guests in your house. But that doesn't mean we are required to accept abuse from your other guests. And it's not unreasonable to criticize the host for permitting her guests to be abused under her very nose.

Fen said...

Althouse: "This blog is mine, so I get to determine the values."

I'm asking in good faith to explain what I see as the hypocrisy:

We are as annoyed with those 2 as you are with us for responding to them. Why is it right for you to ask we ignire them but wrong for us to similarly ask that you ignore us?

Do you even agree that it's hypocritical? Because I don't understand why you enable them but cgastise us (that's what it appears like from our perspective).

David Begley said...

Ann is right. When people here get into it with .inga or Chuck in a back-and-forth, it is incredibly boring and I skip it.

Ann Althouse said...

By the way, one of my MAIN rules is don't add extra spaces to your comments.

Fen just did that twice. If that was intentional...

Whatever. Don't do it again.

And thanks for the support David Begley.

The idea "There can only be one star here, and don't presume she wants a supporting cast to thank onstage" directly controverts my statement: "The best comments shine, and I think that I, Meade, and most of the readers would agree about who they are. They are not back-and-forthers. "

I don't want to try to name them because I won't name them all. I really appreciate these people.

stevew said...

The back and forth, aka: name calling, is uninteresting.

Here's a thought: the Democrats will nominate whichever candidate they think has the best chance of besting Trump in 2020. The DNC will manipulate the nominating process, with an able assist from their water carriers in the media, to make this happen. Right now they like Harris's chances. The Willie Brown history, Warren's native american heritage, and Klobuchar's bitchy leadership are part of the plan to get these issues out and in the past well in advance of Iowa and New Hampshire.

At least that's how I see it.

Ann Althouse said...

I have the morning's posts to get cooking. I'm not going to hang around in Ratty's Café "cgastises" people.

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
exhelodrvr1 said...

"the Democrats will nominate whichever candidate they think has the best chance of besting Trump in 2020."

I disagree strongly with that. They will likely nominate the candidate that checks the most boxes in the "current" list of "SJW approved attitudes on SJW-approved-list of what's important." The problem they have is that that list is very fluid, and the candidates have to be careful about coming out too strongly one way or the other on the issues, because
1) the approved view might change tomorrow and
2) what sounds good in CA or NY might spell doom in the Midwest

Humperdink said...

I view the comments for educational purposes. The commenters on this blog are top shelf. Drago/Begley/Fen/TradGuy = the very first Trump guy)/Michael K/Big Mike/mockturtle to name a few.

OTOH I would encourage our dear hostess to permit Oop and LLR to continue to post their comments. It reveals their vacuousness.

Fen said...

Althouse: "...have the morning's posts to get cooking. I'm not going to hang around in Ratty's Café "cgastises" people"

Chastise. Apologies, I have a handicap that makes it difficult to type sometimes, and I don't always catch the mistakes to edit. Especially with a 641 word post. Yah, I missed one.

Althouse: "By the way, one of my MAIN rules is don't add extra spaces to your comments. Fen just did that twice. If that was intentional... "

It wasn't. On this phone your text "if you comment on a post.." hangs and blocks my view so I can't catch mistakes like "cgastise". So I have to add line breaks so I can see.

I try to delete them before I hit enter but sometimes I forget.

But it's not a deliberate attempt to cause offense. If you know me at all you know I challenge directly, I don't play those kind of games.

Weird how you just assume the worst about me these days... Good faith eh?

Quaestor said...

Inga wrote: ...nor do I step [sic] foot in Walmart...

Like all wannabe Democrat elitists, Inga oozes platitudinous pap from every syllable of her noxious screeds in sympathy with the poor.

But she won't mingle with them.

David Begley said...

Humperdinck: On another blog I am absolutely hated. They want me to go away. I’m done with that blog.

rhhardin said...

Hanson on the coup
is good if you need a summary of the names of the characters you've been ignoring.

He leaves out the media profit motive and their target audience for that profit, which is the condition necessary to get the thing to work.

Fen said...

"They will likely nominate the candidate that checks the most boxes in the "current" list of "SJW approved attitudes on SJW-approved-list of what's important."

Yes, and why I predict Kamala Harris.

Edit on my earlier remark - it's the "you may use HTML tags..." text that hangs on my phone and blocks my view, that's why I add lines pushing it down the page.

I'll try my best to remember to remove them before I hit publish.

Fen said...

(Deleted and reposted from 5:38 because of those extra line breaks. Hope that is better).

"When people here get into it with Inga or Chuck in a back-and-forth, it is incredibly boring and I skip it."

That's great, and is all I'm asking.

Unlike you, I find it interesting. As demonstrated by the 641 words I used upthread at 5:07 analyzing the speculation of what's really going on and why we are entering the 7th Season of the show.

Is that okay? No doubt there are some topics you bring up that I will find equally boring. Would you rather I try to shut you down or just skim past them?

Because you say you agree with Althouse, who appears to want to shut me down, while you state you're willing to just skim past the drama.

Those are two different things. Which do you support?

Rory said...

gilbar said: "Will the young and stupid, be THAT stupid?"

One of the many time bombs within progressivism is that these nasty kids are absolutely certain that they're without any taint. There could be some hell to pay when the propaganda machine starts calling them racists.

JML said...

I guess it all comes down to who does or does not shop in Walmart. I'd demand an answer, but it isn't my blog.

Kevin said...

Which is more important for the Dems, keeping guns out of the wrong hands or keeping illegals in the country?

Now we know: “Democrats this week approved legislation to require background checks for essentially all sales and transfers of firearms — but rejected GOP-led efforts to amend the legislation to alert law enforcement authorities when gun buyers, including illegal immigrants, fail those background checks.”

Fen said...

I was one, once. I defended Althouse vehemently in the Valenti Breast Gazing incident, and to good effect. I only turned after she began unfairly sliming me as a racist and homophobe. There can only be one star here, and don't presume she wants a supporting cast to thank onstage.

Althouse: "The idea "There can only be one star here, and don't presume she wants a supporting cast to thank onstage" directly controverts my statement: "The best comments shine.."

Okay. But its unfortunate you passed on a gift-wrapped opportunity. Because in Alternate Reality Althouse you posted:

"I honestly don't recall unfairly sliming you as a racist homophobe, but if so... that was wrong of me and I apologize. Loyalty should never be rewarded with contempt"

To which I responded:

"Thank you. No worries, we're good. There's no statute of limitations on a sincere apology"

And then I settled down and towed your line again, even though I didn't agree completely with it. Out of a new-found respect.

And would later go on to cook burgers at your 3rd Madison Meat Up. Where some Union Thug threw his baseball in your yard, I stepped in front of a baseball bat meant for you, and Meade resuscitated me while Channel 15 caught it all for the 10pm slot and turned him into a hero. President Ivanka Trump invited us all to the State of the Union to frame her call for "Protection of MAGA" legislation.

It was quite a year.

Oh well... I kept the receipt, so...

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fen said...

The locals coined "Meaty Meade" and the Cattleman's Ball awarded him with a huge freezer and a lifetime supply of monthly restockings of steak, sausage and lobster.

I was too brain damaged to do the PR rounds as The Hero, but I didn't care.

Because at her State of the Union, after your pre-speech Meat & Greet, President Ivanka leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.

Something to do with the handicapped state of my neurons locked that moment down as a recurring incident. So, every moment of every day, for eternity, I relived it.. the feel of her breast as she pressed into me, the silkiness of her skin, the smell of coconut(?) oil, the plushy softness of her lips on my cheek, and the sultry purr of her voice as she whispered "You're a good doggy, Mr Fenrisulven."

I may have been brained into a drooling idiot by that baseball bat, but from that moment on a smile of bliss was permanently etched across my face. For my remaining 10 years I was... happy.

Freeman took me in on her farm and I spent my days admiring her unique beauty and fetching an old tennis ball she would toss out into the rows of corn to amuse me.

But you have taken all that away from me now, within the fleeting moment of missed opportunity to make amends. It shall never be. All that is left for me now is to rage into the future, like a wounded beast, bringing wrath and despair unto all I happen upon. Simmering in a gyre of vengeful degradation until my namesake is called upon to devour the sun.

And the heralds will mourn "Oh Althouse! What Beast has your pride loosed upon us all? This Apocalypse is a stain that will never wash from your hands. You have doomed us all!"


Ralph L said...

The commenters on this blog are top shelf. Drago/

You're kidding, right, and why ain't I on that list?

Bruce Hayden said...

Just got my Walmart post obliterated. Bummer. Might want to retype it. Bottom line, I am a regular, this time of year, in the Walmart a block from here at least once, maybe several times a day.

But the purpose of my post here is to apologize to Ann about excess blanks at the bottom of some of my posts. Most of my commenting any more is on one of my 4 iPads, and in particular, one of my 2 newer iPad Pros. They have the latest and greatest IOS (12.1.4 auto installed on this one last night). There seems to be incompatibilities between the newest IOS levels and some blogger commenting software, such as Blogger. The problem seems to be that the text starts disappearing at the bottom of comments when the comments get too long and fill up the commenting box (at which time, you automatically enter scroll mode). Except that the bottom lines of the scroll box disappear under the keyboard on the screen, which means that you can’t see anymore what you are typing. This is esp egregious in view of the notoriously aggressive IOS spellchecker. The temporary solution I have utilized, that kinda works, is to add a bunch of blank lines at the bottom of my longer comments, in order to push the actual text higher in the window, so I can see it. And the text just disappeared under the keyboard here, so setting font size down doesn’t help. In any case, I don’t always get all of the extra blank lines at the bottom deleted before I post comments. Sorry. Working on a better solution.

Fernandinande said...

I like to check in to see what people are thinking but don’t comment.

I comment but don't thinking: I don't much like the people picking on each other but it's not intrusive, it's just dots on a screen.

The Frenzied Search for Racism
Heather Mac Donald

Bruce Hayden said...

“16 states are suing Trump over his bogus National Emergency”

Funny thing there is that the Trump’s actions appear specifically designed not to give those states legal standing, and to get the legality of his actions litigated in the much friendlier 5th Circuit, than in the nutso 9th Circuit. Which, of course, probably makes those cases legally frivolous. Two parts for this. First, construction is slated to begin in TX, and not CA. If a state isn’t having a wall built on its soil, it probably doesn’t have standing to sue to stop the wall from being built. Which means that most of those states are going to be cut off at the knees, on the standing issue - states just don’t legally have the right to sue the federal govt unless they can show some actual harm to them from the actions by the feds. And building a wall on Texan soil is not really going to affect Hawaii at all. Sure, they are going to try to show some very attenuated harm, but in the long run, not the concrete harm required for standing. But that is where the second part of the strategy comes in. When Trump said that he didn’t need to declare a state of emergency, what he very likely meant was that there are three phases to his plan to build the wall, sequencing three sources of funds, and only the last, of the three, required the declaration of a state of emergency. The first two involve merely reallocating monies that he otherwise has the executive power to do, regardless of whether a state of emergency is in effect.

Bruce Hayden said...

“The back and forth, aka: name calling, is uninteresting”

My rule of thumb is to only positively comment when I use a specific commenter’s name, or, at a minimum, engage in a serious argument with someone. For example, I have done this several times with Chuck, and he was responded similarly. On the flip side, if I am going to criticize someone’s point, I will most typically just put it in quotes, typically at the top of my comment, and then respond to it, as I just did in discussing the point about 15 states already having sued the federal government for Trump’s declaration of an emergency. Sure, most here probably know who posted that, but by not calling them out, by name, you don’t make it personal. Sure personal flame wars are fun - for those involved. But tired reading for many of the rest of us.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Playing dumb is very hard, no offense to the host but she lacks the capability to pull it off long term. We can't all be polymaths.

Then again, my fav comments were edutch and oops going at it for 50/60 comments.

Ritno too. Love 'em all.

PS I wish people would create and sign off each comment with a tagline, like dear old Feste.

Rusty said...

BH @ 8:26
I would agree, but sometimes the level of progressive stupid is migrain inducing and must be called out. re; Chuck. He obfiscated and out right lied about his positons. I don't consider him an honest broker and don't engage him except to call him on his deceptions.
Excuse my typing. and absence. I was in the hospital for treatment for afib and have new meds.

Chuck said...

Althouse, as you know better than most, I had a long history here as a commenter that was completely non-controversial, before Trump.

In the era of Trump, the pattern became thus: you would write a blog post about something relating to Trump, and I would publish a comment which went straight to the substance of your post, and included my criticism of Trump. After that, a large handful of your regular commenters would attack me personally, as if that were a good way to defend Trump.

I told you about my concerns with the personal attacks many, many times; culminating with my publicly questioning whether your then-posted rules about commenting meant anything. In response, you removed your published rules from your commenting pages. And so I called that out as well, and apparently earned more of your wrath in the process.

I would love it, if you had a rule against personal attacks by other commenters and you enforced it. I would think it wonderful, if all comments were directed at the substance of your blogging. And if that rule was enforced.

I think this is a simple issue, Althouse. Stop the personal attacks by stopping the personal attackers. I could live very easily in such an environment. I don't care about my attackers. I don't care what they do for a living, what they have accomplished, what they think, what they want; I don't care whether they live or die. I want nothing to do with them, and it usually takes the most extreme forms of defamation of me, by them, to get me to respond to them on the rare occasions that I do.

Your (or Meade's) picking on me alone in this instance is the weirdest of double standards. If it represents any "standard" at all. When the fact is that I came to you years ago, begging you for better enforcement of your own rules for commenting. Wanting no more personal attacks. And that I have since then repeatedly called out the antagonists for violating your requests to reduce the "clutter" of personal back-and-forth insulting and bickering.

You have a commenter, "Drago", who often posts a dozen or more comments aimed at me personally and by name. His comments are routinely untethered to any content of what you have blogged. His comments are all about me, in the most obsessive way(s) imaginable. He picks on Inga in the same way, and the reason is transparent; coming from very different political persuasions, Inga and I are both critical of Trump.

Your banning me alone, or your asking me alone to leave, can only be interpreted as a kind of official intolerance of Trump criticism.* Because that issue alone is what made me controversial at all here, after a long history of no controversy involving me as an Althouse commenter.

*I would never believe that as a writer and a thinker, you could not accept Trump criticism. I'm certain that for your part alone, as an intellectual exercise, Trump criticism is no problem for you. But as a blog proprietor, and as the curator of an online community that truly cannot tolerate Trump criticism, you may have different imperatives. I understand that you do not want to moderate your comments pages. I don't blame you. But I am not your moderation problem. My detractors are your problem, in terms of both the nature and the volume of their clutter.

Chuck said...

Bruce Hayden said...
“The back and forth, aka: name calling, is uninteresting”

My rule of thumb is to only positively comment when I use a specific commenter’s name, or, at a minimum, engage in a serious argument with someone. For example, I have done this several times with Chuck, and he was responded similarly.

Yes. And it was a real pleasure to do so. You're not alone, Bruce Hayden; there are others who have engaged me respectfully and have received same in return. You could disagree with me and it would be fine. The commenter "Matthew Sablan" sometimes agrees with me, sometimes disagrees with me, but never veers into anything like personal attacks. And he knows very well that he can rely on me for same. I can't even recall all of the good, interesting commenters here with whom I have had good relations as with you (and in particular, your own skilled and informed legal views). I regret it awfully that there are any other names to mention here that I will fail to do. I'd love it if you were the norm.

Chuck said...

Rusty said...
BH @ 8:26
I would agree, but sometimes the level of progressive stupid is migrain inducing and must be called out. re; Chuck. He obfiscated and out right lied about his positons. I don't consider him an honest broker and don't engage him except to call him on his deceptions.
Excuse my typing. and absence. I was in the hospital for treatment for afib and have new meds.

I "right out lied about [my] positions"?!? Do tell what that was. Be specific.

Rusty you cannot seriously maintain that there is any "progressive" view that I have ever advanced.

I was a virulent critic of the line of homosexual rights cases that culminated in Obergefell and I said so on these pages. (That ay be part of Atlhouse's antipathy toward me.)

I've been a big supporter of the Republicans who came to the fore in 2010; Scott Walker, Rick Snyder and John Kasich. I supported Republicans up and down state government in Wisconsin and in Michigan going back to the contentious Wisconsin state supreme court battles and right to work, etc.

I've supported John McCain and Mitt Romney. I've cited favorably far too many conservative publications to name. (Weekly Standard, National Review, WSJ, etc.)

I feel confident in saying that I am the biggest fan of Mitch McConnell on these pages.

In the era of Trump, I supported his federal judicial selections of Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, and defended both of them with vigor. I called Justice Kavanaugh my "dream candidate." Mostly because in a time when we still had filibusters of judicial nominees, Kavanaugh would never even have been nominated. He'd have been a dream, only.

My writings on these comments pages for years prove all of that.

Your problem, I think, is that my writing also betrays my feelings of sarcastic, mocking hostility toward Trump personally and toward Trump's most uncritical fans. And you cannot understand the disjoint between my conservative Republican thinking and loyalties, and my criticism of Trump. That is up to you, to try to understand or not. I'm not concerned about that with you.

Your mistake, if you elect to make it, is to do what so many others here have done and that is to conflate Trump criticism with liberalism. I'm no liberal and I have never been a liberal and if you try to make me a liberal you'll just make an ass of yourself.

I do think that the effort to demonize and marginalize anti-Trump Republicans is more calculated, than mere lack of understanding. I think that Trump supporters want to take over the Republican Party, and I want to fight that. If Trump supporters think that some Republicans don't have any fight in them; well, that is a fight that I'm quite happy to have.

Rusty said...

We've been over this, Chuck.
You play by my rules now.

Chuck said...

I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, Rusty. And no, I do not take lightly or kindly to being called a liar. And I don't wish to "play" anything with you.

Althouse could have posted anything on any subject and under no circumstances would I have ever offered a comment that called on you or mentioned you by name. Because I wouldn't know and wouldn't care what your view was. I have only ever engaged with you after you have attacked me in one way or another.

You have nothing to offer, to back up a bland charge that I "lied." Fine. I expected that.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Ohhhh kaaaaay----So...we guess that whole book thing isn't a good idea, then?