Think of how much of a laughingstock a president has to become to have *Burger King* make fun of him. Sad.
— George Conway (@gtconway3d) January 16, 2019
In case you don't get the reference, Trump recently tweeted "Because of the Shutdown I served them massive amounts of Fast Food (I paid), over 1000 hamberders etc" (reported in "Trump’s ‘Hamberders’ Tweet Becomes Fodder for Late-Night Laughs" (NYT)).
ADDED: Maybe Burger King's tweet is affectionate. I shouldn't accept the George Conway spin.
Due to a stupid Tweet, they may not be serving as many hamburgers as usual.
This is gentle humor. Trump is making fast food great again and Burger King appreciates that. Along with the free publicity of having college football players eat your burgers.
They would have to pay Lebron $50 million in Jew money every year for King James to eat at Burger King.
Which was more embarrassing yesterday, Trump's misspelling of hamburger, or CNN running a list of 18 perfectly-spelled reasons Trump *may* be a Russian agent?
1200 hamburgers to go
Orthography is for spinsters.
I see this as more poking fun than making fun. There's no crazy insult here. Of course, Conway sees it as such because he thinks Trump is evil and everyone hates him.
I don’t see this as anything other than good natured ribbing. McRibbing? No, that would be McDonalds.
I go to Burger King every morning for hamberders and covfeve.
J/k. BK is disgusting.
If Burger King is poking gentle fun, it's a high risk move for no good reason. Either way, how dumb does Conway have to be to think it makes any statement at all about Trump's competence that Burger King may have made fun of one of his tweets?
Is there no Chik-Fil-A in DC?
I really think that would have been the way to go, just for entertainment value.
John Henry
Conway has hated Trump longer and harder than any other resister in DC. Kellyann has to endure it. Very interesting situation.
Is there no Chik-Fil-A in DC?
I really think that would have been the way to go, just for entertainment value.
That's a good point.
I took it as good natured. Trump himself joined in on the covfefe thing. However, I agree with Tim Maguire. High risk, low reward.
That's easy: 1 hamburger = 3.33 hamberders.
That's okay Michael Strahan invited Clemson for Lobster to make up the misspelling and cheap meal Trump offered. Now that's class.
Trump would have known about the Imus 1200 hamburgers bit and probably emulated it.
"...there's a guy here.."
That's a gentle poke, even in a world where "cock-holster" is acceptable public discourse.
That deserved a "lighten up Francis" tag.
Here's what I find amusing. I like Trump. I love what he's been doing.
I also don't listen to Trump. I don't watch the news; I read it.
So if you're basing your judgment by appearances, I can understand why you hate Trump.
But if you're watching the economy, watching him take on Iran, watching him pull out of Syria and Afghanistan, watching him pull out of the International Postal Union that was having U.S. taxpayers bankroll cheap shipping from China, watching job participation rise among blacks and Hispanics, you'd think he was the greatest president of the last 30 years.
Steph Curry's wife also invited them for a restaurant meal too.
So strange that Trump has a hotel with banquet facilities and a first class kitchen just down the street ... and yet fast food is what he serves these young men on a once in a lifetime trip.
Under NCAA rules, the players can’t acceot free meals from Stratham or Curry’s wife. They obviously want to get these guys suspended to help out the weaker programs.
There is nothing mean about Burger King's tweet. I think it is amusing. Conway is a partisan so he sees what he wants to see.
Conway is humorless. Typical GOP douchebag
So strange that Trump has a hotel with banquet facilities and a first class kitchen just down the street ... and yet fast food is what he serves these young men on a once in a lifetime trip.
And apparently pleased them by doing so.
The hack press is mean.
The Burger King tweet is light and funny.
Mueller is expanding his investigation to include whether Trump’s twitter mis-spellings are the way he communicates with his Russian handlers. George Conway will join the Mueller team.
Twitter: a short burst of inconsequential information,' and 'chirps from birds'.
Life is better when you act like you know this.
Also: You should never accept George Conway spin.
Is the George/Kellyanne marriage real? With stupidity like this, how can it be? I don't get it.
Looks funny to me! And I think trump would laugh at it, too!
These people just don’t get it. I think they are taking the ‘thats Not funny!’ Thing too far.
And the recaptcha had a McDonald’s store front...
Conway is really pitiful.
He is disrespecting his wife every time he engages in these "dunk-on-Trump" moments.
I don't believe in "toxic masculinity" but I do know when a man is making an ass of himself at his wife's expense.
BK should come up with a new sandwich called the "Hamberder". Not sure what it should be composed of though.
Hamberders go a mile high!
Too bad Trump didn't misspell it hamborders.
Conway needs to leave the bubble once in a while.
Trump couldn't very well buy Taco Bell's "Run for the Border" hamberders.
Well now that Burger King has joined the social justice league, I'll go a block further down the road and hit Carls Jr. or McDonalds. Actually none of that stuff is good for me, but I prefer my burgers not come with a side of snotty snark.
For those who suggest nice hotels next door that anyone who can pay can go to, or lobster dinners for the players as if they've never had lobsters before. Clemson is a private college. The players' parents probably make much more than you do.
On the other hand, one has to be a champion to be invited to the White House. For the players who are on restricted diets, hamburgers and pizzas are their dream come true.
Btw, not everybody likes lobsters, some people are allergic to shell fish.
George Conway is so easily trolled by Trump with his misspellings. It happens so often I have to believe Trump does this stuff on purpose.
Burger King's post is their attempt to get into the conversation and get some free advertising.
"So strange that Trump has a hotel with banquet facilities and a first class kitchen just down the street ... and yet fast food is what he serves these young men on a once in a lifetime trip."
If he used his hotel and banquet facilities he likely would have triggered the likes of George Conway to dust off the "Emoluments Clause" accusation.
So strange that Trump has a hotel with banquet facilities and a first class kitchen just down the street ... and yet fast food is what he serves these young men on a once in a lifetime trip.
See how the Democrats have become the party of blue noses?
The players' parents probably make much more than you do.
Yes, it comes from Clemson football. They pay negative tuition.
Fast food in the White House made a better memory for the team than lobster because of the contrast.
Who the fuck is George Conway? Ensign Parker's even dumber younger brother?
Maybe Burger King's tweet is affectionate. I shouldn't accept the George Conway spin
Or at least it's not Trump-Delusional.
One can gently rib without being either?
"So strange that Trump has a hotel with banquet facilities and a first class kitchen just down the street ... and yet fast food is what he serves these young men on a once in a lifetime trip."
"I own this hotel so, quick, do my bidding and ignore your normal daily business" is ... bad management?
By all reports, the young men were perfectly happy with the food, so is there any cause for complaint other than Orange Man Bad?
(Heck, he IS kinda bad. Just ... realistically bad, and not uniformly or uniquely bad?)
RV- Mr. Strahan's offer (as I understand it) is for lobster AND caviar. Does that make it more or less "class"?
I swear to God, if Trump tweeted that Conway should chew off his own leg, he might well do it and claim Trump was trying to kill him.
I agree with Clay Travis; Trump's mistake was not serving Chick Fil A. But I don't think the Burger King's tweet is a big deal.
"So strange that Trump has a hotel with banquet facilities and a first class kitchen just down the street ... and yet fast food is what he serves these young men on a once in a lifetime trip."
Some of these guys have been there before, and some of them will be there again.
Mr. Strahan's offer (as I understand it) is for lobster AND caviar.
That's a big effing check at the end of the night- all just to flex your anti-Trump bona fides. GMA money must be pretty good...
Sigivald: "So strange that Trump has a hotel with banquet facilities and a first class kitchen just down the street ... and yet fast food is what he serves these young men on a once in a lifetime trip."
"I own this hotel so, quick, do my bidding and ignore your normal daily business" is ... bad management?
Are you suggesting it wasn't outside of normal daily business for McDonald's kitchen?
I love cows - they are affectionate animals - so I wouldn't find any hamburger tweet from Burger King to be "affectionate."
If Obama had served burgers to the NCAA champion during the shutdown the press would be lauding his ability to connect with the youth and his personal generosity.
Just as he failed to give money to veterans that he raised at a rally in Iowa in 2016, he is just as likely to be lying about having paid for the hamberders. If he had said that his re-election campaign paid for the burgers and fries that might be believable - but the "Royal I"?? - No Way Jose (please excuse the immigrant talk). He simply appears incapable of distinguishing between truth and deceit.
But I am unsure if anyone enjoys eating cold burgers slopped with goop and overcooked and skinny veggie-oil fries. Lard is the only answer, Mickey D.
Under Obama, whoever wrote that tweet at Burger King would be sitting next to a certain rodeo clown in a re-education camp somewhere.
yes gadfly, illegal immigrants who come here unscreened, unvetted are EXACTLY the same as legal immigrants who go through the process of legally obtaining permission. Therefore, it can’t be that we are upset at the complete flouting of our laws.
Trump chums the airwaves daily, waiting to see the chumps fight over the bait. It certainly is entertaining as well as informative. I can picture him saying "I wonder which douche is gonna bite?"
"roesch/voltaire said...
That's okay Michael Strahan invited Clemson for Lobster to make up the misspelling and cheap meal Trump offered. Now that's class."
He knows they won't come. They know they won't come. The only idiot who thinks they will come is you.
I really think Michael Strahan missed the mark. If he'd offered steak and lobster, that would've been ideal. But caviar? Such a cliche. Anyone remember the Tom Hanks character in Big?
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all cows are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Milk and cheese from bovine slave labor is a violation of those basic animal rights. Schlump's 300 hamburgers came from murdered cows. Don't ever forget it. That's a good reason to impeach him. Executing him for a capital crime is wishful thinking in the current political climate.
Everybody in all 57 states are laughing at that!!
Gadfly, The Poor Man's (He Who Shall Not Be Named) chimes in with another long discredited smear, and a very weak tea one at that. Again.
Because of course he/she did.
Trumpit: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all cows are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
Then let them arm themselves so that they might fight and secure the blessings of liberty for themselves and their posterity.
Of course, one has to be very moo-tivated to do that....
Reminds me of the hospital CEO we had around here who explained his new dress code policy by saying he didn't want his employees to look like they shopped at Wal-Mart. Guess what? Most of his employees and the patients who go to his hospital, shop at Wal-Mart. He's no longer the CEO.
I love cows - they are affectionate animals -
There are a least two words in that, that don't mean what you think they do.
I saw it and didn't think it was malicious. I loled. George Conway has TDS.
Yes, to me the Burger King tweet came off as good natured.
Hahaha, Burger King will be selling more burgers than ever.
I can’t understand how the Conways are still married.
How is it not harassment that George Conway berates his wife's boss?
Burger King knows that while many Trump voters eat Burger Kind, not as many Trump voters are Twitter-obsessed.
The tweet may have been meant in a good-natured way, but now is not the time (c.f. Inky the stinky).
In the end I agree with Bill Peschell:
“But if you're watching the economy, watching him take on Iran, watching him pull out of Syria and Afghanistan, watching him pull out of the International Postal Union that was having U.S. taxpayers bankroll cheap shipping from China, watching job participation rise among blacks and Hispanics, you'd think he was the greatest president of the last 30 years.”
Inga...Allie Oop said...
I can’t understand how the Conways are still married."
For a change, you're right. He must be a world class fool to be repeatedly and publicly embarrassing his wife. Her prospective divorce lawyers must be salivating.
Inga: "Hahaha, Burger King will be selling more burgers than ever."
Maybe they'll become the New Leaders of The Free World too!!
Clemson is a state school.
That's okay Michael Strahan invited Clemson for Lobster to make up the misspelling and cheap meal Trump offered. Now that's class. R/V
Each day I wake up and some people are more stupid than they were the day before.
Is there no limit?
Inga...Allie Oop said...
I can’t understand how the Conways are still married."
The James Carville - Mary Matalin marriage is still intact last I looked.
So strange that Trump has a hotel with banquet facilities and a first class kitchen just down the street ... and yet fast food is what he serves these young men on a once in a lifetime trip.
No. What's strange is how drooling imbeciles like you think this is some sort of black mark on Trump.
This is precisely why I don't listen to you leftists when there might be some legitimate criticism. Because you go off on stupid shit like this. For two days now.
"...but if you're watching him pull out of Syria you'd think he was the greatest president..."
"Think of how much of a laughingstock a president has to become to have *Burger King* make fun of him. Sad."
I think Conway tweet just missed the mark. He might have tweeted, "Think of how much of a livestock the president is to have *Burger King* make fun of him. Sad."
Even that emendation is off the mark. Because Schlump is a not "livestock." He's a failed jackass! Sad.
Clemson is not only a state school, it was originally a male only military cow college, like Texas A & M.
That's okay Michael Strahan invited Clemson for Lobster to make up the misspelling and cheap meal Trump offered. Now that's class. R/V
The players would be sanctioned by the NCAA., and Strahan should know that. Back when he was an undergraduate at Stanford Tiger Woods had dinner with Arnold Palmer and Arnie picked up the check. The NCAA promptly declared Woods to be ineligible.
Clemson is an Engineering school, like local Georgia Tech. Tech and Clemson have been long time football rivals 120 miles apart on I-85 north and offering the same curriculum and seeking the same students and recruits. Both schools are a draw for EU Industries that have been moving some auto plants into northwestern South Carolina, such as BMW and Volvo.
Trumpit travels a long and arduous path to deliver a failed punchline.
And that was with unlimited time to game it out.
Tradguy: "Both schools are a draw for EU Industries that have been moving some auto plants into northwestern South Carolina, such as BMW and Volvo."
Dont forget VW Of America in Chattanooga just up the road as well as Mercedes & Hyundai in Alabama just down the road.
"...but if you're watching him pull out of Syria you'd think he was the greatest president..."
"Two U.S. servicemembers, one Department of Defense (DoD) civilian and one contractor supporting DoD were killed and three servicemembers were injured while conducting a local engagement in Manbij, Syria, Jan. 16, 2019." CENTCOM
What more can Georgie do? It beats workin for a living and the Pillsbury Doughboy's got a solid lock on his gig.
Trumpit said... I love cows - they are affectionate animals
THIS explains So Much. By the way, you probably want to stay out of iowa; Bestiality is a crime here, and i really do NOT think you'd like Ft Madison
"THIS explains So Much. By the way, you probably want to stay out of iowa; Bestiality is a crime here, and i really do NOT think you'd like Ft Madison."
You can crusade against bestiality if you want to. I won't object. I'm far more concerned with the murder of animals for fun, fur & profit. Youtube is filled with endless so-called hunting videos that are in reality sadistic, vile, animal snuff films. I'm shocked by their popularity, and legality. I lose hope when I see so many evil people enjoying blood, guts and the violent deaths of innocent animals. I believe those sick mf's deserve the same treatment that they enjoying watching so much.
"roesch/voltaire said...
That's okay Michael Strahan invited Clemson for Lobster to make up the misspelling and cheap meal Trump offered. Now that's class."
You are one incredibly stupid motherfucker.
Blogger Nonapod said...
BK should come up with a new sandwich called the "Hamberder". Not sure what it should be composed of though.
I’m thinking a bacon double cheeseburger, with a special sauce made from liberals’ tears.
I noticed Trump did not serve any Chik-Fil-A and wondered if it was because DC has outlawed it for Political Correctness or Trump avoided a controversy with the gays.
BK is fun.
Trump is fun.
Try it sometime.
@Tank - Unfortunately certain people's idea of fun is to make everyone else miserable. They can't be happy unless other people are unhappy.
Romney would have served "binders" of pate
For those wondering, DC has five Chik-Fil-A locations.
Clemson receiver Hunter Renfrow on the fast food buffet and the visit to the White House.
I can pretty much guarantee you most of these guys have never had lobster and would probably not have touched caviar. Fast food was the right call and they loved it. Trump is not the one out of touch, he knew exactly what he was doing. It’s all the critics who are off-base. And from most of the critical comments I have read on various left-wing publications and FB pages you can tell the critics are not college football fans and don’t know much about the guys who play the game.
And Clemson is a public school but blue collar and rural in a way that Georgia Tech is not. The schools have had a long and intense rivalry. I have been to more GT/Clemson games in person over the past 50 years that any other two teams.
@traditionalguy, consider the possibility that he simply didn’t think of it.
George Conway...
"Oh, wait, is he a great big fat person? "
"Two U.S. servicemembers, one Department of Defense (DoD) civilian and one contractor supporting DoD were killed and three servicemembers were injured while conducting a local engagement in Manbij, Syria, Jan. 16, 2019." CENTCOM - winterstale
So, you're in favor of Trump pulling us out of Syria? Good.
Was that so difficult?
Reminds me of a story old guy lived next door told about 40 years ago. He was wounded in Korea and a wounded enlisted from each branch was invited for tea with Bess Truman at the WH. So there they are with all dressed up servers and silver trays and fine china and small talk with the first lady and after a while the President walks in and looks around and says he bet you boys would like a beer. So then a suited up servers comes in carrying a big silver tray w loaded with several cans of Pabst beer. Thing I wonder is if I recall the right beer. Would the Missouri senator serve Pabst beer?
Never have eaten at BK because, back in high school there were some nasty rumors about things the staff did with the product. Probably totally unfounded but the image stuck in my mind. If I want a good burger--and sometimes I do--I want a four-napkin burger, not some dried out replica of a burger.
BudBrown said... "Would the Missouri senator serve Pabst beer?"
No. St. Louis was the home of Anheuser-Busch and Budweiser. Pabst was from Milwaukee.
"So, you're in favor of Trump pulling us out of Syria? Good.
Was that so difficult?"
You know what's so difficult?
Listening to you know-nothings defending this incompetent narcissus - even as he gets American service personnel killed.
Maybe George Conway thinks Kellyanne and Trump are having an affair. If I were Kellyanne, I'd certainly rather it be Trump than Conway.
So now you're blaming Trump for us being in Syria.
What a chud.
Reminds me of Iron Man. Tony Stark's first meal upon returning to the United States is a Burger King Cheeseburger. The reason is 3-fold.
1. Tony says he wants an 'American cheeseburger'
2. Burger King no doubt had promotional tie-ins to the Iron Man movie that summer
3. When Robert Downey, Jr. had his epiphany about who he was and who he wanted to be -- when he was at his lowest point and decided to make a change -- it was in a Burger King on Pacific Coast Highway.
"even as he gets American service personnel killed."
That's the easiest thing any President can do.
Blogger Mark said...
So strange that Trump has a hotel with banquet facilities and a first class kitchen just down the street ... and yet fast food is what he serves these young men on a once in a lifetime trip.
1) The logistics of getting the president out of the WH and down the street are horrendous. Proabably made a lot worse by the shutdown. The optics would certainly be worse.
2) If you were a player would you rather have burgers in the Oval with the president or a better meal down the street in a hotel? How many hotel meals have they had? How many chances will they ever get to eat in the WH, even if it were just peanuts and potato chips?
John Henry
btw, WT?
Is was the incompetent narcissus that got us into Syria.
"Is was the incompetent narcissus that got us into Syria."
Trump gets our servicemen killed and wounded. So now you want to talk about Obama. Boy, couldn't see THAT coming.
Clinton and McDonald's was a thing. Same with Trump. Poor BK.
Clemson also has one of the premier Packaging Technology schools in the world.
If you are looking for a major and a school for your kid, you could do a lot worse.
UW also has a great school of packaging.
(Both use my textbook Packaging Machinery Handbook, get it via the Portal)
John Henry
Re Chik=Fil-A:
It occurs to me that PDJT could have stirred up the entertainment by having a selection from McD, BK, Wendys and CFA.
Everyone would have been outraged but he could have just said "I wanted to support ALL of these fine companies"
We would have gotten the outrage and most people would be wondering why.
John Henry
So we're now allowed to laugh at things like 57 states again?
My take: Typos happen and BK is very lightly jumping on it on social media for free hits. No real foul.
WintersTale: "Trump gets our servicemen killed and wounded. So now you want to talk about Obama. Boy, couldn't see THAT coming."
OMG! Trump isnt getting us out of obamas Syria conflict fast enough.
This is literally just weeks after Trump declared he wanted the US out of Syria ASAP and was immediately labeled a traitor and a Putin stooge by the left for doing so.
Just weeks ago.
With the lefties, history begins anew each day and all recollections of previous dem/lefty claims is itself deplorable and racist....likely criminal too...
So which it WintersTale? Trump should or should not rapidly withdraw troops from Syria?
Dont worry, like Inga you have no answer.
If you were a player would you rather have burgers in the Oval with the president or a better meal down the street
i suppose he could have had it catered in; oh wait! he Did :)
Like you say, how many hotel meals have the clemson folk had? not as many as trump, but probably Still enough to be able to enjoy KNOWING that the President isn't just eating with you, he's eating what he likes.
off topic: supposedly, the night before his inauguration, W Bush was being housed in some vip guest house that the government has.
They asked him want he wanted for dinner, and he said; oh, just a hamburger, thanx;
and (supposedly) they told him "this is the fancy VIP house, our chef does NOT make 'hamburgers!'
and (supposedly) W told them; "he does Now!"
I always liked that story
Trump gets our servicemen killed and wounded. So now you want to talk about Obama. Boy, couldn't see THAT coming.
Then pull your head out of your ass. It'll help for the next time.
Trump gets our servicemen killed and wounded. So now you want to talk about Obama. Boy, couldn't see THAT coming.
Yes, because the Syrian intervention didn’t start when Obama was POTUS, and when Hillary was SoS, no, it happened the day Trump was inaugurated! Up until that day, history is just a foggy feel good mist where Obama played chess in the ME like a grand master. Ordering drone hits, sending in weapons.
How stupid do you have to be to buy that line? Is it like being high all the time?
more likely it's hayt al tahir, (which is al queda's umbrella group,) which succeeded jaish al fateh, Islamic state operates in the interior of the country, idlib and Aleppo are also more Turkish dominant territory, recall that's where the gas attack, that occasioned the first gas attack in the spring of '17,
"So which it WintersTale? Trump should or should not rapidly withdraw troops from Syria?"
Trump should get on the phone and call some parents.
but you would actually care to read maps, for that to matter.
Take college kids, a lot of whom grew up really poor, to a fancy restaurant and serve them steak and lobster? Can you imagine how uncomfortable they would be? With the President in the room and Secret Service everywhere?
Instead he serves up a pile of Burger King. Imagine that, the President comes to our level. The kids can loosen up and act like themselves and have actual Fun. It’s almost as if this President gets people.
The amazing part is some idiots think he should have served a big formal meal and they think Trump’s the dumb one.
of course it's very silly specially considering the way the post behaved toward Obama, and burgers, it's almost as if they are entirely situational, crazy that.
Clemson QB says he never said the quotes attributed to him, so I guess the lefties are right on this. Here is his tweet:
Lawrence, 19, tweeted Tuesday, “I never said this by the way… I don’t know where it came from. However, the trip to the White House was awesome!”
Democrats are the party of lobster and caviar.
then this happened:
probably a maddow fan, from gwinnett
WintersTale said...
"Is was the incompetent narcissus that got us into Syria."
Trump gets our servicemen killed and wounded. So now you want to talk about Obama. Boy, couldn't see THAT coming.
Gotta be a WORLD-CLASS DUMBASS not to understand who put those troops into Syria.
Where is my spray bottle of Troll-be-Gone?
It was one of helprins less impressive tales.
WintersTale, in his/her avoidance of a clear answer and instead doubling back to a typically leftist attempted Catch 22 ploy, comes off very similarly to a recently banished (from Althouseblog) type person who shall remain nameless.
Very very similarly.
The leftwingers who have taken over Colorado - they hate deplorables, say so daily, and want to stomp on their/our free speech.
It's really very disgusting and disturbing what is happening to the left. They are the party of anti-free speech and anti any thought that isn't in perfectly in line with their radical ideas.
Looks like our lefty/LLR types are going to run with the 2019 version of "Halliburton!!"/"Blood for oil!!".
Talk about not seeing that coming.
Of course that tactic serves double duty as the preferred method by which history can be rewritten to blame Trump for the obama/Clinton US deployment to Syria.
We are now likely just days away from the left blaming Trump for Benghazi and the horrific Libya outcome from the moronic obama/clinton/LLR policies.
Time will tell.
"Gotta be a WORLD-CLASS DUMBASS not to understand who put those troops into Syria."
Obama got them into Syria. Trump got them killed. What are ya gonna do, right?
I like BK hamburgers but I order them without anything except the buns/sauce. And hold the Mayo.
And yes, compared to a REAL Hamburger, its very mediocre.
Fish and Chips fast-food is better. Used to go to a place called "Skippers"
Conway was in line to be named head of the Civil Division of Trump's DOJ before he fell out with the administration. I would have been working for him. Odd to think about now.
In the largest nearby town in our neck of the woods, there's a Burger King and a McDonald's directly across from each other at the freeway exit. The lines at McDonalds (newly remodeled to add additional drive through lanes) go to the road. There is no line at Burger King's single lane. Consistently. I'd say BK has already lost in this market!
Remember how much libtards reveled in Bushs verbal mistakes? They would have done it even more if Twitter had been around.
Winters Tale@5:23 This is the part where scumbag prog Democrat party members like WT complain that Trump didn't do the condolence call the right way....
Fuck you, Democrat party scumbag.
Yes the waving the bloody shirt on Niger was typical:
What I was referring to:
"Fuck you, Democrat party scumbag."
Fuck you right back. You voted for Trump and STILL stand by him? You're a world-class moron.
If it does prove to be Islamic state there will be a strong reprisal, there has been stepped up activity just in the last two weeks.
Looks like LLR Chuck's replacement is on board!
So, to summarize the lefties newest gambit: Trump got us into Syria and refuses to get us killer!!!...except Trump wants get us out of Syria....which is what Putin wants anyway so...Traitor!!....but sorta not because we arent out...killer!!!...but Trump wants us out so TRAITOR...except we arent out.....killer!!!......
This is what is politely referred to as enlightened thought...
Progressives have to make up their mind, is it to weak because of the projected pullout or two strong because of the protracted campaign
Trump's misspellings are intentional and are a form of code.
This was the argument Friedman sold in Lebanon, because we shelled the chouf which was a druze stronghold in 1984, Hezbollah attacked us in 1983. This was before back to the future.
Winters Tale@9:03 okay, pal. I'll not support our favorite president if you can cite a single metric by which the United States of America is not doing better than when racist idiot Obama was running the show.
Somewhere along the line liberals just turned into Frank Grimes of the Simpsons. Angry, joyless and bitter that Homer/Trump is flourishing while everything in their life is so hard. Pissing and shitting on everything Trump says and does yet he keeps coming out on top. Why aren't we 50 points ahead?!?!?
Winters Tale would have wvoted for Stalin, if given the chance, and still supports his policies. You have absolutely no validity to question anything.
Blogger WintersTale said...
"Is was the incompetent narcissus that got us into Syria."
"Trump gets our servicemen killed and wounded. So now you want to talk about Obama. Boy, couldn't see THAT coming."
Which is your way of admitting that your argument can't stand on it's own merits and is, in fact, felacious. Pitiful try though.
I doubt if it ever occurred to r/v and the rest that just maybe the president polled the players and their coaches and asked them what they'd like to eat. No?
"I doubt if it ever occurred to r/v and the rest that just maybe the president polled the players and their coaches and asked them what they'd like to eat. No?"
If only he polled the military experts and his generals and asked "How can I get us the fuck out of Syria?"
But he doesn't need experts. He just needs his gut - to get people killed.
"Winters Tale would have wvoted for Stalin, if given the chance, and still supports his policies"
Tell yourself whatever you have to to insulate yourself from the truth about Trump.
"Winters Tale@9:03 okay, pal. I'll not support our favorite president if you..."
If you are still supporting Trump you will never ever never not support Trump. You cultists are like Taylor Swift in reverse, "I am never never never breaking up with you."
Todays Leftist: "If only he polled the military experts and his generals and asked "How can I get us the fuck out of Syria?"'
Thats precisely what Trump had been doing for a year, after having run an 18 month campaign for the Presidency emphasizing he was going to do just that.
It was the military brass leftovers who refused to come up with a plan to do that.
The lefties arent even trying anymore now that the lefty/LLR dossier lies have collapsed.
If you are still supporting the dems/left you will never ever never not support the dems/left. You cultists are like Taylor Swift in reverse, "I am never never never breaking up with you."
To paraphrase Salenz Ziot, there are two types of people in the world when it comes to Trupm:
1. People who take him literally, but not seriously.
2. People who take him seriously, but not literally.
Conway is one of the former.
Salena Zito..typing on a phone this early is a pain...
I think we can conclude that WT isn't worth engaging.
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