January 3, 2019

"[W]hile many German journalists report honestly from this country, going to great lengths to travel and meet ordinary people..."

"... the gun-toting, death-penalty-seeking, racist American nonetheless remains a stock character of much superficial coverage, particularly in left-leaning outlets such as Hamburg-based Der Spiegel. Ugly Americans, and American ugliness, crop up repeatedly in [the fake reporting of Claas Relotius]... [O]n the outskirts of rural Fergus Falls, Minn., a majority of whose voters backed President Trump in 2016, Relotius purportedly found a large sign — 'almost impossible to overlook,' he wrote — reading 'Mexicans Keep Out.' The fact that no one in the U.S. press or social media had previously spotted the sign apparently did not prompt so much as a follow-up call to Fergus Falls by Der Spiegel’s editors. They believed what they found believable. Their credulousness was rooted partly in truth — xenophobia, gun violence and the rest are real problems in the United States, just as anti-foreigner violence was, and is, in Germany. But it also reflected bias: Contempt for American culture has a long history among the continental European cognoscenti, the sort of people who read Der Spiegel and write for it."

Writes WaPo's Charles Lane in a column that I read because the headline evoked my contempt for the American mainstream press —  "I thought fraud in reporting was done for. I was wrong."

The headline makes him sound like a naif, and that is supported by some of the text. Lane was the editor in chief of The New Republic when it was humiliated by the Stephen Glass scandal in the 1990s. But after the Jack Kelley and Jayson Blair scandals in the early 2000s, Lane says he thought, "Surely computer-aided fact-checking would deter fraud." That still doesn't support the headline, because to deter something doesn't mean it's over. Lane confesses, "my hope was naive. Reporters keep inventing stories and getting prizes for them."

Why, with all the accusations of "fake news" these days, would you snuggle up inside a hope that computer-facilitated fact-checking was preventing fraudulent reporting? You can see in the quoted passage above that the bad stories get published because human beings are involved in the process. They have to read critically and get suspicious about things that don't sound true before they do the work of checking. But the editors get excited by things they want to publish — the things that serve their interests and that confirm their fears and hopes. Ironically, it was Charles Lane's hope that made him slack off in maintaining skepticism about whether fraudulent reporting was still going on. And this is the man who got burned by the Stephen Glass fiasco!

They made a movie about it:


Hagar said...

And once more:
The "Ugly American" and his equally homely wife were the "good guys" of that book!

Michael The Magnificent said...

You can tell lies about the right, and people believe you.

You can tell the truth about the left, and no one believes you.

Jaq said...

“There’s a lot of people in the world... They all want something. You know what they want? They wanna feel good!” - Big Trouble

TA said...

This pairs well with the Jill Abramson piece down below

Jaq said...

Dave Barry wrote Big Trouble, he was a newspaperman.

gilbar said...

just as anti-foreigner violence was, and is, in Germany

ANTI foreigner violence? As Inigo Montoya would say
“You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means”

gilbar said...

Hagar said...
The "Ugly American" and his equally homely wife were the "good guys" of that book!

Unlike most people, i've Read that book. It was Assigned reading in high school english.
Fun Fact: our teacher Apologized for assigning it, saying; It didn't go the way she thought it would

FIDO said...

It was already answered by that lady at the NYTs (Abramson?). Their readers don't care about the truth; they want their biases confirmed and will pay the Times to do that.

Why should Germans be any different?

Temujin said...

Yes, of course. Requesting a secure border = xenophobia.

Anonymous said...

A glance at the comments reveals WaPo commenters defending the "fake but accurate" quality of the "reporting" Lane is lamenting.

So there's a market for the product of even exposed fraudsters.

Phil 314 said...

FIDO @ 7:56, exactly!

True for the left AND the right.

It’s all about narrative, and narrative requires an underlying belief system (i.e. “Illegal immigrants take advantage of the welfare state? That story doesn’t make sense. Immigrants and minorities are powerless.”)

Phil 314 said...

What are our biases about Germans?

Hagar said...

But those who invite the poor - and not so poor - of the world to invade the U.S. are not!

Kevin said...

Dems take the House. Suddenly the daily articles about Russian collusion and impeachment stop.

hawkeyedjb said...

The praise and awards seem to go to the writers who present Americans at their worst. Ever hear of a fake story that speaks approvingly of Americans?

Kevin said...

Ironically, it was Charles Lane's hope that made him slack off in maintaining skepticism about whether fraudulent reporting was still going on.

Hope is an essential ingredient in human relations. It’s the elixir that allows the previously-fooled to be fooled yet again.

Kevin said...

Remember when the stunned media pledged to travel the country to understand the concerns of the non-elites?

If American journalists wouldn’t do it, why should we expect the Germans?

CJinPA said...

In the film, Lane actually travels with Glass to the scene of one of Glass's made up stories to verify it. (It's the image seen on the posted video.) If that is what he considered to be an editor verifying a story, I can see how he would think the internet could help.

Their credulousness was rooted partly in truth — xenophobia, gun violence and the rest are real problems in the United States, just as anti-foreigner violence was, and is, in Germany.

And every country on earth.

Sebastian said...

""I thought fraud in reporting was done for. I was wrong." The headline makes him sound like a naif, and that is supported by some of the text."

No. It is naive [not really meant as a criticism of Althouse] to go for naivety. Progs willingly promote and accept the narrative. They are active co-conspirators.

tcrosse said...

If you can't make it good, make it up.

Greg Hlatky said...

And every country on earth.

Take the racial views of a white Mississippi sharecropper of a century ago. Multiply by 10. That's how Russians think of Central Asians.

Birches said...

I especially liked how a hs out in the middle of nowhere had bullet proof glass and metal detectors. I think the German elites tell these stories about the US because they have to keep the populace feeling superior. They can't know how good we have it here.

narciso said...

Frank foer and Scott beauchamp in Baghdad who then moved over to Atlantic and Slate with his wife elspeth reeve.

narciso said...

There they pushed fusions bogus alpha bank connection to trump hotels

William said...

At a minimum. It takes at least a hundred years for leftists to realize that their narratives are false, and sometimes a hundred years is not enough time. Freud named his kid after Oliver Cromwell. WTF. The family of the Empress Josephine owned the largest sugar plantation in the West Indies. Josephine is better known for her gowns and collection of roses than for her slave holdings.......I saw a Russian produced drama on Trotsky on Netflix. The lives of Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin certainly don't lack for drama, but Hollywood has not gone near them. It would also make for an interesting story to dramatize how these loathsome scumbags were idolized by dumb fucks like John Reed, but we'll have to wait another hundred years for such a movie.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Lane can't be that naive. That's fake news. His hope, most likely, is that the Left, aided by computers, can completely deplatform the Deplorables.

wildswan said...

You can compost weeds, you can wrap garbage in newspapers. But what do you do with digital lies? Maybe every digital story could be accompanied by a location map showing where it was read first and how it progressed and which areas are approved it or shared it. Like it's blue-approval in Germany at 8am Monday for Der Speigels Fergus Falls lie but then reaches Fergus Falls in about two hours and has a little red-lies dot. Then the red dot spreads.

narciso said...

Sometimes much longer Shakespeare perpetrated Morton Tudor lies against Richard the third, same with machiavelli against the caterina di sforza (re the borgia series for confirmation)

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Does nobody care about this American fake news?

"Hotel Earl": Employees who called cops on black guest put on leave


"34-year old Jermaine Massey" is a fraud. Look at all that gray hair! And he claims to be a former FBI agent!

The real Jermaine Massey, age 35, was killed by cops for threatening them with a knife in Greenville SC, March 28, 2018. https://youtu.be/ZA1r9pj4GRk

Rick.T. said...

As we say in the consulting business, Hope is not a plan.

Just finished reading Eddie Rickenbacker's slight but entertaining account of his WWI flying days. He was pleased to find out that the Germans had complimented the American flyers by saying that they fought "more like Indians than soldiers," upsetting all of their carefully formulated tactics by being unpredictable and dashing single-handedly into their formations. Sort of Trumpish, in other words.

Chris N said...

I used to read the work of Lili Von Schtupp at Meine Hamburger City.

The ‘German Torch’ had it all: Six feet of blonde ice with the sweetest prose since Goethe.

I’d lie awake arranging her bylines on my bed. I’m not ashamed.

First came the January Biergarten piece: ‘Lederhosen leather from Lichtenstein?’ Could it be?

Then the April Volkswagen electrical systems using melted down Swiss gold debacle? Really Lili?

Ya broke my heart. You was perfect.

Michael said...

"Contempt for American culture has a long history among the continental European cognoscenti, the sort of people who read Der Spiegel and write for it."

And also among American Progressives who require a foil to justify their unmerited sense of innate superiority.

Jaq said...

Sometimes much longer Shakespeare perpetrated Morton Tudor lies against Richard the third,

Not the hunchback thing. You know they found his body and, in the immortal words of Lili Von Schteup, “It’s twu! It’s twuu!"

narciso said...

No the killing the princes, think that alison weir still goes by.

Jaq said...

They had also apparently rammed a sword up Richard III’s ass, same as they did a gun barrel with Qaddaffi. Well, either it was a gun barrel or Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize, accounts differ.

LordSomber said...

Anecdotal, I admit, but I find editors do very little fact checking, let alone spell checking.

Jaq said...

He probably got it from Chronicles, so your beef is with that book, is my guess.

Lewis Wetzel said...

The journalistic bad faith that created the Relotius fraud is everywhere. Last Sunday Meet the Press did an hour long report on global warming that began with Chuck Todd announcing that the voices of global warming skeptics would not be heard.
The purpose of Todd's panel was not to inform and persuade, it was conceal and propagandize. It was to to tell you what to think.

Big Mike said...

@Michael the Magnificent, that was ... magnificent!

Big Mike said...

@Birches, I suspect Claas Relotius got the “bulletproof glass” from Stoneman Douglas HS in Parkland. Young Mr. Cruz tried shooting at people outside Building 12, but the hurricane proof glass resisted the impact of the .223 rounds from his AR.

tim maguire said...

Non-Americans make fun of Americans' ignorance of the greater world, but my experience living and traveling abroad shows me that they are just as ignorant of the US (even Canadians right across the border, who regularly travel to the US, harbor all sorts of mistaken ideas about the Yankees to the South).

And Americans don't pretend to know what they don't know. They often don't care, but they're not delusional.

Lewis Wetzel said...

"xenophobia, gun violence and the rest are real problems in the United States"
This is where Lane should should have stopped to consider that Relotius succeeded because he played to the same bigotry that Lane himself holds.
Gun violence is not a problem in Fergus Falls. Neither are hate crimes. Yet Lane thinks that it is reasonable to believe that gun violence and xenophobia are problems in Fergus Falls and places like it. Why? When you believe something that is not true, you should try to determine why you believe this.
The violent crime rate per 100,000 is about three times higher in Washington, D.C. then it is in Fergus Falls.

Ken B said...

It's more than just bogus reporting. It is the full throttle embrace of confirmation bias by the Gentry class and nomenklatura.

glenn said...

I learned to be skeptical of media when I was 15 and our local paper ran a made up story about my Dad. It was a nice human interest story, nobody got hurt, and the reporter got a byline. I quit paying much attention until BM fooled me with Duke LaCrosse.

robother said...

Der Spiegel, der Spiegel on der Wand...

When you're a mirror, you just reflect the world your viewers already know is there, or you go broke.

hombre said...

And yet when Der Speigel occasionally prints the truth the lefties ignore it:

“So far, no one has been able to provide a compelling answer to why climate change seems to be taking a break. We're facing a puzzle. Recent CO2 emissions have actually risen even more steeply than we feared. As a result, according to most climate models, we should have seen temperatures rise by around 0.25 degrees Celsius (0.45 degrees Fahrenheit) over the past 10 years. That hasn't happened. In fact, the increase over the last 15 years was just 0.06 degrees Celsius (0.11 degrees Fahrenheit) -- a value very close to zero. This is a serious scientific problem that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will have to confront when it presents its next Assessment Report late next year.... If things continue as they have been, in five years, at the latest, we will need to acknowledge that something is fundamentally wrong with our climate models. A 20-year pause in global warming does not occur in a single modeled scenario. But even today, we are finding it very difficult to reconcile actual temperature trends with our expectations.” Hans Von Storch, Climate Scientist, U. Of Hamburg (mainstream warmist), Editor, "Climate Research", interviewed in "Der Spiegel," 6/2013

LA_Bob said...

First line from Wikipedia's page on Stephen Glass:

"Stephen Randall Glass (born September 15, 1972)[1] is a former journalist and is currently employed at a law firm in Beverly Hills".


Bob from Alhambra

Virgil Hilts said...

Interesting side to this is how it is going to become more difficult to even tell whether something is completely manufactured. As Ben Sasse has noted advances in digital technology are going to make "fake news" harder and harder to detect, not easier. Wash Post just had article describing "deepfake" - making porn with famous people's faces. Soon, no one will know whether any celebrity sex tapes/other digital evidence is real or fake.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I would challenge anyone to look at Chuck Todd's bio and determine that he is qualified to do anything other than hit his mark for the camera and avoid dead air. The idea that Chuck Todd has the intellectual ability to determine that the earth is warming and human activity is the major cause of the warming is a joke.

FullMoon said...

Most interesting is the fact that Donald Trump flipped the "fake news" description on the media. Was Hillary who accused Trump of fake news during the campaign.
Now, Trump has the media defending themselves every day.

Yancey Ward said...

This idea that there are fact checkers is the lie. Sure, the tools are there, but if there are no fact checkers, then they tools just sit there unused. Do you really think money is wasted on fact checkers at WaPa and the NYTimes? This might be a good use of AI at some point, but I suspect that the publications still won't pay up for it.

On watching Shattered Glass, what struck me was how gullible everyone was. The amount of evidence it took for Lane to finally accept that Glass was an epic fabulist is stunning. I have to believe the film's screenplay and Harry Bissinger's Vanity Fair article it is based on were more or less accurate because Lane has never gainsaid them. It doesn't look like Lane has lost any of the naiveté he had 20 years ago.

Big Mike said...

I really, really liked that line: "There is one thing in this story that checks out. There really appears to be a state in the Union named 'Nevada'."

cubanbob said...

tim maguire said...
Non-Americans make fun of Americans' ignorance of the greater world, but my experience living and traveling abroad shows me that they are just as ignorant of the US".

Europeans just don't understand how large the US is and how small most European countries are. The distance between Paris and Berlin is 546 miles by air. The distance between Miami Fl to Jacksonville Fl is 545 miles. Without the EU there isn't a single European country including Germany that is in the least bit of comparison as an economic power compared to the US. California has roughly the same same economy as France or the UK with a considerably smaller population despite being run by Democrats. If real Republicans ran the state it would probably have the GDP of Germany.

Henry said...

Why, with all the accusations of "fake news" these days, would you snuggle up inside a hope that computer-facilitated fact-checking was preventing fraudulent reporting?

I'm reading a book on system stability at the moment. Here's the relevant passage for Mr. Lane:

Ultimately, it’s just fantasy to expect every single bug ... to be driven out. Bugs will happen. They cannot be eliminated, so they must be survived instead.

The worst problem ... is that the bug in one system could propagate to all the other affected systems. A better question to ask is, “How do we prevent bugs in one system from affecting everything else?”

Saint Croix said...

Shattered Glass is a great movie.

For those Star Wars fans who think Hayden Christensen is a bad actor, well, you should see him in that movie.

hawkeyedjb said...

"Stephen Randall Glass (born September 15, 1972)[1] is a former journalist and is currently employed at a law firm in Beverly Hills".

Hope he succeeds at that job. Next stop down the ladder is the used car lot.

Henry said...

Another pertinent quote for Mr. Lane:

[Some say] it’s futile to aim for fault tolerance. It’s like trying to make a fool-proof device: the universe will always deliver a better fool.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

"Why, with all the accusations of "fake news" these days, would you snuggle up inside a hope that computer-facilitated fact-checking was preventing fraudulent reporting?"

Never forget, reporters are stupid rich kids who couldn't get into law school.

Guildofcannonballs said...

The CKondo?


The Coop.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Still, silly Timmy and all his new ventures, consider Justified the creme of the creme.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Europeans just don't understand how large the US is and how small most European countries are.

There is a joke about that. Europeans think 100 miles is a long distance, Americans think 100 years is a long time.

Ron Winkleheimer said...


What's the name of that book?

Henry said...

Release It! 2nd Edition by Michael T. Nygard.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Why this LUCK, guy loves horses/

Horses are honorable (unlike many hijmans) and ought be loved kinda hesam.

Stars: Bjjighttime Dwight Hoffman and Mocl Np;te amnd oathers too;

Oh, and this sati43e hj mkektnon Kkj kkkall off kour old frjione Bko

RK said...

"Non-Americans make fun of Americans' ignorance of the greater world..."

Foreigners think we should know as much about them as they know about us. But there are 195 countries in the world. We know as much about New Zealand and the Norwegians do.

Also, Europeans are obsessed with the US. Get a life, fags.

Guildofcannonballs said...

What Buckley acheived was a giagantic leap of intelluctuel arrogance.

Forget, at your peril, it.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Having within rebbelled againt sht struncnkshites; to detriment.

William Frank Buckley Junior decided many things thereafter, to be included: No Iraq war and welcome Mark Steyn.

Guildofcannonballs said...

There is literrally no acknowledgment that Broward cojnth Fl is gonna find 80,000 then no 90,000 then no 2,000,000 votes because Jeb appoinyteef ig.

Jeb says it is oka, he has for decades.

So you racist

You dumb


Gabriel said...

@narcisco:No the killing the princes, think that alison weir still goes by.

If he didn't kill the princes, it's hard to imagine why he didn't produce them when he was accused by everyone of having killed the princes.

They went to the Tower May 19, 1483. Richard had himself crowned July 3, 1483. No one is reported to have seen them again after that summer. Rumors that they had been murdered were current in France by January 1484.

So why did Richard III never produce them between summer 1483 and his death in August 1485? That two-year gap is pretty hard to explain for defenders of Richard.

Guildofcannonballs said...

since I know how y0u think,

40 billion

Althouse gets 4.

BUMBLE BEE said...

There is a metric ton of difference in results from Snopes before/after it's sale to the dumbocrats. Useless now.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Rich kids who couldn't get into law school?. Quite likely. From what I've seen of em, they're people who've wasted their money chasing an English degree. When I was young that degree was monetized by substitute teaching gigs.

RK said...

To German journalists: You can probably find the Americans you seek to write about. Just look harder. Don't be such lazy fucks.

JaimeRoberto said...

When I lived in Europe the locals liked to talk about how little Americans know about them and how much they know about America, for example how we have 52 states. No amount of evidence could convince them that many of the things they know are completely wrong.

rcocean said...

I've met large numbers of English/Irish who think they know all about American politics and weren't shy about lecturing "The Yanks" on what was wrong.

9 times out of ten, they got all their "American News" from the BBC and UK Newspapers.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

9 times out of ten, they got all their "American News" from the BBC and UK Newspapers.

Apart from the obvious anti-US bias, I've found the BBC to be shocking ignorant about many aspects of Federalism and what Presidents can and cannot do. No, govenors do *not* answer to the President during an emergency..

JMW Turner said...

Considering the Germans past fling with Nazi Gotterdammerung, I find their moralistic posturing insufferable.

Saint Croix said...

Actually maybe he was just miscast.

He plays both Darth Vader and Stephen Glass as a simpering adolescent.

For Darth Vader, it's annoying and bad.

For Stephen Glass, it's amazing and scary as shit.

"I didn't do anything wrong!"

Rick said...

The belief fact checking is a strong control preventing fabulists is naive. Validating someone's title and a handful of quotes isn't much of an obstacle to overcome.

Journalism wants you to believe fact checking holds authors accountable. But the primary purpose is to hold the sources accountable, while the secondary purpose is to ensure irrelevant details don't allow opponents to undermine their articles. The primary check on fabulists is professional skepticism but as journalists have transitioned into political activists that check has weakened.

Lane was the editor in chief of The New Republic when it was humiliated by the Stephen Glass scandal in the 1990s.

To be fair Lane was new to the job when this was discovered. Glass was a Michael Kelly protege who was ME when most of the glass fakes were published.

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