— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 3, 2019
ADDED: Something about the comments got me thinking about anagrams, and "Elizabeth Warren" yields an amazing number of anagrams. But what caught my eye are the anagrams with "ale," because I've long loved the anagram for my own name, "Nun's Oath Ale." I mean, I love it so much, I'd like to manufacture it! Anyway, there's "ale" in the "Elizabeth Warren" letters, so let's see what we have. I'm choosing Brazen Writhe Ale.
Uh oh, now I'm seeing the potential for beer. Oh! But there is exactly one anagram, and it's a terrible product name: Hernia Waltz Beer. And wasn't that a hernia waltz the other day, Elizabeth Warren, in her kitchen, getting her some beer?
You've got to feel for her, but then... not enough to want to hand her the Presidency.
Also, I look at "Warren" and see "War."
The Don Rickles of politics. Both the Dons were born and raised in Qeeens.
this is the sort of puerile thing that persuades Ann of the president's acumen, humor and class. Couple of blondes whooping it up in the second-grade playground.
Can't wait to show that to Liz on Friday in CB.
As many times as I re-read Ann's original post I can't find anything about the President's acumen, humor and class.
That's funny.
You know it hit the mark when Pickering shows up.
I don't have any personal affinity for Trump, but things like this make me LOVE his technique.
Also, I look at "Pickering" and see "picker."
If someone had created a fake poster like that about Trump, it'd be hailed as a triumph of humor by the usual leftist morons.
Now a Warren sticker will remind people of the Native American issue.
I don't really mind that Warren said she was of Cherokee descent. Quite possibly, very likely, that was a family tradition that she liked. She got Affirmative Action advantage with it, very likely, but I can understand that too.
But this latest thing was just nuts. She got tested and found out that she didn't have any significant Indian ancestry, maybe a really tiny amount. Then she publicized the results, triumphantly claiming that they proved her right - tiny amount is not zero!! Yes!
Out of touch with reality, unable to grasp that reality might not fit her wishes. Maybe it's not fair for me to say that most leftists are like that. But she has shown herself to be like that.
Literally, LOL.
One problem with declaring two years before the election is that it gives your opponents two years to build up an arsenal against you.
I think both Warren & Romney have just been reminded of that fact.
Anybody who has ever looked at her bankruptcy work knows that she has the intellectual chops to run, well, no, not even a lemonade stand.
Pow Wow Chow Cookbook
She got Affirmative Action advantage with it, very likely, but I can understand that too.
Really? She's a fraud and stole something that didn't belong to her. She should be shamed and ostracized.
I have a Spanish great-grandmother born in Seville. We know her name and we have her photo. My wife wears her wedding ring. I would never list myself as Hispanic to get an affirmative action advantage.
Now maybe I should. Now everyone with family lore should claim victim status
A very very suitable sign for Elizabeth "Runs with Fractions" Warren. Appropriate.
So, did Trump tweet that to irk Warren or irk Romney?
Trump forgot to add 100% Leftist bullshiter. Would make for a better graphic.
"Bill, Republic of Texas said...
She got Affirmative Action advantage with it, very likely, but I can understand that too.
Really? She's a fraud and stole something that didn't belong to her. She should be shamed and ostracized.
I have a Spanish great-grandmother born in Seville. We know her name and we have her photo. My wife wears her wedding ring. I would never list myself as Hispanic to get an affirmative action advantage.
Now maybe I should. Now everyone with family lore should claim victim status"
I'm not sure if it applies to matriarchal descendancy but you just might be able to acquire Spanish citizenship. The benefit of that is you can get a Spanish passport then travel through Europe como Pedro en su casa and purchase real estate in the EU as a EU state citizen. And with the Spanish passport you can actually claim to be a real Hispanic. Not victim status but at least genuine Spic.
“So, did Trump tweet that to irk Warren or irk Romney?”
Two dodo birds with one stone?
That's not funny! (yes it is)
Why does he tweet this the day the dems take over the House? Ask his psychiatrist.
From Mike Sylvester linnk:
Boston Radio host Howie Carr discovered that three of Warren’s recipes appeared to be plagiarized[12]:
Other family members[13] of Warren submitted recipes, none of which appeared to be authentically Native American or Cherokee.
Warren’s husdand, Bruce Mann[14], who never has claimed to be Native American, also listed himself as Cherokee and provided a recipe[15] for Oriental Beef Stir-Fry:
The people who, one would think, should be most angry about her abuse of affirmative action, its supporters, don’t seem to be bothered by it. I wonder what it is about affirmative action that they aren’t telling the rest of us?
Blogger readering said...
Why does he tweet this the day the dems take over the House? Ask his psychiatrist
You tell us. You seem to be a qualified long distance psychiatrist, like so many other liberals.
So I have a mother. Under the new rules does that make me 50% female or using the Trans option can I just declare female?
Does the SBA do hormone testing?
Then she publicized the results, triumphantly claiming that they proved her right - tiny amount is not zero!! Yes!
Zing! I’m gonna get me a beer.
Also, I look at "Warren" and see "War."
When I look at Meade, I see mead.
This was so mild, as well as being true, and funny, but the Trump haters over there have their panties all wadded up over it. I would shoot myself if my emotions treated me that bad every day. Just chill out, peeps, it's a joke. Sheese!
I consider Trump whether or not he's POTUS (he is!), to be one of the most enjoyable people, ever. He pisses off the right people constantly. Winning with humor!
"When I look at Meade, I see mead."
LOL. Cheers!
Bagoh20 said, "Just chill out, peeps, it's a joke. Sheese!"
Trump should tweet again saying that might have been very insensitive, and that he and Warren should bury the hatchet and smokem' peace pipe.
This would become the most famous tweet of the 21st century.
Agree, Lucid.
Trump should tweet again saying that might have been very insensitive, and that he and Warren should bury the hatchet and smokem' peace pipe.
This would become the most famous tweet of the 21st century.
The reaction would be epic.
When I see Trump I think rump.
Meade said...Also, I look at "Pickering" and see "picker."
I think of Pickering, OH, an affluent gentry-liberal suburb of Columbus. Which is to say, I think of limousine liberals.
Notice she's looking at the camera as she drinks. A real beer lover looks at the bottle.
Warren invites this sort of thing from Trump and everyone else. The only thing that makes it puerile, and I don't think it is, is that he's willing to say it out loud. The more polite among us see and hear Warren and think, but do not say, she is hopelessly lacking in self-awareness and her compass needs calibration. Very similar to Hillary though I would argue Warren is a bit less condescending and creepy.
Her genealogy test is the gift that keeps on giving.
I'm sure there's not a day goes by that she wishes she could take it back.
Readering - 'When I see Trump I think rump'. I suspect a lot of things make you think about rumps.
Readering: "Why does he tweet this the day the dems take over the House?"
Because Warren just announced she was running.
Do try and keep up.
Readering - 'When I see Trump I think rump'. I suspect a lot of things make you think about rumps.
Pickering is very very very upset that everyone remembers Little Lizzies DNA lies and Affirmative Action shenanigans.
Not even a full frontal LLR Chuck deflection-assault on logic can save Lizzie from the ridicule she so richly deserves!
Greg you suspect a lot of things? Or daydream?
“Trump should tweet again saying that might have been very insensitive, and that he and Warren should bury the hatchet and smokem' peace pipe.”
Bury the tomahawk.
Blogger readering said...
When I see Trump I think rump
It might not take a psychiatrist to suss that one out.
It would be a little funny in the abstract, to see Warren launch an attack with Tomahawk missiles.
When I see Trump, I see Triumph... the insult dog. Hilarious little fucker.
Blogger Lucid-Ideas said...
I'm sure there's not a day goes by that she wishes she could take it back.
But that would make her (dare I say it?) an Indian-giver!
Slings and arrows...
Live by the tomahawk...
Ha, O’Malley endorses O’Rourke - Politico
Isn't it Pickerington?
Why does he tweet this the day the dems take over the House?
Why not? Seems like the perfect time to do it.
OK Professor, here's my beer/ale anagram submission from the name Elizabeth Warren:
Real Ant Whiz Beer.
When I see Trump I think rump.
You’re a liberal. You look at things bass-ackwards naturally...
Hey, shouldn't Crazy Eye Liz be laying off the fire water? I'm just sayin'.
PB said...
Notice she's looking at the camera as she drinks. A real beer lover looks at the bottle.
1/3/19, 12:58 PM
Just like pr0n vs sex.
"Why does he tweet this the day the dems take over the House? Ask his psychiatrist."
Warren announces yesterday. Trump tweets today.
Should he have waited a week?
I'll tell Liz on Friday that she doesn't have Althouse's endorsement.
There's a special place in HELL for female law professors who don't back other female law professors for the highest office in the land.
FIDO, you’re right. Pickering is in Ontario, outside Toronto (where I currently live). I’m getting my suburbs mixed up.
You've got to feel for her, but then... not enough to want to hand her the Presidency.
This implies that there is however, a point at which you could feel enough for her to want to hand her the presidency.
The Drill SGT said...
So I have a mother. Under the new rules does that make me 50% female?
Everyone has two sex chromosomes. X's are female chromosomes, Y's are male chromosomes.
Women have two X's.
Men have an X and a Y.
So all men are half female. The science is settled.
Some useful advice for Elizabeth Warren, in case all this ribbing is getting her down.
Bitter Woman
Tim in Vermont said, "It would be a little funny in the abstract, to see Warren launch an attack with Tomahawk missiles."
President Elizabeth "Stands with Integrity" Warren, on the War Path, launching tomahawk missiles and Apache helicopter strikes, all from her new Presidential limousine, a deluxe stretch Jeep Grand Cherokee.
Not the Onion.
Going back to a horse based military will save $$$ and fight CAGW!
You know, if Warren embraced the suck and came out wearing a headdress and driving a Cherokee, she'd immunize herself.
But she is a Feminist, liberal, PC, hypersensitive humorless hack (But I repeat myself). She can't do it, or if she could, not in a way which anyone would buy as anything but obviously self aggrandizing and staged.
Beer Waltz Hernia makes sense. The injury you get from attempting to dance while drinking beer.
Plus, Elizabeth Warren somehow reminds me of a painful injury gotten from doing something rash. She induces that heartbreaking feeling of when you realize that the injury is more painful and will take longer to heal than would be expected from the stupid thing, which seemed much safer in prospect than it turned out.
Granny takes a dose of her rheumatism medicine.
It was less painful than her usual Hepburn-esque bleating scold.
Keep drinking Lizzie.
She better be careful drinking that firewater with all that Indian blood. On the other hand, another anagram of her name is brazen real white.
“You've got to feel for her, but then... not enough to want to hand her the Presidency. “
A rich white woman who lied to steal affirmative action spoils from poor minority’s.
Elizabeth Warren should be toxic. It is emblematic of how disgusting and amoral the left is that she is still viable.
I'd buy Hernia Waltz Beer. I wouldn't drink it, but it would make a great display piece next to the Billy Beer.
When's the SNL skit coming about Warren drinking beer?
Do Democrats know that she's not very likable? Does she? All her gestures were clumsy and contrived, and she doesn't seem to be aware of the awkwardness. There's a disadvantage to being within the Democratic bubble. Rubio was mocked relentlessly for the way he reached for a bottle of water. He was later able to spoof that failed gesture. I don't think Warren realizes that she looks like a jerk, and no one will ever tell her.
As soon as Baldwin gets the impression down.
(and he'll need prosthetic cheek bones)
At 1/1024th of one percent alcohol that beer Pocahontas was drinking was truly Colorado Coolaid. But firewater at that level of alcohol is definitely approved for folks on the Rez.
Nothing says authentic Cherokee Chow to me like Crab with Tomato Mayonnaise Dressing.
Trump makes us laugh. hmmmm.
Warren raises her arm with a "swig heil" salute to Brett Kavanaugh.
Elizabeth Warren will never be president.
So we have that going for us.
I already have my "Scalp 'em Pocahontas" bumper sticker, and I hope she does.
Who does Warren have helping her craft her campaign? This kitchen announcement is as bone headed as her 1/1024th indian declaration. Maybe for her next commercial should should be laying down, half drunk, eating a Carls Jr. cheeseburger while she slurs her words about the changes she plans on making.
The Harvard Law professor says "I'm gonna get me a beer"....and then she offers one to her limp dick off-camera husband, and he turns her down?
Holy Shit!! I think she wrote the script by herself.
Hillary move over. Lizzie Warren "ain't in no ways tard".
Man, that video is something.
I'm putting Elizabeth Warren down as an extremist.
I actually like extreme people. Jesus is often an extremist. "Give all your money to the poor! Love your enemies!"
I won't name names, but "moderation in all things" is a wussy philosophy. Not a bad bumper sticker, I guess, although I've never seen that one.
If you're talking about an artist or an Olympic athlete or an entrepreneur, don't even bother with the moderate guy. It's the extremists who do impressive things. But we extremists have horrible p.r. because extreme bad guys are, you know, problematic.
Anyway, I have identified Elizabeth Warren as an extremist (who gets both the bold and the italics), because when she goes on one of her political rants she scares the shit out of me.
Obviously some flack has told her she needs to "soften her image." So now the damn extremist is like some incompetent sweet grandmother who has just discovered the internet.
Hillary: "I don't bake cookies"
Warren: "I'll bake 100,000 cookies I am in the kitchen day and night and I have a recipe for you and you and you and all of America."
Blogger Bill, Republic of Texas said...
I have a Spanish great-grandmother born in Seville.
There are a bunch of different legal definitions of "Hispanic" under various federal regulations.
One of the definitions excludes persons born in Spain.
(Or used to, I am not 100% current on this)
You, being descended from someone born in Spain and not from Spain yourself, are "Hispanic" under some federal regulations. (Subject to the caveat above)
In any event, it's not what you are, it what you feel. If you feel pretty, you can identify as a woman. Or anything else! Isn't it grand?
John Henry
Blogger Wilbur said...
Nothing says authentic Cherokee Chow to me like Crab with Tomato Mayonnaise Dressing.
Why not? Cherokees can have crabs too.
Kwell will usually get rid of them.
John Henry
hewn (adjective) — made or crafted by cutting or whittling down, as in Elizabeth Warren's Cherokee ancestor from a great-grandmother to some remote Peruvian back a thousand generations.
Thus we have the best Tin-Eared Lizzie anagram: Bizarre Tale Hewn.
@saint Croix
Doesn't it, shouldn't it go something like"Extremism in the defense of liberty ...."
if she loses, she can whine that America is Raciss,
and not ready for a Native-American president.
She is working very hard at not making the same mistakes as Martha Coakley. Expect her to stand outside Fenway on opening day shaking hands. In the cold.
Coulda been root beer for all we know.
Nothing I drink from a bottle can be opened bare handed.
She's on solid ground. No shame in being interested in one's family or one's roots.
Unless your name is "Drumpf," and you have a grandfather who ran Alaskan whorehouses, was indicted in his native Germany, and refused entry back into the land on account of their hesitance at re-admitting a criminal.
Yep. We can see why family history is a touchy subject for Drumpf.
I'm gonna take me one of them DNA tests, down by the clinic, and I'm gonna drive me there in a pickup truck, with spankin' new mud guards and my Jimmy Buffet playin' on the radio.
President Pee-Pee Tape said...
She's on solid ground. No shame in being interested in one's family or one's roots.
You have outdone yourself.
Have you a beer!
But do let yer neighbors (upstairs & downstairs) know you are cooking up that Cherokee traditional Beef Stir Fry.
Pow freeking wow, there Pee Pee!
Someone told Warren you can’t win the Presidency unless people want to have a beer with you, and she ran with it.
Unfortunately her own husband doesn’t want to drink with her.
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