January 17, 2019

Trump strikes back.

AND: Politico characterizes Pelosi's disinvitation of Trump for the State of the Union as "a carefully crafted, old-school letter," in which she "played the political game on her terms and accomplished three important things."

But Scott Adams calls it a strategic blunder (because the House setting for the SOTU is boring and now Trump can give his speech somewhere else):


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Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Nope, we are mocking Ms. Pelosi...”

Because you suffer from Pelosi Derangement Syndrome.

Anonymous said...

And instead of asking the networks for air time to broadcast it, pay out of his own pocket to set up whatever network resources are necessary to livestream it free for anyone who wants to watch and don't allow any special accommodations for the press.

and dont hand out copies in advance. Make the press adlib their analysis. Uncoordinated with the DNC

Seeing Red said...

If she had gone on this trip she would have guaranteed that 800,000 federal workers would not receive their second paycheck because she would not have been here to negotiate any kind of deal," a senior White House official told Fox News.


Seeing Red said...

I’m still waiting for all those jobs that were supposed to bloom under the passage of Obamacare since the stress of health insurance was removed.

Instead we got “the new normal.”

Seeing Red said...

Pelosi said it.

We should all be on the dole, too, cos the economy would also do well.

rcocean said...

I'm surprised how lame the Pelosi defenders are. But then neither she nor her party give a damn about people hurt an unsecure border or the shutdown.

What is Pelosi's reason for not spending $5 billion on a wall or stopping the flow of illegals? Or her support for "Sanctuary States/Cities" ?

She's anti-American and a traitor.

AndyN said...

and dont hand out copies in advance. Make the press adlib their analysis. Uncoordinated with the DNC

Or leak it, then deliver an address that bears no resemblance at all to the leaked text, and watch the press scramble to change their pre-scripted reactions.

Seeing Red said...

Nancy isn’t used to this.

I love it!

Years delayed for all the crap she’s pulled.

rcocean said...

Shorter Democrat response: Orange man bad.

And Ben Shapiro supported Hillary in 2016. He didn't vote for Trump.

But don't connect the dots. Act like every Ben Shapiro position and statement is completely unconnected to any previous one.

Humperdink said...

Inga persists: "Because you suffer from Pelosi Derangement Syndrome."

Wrong again. Unlike you, who want to give Trump the boot, I want Ms. Pelosi to remain as speaker until the next election.

Birkel said...

Trump plays this game better than Pelosi.
Pelosi ain't co-equal.

Royal ass Inga cannot abide.
Everybody points and laughs.

Inga plans to introduce another child character.
The 30th or so...
Absolute Moral Authority, denied.

Seeing Red said...

Trump should deduct the cost of that unnecessary jaunt and put it towards the wall....

Hey! Ground the federal government for a year.

We might be able to afford 2 sections!

chickelit said...

rcocean said...

Ben Shapiro supported Hillary in 2016?

Does he still defend his choice?

Jay Elink said...

Mark said...
Article 2, Section 3: ...he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them,...

This means that Trump can order both Houses into a joint meeting to give them a State of the Union message.

No. It means that he can direct that they open into session, period. Which means they can convene in their respective chambers. It does not give the executive the power to enter the Capitol grounds, much less into the House chamber.


I guess you misses that "either of them" part. Trump could convene the Senate for a special session, ask Mcconnell to deliver a speech while it is so convened, and deliver his SOTUS speech on the Senate side.

He can further, as that Article specifies, "take care that the laws are faithfully executed", something the Dems are NOT doing.

My personal preference is Trump giving the SOTUS to a crowd of supporters, with a split screen of an empty Democrat House chamber.

Fascism!, the Progs will scream! (Except they all starched their shorts and got wet when Obama spoke transforming this country and ending the rising of the oceans etc.)

No, says Trump, it's about rule of law, preserving our body politic and its values, and national security.

Who wins?

I say Trump.

Jay Elink said...

chuck said...
> Ber Shipiro is an idiot.

"I don't get the logic of Trump denying Pelosi her trip."

Oldest political rule in the book:

Reward your friends.

Punish your enemies.

Gk1 said...

Although the govt. shut down is beginning to look like an episode of "I love Lucy" when Desi and Lucy have a spat and trying to divide the house with a white painted line, I can't say I blame Trump one bit. Fuck these people. They don't get to keep their undeserved "dignity" and belief they are important people making important decisions and deserver deference. They've acted like assholes for the last 2 years. I hope Trump keeps sticking it to them.

Greg P said...

Robert Cook said...
In the end, for all the theatrics and bluster, more Americans blame Trump for the government shutdown than blame the Democrats, and more Americans do not want a wall or think it is necessary than do.

So what?

Ask the question the right way, and you can get pretty much any answer you want.

Reality: Trump is President, GOP controls Senate, Dems only control House.

Look at what GOP got from Obama in their shutdown fight in 2011, after a 2010 election when they picked up almost 2x House seats compared to Dems 2018, and where they picked up Senate seats instead of losing them.

That sets the upper bounds as to how much the Dems can expect to get from this shutdown fight.

You lefties want to give the American people a long demonstration of how little the Federal Gov't actually does for average Americans? You keep the shutdown going.

But, so long as you do, don't expect any Democrat elected officials to get to ride on military planes.

1/17/19, 5:02 PM
Blogger Freder Frederson said...
As President of the United States, President Trump is supposed to be invited to the House to give the State of the Union Address.

That is a tradition, not an official policy or rule.

Yep. And it's not an official policy, just a generous offer from the President, that the Speaker of the house gets to fly military.

If Nancy wants to fly military again, she can end the shutdown.

Mary said...

And the day Trump is sitting in jail, Scott Adams will tweet why Trump is winning! Because you know there’s always two ways to look at things, and he’s the most popular inmate in America! MAGA!

chickelit said...

Why should Nancy Pelosi ever fly military? She represents a city that voted to boot the military (Navy). And it's now the premier Sanctuary City.

Greg P said...

Dear Mary, did your parents never teach you that drugs make you stupid?

walter said...

Those Latinos NPR sampled must have PDS.

walter said...

If they caravan, Pelosi and Shumer should drive down to the Southern border and dialog with Border Patrol folk about what "the experts say".

FIDO said...

just to reiterate: the cost of Trump's initial ask is exactly twelve hours of federal spending.

Twelve hours.

This should be in the SOTU address.

Mary said...

Greg P
You know what I say is true, no matter the facts, Scott will always see the flip side, and that's ok, we should look at issues from all angles, but damn, it's going to funny as hell in the next month or two when Trump goes down. Don't you guys see this happening? Wake up!

DeepRunner said...

This is just incredibly great theater by Trump. On the adult level, this is petulant back-and-forth. For viewing pleasure, this is the best. He seriously upped the ante. Her letter on the SOTU was thinly-veiled. He removed any pretense. Advantage, Tony Soprano.

Seeing Red said...

2 months is your prediction, Mary?


walter said...

Do tell, Mary.
Lay out what is so obvious to you.

walter said...

Step by step, please.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The Republicranks never tire of this "who's 'winning'" bullshit, don't they?

Given Congress' sole right to declare war, the need of their members to visit war zones should be obvious. The SOTU, OTOH, has no constitutional requirement to be a Prime Time reality show for the baby in the White House.

So as usual, the Trump International Crime Syndicate and its lackeys here show no regard for constitutional priorities. They would be happy to rip up the document that allows our nation to exist and replace it with Nielsen ratings reports.

This is the maturity level of the psychopaths running the government.

chickelit said...

I want Pelosi to defend her statement that the wall is immoral. Does she mean that all walls are immoral? Most walls? That was very strong language on her part and she owes us an explanation.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Advantage, Tony Soprano.

Like I said, Trump International Crime Syndicate.

Glad you admit to seeing it, too.

David Chase knows how that character met his end.

chickelit said...

Quite Contrary seems to know something that we don’t know. It would help to clarify.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I want Pelosi to defend her statement that the wall is immoral.

Spoken by a guy who thinks it's fine to poison Americans as long as the manufacturers of the poisons are making good money off of it.

FIDO said...

To be 'cruelly neutral' (Please start taking notes, Ms. Althouse), who goes to Afghanistan IN JANUARY for pleasure?

To further be fair, it is very likely that these plans were made well in advance before the government was shut down. This is unintended consequences landing on Pelosi's plate.

That being said: there is no 'winning strategy' for her.

Everyone laughs at the idea she is 'pro-military'. She's a rich hippie chick from a hippie state.

She can't whine and demand because it makes her look petulant.

She can't just riff through her couch to find a spare million and buy a ticket or charter a plane because she looks out of touch and elitist.

She can't take an offered private plane because she looks corrupt. Unlike Hillary, she has some shreds of shame left, and unlike Hillary, Pelosi has to stay electable.

She can't explain the trip because 12 hours in Afghanistan and 4 days in Brussels is...hard to explain, never mind Egypt. (Once again slipping into cruelly neutral mode, which allows parsing BOTH SIDES Ms. Althouse, not just against men) She is correct that the pilots need rest for a flight of that length. Somehow I think that 'rest' will be extended. Every time we hopped into London or Germany in the military, the pilots always found a way to break the airplane so they had to stop for a day. Pelosi is doing it for them.

That being said, if she didn't before, she hates him with a purple passion now. Chicks hate being publicly embarrassed and even more being defeated. He should double the guard on his children.

Yep, it was petty. It was also hilarious, true, striking, and great optics for him.

Next, franking will be cut. Interns will be let go or unpaid. The pay offs for Congressional abortions and mistress pay offs will end. Also, it's hard to collect graft for the Black Congressional Caucus when they aren't in session.

So expect some movement soon.

I am SO looking forward to the SOTU this year. I might crack open the Skull of Vodka.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Who wins?

I say Trump.

I say it's not the guy who can't get more than 40% approval from the American public, but then it only took 33% to get Hitler elected. You have a lot in common with other minority-rule governments throughout history.

walter said...

Gee PPPT, you should be considering the carbon footprint of flying those Dem folks there.

chickelit said...

US property laws and intellectual property laws are defined by metes and bounds. We have walls and boundaries for good reasons.

walter said...

I fear the footprint Bob Menendez left in PR.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Gee PPPT, you should be considering the carbon footprint of flying those Dem folks there.

Only if I thought that should mean that Congress relinquish its constitutional war declaration oversight powers. Which I don't.

But then, I think competent political parties can do two things at once. In this case - advance policies (not a single act, it doesn't work that way) that keep the planet intact and preserve their constitutional responsibilities. That's what adults do.

But your leader and your party are not comprised of adults.

chickelit said...

PPPT, how about you taking a crack at the morality of walls?

chickelit said...

“...are not comprised of adults.”

Bad grammar style points. Passive voice and improper use of comprise.

walter said...

Skype it, facebook it..party of tech-drones...

walter said...

And ask Pelo-Si to fly coach back home as a gesture.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Your friends can pay the $5 billion required for the "Mexicans will pay for it" wall that doesn't stop visa overstay, drug smuggling or terrorist entry - the three reasons cited.

But I'm a taxpayer. I'm not going for it.

It's not moral to take your nation further into the unprecedented debt it owes just to pay for a toupee-wearing president's political ego/vanity project.

Obviously you're a shitty excuse for an American.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Keep worrying about style points, Mr. Supporter of a Toupee-wearing president.

chickelit said...

“It's not moral to take your nation further into the unprecedented debt it owes just to pay for a toupee-wearing president's political ego/vanity project.”

How do we know whether Pelosi meant that walls are intrinsically immoral? Poets have pondered just that. I want her opinion since she used the word “immoral.” I wouldn’t mind your opinion on that either.

walter said...

A wall/barrier was cited as a cure for visa overstays? Though..Isuppose there could be a tangential discouragement of said overstays.
But hey..Do tell.

chickelit said...

I thought one of those late night TV clowns proved that Trump doesn’t wear a toupe. That’s not even an issue.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

No one cares about your opinion, little. You know this and you're used to it. I'm just citing facts and being reasonable - which is not something you're capable of as we all know by now.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

A wall/barrier was cited as a cure for visa overstays? Though..Isuppose there could be a tangential discouragement of said overstays.
But hey..Do tell.

Anyone who doesn't know that the "illegal" status of the documented Americans results overwhelmingly from visa overstay as opposed to illegal entry has basically admitted that they don't really know what causes illegal immigration. But that doesn't stop them from extorting the taxpayers into a $5 billion dollar vanity/ego project scheme for the baby running the Trump International Crime Syndicate that he said Mexico would pay for.

SweatBee said...

I have trouble squaring this interaction with Reagan and Tip O''Neil swapping stories and sharing drinks after work. Is there some institutional protocol that is being eroded by these "stunts"?

According to Rush Limbaugh and others, the "Reagan and O'Neill were buddies who put their differences aside after 6:00" lore is on par with Elizabeth Warren's family lore that made her believe she was an of color professor with her high cheekbones and pow wow crabmeat omelets.

NY Post: "Tip and the Gipper Didn't Like Each Other

Huffpo: "...the popular depiction of Reagan and O’Neill as bold figures that transcended partisanship for the greater good is false. Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neill’s working relationship was contentious and adversarial...they also denounced each other in terms that would make Obama and Boehner blush."

walter said...

You are full of all sorts of ad hominem t'night.
Caravan's a comin' but PPPT's going "Lalalalalalalalla"

chickelit said...

“No one cares about your opinion, little. You know this and you're used to it. I'm just citing facts and being reasonable - which is not something you're capable of as we all know by now.”

I’m just asking for your opinion on the morality of walls. I know you well enough to expect that you’ll evade the question.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I think we can add "causes of illegal immigration" to the interminable list of things not known by the low-information Trump voters.

Pretty remarkable. Their ignorance really does know no bounds. But neither does their blind loyalty to President Big Baby.

walter said...

Take your lame broad brush argument to the Singh family, PPPT.
They are "anyone"

walter said...

Sit 'em down and lecture them on CAGW.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And I've asked for your "opinion" on the morality of paying Congress to allow all sorts of businesses to poison Americans. And I know you well enough to expect that you'll evade the question.

The issues are clear. The language is what little shitten little will obsess on.

You can always bet on that. If it's irrelevant, he'll obsess over it.

That you can count on. I think his developmental disorder prevents him from understanding how committed he is to changing the subject.

But this blog isn't his own stupid blog. He can't force people to speak for Congressional leaders. Just like he knows he can forever evade speaking for Trump, his leader.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Whatever walter.

Enjoy your "optics" on what rallies your national minority to strongly feel things very strongly, or whatever.

Keep fighting for the 40%. And shrinking.

chickelit said...

“And I've asked for your "opinion" on the morality of paying Congress to allow all sorts of businesses to poison Americans. And I know you well enough to expect that you'll evade the question.”

Not sure what you’re referring to but it could be the back and forth that we had years ago on my blog about the Times Beach/dioxin incident. That was fun. We should do that more often.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Do you think one day the trumpen proletariat will get down to 33%, walter? Or whatever percentage it was that elected Mr. Schickelgruber?

Your interest in populism is so touching, walter.

chickelit said...

“Take your lame broad brush argument to the Singh family, PPPT.”

Did Singh’s killer fly in and overstay a visa? If true, that would hurt Trump.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

We should do that more often.

People don't visit blogs hosted by dishonest/easily distracted kids who let their favorite commenters threaten people on the blog and then gain some kind of protected status because of it.

Your poor socialization skills are showing.

You mis-read everything. You've been doing this since probably forever but definitely since you de-linked me one time years ago for some inane reason.

I'm not interested in debating you. I only debate honest people. Not people with selective memory and who are prone to grudges and refuse to ever understand the point of anything.

chickelit said...

What’s so amazing about Trump’s alleged decline in popularity is mirrored in the asscent of that mystery Dem candidate. Who is it this week? Warren? Harris? Beto? Holder?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Did Singh’s killer fly in and overstay a visa? If true, that would hurt Trump.

$5 billion dollars for one incident, for the political benefit of a president with approval ratings that can never break 41%. And an incident less characteristic than the higher murder rates committed by Americans. Interesting priorities.

If anyone is having trouble figuring out how a nation gets into an intractable $22 billion in debt, the statement above by Trump supporter little should give an indication as to why.

The littles are the ones causing this nation to go the way of imperial Rome. Just so everyone knows who to blame.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"Alleged decline." Nice.

And not the point. In 1933 little would have defended HItler on the basis of Hindenburg's lack of popularity, it seems.

Never underestimate the penchant of the weak-minded to use marginal (but low) popularity as an excuse for poor principles.

chickelit said...

Who is the “smart money” trying to buy into the Dem front runner position? Have they decided yet? I just see an endless parade of flags being raised and then pulled back down because no on3 salutes.

God hates flags.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...


chickelit said...

@PPPT: Your faith in poll numbers is amazing. You can call them “facts,” but as a friend, I’m advising caution.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yawn. Boring.

An autistic dude who can't figure out the best expenditure for $5 billion (that taxpayers were never supposed to pay for) and is obsessed with popularity.

I'm sure they'll pick someone more popular than the loser you can't stop supporting, little.

I've got better things to do. Continue debating against reality for as long as you like tonight.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You're not a friend. You're a useless c*nt who harbors and shelters terrorists on your blog.

I'm out of here.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

ANd I should never use the word "debate" with little. What he loves are language games.

Facts are not his friend. They elute him.

chickelit said...

Different elution times lead to good separation of different factions. Otherwise, it’s just a big skidmark.

chickelit said...


traditionalguy said...

Shades of The Beach Boys. The little old lady from Marin County had fun,fun,fun until her daddy took her USAF Free Bird away.

Drago said...

chickenlittle: "Who is the “smart money” trying to buy into the Dem front runner position?"

Michelle Obama will be the Dem nominee in 2020, and it wont even be close.

chickelit said...

That will mean Jarrett goes back into the WH. She misses those BLTs.

chickelit said...

Here’s one thing we can count on: Michelle Obama will get Ann Althouse’s vote. I know it’s early, but I do know Althouse’s politics.

Fen said...

Pee Wee: "And I've asked for your opinion on-"

Wow small world. Didn't know this little shit stain posted here.

Fen said...

Pee Wee: "No one cares about your opinion, little"

I do. Even after all these years I still remember Little as someone worth listening to

But tell me what you are all wee wee'd up about Pee Wee? You're hatred of all things Trump is so hysterical that you're slurring your words.

"Reason is the first victim of strong emotion" - Herbert

You need to chill. Else this self-inflicted cancer of yours is going to eat you alive.

Fen said...

Pee Wee: "but then it only took 33% to get Hitler elected. You have a lot in common with other minority-rule governments throughout history."

LOL. You sound more desperate than the crack whores walking K Street. What the hell is wrong with you? You should be institutionalized.

Fen said...

Inga: "Make me, you little pussy."

Sure thing. What's your address?

Cameron said...

My pick for State of the Union - live from the Mexico Border surrounded by ICE Agents

heyboom said...

Bruce Hayden said:

Of course not, but like when a bunch of them went to Hawaii, then a bunch went to Puerto Rico, this was just a way to take a paid holiday at government expense - while hundreds of thousands of federal employees are going without a paycheck.

And not surprisingly, all of the mainstream media reports I've seen have focused on the federal employees and the hardships they're facing. Not one word about how little the Democrats are doing to resolve this showdown. Even tonight's local news had a feature story of a government worker and her struggles.

gadfly said...

So the word is out that Trump needed the military jet to fly Melania from Joint Base Andrews to West Palm aboard a modified Boeing 757. That is a whole lot of airplane when a Gulfstream V would have more than adequate size at half the cost.

Birkel said...

And gadfly comes in pathetically late.
I really do think Trump screwed gadfly's girlfriend.

FIDO said...

Gadfly tries to blame Trump for something Trump actually already did.

But he doesn't ask if Pelosi should be junketing w the Davos set when we have a 'budget crisis'.

Essentially, in trying to 'prove' Trump is actually greedy, he wants to deflect from the fact Pelosi doesn't intend to negotiate. He doesn't CARE that she won't negotiate. But he, like Pelosi, wants to use moral blackmail without acting in good faith. 'Winning' is more important than Federal worker.

To wit: Trump asked for .15% of spending. If the budget was $4, a tenth of a penny.

THAT is the amount Gadfly and Pelosi are fighting over.

But, to be fair to Gadfly, perhaps he doesn't realize how insignificant the sum is.

Robert Cook said...


Ha! Our rich overlords are hardly leftwing.

Birkel said...

Robert Cook parodies the No True Scotsman fallacy very well.
Well done, soulless scamp.

Larry J said...

As funny as it was that Queen Nancy was denied her ride at taxpayer expense, Trump did miss an opportunity. He should've let her get to Afghanistan and then cancelled her ride. Let her try to find her way home from there.

FIDO said...

Absolutely not! Then Trump is 'that date guy who stranded me' to all the women of America.

Instead he is the 'dad who made my socialite sister clean her room'. Which is only offensive to non reflective socialite sisters.

The best part is someone calling the media to record this.

Jim at said...

She's anti-American and a traitor.

And so are the people who defend Pelosi.
Fifth-column, collectivist thugs. The lot of them.

madAsHell said...

I can't find the right word to describe the tension between the two lines of thought


bonkti said...

Stopping in Brussels for four days with House Intelligence Chair Adam Schitff on board could easily be a visit to the EU anti-Brexit seat of government, with the purpose of aligning strategies and collecting a few satchels of emeralds and rubies to help defray the costs of nullifying recent elections. One day in Afghanistan is the figleaf.

walter said...

Yes, yes..Singh is the only example.
And I guess PPPT and his ilk are in favor of all those rapes of women and girls as they trek here.
Ah well..

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