January 2, 2019

"This is what the Trump playbook looks like when it comes from the left."


President-Mom-Jeans said...

Oh, so bug eyed horse toothed Jenny from the Block (the block being a ritzy high income neighborhood where she grew up) wants the rest of the country to just let those fiscally retarded Puerto Rican's (who already don't pay taxes) not have to suffer the consequences of their poor decisions and borrowing?

That will be a winning campaign issue, I hope they go with that.

Big Mike said...

@Mom-Jeans, nah. They’re going to go with #GreenNewDeal because it will propose horrifically regressive taxes, leading to “yellow vest” riots as are occurring in France. Democrats love riots.

Nonapod said...

AOC is sucking attention away from every other politician with a "big ask" as a starting point of negotiations.

I'm skeptical of this theory. AOC has yet to demonstrate to me that she is capable of thinking on that level. For one thing, nothing she has said or done in the past has shown to me that she would be theoretically willing to back away or compromise on any of those positions. So far she seems like just another young brainless socialist who is incapable of critical analysis or understanding history.

lgv said...

Just give everyone $1 or $2 million each. They don't have to worry about a living wage. They can buy a $15k per year policy for the rest of their life.

Instead of ICE detention, just hand them the $2 million at the border as they cross. We can't cancel the PR debt, but we could buy it a premium price and then cancel it.

Cancel all student loan debt.

Whatever the cost, its worth it. It's just an "investment" in our future. Besides, we can cover most of it by confiscating the entire wealth of the top 1%, starting with Zuckerberg, Bezos, Googlers.

Utopia is just around the corner.

Look, their is a real live Economics Professor to explain why cancelling student debt will be positive. It is truly amazing.

Economic reality: If you are going to "split the check", order the most expensive item on the menu.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Oh, so bug eyed horse toothed Jenny from the Block (the block being a ritzy high income neighborhood where she grew up) wants the rest of the country to just let those fiscally retarded Puerto Rican's (who already don't pay taxes) not have to suffer the consequences of their poor decisions and borrowing?”

Maybe not so insane - much of Blue America is facing state and local government insolvency for the excessively generous pensions that Dem politicians traded for the political support of the government employees benefiting from such largess. They desperately need federal government bailouts, that they are not likely to get with Republicans maintaining some power in DC. But I would suggest bailing out these Dem strongholds by the federal government would be far easier to justify to the country if we had already bailed out Puerto Rico’s prolifigate wastage. They all have a common source - Dem politicians using government resources to purchase elective power.

bagoh20 said...

My God, read the tweets over there. Complete cluelessness on every issue. It's as if people never read a single statistic or counter argument on anything. It's a fact-free zone. Not surprising that Cortez would have a following of morons. You have to be a moron not to realize she is.

Ralph L said...

Trump has shown, so far, that he wasn't just pieing in the sky. Occasional Cortex needs to follow up.

bagoh20 said...

They are talking about the rich not paying their fair share while we all know the rich pay everyone's share already. I bet every single person who says that doesn't even pay enough taxes to cover their own share, let alone anyone else's, and they probably are net takers like half the country is.

Mike Sylwester said...

I doubt that there is much public support for End For-Profit Prisons & ICE Detention. That issue will lose many more votes than win votes.

Mountain Maven said...

Keep talking, AOC.

Bilwick said...

More statism. What could go wrong?

LA_Bob said...

Scott Adams's thesis is interesting. The difference is, AOC is a beginner at this game, while Trump brought considerable bargaining experience to the political table.

Adams is right that we (those of us who dismiss her) make too much fun of Ocasio at our peril. Some of her positions are not especially out of line with mainstream Democratic thought. But, I think the "democratic socialist" base is smaller than the putative Trump base. The real risk in the democratic socialist base is that it may resort to extreme tactics to overcome its inherent political deficiencies.

Bob from Alhambra

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mjg235 said...

Advocating for wiping Puerto Rican debt will get you an audience?

I don't think people would even bother to laugh at that idea.

Drago said...

Finally!! A "Trump Playbook" the George Soros, Nancy Pelosi, LLR Chuck and the entire staff of The Cuckly Standard crew can get behind!

Nonapod said...

Adams is right that we (those of us who dismiss her) make too much fun of Ocasio at our peril.

I don't dismiss her as a threat. Unfortunately she seems to represent a not insignificant group of idealistic young people who share in a lot of demonstrably bad ideas. I'm under no illusions about how dangerous she is and will be in the future. I just don't subscribe to the notion that she's negotiating anything. She's just presenting a list of demands, pure and simple. There's no meta game here.

TreeJoe said...

What scares me is that I know a significant number of ~20-25 year olds who strongly - vehemently - agree with many of these stances.

daskol said...

Of course there’s a meta game. It could be internal to the Dem power structure rather than a negotiation with the opposition party, but no denying there’s a game here, and this list is a ploy.

Nonapod said...

this list is a ploy.

I disagree. I don't believe she's capable of thinking that carefully. Or at least she hasn't demonstrated so. She seems too simple to me. As to the internal Dem power structure, she's probably not yet fully privy to those grubby machinations. She's still to green to be fully brought into the fold.

Tommy Duncan said...

If only Milton Friedman was alive.

"If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there'd be a shortage of sand."

rehajm said...

I wonder how much we'll hear from her after tomorrow? There's too many old guard leftie crazies in Congress to let a greenhorn back bencher garner all the attention.

daskol said...

AOC beat powerful Joe Crowley in the primaries. She’s built a personal brand using social media, and is already significantly more influential than her office. She’s machinating. Don’t mistake her callow ideological pronouncements for a lack of game. Even her callow ideological pronouncements are merely personal branding. She’s a player.

gilbar said...

so, if i'm a highschool kid, and i want a summer job; it can't be offered to me, unless it is a job high paying enough to support a family of 4 on? Any job that pays less isn't 'a living wage' and thus: Must Disappear. This is good, how?

remember the olden days, back before robots replaced teenagers at fast food restaurants?
I liked those days

Brian said...

I've been slowly coming around to AOC's persuasion game. She definitely has a trump level game. You mock her at your peril. Her list is prime "pacing and leading" material. She doesn't care if she gets it or not. She doesn't expect to.

She's still young however, and there are lots of pitfalls with elected office and positions of power. Too early to say if she can be a true player. Any doubts she could get a talk show gig right now on any of the news networks? She's already ahead of the game of more established politicians of either aisle. Compare and contrast her Mac and Cheese video with Elizabeth Warren's Beer video.

She'll either crash and burn, or be presidential material. She has the advantage that she'll miss this entire presidential cycle from the sidelines since she's too young. She will be out of the fray, while free to snipe inwards as she wishes. Schumer should plan on retiring in 2022. No chance he keeps his seat if she wants it.

Which night of the convention will she speak in 2020? Definitely primetime. Especially if the candidate is old.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

"Schumer should plan on retiring in 2022. No chance he keeps his seat if she wants it."

I strongly diagree. You think upstate is going to support this twat in the primaries? It's one thing for the dumb bitch to win a low turnout primary in her shithole Puerto Rican congressional district. Schumer is a corrupt piece of slime, but he would slap her around like Michael Avennati does to women if she threatened him.

rcocean said...

Get rid of ICE = turn the whole USA into a Sanctuary Country.

This will be followed - as it has been in California - in illegals voting, getting welfare etc.

Followed by Complete Domination by the Democrat Party - forever.

Just like in California.

rcocean said...

The winning issue for the Dem's is...


People want good healthcare for all. At a reasonable price.

Talking about "Free Enterprise" won't cut it.

Jim at said...

Schumer should plan on retiring in 2022. No chance he keeps his seat if she wants it.

Some of you are giving this bimbostein way, way too much credit.

She won one race by spewing a bunch of free-shit-for-all. That's it.
Those people are a dime a dozen in that caucus.

Mountain Maven said...

Remember that she doesn't know what she's talking about. All she can do is shout slogans. Sure, a lot of dummies will vote for that. She's making the democrat house members look bad. Pelosi will reign her in.

tcrosse said...

People want good healthcare for all. At a reasonable price.


For all.
Reasonable price.

Pick any two.

rhhardin said...

She's no different from anybody else on the left.

rhhardin said...

Remember the wise Latina, idiot of the court.

Leslie Graves said...

I agree with daskol @ 1:43 p.m.

Earnest Prole said...

The Big Ask doesn't include forgiveness of all student-loan debt? Why does the Left hate young people?

Nonapod said...

AOC beat powerful Joe Crowley in the primaries

That may have more to do with a failing on Crowley's part that some sort of brilliance on AOC's part. I won't deny that she worked very hard organizing, knocking on doors. I think she's a very skilled organizer who exploited an opportunity to its fullest.

She definitely has a trump level game. You mock her at your peril. Her list is prime "pacing and leading" material. She doesn't care if she gets it or not. She doesn't expect to.

I guess you all are are seeing things I'm not. Again, it's not that I don't consider her a threat, I'm not dismissing her. I just haven't seen any evidence that indicates we're dealing with some sort of master persuader... yet.

I could be proven wrong here.

To me, the fact that she's been so successful says more about the state of the Left than it does about her persuasion abilities. The left is endlessly searching for superstars, for big personalities who check all the right boxes and appeal to the right virtues. This often results in candidates who may be charismatic and charming but don't have much substance beyond that. Or worse, have some nasty skeletons in their closet that have to be overlooked and downplayed.

chickelit said...

Trump’s biggest threat is now Mitt Romney. If he splits the Republican vote in the general, it’s hello President Harris.

MadisonMan said...

For what are we holding Wall Street Accountable?

Would a 'master persuader' offer up such an ill-defined concept? Maybe?

Ray - SoCal said...

Mitt Romney just PISSED OFF a LOT of people that voted for him for President with that stupid OpEd. Fact is most people in the Republican Party support Trump, and are VERY HAPPY with what he is getting done.

On a personal level, SO WHAT of Trumps Moral Level? That is why a bunch of diehard Christians voted for him. They did not like the fact he is an adulter and usually does not turn the other cheek, but he is a lot better than the alternative. And he actually walks the talk. The UniParty, which Romney is a proud member of, HATE TRUMP. He is not business as usual. Horrors of horrors, he is actually keeping his campaign promises. He's actually getting stuff done. It's incredible what Trump has done in 2 years, compared to the past 3 Presidents.

It's to bad the only people Romney seems to throw punches at are Republicans. If he had shown some spine, he would have been President. Instead of going with the flow, and losing with dignity, after the Media and Democrats Slimed Him.

Rabel said...

"A few more ways to gain traction: - Support a Federal Jobs Guarantee - Bailout Student Debt - Legalize Marijuana & Explore Reparations, Baby Bonds."

- AOC in her follow up tweet.

Boca Condo King said...

What needs to be done is to keep tying illegal immigration and low wages together.

A living wage for a Legal US resident is not the same as a living wage for a Honduran illegal refuge.

The people who would back AOC want higher wages, you cannot have that with higher immigration.

FYI, here in Florida fast food workers make more then construction workers.

A closing question, if a legal US resident can make $13.50 an hour at Walmart, what would you have to pay them to be a roofer?

Gahrie said...

What is the justification for cancelling Puerto Rico's debt? Because I guarantee you if it happens California will be next in line....

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

rcocean said...
The winning issue for the Dem's is...


People want good healthcare for all. At a reasonable price.

Talking about "Free Enterprise" won't cut it.

This. The Republicans need an answer to healthcare. And "Free Enterprise" is not the answer people will accept.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

chickenlittle said...
Trump’s biggest threat is now Mitt Romney. If he splits the Republican vote in the general, it’s hello President Harris.

That's the plan. The uniparty got caught short in 2016. This time they'll have a credible third-party candidate to siphon off the votes from Trump.

Gahrie said...

The most disappointing thing about Romney is that he is doing the same thing to Trump that the Democrats did to Romney.

wildswan said...

Occasional is in the news every day with some ploy. That doesn't indicate stupid. She was first in her class in economics at BU. That takes some ability to think. People her age want someone who looks and acts like them and doesn't think ahead. There she is. Her program is idiotic and get shot down. Oh, older people never listen, says her age group. So she splits off a group of Bernie's people.

But then, what next? Will she crash and burn? I rather think she will, but not because she's stupid but because I sort of feel that she's burning up in a world for which she isn't truly ready. That Pelosi and Schumer will use her if they can and Bernie's people will be out to get her as they can; and she'll fall in love when she can with a DC pig and take to drink or drugs; and then be videoed taking cash at the Cuban embassy or elsewhere (or her man will be videoed with her campaign director, another man); and then the retreat to somewhere to dry-out; and then the embarrassing video - maybe she'll be shouting like Charlie Sheen, maybe shouting "Winning for the People" - at some debate. Because, say what you will, she's young to be at the high-stakes table and she's a woman. She's a DC starlet in a world of DC political producers, a world of Harvey Weinsteins. I don't think either smart or stupid will see her through that.

Achilles said...

“It's to bad the only people Romney seems to throw punches at are Republicans.“

Romney is in the uniparty. He hates republican voters. He identifies with Obama and Hillary more than with us.

If Romney won in 2012 we would have carbon taxes and amnesty.

Thank god the piece of shit lost. Romney is a traitor and a complete phony of a human being.

Achilles said...

Gahrie said...
“The most disappointing thing about Romney is that he is doing the same thing to Trump that the Democrats did to Romney.“

Romney was always on the other side.

He was born to rule. Just like the bushes and the Clintons.

He just had different people to lie to.

Laslo Spatula said...

In 2012 the Left pimp-slapped Romney in front of his friends and made him their bitch.

Now, he's a broken ho who fears the back of his masters' hand: he'll suck whatever cock his friends in the media say needs to be sucked.

Maybe they'll even let him come to a party of theirs now and then, provided he keeps his lips moist.

I am Laslo.

Jim at said...

Trump’s biggest threat is now Mitt Romney. If he splits the Republican vote in the general, it’s hello President Harris.

That two-time loser isn't going anywhere outside the state of Utah.

Leland said...

I get Scott's point, but the problem with AOC, is that she provides too long a list. I can then pick from the list the items to counter.

For example; why would folks in Wisconsin want to pay off Puerto Rico's debt? I'm all for holding Wall Street accountable, but that's the job of the SDNY, which is busy wasting time and resources on witch hunts. Isn't she from NY, the home of Wall Street and SDNY? Maybe she should solve her state's problems before demanding the nation solve them for her.

I don't need to say it is impractical. I just need to point out that her "asks" have simple local solutions, and then move on to the pressing issue of federal immigration laws. See, Trump's playbook was focused on fewer issues involving the federal chamber of government.

Temujin said...

Wait...when did the minimum age to be a US congressperson drop to 15?

I say give her spotlights. Let it rip. The press will EAT THIS UP. The teenagers masquerading as young adults with degrees will swoon and make new signs. And we'll either all get a good laugh as the Democrat Party explodes into a thousand nutty pieces, or...we'll all end up in re-education camps.

Should be good fun.

bagoh20 said...

Keep in mind that Cortez came on the scene by winning less than 16,000 votes in her primary. In the general election she won overwhelmingly with the Republican challenger getting about 15%, so she did not do anything amazing. She won 16,000 votes and then was in place to win a virtual lock as any Democrat would have. She beat a guy who was asleep at the wheel and that put her on the bus directly to congress.

Brian said...

Some of you are giving this bimbostein way, way too much credit.

She won one race by spewing a bunch of free-shit-for-all. That's it.
Those people are a dime a dozen in that caucus.

Some of you are giving Dumb Trump to much credit. He's winning primaries by appealing to racists in the republican party. That's it. Those people are a dime a dozen in the red states. He won't pierce the blue wall.

Compare and contrast.

Trump changed the game. Like Kennedy did with TV. AOC is the only candidate playing the game the Trump way. Not Kamala, not Warren, not Booker. She has the game.

Aircraft carriers have replaced Battleships. The political battlefield will look different in NY State for the senate seat in 2022 than it does now.

Watch the Mac and Cheese AOC video. It's perfection. Even her answer to "TYT vs. CNN". She says TYT, but in a whisper, like its a secret her followers shouldn't pass on to CNN. TYT is hip, CNN is old. AOC is the future of the democratic party.

Note, I haven't said she'll be elected president. The good news is that she doesn't have to play that coy game of "will she or won't she run". She's too young.

And the "free-shit-for-all" is a perfect message for her to be giving now. She doesn't have to deliver anything! The less she delivers as a congressperson, the more she needs to be elected to a higher office! Meanwhile she grabs followers from the left like moths to the flame. Like Trump did with Birthers.

Pacing and leading.

bagoh20 said...

"She was first in her class in economics at BU. That takes some ability to think."

Clearly it does not. She knows virtually nothing about economics, and even admits it when challenged. She didn't even know the three branches of the government she is part of. That's the problem with modern credentialism. Schools are so lame today that most degrees mean nothing - absolutley nothing. Check out youtube for lots of videos showing college students who don't know what we knew in 6th grade. Most don't know any history, math, science or logic. They can't tell you who we fought in any war before last year. They don't know the basics of how our system works or how any system works. There is nothing stopping a completely know nothing applicant from getting into college, and then nothing stopping them from graduating. BU needs to start sending out refunds.

If Cortez is educated, then the word doesn't mean anything.

Brian said...

I don't need to say it is impractical. I just need to point out that her "asks" have simple local solutions, and then move on to the pressing issue of federal immigration laws.

That's why its perfect. It doesn't matter, because she doesn't have to deliver solutions to any of them. She's just a little ol' congressperson (I'm just 1 vote out of 435!) Meanwhile socialists on the left coast will be funneling money to her by the barrel full.

Pacing and leading.

In 6 years when she's running for senate, it will be fewer issues (1 or 2). Then when running for president in 2024 against Pence, it will be "Medicare for all".

Or it won't. Like I said shes young, and politics is a school of hard knocks. She could be tempted by the good life, become lazy, beat down by negative attacks, get embroiled in scandal, etc.

Francisco D said...

AOC speaks for brainwashed college students who never learned HOW to think, but only WHAT to think from their Marxists professors.

When you do not know HOW to think, you cannot manage new information and perspectives. You just double down on ideas that become increasing stupid and irrelevant over time.

Brian said...

She didn't even know the three branches of the government she is part of

Does she not know or does she want you to think she doesn't know? Does Trump know how to do proper capitalization and punctuation? Hint: he does. He uses his mispellings and strange quirks to gain attention.

Quick. What is AOC's brand? What does she want to be identified as/with?

[space for effect]

Youth! She's not the old fuddy duddy democrat! Who is the old fuddy duddy democrat who can't seem to stop Trump from seating far right extreme justices...

Brian said...

Keep in mind that Cortez came on the scene by winning less than 16,000 votes in her primary.

And Trump came on the scene by being a reality TV star.

Kevin said...

What is the justification for cancelling Puerto Rico's debt? Because I guarantee you if it happens California will be next in line....

Asked and answered.

tcrosse said...

What is the justification for cancelling Puerto Rico's debt? Because I guarantee you if it happens California will be next in line....

Unless Illinois gets there first.

Josephbleau said...

I thought Trump “came on the scene” by winning 306 electoral votes.

Unknown said...

> I disagree. I don't believe she's capable of thinking that carefully. Or at least she hasn't demonstrated so.

Perez said Ojos Locos was the face of the party

Not the voice

Someone else crafts her "policies" and ghost writes her tweets.

When asked in person "how" for any of these, if she remembers them, is when the Crazy Eyes will start...

She is a face for other's voice.

In that respect, same as every other politician.

Jim at said...

Some of you are giving this bimbostein way, way too much credit.

Apparently, you didn't get it the first time.

Unknown said...

Her ghost writers bring up Puerto Rico because

1. She is from there, and that is key to her base
2. Dems need to make Puerto Rico a state to have a basket case to counterbalance the remaining successful red states

Next is "make Puerto Rico and DC into states"

Jim at said...

And Trump came on the scene by being a reality TV star.

Trump has been on the scene for decades.

You may end up being correct and we will look back on when Brian nailed AOC as the next President of the United States.

Or not.

Unknown said...

Anyone can copy/paste a tweet

put her on Question Time and let her fill the room with her vast knowledge

walter said...

Mittens liked Trump briefly when he sought employment from him.
So..high ground and all that...

Gahrie said...

Next is "make Puerto Rico and DC into states"

Puerto Rico can become a state anytime the people living there want to. They have been given many opportunities to vote for statehood, and have always rejected them. DC was specifically created not to become a state.

walter said...

"She was first in her class in economics at BU."
Oh...so much wrong in that...does not portend well.

John henry said...

I still wonder if President Trump had anything to do with her election.

It would be very hard for a republican to beat Joe Crowley in either 18 or 20.

It may be easier to beat AOC.

So help her beat JC then whup her in 2020.

Come out in early 2020 with cancelled checks or other evidence that AOC got elected because of President Trump, watch her base go nuts and sneak a repo into the seat.

I can dream, can't I?

John Henry

John henry said...

Blogger Brian said...

Then when running for president in 2024 against Pence

Why Pence?

He is disqualified from winning the presidency.

John Henry

John henry said...


AOC is not from Puerto Rico. She was born in the Bronx, has never lived here.

Her father is not from Puerto Rico though his parents (grandparents?) are.

Her mother was born in Puerto Rico.

She is what we call here a "Nyorican" which means that she is not really Puerto Rican. She claims to be Puerto Rican but has as much connection with PR as someone like Al Sharpton has with Africa. She apparently speaks no Spanish and has very little knowledge of Puerto Rico. This is typical of nyoricans.

Nyoricans, as a group, are not generally highly thought of here. Individual nyoricans often show themselves to be exceptions. But they will be thought of as exceptions.

It's complicated.

Also, many of the Puerto Ricans who moved to NYC in the 40s and 50s were not our best.

John Henry

Danno said...

AOC is a result of the left's "primarying" of old white guys, and I have seen it at the state level back in Minnesota for a number of election cycles. And to think, these old white guys thought they were part of the blue team. Almost too funny.

BJM said...

I disagree with Scott...AOC been the media's center ring attraction in the Dem's lame duck bread & circus show, but when Pelosi takes the gavel tomorrow it's a whole new ball game and AOC will find herself on the back bench.

btw- I'll stick with Ina Garten's Mac & Cheese.

narciso said...

it's possible, her primaried predecessor, was running on the acorn (working family) ticket, she had token republican opposition,

narciso said...

And trump has been in the news for thirty years, largely because of his developer status,

John henry said...

Suppose you have a bank who bribes a govt to take a loan. Perhaps a loan that cannot be paid back. Perhaps a loan with excessive interest, fees, conditions, collateral or such.

Is the loan legal? Who is responsible, the bank that lent the money? The govt that accepted it? The bank officials who made paid the bribe? The govt officials who took the bribe?

It may not even be a "bribe" in the legal sense. Call them consulting fees, pay them to consultants employed by the govt and it may be perfectly legal.

Another way to think about it is in the analogy of the McDonalds counterman who was given a $500,000 mortgage in the housing meltdown. Should they be responsible for the difference when the house is repossessed and can't cover the balance?

Or should the bank be forced to eat it?

That was called "predatory lending" and widely condemned. Nobody is trying to get the counterman to pay off because it would be like trying to get blood from a stone.

Some of the things to think about when thinking about Puerto Rico debt.

We've been fucked by the banks and fucked by the govt.


John Henry

Crimso said...

As near as I can tell her economics curriculum was a minor. I don't think it's possible to be first in your class with respect to a minor. Then again, I didn't think it was possible for someone with a college-level education in economics (even as a minor) to be a socialist.

John henry said...


The bank benefits from the loan to the extent that it is paid the interest. If the govt can't pay, the bank benefits because the US govt will make it good. At least if the bank is big enough and has good connections. Too big to fail, right?

This cycle is going to continue until the govt lets some banks fail. Ditto companies like Chrysler and GM.

I blame Jimmy Carter. Had he not bailed out Chrysler in 1989 I suspect we would not be having some of these problems.

John Henry

John Henry

Unknown said...

> Her mother was born in Puerto Rico.

No, her mother is a Jew who lived in Puerto Rico!


Ok, you got me there...

She will still be the face of Puerto Rico in the press,

whatever she says about it will be truth

And she says...


120 years ago today (July 25th, 1898) Puerto Rico was invaded and made a colony of the United States.

Puerto Ricans are US citizens. But they STILL don’t have the right to vote federally, nor do have voting rep in Congress (unless they move). Nor are they a sovereign people.

stevew said...

We'll see if she is actually negotiating or just spouting lefty and socialist talking points and policy. If the former is what she is doing, she's doing it well. Establish an anchor, often an extreme position, from which you can negotiate. She lists several critical items, any one or two of which she can sacrifice to get the one or two she ultimately wants. I've not seen anything from her to this point that would indicate that she is remotely capable of such foresight and planning, so I doubt very much that she is establishing her negotiation position. Thus I would say this is coincidental - a blind squirrel finding a nut.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Romney is Trump with no balls, and a Trump with no balls is no Trump at all.


bagoh20 said...

"Does she not know or does she want you to think she doesn't know?"

"Yea, that's the ticket." She is so clever that her degree in economics got her a career in bartending before the voters of New York decided that's just what they need in leadership.

"And Trump came on the scene by being a reality TV star."

When did you first know of Donald Trump? He was one of the most famous people in America and the world long before he ever had a TV show, which he was also made into a huge popular success.

Face it. If AOC was fat, or white, or a male she would still be a bartender. Wait, that's probably the only reason she got that job too, soo ...

Even dumb young people want you to think they are smart. If she is ridiculed for her lack of intelligence then they will not want aligned with her.

gilbar said...

wiki says... " She graduated cum laude from Boston University's College of Arts and Sciences in 2011 with a bachelor's degree in international relations and a minor in economics"

Seven courses are required for completion of the minor:

CAS EC 101 Introductory Microeconomic Analysis (4 cr)
CAS EC 102 Introductory Macroeconomic Analysis (4 cr)
CAS EC 201 Intermediate Microeconomic Analysis (4 cr)
CAS EC 202 Intermediate Macroeconomic Analysis (4 cr)
And three additional 4-credit courses in CAS EC from:
CAS EC 203 or 303, CAS EC 204 or 304, any course(s) from CAS EC 320–599.

so, it looks like The Hard Class for a minor, would be:
CAS EC 320 Economics of Less-Developed Regions

Anyone NOT see AOC getting an Easy A in that class?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

#Tax Rape
#Open Borders
#Free Stuff - no work

Tommy Duncan said...

Ronna McDaniel Verified account @GOPChairwoman

"POTUS is attacked and obstructed by the MSM media and Democrats 24/7. For an incoming Republican freshman senator to attack @realdonaldtrump as their first act feeds into what the Democrats and media want and is disappointing and unproductive."

Gahrie said...

Puerto Ricans are US citizens. But they STILL don’t have the right to vote federally, nor do have voting rep in Congress

By their repeatedly expressed choice!

Primarily because they also don't have to pay Income Tax I believe.

Rabel said...

AOC graduated Cum Laude from BU in 2011. Not Magna or Summa, but just plain old Cum (not that there's anything wrong with that), so I don't see how the first or fourth in class claim holds up.

Gk1 said...

Listening to Occasional Cortex reminds me of the "Ice Town" episode on Parks and Rec when the Ben Wyatt character recalls how he became the country's youngest Mayor only to go down in flames in less than 2 months with an impractical project called "Ice Town" that bankrupts the city and becomes the laughingstock of the state.

Big Mike said...

@Tommy Duncan, you neglected to mention that the “freshman senator” Ronna McDaniel is criticizing is her very own Uncle Mitt.

Stu Grimshaw said...

Ah, so her tweet is basically telling Uncle Mittsie thanks for making my tenure as GOP chairwoman a short one. No separating herself from that family connection.

Seeing Red said...

120 years ago today (July 25th, 1898) Puerto Rico was invaded and made a colony of the United States.

If Spain wants PR back, I’m ok with it.

mezzrow said...

btw- I'll stick with Ina Garten's Mac & Cheese.

This. Get a chunk of gruyere with a nice crust on it, grate the crusty part, set aside and add it to the bread crumbs later.

stephen cooper said...

Scott is a smart guy, and he knows what's what.

He is just using poor little AOC, and he is totally trolling you when he compares her to Trump based on her brave little socialist anti-Western tweets.

She is, and he knows this, more or less the Gary Hart or the Troy Donahue of her day: that might change, but it is what it is.

His (the Dilbert guy's) readers are happy that he is talking about a female who is not - shall we say - visually unacceptable.

They may complain but they are tired of hearing about Hillary and Pelosi.

Adams would talk about little Beto in his comfy sweater the same way he talks about AOC bragging on how people like to check out her backside, but he does not want his girlfriend to think he is a little too gay.

Adams would be so much more bright if he were a Christian and self-aware, but he is still very funny, and I am glad that he tries his best, for whatever that is worth.

Hope he mans up some day, though.

stephen cooper said...
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stephen cooper said...
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AlbertAnonymous said...

Who F'ing cares? Its one "first term" congresswoman from liberal New York? Why does she get so much media attention? Is it because the media is biased to the left?

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Blogger Unknown said...

No, her mother is a Jew who lived in Puerto Rico!

No, her mother was born in Puerto Rico and AOC has no more idea than a goat whether she was Jewish or not. Chances she was are non-zero but pretty close to zero. The woman is as ignorant of Spanish and Puerto Rican history as she is of anything else.

If she wants something ethnic and exotic, how about Irish? Many times more Irish came to South America and the Spanish Caribbean than Spanish Jews. Her father is an Ocasio, a fairly common name here. At some point in his lineage and O'Casey emigrated to PR. Probably as a soldier for the Spanish crown.

Puerto Ricans are US citizens. But they STILL don’t have the right to vote federally (I think you are quoting AOC here)

I've heard this about once a week for the past 50 years, many times from people who should know better. Like my cousin in law a former state rep and a lawyer and a reserve lt Col.

ALL VOTING RIGHTS ARE STATE GRANTED RIGHTS! There is no right anywhere in the Constitution to vote for even a dogcatcher.

the closest we get is Art 1, Sect 2:

1: The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States, and the Electors in each State shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of the State Legislature.

But there is no federal requirement that anyone have any right to vote for legislature.

We have the same federal rights to vote for president as anyone else other US citizen. None. Zip. Nada

If we become citizens of a state, we have state granted rights to vote.

She wants to vote? Have her start pushing for PR to become a state. She will never do that because that would require her to get in bed with the New Progressive Party (PNP) whose only reason for being is statehood.

As a good NY Democrat, she can't go against the Popular Democratic Party (PDP) whose only reason for being is Commonwealth or status quo.

She should stay out of local politics. As a bullshit Puerto Rican, or nyorican (but I repeat myself) she has no idea what she is talking about. Let her stick to NYC nyorican politics.

john Henry

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Re statehood for PR:

Several have said that we could have it if we asked. Perhaps, though I kind of doubt it. Hawaii had to ask 3-4 times with 70-80% referendum majorities.

How much resistance would we get? Especially when our politicians promise that we can become a state without becoming Americans? (Don't get me started on that)

The first step would be to get a significant majority voting for statehood. We've never been able to crack 50% in the half dozen referendums we've had over the years. Our regular elections are, essentially, elections on statehood (PNP) vs Commonwealth (PDP) and even there neither party ever has a majority. The Independence parties get about 5% and PNP/PDP split the rest fairly evenly. Neither ever has a significant landslide.

So even if President Trump and the Congress were unanimously for it, they could not grant something unless a majority wants it.

As I see it, the ONLY way out of this is for House, Senate and President to pass legislation saying that Puerto Rico will become independent or will become a state by, say, 2025. If a majority doesn't want to be a state, cut us loose.

Commonwealth cannot be an option. Like the 35 year old kid living in their parent's basement, we need to be told to grow up.

One way or the other.

A problem with independence would be citizenship. There is no precedent but it seems that even with independence, citizenship could not be revoked for those already having it. This would be messy, at least for a while.

But not a problem. If there are only two choices, and people here believe the US really means it, Statehood will get 70-75% support.

But keep assholes like AOC out of it.

John Henry

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

It would be interesting to see AOC's genealogy to see if she has ANY Spanish ancestry.

She might, but a betting man would bet against it because there were so few people who emigrated here, or anywhere in Spanish America from Spain.

John Henry

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Blogger Gahrie said...

Primarily because they also don't have to pay Income Tax I believe.

One of the arguments that politicians use against statehood is that under statehood we would also have to pay property tax. We pay very little now.

They talk like property taxes are federal. When called on it they admit that they are state and local but, they say, as a state our circumstances would force the state govt to raise property taxes.

Since the 70's we had an excise tax on anything that came into the island. Generally 6.6% but higher or lower for some things.

about 15 years ago the govt, which was the statehood party at the time, decided to replace the excise tax with a general sales tax. Currently 11.5% on most stuff including food. Higher on some other stuff.

One of the arguments against a sales tax was that it would be a foot in the door toward statehood.

As for income taxes, at a family income of $50m and up, Puerto Rico income tax is more than combined federal and most state income taxes.

We also pay the full rate on Social Security, federal unemployment and pretty much all other federal taxes besides personal income tax.

Just for the record, I think we need to move toward statehood but I don't see it happening. Too many rice bowls in both the statehood and commonwealth party would get broken.

John Henry

iowan2 said...

Puerto Ricans are US citizens. But they STILL don’t have the right to vote federally,

John Henry has explained this, with great expertise, but I have to comment. It's a pet peeve of mine.

There is no such thing as a federal election.

Constitutional law experts will have to explain the emanation of the constitution that allowed the federal courts to involve themselves. Commerce clause? That portal usurping states rights is as efficient as any Amazon Portal.

Kevin said...

This list is for pikers. Obama promised to stop the rise of the oceans.

Leland said...

Obama promised to stop the rise of the oceans.

Nah dude; he said at his 2008 nomination acceptance speech: "this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal". So he already claimed it as mission accomplished just as the general election campaign was starting.

BTW, Obama's next sentence was "this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth". He was Trumpian before Trump, wanting to end wars, secure our country, and make it great again!

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