These responses are quite Trumpian. Kind of amazing how little baseline knowledge Schultz has about American politcs.
— Nate Silver (@NateSilver538) January 30, 2019
But isn't everyone an idiot when you really look? You're calling someone stupid, and you're writing "Mike Brzezinski."
MORE: More crushing ignorance from HS:
Morning Joe Asks Howard Schultz How Much a Box of Cheerios Costs. He Does Not Know.
— Mediaite (@Mediaite) January 30, 2019
Schultz/Snow 2020
We know nothing!
He decided to answer the question he wanted rather than the one that was asked. Will make a good politician.
Clearly Schultz is seen as a threat, a la Ross Perot on the GOP and perennial turd in the election punch bowl Ralph Nader.
Tom Perez was not dismissive of Schultz in an interview I watched last night on Fox. Perhaps he is wisely observing to gauge interest and traction among Dems.
To be fair, when you're on the spot like that in an interview you might not fully process the "50 years" part. He's gonna have to be a lot quicker if he's serious about this. You have to train with mock interviews. You have to have answers for many possible questions at the ready.
To be fair, Schultz is 65 and for the large majority of his life "50 years ago" would have included the FDR era. I am much younger than Schultz, and if I hear "30 years ago," I viscerally think the 1960s, not 1989.
Did Mike Brzezinski ask Howard Schultz whether our immigration laws should be enforced?
"FDR" may be Schultz's nice way of saying that he doesn't like any of the Democratic presidents since. I mean, if that's the case, should he have told Mika B. "The Dems of the last 50 years were putzes to a man! I spit on their graves, even if they're still alive!"
BTW, Joe Weisenthal, speaking of stupid, it's Mika not Mike Brzezinski.
He will become a great man once again when he is no longer an impediment to s Democrat winning the Presidency.
Which Democratic President is the correct answer?
The Left has been calling anyone who threatens the left's agenda stupid for at least half a century.
Yes sort of dumb like Scott Walker and his followers believing Fox Com was going to make flat screens here in Wisconsin and hire 13,000 manufacturing folks--- now down to a thousand maybe and the company may be prepared to walk away from future incentives if it is unable to meet Wisconsin's job creation capital investments. talk about wind chill.
Which Democratic President is the correct answer?
Clearly it's Jimmy Carter.
Good question Mike. The candidates from the last 50 years are:
Yikes. Tough call but Clinton is correct but Obama is the best answer.
Since January 30, 1969, the Democratic Presidents have been
* Jimmy Carter
* Bill Clinton
* Barack Obama
Why does Mike Brzezinski want Howard Schultz to chose one of those three as his favorite?
My pic of the last 50 years, among all, would probably be George H.W. Bush. Among Carter, Clinton, and Obama, I'd probably have to go with Carter.
Which Democratic President is the correct answer?
Adlai Stevenson.
I have no patience for the liberal need to label everyone they don't like "stupid."
While we're on dumb, Nate still seems to act like we can't see how he cherry picks data to support whatever the leftie theme of the day is, or that he had to pull the plug on his infallible Elect-O-Meter Last November because of how embarrassingly crap it was.
Hope Joe Scarborough at that point cut in on Schulz monopolizing the conversation: "I paid for this Mike!"
So he's choices are between:
a fool
a tool
a ghoul
No wonder he went for FDR instead......
Mika becoming Mike could help their ratings.
50, 100, whatever.
Asking for your favorite Democratic President of the last 50 years is like asking for your favorite flavor of Neapolitan ice cream.
Schultz refused to accept the terms of the question! Trumpian!
This guy is smarter than Mark Zuckerberg.
Mark started making noises about running in 2020 way too soon. Since then, the Democrats have destroyed him.
This guy's timing is much better. More targets.
Which Democratic President is the correct answer?
Georges Pompidou
As long as Schultz, or any other independent candidate, is believed to be taking more Democratic votes than Republican votes, he or she will be dumb, unschooled in American politics, egomaniacal, and advocating terrible policies. If the calculus should change and it is believed the independent candidate will be hurting Trump more than the Democratic candidate, academics and pundits will be outspoken in their praise.
Schultz refused to accept the terms of the question!
It seems quite stupid that his critics couldn't noodle that one out.
Which of those three Democrat Presidents -- Carter, Clinton, Obama -- is Mike Brzezinski's favorite?
Pompidou was a neo-Gaullist, "a pragmatic exercise of power that is neither free from contradictions nor of concessions to momentary necessity, even if the imperious word of the general gives to the practice of Gaullism the allure of a program that seems profound and fully realized." -- Serge Berstein , quoted in Wikipedia.
Actually that sounds kind of Trumpian too.
Schultz should have said Emmanual Macron.
I bet he thinks the Constitution was written, like, 100 years ago too.
I think what they're really miffed about is he didn't say Obama.
Can we start giving intelligence tests like this to the Democratic candidates?
I think one of the reason't the dems are currently freaking out about Schultz is he's acting like a guard rail to their loonier instincts like 70% tax rates and Trillion Dollar Government Healthcare. We don't need you harshing our buzz man!
Nate's group has been less critical of AOC. Schultz is being attacked, not because he's stupid, but because he's contemplating running as a non-Democrat.
President Jimmy Carter employed Mike Brzezinski's father, Zbigniew Brzezinski, as National Security Adviser.
Therefore, Jimmy Carter might be Mike Brzezinski's favorite Democrat President during the last 50 years.
r/v: "Yes sort of dumb like Scott Walker and his followers believing Fox Com was going to make flat screens here in Wisconsin and hire 13,000 manufacturing folks"
"Fox Com"
It's Foxconn.
Tell us more about "dumb".
Wasn't the Constitution written, like, over a hundred years ago?
Ms. Brezinski may "identify" as "Mike". Who knows? Who cares?
FDR died 8 years before Schultz was born (assuming that Schultz is in fact 65 now). So along with other things that Schultz "knows nossink" of is the FDR era.
I will say that Schultz has the feathers in the progressive hen house all ruffled up.
YoungHegelian said...
"FDR" may be Schultz's nice way of saying that he doesn't like any of the Democratic presidents since.
yes, i'm pretty sure it IS the correct answer. Just like for the question:
"which is your favorite flavor of ice cream, rutabaga? or liver?"
the correct answer is: Chocolate
He questions endless free stuff.
He must go.
Beat you to it, Drago.
I wonder when FDR will go the way of Jefferson, Jackson, and Wilson. FDR didn't have much of a record when it comes to refugees. See the St Louis incident. Wilkie criticized him for it.. The internment of Japanese civilians was a New Deal program. He never once sponsored or endorsed a piece of legislation that fell afoul of the Southern segregationists who were part of his coalition. It was his "hobby" of philastery that I find especially disturbing in this #metoo era.
Original Mike: "Beat you to it, Drago."
Seinfeld-ian "Newman!"
He's so very very dumb.
AOC recently quoted as saying "these billionaire candidates...should work their way starting at the city council etc." (Paraphrasing)
Doesn't he realize he needs to start small first? If he was smarter he'd go for city council. Come on Howard, be a smarty, come and join the start-small party!
R/V typing one-handed: "Uh...But Waaaaalllllkkkkererrr!!!"
The company said Wednesday that it remained committed to creating as many as 13,000 jobs in Wisconsin, and continued to “actively consider opportunities” involving flat-screen technology. But it said it was also “examining ways for Wisconsin’s knowledge workers to promote research and development.”
“The global market environment that existed when the project was first announced has changed,” Foxconn said in a statement. “As our plans are driven by those of our customers, this has necessitated the adjustment of plans for all projects, including Wisconsin.”
But the company said its presence in Wisconsin remained a priority, and said it was “broadening the base of our investment” there.
Not a fan of Starbucks, not a particular fan of billionaire Howard Schultz.
I presume that he is culturally liberal and economically moderate.
This week, he had a modest roll-out, I watched some of it. No big deal.
However, he is already heads and shoulders above all the declared Democrat candidates. That is a function of how lame and economically illiterate they are.
Run, Howie, Run!
In Polish, the letter combination rz is pronounced like the middle consonant in our English word pleasure.
The consonant in the letter combination zi in the middle of Brzezinski is similar to rz, but the speaker's tongue is pressed to the back of the upper teeth (not to the roof of the mouth). It's like the initial sound in our word she, but the sound is voiced.
Scoop Jackson! Duh!
"Doesn't he realize he needs to start small first?"
He probably makes a really shitty Mojito.
Somehow billionaires are stupid and dumb.
Imagine more of us are as stupid and dumb as the billionaires.
Mike is trans-something.
Bion Jiorno, from MattLand. MattyDale. Mattworld. Ruiz' Tuchas Emporium. Did someone say chillblaine? Huh? I thought someone said my name. Oh. I will buy a town for one billion dollars and name it NumbTown.
Schultz answer looks pretty solid.
Diplomatic with a touch of humor.
His admiration for Trump right now has shot up. Trump takes this shit on a daily basis and then smacks all the tapping g dogs on the nose with the rolled up newspaper.
Schultz needs to toughen up a bit. He needs to up his Twitter game. Trump already used Morning Joe for his purposes and then kicked them out. Trump got about $250 million worth of media exposure from Joe and Mika. That show has already been strip-mined.
But if Schultz is serious then he understands taking this flak from The Left actually improves his candidacy. Only 20%, maybe less, of the people are rabid nuts like AOC and partisan dweebs like Nate Silver. They are good enemies to have.
About 55% of the US lives in suburbs. Schultz knows this. So does Nate. That’s why that dweeb is yapping.
LBJ missed it by this much. Ten days, actually.
Who runs Numbtown? Turkey Baster
Yea, it's funny how people call billionaires "dumb", but when you believe that wealth is all inherited or accidental, it's possible. If, like most people, you spend the majority of your life trying to make money, who is the dummy? Probably not the guy who won thousands of times more than you did at the same game. I know, I know, you didn't put making money at the top of your priorities. Well, he probably didn't either. It's not like he spent his life hunched over a grinding wheel, and never took a vacation or spent time with his family, or had hobbies. Did you not want to have more, give your children more, and have all the things you would from being rich. Of course you did, but you weren't smart enough to figure out how. I can accept that.
But this was about politics. From what I've seen, people who make a living talking politics get things right no more than people who just pull it out of their ass. It's not science, and the biggest influences in politics are usually counter to the conventional wisdom of the time.
Wow, that's kinda unique. I can't remember any Democrat who Democrats ranked lower than genius.
Forget it , Jake. It's Chinatown.
"Ronald Reagan never took his jacket off in the Oval office in eight years. Why?
- H. Schultz
Google. Three seconds. Reagan in Oval Office in shirtsleeves.
So it begins: The forced preference cascade, clearing the way for Kamala!
Isn’t Nate Silver statistically insignificant?
bagoh20 said...
"Did you not want to have more, give your children more, and have all the things you would from being rich. Of course you did, but you weren't smart enough to figure out how. I can accept that."
I tend to agree with you about that. Anyone who made a billion dollars without inheriting a million or two is probably pretty bright. But then they all make the same idiotic mistake of supposing running a country is like running a business. They simply fail to grasp that when you are the President, most of the people you are trying to boss around don't rely upon you for their livelihood.
Nate Silver
These responses are quite Trumpian. Kind of amazing how little baseline knowledge Schultz has about American politics.
This is like basing hiring decisions on Trivial Pursuit games. Interesting it comes from Silver who markets himself as a serious person.
Jewish Americans of my age (Schultz is 3 years younger), grew up in the political shadow of FDR and while we know he died in 1945 the idea that going 50 years back does not touch FDR's life takes a bit of thinking. If this is the worst they have on Schultz, they don't have much.
Gee, they're fact-checking Schultz just like they fact-check Trump (and never fact-check a Democrat or socialist).
Can you say, "An organized campaign of intimidation?" I knew you could.
Lefties tell us America is racist and they back a black woman. How stupid is that?
Joe was screaming at Howard this morning.
Joe and Mika are idiots. Pure hate. They deserve each other.
Schultz is a genius. He created a whole new retail category: $5.00 coffve.
I bet he even believes that the US has 57 states. What a maroon!
I assume the Mika to Mike is an autocorrect thing.
Martin said...
"Jewish Americans of my age (Schultz is 3 years younger), grew up in the political shadow of FDR".
Huh. Who did all the other Americans of your age grow up in the political shadow of?
Obviously FDR wasn't president 50 years ago. Democrat Wise Man Joe Biden told us FDR want on TV to reassure Americans after the stock market crash, and that was 80 years ago this fall.
> Isn’t Nate Silver statistically insignificant?
No, no, no, he is one in 300 million :O Read that how you will.
"... most of the people you are trying to boss around don't rely upon you for their livelihood."
That's pretty true of most American jobs today too. As an employer, you can't be an asshole, or good people just leave for another employer, and good people are the most valuable thing you have in a business. In many cases the employee has the stronger negotiating position. It can be easier for them to find another job than for you to find a quality employee.
I think we need more Presidents with strong business backgrounds. America is business, and lawyers and professional politicians have no idea what the most important segments of the country really care about or need, and they really don't understand how to get things done, especially at a reasonable cost in a reasonable time.
The MSM and DNC HATE Sgt. Schultz because he MIGHT help Trump.
That's the source of all this. If they thought Sgt. Schultz would help them, they'd be presenting him as the greatest Jewish Sage since Moses.
BTW, someone was speculating that if Trump tagged Mr. Starbucks with nickname "Sgt. Schultz" - Mr. Starbucks would play the "How dare you say that, I'm Jewish and offended by Hogan's Heroes"
Except, all the "Germans" on Hogan's Heroes were Jews!
"I assume the Mika to Mike is an autocorrect thing."
More like "autocorrect". You forgot the scare quotes.
I have to admit, I am starting to like the cut of this man’s jib. Even if it’s only because of the people who hate him.
Trump could help him by attacking him as dangerous and giving him a moniker.
I'm single. I do my own shopping. I even bought a box of Honey Nut Cheerios a few weeks ago. And I can't remember what it cost.
The Presidents who were democrats since 1968: Johnson, Carter, Clinton and Obama. Losers all. I'm sure Mika gets a wet for Obama and Joe gets some tingles from Johnson, but none of them are standouts.
Only an idiot would ask the question.
Schultz doesn't eat cereal. Cereal is for coders.
How could he answer? Cheerios does not come in 18 oz. boxes.
Yes I meant to write Fox Con, but the good news is most of the R&D jobs will probably end up in Madison under the horrible progress and tech savvy bubble.
"Morning Joe Asks Howard Schultz How Much a Box of Cheerios Costs. He Does Not Know."
It's stupid to consider this stupid.
Anyway, I am surprised any semi-proggy candidate can still get away with FDR. Surely everyone knows by now that he was a racist warmonger, right?
r/v: "Yes I meant to write Fox Con, but the good news is most of the R&D jobs will probably end up in Madison under the horrible progress and tech savvy bubble."
That would be jobs you lefties said were gone forever.
How will you square that circle one wonders....
Actually, we don't wonder. You'll just move on to the next lefty lie! Perhaps you could gin up another not-famous actor to stage another hoax hate-crime. It's been at least 48 hours since the last one...
A box of Cheerios is close to 5 bucks these days.
What do I win?
More importantly, I'd like to know how many [blanks] Mike Brzezinski had to [blank] to get that show on MSNBC.
You're calling someone stupid, and you're writing "Mike Brzezinski."
"No retardo... I'm taking Intro to German, and even I know that."
"I'm single. I do my own shopping. I even bought a box of Honey Nut Cheerios a few weeks ago. And I can't remember what it cost."
No kidding. Unless it is the only thing you are buying, why would you know or remember?
"Yes sort of dumb like Scott Walker and his followers believing Fox Com was going to make flat screens here in Wisconsin and hire 13,000 manufacturing folks--- now down to a thousand maybe and the company may be prepared to walk away from future incentives if it is unable to meet Wisconsin's job creation capital investments. talk about wind chill."
R/V, always ON POINT.
It's funny how the leftwing media fascists think they can destroy you with one stupid question.
Trump won't attack Schultz because Howie pulls mostly from Democrats.
Howie runs and an Indy, Trump wins is most likely 2020 scenario.
"This is like basing hiring decisions on Trivial Pursuit games. Interesting it comes from Silver who markets himself as a serious person."
I wonder if Nate actually cares about this, or is just comparing the shit Trump constantly gets to the fact that maybe most of these people aren't detail-oriented history wonks.
and the Keebler elves went coop, have you seen how much those crackers cost, it amuses me how quickly they turn on him, a herd of independent minds indeed, why is Cheetos so expensive anyways, ethanol subsidies,
I want to know if Schultz knows that a Tall Latte Macchiato is $4.23 in Eastern MA. Oh, and how much of that is tax?
If FDR gets discredited the Dems are left with only Grover Cleveland as an inspirational figure. He had an illegitimate child, but weigh that against his reform of the civil service exams. Truly one of the great Democratic Presidents. Maybe Tom Hanks can wear a fat suit and make a hagiographic movie about his life,
I'd vote for Grover.
tim in vermont said...I have to admit, I am starting to like the cut of this man’s jib. Even if it’s only because of the people who hate him.
Exactly. He seems to irritate all the right people. Reminds me of Trump.
If Nate and others want him out of the race, this isn't the way to go about it.
Question: Was Nate Silver a shill for Hillary in 2016? It would explain a lot. Thanks
"Morning Joe Asks Howard Schultz How Much a Box of Cheerios Costs. He Does Not Know."
I'm just a solidly middle-class man in his early sixties who works and lives in Minneapolis and I don't have the slightest idea what a box of Cheerios costs either.
Joe can go fuck himself.
I would also add that I have no idea what anything in the grocery store costs. I just pick up what I want and pay the cashier.
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