"She’s also the first viable woman running for president who has had an entire adult dating life. Elizabeth Warren got married (the first time) at 19, Michele Bachmann at 22, Carly Fiorina 23, Hillary 28 and even 2020 candidate Kristen Gillibrand got married at 35. Harris, who married her husband at the age of 49 was living her best life into her 30s and 40s. So yes, we were bound to hear about Willie Brown and yes, at some point, it will come out that she dated talk show host Montel Williams too. She was an attractive high profile single black woman in California, what else was she supposed to be doing when she wasn’t prosecuting people?"
From "Sen. Kamala Harris Is a 54-Year-Old Black Woman, and Yes, She Dated Willie Brown. So What?" by Jason Johnson at The Root. With this video:
I like that phrase "living her best life." Here are "10 Tips on How to Live Your Best Life" from the editors at the Deepak Chopra website. ("Set Intentions... Visualize... Meditate... Journal... Travel... Invest in Your Health... Practice Daily Self-Love...") And here's the Cardi B song, "Best Life," which begins "I'm livin' my best life, yeah, yeah."
Anyway, Johnson seems annoyed to have to address the sex life of Kamala Harris: "I have to write about her dating past because her ex-bae, 84-year-old former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown decided to have a Quincy Jones moment and spill tea on their relationship."
Sex politics. Sex in politics. Diversity politics, always and forever.
Actually I'm pretty sure the reason for the comments is because she slept with Brown to get ahead in her career. The proper comparison isn't to Clinton, Warren or Bachman it's to Monica Lewinsky.
Sure. Just a typical sistah from the 'hood. It's difficult to think when we have had people more obsessed with pigment in human skin than the modern Democrats.
My favorite in the genre...
Smile (Living My Best Life) by Lil Duval ft. Snoop Dogg and Ball Greezy
IMHO, when you're screwing a married man it's not dating.
She’s also the first viable woman running for president who has had an entire adult dating life.
Viable women? An entire adult dating life? She's being presented as the woman that has done it all.
Grrl be havin' it all.
I think she's appealing to the nail-and-beauty-salon demographic.
Pizza Rat living his best life...
spill tea
I want off this planet.
Also, hate to point out the obvious, but to many people marrying a good partner early enough in life to enjoy many years of harmonious and dignified compantionship is living the best life, duh
Also, hate to point out the obvious, but you're not 'dating' a powerful man twice your age ~ you're servicing him, duh
Hillary 28...
So you're saying Ms. Rodham had no dates before she was 28? I'm … surprised?
She’s also the first viable woman
But we can still abort her, right?
Geez, I've been around n.n. too long
Spill tea is new to me. Sounds like some southern belle expression. Bless his heart
Now I see it's a gay guy expression. So in a way it could be...
"She was an attractive high profile single black woman in California, what else was she supposed to be doing when she wasn’t prosecuting people?"
What does her race have to do with it?
This is dumb. Its not Willie Brown who "spilled tea".
This was the talk of the town - several towns - back in the 1990s-early 2000's.
Including the payoffs/benefits she received from Brown.
Indeed, Willie only acknowledged a few of them.
And the problem here is that not only was K.Harris "dating" a married man, but that matter of payoffs and favors. W. Brown has a long record of using his position to reward his mistresses.
Oprah likes the phrase Live your best life. See? Kamala is Oprah!!!
Maybe they better slow their roll. They get Kamala instantly installed at the top, only one way to go from there.
Thorley said, "The proper comparison isn't to Clinton, Warren or Bachman it's to Monica Lewinsky."
I have never really believed that regarding Hillary. Ever. That couple was political from day one. Consciously making the decision to screw someone to get ahead vs. subconsciously - once or for 40 years one-day-at-a-time - is arguing commission vs. omission.
Hillary's entire political career is non-existent without her last name. She'd have been Executive Director of some multimillion 501c4 somewhere.
Wasn’t she sleeping with an older and married man in order to further her career? I wouldn’t call that “her best life” or “dating”.
Kinda just a regular Ho....
Though K.Harris was brought up by her Indian mother and her father was, though black, not an American black, she did go to Howard. Its sort of like what Obama did in marrying Michelle.
That is, it is a credential toward being "black" in an American sense.
These people are shameless idiots.
No, there is nothing wrong with dating. We love dating! Date a lotta guys, Kammy!
The problem is when, at age 30, you date the most powerful man in California, Downtown Willie Brown, who's married and gives you a string of high-paying, powerful jobs.
That's call "sleeping your way to the top".
Most 30-year old, female attorneys in San Francisco were not given that privilege. They had to work their way forward, not SLEEP their way forward.
See the distinction?
"spill tea" as in gossiping?
Please don't show this to my wife, she would be devastated to know she hasn't lived her best life. We married when she was 21 and I 22. That was 38+ years ago. I'd hate for her to have to experience the agony of regret at this point.
She’s also the first viable woman running for president who has had an entire adult dating life.
That's a great point and it should be extended to just about everybody that runs for President. You have some outliers like Grover Cleveland and James Buchanan and Donald Trump, but the overwhelmingly normative conceit is that the President is a lifelong married person.
Every politician clambers upwards by using connections. If Lyndon Johnson had to have sleep with Sam Rayburn to get ahead, he would have. Instead he just flattered the old man into doing him favors.
But truly, this is a boring story.
It's both interesting and depressing to see how the Democrat Media Complex has begun the reframing, spinning, and reimagining of all the various traits of the Early Favorite But Not Yet Fully Anointed One otherwise known as Kamala Harris. They preemptively dismiss any potential criticisms or attempt reframe them as Good Things. By remaining unmarried until she was almost 50 she in fact "lived her best life!". Does that mean people who get married before that age are not in fact living their best life? I mean, I personally don't care much but I think it's kind of a nasty way to spin it.
Living, lo, these many years in the DC area, I can attest to the fact that there is no shortage of upwardly mobile professional women who, if they haven't used sex as a step up the ladder, have actively considered it at least once in their life.
These women do not appreciate having moral judgements rendered on their "life-style" choices, especially the fact that their partners-in-sin often are married men. These women, as befits their liberated lifestyle, tend to be solidly Democratic.
That's why we'll see lots of whitewashing (no pun intended) of Ms Harris' behavior from the press, just like we did with HRC. The behavior in question hits too close to home with too many liberal women.
She’s not a jezebel, a mammy or an Omarosa.
I think the juries still out on the jezebel question.
The scolds are out.
Harris, who married her husband at the age of 49 was living her best life into her 30s and 40s
Her best life. Sure. And neglected to have children along the way. I wonder how many other married men she dated... Excellent role model for all young girls. At age 54- she's an evolutionary dead end. Her husband? Two children from a previous marriage. Information about his ex-wife? A google search indicates that the mainstream media is supremely uninterested in her. Of the facts surrounding their divorce. First page of search results brought no information except for her first name. Unless Obama opposes her candidacy, divorce records are likely to to remain sealed....
The familiar public narratives about black women don’t fit Kamala Harris. She’s not a jezebel, a mammy or an Omarosa.
He needs to listen to more hip-hop. The most familiar narrative of a black woman is the "ho."
She fits that one.
She seems like a good-for-nothing to me but I'm not a woman.
She's a slut and a whore. How about that?
Recall that old Motown song "Woman to Woman." It's Blanche calling up Kamala. He's my man! I wash his clothes, etc.
Like Obama, she's about as far away from the average black person as you can be.
A Tamil-Hindu mother, a medical scientist, who raised her alone after the age of 12, in Montreal Canada. Her father? A Jamaican Stanford Econ Professor. Before 12, she grew up in the mean streets of Berkeley CA. Graduate of U/C Hasting Law School (SF). After that she was in D/A in the Bay Area for 14 years before becoming California AG, and the Senator in 2016. When Boxer retired she was the Establishment Choice and she got 78% from the Democrat Convention.
She's married to a Jewish Leftist, and has two Jewish Step-Children.
What the heck is an Omarosa? Yes I know that an Omarosa was in the White House for a while, but what stereotype is an "Omarosa" in the writer's mind?
Now I wouldn't call Ms. Harris a Jezebel for sleeping with an older married man. Maybe you might call her a little homewrecker if in fact Willie had divorced his wife to be with Kamala. But he didn't. So she's maybe just an unsuccessful homewrecker.
You can see why she's the New York Times favorite candidate. She's Barbara Boxer with a better personality and a black skin.
Just as Trump brought Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey and Juanita Broaddrick to the last Hillary debate, he should bring all the homely female Assistant DA's in San Francisco, who DIDN'T sleep with Downtown Willie Brown -- let's see how their careers turned out.
fivewheels said...
Hillary 28...
So you're saying Ms. Rodham had no dates before she was 28? I'm … surprised?
Well, there is that joke(but is it?) that Bill and Hillary met because they were dating the same woman.....
A jezebel, a mammy and an Omarosa walk into a bar. Bartender says - I see it's still OK to insult and stereotype conservative women of color.
Henry said... If Lyndon Johnson had to have sleep with Sam Rayburn to get ahead, he would have.
seriously? you don't think he did??
"Rayburn married once, to Metze Jones (1901–1982),sister of Texas Congressman and Rayburn friend Marvin Jones. He had corresponded with her for nine years, and at the time of the wedding Rayburn was 45 and Jones was 26. Their 1927 marriage ended after only a few months"
Rayburn was 45 when he got married the first (and Only) time [had an entire adult dating life?] their marriage lasted ONLY A FEW MONTHS. After which, he went back to 'grooming' young boys, like, for instance; Lyndon Johnson.
This is a clever way to claim we've picked on Harris enough before we get to her typical D.A. and A.G. behavior defending the hiding of exculpatory evidence and making sure, behind the scenes, that real information about abuses by the cops didn't get out. The secret of this Jamaican-Indian is that ordinary African-Americans got railroaded by the people below her and she sided with the cops.
What do the Russians think about her?
@Skeptical Voter:
What the heck is an Omarosa? Yes I know that an Omarosa was in the White House for a while, but what stereotype is an "Omarosa" in the writer's mind?
ABW. Angry Black Woman.
"Harris, who married her husband at the age of 49 was living her best life into her 30s and 40s."
That doesn't sound like the truth, but I'm willing to play along because usually the truth in situations like this is very painful. There's still no way I'm going to vote for her, though.
I want to see her high school yearbooks and teen activity calendars published in the NYT and WaPo.
Anyone remember when Obama got in a little bit of trouble for referring to Harris as the "best looking Attorney General in the country?"
"The familiar public narratives about black women don’t fit Kamala Harris. She’s not a jezebel, a mammy or an Omarosa."
A peek into the mind of a writer.
Like Obama, she's about as far away from the average black person as you can be.
That's the dirty little secret of much of the black upper class -- they're completely unrepresentative of the majority of the black community. Quite a few come from Afro-Caribbean families, and grow up in strict two parent homes. They're also disproportionately Roman Catholic.
So Kamala is who trump was talking about in the locker room that time.
If she just met Weisenstein she could have starred in "King Kong". I bet she's a screamer.
I want to see her high school yearbooks and teen activity calendars published in the NYT and WaPo.
You forgot Howard U. That's the critical thing on the "black" identity axis.
And AKA -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha_Kappa_Alpha
The left is completely bound up in stereotypes and skin color. Kamala's parents were Jamaican and Indian, she is not culturally an American black start with.
I would hope that Trump officials would have the FBI investigate her campaign. Someone having that many affairs could be easily compromised.
But does she play golf? That’s her real problem, without golf you’re not Presidential.
Is there a reason to believe she would have received the appointments but for her relationship? Seems pretty clear there was a connection. How many 30 year old women want to be in a relationship with a 60 yr old man absent perks?
The subtext here is so rich. Coded message as follows:
As a female, if you use your sexuality to advance your career once, twice, or however many times - and you are successful - you "are living your best life."
If you've used your sexuality to advance you career - and you haven't been as successful (#metoo) - we sympathize and feel sorry for you. How can we help?
If you've used your sexuality to advance your career - against other me or other women - WE INTEND TO RIP OUT YOUR OVARIES AND HANG THEM FROM OUR REAR-VIEW MIRROR.
I > Us > They > We > She
More coded message in coordination with black-on-black: YOU GO GIRL!!! WAY TO SHAKE IT!!!
This is also a secret jab at the white "Beckys" Clinton, Warren and Gillibrand...
"You forgot Howard U. That's the critical thing on the "black" identity axis."
True. Except Howard is in DC. Like Clinton who went to Georgetown, I bet Harris had her "eyes on the prize" at an early age.
Plus, it also makes me suspect, like Obama, she wasn't the greatest student. Her background says Ivy League and Harvard Law and her resume says Howard and Hasting Law.
Kamala is one of the many MeToo success stories.
Willie is a man of his sword. He put her on two commissions where she got a combined $200k to do nothing but suck Wiillie’s dick. And he backed her for DA.
Casting Couch Kamala
Can an you really be an attractive STRAIGHT female and get to 50, without being married, let alone being married with Kids?
Asking for a friend.
Believe him, f*cking Willie was not in the least transactional! She just got a head.
I don’t remember “Jezebel” being a “familiar narrative for black women.” This one, sure.
"Yeah Harvey Weinstein had starlets blow him to get parts, so what?"
Condi Rice has never married and has no children, but it is possible for her to be elected President, because she plays golf.
Jimmy Carter was the last President who didn't play golf. If not for Watergate he probably wouldn't have gotten elected. And isn't that why a lot of people hate him, because he didn't play golf. If only he could have worn those sweaters on the golf course, or had a putter in his hand when he turned down the thermostat ...
Can an you really be an attractive STRAIGHT female and get to 50, without being married, let alone being married with Kids?
I've known a couple semi attractive older spinsters, but they were fairly eccentric.
George W. Bush quit playing golf after the Iraq war began in 2003, that was the tell that it was a bad war to have gotten into.
And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything. - Willie Brown
From "Sen. Kamala Harris Is a 54-Year-Old Black[sic] Woman, and Yes, She Dated Willie Brown. So What?" by Jason Johnson at The Root. With this video:
Kamala Harris not white - yay! Except not really black either, quiet boo.
Willie Brown not white - yay!
Jason Johnson not white - yay!
The Root is "Black news, opinions, politics and culture" - yay! I simply adored their series of articles about the historic travails of British coal miners.
Hey, at least Kammy is authentic Indian, unlike Senator Elizabeth Paleface (D-Navajo Nation).
So, the second narrative is the basic "hey, she had a normal single love life". This is 1-2 punch of protecting her flank. First, it is inappropriate to examine her romantic activities. The second is that it is all part of her general "romantic life".
I don't give a shit about her dating Montel Williams or anyone else. But, I do think banging Willie Brown in a quid pro quo career building move is fair game and goes to character and credibility.
On skepticism, pseudo-profundity, Deepak Chopra, and bullshit
"Eventually, the nonsensical nature of his pseudo-profound blatherings inspired me to coin a term to describe it: Choprawoo.
Unfortunately, far too many people find Deepak Chopra’s combination of mystical sounding pseudo-profundity, his invocation of “cosmic consciousness” and rejection of genetic determinism, and his advocacy of “integrating” all manner of quackery into real medicine (...) to the point of getting actual legitimate medical school faculty to assist him with an actual clinical trial compelling. He is, alas, one of the most influential woo peddlers out there."
Practice daily self-bullshit.
"Trolls and people who dislike its use will often incorrectly juxtapose "bae" with Danish "bæ" which means "poop" (often to shut people up)"
Blogger steve uhr said...Seems pretty clear there was a connection.
Hugs. Just hugs!!
Kammy is authentic Indian
Isn't she of the Brahmin caste and therefore an Aryan?
Who is dragging around these "public narratives" about Jezebels, mammy's and Omarosas. That's not what comes to my mind. This sounds like how an elite imagines us unwashed think out here in the trailer parks with our coal-fired big screen TV's.
rehajm said...Oprah likes the phrase Live your best life. See? Kamala is Oprah!!!
You get a __!
You get a __!
You get a __!
You get a __!
Yes, it's oh-so-annoying to democrat party "journalists" that they are occasionally required to actually address the delinquencies of the democrat party politicians, and are thus forced to dismiss inquiry and obfuscate fact. But they do it anyway, because heroes and firefighters.
Did she drink beer in high school, have sex with boys and attend parties where there was no adult supervision? Did she go to Beach Week?
“She was an attractive high profile single black woman in California, what else was she supposed to be doing when she wasn’t prosecuting people?" The author may want to rethink that statement because what’s implied Is that there are so few date worthy black men in California, the best of the lot was a married man 30 years her senior.
Had Barbara Jordan not succumbed to MS, she should have been our first female/first black President. And done a good job of it, too.
Kamala Harris seems to have had a similar dating life as Wendy Davis.
as the "best looking Attorney General in the country?"
It turned out that Obama was looking into a mirror, stage left.
Y'all are being too harsh.
Among prog women, screwing your way to the top really is living your best life.
Better than best, actually: if need be, you can always fall back on #MeToo regrets.
Sounds to me like Willie B got out ahead of any #MeToo maneuvers. Smart guy.
Obama also called DWS cute..(cough)
The Root morons would endlessly insult any Republican woman who had a similar gross relationship, so I dont really care.
#MeToo regrets
#MeToo happened, in part, because of women like Harris. #SheKnew #SheBlew #SheProgressed
C'mon ann stand up for feminism. After all if a women want's to be a whore , that is her right as a women.
After all the sine qua non of the feminist movement, jane doe, was a whore.
I thought she was a Jezebel.
Has Kamala Harris ever talked about Montel Williams with anybody at the Kasowitz Benson & Torres law firm?
But we can still abort her, right?
Probably not her, but her candidacy is a viable target. Please, no warlock... witch hunts. No diversity or color judgments.
Geez, I've been around n.n. too long
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Order matters.
Unapologetically [American] conservative.
Intrinsic value, individual dignity, perhaps inordinate worth, and evolution of anthropogenic colorful clumps of cells.
Thought experiment. If she hadn’t slept with willie brown, would a bar exam failure Howard/Hastings grad have ever made it to sf DA never mind state AG?
Just like Hilary never would have been elected dog catcher, same applies to Kamala.
"She’s not a jezebel, a mammy or an Omarosa. "
I don't know. She seems plenty Omarosa to me.
No children like May, Merkel, and Macron?
Yeah, I want people with an eye toward the future.
Harris would be brutally bad.
Harris, who married her husband at the age of 49 was living her best life into her 30s and 40s.
Living one's best life can't include being married, naturally. If you're married and especially if you're married "early" then you by definition can't be living your best life.
TY - Lil' Duval: Smile B*tch (Living My Best Life) ft. Snoop Dog (lyrics NSFW)
It wasn't exactly a secret. And children are a job for lesser beings?
J. Farmer said...
Anyone remember when Obama got in a little bit of trouble for referring to Harris as the "best looking Attorney General in the country?"
Where's Michelle been lately? Is she in Kamala's corner?
I didn't make up monika hesse gender columnist and full time authoress
in fact one of her columns was food for a recent thread,
She was a prosecutor who did what most of them do to enhance her professional reputation, at the expense of some possibly innocent folks.
Fernandistein said...
Kammy is authentic Indian
Isn't she of the Brahmin caste and therefore an Aryan?
She's Tamil, therefore likely part of the Dravidian racial / cultural group rather than Hindi, Bengali, etc, who are the Northern Aryan groups in India. Most of both are Hindu in terms of religion, so I guess they both share the same caste structures.
Thorley Winston said...
Actually I'm pretty sure the reason for the comments is because she slept with Brown to get ahead in her career. The proper comparison isn't to Clinton, Warren or Bachman it's to Monica Lewinsky.
Some unkind people are saying Kamala's dopiness resulted from bumping her head once too often while in Willie Brown's desk kneehole.
I dunno, sleeping your way to the top isn't a great look.
On the plus side, people are at least interested in speculating about her love life. Has anyone anywhere ever harbored any libidinal thoughts about Elizabeth Warren?....Is it a plus or a minus for a woman politician to give off a sexual vibe.
I don't think anyone will come forward with an interesting, first hand account of his dates with Kamala. Like JFK, MLK, Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein, and Michael Jackson she's safe from prying eyes.......Donald Trump flirted with a woman while waiting for the elevator, and the woman damn near fell over herself in her rush to get on tv and report it. Women, even pornstars like Stormy Daniels, with stories about Trump are treated with dignity and respect. The media no longer give Dem rape victims the Paula Jones treatment, but they more or less file them away after one report........I don't know what the female equivalent of sexual harassment is, but any guy with a bad story about Kamala would be wise to keep it to himself. His life will be destroyed. I
Birkel said...No children like May, Merkel, and Macron?
Yeah, I want people with an eye toward the future.
Harris would be brutally bad.
They are all evolutionary dead enders. And note that each is obsessed with wealth transfer from their own citizenry to people only interested in that wealth and not in the nation's health. They are facilitators. Kamala Harris is own of them -- no matter how many children she poses with.
Blogger William said...
On the plus side, people are at least interested in speculating about her love life. Has anyone anywhere ever harbored any libidinal thoughts about Elizabeth Warren?....Is it a plus or a minus for a woman politician to give off a sexual vibe.
Good take.
Sarah Palin provides one example. Sex appeal is not a plus or a minus. Sex appeal amplifies.
Is it a plus or a minus for a woman politician to give off a sexual vibe..
Harris has a positive vibe, Hillary had a negative (downright repulsive) vibe. Warren is neutral.
Just a future Mammy. And a mean one.
Article title: "Sen. Kamala Harris Is a 54-Year-Old Black Woman, and Yes, She Dated Willie Brown. So What?"
Willie Brown's op-ed: "Sure, I dated Kamala Harris. So what?"
Journolism in action?
Her super-hero roll-out commercial was ridiculous. It was like a kid tying a towel on for a cape and jumping off the edge of the roof. And then announcing for President. "Wakanda Forever!" As all Marvel fans know, Wakanda is Willie Brown's other girlfriend.
Seriously, as it turns out, some of Wakanda's citizens want to keep their own health insurance. Not to mention the millions who work in the industry. For her to just casually decree the destruction of an industry and the freedom to buy insurance is staggering in its arrogance. And it was said offhand, with no plan or thought put in to it.
She has no accomplishments as a senator. As a prosecutor, she was obsessed with wiretapping and political persecutions. We just had eight years of that. From all I can gather, she seems to believe the presidency is her entitlement based on Trump Derangement, her pigment and lady bits. About as shallow as they come.
ps: Willie read that statement just like Sid wrote it!
Live best; ho hardest
Don't you love the way everyone says "dating" Willie Brown. Ask Mrs. Brown who her husband was "dating" back in the day. I'm sure you'll get an earful. That's not dating. It's booty-call. Hey, she climbed the ladder the old fashioned way.
Yeah. Kamala was a side piece (one of several) to willie. He installed her in a make work position ... a job that may blow...but taxpayers paid for his side piece and then she magically got to be DA. Weird.
"what else was she supposed to be doing"
Um, get married?
Nope! Indeed.
I don't know if she is a jezebel, a Mammy or an Omarosa (although the Lying Left protesting that she isn't would make me suspicious she is); but she is clearly a statist. So she's like most African American politicians. (Interesting example: recent Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacy "Tank" Abrams, who posed as a benevolent Mammy in her tv ads but actually was just another statist bitch.
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