Kamala is running for POTUS (probably). She's an AKA.— Zerlina Maxwell (@ZerlinaMaxwell) January 10, 2019
The fact that the white reporter sent to cover her didn't know what Skee Wee was is not a good sign that the media is going to cover her with the cultural competency required. And it IS a requirement! pic.twitter.com/9MrZuGynIz
AKA, as described in Essence:
Whether it’s your mom, an aunt, a friend or yourself, chances are you know someone in your sister circle who is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. Founded in 1908 at Howard University Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority was the first African-American organization of it’s kind. Notable members include Phylicia Rashad, Toni Morrison, Maya Angelou and Alicia Keys — just to name a few. There are over 290,000 women who make up the organization and the sorority recently celebrated its 109th anniversary.The "Skee Wee" sound is a registered trademark of the sorority.
ADDED: The reporter, from the Washington Post, is Chelsea Janes, and her embarrassing tweet looked like this:
Janes has apologized and deleted the tweet.
As a public school teacher (retired) of refugees and immigrants let me be the first to say they have each others backs regardless of the situation and they work in close companionship with their brother male fraternity.
The only black sorority/fraternity I know are the Lambda Lambda Lambdas. The only white ones I know are the Alpha Betas, the Pi Delta Pis, and Omega Mus.
That is a horribly annoying noise.
Always nice to watch a reporter learn something. Anything.
"That is a horribly annoying noise."
Well, you'll have to find some other way to annoy people, because that one is trademarked.
Nice to see that a college-educated reporter knows the difference between "it's" with the apostrophe and "its," without.
The tweet displays her ignorance but it isn't exactly critical. Is her ignorance of black culture or of that sororities customs? Do all black people know about Skee Wee?
I might vote for someone else out of fear of this kind of stuff...
"Well, you'll have to find some other way to annoy people, because that one is trademarked."
I am now trademarking "SKEET SKEET WEE WEE"(tm) with a plan to sell it to R Kelly for his remix/dub of "They Want Some SKee-Wee" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4fQ39F6aLU)
How's that for cultural competency.
OMG. I like so don’t care.
How I'm going to love this presidential campaign, with charges of fake news and media bias, to say nothing of the rampant narcissism that will be on display. And Trump is going to weigh in too.
The best way to garner votes is to shame people about their lack of knowledge of your culture.
I know a few things about black American culture. One is that it's really deep and sophisticated.
> they have each others backs regardless of the situation
> lack of knowledge of your culture.
Did "Valley Girl" qualify as a culture?
I often marvel at the depth of black culture.
Man, that is one annoying trademarked sound.
Is this a real story? I ask seriously.
This is actual news? That we need to know what the hell Skee Wee is or else we're not capable of making decisions on presidential candidates?
What a stupid, fucking time to be alive.
Fair's fair. If they insist on cultural competency being required, can we at least grade English comp papers for spelling and grammar?
I liked keg kavanaugh better
I actually clicked through on the link to MadameNoire to see if this was real.
I won't be making that mistake again ... you know, me being a stupid-ass honky and all that.
"Why do I need to be fluent in white people and you all don't need to know anything about black culture"
What "black culture" is she referring to? I know several black immigrants from Africa who do not want to be associated with much of what ignorants claim as black culture. What "white people" does she imagine she is fluent in? What sickens me is how many jump to support her rather than condemning her racism.
Imagine the response from the media if a white man got incensed when a reporter didn't grok in fullness the richness of his fraternity's nonsensical and noisy greeting.
I don't know anything about fraternities or sororities, black or white. Is it supposed to be okay for me to not know anything about white sororities but shameful to not know anything about black sororities?
Fuck. That.
So what are they going to do?
Road trip.
"Skee wee" is quite insignificant (only 75 google results), so POC Zerlina Maxwell shouldn't have used such trivia as an excuse for a racist insult.
I'd rather hear an hour of skee wee than have to listen to her talk for an hour. Can anyone this side of the Kardashians sound more obnoxious?
I urge her to join Kamala (the candidate, not the wrestler) on the campaign trail as much as possible and enlighten us all on our racism.
Are we supposed to know insider things about fraternities and sororities? I don't know anything about any of them, and both my father and husband were in fraternities. Another response might be to laugh at her calling it "screeching" and to explain to her what it is.
I am so triggered by the Skeesplaining here.
Sounds like screeching to me.
12% of the population.
"the first African-American organization of it’s [sic, its] kind"
Grammar is such a white thing.
And it IS a requirement!
Obviously not.
Mark Jones,
"Imagine the response from the media if a white man got incensed when a reporter didn't grok in fullness the richness of his fraternity's nonsensical and noisy greeting."
Well said!
Though it says something about this reporter that she lacked the essential curiosity, after being surprised by that awful sound, to ask herself, "Am I missing something here?" then pull someone aside and ask, "Hey, what was that about?"
I have been ordered to ignore skin tone. Until I am ordered to respect the distinct different culture of a darker skin tone.
We are not but a few generations away from the disappearance of Negroes, and Hispanics. Unless we go back to the antebellum south and the 1 drop rule. I have accepted the fact that I treat all equal regardless of skin tone. Now I must understand that skin tone identifies a distinct culture that I must cater to.
And the Q-Dogs bark.
Guys like Michael Jordan and Shaq.
And the Kappas throw up a diamond.
Some white people are lame.
KKKamala's grasp for power is going to be really positive for race relations.
This runs into white people no longer caring what black people think.
Good god, another candidate who will cry racism/sexism every time they are in trouble or get asked a tough question. Too damn bad..
"they have each others backs regardless of the situation"
You'd think that journalists of all people could relate to that.
Made me think of Robert Williams' BITCH test from the 1970's:
B = Black
I = Intelligence
T = Test to counteract
C = Cultural
H = Homogeneity
The test was an attempt to measure "Black Intelligence" asking what phrases like "The Eagle flies" meant.
Dr. Williams attempted to validate the test and found that Blacks and Whites were equally poor at it. Welfare recipients performed the best.
Is that something like "Wee Wee"?
'There’s something about August going into September where everybody in Washington gets all wee-weed up. I don’t know what it is. But that’s what happens,' he said.
Getting wee-weed over Skee Wee.
I don't know what it is, but that's what happens.
Thanks Ann. It's great you provide safe spaces for racist snowflakes. Vacation in Austin don't pay for itself.
The latest incident that portends diversity will persist as a politically congruent construct into the foreseeable future. That said, who is more diverse, the journolist or her subjects? Follow the TP rule: tolerance and patience.
>>Kamala is running for POTUS (probably). She's an AKA.
The fact that the white reporter sent to cover her didn't know what Skee Wee was is not a good sign that the media is going to cover her with the cultural competency required.<<
OK...so Kamala's also known as what?
Perhaps "tweeting from your place of ignorance" is the core competency of most reporters.
I did not participate in Greek life in college but I was a member of professional fraternity in law school (Phi Alpha Delta). I can tell you that if I heard "skee wee" I probably would have associated it with some college thing - "it's a college thing; you wouldn't understand". I would not have made a big deal out of it, either. My niece attends Texas A&M, which has A LOT of traditions. They have a fight song. They have all kinds of ways of communicating they are Aggies, but those are lost on me as I did not grow up in Texas and I am obviously not steeped in Aggie tradition. That seems to be the same thing here but it has taken on a political tone. I am not sure that AKA is expressly or explicitly a Black culture thing, just as I am not entirely sure that the Divine Nine is expressly Black.
I dunno. I doubt that Kamala Harris or the black lady reporter knows my national fraternity's secret handshake. It's a brother thing and they would not understand. (Paraphrasing the T shirt "It's a black thing and you wouldn't understand".) And I don't much care that Ms. Harris or anyone else doesn't know it. I'm not planning to shake her hand anytime soon anyway.
Nothing wrong with silly sorority squeals--skee wee or otherwise. The same amount of squealing goes on in sorority houses all over the country as new pledges are welcomed by the sisters.
The reporter probably also failed to notice that every member of AKA is in the same range of skin tone.
To answer the question:
Because 74% of the population is White and 12.5% is Black. Out of every 8 Americans, six are White and one is Black.
Am I racist if I have contempt for all fraternities and sororities, white, black, or purple?
so, let me get this straight?
Some rich greek letter person is offended that people don't know the elitist greek things?
Oh, Wait! there's MORE!
Some racially separative elitist greek letter person is Offended that people of a lower race aren't giving her (being of an upper race) proper R.E.S.P.E.C.T. for being a member of her racially separative elitist greek letter stuff?
Are You Making This Up?
Would it be wrong to say that "skee wee" sounds like some sort of sound you would hear in the background of a Tarzan movie?
My fraternity had a secret handshake
Blogger Ann Althouse said...
Well, you'll have to find some other way to annoy people, because (the skee wee sound) is trademarked.
How does the trademarking of a sound work? Could I theoretically be sued by the sorority for making that sound? Not a 1A issue?? Serious questions.
Oooops. Validates Crichton's observations about journalists and reporters: they don't understand what they are observing and writing/broadcasting about.
@gilbar: yes, that is exactly the situation. she failed to know and recognize the secret call.
Beware of Greeks wearing tennis shoes
Hahaha. Oh the "woke" white press is going to have a doozy of a time.
Tappa Kegga Beer and I Phelta Thi my frats. No cultural competency necessary.
Ice Nine: How does the trademarking of a sound work?
Here is a good place to start
Apologized and deleted the tweet? Okay, now let's see the same every time a reporter conflates, e.g., semi-automatic and automatic firearms. If we're laying down basic requirements that reporters need to meet. And conflating illegal immigration with legal immigration. And...
Most of my Twitter activity is sports-related. Chelsea Janes, up until about a month ago, was a sportswriter, covering the Washington Nationals. When they moved her to the political beat, a lot of people questioned whether she would be qualified for that job, and there was, predictably, an immediate and powerful feminist pushback, complete with accusations of misogyny, as if people wouldn't have the same question if a male sportswriter under 30 made that move.
Anyway, I feel a little bad for her because she's getting dragged for something stupid and minor, but there's some schadenfreude too.
Betting there wasn't a dispute over origin of the sound.
Injured small animals have greater concerns.
Serious question; anybody ever meet a white AKA sister? They exist, at least technically. Wikipedia informs us that Jane Addams and Eleanor Roosevelt were admitted to membership and that Hillary Clinton was granted a membership but then declined because AKA asks its members for exclusivity in the Greek system and Hillary couldn’t agree to that.
But those were all political and ceremonial things; are there really any white sisters as active members?
Senator Harris is half-indian too. So I guess we have to brush up on our Hindi knowledge as well.
Is Skee Wee the sound you make when taking Willie Brown's cock up you ass?
That's probably similar to the secret white supremist handshake that all us Trump voters use to identify each other in enemy territory. Don't forget the meeting this weekend. Bring lots of ammo.
I know a few things about black American culture. One is that it's really deep and sophisticated.
A white fraternity doing something like this would be described as juvenile and rowdy. But since they're black we have to pretend this is important.
Every time I think we've reached peak stupid I discover we're just scratching the surface.
What a loudmouth.
And why is Kamala Harris's run "historic"? She is not the first black woman to run for POTUS. Is she the first the black woman from California to run?
Why should I/we bother learning the cultural touchstones of a culture which can't even acknowledge recent history?
Oh and raise your hand if you despise Twitter scolds.
Black "culture," to the extent it is accurately reflected on the interwebs and in popular media, is repulsive.
-Profanity-laden, oversexed, violent, degrading 'music' (watch one of those BET black people award shows and see how many bleeps you hear during the performances)
-'Dancing' that involves little more than bouncing one's ass as rapidly as possible or pantomiming sexual intercourse
-Made-up words and 'ebonics'
-No-go inner city neighborhoods
-Sky-high abortion rates, fatherlessness and excesses of single mothers with multiple kids and multiple 'babydaddiez'
-Academic success ridiculed as 'acting white'
-Constant cries of and redefinitions of 'racism' whenever possible
-Off-the-chart violent crime stats in relation to their percentage of the population
-Wholesale rejection of facts in favor of narrative-fueled riots and destruction of their own neighborhoods plus the added benefit of getting to blame whitey when stores flee their neighborhoods
-Videos damn near every single week of flash-mob beatings and destruction of restaurants, malls, subways etc that jump off over the slightest perceived indignities, all accompanied by laughs and cheers of 'WORLD STARRRRRRRRRRRR!'
-Constant excuse-making to explain why all of the above is not their fault
No thanks. Modern black American 'culture' is poison and should be rejected.
Luckily, many black people reject the above degeneracy and live good and successful lives, with no help from their 'community leaders'like Sharpton, Jackson, Obomba, etc. I work with and live around many such upstanding Americans.
Blogger Curious George said...
Is Skee Wee the sound you make when taking Willie Brown's cock up you ass?
1/10/19, 6:15 PM
Nice. *thumbs-up emoji*
We're changing things up for the next meeting.
You do know how to the armpit fart thing, right?
Top ten reason why Harris will not win in 2020. Playing the race card on reporters covering her campaign.
If she runs, she should kick off her rallies with the "Skee Wee".
It shows culture, gravitas..
17% of black men over the age of 25 in America have a bachelors degree or higher. What percentage of the remaining 83% of black men over the age of 25 in America would recognize that noise? Are they also insufficiently aware of black culture?
I'm white, and I don't know much about Skull & Bones. I know that such a frat exists and that Kerry and Bush were both members. Other Presidents too. It's not a white thing. It's a rich kids thing........The bet here is that a great many black people aren't especially aware of the frats and sororities at Howard. It's probably a thing for the haute bourgies among the blacks. Any chance that this might be a humble brag by the writer to demonstrate her social bona rides?......"Just between you and me, I seldom wear my Phi Beta Kapa key because then people might think I'm a bit of a grind instead of the kind, caring person I turned out to be after winning all those awards in college."
WTF? I listened to the entire two minutes twenty seconds and did not hear the screech. Just some white lady complaining about a reporter?
EEyagh. Does that count?
There's a world of difference between knowing anything about black culture and knowing everything...as if knowing what skee wee refers to is a signifier of encyclopedic knowledge of black culture.
Why do some frats brand themselves like you'd brand a steer? Do sororities do this also?
Ny reporter wanna learn about another part of black culture, binge on First48.
I know how long to cook chitlins and what fishbelly means. Does that count?
Con-Law professora said to Mary Beth ...
"Well, you'll have to find some other way to annoy people, because that one is trademarked."
Can I take that to mean
- only AKA sistahs can use that sound to annoy others ?
In essence a protected form of annoy/hate-speech!?
Reporter's tweet was 100% correct.
1. Sorority members were in the room
2. When Kamala mentioned the sorority they screeched
3. Reporter didn't expect screeches at that situation
Curious George is a bad bad bad boy. If ze is a boy.
Blogger William said...
I'm white, and I don't know much about Skull & Bones. I know that such a frat exists and that Kerry and Bush were both members. Other Presidents too. It's not a white thing. It's a rich kids thing........
Skull and Bones is not a fraternity. It is a dining club. (I never liked the term “secret society.”) Anyway, it isn’t a fraternity. W was a Deke, (Delta Kappa Epsilon). Other Dekes were Presidents Hayes, Teddy Roosevelt, Ford and GHW Bush. Vice President Quayle as well. And too many others to name.
Won't somebody tell me what diddy-wah-diddy means?
Do YOU pass the paper bag test?
Oh yeah that's not elite and entitled...no way.
They learned nothing from 2016.
"Letters From a Birmingham Debutante Ball"
I was in a fraternity as an undergrad years and years ago. Most of our recognition stuff is 'secret handshake' and code word type stuff. If I saw that stuff all over the news I think I'd be a bit concerned. Though I guess a screech for a chick sorority is much like a fraternity sweatshirt. One goes fine in class, the other not so much.
Rashida Tlaib will get a standing ululation from her “sisters” when they impeach that mofo.
"Pumped for the next Democratic president to use “emergency powers” for a Green New Deal (climate emergency), Medicare for All (public health emergency), and a new Voting Rights Act (democracy emergency)!"
You should be nice to her.
"Notable members include Phylicia Rashad, Toni Morrison, Maya Angelou and Alicia Keys"
Notably, Angelou never attended college and Keys dropped out after a month. How does one go about joining a sorority without being in college?
Zeroing GFY. as a brownie from the same place that Kamala’s mom is, I resent the racist assumption of one drop of black blood. Slit your carotid are terry and have someone send the video
So just have black reporters cover the black politicians, and white reporters cover the white politicians. Problem solved!
I actually kind of agree with the lady on the podcast. She says if you're not familiar with AKA, you can Google it. It's a bad reaction from the reporter because she wasn't curious at all about what they were doing. Now I happen to think it's not because she's a racist, but because young people are incurious in general.
FYI, Ms. Janes was the Washington Post's beat reporter for the Washington Nationals major league baseball team for several years. She recently was transferred to the 2020 Presidential campaign.
Tonight's question for debate:
Is 'da Butt' really Go-Go?
Anyway, it isn’t a fraternity. W was a Deke, (Delta Kappa Epsilon). Other Dekes were
At my school, the saying was: "If you can't go Greek, go Deke, if you can't go Deke, go Teke."
Not sure what would have been googled, did they spell the screech?
I was not aware that a single fraternal organization constituted "black culture".
Well, you'll have to find some other way to annoy people, because that one is trademarked.
If I were to Skee Wee (unlikely), and they wanted to come after me for that, they would first have to admit I made the sound correctly. I doubt that would happen.
I used to hear black sorority chicks around town make that sound and just felt embarrassed for them.
Though no more or less embarrassed I felt for general white frat boy asininity.
I'm an equal-opportunity misanthrope.
Chelsea Janes was until a few days ago the WaPo beat reporter for the Washington Nationals baseball team. Now she's promoted to cover the 2020 campaign.
It's so embarrassing to not be acquainted with the moronic habits of barely post pubescent females.
I just went on some AKA's site and listened to a clip of a black woman doing that. "Screeching" is an entirely appropriate word to describe that sound. Just because it's their trademark and is a common greeting of sisterhood among them doesn't mean it's not a screech.
Wait. Kamala Harris is black?
Had Chelsea only gone to a Hamilton Ti-Cats game she would have had a culturally relevant comparison:
It helps if you have about three quarters of a flask of rye in you and it is -17F as the boys play three down football - it's a Canadian thing.
Someone should ask Kamala Harris what she thinks of Harvard shutting down sororities because they won't go mixed gender. Well, not shutting them down. But making it so anyone who joins one isn't eligible for scholarships or sports teams.
Which is ironic, because sports teams are single gender.
Sororities are either super culturally important or they need to be shut out. Ask Harris which.
I just went on some AKA's site and listened to a clip of a black woman doing that. "Screeching" is an entirely appropriate word to describe that sound. Just because it's their trademark and is a common greeting of sisterhood among them doesn't mean it's not a screech.
Matt: "Notably, Angelou never attended college and Keys dropped out after a month. How does one go about joining a sorority without being in college?"
They probably made her an honorary member.
There are people who consider the first AA president the greatest ever and will gladly take that route again. I’m sure they feel good about that.
When I was in college, I thought the white fraternities were idiotic. I also thought the white sororities, black fraternities and black sororities and all the other fraternities and sororities were idiotic. Still do. So where do I stand.
In my fraternity, Sigma Chi, the secret greetings, handshakes, etc. are secrets. Only brothers are supposed to know them. It never occurred to me that sororities of any color might be different.
Oh for fuck’s sake
Yeah....we can all be stupid fuckin' ......... if we try.
Full disclosure, I was a frat boy.
This entire story is so preposterous I despair of the level of stupidity I see. I know nothing of the fraternity, Skee Wee or anything else about this or about Kamala Harris. I went to an Ivy League college but studiously ignored all fraternities and could not tell you what any of their letters are or mean even now. I feel no lack in my understanding whatsoever. Here's the thing, though. I grew up in a factory town where working class blacks, whites, Puerto Ricans, Italians and Jews ALL lived within blocks of one another. From age 4, my friends were both black and white. My enemies were both black and white. I "free ranged" the streets as a little kid as did all other kids I knew with blacks and whites. I stayed overnight in the homes of both blacks and whites. I never gave any of that much thought. No one was all that well off. My entire youth was spent immersed in a truly diverse community in the days before the current diversity mongers think anyone understood what they fool themselves into thinking they now understand. I do not care one iota about this story or ANY implication about ANYTHING in it. Except it pisses me off that people as brainless as Zerlina Maxwell think they can tell the rest of us what is and is not required of any of us to pass muster in the parade they assume they have been appointed to review.
She only messed up by using the word screech, which has a negative connotation. If she would have described it as a very high pitched call, it would have been fine. I can understand not knowing about the call, but as a reporter she really should have asked someone about it and what it signified.
I listened to the argument in the podcast and it wasn't ridiculous. In fact, what is ridiculous is that some reporter has some impressions and her first instinct is to tweet about them. Is this what Twitter has become?
Is skee wee actually black culture, or is it sorority culture?
Because my college dorm was next door to [off-campus but just barely] fraternity row, and I couldn't tell you a thing about their trademarks other than their love of hearing Black Hole Sun multiple times every Friday night.
“Wait. Kamala Harris is black?“
Sorta medium brown. Great legs though. So if we go by legs she’s in.
I guarantee that 90% of blacks are not clued in to this bit of their "culture."
In the very first 6 seconds of the clip, the speakers say that Kamala Harris will be the first black woman to run for president since "Shirley," presumably referring to Shirley Chisholm in 1972.
Except that Carol Moseley Braun also ran for president in 2004.
There is nothing "historic" about Harris's run; there is everything hysteric about it.
If the word 'hysteric" bothers you, try "histrionic."
People aren't going to accept KAH-mala any more than they accepted Obama's PAH-kistan.
Checked it out. The cats are not fans.
Two Eyed,
That link provides examples, but I saw no explanatory information there at all.
One thing to keep in mind is that all trademarks are domain-specific; that's why we have both Apple Records and Apple Computer. If Ice Nine isn't trying to form some kind of fraternal* group, I don't think the sorority can do anything to prevent him from saying skee wee as often as he wants.
*I suppose I should really have said "sororal" here...
She is a nasty person, President Trump will enjoy the challenge with a passion maybe only Hillary can relate to. Should be entertaining!
Chuck wrote:
"But those were all political and ceremonial things; are there really any white sisters as active members?"
Aren't you white?
"When I was in college, I thought the white fraternities were idiotic. I also thought the white sororities, black fraternities and black sororities and all the other fraternities and sororities were idiotic. Still do. So where do I stand."
Ok, I will take shot in order: you are (1) Woke, (2) Misogynist, (3)&(4) Racist and/or Misogynist, (5) Racist White Nationalist Scumbag.
Molon labe
Remember when the press didn’t understand Trump’s use of the word schlong?
Me too.
Remember how embarrassed they were about not understanding Ttump’s culture?
Me neither.
Unknown asks: "Did "Valley Girl" qualify as a culture?"
Don't laugh.
Britney Spears and the California Valley Girls actually succeeded in changing the rules of English grammar, which is quite an achievement.
Specifically, their use of the construction "to be like" as a quotative, as in the following sentence:
"When he told me his plan, I was like, 'You're crazy!'"
The word "like" followed by a quotation spread worldwide from California and is now considered correct through informal English.
I am sorry, but I repeat. This entire entry is of value for only one thing. Revealing the unbelievable arrogance and self-regard of brainless twits like Zerlina Maxwell. It has nothing whatsoever to do with "black woman running for president," the need for "cultural competency" by white reporters, black fraternities or white, neither of which by the way has a thing to do with "black culture" at all anyway, etc., etc. To pay a minute's attention to the rest of this tripe is to waste time, which I fully admit I am doing myself here. But it just pisses me off how pointless so much of our civic discourse has become, how divorced from the real lives of anyone, black, brown, white or pink.
Joshua said... Except that Carol Moseley Braun also ran for president in 2004.
Carol Mosley does NOT count! No Republicans count! And she's a ... Oh wait a minute?
...Carol Mosley never existed! on account of because memories only go back as far as last midnight
Checked it out. The cats are not fans.
Maybe it's because you are a member of a minority that is only 13% of a population
In jokes are in jokes for a reason
Why is her tweet embarrassing enough to delete it? A journalistic response would be to follow up with the fact that this is a ‘thing’ in the AKA, and probably follow up with an explanation that AKA isn’t the American Kennel Association.
Indeed, white people aren’t interested in black ‘culture’ just as they aren’t interested in 90% of white, or any other, culture.
If it hadn't been 'Skee Whee' or whatever the hell that is, they would have found some other way to denigrate the white girl as 'out of touch'.
It is what they do to keep people on their back foot.
Now my 'liberal guilt' credit card is maxed out with Obamacare. Althouse seems to still have a few grand left on hers, however.
At some point, when you have someone who just jumps all over you over the most inane things, you may decide on a Racial Pence rule: Just avoid them. Identitarians like the miserably racist Kamala will never ever be satisfied and never ever forgive anything so it seems much safer to avoid race identity activists like her.
Certainly not put her in the Oval Office. Then she can 'bless' all of us with her bile.
Blogger gilbar said...
Joshua said... Except that Carol Moseley Braun also ran for president in 2004.
Carol Mosley does NOT count! No Republicans count! And she's a ... Oh wait a minute?
...Carol Mosley never existed! on account of because memories only go back as far as last midnight
Carol Mosley Braun, was definitely a Democrat, from Illinois. A former Senator in fact. Also widely regarded as corrupt, in a state, known for it's corrupt politics.
Carol Mosley never existed! on account of because memories only go back as far as last midnight
This screech seems to be important to some people, might even say some boojie people, who like that kind of thing.
Vast majority of people, white and black, have no clue but seem to function adequately anyway.
Braun was only running as a favor to the Dems to weaken Al Sharpton’s chances.
Just heard the sorority song with the "Skee Wee" - seemed kinda cute.
Does anyone else keep wanting to write:
Camel Harris?
Seeing the term used here, Kamala probably doesn't "Grok" anything, and it's likely she's never read any of the great literature written by a (gasp!) white man that introduced the concept of "grokking". Bet she couldn't define "grokking" if you asked.
Probably wouldn't understand a "rishathra" joke either.
As a former student of Texas A&M University, I understand the problem faced by the sorority members. When I holler "Gig 'em!" in support of something going on around me, or make a loud hissing noise (imagine the sound of a large horse urinating) in condemnation or opposition to something, other Aggies understand. But teasips and other non-Aggies often get confused.
The solution is evangelical use of the idiomatic expressions, and explanations as necessary.
Gig 'em!
with 250,000 members they represent approximately .09 % of the US population (300 million) i'm not suprised that the writer didn't know what Skee Wee is. do a man on the street poll of 100 people and I think you would be lucky to get 1 person who knew what it was
Yet another reason to dislike Blacks.
What Peter K wrote. I remember when that movie about Thurgood Marshall came out, someone on Instapundit commented on this: "Black black blackity black black." That's how I feel about this story.
Have any AKAs been to Havana lately?
who cares
kamala traded sex for a cushy local gov job and here she is now
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