Tweets Trump.
Which competitor newspaper took down Bezos? According to TMZ, it was The National Enquirer:
[T]he tabloid published alleged text messages between Bezos and GF Lauren Sanchez after he announced he and MacKenzie Bezos were getting a divorce. Trump seems to be implying that the paper forced Jeff's hand.Trump's nicknames are so out-and-proud childish. "Jeff Bozo." It's like the first thing a 10-year-old kid would think of reading the name. I'm assuming "Bozo" is a current character in American culture. Why wouldn't he be? I don't keep up with the rising and falling popularity of these fictional characters. Clowns come and go. But if you told me there was a summer blockbuster movie, "Bozo, The Movie," I'd believe it long enough to check.
We’re all watching Bozo, The Movie.
Bozo works.
We are all still 10 inside. This is part of Trump’s genius.
But if you told me there was a summer blockbuster movie, "Bozo, The Movie," I'd believe it long enough to check
Word of advice then, don’t say that around fullmoon.
Blogger Left Bank of the Charles said...
We’re all watching Bozo, The Movie.
Yes, why didn’t she win by 50 points?
"I think we are all bozos on this bus"
"Trump's nicknames are so out-and-proud childish."
I completely agree. Now if Trump would have labeled him Hitler, all be would good.
Well, my brother called the prior occupant of the White House "Obozo". But we all are Baby Boomers.
That dizzy girl from Brooklyn that's all the rage--isn't her name Sandy Obozo-Cortes?
A quick look at the etymology of "Bozo" suggests that the term is derived from Spanish, and was used primarily in the slave trade to describe a dumb slave. Then it became a stock clown name on Vaudeville. Then, in 1940, Capitol Records created "Bozo the Clown".
Schlump is a childish Bozo the Clown type attempting to humiliate his adversary du jour with his tweeting, twittering, cackling, and crowing...and whining about some man or beast, i.e., reporter who he hates at the moment for an ill perceived reason. What a rotten, infantile, & odious man! A president who gossips about an other's failing marriage is just another black mark against Schlump indicating a highly flawed character. He is a constant embarrassment to the country. A deplorable spectacle holding the nuclear codes! Who'd a thunk it!
Ann, Trump is your guy. You must be so proud.
Willard Scott did a stint as Bozo the Clown. Which came first? Bozo as a derogartory insult to people acting stupidly or the clown? He's been around longer than I have so I have no direct memory of when or where my dad picked up the word "bozo", as in "it's time for you bozos to get in the car", but he used it to describe us whenever he was trying to get all five of us to climb in and get "the show on the road".
I see my answer above.
Ann, Trump is your guy. You must be so proud.
For liberals there is no middle ground. That’s why they can’t be trusted with power.
This makes me cringe. But I've learned to get over it.
Clown news is a good line.
"Schlump is a childish Bozo the Clown type attempting to humiliate his adversary du jour with his tweeting, twittering, cackling ...."
Sorry, I haven't heard a cackle since the last presidential debate.
tweeting, twittering, cackling, and crowing...and whining
All impeachable, BTW. How dare he communicate directly with the American people, rather than offering up a draft to the press for them to edit as they see fit!?!
The Washington Post is a Bezos owned and run large part of the leftist/Democrat machine attacking Trump every day and trying it's best to bring him down and ruin his presidency and his life. It is only human that he would enjoy Bezos getting some of his own medicine. Should he quietly enjoy it? Maybe, but that's not his style.
The Washington Post has sold its soul to the Uniparty, peopled by many Republicans, but run by the Democrats. He’s right to call them out. We don’t have a “news” media anymore, we have a bunch of media outlets owned by billionaires who made their money in other ways and who bought the ability to do favors for the powerful for their own reasons.
Trump playing 4 dimensional checkers. And winning!
You’re living in the past, man. You’re hung up on some clown from the 60s man!
Didn't GHWB get in trouble for calling some people "Bozos" in a press conference or debate? He probably apologized, another sign of weakness.
When Trump has to deal with people who childishly call him "Hitler", or "Stalin" ... Bozo seems quite mild.
That was my first, thought, J. Farmer. The actor under the clown make-up is Jon Favreau.
J Farmer for the win!
Yes, we Populists are the ones who are as innocent as children. The Bozos are on the other hand arranging a pretend Hollywood Tabloid style DIVORCE to get themselves past restrictions on the insiders dumping blocks of Amazon stock. They too must forsee that Amazon is soon going to be placed into other hands
Trump has a poking stick and uses it quite effectively. This is a playground and trump plays in that grounds better than anyone. The media and previous head playground bullies don’t like it. Let the playground antics continue!
Roy Lofquist,
FIresign Theatre was very underrated!
Lefties don't like the nice guy. Lefties don't like the mean guy. Ergo, we must adopt a system of government what lies somewhere between European Socialism and European Fascism.
Or something like that.
Sure, the WaPo operates as if owned by a prog Bozo, but I look at Bezos' buy as protection money--give progs their toy, let them have their way, and have a tool to fight back against serious threats, if necessary.
Much as I enjoy the calculated juvenility of Trump tweets, Bezos ain't no Bozo. As far as I know, he hasn't even jumped on the usual prog bandwagons, WaPo aside, so no need to antagonize him.
"The Washington Post is a Bezos owned and run large part of the leftist/Democrat machine attacking Trump every day and trying it's best to bring him down and ruin his presidency and his life. It is only human that he would enjoy Bezos getting some of his own medicine. Should he quietly enjoy it? Maybe, but that's not his style."
I doubt that Jeff Bozo started off to be a Trump enemy, but rather to buy a voice in DC to protect his company from the government. But he chose to buy the home town paper for the DC bureaucracy, who, for pragmatic personal reasons tend to be Democrats. So, his paper has come out strongly against Trump, often lying through their teeth to hurt him politically. So he has earned the right to a Trump nickname. If he is smart (which he obviously is, given his wealth and success), Bozo should just smile and go on with his life. Soros and Steyer were able to buy themselves the House and keep the Dems in the Senate from being routed in the last election. The Bozos have vastly more money, and could do significantly more damage to our Republic, if they wanted to. But that would come at a price. Their company faces huge antitrust liability, as well as in other areas, such as IP. This is likely why they bought the WaPo in the first place. I think that it is likely that some tech companies get pursued by the DoJ trust busters under Trump. That is what Republicans do (Democrats seem fine with monopolies, probably because they are easy to subvert to their socialist ends). Amazon should be on the top of the list, but Facebook and Twitter have seemingly declared war on Trump and his supporters, and for self preservation, probably should be jumped ahead in line, for closer antitrust scrutiny. I think that the Bozos are smart enough to see this, and keep their heads down. We shall see.
Bozo is going to sell Amazon to the Chinese.
You'll need a top Social Score if you ever want free next-day delivery again.
Mark my words.
If I'm right.
What’s really déclassé is to take the working class seriously, in France they still refuse to accept that they have a problem on their hands with the gilet jaunes and write it of to fascism and hatred, charmingly oblivious to the actual meaning of those words, which if they actually knew then, would cause them to blanche every time they looked in a mirror.
Lefties don't like the nice guy. Lefties don't like the mean guy. Ergo, we must adopt a system of government what lies somewhere between European Socialism and European Fascism.
I doubt you could slip a cigarette paper between those two ideologies, even with a machine designed by Max Plank.
I'm clearly a big Trump fan but the 'Bozo' comment was childish and unnecessary.
I suspect that a large number of people are familiar with the term "bozo" but I wonder how many know of Bozo the Clown? It has been a long time since he has been around.
It's kind of like douchebag. I wonder how many people even know what a douchebag is? They don't seem to be very common these days. Though I guess douches still are.
(How many know that a douchbag was original an enema, not a female hygeine device??
I suspect that more people are familiar with douchenozzle (the real thing, not the pejorative)
I've always thought it would be cool to be reincarnated as a douchnozzle. I never agreed with Prince Charles about being reincarnated as a tampon.
John Henry
Interesting question - what happens to the word Bozo, that used to mean an esp dumb African slave, and is now being used on the richest couple in the world, who got there by inventing, and then continuing improving, one of the biggest and most important companies in the world? From my point of view, their creation, Amazon, absent serious antitrust scrutiny, seems likely to be the one high tech company with real staying power. The AT&T of the early 21st Century. Apple is already stumbling, without the will or probably ability to recover. They hired a guy to run the company whose major appeal seems to be his sexual orientation, and they can't fire him for that same reason. He is definitely not up to turning the company around. Facebook, Twitter, and to a lesser extent, Google, have declared themselves enemies of half the country. They have massively violated our privacy by selling our personal information that they acquired underhandedly, etc. Smart people are already moving to alternates. But how do you attack Amazon (except by the DoJ for antitrust)? They have the best prices, selection, and delivery ability in the world. And their economies of scale make this even worse for their competitors. Having created this phenomenon, and then constantly improving it, shows that Jeff Bozo is far from the dumb Afican slaves, from whom he ultimately acquired his Trump nick name (maybe we should abbreviate, and just call them "Trump Names").
I'm surprised no one, including Ann, has mentioned Seinfeld. Two script excerpts:
ROBIN: So, what about entertainment? Should I get Barney?
KID: No Barney!
ROBIN (to George): Maybe a clown.
GEORGE: How about Bozo?
KID: Who's Bozo?
GEORGE: Who's Bozo? Bozo the Clown, that's who Bozo is. When I was a kid, Bozo the Clown was the clown, bar none.
ROBIN: George...
GEORGE: With the orange hair, and the big clown shirt with the ruffles...
ROBIN: George...
GEORGE: And the TV show! He had cartoons!
ROBIN: George! Forget Bozo, George. Bozo's out. He's finished. It's over for Bozo.
New scene - George talking to Eric, the clown at Robin's son's birthday party.
ERIC: Sorry, I...
GEORGE: You've never heard of Bozo the Clown?
GEORGE: How could you not know who Bozo the Clown is?
ERIC: I don't know, I just don't.
GEORGE: How can you call yourself a clown and not know who Bozo is?
ERIC: Hey, man - what are you hassling me for? This is just a gig, it's not my life. I don't know who Bozo is, what - is he a clown?
GEORGE: Is he a clown? What, are you kidding me!?
ERIC: Well, what is he?
GEORGE: Yes, he's a clown!
ERIC: Alright, so what's the big deal! There's millions of clowns!
GEORGE: Alright, just forget it.
ERIC: Me forget it? You should forget it! You're livin' in the past, man! You're hung up on some clown from the sixties, man!
GEORGE: Alright, very good, very good...go fold your little balloon animals, Eric. Eric! What kind of name is that for a clown, huh?
mockturtle said...
I'm clearly a big Trump fan but the 'Bozo' comment was childish and unnecessary.
True, but Twitter is childish and unnecessary.
Sorry, J. Farmer. For some reason I didn't see your comment. Mea culpa.
J Farmer got there an hour ago, Andrew, with a coded! link.
From the moment the National Enquirer released their story on Bezos; I've considered it Trump's allies giving payback.
Oh, and this is the comment of the thread and then some: "True, but Twitter is childish and unnecessary."
The actor under the clown make-up is Jon Favreau
..and this guy wrote speeches for Obama!!
(Yes, I know they are different guys but if you assume they are the same guy the world makes more sense)
Nixon's buddy Bebe Rebozo was transformed into Bozo Rebebo
"Lefties don't like the nice guy. Lefties don't like the mean guy. Ergo, we must adopt a system of government what lies somewhere between European Socialism and European Fascism.
I doubt you could slip a cigarette paper between those two ideologies, even with a machine designed by Max Plank."
Agreed. Despite the conceit of the left, Fascism is a form of socialism, where ownership the means of production remains in private hands, but control is in the government. But that is little different from the Democrats in this country trying to claim credit for winning our Civil War and the freeing of slaves, when they were fighting on the other side in both the South and the North, and then didn't accept the results of that war for another century. Just like fascism being a form of socialism, the Democratic Party, for most of the last two centuries, has been the racist party, but continues to pretend the opposite, that the party that freed the slaves and provided most of the votes a century later to enact the Civil Rights Act of 1964, is somehow the racist party. That is the beauty of being the party where history begins anew every day.
Sorry, J. Farmer. For some reason I didn't see your comment. Mea culpa.
No problem. I actually wanted the clip of George's girlfriend saying, "Forget Bozo, George. Bozo's out. He's finished. It's over for Bozo." But it wasn't readily available so I went with the one of "Eric the Clown."
But that is little different from the Democrats in this country trying to claim credit for winning our Civil War and the freeing of slaves,
It’s not just that, today’s Democrats would be picketing recruiting stations in the North because slavery in the South was “none of our business" while today’s Republicans would be raising armies to end slavery.
The “Amazon Washington Post” thing is going to stick with repetition. Democrats are experts at making normal things toxic to the people who previously took those normal things for granted. Trump has been paying attention.
National Enquirer was the same magazine that paid Karen McDougal to stay silent on her affair with Trump. Nice to know the President has another propaganda outlet.
I doubt very much that Bezos is a "leftist" or even that much of a political ideologue. He is an oligarch, a plutocrat, and an elite. People like Bezos are perfectly fine with the DNC or GOP Inc because both represent the interests of the elite at the expense of the majority. Bezos does not like Trumpism for the same reason all elites do not like it. It is a threat to the fat cat, shitting in high cotton lifestyles they have built for themselves over the last several decades. The elite benefit from mass low-skilled immigration. They benefit from outsourcing. They live in homes with high-tech security systems. Their kids go to segregated schools. They have made out like bandits from globalization. Why on god's earth would they support anything that changed that?
The takeaway moniker from this tween is not Jeff Bozo. No, the takeaway is "Amazon Washington Post". It's so true. When the economy got better and wages finally increased, the WP complained. Shortly thereafter, other media reported Amazon was having to raise wages to keep employees. The WP really hated the tariffs, probably because a lot of the imported things Amazon sell are not very price elastic and the tariffs are coming out of Jeff's pocket.
Bozo is good.
If Bozo was honest he'd rename the Washington Post - the Washington Democrat.
Bezos not content to push the Houthi spokesman follows up with another qatari Iranian tool, Morsi former investment minister, yehia (john) mahmoud.
@Ralph L,
"J Farmer got there an hour ago, Andrew, with a coded! link."
Look! You were right, I was wrong! You don't have to humiliate me about it, alright!
(Name that quote.)
I like the idea of renaming the WP Amazon WP.
Truth in advertising.
Bezos is an alumni of Wall Street and has created a hyper compatible online business.
He’s super smart, very private, and aggressive.
He saw what happened with Microsoft with Washington, and bought the post as insurance. Super smart.
Amazon is a bit ideological, the banning of legal insurrection from the affiliate program is troubling. Plus Rousch (the game author - man rights). And they don’t sell anything with the confederate battle flag now.
"I'd believe it long enough to check."
A true Bozo believer wouldn't need to check.
(name that quote)
The Yankees employee George was trying to scheme into telling him about "the project" George's boss already thinks he's working on.
"We're all Bozos on this bus!"
Bezos, Bozo
McWhorter: ve' told you Trump cannot spell.
Jeff Beatoff?
This thread brings back happy memories of 'Shakes the Clown'(1991), the Citizen Kane of alcoholic clown movies.
@J. Farmer,
Well aren't you something?
Standard dictionary fare: bozo, “A stupid, foolish, or ridiculous person, especially a man.”
Given the ceaseless battering Trump takes from the media bozos and bimbos, it’s nice to see him showing some fire and some humor when a lefty gets burned.
Is Trump’s tweet any more “out and proud childish” than the bulk of the crap written about him and his by the leftmediaswine?
I think not and it is certainly less dangerous to the Republic than seditious journalism.
There's lots of Bozo folklore. Here's one that I heard repeatedly as a child in Boston actually taken-up by Snopes.
The story of an impish kid gives who tells-off Bozo on live TV... Kind of like Trump, in that sense.
"Cram it, clown!"
Legend: A youngster who fails in his efforts to win a treasure chest full of toys on a live Bozo the Clown show expresses his displeasure by exclaiming “Cram it, clown!”
The legend has been advanced as true in recent years by none other than Larry Harmon, the purported creator of Bozo and the original portrayer of the red-haired clown on television. Harmon claimed in a 1996 article (the year that marked the fiftieth anniversary of Bozo’s creation) that the “Cram it!” incident occurred while he was producing Boston’s local Bozo the Clown show “in the early sixties,” and he reiterated the same claim a few years later for a TV Guide piece on television legends:
It took place during a game, Bozo’s Treasure Chest, which boasted a huge cache of toys as a prize. “One day this young, underprivileged kid was competing and his eyes were as big as saucers looking at those toys,” Harmon recalls. The boy had to toss three Ping-Pong balls into a barrel. He landed the first two, but missed the third. The show’s ringmaster said to the boy, “You’re never a loser on the Bozo show, you’re just an almost-winner,” and handed him a Bozo towel as a consolation prize. “The kid looks at the towel,” Harmon says, “he looks at the ringmaster, then looks at Bozo and says, ‘Cram it, clown!'” Bozo’s response? “That’s a Bozo no-no.”
Larry Harmon has some credibility issues, however. First of all, although Harmon stated that he’s been “asked about the story for years,” he apparently didn’t start claiming it was true until it had been circulating for nearly three decades. Secondly, although he has repeatedly identified himself as both the creator of Bozo and the first person to portray Bozo on television, he is in fact neither of those things. (Bozo was created for Capitol Records in 1946 by Alan W. Livingston, and he was first portrayed on television for Los Angeles station KTTV in 1949 by Pinto Colvig. Harmon now claims that he did not assert he was Bozo’s creator and that he has been “misquoted and blatantly misrepresented” in numerous newspaper articles.) Most importantly, the details of this incident as recalled by Harmon don’t check out: the Boston Bozo show had no “ringmaster,” and no one else connected with the show (including the man who portrayed the Boston Bozo from 1958 to 1970, Frank Avruch) remembers anything about it.
This legend is plausible in that most of the Bozo shows were broadcast live, and thus an incident like this could have made it onto the air. Moreover, the Boston Bozo program was syndicated to markets that didn’t have their own Bozo show, which could account for people in several different cities all reportedly having seen the same thing. (As well, this isn’t the type of incident whose non-appearance in media reports would be surprising; a tot acting up on a local children’s TV show isn’t exactly big news.)
Nonetheless, the legend appears to have originated around 1964 or 1965, spread by word of mouth and (like the apocryphal Uncle Don remark) eventually “re-created” for a bloopers record that purportedly included all “authentic” material. It demonstrates both the pitfalls of live television and the difficulties working with children, and it features a common role-switching juxtaposition: the sophisticated youngster who dishes out a grown-up’s rebuke to a mild, cloying adult character. While very young children still enjoy characters such as Barney the dinosaur and Ronald McDonald, older children have increasingly seen them as worthy targets of verbal and physical abuse: perhaps a symptom of our youngsters’ more rapid loss of innocence in today’s society.
Now that you mention it.
Amazon: best at delivering what you want, when you want it.
Wapo: best at delivering what leftys want, when they want it.
The powerful and inconsiderate being mean to each other is good entertainment for the proles, who see that money does not bring class or refinement or make their lives stress free.
‘Cram it, clown!'” Bozo’s response? “That’s a Bozo no-no.”
I remember it being the other way around, after the kid swore mildly.
Calls for civility are bogus. Bozo dedicated the wapo to bringing down Trump. Bozo was brought down by a tweet.
At least Bozo can still pleasure a woman and has real billions. Drumpf sounds like a jealous woman.
J. Farmer and I think alike- my very first thought when I read the tweet yesterday was that I would get a chance to link to that Seinfeld episode. But I got beat to the punch.
And I learned something else today! As big a fan as I am of Seinfeld, I never knew until just now that Jon Favreau played Eric the Clown!
A kinder, gentler bozo.
Andrew asked:
"Look! You were right, I was wrong! You don't have to humiliate me about it, alright!
(Name that quote.)"
The episode where the answer is "Downtown"
The Toilet Book.
I'm clearly a big Trump fan but the 'Bozo' comment was childish and unnecessary.
Yeah. There are times I wish he'd just let it go. It doesn't really accomplish anything.
The use of colorful semantics seems to be a characteristically New Yorker, or certain boroughs, thing, which is expressed in linguistic dialect and vocal accent. A minor thing, really, which can be shocking to outsiders.
Bebe Rebozo popped into my head reading this. Wonder how Trump would’ve branded him?
Bezos is not the first to be called Bozo. There were a lot of bloggers who referred to our immediate past President (whose departure is not lamented) as "Obozo".
And there are certainly progressives out there who will gleefully note that Bozo and Trump share the same hair color.
Humperdink said..."Trump's nicknames are so out-and-proud childish." I completely agree. Now if Trump would have labeled him Hitler, all be would good.
The amazing thing about Bozo The Clown is kids everywhere thought he was from their own town. At least, I did.
The amazing thing about Bozo The Clown is kids everywhere thought he was from their own town.
There is One Bozo the Clown, and Ronald McDonald is his Prophet.
The amazing thing about Bozo The Clown is kids everywhere thought he was from their own town.
He usually was, as it was franchise operation. Local TV stations produced their own "Bozo" show with a local Bozo. But you're right, it had that effect because kids didn't know it was just a local franchise.
David Begley, who said above that we're all 10 years old inside, was absolutely right. That's what makes Trump so appealing.
Much more fun than having a President who says stupid things, like Obama's "I don't speak Austrian." Now THAT'S embarrassing.
@Amadeus (7:29), her name is Obozo-Cortez, with a ‘z.’
“My dog Millie knows more about foreign affairs than these two bozos.”
------President George H.W. Bush, October 29, 1992
I prefer that "Cheatin' Bezos Washington Post". It doesn't matter whether you believe that Trump cheated on his wives or not. We do know, in this minute of what's happening now, that Bezos apparently threw away half his considerable fortune for....for..what?
Lost in all the pearl-clutching over Trump’s calling Jeff Bezos a “Bozo,” is the reality that the National Enquirer scooped both of Althouse’s go-to newspapers, the New York Times and the Washington Post. They were important newspapers in the days of her youth, but these days they’re reduced to republishing press releases from Democrat politicians and the DNC.
and the journal which has been trawling in the enquirer's shark tank,
Bozo, the Nostradamus of Clowns
Bozo: The World’s Most Famous Clown (1958-1962)
Texas Stranger Danger
Super Duper Trouble Shooter
Square Shooting Square
South of the Border Disorder
Hollywood Holdup
Spy Guy Surprise
Injun Fun
You-Hoo Uranium
Super Salesman Bozo
Mail Man’s Mixup
Paleface Chase
Bozo Meets the Creepy Gleep
Trump is Warholian in this as well. Andy kept trying to get Bob Colacello to call himself Bob Cola. ("You have to change your name if you want to be famous, Bob.")
When your parents name you Bozo, the future is pretty much predetermined.
At least Bozo can still pleasure a woman and has real billions. Drumpf sounds like a jealous woman.
You should leave this kind of post to Strumpit, Howard, she is good at it.
Has anyone here ever heard Bezos talk? I remember watching him on Oprah many years ago, when Amazon and Oprah's book list were things that seemed to need mutual promotion.
He sounded like a third-rate guru, sort of California Seventies gullible with a creepy edge of self-importance. So, a lot like Oprah, prosperity doctrine, New Age babble.
It wasn't surprising to read those hilarious emails to his lover. He tells her he's turned on by her marketing ideas, and he really does sound turned on. He makes Prince Charles' naughty thoughts on the sexual possibilities of women's menstrual products read like John Donne.
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