January 22, 2019
Podcaster Joe Rogan and NYT writer Bari Weiss talk about the Covington Catholic school boys.
Rogan wonders how "a hat with white letters" has become "so repulsive to half the country." His guest — Bari Weiss (a NYT columnist) — says "some people see it as the equivalent of a white hood." Rogan counters: "Kanye wears it."
Weiss: "It was this perfect encapsulation of our outrage culture." The little clip was "like a Rorschach test." On her first look, she saw the boys as bullying. But "The challenge of what it means as a journalist is to not see people as signifiers, as stand-ins, based on their identity." Weiss finds it "horrifying" that blue-check-mark Twitter adults were saying "This is the face of white patriarchy — the 16-year-old kid.... Reza Aslan said have you ever seen a more punchable face... Kathy Griffin was saying I need names, shame him, dox him. How do these people not see the implications of that?... The fact that adults who should know better are fomenting this and don't see how thin... the veneer of civilization is — like they're taking a pickax to it."
Rogan agrees with all that. He decries the "lack of nuance" and "people taking one side versus the other and sticking with it" and "not confronting their own personal biases" and "looking at these things through the eyes of This is the enemy/I'm on the good side/They're on the bad side/Let's get them."
Rogan shifts to the subject of his childhood. His parents were hippies and he grew up "living in the middle of the hippie world." And he thought of people on the left as "well-read, kind, compassionate people." And now, it seems to him — just in the last few years — "people on the left are calling for violence." He's missing something here, but it's nice to know that his parents were kind, and he's an interesting example of a person whose initial affiliation is with the left, so that he's inclined to think what the people on the left think of themselves, that they are the good people. So now he finds it "very confusing."
I had to pause to look up how old he is. He's 51. He's working on a theory that social media is making the difference, causing people to say "punch Nazis," etc., when they would not say that in person. Social media is having an effect, but I don't see why Rogan is ignoring/forgetting the left-wing violence that went on before Twitter arrived in our world. The hippie aura is powerful.
Rogan and Weiss talk about how the word "Nazi" has been expanded so that it covers a 16-year-old in a MAGA hat and irrationally justifies violence against him. Weiss says: "That's what a lot of people in very high positions of power in this country — at least in the culture — actually believe, and they don't understand the implications of hollowing out words like that." She works at The New York Times. "I know this personally, because I'm called alt-right, I'm called an apologist for rape culture, I've been called everything. I'm a centrist. I'm a Jewish, center-left-on-most-things-person who lives on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, and is super-socially-liberal on pretty much any issue you want to choose. If I'm alt-right, what words do we have left for people who actually are that?" And if you use "Nazi" for a kid in a MAGA hat, what word is there for a hard-core white nationalist?
Rogan says he gets called "alt-right adjacent," even though he goes left on everything ("except guns").
Weiss says that when she first saw the still of the smiling boy, she had a visceral reaction, calling up memories of her schoolgirl days when teenage boys said cruel things to her, but she knows, and other adults ought to know, that you don't stop there. And if you're calling yourself a journalist, "your job is to figure out the facts of the case, not to make this into a kind of identitarian morality play." But that's what so many journalists did, and when more evidence came out, they only dug in.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 260 of 260He decries the "lack of nuance" and "people taking one side versus the other and sticking with it"
This annoys me. While this is true in a general sense he seems to be talking about this specific event. And this specific event is not nuanced. Phillips clearly lied to incite hatred against people who did nothing.
Weiss says that when she first saw the still of the smiling boy, she had a visceral reaction, calling up memories of her schoolgirl days when teenage boys said cruel things to her,
I agree she's center-left - the instinctive sexism is a dead giveaway. At least she recognizes and tries to stop it.
Red headed bakers hardest hit.
"For years, (and possibly still today), they appeared every day in Times Square, haranguing passersby with their loony nonsense. They were always very abrasive."
Cookie, they are still very much active in the Northeast, particularly in Times Square to this very day. They really don't like it when white men who aren't afraid of them laugh in their face and scream in their faces repeading their catch phrase "DATS RIGHT!"
Fucking clowns. They really don't know how to respond when they call you a Neanderthal (even funnier when the guy sounds like mike Tyson and can't prounounce it in his high pitched voice) and Esau and you just yell back agreeing "DAS RITE!!!!"
Oh, and go fuck yourself Chuck.
"Nobody gives a shit about this kid. He's not the target."
He is however an example. He could have been your boy - he certainly could have been mine. How many will be participating in the next March for Life, or other such manifestation? How much does this encourage normal people to take to the streets?
This is exactly why Milo Yiannopoulos was taken down.
Go to Google News and type in Covington.
Notice what is amazing in it's absence.
Saint Croix said...
“The people who compare this kid to Brett Kavanaugh are doing so intentionally and with malice.”
The kid is an archetype — an imaginary villain — for what appears to be a substantial number of lefty women. Can we please analyze the Marcotte archetype next — the rage filled toxic feminist? How can we defuse them?
Once the kid is murdered for the left's Kathy Grifith-SNL satisfaction, then it's on to the larger target. All non-leftists. and of course the Christians.
What do to with old fashioned Democrat Christians? They will die last.
Is “toxic feminist” triggering? Can we have an example of a nontoxic version?
Rogan shifts to the subject of his childhood. His parents were hippies and he grew up 'living in the middle of the hippie world.' And he thought of people on the left as 'well-read, kind, compassionate people.' And now, it seems to him — just in the last few years — 'people on the left are calling for violence.'"
The threat of violence was always there, of course (the Welfare State, in order to raise funds for various programs, doesn't exactly pass the hat or host telethons); but I know what Rogan means. Even after I discovered the appeal of liberty and the stupidity of statism, I would still gravitate socially to "liberals" because they were smart and polite and literate. (Pretty much the opposite of the Neanderthals of the Archie Bunker neighborhood from whence I came.) But now "liberalism" seems better represented by idiots and know-nothings like Inga (the State's loyal handmaiden) or whackjobs like Pee Pee.
I don't follow Twitter but someone recently wrote online that one of its benefits is that it has exposed the vicious underbelly of the Left by giving "liberals" a chance to spew their poison. Maybe those of you who do follow Twitter can confirm or deny.
The kid is an archetype — an imaginary villain — for what appears to be a substantial number of lefty women.
Of all the confrontations in all the world, why this one?
Walk of Life.
Anniversary of Roe v. Wade
White male.
Brown male.
Brett Kavanaugh?
What does Brett Kavanaugh have to do with this story? Nothing whatsoever. And yet people keep bringing him in. Beyond weird. It's not just a white male fixation. It's a white Catholic male teenager fixation.
I'm telling you, it's abortion that's motivating a lot of this. And race, too, I suppose. I'm not clear how much of this is planned (and fraudulent) outrage and how much of it is loony subconscious stuff.
walter said...
I still find it interesting how the vile Black Hebrew Israelites largely escaped critique.
Everyone knows they are a tiny sect of nutters without influence. I think it's revealing to compare them to the Westboro Baptist Church who were similarly small, irrelevant, and nuts but were nevertheless cited by media thousands of times.
The Native American lied about his Vietnam experience. The Washington Post issued a correction today....That correction reads:
Correction: Earlier versions of this story incorrectly said that Native American activist Nathan Phillips fought in the Vietnam War. Phillips served in the U.S. Marines from 1972 to 1976 but was never deployed to Vietnam.
I had a MAGA hat. I went looking for it a week or two ago and can't find it. My wife says my son took it because he was worried I might wear it.
When I got it a year or two back, he read me the riot act about how I would get killed or at least beat up by the fascists (You know, celebrate diversity, envision world peace, non-violent types)
Whenever we are out somewhere and someone mention's PDJT's name, he starts kicking me under the table to tell me to keep my mouth shut.
He likes PDJT but is scared of fascists. (Or "Super social liberals" as they sometimes call themselves)
Most of the fascists have forgotten who Sarah Palin was. I can wear my Palin T shirt without fear.
Sure would be nice to live in a country where we didn't have to fear supporting our president. Or opposing him, either.
John Henry
Wow. They've had to close the church and two high schools.
Nothing ugly about that. Way to go, libs.
One of the things that this whol brouhaha has made me realize is that I am an Althouse Blog "elder"
I keep hearing the drummer described as a "tribal elder" when all he is is an elderly member of the tribe.
So I am announcing that I am no longer an elderly person here on Althouse. I am an elder.
Seriously, I read what the tribal chief had to say when asked about Nathan's tribal membership. I don't have the quote in front of me but it was something like:
Nathan is a valued member of our tribe. He has led a hard life and we support his efforts to find himself.
The "Bless his heart" was implied.
John Henry
In 2012 I got a Paul Ryan T-shirt, the one with a picture of Ryan done in the Shepard Fairey, Obama Hope poster style, except instead of Hope it says Math.
I've since turned it into a grease rag.
Yeah, Derek,
I tried to go to the school's website after looking it up in DDG. "This website can't be reached"
Use Bing or DDG.
I was trying to find out if it was coed. Joe Rogan said it was all boy and I wondered. Wikipedia says it is. A Yelp review talks about the poster's daughter going there.
I am guessing all boy but don't know.
John Henry
Chuck said: But when the Fox News Channel butchers something, the elites on the right and the left don’t care all that much. Because it is Fox News.)))
Confirmation bias aside--and the fact that I see very little of Fox news--I missed the broadcasts and articles that turned facts literally 180 degrees in order to slander innocent children. On my honor, I will react against with just as much outrage as I feel now if that occurs.
Blogger Rick said...
Everyone knows they are a tiny sect of nutters without influence.
Methinks a significant overstatement...at least outside NYC.
I am NOT saying that the first take on the Covington Catholic story was correct. It wasn’t. It was incorrect.
But the first “reports” didn’t come from news media. They came from the idiots — mostly the preening SJW idiots of the left wing blogosphere and commentariat — on social media.
With no real exceptions that I know of, mainstream news media outlets that ran the story at first showed the video (everyone could see it for themselves) and briefly described what the video appeared to present. And they all followed up with further stories as more video was made available to them. At the end of the day (end of the weekend in this case), the mainstream media were doing their level best to get the story right with more context.
I’d sooner trust a story that was reported by a trio of news reporters from the NYT or WSJ and edited by their editorial staffs, than some social media shit from some guy on the far left or far right.
"some people see it as the equivalent of a white hood."
And some people see the NYTs as literally Hitler.
And Hitler should be shot on sight, yes?
Your rules, not mine. But let's play.
A perfectly good example of what I’m talking about; the bitch comedy writer for SNL, saying that she’d give s blow job to anybody who would punch the Covington Catholic student; she’s no journalist. She’s a quasi-celebrity douchebag. Multiply times about a million other celebrities, quasi-celebrities and wannabe celebrities.
When I got it a year or two back, he read me the riot act about how I would get killed or at least beat up by the fascists
Sure. And that's the single, solitary reason I'm considering getting one.
I'm old enough to no longer give a damn and still young enough to do something about it.
President Precious exhorted his followers to "punch back twice as hard."
Fine by me.
So the mainstream news is obligated to jump on the bandwagon of social media reported/created "news"?
I mean, not being the first ought to allow them to take the time to discern what is real BEFORE "reporting" it.
They have a pattern of pushing things out prematurely with great fanfare, then later backing away from it meekly.
The blow job offer is in a different category. Her tweet was by her and reflects only on her.
From Jodi Jacobson of Rewire News comes news that the Sandmann statement was not entirely his statement.
The entire incident reads like the script of a remake we’ve seen too many times before. The initial video showing a large group of boys being aggressive and disrespectful to Phillips exploded across the internet and drew outrage. Then, new videos purporting to show “other perspectives” (including helpful offers by #MAGA followers on Twitter to send me their “spliced videos” showing the “true picture”) were circulated. This was followed by a letter ascribed to Sandmann that effectively blamed Phillips for the entire incident, stating: “He waded into the crowd, which parted for him. I [Sandmann] did not see anyone try to block his path. He locked eyes with me and approached me, coming within inches of my face. He played his drum the entire time he was in my face.”
The letter was disseminated by RunSwitch, a Kentucky-based PR firm. One of the three founding partners of RunSwitch is Scott Jennings, a conservative commentator, and a former political operative who worked for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, George W. Bush, and other Republican politicians.
The Poor Man's LLR Chuck gadfly: "From Jodi Jacobson of Rewire News comes news that the Sandmann statement was not entirely his statement."
This is what the lefties are reduced to.
Who didn't see that coming?
Huge NYT Defender and Durbin Cultist Chuck: "I am NOT saying that the first take on the Covington Catholic story was correct. It wasn’t. It was incorrect."
Keep trying Tiger. Keep on trying....
LLR Chuck: "the bitch comedy writer for SNL, saying that she’d give s blow job to anybody who would punch the Covington Catholic student; she’s no journalist. She’s a quasi-celebrity douchebag."
Someone is trying a bit too hard.....obviously.....
Chuck: With no real exceptions that I know of, mainstream news media outlets that ran the story at first showed the video (everyone could see it for themselves) and briefly described what the video appeared to present. And they all followed up with further stories as more video was made available to them. At the end of the day (end of the weekend in this case), the mainstream media were doing their level best to get the story right with more context.
How the msm was covering this story in Bizarro World.
Meanwhile, in Clown World (where some of us were reading the actual output of the NYT, WaPo, NPR, etc.)...
Dem Cultist Chuck: "....the mainstream media were doing their level best to get the story right with more context."
Soon to be offered LLR Chuck observation: The Hillary campaign was doing its level best to get the Russia interference story right with more context...
I'm enjoying this newly-created, soon-to-be-classic from "Vietnam Vet" Nathan (Rambo) Phillips: "He (the MAGA Hat Kid) stole my narrative." Should go into the same Hall of Fame with "Fake but accurate" and "Seared--seared!--into my memory."
William Chadwick: "I'm enjoying this newly-created, soon-to-be-classic from "Vietnam Vet" Nathan (Rambo) Phillips: "He (the MAGA Hat Kid) stole my narrative." Should go into the same Hall of Fame with "Fake but accurate" and "Seared--seared!--into my memory."
"He (the MAGA Hat Kid) stole my narrative."
"Fake but accurate"
"Seared--seared!--into my memory."
"I am a LLR Republican!!"
All of a piece....
"He (the MAGA Hat Kid) stole my narrative."
I just posted on another thread that it's my current nominee for SJW Statement of the Year.
From Jodi Jacobson of Rewire News comes news that the Sandmann statement was not entirely his statement.
OK, let me get this straight. You are implying that:
This entire thing is a conjob being run by a former Republican official who left Washington D.C. for the heady climes of Kentucky.
1) Somehow this mad genius arranged for there to be three entirely different protests happening on the same day, blocks apart. (Two of them Leftwing groups! Collusion?)
2) Then he hired this noted SJW with a record of activism to create the controversy, and let the outrage mob howl.
3) Then he hired one of the Leftwing Black Hebrews to film two hours of footage, including footage that proves his other hireling was a lying provocateur.
4) Then he convinced this kid to defend himself by signing a letter giving his side of the story. (Presumably written by a professional)
5) ??????
6) Profit!
gadfly said...
From Jodi Jacobson of Rewire News comes news that the Sandmann statement was not entirely his statement.
And??? Surely with this lead in you meant to note something important.
Phillips, the instigator, saw an opportunity to exploit and played the race/victim card.
There are people who care about evidence and accuracy and people who don’t. There are few of the former in any of the media, or Twitter.
Blogger roesch/voltaire said...
The Rashomon saga continues as to who is invading whose space or who is more challenging and old Native American banging a drum, or a young teen wearing a MAGA hat. I am glad to see more multiple perspectives on this issue and although I don't think I rushed to judgement, I still think it looks like a smirk. No snarked intended.
You are a despicable coward. You should be deeply ashamed of yourself. Have you no decency?
I am NOT saying that the first take on the Covington Catholic story was correct. It wasn’t. It was incorrect.
But the first “reports” didn’t come from news media. They came from the idiots — mostly the preening SJW idiots of the left wing blogosphere and commentariat — on social media.
Chuck, you should read this.
Good, Bad, & Ugly
CBS - Good
ABC - Good
NBC - Bad
MSNBC - Ugly
CNN - Started Bad, Ended Better
USA Today - Ugly
New York Times - Ugly
The Washington Post - Ugly
This is kind of surprising because you might expect print media to way more careful than TV, since TV is almost immediate and print media has many hours to investigate. And you'd be completely wrong.
Also liberal sites like Slate are still denying the truth.
"He (the MAGA Hat Kid) stole my narrative."
I think that's the first (almost) true thing this guy has said.
This guy was lying, lying, lying. Shameful. It was a manufactured narrative, and he and his group filmed the video in order to corroborate his lie (i.e. the narrative).
His story was blown apart because another group had filmed the entire scene and exposed the lie. That group was the Black Israelites, who filmed themselves shouting racist insults to the Catholic group. They put the whole video on-line.
So two separate groups of bad guys attacked this innocent group of kids.
That kid did not "steal" your narrative, by the way. You lost your narrative because the truth came out. Sometimes narrators can't be trusted, particularly if they aren't honest.
For a bit of levity:
Inga...Allie Oop said...(Regarding Trumps wall speech last week)
"....... The same emotional manipulation that works so well with the Trump Cultists, not so much with the rest of us. Same old, same old, half truths and scary stories."
1/8/19, 8:13 PM
"He (Sandmann) stole my narrative," Phillips said. "From the time I hit that first beat of the drum until I hit the last beat, I was in prayer. Now all of a sudden, he's the prayer guy and the passive one."
Oh..and those kids were supposed to know it was a prayer?
Trump is sending a plane so the kids can fly and visit the WH and Pelosi is grounded.
Fox News was the only outlet to show skepticism toward Buzzfeed's story about Michael Cohen last week, and the rest of the media dragged them for it until the Buzzfeed story was shown to be fake, and Fox's hesitation was shown to be justified. Really, it's the worst possible time for Chuck to try to change the subject to Fox News.
Joy Behar: We Jumped To Conclusions About The Covington Catholic Kids Because We Desperately Want Trump Out Of Office https://hotair.com/archives/2019/01/22/joy-behar-jumped-conclusions-covington-catholic-kids-desperately-want-trump-office/
The narrative is finally turning in on itself for true believers. After falling on its face twice in a row in less than 24 hours liberals are beginning to wonder if it should keep buying supplies from Acme.
Interesting link, Gk1. The left hates Trump because they think he turns people into Nazis. But he held up an invisible mirror this weekend and some of them didn’t like the reflection. Now they are self reflecting.
Insty links to the Catholic News Angency.
Nathan and his merry band of drummers tried to disrupt Mass on Saturday.
They told me that if I voted for Trump, people would start acting like Nazis. They were right.
Seeing Red,
It's a living..
high school losers who are now journalist losers are still angry about not getting asked to the prom.
that's the mentality here.
it takes a heart of stone not to laugh at those losers.
athan Phillips has changed his mind on meeting with CovCath students.
He’s offering to travel as a delegate representing the international coalition behind the Indigenous Peoples March to Covington Catholic High School for a dialogue about cultural appropriation, racism and the importance of listening to and respecting diverse cultures, he said in a news release.
“Race relations in this country and around the world have reached a boiling point,” said Phillips. “It is sad that on the weekend of a holiday when we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., racial hostility occurred on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, where King gave his ‘I Have a Dream’ speech.”
Now, he says he’d like to use what occurred as a teachable moment.
Sooo...the obvious racists (BHI dudes) won't be there.
The point?
I mean..at least the BHI folk used language, concepts to engage the kids.
Maybe Phillips needs to bang the prayer drum in the BHI folks' faces.
That will go well.
I hope people are smart enough to understand that when Joy-less Bray-ass and her The View harpies "apologize" or when some Hollyweirdo "apologizes" - they're aren't really sorry.
What they really mean is: "Hey, sorry I misjudged the political climate and attacked you a little too strong. Hopefully, next time when I call all you "KKK crackers" and "nazi's" and hope your 16 y/o son has his life ruined, you'll be too powerless to fight back".
Actually I thought it was a rare acknowledgement of reality that Joyless Brayer admitted they don't care how they get rid of Trump and sometimes they keep shooting their feet but by gosh they'll keep trying! I don't expect them to notice how intellectually hollow their position is or how they won't recognize the country they will be ushering in if they succeed.
Yes Gk1,.
It's a sort of admitted "yeah, but.."
About as much as you can expect..maybe more.
(but wouldn't happen without intent to re-tee for future ___)
They found proof that the Catholic School is racist. At a bake sale in 2014... left some gingerbread men in the oven to long, and they got burnt
A refugee crisis staged in the oven, not Mediterranean. At Mexico's southern border. Along the coast of the Black Sea, where democracy died in a coup. Diversity, most foul.
How desperately do you think "journalists" right now are looking for dirt on these kids?
(I scrolled ahead, so apologies if this has been covered).
Someone found a picture at a basketball game showing Covington kids throwing up the White Power (or some such) sign. We called it the OK sign when I was a kid. You know, form an "O" and the other three fingers straight.
Of interest to me was the setting. Let's see.... basketball game.... three fingers in the air....where have I seen this before...?
Oh yeah, it's the sign the referee holds up if a successful basket was made behind the 3-point arc. Rapidly adopted by players and fans to celebrate the THREEEEEEE by their team.
But to those looking for proof these boys are NAZIS!!!!! it has nothing to do with sports...
As added context I find it likely the commenters have rarely, if ever, attended a sporting event.
What's the point of being a journalist if you can't report the story as it suits you.
What's the point of being a fact-checker if you can't establish the facts as you see fit.
What's the point of "organizing the world's information" if you can't use it to hide inconvenient facts.
What's the point of a respected press institution other than to push an agenda, for money.
This is what establishing a good reputation is for: to cash it in at an opportune moment. You can only do it once, but it's all worth it for that one time.
There used to be a time when a good reputation for honest dealing was something that you inherited and then left to your descendants. Though even in the good old days there were plenty of backstabbings and betrayals.
The truth is that honesty and fair dealing are only good policies when dealing with equals over the long term. The people in power now believe that there is no long term and that they have no equal. Either they win decisively now or they perish. The carefully built house of cards is coming down anyway (or so they think), so it's time to drop the pretense and go for it. This is why they are all dropping their masks now.
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