January 26, 2019
"Not only the fact that this president is not qualified to be the president, but the fact that both parties are consistently not doing what’s necessary on behalf of the American people and are engaged, every single day, in revenge politics..."
Said Howard Schultz, quoted in "Ex–Starbucks CEO Could Get Trump Re-elected/Howard Schultz thinks politics are broken, and may run for president as an independent. Democrats think that’s a terrible idea" (The Atlantic), which begins: "Before there was Jill Stein, there was Ralph Nader. Before there was Nader, there was Ross Perot. None won. All argued that the Republican Party and the Democratic Party were basically the same, and the only way to make real change was to ditch them both. Each was blamed for siphoning off enough votes to throw the presidential elections."
Of course he's qualified. He's an American citizen of the correct age. His big plus is that he isn't a career politician.
Bring it on!
I'd love to see the White House turned into a toilet for black racist leeches. Again.
And who was the Most Qualified Person Ever to Run for President, just to find out how low the bar is?
What's his slogan? A Starbucks in every hand?
Dems are still stuck on step 2 grief over Hillary's loss. Shock & disbelief have mostly passed but too many are still stuck in step 2: denial. I haven't detected any step 3 (guilt) so far and there is still a long, long, way to go.
So what makes Howard Schultz think he's qualified?
And, of course, the Atlantic fails to mention both George Wallace & Ross Perot, whose 3rd party runs damaged the Republican candidates.**
'Cause, 3rd party candidates are awful when they damage Democratic candidates. Especially against the Bad Orange Man.
** Yes, yes, I know Nixon won against Humphrey in 1968, in spite of Wallace. But, there's no doubt that Wallace's run took many more voters away from Nixon than it did from Humphrey.
Step 3 comes in Trump's 5th year.
Schultz is qualified to clean Starbucks toilets.
Hey, we have a bartender that is apparently qualified to be a congressperson, why not a guy who makes coffee for living as president. Makes sense to me.
"As citizens, we are all qualified to serve." -- Jesse Ventura
Is the media going to take Schultz literally, like they do Trump?
Fact checker says 4 Pinocchios. He has kicked of his campaign lying more than President Trump
The decision on whether or not a candidate is qualified is determined by the electorate.
Run, Mr Schulz, run.
And Bernie should run on the Commie ticket.
I'll take Howard with a double shot of espresso and a non-fat foam top. Slogan: A Fair Trade pound of coffee in every cuppard, a homeless person in every comfortable chair and bathroom stall! This stuff sells itself. Run, Howard, run!
If Trump ran 3rd party I think he might have still won. Don't count out 3rd party w/ the stale duopoly meme.
Wasn't he the guy behind the swell idea of having baristas harangue customers, just tryin' to score a cup o' joe, about their racism?
Please run, douchebag. Please!
Schultz could win. He’s a way better candidate than KKH.
Let's not forget John Anderson in 1980. He was the 1st prez candidate I voted for.
How long before Schultz is accused of colluding with Russia?
Right. Another rich elite douchebag who thinks that the biggest problem in politics he's here to fix is not enough more of the same. Yep. I'm sure that will do wonders for the very working-class Democrats and Republicans who are a hair-trigger away from torching this shithead's house down and having him drawn, quartered and guillotined. Fuck him.
The milquetoasts need to GTFO. That's precisely the problem. As Miyagi said, do politics all-the-way or not-at-all. Do it so-so, middle of the road, squish like grape.
This guy would get roasted alive worse than Trump is starting to now. What is it about being a billionaire that makes some asshole think they're entitled to speak to the needs of the common people and find a way of fixing it? The only thing this asshat's ever done is run ma-and-pa cafes into the ground all over the world and replaced them with corporate clone coffee and a thousand different toys and accoutrements for branding it.
I didn't vote for Hillary or Donald. What I want to know from those who did, what the fuck happened to your political parties that you nominated these two assholes? From the people declaring to run the Democrats seem to have taken the message to heart that only assholes need apply.
Agreed, after all P3T is an ass hole without the billions.
Why does Schultz think he is special?
Well, we have a bartender already so let's add a barista.
It's the news that's broken, driving politics. An independent would get the same soap opera treatment as any other politician.
Trump was unique in queering the news so that soap opera didn't work.
Schultz....he is probably a German stealth candidate. And who was our enemy in WWI and WWII. He must be a sleeper agent. Somebody ask MI6 quick.
Seriously, this could be interesting. Coffee Man vs Diet Coke Man.
Unknown said "The decision on whether or not a candidate is qualified is determined by the electorate."
Um... the same electorate that voted in AOC?
The framers worked very hard to protect us from the worst aspects of democracy - they didn't trust it completely ("tyranny of the majority" is not just a catch-phrase popular in the 18th century).
"The decision on whether or not a candidate is qualified is determined by the electorate."
Ah, no. There is this little thingy called the Constitution that lists the qualifications.
What I want to know from those who did, what the fuck happened to your political parties that you nominated these two assholes?
Easy. The Democrats rigged their nomination, and the Republicans didn't rig theirs.
Like I'm going to vote for a guy who sold water flavored with burnt hair and called it coffee.
I'll take Howard with a double shot of espresso
Howard Schultz isn't qualified to serve espresso.
Only an incompetent loser would have his company serve espresso in a paper cup.
Schultz is a genius. Lots of money. Imagine a debate between Trump, KKH and Schultz. Schultz would be the safe and moderate candidate. And KKH has nothing but her good looks and her vagina.
KKKamala has her inner Kathy Griffin. She's nasty.
Executive Order #1 will be to open every retail lobby and restroom to the homeless.
who is your guy peepee - Bernie?
The parties were the same. Republicans worked harder to pass entitlements, sell the American worker out to China, and open borders than Democrats did.
Now they are not the same.
Before Pelosi and Schumer could safely vote for walls and border security knowing it would never happen because they had allies in the GOPe leadership.
Now they are out in front.
They don’t like that one bit.
Schultz expresses his qualifications
Trump wasn't qualified to be President?
lets see:
Over 36? Check
Born in the USA? Check
Received a majority of Electoral College votes? Check
Sounds pretty qualified to me
No more CEOs. We need people who know how the government works. As for the politics of spite, that is how Trump won. How many times have we heard people here say if he pisses off the “right” people that’s enough for them? Some of us actually want to see the US work again, and don’t want to “burn it all down”. It looks like that’s not going to happen under a Republican leadership.
Igna muttered...
How many times have we heard people here say if he pisses off the “right” people that’s enough for them?
ummm, Never?
The Dem nomination race is already pretty humorous. Wait 'til Tony Perez gets mixed up in it. Couple of big egos with money hanging around the fringes (Shultz, Bloomberg, even Beto's got bucks). How well-disciplined will the big egos be when any of the currently declared look like they might be vulnerable? I can't imagine Perez disciplining Bloomberg, who would be correct in saying he is better qualified than the rest of the candidates so far. The chances are that any number of the big egos are going to convince themselves that they can beat Trump in or out of the Dem party. For many of these guys it is going to be their last chance because of age or the tides of change. and what about Joe?
No more CEOs. We need people who know how the government works
...writes the woman who voted for Jill Stein.
The problem Inga, is that government dosen't work anymore. It is all about the narative, gaining power, money and getting re-elected. It isn't about working for the United States and the citizens and hasn't for at least 30 years.
To be blunt its a fucked up as a soup sandwhich and the people who we elect to govern are just fine with that as long as they get to go to all of the great parties and tell all of us deplorables - and that includes you and yours Inga - what to do and when to do it.
Right now, the elected folks in Washington state are trying to pass gun control bills that will make thousands of currently law abiding citizens guilt of a class 'C' felony, just becuase they choose to own a legal weapon that the elected consider ugly and worthy of being illegal.
They don't care about us and we should figure this out and start elcting people who do. But we won't, because hating the other half of the country is where we are at currently.
Igna you obviously haven't noticed that the "burn it down" strategy is about all the Dems have practiced for the last two years. They have probably had an opposition President with whom they could have worked to get some things they wanted, but they started out on the wrong foot because Hillary was supposed to win.
Take the wall shutdown as the latest example. If the Dems had been willing to work with Trump on a measly $5.7 billion wall they probably could have secured the future of the DACA kids and a large number of other illegal immigrants currently in the country. The reality is that they have no real interest in those people as people only as pawns in their power games.
How does voting for the person you believe in 'throw' an election? I wish we could break free of this one against one dichotomy we live in. What kind of "freedom" offers only two choices, R or D?
Inga #OnlyReadsHeadlines: "Some of us actually want to see the US work again, and don’t want to “burn it all down”."
"Fed leaves rates unchanged, says U.S. economy strong"
"The United States is now the largest global crude oil producer"
"U.S. Unemployment Rate Drops To 3.7 Percent, Lowest In Nearly 50 Years": NPR
NPR › 2018/10/05 ›
“Take the wall shutdown as the latest example. If the Dems had been willing to work with Trump on a measly $5.7 billion wall they probably could have secured the future of the DACA kids and a large number of other illegal immigrants currently in the country. The reality is that they have no real interest in those people as people only as pawns in their power games.”
Trump was persuaded by Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter to reject a deal that would’ve given him his money for a wall in December. And to thank Trump for doing their bidding, Ann Coulter once again calls Trump a weakling.
Trump was persuaded by Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter to reject a deal that would’ve given him his money for a wall in December.
@tcroose - bingo
Inga, proof that loony left is more than just a meme
Inga said...
Trump was persuaded by Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter to reject a deal that would’ve given him his money for a wall in December.
What deal, between whom, exactly?
"Not only the fact that this president is not qualified to be the president, but the fact that both parties are consistently not doing what’s necessary on behalf of the American people and are engaged, every single day, in revenge politics..."
Howie got it wrong. One of the parties, only one, has been engaged in revenge politics. That's been the problem.
Why should Schultz or Bloomberg run for President? The Federal Government is run for the benefit of Billionaires like them!
Liberal on social issues. Tax cuts for the rich and corporations. Globalization and cheap labor - and union busting - through massive H-1B's and illegal/legal immigration.
The chances of bernie or some Bernie like Democrat getting nominated are ZERO.
Why don't people ever look at the numbers? No Democrat gets nominated with Black Support. They make up - at least - 20% of the party and they vote as a bloc.
Blacks loved Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Hillary, Gore, and Obama. This time around someone like Harris will get the black vote and Southern Delegates.
Not Bernie or some Bernie look alike. They're not going to vote for white bread leftie who appeals to hipsters and white people in Seattle.
Inga said: "No more CEOs. We need people who know how the government works."
Yep, there is nothing like building up $20 trillion in debt and getting into endless wars from the government experts.
Inga: "Trump was persuaded by Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter...."
Remember the good old days when Rove and Norquist were running the W White House and the revolving door of supposed "handlers" of Reagan who were running him?
Truman called Dewey a stalinist and another Hitler...in the same speech!!
The lefties and the LLR hench-children haven't had a new idea since 1917....and even that wasn't a new idea.
you mean without black support, what would be Schultz's standout issue, same for Bloomberg,
Inga@2:57PM Relaying the ethos of the prog/Democrat party member/LIV= Me love big government and uncle sugar. Big government beat up people I don't like. Uncle sugar give me free stuff.
This nation is doomed unless this desire for big government is educated and bred out of the population.
I look forward to Harris being the nominee and Schultz running as an Independent.
The Dems who want to vote for Schulz will be called "racist" and those who want Harris "insane".
Schultz will have a hard time peeling off Republicans after filling his bathrooms with used needles and using your morning stop for coffee to target you for a conversation about race.
He's got a whole latte nerve.
Was there any Presidential election with a relatively strong third party candidate that didn't cost one side or the other the election?
If he gets close, he better watch his back. After recent behavior, I can't imagine the Democrats not resorting to absolutely anything to win 2020, and I mean anything. Imagine if a Presidential candidate just suddenly disappeared without a trace. Big Pussy, let's go for a boat ride.
The beauty of Schultz running and doing well is there is no way he's talked into being the VP. He either goes all the way or bows out completely.
Can you imagine him spending the next four years sitting in on meetings with President Harris, Booker, Biden, or Bernie? He's never going to go for that.
And can he have any credibility after yelling that Trump is an existential threat for two years and then just stepping aside? His supporters would be so disgusted with the remaining candidates at that point, many wouldn't vote.
Nope. If he runs it's a very good chance it's a three-person race which would fit right into the story arc for Season 4 of the Trump Administration.
I mean, after knocking off 15 challengers in the first season, Trump's going one-on-one with a political newcomer in Season 4?
The writers need some new wrinkles so the viewers don't tune out.
Was there any Presidential election with a relatively strong third party candidate that didn't cost one side or the other the election?
Was there any Presidential election with a relatively strong third party candidate where the losing party didn't put the blame on the independent?
Frankly, I can't ever see that happening.
I'm asking myself just how biased I am, or am I. I can imagine the Democrats doing something truly horrible to win, but I can't see the Republicans going that far. Hell, they hardly even fight. Am I biased, or is that something most people see the same? I see far more examples of the left being unhinged enough to do crazy, but not Republicans. Am I missing something, or suffering from confirmation bias?
“Yep, there is nothing like building up $20 trillion in debt and getting into endless wars from the government experts”
“The US national debt stood at $21.974 trillion at the end of 2018, more than $2 trillion higher than when President Donald Trump took office, according to numbers released Thursday by the Treasury Department.”
“Donald Trump repeatedly raised the possibility of invading Venezuela in talks with his top aides at the White House, according to a new report.
Trump brought up the subject of an invasion in public in August last year, saying: “We have many options for Venezuela, including a possible military option, if necessary.” But the president’s musings about the possibility of a US invasion were more extensive and persistent than that public declaration, according to the Associated Press.”
Good gawd - people in Washington don't like Schultz. He is generally disliked, despite all of the Starbucks drones, and has about as much chance of being President as I do.
But I do wish he and Governor Inslee run, as well as Blomberg. They should all spend a ton of money to get nowhere.
At this point, can anyone see the Democrats not running Harris and Booker together? Beuler?
"Was there any Presidential election with a relatively strong third party candidate where the losing party didn't put the blame on the independent?"
The numbers don't lie. A strong third party candidate always takes far more votes from one side than the other, and that side always loses when it happens. It doesn't matter what is said about it and by who. It's just math.
"Before there was Jill Stein, there was Ralph Nader. Before there was Nader, there was Ross Perot. None won.
Suddenly the left is interested in teaching history.
This too shall pass.
In my view that narcissistic twit Howard Schultz, the twice CEO of Starbucks is not qualified for the political post of dog catcher in a rural county in Arkansas.
He took a business idea (from an aged Dutch coffee roaster in Berkeley California) and ran with it. A businessman does not necessarily a President make. We've got a lot of folks--both Democrat and Republican who are legends in their own minds thinking about running for President. Where is Michael Avenatti when you need someone to class up the Dimocrat race?
Yes, It will be Harris/Booker, and no chance of the reverse. The Dems just can't resist appearances. Sharpen up those pants creases and you even get some RINOS on board rallying for socialism like a 20 year old college student.
It doesn't matter what is said about it and by who. It's just math.
Suppose one party's candidate is so weak the independent takes more votes from the winner, who still wins.
Do you think the losing party is going to admit that, or blame the third party and hope their supporters buy it?
"engaged, every single day, in revenge politics..." Well, Pelosi is. What is Trump's "revenge politics"? Sure, he canceled her trip. Anything else?
"the Republican Party and the Democratic Party were basically the same, and the only way to make real change was to ditch them both"
Sure the GOP caves when possible. But voting for Trump was already a way to "ditch them both."
What "real change" do you want that neither Trump nor the party establishments want?
I see Inga cannot speak to the tangible policy facts and what has actually been done so she is back to her usual schtick: MSM reports based on anonymous sources.
Anonymous sources....what can't they do?
If it's tangible and real, Inga flees like a vampire in sunlight.
The Cofffee Party has its candidate.
Why would anyone want to vote for this liberal dumb fuck? He's not fooling anyone, we know what tribe he belongs to.
I'm not saying they don't blame the third party. Losers blame all kinds of things. It just doesn't matter. The important thing is that it happens predictably. It's the kiss of death, and the Dems will not let that happen. They know that much math.
Run Howard Run. We'll all vote for you!
Well, maybe 1 or 2 will.
"At least 1,500 private jets are expected to descend on Davos and nearby airports in Switzerland this week as the international financial and political elite gathers to talk about global climate challenges."
If they believe global warming is a serious problem, then these people are assholes. If they don't, then these people are assholes. I see Shults as one of these kind of people.
Royal ass Inga blames Trump for the grotesque "Stimulus" that was passed by Bush 43, voted for by Obama and Biden, and continued under Obama/Pelosi/Reid direction as a part of continuing resolutions.
I look forward to reading Royal ass Inga's suggestions about which programs to cut.
We have to trim 25% from the federal budget so get cracking with your cut suggestions.
Let's prove who cares most about fiscal responsibility.
Inga is suddenly very very interested in deficits.
Inga became "concerned" about deficits at precisely 12:00pm on Jan 20, 2017.
"“Donald Trump repeatedly raised the possibility of invading Venezuela in talks with his top aides at the White House, according to a new report."
Oh, it was in a report? That settles it, but even if true, so what? Do you want a President that doesn't even ask what can be done about another nation starving to death from socialism and its inevitable dictatorial disaster? Should he not even ask? You do realize that he never did it, right? Some people seem to immediately jump to such conclusions whenever they hear that Trump might do something, no matter how remote the possibility.
Maybe we can send Ocasio-Cortez to advise them on how to do socialism right. She has a fresh new message and she's young, so that should fix it.
"Imagine if a Presidential candidate just suddenly disappeared without a trace. Big Pussy, let's go for a boat ride."
LOL. But I'm sure social pressure and bribery will suffice.
I hate to be cynical. But I believe Trump wasn't shot by "some lone nut" was because the Democrats thought he was helping them and was a sure fire loser.
Yeah, cynical.
Hump said: Yep, there is nothing like building up $20 trillion in debt and getting into endless wars from the government experts” responded:
Inga responded:"“The US national debt stood at $21.974 trillion at the end of 2018, more than $2 trillion higher than when President Donald Trump took office, according to numbers released Thursday by the Treasury Department.”
“Donald Trump repeatedly raised the possibility of invading Venezuela in talks with his top aides at the White House, according to a new report."
Under Trump, record revenue. It's a spending problem. Spending will not stop until the swamp rats are removed. Ryan's gone and that's a start. I am sure that is lost on you.
And there have been no new wars. I like Trump's foreign policy stances. Threatening NK's little Kim brought him to the table. Threatening your friend and hero Maduro may the give the Venezuela military the impetus to remove him. I am sure that is also lost on you.
Trump brought up the subject of an invasion in public in August last year, saying: “We have many options for Venezuela, including a possible military option, if necessary.”
Of course its an option you imbecile. Why would it not be an option? Why would you take even one small option from all the things available to you to address any given problem off the table? Why box yourself into a corner?. Here's a news flash...It might be the very best way to save lives and give the people security and freedom...God what a lousy goal!
It is never a revenue issue - always a spending issue. The feds and most states spend more than they take in and then bitch that taxes aren't high enough.
Kind of like Seattle - they can't seem to tax and spend their way out of the homeless crisis that they created themselves. It is always somebody elses fault and they never have enough money to spend on it, but they alway have a new plan that only costs a few million more than the old plan that did not work.
the debt is due to bailing out wall street after the bush housing market great recession almost depression that Obozo hadda fix. Trump is small potatoes. Economic indicators are bullish on the dow now that the fed has compensated for trump instability so that the obama growth can continue.
1. The most qualified third party candidate for President was Theodore Roosevelt in 1912. His candidacy resulted in the defeat of Taft and the election of Wilson, but he was clearly qualified to be President. I can't think of any other third party candidate who matched TR's qualifications. They've all been either irrelevant (Thurmond) or spoilers (Perot).
2. The most qualified candidate ever elected President was probably James Madison, and the least qualified was probably Abraham Lincoln. Trump would be on the least-qualified list, but I wouldn't put him at the top; Obama and Carter would top him.
This is the guy that wants to sell me a cup of coffee, and talk about race.
Where's Mark Cuban??
according to a new report
'new', not 'true', I notice.
After Trump, how about we elect the first Italian-American President? (No, not Nancy). At about 6 % of the U.S. population, a strong case can be made that it’s time for this minority group to have someone in the Whitehouse that looks like them. Let’s break the Italian barrier and make up for present and past discrimination. Also remember, “white people” are a minority in this world and this fact shouldn’t be forgotten in the identity politics sweepstakes.
The reality is that they have no real interest in those people as people only as pawns in their power games.
I agree. It's not about Juan, and Juanita heading north. It's not about immigration. It's about the drug money coming from Mexico.
The Russian collusion narrative is really just projection.
I would rank Trump near the top of qualified Presidents. No others had as much experience running large international organizations, with large budgets and workforces. He had a lifetime of success in the required management, negotiations, and challenges, including dealing with government regulators and their powers. He was not stuck in the box of bureaucratic, and political solutions to problems that are often a result of those approaches.
His set of qualifications best matches the American Constitutional idea of a President - a capable, proven citizen that is not part of the entrenched political machine. He is least likely to try and be king since his wealth and power was already sufficient and derived by private personal accomplishment, not political gamesmanship or connections.
Obama gave a good speech once.
And who was the Most Qualified Person Ever to Run for President, just to find out how low the bar is?
James Buchanan. Representative, Minister to Russia and the UK, Secretary of State, Senator.
Schultz will steal votes from the three other Democrats that run in the general election.
It's very strange to read that many words about a political candidate and not read one sentence about his platform. The man has books coming out. Did no one ask him?
Drago: "Inga is suddenly very very interested in deficits. Inga became concerned" about deficits at precisely 12:00pm on Jan 20, 2017."
And now Inga will lecture us authoritavely about the deficit through her newly discovered Daughter The Accountant.
(I still suspect Inga is an Althouse sockpuppet designed to gin up page views for advertisers and vent when Althouse-Meade wish to anonymously express contempt towards her guests. Notice how the rules here never seem to apply to Inga and Chuck?)
not read one sentence about his platform.
Trump is unqualified!! What more do you need??
I'm reading Shattered which is about Clinton's 2016 campaign. Mostly self-serving narratives by campaign operatives looking to get hired next, so a lot of "not me, it was him", "I warned but who listened." etc. Anyhow. I'm reading about the choice of the Democratic candidate and what is quite striking is the claim early on that Hillary's problem was that the Democratic side was so fractured that no message could resonate if you stitched the pieces of the Democratic coalition together. Hillary tied up the big money and the stakeholders for the different parts of that coalition. Since Theodore White wrote The Making of the President 1960 the story of a campaign has been how a candidate gains different bits of the nation, enough to win. But in Shattered the story, sort of, is that Hillary stitched together a coalition and coalition building DEFEATED her because the coalition made messaging impossible. Bernie couldn't win because Hillary had all the Dem power players sewn up; she couldn't win - for the same reason. The power players were like cats in a sack and couldn't agree on what she should say; and far into the election cycle poor old Hillary was still going about trying to find a common denominator (sob) - other than a wish for power and money, that is. And, on the Dem side, there was no such common denominator - other than a wish for power and money, that is. That's why the book is called Shattered. It isn't just about cracking the glass ceiling - or not; or about losing. It's about the Dems having no message, being "shattered" from the start. The election of 2016 just played out the consequences. I find it interesting. Perhaps this is one of the roots of TDS. We have no message, why, then, let us focus on a scapegoat. An elected President, a young supporter.
"James Buchanan. Representative, Minister to Russia and the UK, Secretary of State, Senator."
Exactly, holding positions in the government, usually by simply being appointed due to relationships is not much qualification at all. You can do a terrible job at those things and still keep the job, and get another one if the right people are in power - see Hillary Clinton.
A real qualification is accomplishing things, success at doing, not simply holding a position. Success over challenges, and long term survival in competitive endeavors where you can lose with real world consequences is the real deal. Passing leadership tests in the field. That's qualification.
As much as I dislike his ideas, Shultz is more qualified than most of the Dems that will run. I think the most important quality is values. So, first, what is important to you, what will you try to accomplish?, and second, is there any evidence that you can get those things done? Because what really matters is what will the candidate do as President. How will the country be different becuase of him?
Democrat : Republican :: Coke : Pepsi
As much as I dislike his ideas, Shultz is more qualified than most of the Dems that will run.
To pad his bank account, of course. But then that's the only thing you think a president or any leader should do.
You'd make a great kleptocrat someday, Bags. You should run for office - on the Self-Enrichment Party ticket.
"Make Me Rich!" will be your campaign slogan.
Think of how many people you'll get to follow you! Especially after Trump's basement level of 30% support craters, leaving you to take his mantle of greed over people.
You're a natural! A natural born kleptocrat!
Bags for President! Long live his kleptocrat party!
mccullough said...
"The Cofffee Party has its candidate."
More like the Herbal Tea Party, and weak tea at that.
1/26/19, 4:41 PM
How will the country be different becuase of him?
Well with Trump, the difference he's made is to cut (probably his own) and the taxes of the 135 richest hedge fund traders. That was important to do.
He also made the country less interested in promoting the well-being of democratic countries harassed by his chief benefactor, Putin. This includes outright hostility to the same NATO that's kept WWIII from happening all these years while praising every tyrant across the globe.
He's also made coal company execs very grateful - even going so far as to subsidize utilities that he can't FORCE to buy their more-expensive-than-every-other-fuel resource. That's a huge difference.
He's made sure that political appointments hold sway over scientists at EPA and CDC - hiring hundreds of the former and firing or losing to attrition thousands of the latter. That's really important for everyone who agrees that country is more important than planet and that disease prevention in America is something we should underfund.
And of course now we have air traffic controllers and airport security screeners who are treated like slaves while they decide whether to buy food or forego a mortgage check. That's a really great thing to do if your economy depends on being able to shut down your major airports.
And his support is 30%. Just as any dictator's should be!
Great stuff!
The kind of stuff that only CEOs can relate to.
Who needs this democracy stuff, anyway! America is just one giant business. Kill the homeless! Bankrupt the uninsured! Starve the poor!
And give them enough Oxy-Contin so that they can help do it to themselves anyway!
There's just not enough greed and competition in America. Too much compassion and cooperation. And people think this is how you improve a nation's cohesion, solidarity and national pride?
Crazy people!
Name me a democrat who hasn't padded the back account with government whore money?
Bernie? Liz? KKKamala?
The outsiders are increasingly appealing to me. most of the government insiders are merely government whores.
If you are a fresh young senator and new to the government whoring, like Obama, you simply have that new car smell. Which is nice. Or not so much, once you drive it around.
Oh I know. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are regular old billionaires. Like Wilbur Ross and every other Trump appointee who doesn't understand why not getting paid is a problem.
Sooner or later you're going to have to admit that this government of, by and for the billionaires idea that you're so enamored of doesn't really work out too well for the rest of the country. Not that you care. But just go ahead and smear two effective senators just because you can't stand how slimy and corrupted your own Russian asset of a president is.
You're fucking delusional. Kooky. Just check yourself into the loony bin already.
I think he is an ass but I hope he runs.
He also made the country less interested in promoting the well-being of democratic countries harassed by his chief benefactor, Putin. This includes outright hostility to the same NATO that's kept WWIII from happening all these years while praising every tyrant across the globe.
I didn’t know you were a history major.
You should sue and get your money back.
" So, first, what is important to you, what will you try to accomplish?, and second, is there any evidence that you can get those things done? Because what really matters is what will the candidate do as President. How will the country be different becuase of him?"
That same serious criteria also makes for the worst President if they do not share your values. An effective enemy is the most worstest kind.
Germany is so committed to NATO that it drills with wooden rifles and grounds a third of their airforce while being thr economic powerhouse of Europe
All the while it depends on a natural gas pipeline from Russia run by ex stasi operative who had ties to putin.
He shares most of prog values that I can tell what differentiates him from the pack except for his over priced product.
Inga: "Trump was persuaded by Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter...."
See. When you engage morons you get idiocy.
Inga You need to catch up on your legislative history on DACA et. al. Google "path to citizenship for dreamers". CONGRESS not Trump has been unable to deal with this issue even though Trump has signaled support time and again for a solution. Neither the Reps or the Dems will honestly approach the topic with a willingness to find a solution. Given the ninth circuits willingness to overturn any immigration related policy by Trump it is clear - and has been for 30 years - that the only solution is legislative.
BTW your boy Barack owns the record for US debt growth during a presidential administration.
path to citizenship for dreamers
BTW your boy Barack owns the record for debt growth during a presidential administration: "Under President Obama, the national debt grew the most dollar-wise. He added $8.588 trillion. This 74 percent increase was the fifth-largest. Obama's budgets included the economic stimulus package. It added $831 billion by cutting taxes, extending unemployment benefits, and funding public works projects.
The Obama tax cuts added $858 billion to the debt in two years. Obama's budget increased defense spending to between $700 billion and $800 billion a year. Federal income was down, thanks to lower tax receipts from the 2008 financial crisis."( Link )
Mr. Schultz is not of German origin. He is a Jew from Brooklyn. Nothing wrong with that, of course, but lest anyone be deceived or mistaken, such is the case. Those origins may weigh into his Weltanschauung, which I intuit as very left-of-center and pro-government.
Wonder how many Starbucks there are in Moscow? Has Papa Putin got a brand new bag? Time for Remington Steele to put on his red hunting hat, and look into those "coffee" stained sheets at the Moscow Hilton.
Thanks to Schultz’s terrible decision-making, Starbucks’ customers can no longer expect clean rest rooms. But he thinks he can make good decisions on behalf of the whole of the United States. Uh huh. Suuuuurrrre.
Don’t know about the rest of you, but when I drink a large cup of coffee I need to pee, and I do not like to use filthy rest rooms. Schultz, being a lefty, may differ from me in one or both of these characteristics.
"Was there any Presidential election with a relatively strong third party candidate where the losing party didn't put the blame on the independent?"
I don't recall ever seeing anything in the history books where Stephen Douglas blamed the 3rd and 4th party candidates for his loss. The electorate was pretty fractured in 1860. According to Wikipedia Lincoln received an absolute majority in states that combined for an electoral vote victory, so the two other parties had a null effect. Possibly Douglas could have eked out a popular vote win, but like Hillary in 2016, he would have discovered that didn't count.
What I want to know from those who did, what the fuck happened to your political parties that you nominated these two assholes?
@PB, ever hear of an open primary? That’s when you belong to one party, but vote in the other party’s primary. Since Hillary was presumed to be a lock (having effectively bought the DNC!), it freed Democrat party activists to cross over and vote for Donald Trump, thinking him the easiest Republican to beat — which might even have been true FAIK. There is plenty of evidence of Democrats crossing over to vote in the GOP primary in early states with open pimaries.
And a vote for anyone other than Trump in the general election was basically a vote for Hillary (Jill Stern being the exception) so you no want to preen too much.
I don't recall ever seeing anything in the history books where Stephen Douglas blamed the 3rd and 4th party candidates for his loss.
Well he probably should have, since he only ended up getting 12 electoral votes and finished fourth. Breckinridge won 72 electoral votes and Bell won 39 electoral votes.
Lincoln's name didn't even appear on ten of the southern ballots, but he swept the north and west for 180 electoral votes. (with less than 40% of the popular vote)
... should not want
In this upcoming election, a 3rd party candidate is likely to siphon more votes from the Democratic nominee rather than Trump. That's just because of where Trump is on the political spectrum - he's unlikely to have anybody to his right on the wall, trade issues, taxes, or any of his favorite MAGA issues.
When thinking about the two man race between Trump and his eventual Democratic opponent, what third party option would cause a Trump voter in the head-to-head matchup to switch to the third-party option? Generally to get them off of Trump would require a candidate more to Trump's right, while most of the alternatives thus far proposed are either milquetoast Romney types or lefty billionaires far more likely to appeal to people who won't vote for Trump but really don't prefer the Democratic brand of crazy either.
It would be useful for Schultz to step back and ask himself why on earth if Trump isn't "qualified" the voters in 30 states decided he was the best man for the job of the choices presented to them.
I'm glad that Howie is running; I hope both Bernie and Bloomberg run, too.
Vote splintering on the Left is a beautiful thing.
Kasich/Flake for turd party.
I see Ed Hominem left behind "Pee-Pee.." but still embracing the same ole shit.
“One reason my colleagues and I are focused on a Republican primary challenge to Trump—apart from the fact that we’re Republicans—is that it doesn’t present any of the problems of inadvertently helping him by being a spoiler,” Kristol wrote in an email.
Kamala is a cop. She'll splinter the election by promising to prosecute Hillary, Jarrett, and rest. Funny how all these trolls push the collusion meme so hard. Well the View isn't on today so they gotta busy themselves elsewhere.
Inga is why normal people dragged into politics; too many vocal crazy stupid people like her. Having a duly elected president the left don’t like has shown their true colors: two-faced nasty hate mongers.
The government is now working just fine. That is, doing very little. That’s the way it should be. If Congress never does anything again, America and it’s citizens will do just fine. The anti-trump hatred blinds these people to how good things really are right now.
I thought the whole point of American exceptionalism was that ANYONE can become president.
Being good at it is a bonus.
So far, America is dizzyingly happy that we have 'Not Hillary' and 'Not Obama' in office.
And Trump certainly is 'Not Hillary' and 'Not Obama' every day of the week.
The Left still thinks they are dizzyingly popular because the sycophantic press continues to tell them that this is so.
So where can I get a blue Make America Grande Again hat?
Trump not qualified, but the barista is. Looking forward to him dodging bathroom metaphors for the next two years.
If you want to run third-party on the theory that both parties are failing the country, the last thing you ought to do is call Trump “unqualified.” Has the same smell as “deplorables,” and all but guarantees that previous Trump others will never support you. Slick move, genius.
Voters, not others.
Howard said...
"the debt is due to bailing out wall street after the bush housing market great recession almost depression that Obozo hadda fix. Trump is small potatoes. Economic indicators are bullish on the dow now that the fed has compensated for trump instability so that the obama growth can continue."
Had nothing to do with Clinton and Barny Frank, did it? You might be as dumb as a bag of hammers, but don't assume the rest of us are.
Shouldn't Donald Trump be in that list with Ross Perot etc?
Or do people really believe that Trump is a Republican?
"The Coffee Party has its candidate." The long-forgotten pro-tax, pro-statist Coffee Party! I always thought their slogan should have been "Because the Stockholm Syndrome isn't just for Swedes!"
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