And Kristen Gillibrand wants you to see this:
January 16, 2019
"My goal is to turn 50 in some of the best shape of my life. It has nothing to do with any other plans."
Said Cory Booker, quoted in "The 2020 Field Is Growing. Some Waistlines Are Shrinking" (NYT).
And Kristen Gillibrand wants you to see this:
And Kristen Gillibrand wants you to see this:
Sort of saggy breasts.
Why should WE care, Cory? I mean, good for you, and all that, but it's nothing to do with your political life.
Cope Land - Guest Host Lush Limbaugh that's a beauty. Good joke there, old one. Funny stuff, also, you're a boob and that's wonderful. later
Sexist shirt.
I wish I didn't know about these people's attempts at getting in shape. I really don't care and I wish most people didn't care either.
When someone is making a bid to become the most powerful person on the planet, I really don't care about their exercise or dietary habits. I care about what they've done with the power that they have had. And I care about what they might do if they do ascend to the power they're aspiring to. That's it.
Is it possible to unsee this somehow?
I didn't know Amy Schumer was running for office......
It's basically their way of splitting "New party, who dis?" down the middle, to their advantage. The oldies in the lead can't do this without looking like Dukakis in the tank.
She may want us to see her photo, but the some of comments on Instagram are harsh. Not a good sign.
I'm more excited about some of the other radical leftists. or scared. Or terrified.
How leftwing is she?
Lead like a girl? I would assume most adults aren’t interested in being led by a child.
I'd prefer Nikki Haley.
Where's Andrew?
The original was run like a girl.
Count the dumbbells.
Perhaps the best way for me to express my contempt for this “social media generation” douchebaggery is to suggest that “even Donald Trump’s Twitter account is better than this.”
So the message is vote for me because I can lift weights?
If she is going to get into a “pretty” contest with Fidel O’Rourke, she’s going to lose.
One good thing, though. It means Hillary is kaput. In years past, the junior senator from NY would have had to ask Hillary's permission to make such a bold move.
Odds are KG just ignored ole' Hill, and went for it.
She may want us to see her photo, but the some of comments on Instagram are harsh. Not a good sign.
What do you think they do over at the Clinton Foundation?
Will Biden, Sanders, or Hillary back her?
Al Sharpton lost a lot of weight but he's still a racist douche.
I'd prefer Nikki Haley.
I have thrown up on my shoes.
If you ever observe animals lower down the food chain they sometimes engage in fitness displays so as not to get eaten.
Applies here as well.
Wear bright colored tights and tuck your shirt in. It will force you to work harder or to stop posting these photos.
Sarah Palin is two years older than Gillibrand and is in better shape. Hillary was in terrible shape. So is Trump. But Trump is a decent athlete.
Booker is pretty athletic guy. He needs to get in better shape to compete with Trump’s wife.
I'm waiting for Elizabeth Warren's Rocky video.
The one where she runs up Beacon Hill and shadow boxes outside John Kerry's house.
Middle-aged try-hards are pathetic.
Only one person got the message from Trump's historic run ... AOC. The others, R's and D's, are mimickers, weaklings, impostors. Show us your guns, Gillibrand. Claim your Spartacus moments, Booker. Get you a beer, Warren. You none get it and neither do Republicans.
Here's Trump's secret message hidden in plain view: Be yourself, be fearless, have a message. The middle one is the essence of Trumpism.
It would be good to ask KG what she has accomplished as Senator from NY.
Very few of these clowns ever do anything worthwhile. They simply check boxes (pro-choice, pro gay marriage, anti-Trump, blah, blah, blah).
Dumb belle.
There's only one thing anyone needs to know about Gillibrand:
She supports the Red Guard and Kangaroo Courts on campus and hopes to export that model to the rest of society.
I imagine it's an attempt to distance themselves from the geriatric wing of the party.
Remember when Paul Ryan got slammed for working out in a goofy outfit? Me neither.
Lead like a girl?
Bullying and bossing?
Isn’t girl demeaning?
She doesn't look as dumb as Paul Ryan did. Maybe she'll lie about her marathon time too.
She has the arms of a tranny, which is what the Dems are looking for in a candidate.
She meant to take that picture?
I mean Kristin, not Cory. But that works too.
Is there a female equivalent of a Dad Bod?
If so, this is it.
She better up her game. The new hip and pretty is to go for the Marylin Monroe look.
Sexist breasts.
I know it was 10 years ago
First it was, "can i get me a beer" and now gym pics. It's going to be a long - perhaps interesting, probably entertaining - two years.
Trolls will be havin' a field day, especially the troll-in-chief.
That picture screams white privilege. Just sayin.
Gillibrand is absolutely indistinguishable from the scores of other women her age in the gym doing yoga or cross-fit or whatever it is they do (loudly bouncing medicine balls seems to be an up-and-coming woman's exercise). That's kind of the point: you're just there to work out, then leave.
Best case scenario: photos of working out are harmless. Worst case: everybody realizes that taking a photo while working out is self-indulgent and ridiculous.
Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
“I'd prefer Nikki Haley.“
If we are going to go back to cap and trade, open borders, crony trade, and endless wars we don’t care about winning we have Democrats for that.
I believe the biggest obstacle to Gillibrand securing the nomination by far is Harris. She's kind of an "and also" more than a main course. If somebody with a penis ends up securing the nomination, Gillibrand would be a shoe in for VP.
What do you think they do over at the Clinton Foundation?
Amusing how these front running hares act like the old tortoise is dead and buried.
A face that would stop a runaway locomotive.
If you're running as Kristen Milfibrand you'd better up your game.
Cory--er "Spartacus" says he's going to work out and trim his waist. Duh--a lot of politicians have managed to lose a bit of weight before hitting the campaign trail.
Kersten shows us that she has visited a gym--at least once.
Beto, the Bobby Kennedy look alike, shows us he visits the dental hygienist.
Well okay--do any of these three clowns actually have some kind of platform to offer for review. I mean I visit the dental hygienist twice a year, but that doesn't make me presidential timber.
How heavy do they think the pens are in the Oval Office? Trump probably works harder and longer than any recent President without visiting the gym, but he does always have a hot wife to keep him in shape.
The dental cleaning is a metaphor for what betos presidency would be for us.
Where's her mattress? She needs to carry a mattress around, and quit subbing it out. That will keep her in shape.
I think she looks good for her age, but she doesn't look near as good as when she is made up. The lighting is harsh and she looks like someone who hit the gym for the first time in at least a year.
Need a new candidate tage..."trying too hard", which includes Warren's beer video.
"Is there a female equivalent of a Dad Bod?"
How about Mom Bod?
On second look, those weights may be photo shopped in - her stance is not proper for lifting and holding weights like that. She's got pretty good guns though, no flabby arms for her, she's doing something right.
Blogger tcrosse said..."Count the dumbbells."
There. Are. Five. Dumbbells.
The goal is to distinguish themselves from Hillary Clinton, and it's hilarious.
I am old enough to remember Ronald Reagan being photographed working out with weights- this is nothing new.
Lead like a girl? Like: Pb like a girl? Like the dense, soft, malleable, low melting point element?
Remember when JFK, a physical wreak, was the embodiment of physical fitness? Remember touch football and all that? He ruined the Democratic party, which has been all about looks and BS ever since. Beto is the political version of Victoria's Secret.
"AllenS said...
Dumb belle."
Spartacus even got himself "a girlfriend" just to stop the rumors about him! Rosario Dawson!
Dickin'Bimbos@Home said..."...How leftwing is she?"?.....1/16/19, 10:47 AM
Depends on her audience and what office she's running for!
She originally was from NY's 20th District, which is quite conservative. Then she was appointed Senator and began to market herself to another audience. When she ran in the elections, for the Senate seat she was handed, she had to move significantly to the Left because she needed voters from NYC. But, like all politicians, she'll prostitute herself to whomever just to get collect the power of the office. Wasn't impressed with her in NY and still not impressed with her first outing as presidential candidate.
She should also lift some books on economics. She could probably substitute Von Mises' hefty magnum opus, HUMAN ACTION, for a kettlebell. Sound ideas in a sound body, you know.
She's still going to develop turkey wings.
No sleeveless campaign events for her.
Sure wish AOC could run
Brazilian Bikini contest!!!!
She's from Brazil, right?
'AllenS said...
Dumb belle.'
Not at all. It's a loser, considering that the definition of belle is "a beautiful girl or woman, especially the most beautiful at a particular event or in a particular group."
I'll grant that she is the most beautiful woman in that pic.
I can't vouch for whether or not she's dumb.
How leftwing is she?
Like Hillary she's on the right side of the Democrats' increasingly leftwing coalition, and like Hillary she has no fixed principles. Things that might seem principled, like taking a strong stand against Bill Clinton, are purely self-interested.
She’s got bigger muscles than most of you Trumpist men, I’d wager.
Healthy lifestyle is a liberal conspiracy for you deplorables to envy-hate.
She’s got bigger muscles than most of you Trumpist men, I’d wager.
You'd lose.
Inga, this advice might also interest you:
"She should also lift some books on economics. She could probably substitute Von Mises' hefty magnum opus, HUMAN ACTION, for a kettlebell. Sound ideas in a sound body, you know."
Although it probably won't. Actual reading (as opposed to just swallowing and then regurgitating the Hive's party line) is HARD.
“Actual reading (as opposed to just swallowing and then regurgitating the Hive's party line) is HARD.”
You would know as a TrumpCultist.
Inga: "She’s got bigger muscles than most of you Trumpist men, I’d wager."
Losing ain't much of a living.
However, there is no question she has bigger muscles than the lefty soy boys:
In his defense, he is probably preparing to transition.
Infa: "You would know as a TrumpCultist"
Read any good hoax dossiers lately?
Just another thread of Derangement Syndrome by Trumpists. This time it’s Gillibrand Derangement Syndrome...yawn.
Whats funny is Inga has absolutely no idea who Von Mises was.
Drago, you should volunteer your services with the Mueller Invesigation since you seem to have inside info, but that might mean you’d have to pass a background check...
Drago assumes he knows much about any given person, emphasis on ASSume.
You lift 35 pounds and what do you get?
Ings, I'm a Trump Cultist the way you're an economist.
"Whats funny is Inga has absolutely no idea who Von Mises was."
Indeed. If she did she wouldn't assume I'm a "Trump Cultist," but it's like "racist:" a knee-jerk labeling of pro-freedom people, much beloved by the stupid.
Inga: "Drago, you should volunteer your services with the Mueller Invesigation since you seem to have inside info, but that might mean you’d have to pass a background check..."
Why do I need to volunteer for Muellers teams when you have been providing steady Mueller Team Mind-reading services for almost 2 years now?
Apparently, nurses from WI also have the inside scoop on Security Clearances.
Not surprising really, since the dems under obama sure made it easy for the Chinese and Russians to literally steal all Security Clearance background info on all Americans.
But only all of them.
And only in fine, dem approved fashion.
Here's you have it. Photographic evidence that the Democrats, at long last, have found a woman with not just the mental but also the physical toughness to take on raging misogynists like Al Franken. I'd like to see Franken try to pinch her ass. He'd end up frank n beans. By God, the Democrats are no longer the party of Harvey Weinstein, Al Franken, and Bill Clinton. Rapists and fanny pinchers go elsewhere. Dynamite KEG will blow you out of the water.
Does not look like a young mom.
This election cycle is going to be awful, isn't it.
Neither KEG nor Booker are likely to be dragged into a getaway van, so they have that going for them.
"You lift 35 pounds and what do you get?"
Another day older and deeper in debt?
This election cycle is going to be awful, isn't it.
In direction, magnitude and duration.
Some of the commenters are upset that we Althouse Hillbillies are throwing barbs at Democrat candidates. How will they feel when those candidates start throwing shit at each other?
She looks like an ugly 65 y/o man.
But great Biceps!
BTW, her dumbbell weights are 17.5 kg Power-weights.
So she's lifting about 70 lbs. - which is pretty good for a 50 y/o girl with massive biceps.
She could beat Jeff Flake in a fair fight.
Just sayin'. Sometimes its the fight in the dog..etc.
Out of touch, she doesn't realize that Crossfit is the thing these days, and she should be lifting a sandbag or a truck tire over her head. At least she isn't talking about Yoga instead of Pilates.
She clearly supports the right to bare guns.
She could tone up if she carried a mattress around!
Nice of her to label herself. I wasn't sure from the photo.
ah Rachel campos the only good thing about the real world, which permeated the infosphere, like a t 4 virus, around 1994,
How can Gillibrand send out this picture, coincident with announcing her presidential run, without holding up dumbbells that say 20 and 20? Huge missed opportunity.
Well, mea culpa. They ARE 17.5 lbs dumbbells.
17.5 lbs weights made no sense to do me. That's why I googled 17.5 kg weights and found them.
But 17.5 Lbs = 8 Kg. It figures.
So, instead of using 20 lbs. weights - like any normal AMERICAN - Gillbrand uses weirdo foreign 8 KG weights!
Anyway, that's pathetic. 35 lbs? At least she can beat up Ginsberg.
How can Gillibrand send out this picture, coincident with announcing her presidential run, without holding up dumbbells that say 20 and 20? Huge missed opportunity.
Obviously this tells you she's so weak she couldn't hold up two 20-pound dumbbells, because she would have if she was able.
Another persoective:
What is that lump on the left side of her leg?
Her guns are too big but her funbags are too small. Why is she trying to be a man?
Excellent point about missing the 2020 photo-op.
And going metric? How un-American.
Looks like another Demi-Flop.
Blogger FIDO said...”What is that lump on the left side of her leg?”
Jodhpurs. Melania looks ten times better wearing them.
The powerline link is about how she was mercenary enough to work for the tobacco companies but not say for a real cause say a human rights issue.
Absolutely hilarious witty comments, time to just point and laugh. Chuckles and it is only halfway through January 2019.
Beto videos himself getting plaque removed. Gillenbrand is wearing pedophile bait in a gym. Corey Booker can't open his mouth without sounding like a Grinder ad.
These people are weirdos with terrible ideas.
I didn't vote for Hillary because she couldn't bench press 100 pounds.
So these Democrats are obviously pursuing my vote.
"I didn't vote for Hillary because she couldn't bench press 100 pounds."
Really? that doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
But whatever.
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