January 8, 2019

In the tradition of Richard M. Nixon's "I am not a crook"...

That locution screams: I am struggling to disentangle myself from trouble of my own making.

Here's the NY Post article — "Elizabeth Warren defends her DNA test: ‘I am not a person of color’" — if you need any background, which I can't believe you do. This story is so sticky. I don't see how Warren can ever move past it.

And she was responding to a question from someone who seems to hate Trump: "Why did you undergo DNA testing and give Donald more fodder to be a bully?"

As for "I am not a crook" — it recently appeared as #1 on a list of "Top 10 Unfortunate Political One-Liners."


peacelovewoodstock said...

She is also "not a person of charisma".

Trumpit said...

Well, significantly, Nixon was a "crook." And Warren is hardly a Native American, if the DNA test was accurate. So, Schlump got lucky guessing she wasn't "Pocahontas." He's still a rotten person, and president, perhaps worse than Nixon if that's possible.

Darrell said...

"Why did you undergo DNA testing and give Donald more fodder to be a bully?"

Because she thought she had outsmarted her critics by finding a statistician who worked in the DNA field who was will to compromise his standing by giving her a predetermined result. And she and her advisers were stupid enough to think that result would make it all go away, probably because she paid the expert big bucks. 1/1024 doesn't do that.

Such wrong-headed thinking proves she isn't suited for the highest office in the land. Witness her 90% corporate tax.

MikeR said...

Not a competent politician. She could have made it go away so easily, just saying, Whoa 1/1024 - that isn't much. I guess my family tradition was wrong. I'm disappointed.
It would have cost her nothing at all. She'd still be a Harvard professor, however she became one.
Instead it was, Yay! 1/1024! Vindicated!

Humperdink said...
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Darrell said...

And she is a person of color as I said before--pasty white. She is also not a competitive runner like she was trying to make herself out to be last year--running with younger and fitter women neck-to-neck. I think a baby duckling passed them all on the side of the road walking, if you looked close enough.

David Begley said...

I actually looked at Warren’s website with her employment records. On it, she pointed out that she didn’t claim she was an Indian until after she got tenure. As if that makes it okay.

stevew said...

From my front row seat here in MA I will say that Warren is one of the least competent politicians I've ever observed. She doesn't have the hate-ability of Hillary, but she is similarly lacking in self-awareness. To me and many of my local friends, even the liberal ones, she comes across as enfeebled. Likely that her exploratory committee will recommend against running for POTUS - and she'll ignore the recommendation.

Darrell said...

she pointed out

And others who have spent a considerable amount of time and effort researching the issue--against much resistance from all the parties involved--have come to a different conclusion. See Prof. Jacobson's work at Legal Insurrection, for example.

Meade said...

"I'm gonna get me... uh... a DNA test. Bruce, honey, would you like a DNA test? No? Okay, let's see if any of my kemosabes out in Iowa Country would like a nice cold bottle of DNA"

John henry said...

The problem is that it's an incomplete statement.

What she really said was "I am not a person of color. Not that there's anything wrong with that."

John Henry

robother said...

"I am not a person of color, but I played one on the Harvard Law faculty."

AllenS said...

Even her DNA test was bullshit. I've had mine tested with FamilyTree, 23andme, and Ancestry. 1/1024 isn't measurable.

Lyssa said...

I find the DNA test utterly baffling. Yes, it was a dig against her before, but it was well within the range of digs against people like her that can easily be ignored by anyone not already firmly in the other corner. Why on the world did she think the DNA test would help in the first place, and after seeing the results, how on earth did she think this wouldn’t be a disaster? Massive unforced error.

Shouting Thomas said...

I was a Nixon hater when I was a kid.

My view of him has changed dramatically in the ensuing years.

He got us out of Vietnam, something Democrats couldn't do. I doubt that any other president than Nixon could have found a way out.

His way out offended a lot of people, including me. Expanding the war into Laos and Cambodia. One final insane aerial bombardment of the North.

But, then he got out. As you can see from all the flak Trump gets over Syra, that's a considerable political feat. We might still be occupying Vietnam if not for Nixon. As the left had been demanding for years, Nixon declared victory and got the hell out.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Althouse must be mistaken. According to headlines, the media is saying she "wowed" Iowa and she regained her footing in Iowa.

Darrell said...

the media is saying she "wowed" Iowa and she regained her footing in Iowa.

Yeah. I'm seriously thinking about getting a warren tattoo now.

stevew said...

"Althouse must be mistaken. According to headlines, the media is saying she "wowed" Iowa and she regained her footing in Iowa."

And don't forget the crowds, full to the rafters!

I think Althouse is right, the Times prefers Harris but they are more than happy to shill for other Dems at this point.

Ralph L said...

I am not a person of color, but I blushed really hard at job interviews.

Temujin said...

I don't know if there was ever a person less palatable to any breathing person outside of Massachusetts. She's completely awkward around other humans. So much so that any action she takes to alleviate the awkwardness makes her look like a complete fraud as a person. No one could take her seriously at her word about anything. She's a cringe inducing machine. And even if you can get past the cringing, you are left with her thoughts, which leave you just shaking your head.

Yes, she should be the Dems selection for 2020.

In the meantime, the rest of us who didn't build that, will just continue to work hard daily on those things we're not building. And, yes, we continue to do it daily even as the Gummint is closed. You see, we don't actually depend on them. They depend on us.

Meade said...

On July 22, Elizabeth Warren said about the incident, "I don't know, not having been there and not seeing all the facts, what role race played in that. But I think it's fair to say, number one, any of us would be pretty angry; number two, that the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own tipi, and, number three, what I think we know separate and apart from this incident is that there's a long history in this country of Cherokees and Winnebagos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately." Law enforcement organizations and members objected to Chief Warren's comments and criticized her handling of the issue. In the aftermath, Warren stated that she regretted her comments and hoped that the situation could become a "teachable moment". On July 24, Warren invited both parties to the White House to discuss the issue over chilled refreshing DNA tests, and on July 30, Warren and Vice President Beto joined Officer Barbrady and Professor Two-dogs Pooping in a private, cordial meeting in a courtyard near the White House Rose Garden; this became known colloquially as the "DNA Test Summit".

Shouting Thomas said...
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rhhardin said...

I am a noncrook would be the positive.

Ich bin paleface.

Shouting Thomas said...

Moral scolding vs. pragmatism.

I wonder whether the Dems will ever move beyond the moral scold strategy that has been their sole policy position since the black civil rights era?

Are there any new victim groups to be found or created?

rehajm said...

I think the strategy with the DNA test was straight out of the Clinton playbook- release information in a trough in the news cycle, our media friends will bury it, then forever therafter we can claim the instance has been litigated so you don’t have to answer questions. Get our friends in the media to attack anyone who does.

They clearly midjudged the level of scrutiny and what they could get away with. At first look they seem pretty stupid, but look at the whoppers the system has crammed through the machine recently- Blasey Ford, ‘No Reasonable Prosceutor’ etc. A Spreading Bull is legit story seems relatively tame...

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Seldom mentioned:

Warren's DNA test was carried out by a company called Family Tree DNA

Who founded Family Tree DNA?

Jim Warren, Fauxahontas' ex husband.

Probably just a coinkidink

John Henry

rehajm said...

I don't know if there was ever a person less palatable to any breathing person outside of Massachusetts

If you took the time to get to know Martha Coakley...

Hagar said...

For Republicans, a crook is someone who steals money, which Nixon did not do.
For Democrats, it is anyone who opposes them.

Ralph L said...

to discuss the issue over chilled refreshing DNA tests

chilled refreshing fire water.

Will this still be talked about in a year? Trump will bring it up, of course, but will any Dems/MSM in primary season?

Fritz said...

AllenS said...
Even her DNA test was bullshit. I've had mine tested with FamilyTree, 23andme, and Ancestry. 1/1024 isn't measurable.

She had it tested by a politically friendly geneticist at Stanford. Because the DNA data base is pretty poor in Native American DNA, he had to use Hispanics which have a lot of Amerindian blood as the comparison to find a matching sequence or two up which to make the determination.

For all we know, it could be a touch of Castilian. She undoubtedly more Neanderthal than she is Indian.

I assume she used a commercial firm first, and was disappointed by the results.

Tommy Duncan said...

I agree with Liz Warren. She is not a colorful person.

Birches said...

I still can't believe she and her people made that 5 minute long video and thought they'd triumphed. And the press ate it up! Do they not actually know any Native Americans? Talk about out of touch!

exhelodrvr1 said...

Are we allowed to poop on Elizabeth Warren yet?

AllenS said...
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David Begley said...

John Henry:

Are you sure about that? If so, that DNA test is even less credible.

I can’t believe the media missed this important fact!

AllenS said...

Fritz, I'm not sure why people keep saying that the DNA base is pretty poor in Native American DNA. I haven't seen that, and one of my cousins is 100% Native American. Also, I have cousins that I've known since childhood, and they also test positive for Native American DNA. Me thinks (Indian lingo) that an excuse was made to go outside of protocol to find some way to make it look like she had Indian DNA. Unfortunately for her, it failed. Fortunately for us, it didn't.

Bay Area Guy said...

"I am not a crook"

"I did not have sex with that woman - Ms. Lewinsky"

"I am not a person of color"

There's a nice symmetry to these presidential and presidential-wannabe proclamations: each uttered by a weasel, trying to obscure the truth.

Skeptical Voter said...

This is the political equivalent of someone stepping in dog poop on the sidewalk and finding that they just can't get it off their shoe.

AllenS said...

John Henry, I think that you are wrong. She didn't use FamilyTree, and I don't believe her first husband created the DNA website.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

I have to admit, I'm quite curious about what the figurine or teapot is over Warren's head in the "just having a beer in my kitchen" video, itself as awkward as Nixon walking on the beach in wingtip shoes.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Paleface speak about paleness to other palefaces in attempt to change smoke signals.

Great spirit not listen, also not fooled.

rhhardin said...

Why doesn't Indian have subject-verb agreement?

Not know.

rhhardin said...

Warren is up against irresistible Indian culture risibility.

That's the stickiness.

rhhardin said...

Blacks don't have the Indian culture risibility. Amos and Andy was about the only attempt, and various "laugh-out-loud funny" films with goofy black heroes, but it didn't take.

Blacks are more disappointment culture to whites.

Fernandinande said...

Fritz, I'm not sure why people keep saying that the DNA base is pretty poor in Native American DNA.

Indians don't like DNA because almost all of them are partly or mostly white. "Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong." says mostly-white Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr.

Native Americans fear potential exploitation of their DNA
"Though the study involved more than 160,000 people, less than one percent of those who participated self-identified as Native American." (though 1% isn't really that low, considering the total population fraction).

and one of my cousins is 100% Native American.

I doubt it.

narciso said...

She was a fraud in how she represented herself and an academic fraud (along with the future pres of UVA stacey sullivan) but her chief critic passed on.

AllenS said...

Taking a DNA test and finding out that a percentage of your DNA is Native American, can not tell that person what tribe that they came from. Again, people who are part Native American, can, and do take DNA tests. I have new cousins constantly showing up on Ancestry with Native American DNA.

AllenS said...

Fernandistein, her DNA test said she was 100% Native American. I have another cousin, and her DNA test said she was 100% Irish. Those are the only two that had DNA of 100%. I have over 28,000 1st to 8th cousins. I check my DNA site multiple times a day. I presently have 749 1st to 4th cousins, and 114 cousins with family trees that I can see how we're related.

tcrosse said...

So, why is she not 50 points ahead?

glenn said...

And most media folks miss the whole point of this old nags story. She used false claims of Native American ancestry to jump the line at Harvard. And probably Harvard knew the claims were bogus when they advertised her status. I’ll bet it was a real kneeslapper in the faculty lounge.

Ralph L said...

How do they get reliable place of origin markers with all the migrations and intermarrying? Dig up corpses?

I'm a 4th cousin of George Washington, 6 times removed, assuming no female infidelity. I'm special.

Fritz said...

AllenS said...
Fritz, I'm not sure why people keep saying that the DNA base is pretty poor in Native American DNA. I haven't seen that, and one of my cousins is 100% Native American. Also, I have cousins that I've known since childhood, and they also test positive for Native American DNA. Me thinks (Indian lingo) that an excuse was made to go outside of protocol to find some way to make it look like she had Indian DNA. Unfortunately for her, it failed. Fortunately for us, it didn't.

The tribes are very protective of ancient Amerindian bones and body parts, hence the paucity of known pure Ameridian DNA. I'm sure the commercial firms are compiling their data bases from people who declare their heritage. Of course, we know over long periods of time, outbreeding tends to make that less than reliable, probably particularly with Amerindians, because so many people like Warren exaggerate their ancestry. So while they may have more, it's less certain.

Bustamente was using the scientific data base available to researchers, and it doesn't have much in the way of known Amerindian blood.

Look up the controversy regarding Kennewick Man.

glenn said...

And robother wins the internet today.

“I am not a person of color, but I played one on the Harvard Law faculty."


narciso said...

Continuing the fraud:

M Jordan said...

“I am not a witch.”

Christine O’Donnell, before the GOPe fled from her.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Rhhardin said, "Why doesn't Indian have subject-verb agreement?" Not now.

We have, we have, but is well kept secret. Red man risibility is big medicine. Gives us great tomahawk and tall totem for sacrificing of sacred cows (buffalos).

Warren is biggest buffalo of all. Provides great laughter around council fire.

Wince said...

Here's an actual Elizabeth Warren image checklist.

elkh1 said...

The Brilliant "I am not a person of color" demanded a Trump apology, her 1/2024th drop of blood has vindicated her claim for Native American-hood. She waved her magic proof in her Presser. Both she and the adoring Press were horrified that the magic proof turned into a red hot potato right in front of their eyes.

Trump would love her being the Democratic nominee. But her Democrat opponents would put her out of misery first.

By the way, every Democrat is Brilliant, every Republican president is a moron.

BarrySanders20 said...

Liz may not be Indian, but her Indian name is still One Strange Bird

Bob Boyd said...

"As God is my witness, I thought my story would fly."

Bob Boyd said...

Her skin has never been redder since she found out she wasn't an Indian.

narayanan said...

per Wiki - It was early 2000 when Greenspan with his business partners Max Blankfeld and Jim Warren officially launched Family Tree DNA.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

she's playing the "Honest Injun" card now

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought" -- Chief Shakespeare

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Really, because I thought she was, what with her dusky complexion, raven hair, and deep brown eyes.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

"As the left had been demanding for years, Nixon declared victory and got the hell out."

The far Left demanded we declare defeat and get out, so Nixon wasn't for them. Liberals wanted to declare defeat and never leave, as always.

CJinPA said...

"Elizabeth Warren defends her DNA test: ‘I am not a person of color’"

BREAKING: Elizabeth Warren reveals she is translucent. "I'm here. I'm clear. Get used to it."

narciso said...

The left mandated through cooper church, retreat from Vietnam and forced cutoff of funding to the south vietnamese.

William said...

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall." That's the quote that immediately comes to mind with Reagan. The immediate association quote with all other recent presidents is negative. You can think of positive things they have said, but the immediate quote is one that makes them look bad......I suppose Warren can take heart. Saying lame things has never been an insurmountable obstacle to achieving high elective office.

Birches said...

I'm 100% Mexican (so mix of Spanish and Indigenous blood). My DNA test says I'm 51% Native American, it doesn't separate American tribes from other traditional people. So someone who is in theory 100% Native American could be some person in Peru. Fritz is right on this.

rehajm said...

"As God is my witness, I thought my story would fly."

Stealing without attribution.

Bob Boyd said...

"Stealing without attribution."

Who'd I steal from?

rehajm said...

I'm stealing it from you.

John henry said...


The DNA Test was performed by Family Tree DNA, https://www.familytreedna.com/

Family Tree was founded by Bennett Greenspan, Max Blankfeld, and Jim Warren


Carlos Bustamente was involved with Family Tree DNA.

Jim Warren is Elizabeth's former husband

John Henry

Bob Boyd said...

"I'm stealing it from you."

You can have it.
I'm wearing Speedoes and a filthy bathrobe so I'm feeling magnanimous.

Anonymous said...

I am not a person of color

Admitting she is, in fact, colorless.


FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yancey Ward said...

Warren's mistake was that first day after releasing the DNA results. With that test in hand, she should have conceded that Trump was right to call her claims fake. By this point, it might have subsided. However, she chose to claim the test vindicated her, and received and is receiving the appropriate ridicule. Backtracking now just compounds the problem.

narciso said...

Of course she's a fraud next question:


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