TONIGHT: @SenGillibrand stops by @colbertlateshow to announce that she is forming an exploratory committee to run for President of the United States! #LSSC— The Late Show (@colbertlateshow) January 15, 2019
Colbert asked her the classic question (the one Ted Kennedy famously flubbed), "Why do you want to be President of the United States?" The question was, it appears rather obviously, planned, and even if it wasn't, it was utterly predictable. Ever since Ted's screw-up, presidential candidates have known they must nail this question.
Here's what she said:
Well, I'm going to run for President of the United States, because as a young mom, I'm going to fight for other people's kids as hard as I would fight for my own...As a young mom? She's 52.
... which is why I believe that health care should be a right, not a privilege [audience cheers], it's why I believe we should have better public schools for our kids because it shouldn't matter what block you grow up on, and I believe that anybody who wants to work hard enough should be able to get whatever job training they need to earn their way into the middle class, but you are never going to accomplish any of these things if you don't take on the system of power that make all of that impossible...There's an unnatural break between "take" and "on" that makes me think this answer was scripted and memorized and is now coming out robotically. And then there's the grammatical error "the system of power that make all of that impossible." How does a mistake like that happen? I'm just going to guess that she got the idea, as she rambled along, that "things" was the subject. It can't be, of course, because "things" referred to the accomplishments that she wants to have, not what is making them impossible to reach.
... which is taking on institutional racism, it's taking on the corruption and greed in Washington, taking on the special interests that write legislation in the dead of night, and I know [chokes up] that I have the compassion [holds up finger], the courage, and the fearless determination to get that done.I'm not terribly hopeful that KEG will be able to reach people with that kind of rhetoric. She seems both over-prepped and under-prepped. I'd like to feel that the words a candidate speaks are really coming from their brain as they speak. But if you're going to deliver scripted remarks, have some well-shaped sentences, a memorable phrase or two, and get to the point and stop.
IN THE COMMENTS: Ralph L said:
Did she grope Colbert's hands at the beginning, or was that faked for the camera?I noticed that she did presume she could swoop down on his hand with her 2 hands, without asking for permission.

Or do you want to say his hand was right there, asking for it?
It's just proof that women are idiots.
.. which is why I believe that health care should be a right, not a privilege [audience cheers]
This is certainly idiotic.
She wants to be President for the top 5 reasons from 25 focus groups.
She'd do better with men are toxic. At least that's heartfelt, will actually appeal to spokeswomen.
Outlining stuff that can't work puts her in competition with better looking young women in the party.
The Democrats have found a woman whiter than Hillary Clinton.
She's phoney. Let's leave it at that..............
"As President I would protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Didn't hear that.
In some sense, this is heartening.
After Bush and McCain, the Republican Party needed a rebuild. With no clear leader, 16 people decided to go for it and the result was President Trump, who, whatever we may have thought of him during the campaign, we have to admit if we're honest that he has been a surprisingly good president.
After Obama and Clinton, the Democrats need a rebuild. With no clear leader, 17,037 people are throwing their names in the hat. Who knows what will emerge? Whether we will like the eventual nominee or not, we can be sure that they will not be part of the corrupt and cynical Democratic Party that we have suffered under the last 10 years.
but you are never going to accomplish any of these things if you don't take on the system of power that make all of that impossible
She's choking on her words because as she's speaking them out loud she realizing she's a Democrat promising to take on labor unions.
I'm not terribly hopeful that KEG will be able to reach people with that kind of rhetoric.
I'm not terribly hopeful that she won't.
Health care isn't a right or a privilege. It's a product that employs a few million people in the US, ranging from the chief of surgery to lab techs, orderlies, and janitors. If health care is a right, then who pays for the services of these people? Are they expected to work for free (slaves)? If not, someone has to pay for them.
Before the government tries to further take over US health care, wouldn't it be a good idea if they could show proof they're able to competently and efficiently manage the systems they already operate? If the health care provided on reservations top notch or a national disgrace? How about the Veterans Administration? Medicare? Medicaid? Military health care? If all of those were providing excellent service at peak efficiency, then the government could make the case that they're better able to run all of health care. But as anyone who has had experience with those systems will tell you, the level of care ranges from quite good (especially for those services available to members of Congress) to dismal.
Not a soul will ask her which article two power allows her to improve schools. To have any say at any level in any educational endeavor. Same goes for the rest of the canned responses...from both parties. What article two power supports your stated goals?
I care for my family more than anything I have ever cared about. The federal govt "helping" me care for my family, scares me whitless.
"I believe in (insert universal truth), and people should (insert universal value)."
-Same empty rhetoric/straw man argument from every dem running for office that I can remember.
She's hoping to un-holster Putin's cock.
Larry J said...
Health care isn't a right or a privilege.
Health care is a right in the same way that freedom of the press is a right.
The government should not be allowed to stop you from operating a printing press. But it does not have a responsibility to buy you that press, and the paper, and the ink.
The government should not be allowed to stop you from obtaining healthcare. But it does not have a responsibility to buy you insurance, or medicine, or pay for your doctor's visit.
Did she grope Colbert's hands at the beginning, or was that faked for the camera?
Senators are kind of like our American Lords and Ladies yet the Dem Lords and Ladies, while seated in their royal offices, proclaim the system is rigged. Well, if so, how the hell did they rise to the top and should we dethrone them?
Larry J said...
Before the government tries to further take over US health care, wouldn't it be a good idea if they could show proof they're able to competently and efficiently manage the systems they already operate?
"Life is like an Imhoff tank; the biggest and ripest pieces rise to the top."
However, the Democratic Party seems to be malfunctioning; these pieces look quite small and decidedly unripe for the offices they are seeking.
Every four years a bunch of idiots declare that they will resolve problems that have plagued humans for millennia.
It's impossible to get a job, an education, or health care in the United States? Sheesh. Talk about pandering to the freeloaders.
Not that long ago, the term "exploratory" was usually associated with surgery. As in, let's dive in and see what surfaces. Seems fitting in her case.
"it's why I believe we should have better public schools for our kids because it shouldn't matter what block you grow up on..."
I thought Obama fixed that. He had 8 long years.
Blogger Ralph L said...Did she grope Colbert's hands at the beginning, or was that faked for the camera?
AA concluded..."Or do you want to say his hand was right there, asking for it?"
Looks like toxic femininity to me.
She's my other senator, and I don't know anything about her.
So she's going after teacher's unions? Snort.
It's hilarious she gets choked up listening to herself talk about her compassion.
The best thing that could happen to the 22 democrats running for the nomination is to come in second, a very clear second. Bernie only has luster because all of his supporters and the people that wanted to be his supporters but stayed in the shadows were able to attach all of their hopes and aspirations to the Bernie version of Socialism without ever having to see it crumble to dust as it interacts with reality.
Incumbents have advantages, even with the media in full throated scream mode against Trump he has an advantage going into 2020. The smart democrat runs now to lose the nomination in order to place them at the top of the field in 2024.
The two most serious candidates the Dems have running are Hickenlooper and Bloomberg.
She's Chucky's bitch. Remember when she first ran for Senator. Man, how she flips and flops.....
And now...
She did in Al and lost my vote, so much for compassion.
Al did in Al.
1. If it weren't for Obama, I would have thought Senators tend to do less well than Governors in presidential elections these days. Maybe it's just as well I don't teach poli sci any more. Kerry: "I was for it before I was against it," meaning: we usually don't get to vote for one issue, up or down; there is a huge bill with lots of stuff in it; each Senator has to decide whether some stuff he/she wants is in there, and if so, is it outweighed by "bad" stuff. You might vote for a bad bill to get some good stuff; when you vote against a bill, there will no doubt be some good stuff in there somewhere. Bob Dole was asked about some controversial issue: "that bill is in markup." Not a great answer for voters.
2. The touching thing is hilarious. How are politicians supposed to touch anyone any more? If Biden runs, we will see a lot of video of him touching women, including very young women--elbow, arm, shoulders, small of back, straying down from small of back, kissing. Creepy Joe.
The "as a young mom" is an interesting formulation. She is a mom with fairly young kids (youngest is 10). I think colloquially, "young mom" is often used to mean "mom with young kids".
And there's also the fact that compared to Biden, Warren, and Sanders, she is young.
Which is probably the real point.
Gillibrand sends her sons to private school like a good Progressive. Liberals know public school sucks. They are big supporters of public school so that those kids don’t mix with their own precious aristocrats.
Colbert would have pointed out this hypocrisy but he’s a douchebag.
Can’t wait for the Clintons to take out Gillibrand. Maybe a MeToo accusation against her husband or a son. Will be fun to watch her suffer under the idiocy she imposes on others.
A young mom is 22 not 52. She’s lying. That’s the point. A mom with young kids is called mom with young kids. And the Mexican nanny is the one raising those boys anyway. Gillibrand had a wet nurse. Her boys are props.
Is Trump a young dad? He has a 12 year old.
A young mom is 22 not 52. She’s lying.
Let's add that to her OUTRAGEOUS LIES!!! list.
Personally, I thought Al Franken was a buffoon. But a lot of Democrats wanted him to run for president. So this looks like Gillebrand pushed out a competitor. Isn't that interesting?
How about : "I oppose abortion...for the kids"?
Or do you want to say his hand was right there, asking for it?
Women can always touch men. Men can't always touch women. Them's the rules.
At the deli I frequent, the waitresses routinely touch me. It doesn't bother me, but I chuckle at the double standard.
She's my other senator, and I don't know anything about her.
She's tried to explain her life story's arc, but there was a mic in front of her when she tried, and Schumer was in the room, and well, he saw the mic and started talking into it.
Just a few years ago, she used to have her hands all over Trump when it came time to solicit campaign contributions in his private office. She acted like his best friend in all the world.
Having a gun is a right. Making the government buy you on is not.
1. Democrats now go on comedy shows to announce their society changing offering "to serve".
2. It will be funny watching the "progressives" compete to compose the most radical laundry list of give-aways. With AOC leading the way, how can one stand out as Most Progressive when NYC Mayor announces free health care for US non-citizens and confiscation of buildings for a co-op?
3. The parade of victims evolves... Latest solved problem involves opening bathrooms to indecisive trannies. What other blocks can be marketed suffering? How about those Caravan illegal voters lugging their anchor child over the river?
She should have called herself a young-looking mom.
She clearly has no concept of what "right" means.
52 is way out of scope, but I think if a woman refers to her time as a young mom, she may be talking about when she was 19 or when she was 33. It is a colloquialism for that time when a woman is relatively young and has a young kid or two.
I clearly hear KEG say “systems of power,” i.e. plural “systems,” so no grammatical error there.
Let’s just take all her and her husband’smoney and give it to those who need it. Then her sons can go to public school in DC. Start living under the rules mom creates for others. The DC public schools are run by Democrats and have been for a long time. They aren’t diverse but that’s because white liberals won’t send their kids to school with blacks. We must make them do it. No more white-boy school for Gillibrand’s sons.
That picture makes her look like a younger Crooked Hillary.
Honestly, anyone who lists being a mother as the #1 reason to vote for them has lost my vote. The previous President asserted that his compassion was more important than his competence, and look at what that got us. Ultimately it got the US destabilizing the entire Mideast, which trigger Europe's Muslim immigrant catastrophe, which in turn turned parts of a number of European cities into no-go zones. And esp for their women, whom those Muslim immigrants believe want to be raped because of their dress.
All of these Senators see that Obama was able to become President, so why shouldn't they? They ignore, of course, that he was a horrid President. And much of that was because he had no prior executive whatsoever, running anything larger than a Senate office. And the results were unsurprising - the various departments were passed out as private fiefdoms to his various constituencies, and about the only overriding themes in his Administration was the extreme level of politicized graft and corruption in the various departments. Putting someone into the most powerful position on the planet because they have used their uterus for its intended purpose is as insane, if not more so, to having done so because some of his ancestors had come from Africa a bit later than most of ours.
The two most serious candidates the Dems have running are Hickenlooper and Bloomberg.
Whitman. No chance.
She’s 52. That is not young. When you have a kid at 42, that is old. You are an old mom. Very old mom.
Hillary was 32 when Chelsea was born. Compared to Gillibrand Hillary was a young mom.
I'm surprised nobody has blown her out of the water yet and called her out for the flat out lies she told a couple of months ago. "My plan is to be the best senator for NY".....
Announcing your candidacy on a B-list talk show was your first mistake Toots.
The womanists who run the Dem Party want to vote for an ugly woman, not Gillibrand.
"because as a young mom"
Even prog self-descriptions are fake.
If she wants to take on the "system of power," for example in education, she'll have to attack her fellow progs.
52 is the new 35. I would have said "52 is the new 25", but you can't run for president at 25.
"Yes! . . . [awkward pause] . . . [opens mouth as if to begin speaking, then stops and inexplicably reaches for host's hands] . . . [long awkward pause] . . . I'm filing" etc.
The father of New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand reportedly has ties to an alleged slave sex cult. Gillibrand's father, Doug Rutnik, was once a lobbyist for NXIVM and its founder, Keith Raniere. Raniere was arrested by the FBI on March of 2018 and charged with sex trafficking and forced labor conspiracy.
Announcing the formation of an "exploratory committee" sounds like antithesis of leadership.
Gillibrand was a tobacco lawyer. Dad was a lobbyist. She went to rich kid prep school.
She is White Privilege. Her sons are White Privilege. Democrats need to disown White Privilege. Get rid of the Gillibrands and Pelosis. Be the Party of Maxine Waters.
tim maguire said...
Whether we will like the eventual nominee or not, we can be sure that they will not be part of the corrupt and cynical Democratic Party that we have suffered under the last 10 years.
I can't be that optimistic, Tim. Democrats live by the Golden Rule: Whoever has the gold, makes the rules. In Congress, that's Nancy Pelosi, for instance. She rakes in the donations, so she rules the roost. Ask the Democrats who openly opposed her and didn't get the plum committee assignments they were seeking if I'm wrong. And ultimately, the Democrat who gets the nomination in 2020 will be whoever can latch onto the most donor money from the corrupt and cynical Democrat Party apparat, because that's how they roll.
Ugh. The Night Rider. She never met a lynch mob she didn’t like. So a solid Democrat in that respect.
She's pleasant and nowhere near as querulous as Warren. I find her to be less annoying than most of the others. This is a clear sign that she doesn't have a chance. The whole point of the modern Democratic Party is to irritate me. Mission fail.......I find it refreshing to have a candidate who's against expensive and debilitating illnesses whilst at the same time being in favor of educating children.
Rights have no costs.
Privileges do.
Kirsten JellyBrains has got at least tangential ties to the NXIVM cult. tellin ya.
gonna hurt her "brand" (gigglesnort)
The hand thing was likely rehearsed too, so yes he did ask for it.
Crusty not-so-young Mom has got it going on.
As a young mom? She's 52.
by my math, she was about 37 when she had her first, and FORTY TWO when she had her second
She means (as best i can read it), that she hasn't been a mom for long, only 16 years; so, her kids are both still children. She's counting the length of time she's BEEN a mom when she calls herself young*
You see? She is SO FUCKING STUPID that she thinks that having TEEN AGED kids means she hasn't been a mom long. She Actually thinks** that if you're Not a grandmother, you're a young mom
calls herself young* she's SO FUCKING STUPID that she thinks She IS young at 52 (not many gray hairs)
thinks** whatever you'd call the process used by someone SO FUCKING STUPID instead of thought
Ann, you write, "[T]here's the grammatical error 'the system of power that make all of that impossible.' How does a mistake like that happen?"
Actually, she says, correctly, "the systems of power that make . . . ." Just FYI. Your quote incorrectly transcribes her comment.
eh - she looks like Hillary.
There's an unnatural break between "take" and "on" that makes me think this answer was scripted and memorized and is now coming out robotically. And then there's the grammatical error "the system of power that make all of that impossible." How does a mistake like that happen?
She stopped herself just in time from saying "you are never going to accomplish any of these things if you don't take power" because she or her handlers realized that would not sound good to Americans, who might hear her along with her intended audience.
Gillibrand has hit “the wall” which puts to rest her whole qualification for being president.
For Gillibrand's entire life, politicians have been bemoaning how awful things are while pushing the liberal/progressive paradise. And they have been in control for most of that time -- all of that time in the big cities and several states.
So why haven't they fixed all these things already?
The smart democrat runs now to lose the nomination in order to place them at the top of the field in 2024.
That's the old way of thinking. And historically wrong too.
The last four presidents were elected on their first run. Going against an incumbent, Clinton might have started thinking that it would be a dry run for next time, but the conditions were right and he went for it.
In today's environment, with a second run, the candidate is old news and stale. People are sick and tired of him or her. Same with people running the first time who announce too early.
The best strategy is to be like the cavalry riding to the rescue in the nick of time. Arranging things so that they are at the peak of freshness in early fall of the election year, before people have the chance to discover all the flaws.
A 16-year mom is a young mom--for 52. All her friends have adult kids.
Compassion will take on systems of power like the comfy chair does.
IF she were a Republican Colbert would play a clip of her announcing her exploratory committee on his show back to back with a clip of her denying she intends to run for President...which was all of 2 months ago.
But, you know, once you have that magic "(Dem)" after your name things are different.
Yeah, right. She just happened to be in the neighborhood and "stopped by"
It was not carefully negotiated in advance. It was not carefully scripted.
It was just a casual spur of the moment thing. And she just casually decided to announce her candidacy.
Needs a BULLSHIT!!!!! tag.
John Henry
And when she was a tobacco lawyer when she started out working for boies firm, she is the handmaiden of mattress girl, a seriously unstable personality, but then so is camelbert,
Someone should ask her how rule by the Democrats of New York State for all of these years has benefitted her old district? Is it better now that it’s depopulated? Cleaner since industry was driven out? I am curious to know.
Wait, is 52 not young?
I thought 90 was the new 40? I fell pretty young myself and I was born in 1947.
You mean I'm not?
In the words of the bard (JD)
"Fairy tales can come true, it can happen to you, if you're young at heart"
John Henry
Re PDJT being "young":
How many 50 year olds do you know who work, as hard, have as much energy, display more vitality, and get more done than PDJT?
I think it might take 3-4 50 year olds to match him.
John Henry
Also compared to Biden (Totally unqualified as a former VP) Warren (Fake Indian) and Sanders (Not even a Democrat) she is the only mom. For whatever that it worth as a qualification. Not much in my opinion.
John Henry
Blogger YoungHegelian said...
Women can always touch men. Men can't always touch women. Them's the rules.
Unless you are a celebrity. Then they not only "let you grab them by the pussy", they insist that you do and get positively offended when you don't.
And if you are a big enough celebrity, they let you shove your dick down their throat, cum on their dress and don't even ask you to pay the dry cleaning.
John Henry
She's running for VP - or maybe a good cabinet position.
To be fair to women, I did not mean women in general or even a large minority of women.
But still lots and lots of women. 10% of 120mm women of pussy grabbing age is still 12mm women.
John Henry
She's cute, but her judgement leaves a lot to be desired, as compared to some one like nikki haley there's no equal.
Larry J said...
Before the government tries to further take over US health care, wouldn't it be a good idea if they could show proof they're able to competently and efficiently manage the systems they already operate?
Still this. Can't say this enough.
What good is a system if it isn't run efficiently?
Tim Maguire has an interesting thought- perhaps the Democrats will do just like the Republicans in 2016 and choose a true political novice and outsider, and for the same reasons- dozen or more insiders dividing the 60-70% of establishment primary voters.
I have found that I am more likely to mess up subject/verb while writing than I am in speaking- indeed, when proofreading, I find it easier to spot the mistake by sub-vocalizing as I read. How do other commenters feel about this?
I am 52, as well. I no longer consider myself young- that ended about age 40. I would describe myself as late middle-aged. However, she is young compared to the top of the potential field at the moment, and young compared to her party's Congressional leadership. However, she is not a "young mom"- she is a mom to children who are not yet adults.
Althouse, knock it off. She's a politician, which means it doesn't matter at all how she wears her hair or how she babbles her scripted lines or whether she toys with her interlocutor's fingers or whatever. What matters is that she is a stinking Communist who wants to destroy the country we live in. She is a menace, and the only reasonable response to her is suspicion and hostility.
Do female Democrats have to cry to win grassroots support? It's not a good look for feminists.
I'd consider getting wasted with a keg if KEG was even nominated to be the Left Party's candidate for president. But I believe (as Ambrose said above):
"She's running for VP - or maybe a good cabinet position."
...except only for VP because I believe she has at least 6 more years left as the junior Senator from the State of New York.
Of course, she would have to beat out the more well-known senatoresses of the left (Warren, Harris) to get the VP nomination.
KEG's singular accomplishment in life seems to have been perfecting her little girl voice.
"The Little Girl Voice is an informal name for a vocal trait in adult women that is caused by psychological trauma before the onset of puberty. Women that are affected speak in a higher sounding, child-like pattern, usually in a manner similar to the age at which they suffered the traumatic event...
...Dr. Drew discovered this phenomenon after practicing medicine for many years and noticing a very distinct pattern with his patients, whom he often converses with personally during the treatment process. He noticed all the female patients who talked a certain way had a trauma history (usually sexual abuse) that they would reveal during the session. Strangely, there has been no formal scientific study of this phenomenon, though its reality is undeniable in the face of call after call that the doctor correctly deduces, sometimes with them only saying a single word."
From the noted authority:
(Also called an anti-gravitas voice.)
Oh. Well. Aren't we f'ng lucky.
I believe I have the right to chicken done right.
/Audience cheers.
What good is a system if it isn't run efficiently?
They don't want it to be efficient.
They want control.
Kitdten Gllebrand is a big liar (and probably Bill and Hillary's candidate) but by "young Mom" she clearly means (or means to confuse people with) "mother of a young child."
Well, somewhat young. (10 years old)
She wants to be President of the US because she wants to take care of the education of young children and their healthcare and she's brave enough to take on the special interests. OK, then run for your local city council.
The image I got was Gillibrand as a rowboat, and would I want to cross the Atlantic Ocean on a rowboat or an ocean liner? I'd choose an ocean liner. For president I prefer a candidate who is capable of dealing with the big issues of national security, trade, the economy, the military, immigration, the infrastructure, etc.
When Trump first announced his intention to run for president he actually had good reasons: he was fed up with the lack of solutions and the failed policies by PC professional politicians. He had achieved a very comfortable life and felt the time had come to give back because he loves his country.
The hand grasp meant to show she a mom.
"Its going to be alright, Steven"
She was trying to get him to arm wrestle.
She looked as if she was about to announce a pregnancy.
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