January 2, 2019

Harry Reid "does not have long to live. I hate to be so abrupt about this, but Reid probably would not mind."

Writes Mark Leibovich in "Harry Reid Has a Few Words for Washington/The former Senate majority leader on President Trump and Senator Chuck Schumer, and on why he doesn’t regret ending the filibuster for judicial appointment" (NYT Magazine).
In May, he went in for a colonoscopy, the results of which caused concern among his doctors. This led to an M.R.I. that turned up a lesion on Reid’s pancreas: cancer. Reid’s subdued and slightly cold manner, and aggressive anticharisma, have always made him an admirably blunt assessor of situations, including, now, his own: “As soon as you discover you have something on your pancreas, you’re dead.”...

Reid once called the Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan a “political hack,” Justice Clarence Thomas “an embarrassment” and President George W. Bush a “loser” (for which he later apologized) and a “liar” (for which he did not). In 2016, he dismissed Trump as “a big fat guy” who “didn’t win many fights.” Reid himself was more than ready to fight, and fight dirty: “I was always willing to do things that others were not willing to do,” he told me.

During the 2012 presidential campaign, he claimed, with no proof, that Mitt Romney had not paid any taxes over the past decade....
Leibovich asks Reid if he agreed with James Comey's likening of Trump to a mafia boss:
“Organized crime is a business,” he told me, “and they are really good with what they do. But they are better off when things are predictable. In my opinion, they do not do well with chaos. And that’s what we have going with Trump.”

Still, Reid added: “Trump is an interesting person. He is not immoral but is amoral. Amoral is when you shoot someone in the head, it doesn’t make a difference. No conscience.” There was a hint of grudging respect in Reid’s tone, which he seemed to catch and correct. “I think he is without question the worst president we’ve ever had,” he said. “We’ve had some bad ones, and there’s not even a close second to him.” He added: “He’ll lie. He’ll cheat. You can’t reason with him.” Once more, a hint of wonder crept into his voice, as if he was describing a rogue beast on the loose in a jungle that Reid knows well....
Reid takes an anthropological interest in the changes that Trump has wrought on his old institution. “You can’t legislate when you have a chief executive who’s weird, for lack of a better description,” he told me...

I asked him if he could identify at all with Trump’s dark worldview. “I disagree that Trump is a pessimist,” Reid said, as if to allow him that mantle would be paying him an undeserved compliment. “I think he’s a person who is oblivious to the real world.”...

“As has been written since I left,” he told me, “I was kind of a strange guy.”
Also interesting — his relationship with Chuck Schumer:
In our conversation, Reid seemed incapable of not constantly reminding me that he did not wish to talk about Schumer, as if this itself was something he wanted me to emphasize. “I do not call Schumer,” he told me. Then: “I call him once in a while — not weekly. Let’s say monthly I may call him.” This sounded straightforward enough until he added: “I talk to Nancy often. I love Nancy Pelosi. We did so many good things, and we still talk about that.” ...


Big Mike said...

I continue to marvel at people who call Donald Trump “the worst president we’ve ever had” so soon after the eight year disaster that was the Obama administration. Once again we find a leading Democrat who is dismayed that real wages have risen for the middle class sand that the employment statistics for blacks and Hispanics are at historic high levels.

I place James Buchanan ad all-time worst president, closely followed by Obama and Carter, in that order.

My name goes here. said...

If I were to judge a man solely by the enemies he has, Trump is greater than Roosevelt, Lincoln, Jefferson or Washington.

David Begley said...

Pancreatic cancer is nearly always a death sentence. RBG beat the odds. And there has been essentially no progress over the years; unlike breast cancer.

Kevin said...

Reid once called the Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan a “political hack,” Justice Clarence Thomas “an embarrassment” and President George W. Bush a “loser” (for which he later apologized) and a “liar” (for which he did not). In 2016, he dismissed Trump as “a big fat guy” who “didn’t win many fights.” Reid himself was more than ready to fight, and fight dirty: “I was always willing to do things that others were not willing to do,” he told me.

Thank goodness he didn’t tweet any of this. His party would have been outraged and called him unfit for office.

Tommy Duncan said...

“You can’t legislate when you have a chief executive who’s weird"

“I was kind of a strange guy.”

cacimbo said...

Coverage of Reid exemplifies why I view journalists with distaste. From their refusal to report that he was beat up by his own brother to their eagerness to spread his lie about Romney's taxes, coverage of Reid was not just partisan but corrupt.

Larry J said...

"Now I know what a statesman is; he's a dead politician. We need more statesmen."
- Bob Edwards

"I have never killed any one, but I have read some obituary notices with great satisfaction."
- Clarence Darrow

Big Mike said...

“Organized crime is a business,” he told me

So the rumors about Reid’s mob connections are true? Very plausible.

Mike Sylwester said...

When Reid lied about Romney not paying taxes, was that lie immoral or amoral?

Kevin said...

Amoral is when you shoot someone in the head, it doesn’t make a difference.

“During the 2012 presidential campaign, he claimed, with no proof, that Mitt Romney had not paid any taxes over the past decade....”

Guildofcannonballs said...

Harry Reid is a paedophile who has raped children. He would have been better off having a millstone placed around his neck and then being tossed into the sea than in becoming a Senator.

David Begley said...

Reid was a real life Senator Geary. “I do like your kind, Mr. Corelone.”

rehajm said...

Reid's knowledge of the minutia of the function of organized crime is without equal...

I was wondering what it is about the end of life, as some men turn to face the abyss...what compels them to be spiteful and churlish and petty, but that's been Reid's thing all along.

Kevin said...

“Reid was also prescient in urging the Obama administration and congressional Republicans to go public about the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election; the letter that Republican leaders agreed to co-sign weeks after they were briefed on the investigation did not identify Russia by name. “They did nothing — or nothing that I’m aware of,” Reid said.”

iowan2 said...

I guess Reid is just a politician, by another name. If you spend every waking moment seeking ever more power, this my be a good time the look at the life and times of Reid, and re-evaluate your goals. All that power...died anyway.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

KARMA neh?


rhhardin said...

It's a case of a completely different movie.

Nonapod said...

Given all the stuff he pulled over the years, it's a little rich of Reid to discuss morality.

It's somewhat amusing how much he clearly dislikes Schumer. Petty 'til the end I guess.

Paul said...

Harry who?

Bay Area Guy said...

I'm sorry Harry Reid has pancreatic cancer. Everything beyond that fact is irrelevant, because he is irrelevant.

Larry J said...

Big Mike said...
“Organized crime is a business,” he told me

So the rumors about Reid’s mob connections are true? Very plausible.

Harry Reid has long and deep connections to organized crime. He's a Democrat. The Democrats are probably the largest organized crime outfit in the world. They use politics as a means to further their criminal enterprise.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Reid said, as if to allow him that mantle would be paying him an undeserved compliment. “I think he’s a person who is oblivious to the real world.”...

Got to love it when a denizen of The Swamp talks about being in touch with reality!

chuck said...

I've always had a curious admiration for Reid and his willingness to do whatever it took to get the job done. He is a slime ball, but shrewd one, and even the approach of death changes nothing.

Meade said...

Speaking ill of the the nearly dead. Careful: we might be disinvited to his funeral.

Darrell said...

Harry Reid can handle everything but a rubber band exerciser.
Or was he lying about that, too?

wendybar said...

Two words....WHO CARES?

Hagar said...

Harry Reid was not a politician. He ran the Senate as if he was a lobbyist law firm with the Las Vegas mob and the White House for clients.

FIDO said...

Amoral man who does whatever he wants and doesn't listen to posterity or others.

Are we talking Trump or Reid?

M Jordan said...

Hairy Reed is a Mormon, did you know? Like Mitt Romney.

Draw your own conclusions.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I don't wish Reid ill and hope he unexpectedly lives a lot longer. But if he dies, will the country shut down for another of those 7 day funerals like we had for McCain and GHW Bush?

sinz52 said...

Unlike so many on the Left these days,

I don't take any pleasure or satisfaction in the death of political opponents from a life-threatening illness.

I disagreed with most of Harry Reid's policies and actions.

But in the Senate, he was real good at his job.

The fight against pancreatic cancer is one that I really hope you'll WIN, Senator.

Rob said...

Say what you will about Chuck Schumer, he knows enough to keep the stink of Harry Reid off him.

Big Mike said...

Speaking ill of the the nearly dead. Careful: we might be disinvited to his funeral.

@Meade, but can we still urinate on his grave?

Big Mike said...

But in the Senate, he was real good at his job.

@sinz52, his job was impoverishing the middle class and further impoverishing the working poor?

mockturtle said...

“Organized crime is a business,” he told me, “and they are really good with what they do."

He should know.

Derek Kite said...

When Reid does the funeral will be notable for the line up of Republicans wishing to pay their respects. He is instrumental in the restructuring of the courts rightward.

Birches said...

If we're using the Dems old standards, GWB is still the worst president. You know, endless wars and civilian death and all that.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

He should be memorialized as Harry "Nuclear Option" Reid. Don't let leftist history suggest McConnell had the balls to do it.

Trumpit said...

"Speaking ill of the the nearly dead. Careful: we might be disinvited to his funeral.

@Meade, but can we still urinate on his grave?"

You are very vulgar, and deserve to have your fingers broken, so that it hurts to type.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Reid is dying? Good!

He's an immoral amoral lying money grubbing Clinton Type.

Fernandinande said...

Indelible in the pancreas.

Danno said...

Derek, I am reading an article on RBG's hubris on another tab. How apropos.

Hagar said...

Politicians care about their reputations, at least among their followers; it kind goes with the territory, and they care about their party and institutions, at least as it reflects on themselves. For Harry Reid all of that was just sentimental mumbo-jumbo; all he cared for was that his fees get paid.
A small man in a big job.

rhhardin said...

About the dead the less said the better.

gilbar said...

who says there's never any good news in the papers?

Trumpit said...

"Reid is dying? Good!"

What goes around comes around. God, is it too much to ask you why you made this worm?

gilbar said...

Birches said...
If we're using the Dems old standards, GWB is still the worst president. You know, endless wars

there's Only ONE President that had troops actively engaged in combat for all eight years; and it wasn't GWB. Only Barry O'Bama can make That claim.
And by the Dems NEW standards: Barry is The MOST BESTEST PRESIDENT, EVER!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Lying liars are gonna die someday. Including Hillary Clinton. Those will be good days.

rcocean said...

When a liar, thief and a con-man like Reid insults you, what can you say?

The morality of the typical Globalist Democrat politician is always weird.

Trumpit said...

I propose calling a woman who is a worm, a worman. A man who is a worm is still a worm.

rcocean said...

Reid did one good thing: He got rid of the filibuster for Judges.

Schumer will get rid of the filibuster all together, the next time the D's seize power.

rcocean said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trumpit -
It's like celebrating the death of Hitler.

WE all know you would never do that.

rcocean said...

Reid is you typical Democrat Globalist Swamp Creature.

To him, anyone who wants to enforce the immigration laws, withdraw troops from no-win wars, or negotiate better trade deals is "Weird" and "Crazy".

Big Mike said...

You are very vulgar, and deserve to have your fingers broken, so that it hurts to type.

Well, worm, you are welcome to try.

rcocean said...

I see the Left is engaging in their usual pattern:

If a Republican dies, its "Haha. Glad your dead you loser".

If a Democrat Dies: "How dare you criticize the dead, have you no heart?"

LOL. Alinsky's rules. Reid would approve.

gilbar said...

rcocean said...
Schumer will get rid of the filibuster all together, the next time the D's seize power.

And! he SAID (back in 2016,) that That Was What He Was Going To DO
So, of Course! the republicans decided that they'd wait

gilbar said...

Trumpet honked... "Reid is dying?.... God, is it too much to ask you why you made this worm? "

It's hard to say Why GOD made Reid; GOD works in mysterious ways

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Something about worm food.

Oh wait- Reid might come back as a worm. Be kind to worms.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trumpit said

You are very vulgar, and deserve to have your fingers broken, so that it hurts to type.

Good proggy! Wishing pain on others.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

The upcoming death and descent straight to hell of undenied pedarast Harry Reid will be even more of a celebration than when McCain maverick'd his ass six feet under. I only wish that Reid can live long enough to see Ginsberg's seat taken over by a 45 year old constitutionalist.

Oh well, one can't be greedy. Don't look good news in the mouth as they say.

Original Mike said...

I wouldn't feel comfortable saying 'Harry Reid was a despicable human being', but I have no problem saying 'Harry Reid is a despicable human being'.

Amadeus 48 said...

Harry Reid was Sen. Mike Lee's LDS home school teacher when Lee was a kid. Can you imagine what that was like? The number of whoopie cushion incidents? The cascade of water buckets put over doors? The plethora of thumbtacks on chairs?

Teacher, leave those kids alone.

tcrosse said...

There's a lot of hard feelings in Vegas about how Dirty Harry helped shlong Bernie in the 2016 Nevada Primary and deliver for Hillary.

rcocean said...

Who really likes Chuck Schumer?

Those Dem senators must really be a bunch of turds to select him as their leader.

Earnest Prole said...

All things must pass.

Mark Jones said...

So the corrupt, immoral Democrat Harry Reid hates Donald Trump. There's a fucking surprise. In other news, dog bites man! Good riddance to this piece of rubbish.

rcocean said...

"Harry Reid can handle everything but a rubber band exerciser."

His face looked like he'd been beat up. Didn't know those rubber bands were so handy with their fists.

No doubt Reid got behind in his graft payments.

tcrosse said...

His face looked like he'd been beat up.

The word on the street is that he was beat up by his alcoholic brother.

FIDO said...

I am sure that someone, somewhere will be sad when Reid is dead and I don't want to wish that person pain and suffering (unless it is Hillary and her ilk).

That being said, I will not personally miss him and feel that there are some benefits to the world with his departure....which is far different than wishing him dead. Technically.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's so brave to hate Donald Trump.

Don't you dare wander off the democratic worship station.

Wilbur said...

rcocean said...
Who really likes Chuck Schumer?

Those Dem senators must really be a bunch of turds to select him as their leader.

No one gets to be a long-time legislative leader by being a nice person. That's not what the job is about. Think LBJ and Joe Cannon.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I don't hate Chuck Schumer. In fact, I find him less offensive than most of the jackals who have held his position.
Schumer is a player for his party, but he's not corrupt as far as I know.

~ Gordon Pasha said...

Reid's Mormonism, like Flake's, Seinema's, Love's, and even Romney's, all results in reflexive alliance with the Democrats. I think it is a relic of the Republicans being born with the goal to eliminate, the twin evils of barbarism, slavery and polygamy.

Bruce Hayden said...

"Harry Reid was not a politician. He ran the Senate as if he was a lobbyist law firm with the Las Vegas mob and the White House for clients."

Probably to no one's surprise, lobbying is a family business. My memory is that he has 4 boys and a girl, and with the son in law, they have five lawyers. When I was still in NV, the oldest 4, I believe, were practicing in the four largest firms in the state. We had one in our firm, and he was a really nice guy (partially though maybe because he always took care of the lawyers he worked with, including letting us use the firm box seats for the local minor league team that he paid for, for his lobbying clients). I Would joke with him a bit about our families, since both of our fathers were lawyers, and we had lawyer brothers, though mine tended more to go into engineering.

My partner grew up, somewhat, with his kids. They had five kids, like the Reids did, and her father's best friend was a prominent attorney in town (Vegas) with another large brood. The two of them were always prostelilizing, trying to bring her father, and his family, over to the dark side (to convert them to Mormonism). The three of them would get together Sundays after church with Their families. She remembers the Reid kids as tow heads several years younger than she was. Reid and her father talked boxing, because they had both boxed a lot when younger. Never apparently against each other though, because her father was quite a bit bigger. The Harry Reid she remembered was a nice guy, not any more liberal than anyone else. Typical Vegas Mormon. He was a Democrat, most likely, because Vegas was (and still is) a union town. Otherwise he was very middle of the road. He didn't lurch that far to the left until he became the leader for the Democrats in the Senate, and always seemed to me to have been trying to keep ahead of Schumer who was always pushing to take that job away from him. In other words, it was their caucus tacking left that was the cause of his moving in that direction, and not really any political ephifamy on his part.

Las Vegas was an interesting place back then. Control of the casinos was moving from the mob to the boardroom, controlled by them. They tended to be Italian, with some Jews, etc. But Vegas was also a Mormon town. Still to an extent is (a legal adage there is that if you want to win in court in Vegas, you should have a Mormon lawyer at the counsel's table - he doesn't have to do anything, just be there visible to the Mormon judge and Mormon jurors). Which means that these Italian mobsters were hiring a lot of Mormon lawyers to sanitize their casino businesses there. This is apparently a lot of what Reid did when he practiced law. But he wasn't the only Mormon lawyer working to legitimize the mob's businesses. There were apparently a lot of them. I think that he also represented the unions a bit, which remained a lot dirtier than the casinos did. Still decently dirty to this day, while the biggest casinos are owned now by corporations traded on the NYSE.

Leland said...

Well, if Harry Reid doesn't mind that he doesn't have long to live; then who am I to make hay about it?

Bruce Hayden said...

"Reid's Mormonism, like Flake's, Seinema's, Love's, and even Romney's, all results in reflexive alliance with the Democrats. I think it is a relic of the Republicans being born with the goal to eliminate, the twin evils of barbarism, slavery and polygamy"

Maybe a bit, but other things are also at play. My memory is that tge Mirmons in what is now Utah originally applied for statehood in the 1840s, but it would take another half century before they were successful. During most of that time, they were allied with the Democrats in DC. But the Democrats never were that enthusiastic in bringing a bunch of polygamists into Congress. So, LDS leadership finally went to the Republicans, and worked out a deal. The Mormons would give up polygamy and give the Republicans eight Senate seats (UT, ID, NV, and I believe WY), in trade for statehood. And except for NV (thanks, I think, to its heavy unionization, esp in the hospitality/casino industry), the Mormans have been decently loyal to the Republicans, with these other states typically giving Republican Presidential candidates their highest voting margins.

But Mormonism seems to have a strong tinge of small town socialism. Unemployment and other forms of state welfare had to be, effectively forced on at least Utah. They take care of their own their own way, and it seems to work a lot better than when the state tries to. In HS, her best friend's mother was a single mother with five kids. They insisted that she work, but in trade, the church was always there to help, including providing much of their food.

The other part of this though is that Mormons, esp away from their power base around Utah, seem to often be camelians. They blend in, and don't stand out from the general public. They say what people want to hear, then go their own way. It is this soft flexibility that drives me crazy when dealing with them. They might stab you in the back, but you won't see it coming, because they are still smiling their bland Mormon smile while doing it. I don't think that Harry Reid, in his Mormon heart, was ever nearly as progressive as everyone assumed him to be, from his statements and actions as the Dem leader in the Senate. That was just how he had to sound, and what he needed to do, to keep that power.

gilbar said...

Bruce points out that ... Vegas was also a Mormon town

This is one of the things that makes me think that the Church of LDS isn't Really a force for good
Well, that; and things like the
Mountain Meadows Massacre and The Utah War
Oh! and polygammy!
Oh! and the Golden tablets

Bruce Hayden said...

The other thing is that a lot of Mormons will vote for the Mormon on a ballot, even when the disagree with their politics. They maybe registered Republicans, but many will vote for a Democrat Mormon before voting for a Republican Gentile. It is part of taking care of their own. Reminds me a lot of the Jews, except that I think that most of the Jews I have known will let you know their true feelings if you get to know them well enough.

bagoh20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Curious George said...

Harry Reid has pancreatic cancer. It's normally fatal? One question, will it hurt? A lot?

bagoh20 said...

I don't vote for anybody because their color, religion, origin, fraternity or choice of underwear, but I see a lot of people who do that kind of thing. Ocasio-Cortez is obviously an idiot, but she won in a district that is heavily Hispanic. If I were Hispanic she would embarrass me, and so would her election. Tribalism produces the biggest fools in the Congress trying to save islands from tipping over and such. One form of White privilege which is real is since they have no tribe, white fools don't really represent them.

Skeptical Voter said...

Harry Reid was a backroom guy, keeping a low profile until Daschle was ousted by his voters.
He did know how to keep score; in fact Harry reminded me of the old joke about an actuary being someone who didn't have the personality to be a CPA.

But he was also a vicious little guy; Adam Schiff is a House Democrat version of Harry Reid. It would have been better for the Democrats if they could have kept Harry in the back room figuring out who was going to be whacked next.

As for corruption---I'm not persuaded that it was his brother, rather than the exercise machine, that beat him up. I'd say it was a delayed payback for failure to deliver on some mob deal.

bagoh20 said...

I wouldn't trust Reid's words if he was on his deathbed. He is the champion of public lying in service of himself and his party. The man made a fortune in government through corruption and graft. He was everything that is wrong with politics personified.

Sam L. said...

Good Reidance.

Bruce Hayden said...

"Bruce points out that ... Vegas was also a Mormon town"

Despite its growth, I think that it still is. Interestingly, Reno really isn't, despite my having lived maybe 5 miles from Mormon Station when I lived around there. I think that a lot of that revolves around geography. The Mormons were able to expand relatively easily down to St George, by the border. And, after getting down the Virgin Canyon, it is maybe an hour to Las Vegas. Dry, but very flat. But going west, after the salt flats, it was a push to get to Elko, but the water in the river running west of there was undrinkable, and then it dried up in the desert east of Reno. Despite the Sierras, it was easier many times to get to Reno from San Francisco, etc, than Salt Lake City.

rcocean said...

If you look in past history, Mormon Utah wasn't that Republican. Pretty much voted like everyone else until the late 60s.

Wilson, LBJ, Truman, FDR (4 times) - all won Utah.

JFK got 45% of the Vote in 1960. Not until Reagan that it became deep Red.

California Snow said...

Abortion and social conservatism is probably the driving factor in Utah's deep redness but it's changing with the explosive population growth it's experienced over the past decade.

AMDG said...

I hope he beats the cancer.

Glenn Reynolds often says that we currently have the worst political class in the Republic’s history. When I read this the first thing that flashes in my mind is an image of Harry Reid.

He and politicians of his ilk is pancreatic cancer upon the body politic.

TrespassersW said...

Trumpit said...

You are very vulgar, and deserve to have your fingers broken, so that it hurts to type.

In Trumpit's world, being vulgar is worse than wishing violence on someone.

chuck said...

> Pretty much voted like everyone else until the late 60s.

McGovern changed all that, but I don't think the change is permanent. After all, Romney got nominated and elected, closest thing to sending a Democrat to the Senate in many years.

Earnest Prole said...

Mormons are almost as sneaky as the Joooos, amirite guys?

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Hopefully that poor cancer won't have to be afflicted by the horrible Harry Reid for much longer.

Paul Mac said...

Ginsburg had pancreatic cancer and survived it, thus far. Seems relevant in the context.

Limited blogger said...

Am I supposed to care what Harry Reid thinks of President Trump?

Birches said...

Oh brother. I don't know any Mormon who likes Harry Reid. Bruce Hayden is full of it. Might as well as have Crack come on and start writing.

Humperdink said...

Whenever I have heard Harry Reid name, the first thought that comes to my mind is bucket of unadulterated slime. His motto was victory regardless of cost. Trump is a saint compared to this guy. However, I do not wish him ill will. I would hope he makes peace with the Lord.

I see King Rat has chimed in wishing violence on people. You can always count peace-loving lefties to make or allude to physical harm to people.

BJM said...

Welp, if anyone knows about organized crime it would be the former lobbyist/senator from Nevada.

Trumpit said...

"In Trumpit's world, being vulgar is worse than wishing violence on someone.

I'm always wishin' and hopin' for a better world. It's but a place to start.


Trumpit said...

"I see King Rat has chimed in wishing violence on people. You can always count peace-loving lefties to make or allude to physical harm to people."

Shut up, or I'll make you shut up by shorting your troll doll batteries. You, a ridiculous Trumptard, believe in the death penalty. You can't get much more violent than that. Hypocrites!

Michael Fitzgerald said...

It's a shame this filthy rotten rat is going to croak in bed at home instead of in a cell in Guantanamo. After the shooting starts we'll dig up his body and drag it through the streets.

Humperdink said...

King Rat responded: "Shut up, or I'll make you shut up by shorting your troll doll batteries. You, a ridiculous Trumptard, believe in the death penalty. You can't get much more violent than that. Hypocrites!"

King, you may need to look into sensitivity training/counseling. It may be covered under your health insurance policy. You sure do respond with unkind words, my friend. I am, frankly, surprised you cannot control yourself. Good thing you don't tweet these verbal assaults. Or maybe you do.

Sebastian said...

"During the 2012 presidential campaign, he claimed, with no proof, that Mitt Romney had not paid any taxes over the past decade...."

So of course the first thing Mitt does as senator is to criticize Trump, for having bad character, no less.

mockturtle said...

Somehow Trumpit reminds me of this guy: vape store clerk meltdown

TrespassersW said...

Trumpit said...
You, a ridiculous Trumptard, believe in the death penalty. You can't get much more violent than that. Hypocrites!

Because the death penalty--meted out by our judicial system--is obviously the moral equivalent of extrajudicial violence meted out be a compassionate, peace-loving, tolerant leftist against people he disagrees with.

walter said...

Mike Sylwester said...When Reid lied about Romney not paying taxes, was that lie immoral or amoral?
"Romney didn't win, did he?"

Scott said...

The cancer will not kill Reid for the same reason it has spared RBG....

Professional Courtesy

Sebastian said...

Hey, Althouse, we need a Romney post.

Jim at said...

It'll be interesting to watch the media coverage of the eventual Harry Reid funeral and compare it with, say, John McCain.

walter said...

Maybe some Cowboy Poets will eulogize him.

rcocean said...

Harry Reid fighting cancer.

Nobody to root for it that fight.

rcocean said...

Harry Reid actually got 5x more accomplished - in real terms - than John McCain.

Including Obama Care and getting rid of the Judge filibuster.

But John McCain got the big funeral because he was a TV star.

Rusty said...

"Trumps dark worls view...."
The most optimistic president we've had since Reagan.

Mark Nielsen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaq said...

“Organized crime is a business,” he told me, “and they are really good with what they do."

Harry probably knows this close up.

Mark Nielsen said...

A lot of fake news about Mormons on this thread. Mormons *were* in fact strongly democratic early on. I'm really not sure if that fed or was fed by the Republican's opposition to Utah statehood -- probably some of both. But Mormons remained predominantly democrats well into the 20th century.

But while there is a strong communitarian streak to Mormon doctrine and practice, that *isn't* the same as socialism. (Mormons have good historical reason for not trusting government, after all.) The New Deal had already started a migration of LDS folk to the right when the social upheaval of the mid-20th century accelerated the movement. The American left was seen as in alliance with everything that was diminishing and devaluing the family as an institution, and the mainstream of LDS preference shifted quickly. My grandparents and my wife's grandparents were very staunch democrats -- our parents had flipped to Republican.

And while I have very good LDS friends who are politically liberal, I can't see the majority of Mormons flipping back to the left anytime soon. Most Mormons have a strong sense of justice, right vs. wrong, and law and order. Those are cultural attitudes that don't change quickly and that generally make people conservatives. Conservatives no longer have any home with the democrats. A lot of Mormons will be uncomfortable with Trump for behavioral reasons, but they'll generally like his policies.

narciso said...

So it's the real senator roark from bay city, a dynast of the desert, as the bundy tale revealed, and his connections run from tony spilotro, to jack Abramoff, among others,

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I place James Buchanan ad all-time worst president, closely followed by Obama and Carter, in that order.

And what the hell do you know that the historians don't? Apart from, well, nothing.

This coming from the same guy who asserted that the atmosphere does not contribute to the earth's higher temperature than space, just its surface. Which is interesting to anyone who's measured the difference between the temperature at the top of Everest and the bottom of the Ganges river valley.

Big Mike has got to be one of the stupidest people alive - especially given that he's much more a robot than a human.

Big Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Birkel said...

Having known quite a few historians - nearly Leftist to a person - the number of them that reason backward from their conclusions is nearly 100% too.

I know we have to grade Leftists like Obama on a curve, so bottom five of all time.

Big Mike said...

Oh deary me! Ritmo is offended! However will I cope?

narciso said...

Buchanan was the most credentialed president, secretary of state ambassador to UK and Russia, but he actually thought you bridge the gap. Also dred Scott decision was one of the first events then the 1858 recession and Harper's ferry

Gk1 said...

What is it about venal, vengeful senators using their remaining life on earth to spit bile at Trump? Is this what the death rattle of the swamp sounds like?

Maillard Reactionary said...

Were they able to retrieve his head during the colonoscopy?

It sucks when things are so chaotic that even "organized crime" has trouble getting on. People like Harry are so... confused.

Maillard Reactionary said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Big Mike said...

Were they able to retrieve his head during the colonoscopy?

@Phidippus, no, but they did find Ritmo's.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Haha. A guy who thinks he knows more than NASA and the sum of knowledge on American history worries that he's offended me. Ok, I'm happy to be someone other than the dumbass who thinks he knows more than all that.

Big Bowel Movement Mike - you never fully explained your theory on how the only part of the earth that warms from the sun is the crust. Still waiting to know how that Einsteinian wunderkind of a theory accounts for why Everest is like way colder than the Ganges river valley. Still collecting evidence on that one, are you?


Big Mike said...

you never fully explained your theory on how the only part of the earth that warms from the sun is the crust

You really think I wrote that? You need to improve your reading comprehension, sonny.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Big Mike is trying to weasel out of his assertion that the earth's atmosphere is not responsible for its heat retention. He actually said that he could prove that it wasn't based on how sunlight could be used to heat a plexiglass container with a vacuum inside.

So Mike, are you now saying that the plexiglass is like an atmosphere? Or are you just too embarrassed by your dumbassery then and backtracking with excuses for it now?

The guys who launched New Horizons and put the first men on the moon wait with baited breath for your newfangled ingenious theory on planetary climate systems and how atmospheres are irrelevant to how hot or cold they are.

Come on, Big Bowel Mikement. Dazzle everyone with your evidence-free brilliance! Show us exactly how much common sense and how many centuries of experimental and theoretical study you can dismiss with your big robot Math-Brain.


Big Mike said...

As I wrote, Ritmo needs to increase his reading comprehension.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Go pull the quote then and explain for yourself what you were trying to prove with your plexiglass-vacuum heating design, Bowel Mikement.

Fucking liar! Mathematical moron.

You are a shitty liar. Go explain what you meant then. Pull the quote and explain what I did not "comprehend," you fucking weasel liar.

Big Mike said...

You pull the quote and the context while you're at it.

Last time you got me angry at you, you wound up crying to Althouse and Meade that Big Mike was going to beat the snot out of you. Is that what you're trying to do again? Run crying to Althouse? Be sure to change your wet and stinky pants before you do.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

try this simple experiment. Build an airtight box, clear on the top, pump all the atmospheric gases out, and leave it in the sun. The floor of the box will heat up.

--"Big Mike" 12/14/18

I responded by noting that Big BM's "experiment" could not account for why the earth's surface was hotter on average than the moon's.

Big Mike should change his name to Big Dumb Mike.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Oh, no. I should be worried about Big Emotional Mike's Big Emotions! He might get "angry!" Scary. Is he like the Incredible Hulk? You don't want to make him angry.

Hey Big Dumb Emotional Mike, I don't give a shit what your autistic emotions are. If you threaten and can't defend yourself without getting physical and promising to assault others, I'll let any owner of any forum you ruin or any law enforcement officer charged with keeping a violent animal like you in line know about it.

People like you are supposed to hit your head when you're frustrated anyway, right? That's why you guys go through school wearing helmets and knee pads.


Big Mike said...

The quotation you cite is certainly true. Do the experiment yourself. The earth's surface is heated by the sun, also by radioactive decay, and by convection from the earth's molten iron core. The atmosphere also absorbs heat from the sun, but clouds reflect some of the sunlight back out into space. Why is that strange?

The surface of the moon is also heated by the sun, and contrary to your assertion, in full sunlight the moon's surface temperature can reach 254 degrees Fahrenheit, well above the boiling point of water (except there is no exposed water). The dark side of the moon is nearly as cold as the sunny side is hot. Areas that are always in shadow (e.g., because they are in deep craters) can be as cold as -243 degrees. The earth's surface is more uniformly heated for a variety of physical reasons, but if you are trying to imply that it is more uniformly heated due to CO2 then you have gone way beyond what the physics says.

Your comment at 10:23 does not seem to have been written by a person in full control of his emotions.

narciso said...

He's splitting atoms with his mind.

Big Mike said...

And on another thread I believe that I have expressed my admiration for the people I met in my undergraduate days who attended college despite crippling conditions, including forms of palsy. Watching a man who takes whole minutes to go mere feet walking a half mile or more to class shows a form of courage that you will never experience. I am not going to demand an apology from you to me, because I really don't care about your opinions. But you owe an apology to the men and women with debilitating diseases like MS and cerebral palsy who struggle to live a normal life.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The atmosphere also absorbs heat from the sun...

59 degrees worth more of it, on average. But who's counting? Certainly not the spastic mathematician who's trying to pretend that contribution is somehow less significant than what NASA and anyone familiar with the basic science knows it to be.

People with MS and CP are not anti-social assholes like you, so don't compare their problems to yours.

In any event, those are the numbers. Doubling or even increasing by 50% that contribution is disruptive to the climate systems. If you want to quibble semantics and pretend that you're making a point that you didn't, or that isn't relevant to the actual issue, or pretends there's more doubt about it than anyone responsible would pretend there to be, then argue with yourself about it. I'm sure you're very used to doing lots of things by yourself.

Birkel said...

P3T is funny.
Not knowing stuff makes him awesome to read.

LilyBart said...

Reid was not a nice man. I hope people don't embarrass themselves rushing out to say that he was a fine man after his death.

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