January 12, 2019

Good news for the old men.

Screen shot taken at Real Clear Politics.


Pete said...

Old dudes rule!

robother said...

That's what they WANT you to think. These Old White guy-favoring polls will be buried in the NYT and WaPo as deep as the insta-polls comparing Trump's and Pelosi/Schumer's immigration speeches were this week. The MSM should adopt "Dixie" as their theme song:
"Look away, look away, look away Demo-land!"

Lucid-Ideas said...

Nothing gets the attention of old dudes like calling them old dudes. Also polls are BS.

YoungHegelian said...

I see a heading that says "Good News for Old Men" & I think "First, Althouse's site serves up Ashley Madison ads & now they're following up with ED ads".

gadfly said...

This old fart agrees about the good news!

Wince said...

Now I've drunk a lot of wine and I'm feeling fine
Got to race some cat to bed
Oh, is there concrete all around or is it in my head?
Yeah, I'm a dude, dad

All the old dudes (Hey, dudes!)
Carry the news (Where are you?)
Boogaloo dudes (Stand up!)
Carry the news

All the old dudes (I want to hear you!)
Carry the news (I want to see you!)
Boogaloo dudes (And I want to relate to you!)
Carry the news

All the old dudes (What dudes?)
Carry the news (Let's hear the news, come on!)
Boogaloo dudes (I want to kick you!)
Carry the news

All the old dudes (Hey, you there, with the glasses!)
Carry the news (I want you!)
Boogaloo dudes (I want you at the front!)
Carry the news (Now you, all his friends!)
All the young dudes (Now you bring him down, 'cause I want him!)
Carry the news

Trumpit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trumpit said...

Is it racist to ask: Is this racist country ready for another black president?

It's been asked, but not answered to my satisfaction: How did a humble black man running on "hope & change" get elected president in 2008 only to be followed in 2016 by a pompous billionaire A$$HOLE running on "fear and bigotry." Is this the last hurrah for the redneck deplorables? I would never count them out. Their hatred for decency, and Democrats is inexhaustible. The struggle is real and the ultimate victor will probably be environmental destruction from nuclear war or global warming.

Happy Birthday AA!

chickelit said...

@Trumpit: How? Ever hear of action and reaction? How about ping and pong?

Jim at said...

How did a humble black man ...

Best laugh I've had all month.

Now I'm off to build some fake, Greek columns. Have a good one.

The Godfather said...

And yet, the Democrats will not, cannot, nominate a white man.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left are back to "It's illegal to fire Comey. =Russia! Even though we despised Comey because he went after Hillary, sort of."

traditionalguy said...

Black Supremacy rules. Otherwise you are a racist. That is like Muslim Supremacy rules, and otherwise you are a religious bigot.

What will the Dems do when brainwashed Americans wake up?

Mr. Majestyk said...

Well, you know the old political saying: As North Carolina goes, so goes the nation 22 months later.

rehajm said...

It’s a believe the polls day apparently.

Wasn’t funny on election night when Nate Silver pulled the plug on his elect-o-meter?

BUMBLE BEE said...

The sky is always falling in dumbocrat land. Hysterical twits.

rehajm said...

The Democrat Party lectures us how racist and sexist Americans are. The party pushes women and minority candidates. Highly illogical...

YoungHegelian said...

The problem the Democrats will have in 2019-2020 is that there is no mechanism to prevent anyone & everyone from running for President. Many of the candidates will run assuming the support of their ethnic/gender/racial cohort. It may be very difficult after a bruising primary with lots of candidates to assuage the feelings of whatever identity group felt it ended up with the dirty end of the stick. The Democrats will be hoping & praying that running against the accursed Trump will cement their coalition back together. It may not work this time, especially with black & Latino men, who may defect to Trump in just large enough numbers.

The same problem of "Too Many Candidates" didn't affect the Republicans in 2016 in the same way because 1) the Republican Party doesn't break down along identity group lines, 2) Trump was in his own way as much of a "black swan" candidate as was Obama before him, thus finessing many of the divisions within their electorates in way probably not repeatable & 3) the Republican electorate was united in its distaste for HRC, who came into the race with historically high negatives.

Fernandinande said...

Trump got 272 units and the highest anyone else got was only 48 units.

Fernandinande said...

So you think pong is funny, chickenlittle? I can't imagine what sort of mind thinks like that. Sad.

Bobber Fleck said...

Blogger The Godfather said...

"And yet, the Democrats will not, cannot, nominate a white man."

Unless that man has XX chromosomes or has XY chromosomes and dresses as a woman, or is a white guy who passes for Hispanic.

gilbar said...

Trumpit said... Is it racist to ask: Is this racist country ready for another black president?

Trumpit? When are we going to have our 1st Black President? I'm still waiting
or, is what you meant to say: Is this racist country ready for another Hawaiian President?

Hagar said...

I don't know quite how it works, but I suspect that the intransigence on the Democrat side is more about Pelosi asserting her power in the House than anything else. Schumer certainly looked and sounded like he very much wished he was somewhere else in that show they put on the other night.

Roy Lofquist said...

WTF?? Racist motherfucking Hitler is tied with the Blessed St. Joseph? Well, I never!

Drago said...

I am afraid that I must report LLR Chuck has devolved to such an extent that he is literally, literally, equating a supposed phone call Trump had decades ago with mass homicidal genocide of entire peoples on the Putin thread.

I kid you not.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I am afraid that I must report LLR Chuck has devolved to such an extent that he is literally, literally, equating a supposed phone call Trump had decades ago with mass homicidal genocide of entire peoples on the Putin thread.”

What a little tattle tale bitch you are Drago. What... you need help over on the other thread?

Matt said...

Enough with Joe Biden. Look up the definition of 'empty suit' in the dictionary and you'll see him pictured, creepily holding some poor uncomfortable female's shoulders and whispering to them.

He's dumber than Trump is.

chillblaine said...

finally some good news

chillblaine said...

he said units

chillblaine said...

if you come to Cali remember. Mijares. Mattman in a Mijares t-shirt. wut. ok fam. Pasadena is a city. later sportsunits

alanc709 said...

Trumpit, if you had your way, we'd be speaking Russian.

narciso said...

well he's been lying since he misrepresented who was at fault in his wife's accident, but compared to kamala presiding over the botched forensic labs in Oakland, that's near beer. except for the massive embezzlement in the stimulus matter, or presiding over the afghan policy that made an enemy of Karzai, over mccrystal and Flynn's careful counterinsurgency strategy, similar with Iraq, leading to defacto partition,

EsoxLucius said...

I think it was Steve Allen who said if the election was held today, people would be surprised. I worry that treason far worse than Benedict Arnold may have been committed, yet forty percent of America won't see it because Orange Jesus says he didn't do it. Talk about Trump derangement syndrome. I'm old enough to remember the rend Nixon put in our political fabric, and I'm willing to listen to any idea how to bring us together.

JPS said...


"How did a humble black man running on 'hope & change' get elected president in 2008 "

Let's see:

"I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters. I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m going to think I’m a better political director than my political director."

"I won."

["Mr. President, I put $800 billion on the table. What do I get for that?"] "You get nothing. I get that for free."

Humility, thy name is Barack.

Unknown said...

Granny Althouse agrees age discrimination is as safe as Christian discrimination in America today.

Rusty said...

Old dudes rule!

1/12/19, 12:33 PM

Yes.Yes we do.

narciso said...

like stealing 20 million confidential government files, no that was china, the Equifax hack, probably also China, and of course Huawei enbedded in government networks in at least three western European countries,

GrapeApe said...

Drago, enough. Seriously,your obsession with Chuck has become tedious. It is actually making him a sympathetic person. I do not agree with much he says, but your incessant comments are doing you no help to prove your point, whatever that might be.

narciso said...

chuck, just makes it too easy:


GrapeApe said...

Narcisso, I rarely post but daily read. You are also closing in on Drago territory. If all you have to say is an insult without substance to your issue, then mightn’t it be best to be silent? Yes, I see the lnk, but it seems the only point is to demean Chuck. I get it... he’s not who he pretends to be. Everyone knows. Enough said.

narciso said...

the basis of this narrative, is what is undermined by that link,
but that is the point of the narrative no facts,

traditionalguy said...

Hope remains. Trump is only 51 weeks younger than me. And RBG proves the new medicines work and work.

Bobb said...

July 30, 2015: Trump trails Democratic Party frontrunner Hillary Clinton by a margin of 12 percentage points in a Quinnipiac University poll.

It's almost like polls more than a year out have predictive value.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

A few days before the 2016 election - NYT gave Hillary an 80%+ chance of winning.

Dastardly Russians!

Ray - SoCal said...

Long time since I’ve been to Mijhares.

I used to go there with my parents when I was growing up.

I wonder what generation is running it now, 4th?