The part I'm quoting begins around 6:00. Bill Maher's effort at a retort is, "I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you in bed tonight." What? She got off a good punchline, so he's the one who's suffered the conversational damage? He should have let his guest have the glory of a good joke.
And by the way, can a man go sexual with a woman like that, in the era of #MeToo? The knee-jerk answer is that when it's left against right, it's still just fine, but I don't buy that. And Maher's audience gives him a much bigger laugh for his line — his sexist line.
Her joke was fantastic — "He doesn't come to my pool." She had been delivering some great substantive material about cheap labor and how it benefits the rich, but she repositions to take advantage of the "slime on my pool" imagery that Maher called attention to, and she takes a shot at Trump. She's flexible enough to do that. I don't like Maher going for a cheap sex joke to top her.
Talk about slime on the pool. That's some toxic masculinity.
ADDED: In the comments, rhhardin says, "I didn't get the joke or the rejoinder. Does pool mean vagina? Is it a wetback joke? Mexican in pool leaves scum? And why wouldn't the Mexican come to the pool. You need to skim off leaves and so forth."
I don't normally interfere with rh's musings, but I had to say:
The first meaning related to the ordinary algae that forms in a pool.Let's all reread "Being and Nothingness"...
The second meaning referred to Donald Trump.
A third meaning — never intended or explored — would be to characterize immigrants as slimy. The potential for seeing that meaning made the original use of the word "slime" inadvisable. It's possible that Maher was pushing that meaning onto her to get her in trouble, but Coulter's joke was to accept the Trump-hater's idea of Trump as slimy.
AND: A fourth meaning, offered by AZ Bob in the comments, has Maher as the "he" in "He doesn't come to my pool." If that's the meaning — and I don't think it is — then Maher's riposte is less sexist. She called him slimy, and somehow to bring his sliminess to a sexual encounter would pay her back.
The knee-jerk answer is that when it's left against right, it's still just fine
That perfectly expresses the single standard
it's not just true for this era; it's true FOR ALL ERAS
Donald J. Trump
Verified account
11m11 minutes ago
“We absolutely need a physical barrier or Wall, whatever you want to call it. The President yesterday laid all that out. We need to do it all, including the Wall. I provided the same information to the previous administration, & it was ignored.” Mark Morgan, Border Chief for “O”!
Maher and Coulter are buddies.
Maher and Coulter are asshole buddies.
I didn't get the joke or the rejoinder. Does pool mean vagina? Is it a wetback joke? Mexican in pool leaves scum? And why wouldn't the Mexican come to the pool. You need to skim off leaves and so forth.
Coulter has no sense of humor about herself, is her major failing. She's cut down on the raccoon eye makeup, on the plus side.
That's some toxic masculinity.
@Althouse, please do not confuse Maher with someone masculine. A catty little put-down quip is as quintessentially female as it gets.
Maher's audience has to be played to; take it as a representation of the NYT writers' situation, just that you can't hear the immediate applause.
If Maher changed his targets, he'd have no show.
I thought Coulter used to be despised by the left and the right.... If that's my false memory working overtime, then apologies.
Now that she's vociferously criticizing Trump's latest move (when continuing as he was exemplifies the oft-quoted cutesy definition of insanity) that focuses congress in the public's eye by forcing a final legislative stab at resolving the southern border protection and entry-denial problem, she's the DARLING of the left and right.
As they tend to say on the 'net, it's hard to keep up.
Althouse doesn't buy the truth.
News at never o'clock.
It's OK to rape conservative women. It's Ok to smear and destroy conservative teens.
How the brownshirts roll.
I thought she was talking about the Mexican not coming to her pool, an uncharitable interpretation that would get her banned everywhere if not killed. A better joke if she were referring to Maher, not Trump.
Bill Maher is still in the avocado jungle, emotionally. Sad.
"@Althouse, please do not confuse Maher with someone masculine. A catty little put-down quip is as quintessentially female as it gets."
The "no true Scotsman" fallacy.
"I didn't get the joke or the rejoinder. Does pool mean vagina? Is it a wetback joke? Mexican in pool leaves scum? And why wouldn't the Mexican come to the pool. You need to skim off leaves and so forth."
The first meaning related to the ordinary algae that forms in a pool.
The second meaning referred to Donald Trump.
A third meaning -- never intended or explored would be to characterize immigrants as slimy. The potential for seeing that meaning made the original use of the word "slime" inadvisable. It's possible that Maher was pushing that meaning onto her to get her in trouble, but Coulter's joke was to accept the Trump-hater's idea of Trump as slimy.
Ann Coulter probably enjoyed his reply. It emphasizes that she is sexually desirable.
Also, she puts herself out there for these types of attacks. She was attacked in a very painfull manner at a televised roast for actor Rob Lowe.
Althouse said... Talk about slime on the pool. That's some toxic masculinity.
"Right now, I'm thinking of holding another meeting… in bed."
How can you not be cheap with Coulter? Just match her provocations one for one, or let it pass? For them it is just joking among friends who own pools.
"Althouse doesn't buy the truth."
The thing on offer is not the truth, and I'm not a buyer of that thing. As for the thing that is truth, I am participating in its manufacture. It's a messy business.
My interpretation was that she was joking that there is no slime in her pool because Maher doesn't swim in it.
"The knee-jerk answer is that when it's left against right, it's still just fine, but I don't buy that."
See, that's so nice of you.
"And Maher's audience gives him a much bigger laugh for his line — his sexist line."
Yeah, so? Anti-sexism is just a tool. Or did you assume any prog actually cares about "sexism"?
"I don't like Maher going for a cheap sex joke to top her."
Yes, it's "terribly sad."
On second thought, the knee-jerk answer turns out to be correct.
"Ann Coulter probably enjoyed his reply. It emphasizes that she is sexually desirable."
Well, that's the part that freaks me out the most. Her physical presentation is really weird. It's fascinating, but it doesn't communicate sexual desirability (or availability). I was constantly distracted by her skeletal arms and legs, and she herself did not look comfortable... crossing and recrossing her legs.
"My interpretation was that she was joking that there is no slime in her pool because Maher doesn't swim in it."
Hmm. Possibly. That would justify his stepping on it.
I rewatched it, and I still believe the "he" is Trump and that's what makes it funny.
Coulter is a great female-impersonator, sort of like Mae West without the flesh.
As nearly as I can easily transcribe it
C: By the way, cheap labor isn't bad for me. I'm not as rich as he is but I'm not doing badly. My landscaping is beautiful, there's not a bit of slime on my pool. It's good for me but I care about my fellow Americans
M: Well not in the pool
C: and the working class
M: but
C: He doesn't come to my pool
M: I'm sorry. Uh, I'll make it up in bed to you tonight. Tonight I'll be Kelly Anne and you be George. We'll switch it over.
As far as I can tell, Coulter's joke is originally Maher's, slime is semen and she's fucking the Mexican. The Kelly Anne joke is the best of the lot, reflecting their relationship.
Althouse: "The knee-jerk answer is that when it's left against right, it's still just fine, but I don't buy that."
The truth is that the Left can go after the Right in whatever way it likes.
You don't buy it.
The kids from Covington Catholic know you are wrong.
Everybody on the Left knows you are wrong.
It's part of your willful blindness, your hopes as a left-leaning feminist notwithstanding.
That word, "hysteresis"-- I don't think it means what you think it means, Jean-Paul.
What a mountebank. For the low-down on Sartre read the chapter in Paul Johnson's "Intellectuals".
she herself did not look comfortable
"he" is Trump and that's what makes it funny
Back when I was skeletal, sitting with no natural padding was often uncomfortable. I'd grab two pillows on airplanes. She never looks comfortable.
If she were NeverTrump, it would be cutting and clever if off the cuff, but she isn't NeverTrump, she's a One Note Johnny.
Well, that's the part that freaks me out the most. Her physical presentation is really weird. It's fascinating, but it doesn't communicate sexual desirability (or availability). I was constantly distracted by her skeletal arms and legs, and she herself did not look comfortable... crossing and recrossing her legs.
Skinny legs doesn't go with short skirt management. You want guys trying to look up your skirt with the skirt management bit, but there's no lure with skinny legs. Anatomical certainty is not enough, you need mysterious curves in the vicinity.
Great post, Althouse. I didn't get the joke on first hearing, but I think you're right.
So now: ANN COULTER FOR PESIDENT. We have to do it. We have no choice. A very strong, very powerful candidate. To build the wall. We must build the wall. A great wall.
You, Chuck, are no longer welcome here.
Immigrants no longer provide cheap labor, at least at the unskilled jobs. The law and proliferation of lawyers using it now forces employers to pay them the same as anyone else. There is no longer any reason for an illegal immigrant to accept lower wages. They have no fear of the law. Nobody is going to deport them for filing a discrimination case. What they do is make themselves much more available for the work than natives, they are more accepting of the work regardless of advancement potential, and their added numbers reduce wage pressure on employers. So, they do hold wages down some, but not becuase they are illegal, but becuase they are available and willing.
The wealthy can afford to pay higher wages to get their gardening done, it's the middle class that needs cheap labor, as their small business employees, and to get the services they need but struggle to afford.
The cheap labor thing doesn't benefit employers anyway. It only benefits them if they're the only ones with cheap labor. Otherwise the benefit goes to the consumer.
In the comments, rhhardin says, "I didn't get the joke or the rejoinder.
She said "He doesn't cum in my pool."
Then it makes as much sense as required.
Its over eleven minutes long and has Bill Maher, I'm not going to watch that. If you want to watch some quality television I'm going to recommend Ozark on Netflix. Its similar to Breaking Bad, but in the Ozarks.
The fourth meaning is the obvious one.
There is so much wrong in that interview coming from both sides. That joke sequence is the least of it. It's two people talking about what is wrong with Trump, while the country endurs the best economics in history, and a foreign policy that is finally doing what has need done for decades, and what they themselves have called for. It's kind of a cultural thing now with the feminization of the culture. You want that greener grass until you get, and then you want artificial turf, becuase the grass takes work.
Meade said...
"You, Chuck, are no longer welcome here."
Build a wall.
Yea, it's not a really humorous or cleaver response. She's just saying she wouldn't let Maher in her pool. Ha Ha.
"Gee, I Guess Now I’m Going To Have To Be Happy With Only 90% Of The Stuff I Wanted Trump To Do."
Coulter is a publicity loving idiot to go on that show and enable the enemies of Trump and normal non-SJW Americans.
The others on the panel were an angry gay man, angry black woman and an angry beta white male. That is diversity to lefties.
This is the trailer for season two, rumor is that season three is going to be dark.
Blogger Jupiter said...
I'm not sure what the joke was supposed to be, on either side, and I'm not sure they were or are either. I think they were both trying for the snappy comeback, and didn't quite bring it off. And Maher went for the sex thing because he's not looking at her skinny legs, he's looking at her nice, big chest and the way she plays with her long blonde hair. He'd be there in a heartbeat.
As to why she didn't object, all of the above. She really doesn't mind when a smart, rich man (who is only a little shorter than her) makes a joke implying that she is sexually desirable, and she is not going to play the MeToo card, cause she is a strong woman, not a feminist, and in any case, Coulter is accustomed to performing in front of hostile audiences, and she never lets anyone get to her. That smile stays firmly in place. Or should I say "smirk"?
#MeToo doesn't in any case apply on the air, nor does sexual harassment. It's a performance.
bagoh20 said...
"Yea, it's not a really humorous or cleaver response. She's just saying she wouldn't let Maher in her pool. Ha Ha."
Well, except if she was saying that, she would look at the audience when she said "he". But she looked at Maher, meaning that "he" is someone else. I think they both had ideas for jokes, that didn't quite come off, and Maher knew his audience well enough to paper it over with a sex joke.
Jupiter, you are probably right, but it's still the same not really clever or funny.
Maher's response was really boorish and stupid. I sometimes do that, make a stupid joke that instantly makes me cringe at my own stupidity, but I'm not a profession comedian paid millions to be clever.
Gunner said...
"Coulter is a publicity loving idiot to go on that show and enable the enemies of Trump and normal non-SJW Americans."
I think you're wrong about that. Coulter is a smart, good-looking woman who has really good arguments and does not let the bastards grind her down. They can call her a racist and make jokes about the KKK, but when she says that the people who want cheap immigrant labor are the rich (like Maher) and that normal Americans are getting poorer while the globalist billionaires get richer, there are plenty of people in that audience who stop laughing and start thinking about how much they owe on their credit cards. No one else is going to put that in front of them. And she works at it. She won't let Maher get a word in edgewise until she has said her piece and set the hook. Then she grins at him, and lets him have his sex joke. Good boy, Bill! Tell another! Who's a good, little comedian?
BTW, I think Coulter does as good a job as possible looking sexy and attractive. Her extreme tall thinness is a difficult, if not impossible, thing to really address any better than she does. I'd give her a 7, which is pretty good for someone that skeletal. A 7 is by no means below my standards. My 10 is really perfection.
The only thing i can think of when reading this thread is how pathetic it is when you see an "actor" in a porno who is supposed to be a pool guy, and they are doing it wrong.
I mean... It's not that difficult to clean a pool.
I can't begin to wonder how horrible it is when they are supposed to be lawyers and try to talk law.
And no. I am NOT a robot.
Could you post a video of just Ann Coulter's comments and cut out all the Bill Maher?
Thank you.
The whole idea of Bill maher having sex with Ann Coulter is hilarious.
He has a gigantic head, but he's a dwarf. IRC, 5-2.
Plus Bill Maher is one ugly Mothefucker. He doesn't have any kids. Thank God.
"I think you're wrong about that. Coulter is a smart, good-looking woman who has really good arguments and does not let the bastards grind her down. They can call her a racist and make jokes about the KKK, but when she says that the people who want cheap immigrant labor are the rich (like Maher) and that normal Americans are getting poorer while the globalist billionaires get richer, there are plenty of people in that audience who stop laughing and start thinking about how much they owe on their credit cards. No one else is going to put that in front of them. And she works at it. She won't let Maher get a word in edgewise until she has said her piece and set the hook. Then she grins at him, and lets him have his sex joke. Good boy, Bill! Tell another! Who's a good, little comedian?"
I used to love watching her debate progressives on TV. They often talk over their opposition, but most conservatives seemed to put propriety over winning the argument. AC was really good at talking over her opponents. You would think that it was maybe a draw, then read the transcripts, and find that inevitably, she had eviscerated her opponents. They were inevitably droning on from their prepared scrips, and not really even trying to respond to her points directly, while she was responding to theirs, and refuting them with facts and figures.
I always have had a weakness for female attorneys. I think that it is because they are analytical in a way that I can understand (having grown up with that sort of thought pattern at the dining room table, then having gone to LS, etc.) I have even gotten along with some fairly progressive attorneyettes - several in my past love life. But I really fall for smart conservative ones. Coulter, Kelly, and Laura Ingraham most recently. Which is probably why I ended up with a former dancer, model, and interior designer. I also liked smaller and thinner women (like AC), which is probably why the two women who have been most significant in my life over the last 1/3 century have both been tall and muscular (mother of my kid lifted weights 2/3 of the way through her pregnancy).
Following AC for awhile, Maher was the opposite of the type of guys that she seemed to always be with. They tended to be big, buff, and looked younger than she. I was taller, but failed in the buff and younger categories.
They've been friends for a very long time, and they dated at one point, so I thought it was a funny reference to their past relationship, not sexist at all
Ambiguity and vagueness is red meat for a law professor.
Cheap Labor! To maintain the pools of rich Leftwing Hollywood types in West LA!
I love it.
"Hernando, there's an unsightly leaf in the deep end of the pool - could you kindly remove it and add some chlorine?"
Coulter always leaves a mark! She is fun to watch.
Say what you will about Bill Maher, but he is a snappy dresser. One of the best-dressed guys on TV.
Trump's not the one who swims naked in the pool, by the way. That would be Creepy Uncle Joe Biden, from what I've heard.
"That word, "hysteresis"-- I don't think it means what you think it means, Jean-Paul."
I had to look it up, but it had way too much science for me — just the Wikipedia article was over my head after only a few lines. Now, Sartre... I don't really know what he's talking about — and I only knew this slime business from something feminist that I read long ago — but at least I have the sense that he's just pulling it out of his ass. I don't need more education to get it, I just need to spend more time reading very slowly and rereading. And that's a form of understanding that I know I don't have with hysteresis.
I read a couple of books by Sartre. I remember nothing about them. I can still quote certain phrases I read in P.G. Wodehouse.......Apparently Maher wasn't afraid to take on that smirking high school kid in his opening monologue. How brave.....Coulter, Maher, Trump, Stone, Conway--all these people have agreed to mix it up in the WWF rink. If some get battered and hurt--even with low blows--well, that's what they signed up for. It does seem to me that Maher in attacking those kids was way out of line.
@rhhardin at 10:02 AM
I accept your transcription, but the reason it doesn't take me where you say it goes is that AC says "I care about my fellow Americans" — a plural group — and BM says "not in the pool" and that raises the idea that human beings are the source of the slime. But then she leans forward and gets confidential in tone and says, "He doesn't come to my pool."
So the question is who is "he"? I don't think "he" is Maher, because she's speaking confidentially to Maher, not to the audience. And I don't think it's "my fellow Americans," because that's a large group, not an individual. I think the "he" relates to her supposed power over Trump, her closeness to him (the subject of earlier conversation). I think it's very funny to be implying that she views Trump as slimy.
You say, "As far as I can tell, Coulter's joke is originally Maher's, slime is semen and she's fucking the Mexican." There's no "the Mexican" in the story, no singular person at all in the area of AC's joke. To suddenly say "he" is to acknowledge his looming presence.
As for semen, no one ever resorted to the cheap shift from "come to my pool" to "come in my pool," and I think if they were imagining sex in the pool, they'd have stumbled in or around the word "come."
Here's the one that seems different from magnetism:
"hysteresis arises when a single disturbance affects the course of the economy."
And why would " I'll make it up to you in bed tonight" make sense if the "he" were "the Mexican."
Remember, you originally said you didn't get the joke and only asked questions: "Does pool mean vagina? Is it a wetback joke? Mexican in pool leaves scum? And why wouldn't the Mexican come to the pool. You need to skim off leaves and so forth."
Notice that you originally had the idea that the slime floated off the surface of the person's skin — which is also how I pictured it (relating to Trump. It's only later that you got the idea that the slime was semen. I don't think she originally meant it that way.
But I will step on my own theory and say that her demeanor and delivery when she said "There's not a bit of slime on my pool" makes me suspect that this was a planned bit and she ways laying the foundation.
Maher wanted to way laid her foundation, once a dept store euphemism for ladies undergarments.
was laying...
If M&C used to be lovers, maybe the bed stuff alludes to that, a private joke presented as a public joke. It would make M feel free to go there.
The "he" I'm pretty sure refers to cheap labor, an anonymous version of the cheap laborer.
M introduced the slime elsewhere as a sexual tangent.
I can't account for "He doesn't come to my pool," except as a not-thought-through quip. M stayed on the sexual line.
The timing is tight, the transcription is in correct order buy the replies may be to a previous line.
Bill Mahr brings in three liberal bobble heads and one interesting interlocutor to be beaten up on.
This time it is Ann Coulter (not that interesting).
And no one is permitted to tag His Pomposity, certainly not a conservative and definitely not a woman. How #MeToo hasn't torn him apart is quite the rebuke of the movement.
If there is anyone the equal of Trump on being an ass, Bill Mahr is one at the top of the list. So why you think he would let anyone else have a good line is puzzling.
The Maher audience members are going to reject anything Coulter says just because of who she is. If they do accept it, they won't blame it on the liberal establishment. In their minds, the heartless rich are oil barons and other Republicans, not the limousine liberal celebs like Maher and his friends.
I guess I should give her credit for trying. Last week, Eric Erickson did not even try to defend his alleged beliefs.
Can someone please translate this post into Normal Human Language? I have no idea what the person who wrote it is trying to say.
The most common use of hysteresis in technical contexts is not difficult to understand. It simply means that the threshold to switch something from one state to another depends on which state it is currently in.
For example, consider a traditional snap-style light switch (not the smoothly moving, silent kind). If it's on, you have to push against a spring to make it "off". If it's off, you have to push against the spring to make it "on".
The point is, that whichever state it's in, the spring makes sure that something has to push a little bit to change it. But the direction you have to push against the spring depends on whether it is on or off.
Contrast this with a nickel balanced on its edge. It takes the same amount of force (very little) in either direction to make it fall over. There is no "hysteresis".
Hysteresis is one technique for providing a degree of immunity to random disturbances from the environment.
Great explanation, Phidippus.
"I guess I should give her credit for trying. Last week, Eric Erickson did not even try to defend his alleged beliefs."
Erick Erickson? That #Fakecon? LOL.
He's still begging liberal CNN to let him back on.
Maybe some old farts in South Carolina still think he's a conservative.
Maher was the opposite of the type of guys that she seemed to always be with
One guy she thought she was with made the mistake of spending the night with another women in the hotel where they both were staying. She took a firehose to his room and turned it on. Hilarious.
Oh Ann, it was kind of an interesting conversation - both are preening prima donnas, and yes, he counts on HER to laugh at HIS punch lines (it’s probably her meal ticket too) and it’s his “thing” to be politically incorrect, so yes he will make sexist remarks either for shock value or even without realizing it - at her expense. But it’s as if you saw a beautiful house and noticed only a weird, awkward corner of it, by pointing out the weird slime reference. I heard it as something that just did not fit, I didn’t understand it, but it did not mar (har har) my enjoyment of their conversation. The best line IMO was when he goes, “Let me get this straight. You thought Donald Trump was the guy. You voted for him. Donald Trump. And now you’re finding out he’s a lying con man. What was your first clue?”
It seems that people simply cannot resist commenting on her physical appearance. The lady is TALL. I do not think she is skeletal and people are mistaken in saying she is. She does not have those nasty super sculpted upper arms that other women in the news do, nor are the upper arms super skinny. The only think *I* have wondered is if her thyroid is enlarged, or perhaps it’s that her neck is longer than average, oh, who cares. Let’s just leave her alone, but she is not skeletal.
What I find telling is that in his recent remarks, Trump talks about immigrants as criminals whereas Ann Coulter (at least here - I do not follow her on a regular basis) talks about them stealing jobs. So they are not exactly talking about the same thing, especially given the large number of illegal immigrants Trump has hired (and now apparently fired). What would she say about that? But point is, she mentions the Koch Bros, and Trump does not.
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