January 19, 2019

"BuzzFeed's report... as written, was as clean as it gets: Trump directed Cohen to lie about the Trump Tower in Moscow project, and there’s tons of evidence to support that."

"Very rarely has a story been so unequivocal — usually there are more hedges and acknowledgments of what isn't known. And unlike most other reportage in this saga, this accused the president of a felony — a very different bar. Democrats read the story and began immediately dreaming up articles of impeachment. Even some conservatives joined the 'If true' chorus...."

Writes Axios in "A reckoning for political journalism" (also reporting that BuzzFeed Editor-in-Chief Ben Smith is standing by his story, saying "We literally don't know what the special counsel is referring to" and "This is a line of reporting that has been repeatedly vindicated").


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Inga...Allie Oop said...

We’re just going to have to wait and see when the Mueller investigation is over as to what has been accurate reporting throughout this whole thing. In the Nixon debacle there was also an instance of erroneous reporting, didn’t matter one way or the other in the outcome.

Seeing Red said...

An instance?

Only 1?

Absolutely no possibility for more than 1 instance?

FIDO said...

One needs a heart of stone not to laugh.

n.n said...

Breaking story: journolist spins yarns.

Drago said...

"Even some conservatives joined the 'If true' chorus...."



FIDO said...

Anyone want to start a counter on how many news stories had to be retracted by the MSM because of fraudulent reporting?

Tim Pool just did a video and going by memory, there are something like seven major stories not counting this one which were pure fabrication about Mueller's report and were duly retracted, but it was certainly wonderful fap material for Democrats to sell papers with.

I suspect several of them were put up by the Initial Poster. (Please note that my statement had far more professionalism and equivocation than Buzzfeed used)

Drago said...

Inga wants to wish away 2+ years of lefties/LLR's calling Trump and his supporters treasonous traitors right aftet a 24 hour orgy of lefty/LLR smearing if Trump and his campaign with ZERO evidence.

Original Mike said...

"We literally don't know what the special counsel is referring to"

Chuck is Ben Smith?

Jaq said...

Never ever ever question whether the Great Pumpkin is going to show up or he won’t. Your faith must be absolute or you will be disappointed.

Drago said...

OM: "Chuck is Ben Smith?"

No. Ben Smith is open about his leftism.

Thats the one difference.

Jaq said...

“If true” it’s a process crime that never would have happened had Hillary and Obama not sicced the FBI, CIA, NSA, and finally a Special Counsel on Trump with zero evidence, that’s what “if true” means.

Original Mike said...

"No. Ben Smith is open about his leftism."

Chuck is his sock puppet.

robother said...

Inger: "...didn’t matter one way or the other in the outcome."

And there you have it right from the horse's mouth: the only thing that matters to the Left is the outcome they want. Whatever lies, suborned perjuries, prosecutorial misconduct or other crimes must be committed by the Deep State to achieve the removal of President Trump will be excused, as long as they effectuate the right outcome.

Wince said...

"BuzzFeed's report... as written, was as clean as it gets..."

I must make my dirty... er... duty clean... clear. Ahem.
And announce the suspendering of the upcoming graduation exercises which cannot... and will... which aren't taking place. But don't worry, don't worry. Your food, housing, insecurity will be guaranteed by your Department of Redundancy Department and the Natural Guard. And remember — trusswrappers will be persecuted. So please, stay where you are. Don't panic. Don't take off your shoes. Jobs is on the way!

Jaq said...

This is religion we are talking about, they have faith in their medicine man, Mueller.

Jaq said...

Ben Smith should ask himself just once, just to make his own position stronger, to be sure: Are we the baddies?

Drago said...

tim in vermont: "This is religion we are talking about, they have faith in their medicine man, Mueller."

There is zero chance Mueller knocks this down if Whitaker and Barr were not taking control of the oversight of this hoax dossier/weaponization of law enforcement/intelligence agencies against a domestic political opponent.

Zero chance.

Jaq said...

"Very rarely has a story been so unequivocal — usually there are more hedges and acknowledgments of what isn't known.

You want to know a shortcut to figure out who is most likely wrong in an argument? Look for the guy who is never in doubt.

Jim at said...

We’re just going to have to wait and see when the Mueller investigation is over as to what has been accurate reporting throughout this whole thing.

The person who's been spewing 'Trump is doing down any day now!!!!' - for two, solid years - actually just wrote that.

Again, I hope your stupidity is physically painful.

William said...

Is it that hard to figure out that you have screwed up on a monumental level?......This is the journalistic equivalent of that standing ovation Hollywood gave for Roman Polanski.

Anonymous said...

I keep waiting for Wilford Brimley to walk in with his supeenees, and start kicking ass

James A. Wells, Assistant U.S. Attorney General: Now we'll talk all day if you want to. But, come sundown, there's gonna be two things true that ain't true now. One is that the United States Department of Justice is goin' to know what in the good Christ - e'scuse me, Angie - is goin' on around here. And the other's I'm gonna have somebody's ass in muh briefcase.

James A. Wells, Assistant U.S. Attorney General: Tell you what we're gonna do. We're gonna sit right here and talk about it. Now if you get tired of talking here, Mr. Marshal Elving Patrick there will hand you one of them subpoenas he's got stuck down in his pocket and we'll go downstairs and talk in front of the grand jury... Elliot? Jim?... Fine. All right, Elving, hand whichever one of these fellas you like a subpoena and we'll go on downstairs and talk in front of the grand jury.

District Attorney James A. Quinn: Gallagher's a government witness.

James A. Wells, Assistant U.S. Attorney General: Wonderful thing, a subpoena.

Original Mike said...

Unfortunately for Inga, Mueller will never issue his "report", so she'll never have a chance to rub our noses in "it".

Jaq said...

He’s going to run his investigation until the statute of limitations expiry on the Hillary stuff.

Drago said...

Original Mike: "Unfortunately for Inga, Mueller will never issue his "report", so she'll never have a chance to rub our noses in "it"."

That is clearly Schumer's fear from late last week wasn't it?

The lefties problem is that Barr is likely to rigorously follow dept guidelines (for the first time in 3.5 years vs the weaponized FBI/DOJ lefty/LLR's) and mere rumor and innuendo will not be allowed out as part of the final Barr-reviewed report.

Not to mention that no underlying crime has ever been specified or outlined on top of this whole charade which was begun as in (improper) counter-intelligence investigation cover story designed to hide the weaponized targeting of a domestic political opponent.

Right now the ghost of Erich Honecker is saying: nice job lefties/LLR's!

Darrell said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Darrell said...

We need a new concept--like attorney-client privilege--that would prevent a lawyer from ever talking about stuff like that and prevent government from ever compelling a lawyer to disclose personal conversations and the like.

Oh wait. . .

TheDopeFromHope said...

I'm sure Buzzfeed, like the others in the Corrupt Liberal Media ("CLM"), will eventually say it was all a "mistake." It will be added to the chronicles of the other "mistakes" that, for some reason, all go against Trump and Republicans. See the lists compiled by Glenn Greenwald, Sharon Atkinson, et al. Let's say the CLM has a 50/50 chance of making an anti-Trump mistake or an anti-Democrat mistake. The odds of 10 of 10 mistakes going against one party are one in 1,024. The odds of 20 of 20 mistakes going against one party are one in 1,048,576. The CLM has made easily over 500 "mistakes" against Trump and Republicans. What's the odds of that?!

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Unfortunately for Inga, Mueller will never issue his "report", so she'll never have a chance to rub our noses in "it".”

Ah, if wishes were nickels, you folks would be rich.

Anonymous said...

Original Mike: "Unfortunately for Inga, Mueller will never issue his "report", so she'll never have a chance to rub our noses in "it"."

As I understand it, the only Statutory "Report" required is a listing of names, charges, and status of the indictments filed...

Original Mike said...

I am rich. Rich enough, anyway.

Drago said...

Inga: "Ah, if wishes were nickels, you folks would be rich."


Inga now pretends she understands the actual DOJ guidelines about what is allowed in these final reports!

Can you imagine being Inga? Just 24 hours ago she was in the middle of the 9,593rd "thing" which was sure to bring Trump down....and then, within 12 hours.....poof!

But we are supposed to take this non-thing and pretend the non-thing which was knocked down is actually a possible thing and to proceed as if this possible thing is a likely thing and therefore all you Trump supporters better get ready for that likely thing to rock your world!!

Even though every other time its been exposed as another lefty/LLR lie/smear.....this time...it's gonna be different!!

On the plus side, it's been at least several weeks since Inga pretended to read the minds of the Mueller dem hack team to warn us about what was coming.

Today is a new day! Which means all previous days actions by Inga are long forgotten and she gets to lecture everyone else again!

Which is nice.....

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Well that’s good OM. I’m happy for you. Now why wouldn’t you folks want to know everything that’s in Mueller’s report? Why would any of you want it kept from the public? What are you worried about?

Original Mike said...

"Why would any of you want it kept from the public?"

I don't. Why are you assuming otherwise?

alanc709 said...

Inga's apparently ok with Mueller if he publishes the Protocols and replaces the word jew with Trump

Drago said...

Inga: "Well that’s good OM. I’m happy for you. Now why wouldn’t you folks want to know everything that’s in Mueller’s report? Why would any of you want it kept from the public? What are you worried about?"



The sound of goalposts being moved!!

Because dummy, the Mueller investigation notes, like background checks for security clearances, includes innuendo, false charges, assertions by enemies of things that can never be proven, etc etc etc.

The DOJ has guidelines as to what can be produced in a public report in the same way that DA's have guidelines not to float rumors and unverified gossip. The same guidelines that have existed forever.

But we get it. Team Dem knows the collusion lies cannot be backed up, because...lies...duh, so they need the dem/lefty provided innuendo to back themselves up.


Anonymous said...

James A. Wells, Assistant U.S. Attorney General: You had a leak? You call what's goin' on around here a leak? Boy, the last time there was a leak like this, Noah built hisself a boat.

James A. Wells, Assistant U.S. Attorney General: We can't have people go around leaking stuff for their own reasons. It ain't legal. And worse than that, by God it ain't right.

cacimbo said...

Big media like NPR are reporting this as a dilemma, they really aren't sure who believe - Mueller or Buzzfeed. So clearly the Mueller report is a YUGE waste of time since even those who are telling us Mueller is a trustworty stalwart of bipartisan government refuse to believe Mueller if they don't like what he has to say.

Paul Zrimsek said...

Ben Smith should get together with Dan Rather and start a support group.

Arashi said...

Face it - Buzzfeed lied to further the "narrative - Orange Man Bad".

At some point (probably not) you'd think that these people would ingage in some introspection and ask themselves just why they so visceraly hate Donald Trump, and is it possible (no - likley) that that hatred is consuming hteir very souls.

But htey won't do this. Hate is too much fun, and besides, everybody they know thinks the same damn way. Plus if they actually report the news, they won't get invited to all the cool parties.

Jaq said...

Blogger Drago said...
Inga: "Ah, if wishes were nickels, you folks would be rich."


I actually went back to check if Inga, of all people, really said that. Too perfect! Keep hope alive Inga!

Bilwick said...

"If wishes were nickels, socialism would actually produce prosperity, and I would actually be smart!"--Inga

Kevin said...

Inga waited patiently all day for Althouse to post on this so she could hit Paste/Submit on her talking point.

Before anyone else could chime in on journalistic malfeasance from the left, she was already derailing the discussion with “Nixon! Nixon! Nixon!”

Hagar said...

As I understand it, there was absolutely nothing improper about Trump discussing a potential development project in Moscow, so there was nothing to "lie" about.
Perhaps he told Cohen to tell them it was none of their business?

There is one out for the Buzzfeed story. As I understand it, the article did not specify that it is Mueller's group that is "investigating" this, so it may be a district attorney in Hawaii or something like that that is the source for the brouhaha.

wild chicken said...

" Darrell said...
We need a new concept--like attorney-client privilege"

Mmmm yeah, what happened with that anyway. Was that just bogus argle-bargle for gullible law students?

Kevin said...

Shorter Inga: If the thing Mueller just discredited is true...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'd like to know how or why the Trump tower meeting is illegal?

Why is it legal for Hillary Clinton campaign to pay for a bogus dossier - or any opposition research, but a meeting with someone promising dirt on Hillary is illegal?


or right - it's illegal to say anything bad about the corruption queen.

Hagar said...

And they do so, so, wish that one of these stories will finally turn out to be true, and then they will have him! Yesss, by god, sirreebob!!!

glenn said...

Trump is a wrecking ball. He got hired to demolish the demican/republicrat establishment. If he fails the folks who hired him will get a bigger better ball.

Sebastian said...

A "reckoning" for political journalism? What reckoning?

The MSM serve prog purposes and cater to soap opera women. As long as they do, anything goes, anything short of saying that you actually want to stuff shit into Sarah Palin's mouth.

jaydub said...

"Now why wouldn’t you folks want to know everything that’s in Mueller’s report?"

Because it has been a sorry, criminal miscarriage of justice from the moment the justice department and FBI decided to deep dive in the political sewer. Only the most shallow, partisan, treasonous sewer rats give a whit about what Mueller reports. The process followed in this sorry episode is so despicable that it really doesn't matter what the process eventually alleges. The Dems, the intelligence community, the Obama justice department and the FBI have done unconscionable damage to the fabric of the union and the rule of law. You and yours are going to have to live with that damage and hope it doesn't come home to roost. I believe it will.

Original Mike said...

"Before anyone else could chime in on journalistic malfeasance from the left, she was already derailing the discussion with “Nixon! Nixon! Nixon!”"

Well, you know, Nixon was impeached. Literally.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"He’s going to run his investigation until the statute of limitations expiry on the Hillary stuff. "


John said...

Cohen recorded his calls with Trump. If there is a tape - then what? What will your reaction be?

Original Mike said...

The reason I want the Mueller report made public is so they can't lie about what's in it.

Arashi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
John said...

As I understand it, there was absolutely nothing improper about Trump discussing a potential development project in Moscow, so there was nothing to "lie" about.

There was nothing improper about what Martha Stewart did. Yet she chose to lie about it and as a result went to jail. Do you really find it so hard to envision Trump suborning perjury?

But of course you’re all partisan hacks and you don’t care If he did or not.

Arashi said...

If there was a tape, do you really think it would not have been leaked by now? For heavans sake, nobody in the MSM or the Federal Political Class can keep a secret - they live to leak, to prove how frigging smart and important and in the know they are.

They could not keep a secret if their lives, or the lives of fellow Americans were at stake.

Jaq said...

Blogger John said...
Cohen recorded his calls with Trump. If there is a tape - then what? What will your reaction be?

At that point, there will be actual facts on the table. I change my position if new facts come to light that undermine my old one, what do you do? If Trump is genuinely guilty of something beyond minor conflicts in testimony in a wide ranging investigation that only exists because Hillary was mad she lost, I will probably be disappointed, but I won’t defend him.

That’s probably a mistake. Obviously the Democrats in the last election gave money to a British spy, who then spread it around among Putin spies, to dig up dirt on Trump and “No problemo!” But I have higher standards than that.

wildswan said...

There are some great movies that use a story to make the points that are at issue these days and Absence of Malice is one. The Lives of Others. Of course we're living in a time soon to be legendary. Great grandchildren will rock with laughter at the Dancing Socialist, ("In my plan you can eat sugar with no bad effects"; "In my plan ketchup and chicken tenders will have all necessary vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, protein and carbohydrates, and be available year round from local farmers even above the Arctic Circle."); scream with horror as the Incredible Bulk is seen waiting. "Soon, soon, the 101 Democrats will be skinned and made into coat for ME!!! AHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA!!!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

why is it legal for The Clinton Foundation to receive Russian cash for "speeches from Bill" and Russian money in general, all while the Obama-Clinton administration opened up the Russian Uranium project for payout.

The New York Times reported in 2015 that "shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One, [former President Bill] Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock." In total, $145 million went to the Clinton Foundation from interests linked to Uranium One, which was acquired by the Russian government nuclear agency Rosatum.

Jaq said...

Do you really find it so hard to envision Trump suborning perjury?

So basically you are a partisan hack who assumes Trump would do that. That’s your evidence, your feelz about Trump. Got it. Like I said, fork over actual facts.

But of course you’re all partisan hacks and you don’t care If he did or not.

More projection.

traditionalguy said...

Some hate Trump. Some actually love him. The rest of the world is in awe of him. The Dems has better pick a moderate.

Anonymous said...

"Why is it legal for Hillary Clinton campaign to pay for a bogus dossier "

It is illegal for a campaign to file false campaign expenditure reports with the FEC by laundering unsavory expenses through law firms.

In this case Mueller has chased the Trump/Cohen angle, but ignored the huge Clinton/Perkins Cole / Fusion GPS / Steele crime

In truth, the only campaign / foreign and corrupt intelligence story involves Hillary and a Brit spook. (e.g. Steele) trying to impact the 2016 election.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Cohen recorded his calls with Trump. If there is a tape - then what? What will your reaction be?

Yep, the guy who has had his phone converstations with foreign leaders printed in the press will certainly give illegal instructions over the phone.

"If Trump is a two headed dragon from Venus, that would be bad."


Drago said...

John: "Do you really find it so hard to envision Trump suborning perjury?
But of course you’re all partisan hacks and you don’t care If he did or not."


We are BACK to Trump is guilty if a lefty can imagine him doing it!!!

But John is totally not a hack or anything!!!

Chuck said...

I say again; I am always happy to hear/read anything from Mueller's office. I care very much about what they are doing. I like the idea of Mueller being exacting, accurate, and credible. No matter what the media say. And I don't care if Muller says nothing. But I would like to note that in the Buzzfeed story, they report that they asked Mueller's office for comment before running the story, and Mueller's office declined comment. So the OSC declined comment before the story, but commented on the story after publication.

And I don't really care much one way or another about BuzzFeed. Before this story, I cannot ever remember actually going to Buzzfeed's home page for anything. I have now, and it is amazingly trashy with celebrity news, gossip and nonsense.

I further state again; if Buzzfeed is exposed and humiliated, it won't matter to me. I've never cared about, or vouched for, Buzzfeed. The Mueller investigation will go on, unscathed.

If alternatively, Buzzfeed's story is somehow correct, I'll be delighted. On the substance. Presumably, we would find out that Buzzfeed's sources were law enforcement sources apart from the OSC; or that the OSC press release from last evening was only a technical denial. I don't know. It doesn't matter to me. It seems to be very much of a temporary issue, that will be resolved next month, or in the spring, or this summer.

And we might not even have to wait very long to figure it out. Cohen testifies before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on February 7. I love testimony under oath, although House committees are some of the worst places and least efficient formats for the examination of witnesses.

I'm reminded of the time that Justice Gorsuch was meeting with Senator Blumenthal before his confirmation hearing and after the meeting, Senator Blumenthal said that in the course of the meeting, Gorsuch had said that it was "dispiriting" and "disheartening" that Trump had spoken disrespectfully of other federal judges. Then arose a great kerfuffle when Trump challenged Blumenthal as somehow having "misrepresent[ed]" Gorsuch. Even though former Senator Kelly Ayotte and others confirmed the reporting.

What I said at the time was essentially, Just wait; in a couple of weeks, Gorsuch will be testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee, and Blumenthal sits on that Committee. No doubt Blumenthal will ask Gorsuch about it, on national television, with Gorsuch under oath. Then we will know for sure, one way or another... Blumenthal did exactly that, of course, and in his answer under oath in the hearing, Gorsuch used the exact same words; "disheartening" and "dispiriting."

I am far less confident that "Buzzfeed" will be vindicated in the Cohen testimony than I was confident that Trump would be shown up in the Gorsuch testimony. But what I do say is let's just wait to see what Cohen says, and what Mueller does.

Earlier this morning I sarcastically asked Meade if all of this means that Mueller and His Thirteen Democrats are no longer part of The Deep State Club, trying to destroy PresidentDonaldJTrump? Anybody know the answer to that? And is the race to condemn Buzzfeed a symptom of Trump Derangement Syndrome Derangement Syndrome?

Drago said...

Original Mike: "The reason I want the Mueller report made public is so they can't lie about what's in it"

That's irrelevant.

We already know from Ohr's testimony under oath that the entire obama FBI/DOJ leadership has lied to investigators about what they knew and when they knew it re: the hoax/Dem/FusionGPS/Nellie Ohr "dossier".

We also know from that Ohr testimony that Adam Schiff-ty, a "bigly" LLR Chuck dem fav, also lied about everything in his alternate memo. Conversely, the Ohr testimony aligns perfectly with what the Nunes memo laid out.

Has that changed the dems actions one bit?


Drago said...

Buzzfeed Fanboy Self-described Smear Merchant Chuck: "I further state again; if Buzzfeed is exposed and humiliated, it won't matter to me. I've never cared about, or vouched for, Buzzfeed."


LLR Chuck, doubling down on Team Left rumors even as many of the lefties run from the hoax story!!

Too funny.

Jaq said...

And is the race to condemn Buzzfeed ...

There’s a Napoleon quote about interrupting your enemies while they are making a mistake, but you can bet that Napoleon enjoyed watching his enemies screw up from afar, nonetheless.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“The reason I want the Mueller report made public is so they can't lie about what's in it.”

Me too!

Drago said...

#StrongCNN/MSNBC/VOXFanboy Chuck: "Earlier this morning I sarcastically asked Meade if all of this means that Mueller and His Thirteen Democrats are no longer part of The Deep State Club, trying to destroy PresidentDonaldJTrump?"


Mueller had to issue a correction on this latest lefty/LLR smear because his old buddy Rosenstein isn't there to provide complete cover and the last thing Mueller wants is for Barr to walk in next week and say "why didn't you knock this obvious lie down" and "gee, perhaps its time to do a little investigation on who is leaking from your team".

Mueller is the same hack who hid the investigation and convictions related to the Uranium One companies from congress which enabled Hillary and Mueller to let the deal go through....with a $150M payday for the Clintons.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“That's irrelevant.”

Hahaha, Drago tells OM what’s relevant. OM, did you need to be told by Drago what is relevant, or do you know all on your own without his direction, what is relevant and what isn’t? Drago is working very hard to herd his cats, that’s telling.

MBunge said...

BuzzFeed alleges that either Trump directly ordered Cohen to lie to Congress IN FRONT OF WITNESSES or that Cohen contemporaneously told people that Trump ordered him to lie to Congress, and that criminal order was then WRITTEN DOWN and referenced in multiple communications.

How stupid would everyone involved have to be for something like that to be true?


robother said...

Original Mike: "Nixon was impeached. Literally."

Give Chris Hayes a break. In the common parlance of our times, "literally" means figuratively, but emphatically. "The Warriors literally killed the Denver Nuggets the other night" (and yet, no police investigation has resulted.) It has become literally impossible to use the term "literally" literally.

Drago said...

Remember, the lefty hacks at the NYT were already provided a full copy of the Carter Page FISA warrant waaaaaaay back last year in October via Senate Intelligence Cmte hack dem Wolffe, which means the NYT's has known that the dossier was the basis for that lie-filled warrant (which we know conclusively now based on Ohr's actual testimony with the actual documents which demonstrate it) since then and have played along like its been unknowable for 15 months.

Drago said...

Inga: "Drago is working very hard to herd his cats, that’s telling."

Conspiracy-minded folks find conspiracies everywhere.

Buzzfeed for instance...

Drago said...

Inga is literally coming off the 30th lefty conspiracy that has blown up in her face and she keeps projecting that onto others.

It's hilarious.

Hagar said...

I don't quite understand why the Democrats have got themselves so worked up about Trump.
I think Ocasio-Cortez and her generation is much more of a danger to them.

Original Mike said...

"Has that changed the dems actions one bit?"

I don't expect it to change dem behavior. In fact, I'd bet the house that they'll claim vindication no matter what's in the report (see, for example, Inga's nonsensical comment from last night). But there are more people in the world than partisan hack democrats.

Arashi said...

Well krap Drago - if they keep making stuff up 24/7, eventually one of the lies will be true and they can all have a collective orgasm and finally, finally make Hillary president.

Original Mike said...

@robother: I think Hayes meant literally literally.

Original Mike said...

Blogger Drago said..."Remember, the lefty hacks at the NYT were already provided a full copy of the Carter Page FISA warrant waaaaaaay back last year in October via Senate Intelligence Cmte hack dem Wolffe, which means the NYT's has known that the dossier was the basis for that lie-filled warrant (which we know conclusively now based on Ohr's actual testimony with the actual documents which demonstrate it) since then and have played along like its been unknowable for 15 months."

That's my point. Because it wasn't released it's easier to lie about it.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“But there are more people in the world than partisan hack democrats.”

But there are more people in the world than Trump Cultists and that’s making Drago nervous and over eager to keep you folks in line, I suspect.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“That's my point. Because it wasn't released it's easier to lie about it.”

Drago says that’s irrelevant, lol.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Again - when did it become illegal to talk to Russians?

It certainly wasn't illegal when Obama-Hillary were in charge.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga- there is no bigger Trump cultist than you.
He should charge rent.

Darrell said...

Produce more than 2000 pounds of evidence right now or I will hit you with my peoples shovel of truth.

Drago said...

Inga: "Drago says that’s irrelevant, lol."

Correct because the dems/left/LLR's will lie about it either way.

Barr will follow the DOJ guidelines, and the dems will lie.

Ohrs testimony comes out and it shows the dems lied.

The Clinton campaign assured everyone for over a year they had NOTHING to do with funding the dossier: they lied.

The list is endless.

Thats what makes what Barr does irrelevant.

The dems will lie.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga- there is no bigger Trump cultist than you.
He should charge rent.”

Well, if he lives in my head rent free, you live in his ass.

robother said...

OM: Probably (my remarks were intended ironically) but with the Left, you never know: I get the impression everything they say on CNN or MSNBC is bullshit: said for political effect, without any regard to its truth value. "Literally," "treason," "criminal" are terms politically useful because they have traditional objective meaning to folks like us and even in the independent middle. But, as with journalistic standards of objective reporting, they never seem to restrain MSM from any story that might advance their socialist narrative.

On the underlying topic, I found this WaPo quote especially revealing: Mueller’s denial, according to people familiar with the matter, aims to make clear that none of those statements in the story are accurate."

Drago said...

I think I see the problem here: Hoax Dossier girl Inga doesnt understand what it is that I am asserting is irrelevant.

That makes her susceptability to one lefty/LLR conspiracy theory after another understandable.

Arashi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Molly said...


The value of Michael Cohen's forthcoming testimony to Congress is exactly zero. He has already admitted he lied to Congress before--that admission is part of his deal with Mueller.

It's the old "Were you lying then or are you lying now?" conundrum.

The charges to which he pleaded guilty in New York included tax fraud and making false statements to a financial institution.
Once you are convicted of, or plead guilty to, fraud, your credibility is shot.

Once you plead to lying to Congress, your credibility is shot.

So ... his credibility is shot.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Arashi said...

Maybe Inga should join the collective bonfire with the fule theives in Mexico?

(too harsh??)

Inga...Allie Oop said...

All you folks like Drago should realize this, your arguments that the Mueller report should not be released in its entirety to the public are arguing that you feel there is something in there to hide. Sunshine is the best disinfectant so the saying goes. What are you afraid of?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Maybe Inga should join the collective bonfire with the fule theives in Mexico?”

So you want those you don’t agree with to burn? Hmmm...

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I think I see the problem here: Hoax Dossier girl Inga doesnt understand what it is that I am asserting is irrelevant.”

Good try Drago, but you fail.

Drago said...

Inga: "All you folks like Drago should realize this, your arguments that the Mueller report should not be released in its entirety to the public are arguing that you feel there is something in there to hide."

Inga does not approve of decades old DOJ policies related to investigation reporting.

Inga, when exactly did you first realize that you were strongly opposed to longstanding DOJ policies?

Which insane and debunked Lefty/LLR conspiracy theory over the last 3 years did you not bite down hard on?



Arashi said...

Inga - you are always insulting and suggesting harm to all of those you disagree with here. Maybe look in the damn mirror and realize that your hatred of POTUS does not grant you special wisdom or insight.

Perhaps if you made cogent arguments and did not always insult and belittle??

Also - you could bring the marshmellows and hot dogs to the bonfire - you know, provide some food and comfort.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Inga: "So you want those you don’t agree with to burn? Hmmm..."

Islamic supremacists routinely burn gays alive in cages.


Inga wants no vetting of these types and to allow them to migrate in ever larger numbers to the US.


Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga - ... and suggesting harm to all of those you disagree with here.”

Huh? When and where have I ever suggested I want harm to come to anyone, even Trump? Why do you think lying makes you more credible? Your comment was weird and over the top. You own it.

Jaq said...

The funny thing is that it’s an open question as to whether what he did in the Stormy Daniels case was illegal or not. He confessed for Trump to a campaign finance violation. He was Trump’s lawyer, someone should ask him if he gave his legal opinion on making payments to Daniels, or if he was specifically told to pay her off in an illegal way and he objected, as an officer of the court, and was again ordered to do it, not just ordered to do it, but to do it illegally. That must be how it happened. BTW, how is it worse than laundering the money paid for the dossier as “legal expenses”? Shouldn’t someone be going to jail for that? Is misreporting campaign expenses a jailable offense or not?

Well, it depends on the political party, like everything else.

Darrell said...

It's great now.
You can force lawyers to take the stand and repeat confessions their clients have made.
The new Democrat/Media legal standard.
They all think it's great from what I read.

Darrell said...

Every lawyer who has not spoken up about this should have their license yanked.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

I think the closer we come to the end of this debacle, the nuttier and more violent you people will get.

Arashi said...

Inga - just what did POTUS do to you? Did he drop by and piss in your conrflakes? Drive off the road and run over your dog?

I know - he got elected instead of Hillary....

It would be nice if folks realized that Donald Trump is not responsible for where we are as a Nation - he is the result of it. It has taken the political class around 30 years or so to get us here - where they spend all of their time making sure the federal piggy trough stays full of goodies and they keep their piggy snouts stuck there gobbling up the goodies - to hell with America and the American people.

Drago said...

Inga: "I think the closer we come to the end of this debacle, the nuttier and more violent you people will get."

Team Hodgkinson/Antifa thinks the other side will get violent.


Darrell said...

And you'll deserve every bit of it.
It was always thus for insurrection and treason.

Arashi said...

Can one of the folks posting here who truly hates the current POTUS please explain in as few words as possilbe why? Asking ofr a friend...

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga wants no vetting of these types and to allow them to migrate in ever larger numbers to the US.”

Why do you people need to resort to lies? You folks are pathetic.

JackWayne said...

The irony of the entire matter is that the retired nurse will get exactly what she wants out of the Mueller report. His job is to do one thing and one thing only - protect the government. No one connected to Hillary, Democrat Party, FBI, DOJ, Obama Or Holder will be pointed out as a bad actor. The payout is what we have: Trump rumors and innuendos. For reference see the Benghazi report. For my money, Jeff Sessions turned out to be another flake.

Darrell said...

The FBI openly lies in sworn testimony.
This can't be allowed to continue.
Shut it down. And take legal action against the liars.

Earnest Prole said...

Trump's enemies placed their fervent hopes and dreams into a vessel named the SS FeedBuzz -- who could possibly imagine such a ship would sink after it barely left harbor?

Arashi said...

So Inga - are you in favor of securing the borders of the United States and properly vetting everybody that comes here?? Of making sure people leave when their visas expire? Of making sure only legal immigrants are allowed to stay and become citizens?

Drago said...

Inga: "Why do you people need to resort to lies? You folks are pathetic."

Islamic supremacists who burn gays alive in cages and sexually enslave young girls across the globe and blow up churches and commit mass murder are pathetic and worse.

But Inga has no words left to describe all of that because she reserves her strongest language for republicans.

Islamic supremacists.......crickets....

Drago said...

Inga: "Why do you people need to resort to lies? You folks are pathetic."

Buzzfeed/golden dossier girl wants to chat about resorting to lies.

This should be good.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Drago, you have nothing but propaganda. I hope that people here are beginning to understand that. I still haven’t given up hope that you people still have redeeming qualities.

Jim at said...

But of course you’re all partisan hacks and you don’t care If he did or not.

Partisan hack laments partisan hackery.

cacimbo said...

If Trump wins reelection in 2020 do you expect the news will just be images of journolists and never-Trumpers committing suicide as they scream orange man bad?

steve uhr said...

The take away is that mueller is a truth teller and a fact checker.

Drago said...

Inga: "Drago, you have nothing but propaganda."

Simply link to a single criticism of yours re: Islamic supremacists.

A single one might do it.

But you wont. Because you cant. Thus my observation of you is spot on.

As any reader can easily see.


Brian said...

Cohen testifies before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on February 7.

Where he will say nothing of substance. Anything pointing to details Mueller has for his case will be buried. "Unfortunately Mr. Representative, I can't comment on that on advice of counsel pending Mueller investigation." Why would Mueller LET him testify to anything. He might say something stupid that destroys Mueller's case.

There will be lots of "Orange Man Bad" stuff though. You'll be happy anyway.

Drago said...

Inga: "I still haven’t given up hope that you people still have redeeming qualities."

Filed under: Things Inga Would Never Say About Islamic Supremacists...Ever.

chickelit said...

Gotta love how this Ben Smith character keeps digging his hole deeper and deeper. I'll smile when the sides cave in and he smothers in his own sepsis.

Who signs he paychecks BTW?

Arashi said...

I don't like being referred to as "you people" - why can't Inga just call us all "white, mysoginist, racist, rat bastards", or whatever she really feels - or is "you people" shorthand for that?

Jim at said...

I think the closer we come to the end of this debacle, the nuttier and more violent you people will get.

Yeah. Steve Scalise and Rand Paul better watch out.

Lazy, stupid projection.

chickelit said...

Cacimbo Cacimbo said...
If Trump wins reelection in 2020 do you expect the news will just be images of journolists and never-Trumpers committing suicide as they scream orange man bad?

Not wishing for suicide-suicide, but I'd love to see some career suicides. Especially very public and embarrassing ones. And ones with tears.

Drago said...

chickenlittle: "Gotta love how this Ben Smith character keeps digging his hole deeper and deeper."

Have to disagree. He took one for the team and will be rewarded amply for doing so over the years. He will never have to slink away in shame. Instead, he will be celebrated.

Drago said...

You would think that after all these years and all the horrendous mass murders and horrific activities of islamic terrorists over the years that Inga would have, at some point, criticized them in some way.

But you would be wrong.

Very very wrong.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

We literally don't know what "literally" means.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Darrell said...

Women's March shouts Death to Trump.

Yeah, the Right is on the verge of violence.

Drago said...

But in a way, Inga's silence in the face of islamic extremism is consistent with her very strong and very passionate defense of the anti-semitic/anti-Israel/Pro-Farrakhan Chick's March leaders.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Curious Mueller isn't looking into the death of Seth Rich.

Drago said...

Another recent development is the court ruling in the 5th circuit which proved that Inga's lies about the Planned Parenthood videos being "selectively edited" were, of course, after court-overseen forensic analysis, were just that lies.

The videos were not selectively edited.

But Inga lied about that.

And Inga wonders why we say its irrelevant what the facts or even straight video evidence proves... she and her pals will lie anyway...with lots and lots and lots of help from the LLR aligned corner.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"Why do you people need to resort to lies? You folks are pathetic."

Because there are never any facts that, when arranged rationally, support a single thing that they want.

Unknown said...

I AGREE President Donald Trump suborned perjury.

Why prove a negative?

now, he must receive the same punishment President Bill Clinton received

for perjuring himself with Jones

and suborning perjury with Monica

Donald Trump should lose his law license!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Didn't Ben Smith used to edit Politico? I was always under the impression that that was a conservative or at least moderate-right publication.

Anyway, these rushes to judgment and fake reports and over-interpreting are damaging. Decent folks need to distance themselves from outfits that are doing reporting like this. You can even be incredibly biased like CNN and MSNBC but you need to separate out reportable fact from speculation - especially if you're going to report on controversial political topics with the import of whether Trump is impeachable in terms that much of the Congress and population would agree to. This shit just needs to end.

Brian said...

You have to learn to read these things. It's worse than Pravda sometimes. YOu have to look for what's MISSING. And who benefits from the story. Especially a story like this that relies on anonymous sources and no other media outlet runs.

From the buzzfeed report (paraphrased by paragraph):

1. Trump directed Cohen to lie to congress according to 2 federal law enforcement officials involved in an investigation of the matter.

This is a crime of course. Can't suborn perjury. Interesting that the "2 federal law enforcment officials" part doesn't say "current investgiation" just "an investigation". This is code for "not Mueller". This is code for "FBI". It might be that theya rent' even "current" feds either (McCabe anyone?). I suspect this is what Mueller had to get in front of by releasing their statement. They can't have congress rushing the investigation. WHich they would have to if this paragraph of the story is true.

2. "Make it happen", Trump tower. Nothing illegal about Trump Tower, so even if true, it's moot.

3. Trump told the public (even underlined) no business deals, but got regular updates. Again, not illegal! Fluff! Innuendo!

4. Cohen pleaded guilty Public knowledge.

5. Cohen told the OSC that Trump personally told him to lie. Note that this pararaph DOESN'T say that he told him to lie to Congress. Just that he told him to lie. It's not a crime to tell someone to lie to the public. Mueller specifcally debunks this paragraph in his statement. My guess is that Cohen was told to lie but not told to lie to Congress.

6. How the OSC learned of trump telling Cohen to lie (text messages, etc). Also debunked by the OSC statement.

7 and 8. Not the first time Trump has interfered Hyperbole and not "news".

9 and 10. Trump said something on the campaign trail. Haha, welcome to presidential campaigns.

11. and 12. Attorneys "close to the administration" helped Cohen. This is an example of twisting words. On first glance you think the White House Counsels office, which means you are in the WH and close to the president . But note that they don't go as far as to accuse the attorneys of suborning perjury or even being aware! Nonsense paragraph. McGahn then specifically denies the speculation. Didn't happen.

13. Cohen was a good boy to Mueller. So? Cohen is not even a source for this story! It offers nothing but more smokescreen.

14-16. Denials of involvement More fluff.

The rest of the story... Concerning Trump Tower negotations. Again, nothing illegal about this, since Trump wasn't President. If we want to get into relationships with foreign entities prior to running for office, perhaps we can look at the Clinton Foundation? Or is that just Bill's baby?

My take is that this story was a last ditch attempt by someone outside the OSC to block Barr's nomination to be AG. His nomination appears to be assured, and they needed to throw a wrench into that. They didn't expect Mueller to debunk it so quick. It was to flip a few Republicans and deny Barr the AG slot.

Drago said...

PPPT: "Because there are never any facts that, when arranged rationally, support a single thing that they want"

Says the lefty guy with a handle of a hoax dossier.

That's perfect. Perfect.

Drago said...

PPPT: "I was always under the impression that that was a conservative or at least moderate-right publication."


"Reality based"...

Yancey Ward said...

To paraphrase a previous version of Inga- Even Robert Mueller doesn't know what Robert Mueller knows.

This is some serious high-level stupidity going on at Buzzfeed and other outlets who won't admit they got caught/had. The only things in the Buzzfeed story were the accusation that Trump directed Cohen to lie and that the charge could be backed up with e-mails and texts. Mueller's released statement contradicted every part of that, and in an extraordinary way. If only some minor detail were wrong, Mueller keeps mum. The fact that he felt he had to torpedo the story is because of the accusation wasn't true based on the evidence that his own team has.

Yancey Ward said...

Well, if Ben Smith wants to make his case, he can tell us who the sources are- that is the only way anyone is going to believe his reporters and not Mueller himself.

Drago said...

Since Hoax Dossier-reality based dude showed up, what if we figure out a way to blame this alleged, hilariously false directive to Cohen on...
(Wait for it.......wait for it...)..Brett Kavanaugh!!

Surely he had time to pull that off in-between leading gang-rape operations across the Maryland country-side for decades.

Plus, it would be a two-fer for the left and thats always fantastic motivation for a new string of lefty lies.

Quick!!! Someone check to see if Kavanaugh ever traveled to Prague or Moscow!!

Drago said...

You just know that Inga is poring over years worth of postings to find a single instance of her criticizing islamic terrorists....and its simply not there.

Not even something "fudgeable" enough to fake it!

Bless her heart.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Says the lefty guy with a handle of a hoax dossier.

Do I run a newspaper?

Trump has supported false reporting about himself since the beginning of his real estate nepotistic career. Feeding lines to the Enquirer, etc. I think early on a report made him out to look like a gorilla. He loved it. Omarosa has since said that Trump spends hours in the WH watching documentary videos on gorillas, and asks his staff to improve the ratio of videos where they're fighting each other. He becomes affectionate toward the most brutal ones and and talks to their on-screen images, offering praise of the sort that a WWE ambassador might be expected to.

Anyway, point being that I have no personal interest in respecting the reputational needs of Puppet Trump insofar as they concern truth - even if journalists should. But for me that ship sailed when he sent Baghdad Bob Sean Spicer out the day after the inauguration to proclaim his inaugural crowd the largest ever attended in history. PERIOD!

Yeah, you go ahead and pretend that ordinary citizens have an interest in separating truth from fiction when it comes to so-called billionaire populist, the one who disseminates more lies on the record than any other president by far.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I already addressed Kavanaugh and Drago's false memories of what I said of him last week, but conservatives have short memories and even less interest in truth, as everyone knows. Drago would defame Lincoln, if he felt it would help his hack of a national party.

Drago said...

PPPT: "Do I run a newspaper?"

Of course not.

You are simply a walking lie.

You hardly need to run a paper to be that.

Drago said...

PPPT: "I already addressed Kavanaugh and Drago's false memories of what I said of him last week,"


Yes, yes. Of course you did.

Why, you were just a simple country-objective observer who let the facts take him to logical conclusions....

Now THAT is funny!

Michael K said...

This is some serious high-level stupidity going on at Buzzfeed and other outlets who won't admit they got caught/had.

Rather and Mapes are still trying to peddle that lie about Bush and the illiterates will think movies, like "JFK" and "Truth" are history.

narciso said...

why did they chose prague, too many watchings of that vin diesel film, about him infiltrating Russian anarchists, as j e dyer pointed out, it was to tie cohen particularly to a certain hacker who operated here, meanwhile the Hezbollah operative who imported coke through west Africa, as his hobby, when he wasn't working for Ukraine's defense export arm, hush, because of the iran deal,

Jim at said...

I was always under the impression that that was a conservative or at least moderate-right publication.

That's because you're so far left, you'd need a telescope to see Fidel Castro.

Politico started out center-left and went way left over time.

narciso said...

adam McKay's three hour primal scream, operates much the same way I imagine, the way it strokes the lefty amygdala, there's also the rob reiner project of McClatchy fandom, that crashed and burned like a star destroyer, into that secret imperial base,

narciso said...

it's a very selective audience:


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's funny to see a Republican like Drago so out of touch with reality in his country that he thinks a Trump-supporter like him can have a lot of traction pushing for issues of honesty and accuracy.

Even DreckO knows that Trump is so full of shit that it fills out his waistband - at least he can admit it when his Ritalin kicks in.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Politico started out center-left and went way left over time.

Translation: It started out interested in accuracy and progressed to being interested in democracy, too.

Big Mike said...

The story, as written, was as clean as it gets: Trump directed Cohen to lie about the Trump Tower in Moscow project, and there’s tons of evidence to support that.

I've been wondering what Axios means by "as clean as it gets." When one of the authors says he has not seen the evidence, and the other has been known to fabricate evidence, that seems very unclean to me.

Drago said...

narciso: "why did they chose prague, "

Because Nellie Ohr, FusionGPS employee had full FBI/Comey approved access to the FISA 702 database (raw electronic intercepts of every single American citizen) and ran a query that identified a "Michael Cohen" if NY as having traveled to Prague.

When this info was packaged together at FusionGPS by Glen Simpson and gang and then handed to Christopher Steele to launder this oppo research he reached out to his Putin pals who all played along because Simpson/Steele were spreading around Hillary/DNC cash (via PerkinsCoie) to these russian contacts and its always nice to receive US currency from the dems.

One big problem for the lefty/stasi liars...it was the WRONG Michael Cohen!!

How funny is that?

How is it possible for the russkis working with the dems to get THAT wrong??

They didnt. They just said yes to whatever...for cash.

The only possible way to get that wrong is having access to the FISA databases..
And screwing up.

narciso said...

its a figment of their imagination, it relies on one established fact, a project in Russia, had long been sought by trump, but that's been in an out development for 30 years,

Drago said...

PPPT, Im sorry your hoax dossier didnt work out.

Perhaps you should change your handle to "Directed Cohen To Lie To Congress".

Since labeling yourself witj hoax-based names seems to be a thing with you.


Drago said...

PPPT, you dont actually still believe in the hoax dossier do you?


Please tell me you dont.....


narciso said...

it does seem like they went to school on 'enemy of the state', if you recall a rendition that went wrong of an recalcitrant congressman, was caught on tape, and anyone in contact with the recording was deemed in the scope, back then the capabilities of puzzle palace operations were no where like what happened in the late 00s, apparently no fisa authorization was required,

narciso said...

being too charitable:


maybe it's always been thus:

Yancey Ward said...

Leopold has seen no documents if Cormier hasn't. It sounds like to me that someone conned these two idiots.

Like I wrote above- there is an easy way to clear this up- tell us who the sources were and we can judge whether or not they would have been in a position to see or take any such documents in the first place. This looks more and more like a mole hunt to me if the reporters themselves didn't fabricate the whole thing themselves.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Looks like he's still waiting for his Ritalin to kick in.

He's also not vouched for exactly what it is that Trump has ever been truthful about.

Typical Republican ADHD-addled maniac. That's what it looks like to have no principles while cracking oneself up on partisan mania.

In the meantime, neither his president nor his lockjawed senate majority leader can lead. And so he's left with a party led by Rush Fattie Limbaugh and Ann Bony Coulter. Just wonderful, amazing, highly admired folk heroes that everyone loves.

Very admirable stuff.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The beauty of having a Republican president and senate majority leader too chickenshit and full of shit to lead, is that Nancy Pelosi could always deliver the invitation for a SOTU address to the true leaders of their party: Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh. You know, the highly admired Americans who give Trump his marching orders.

When Dreck hears stuff like this he works himself up into a Hillary Clinton-esque cackle so fake that even she has to give him credit.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

PPPT: "That's what it looks like to have no principles while cracking oneself up on partisan mania."

partisan mania....the day after the lefty Buzzfeed implosion....

narciso said...

in other news:


Jaq said...

Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh. ...

And PPPT repeats the Barney Frank talking point! Funny how over the past couple of days it’s specifically those two.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FullMoon said...

Maybe someone should ask Cohen about it.
Or, is that too hard?

Guildofcannonballs said...

Drago said...
"Even some conservatives joined the 'If true' chorus...."



So while the "conservatives" getting paid big big money (per Dem, not diem) win long term you laugh for an iota's moment, as I wonce did. Then I aged and realized typing my valid opinions on Althouse, even though perhaps in some ways an expertising of some things, but not the majority of things, of course.

Applaudimg yourself for seeing that tree, when others focus on the forest.

Others that will erase you. Most are unaware of the evil of Progs and like "good ideas" that "help everyone" hence could (or can be as you like) be excused for laughing it off, but not you and us here: ignorance is no excuse for Althouse regulars. You soil yourself every time you LOL at them thinking in some way your antiquated reasoning will prevent most unlaughable things.

When people tell you they want you gone forever consider maybe laughing is perhaps in the vast majority of cases the emotion they aim for you to have. Why?

We know you can't figure it out, us here Althouse commenters, so castratedly we just hope at the end you look at the opportunity cost and say "yeah LOL owning the bots/Progs on Althouse was worth MORE than the expanded time I spent on them."

If you don't feel that way fine. My aim is convincing the people who read Althouse comment sections which is a unique group.

Drago you are a hammer and will see nails where nails are (progs) and good for you. When you take this (non) special insight and conclude spaming Althouse blog comments because you are correct factually and idiotaccly in my opinion you open up real non-progs to prog.

Arashi said...

Can someone please translate the above into a semblence of English?

Guildofcannonballs said...

The fac tof the matter is I will quote it:, It does inspire.

Wish is to wouldn't and I hat eht9ir politics.

BUt is it hgetting berrter?

Hae you got someonw to blame?

Is ieseir know, that you got someon to blame.


Is it getting better
Or do you feel the same
Will it make it easier on you now
You got someone to blame
You say

One love
One life
When it's one need in the night
One love
We get to share it
Leaves you baby if you don't care for it

Did I disappoint you
Or leave a bad taste in your mouth
You act like you never had love
And you want me to go without
Well, it's

Too late
To drag the past out into the light
We're one, but we're not the same
We get to carry each other
Carry each other

Have you come here for forgiveness
Have you come to raise the dead
Have you come here to play Jesus
To the lepers in your head

Did I ask too much
More than a lot
You gave me nothing
Now it's all I got

We're one but we're not the same
Well we hurt each other
Then we do it again

You say
Love is a temple
Love a higher law
Love is a temple
Love the higher law
You ask me to enter
But then you make me crawl
And I can't be holding on
To what you got
When all you got is hurt

One love
One blood
One life
You got to do what you should
One life
With each other

One life
But we're not the same
We get to carry each other
Carry each other


Arashi said...

Dude - you need to either get on your meds or stop taking whatever the hell you are currently taking, as you make no sense what so ever.

But you are kinda funny, so what the hell.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Arashi said...
Can someone please translate the above into a semblence of English?

Yes, and they will do it for "free" and your children shall serve their offspring.

narciso said...

Sometimes he goes off the track, and is grinding metal, what's striking is how little substance there was to any of this, much like the first McClatchy story re prague.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Drill Sgt re Wilford Brimly


Thanks for posting

John Henry

Arashi said...

Damn - maybe don't post when you are on rereational pharmacueticals.. /sarc

alanc709 said...

PPPT, they have a nice bed for you in Amsterdam, maybe you should do us all a favor and go there. Might be the only way to deal with your derangement.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

The thing is, even if PDJT had not been elected and the Trump Tower in Moscow had gone through, it was chump change.

Techno_fog is pretty interesting to follow for a bunch of reasons. One of them is an analysis, with screen shots, of the letter of intent for the Moscow tower.

1) It was not a real estate deal as much as a licensing deal. Donald Trump's company would license the Trump name and some expertise to the Russian company. They had no ownership of the tower.

2) Total revenue to Trump would have been, at most, about $35 million. That assumes that all condos are sold at list price, and hotel rooms and commercial spaces are fully rented at list price.

See the thread, see the LOI at https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1086126574859096064.html

John Henry

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

@Techno_fog also has some interesting stuff about the Concord case. This is the Russians Mueller indicted, never expecting them to show up and did, really throwing a monkey wrench in the works.

Some real shenanigans going on their on Mueller's part. They are being charged with a conspiracy to do something that is not a crime.

Nobody broke any laws, nobody even conspired to break any laws. But they conspired which Mueller claims is a crime in and of itself.

This thread has screenshots and links to the transcript of a hearing from last October that was just unsealed last week.


Strange we don't see anything in the press about Concord after they had the temerity to actually show up in court. The nerve of those guys!!!

John Henry

Ken B said...

Big Mike
By clean they mean unhedged by caveats. A straight claim with no weasel words. “Trump instructed Cohen to shoot a man Reno and we have proof.” That's clean. A nice clean lie.

Original Mike said...

Blogger Arashi said..."Can someone please translate the above into a semblence of English?"

Guild is on the Do Not Bother To Read List.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Hey google reminded my on my phone unsoliccted that Jeff Goldstien's birthday is in a couple of weeks.

I gave a gift 4 years ago to Jeff and now I am [punished for it.

ALTHOUGH last I read and made a fool of myself, I think he was an anti not never T'er but don'g know nr care

Mr. Goldstein will always be a hero to me.

Guildofcannonballs said...


Unknown said...

I'll wait to hear what Greg Gutfeld has to say about all of it in another two hours. Gutfeld is to me what Scott Adams is to Ann.

glenn said...

Well, it did morph into a non-story quickly.

Michael K said...

Strange we don't see anything in the press about Concord after they had the temerity to actually show up in court. The nerve of those guys!!!

Isn't that the case where the judge is keeping all the discovery secret ?

narciso said...

Yes and as usual, the judge is the ringer in this case.

walter said...

Poor Arashi,
Calling on Inga for greater civility when PPPT/Ed Hominem was soon to appear.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

We're just going to have to wait and see if disgusting hag Inga's grandsons are in fact rapists. The burden is on them to prove they aren't.

Bob Loblaw said...

It doesn't really matter what Mueller comes up with at this point. The entire investigation is tainted by the fact that it started under false pretenses. Lying to a judge so you can go on a fishing expedition makes a mockery of the justice system.

iowan2 said...

Those charges against Biden that he is a pedophile? I heard that the accusation is unsubstantiated.But I've seen video of him around kids. Who wouldn't believe that he diddles that every chance he's got.

n.n said...

U2 - "One"

Is it getting better
Or do you feel the same
Will it make it easier on you now
You got someone to blame
You say


Meade said...

"In the Nixon debacle there was also an instance of erroneous reporting, didn’t matter one way or the other in the outcome."

Mark Felt.

"The Washington Post created a morality play about an out-of-control government brought to heel by two young, enterprising journalists and a courageous newspaper. That simply wasn't what happened. Instead, it was about the FBI using The Washington Post to leak information to destroy the president, and The Washington Post willingly serving as the conduit for that information while withholding an essential dimension of the story by concealing Deep Throat's identity."


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