January 18, 2019

At the Red Eye Café...

... you can stay up all night.

(And remember that you can use the Althouse Portal for your Amazon shopping.)


gilbar said...

i want to know what's going to happen with next weeks home rule vote in MARAWI?

tomaig said...

Now my curiosity is piqued, professor.

What was your source for the claim that Valerie Jarret turned over that bag of gifted jewels to the State Department?

Was it from her book? Wasn't in quotes.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Watched "Hurricane in Pilgrim Hill" on Amazon Prime streaming video while exercising on the XC-ski machine this evening. Strange. 1950 movie, but plot and videography like 1930. I don't think a movie like that would be allowed today.

tcrosse said...

All of a sudden I'm getting lots of Harry's razor ads, and I don't even shave.

Ann Althouse said...

"What was your source for the claim that Valerie Jarret turned over that bag of gifted jewels to the State Department?"

It was in the text of the article I linked to.

Ken B said...

What words most often precede the phrase “If this is true...”?
Answer: “Breaking news”.

If it's true? It's news, and maybe it’s true and we don’t know? This is how news operates now?

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

As to Ashley Madison and other advertisements - put a Pi-Hole on your LAN.

dustbunny said...

Kind of curious about the rat fixation.

SteveR said...

Also getting a lot of Harry razor ad rolls

Funny how we struggle with euthanasia issues while terminating pregnancies so readily. I understand the legal basis but still....

Humperdink said...

Has RBG been placed in the witness protection program? There have been more Big Foot sightings in the past few weeks than our beloved ACLU graduate.

walter said...

Celebrity Chef Jose Andres To Open Kitchen To Feed Furloughed Federal Workers And Their Families

walter said...

Pelosi distinctly avoiding the term "funemployment" in this case.

wildswan said...

If some Federales are going to be riffed, let me nominate the behavioral sciences branches of NIH which are the main source of funds for the new eugenics - for biodemography and the new social biology. These branches are:

Social and Behavioral Sciences Branch (SBSB) | NICHD

Division of Behavioral and Social Research - National Institute on Aging

Get rid them and you stop eugenics in its tracks.

Heartless Aztec said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Heartless Aztec said...

The last time the United States lost it's shit we gave ourselves the Civil War. At least that was a collective shit worth losing. The country is there again. It is an abyss.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

I received my stickers today! :D What fun! I need to replace my Macbook and I'm going to decorate the new one with my rat stickers, like some kinda cool kid. Then when another Althousian sees me in a coffee shop he can give me a knowing nod.

narciso said...

Meanwhile the Colombian guerillas who have sanctuary in Venezuela had a bomb blow outside the police academy, the other day.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

I just got a Harry's ad on this page, and one for men's underwear (a first for me!)

le Douanier said...

"It was in the text of the article I linked to."

That means it's a lie.

If Val had danced around the question w/o explicitly stating that she didn't keep the loot, then you'd know she didn't keep the loot. Since she denied that she kept the loot, you'd know she kept the loot.


Birkel said...

I like your specificity w/rt cutting specific areas.
But I would heartily criticize your lack of ambition.

I want Department level cuts.

Birkel said...


None of the Buzzfeed report is correct according to Mueller.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

I also got an ad for "large size shoes", but some of the shoes top out at 11 Tamanho(US). Maybe Portuguese or Brazilian men have small feet.

narciso said...

So sorry:


Freeman Hunt said...

I was also thrilled to get my rat stickers today. I put one on the back window of my car. It is the only sticker on my car. Enigmatic. I may refuse to explain it to people.

Fen said...

Always respond to their questions with a question. Like you're a CIA agent adept at turning inquires around.

What's with the rat sticker?

"Oh that? Do you like it?"

And after they walk back to their car or door or whatever, make sure they see you touch your ear and talk to yourself like Secret Service does.

Its fun. Neighbors think wifey is Mossad and are super careful nice to her.

Seeing Red said...



Sebastian said...

By the way, Althouse: yes, must have been Sammy Davis, Jr., but I could have sworn Sinatra. It's gotta be my ears.

eddie willers said...

By the way, Althouse: yes, must have been Sammy Davis, Jr., but I could have sworn Sinatra.

Turned out to be Steve Lawrence.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

By the way, Althouse: yes, must have been Sammy Davis, Jr., but I could have sworn Sinatra.

Turned out to be Steve Lawrence.

Given the lyric, that's kinda funny.

"Who else could I be?"

Fen said...

Jonah Goldberg over at NRO just got caught plagiarizing AceofSpades line per line.

Not only is Jonah refusing to make it righr, he's asserting that if you properly attrib Shakespeare and Twain yesterday, you may pass their work off as your own today:

"To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man." - Jonah Goldberg

"Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold that there isn’t any. But this wrongs the jackass" - Jonah Goldberg

Yancey Ward said...

Just to remind those interested- there is a total lunar eclipse on Sunday evening into Monday morning that is visible from beginning to end throughout the entire lower 48 and Alaska- the total phase lasts from 11:41 p.m. EST until 12.43 a.m EST. At 62 minutes in duration, the total phase moderately long. Here in Oak Ridge, TN, the viewing conditions are supposed to be outstanding as of this moment, but also the coldest night so far this season.

Also, if you are interested the eclipse itself starts at 9:37 p.m. EST when the Moon enters the Earth's penumbra- if you have good conditions, you will be able to notice a darkening of the Moon's brightness, but it is easier to do if you are watching just as it starts. Then at 10:34 p.m. EST, the Moon starts to enter the Earth's umbra- you will then see the typical red color start at one edge of the Moon that slowly covers the entire disk over the next hour.

Mike Sylwester said...

Fortunately, transcripts of the secret Congressional hearings about the RussiaGate hoax are being leaked to Jeff Carlson, who writes the The Markets Work website.

Now Carlson has published his thorough, detailed analysis of the secret hearing of former FBI Attorney James Baker.

Michael McNeil said...

Re the lunar eclipse on the 20th. Note that it's the partial phase(s) — before and after totality — that are perhaps the most interesting aspects of a lunar eclipse. That's when you get to see the earth itself — its spheroidal curvature — projected onto the face of the moon just as if the latter body were a gigantic projection screen. Right there before your eyes lies the visible proof of the spherical shape of the earth — as indeed perhaps the most famous scholar in history Aristotle noted during the 4th century BC.

Big Mike said...

Regarding the Buzzfeed fiasco, over at Instapundit they show a tweet from CNN’s Brian Stelter saying “They want you to think we are all crooked. We are not.”

I think that’s a very elegant paraphrase of Dick Nixon’s “I am not a crook.”

Humperdink said...

In her quest for the Nobel Prize in medicine, our beloved Inga (RN-Cuckoos Nest) is on the prowl for other Derangement Syndromes.

Previous research has identified, and subsequently confirmed the existence of Trump Derangement Syndrome. This illness which is extremely contagious, primarily afflicts members of the media, the Deep State, the FBI, DOJ, lefty lunatics (lunar eclipse??), and LLRs.

In her haste to publish results prior actual research, Inga has prematurely penciled in Pelosi Derangement and Mueller Derangement Syndromes as other derangement afflictions.

For those interested, her findings can be viewed in the highly credible political journal BuzzFraud.

Jay Elink said...

Char Char Binks said...
I just got a Harry's ad on this page, and one for men's underwear (a first for me!)

When I got an Ashley Madison ad here the other night, I was told it was a result of me going onto adultery services sites, which I do not do. Now this.

I shave, and I see Harry ads, but I don't buy blades. (my barber gave me a big bag of old Gillette blades he got as a promo years ago, so I'm set for life)

So, I ask: is Ann Althouse powerless to prevent/control the links showing up on her site?

If so, how does she feel about being a Capitalist Tool?

Tank said...

I too am getting Harry's everywhere I go on the interwebs. I'd be glad to switch, but I still have 4 or 5 Gillettes and, at the rate I shave, they will last me two or three years. By then I will have forgotten I'm boycotting. In fact, I've already forgotten most of the things I'm supposed to boycott, except the NFL, still boycotting that, except the playoffs, which I'm cheating and watching.

David Begley said...

Cool your jets about the ads. No big deal.

Tank said...

Despite Mueller disputing the Buzzfeed story, my paper let with it this AM at the top of the front page as if Mueller had not said anything.

Tank said...

What percentage of furloughed Federal employees do not have an emergency fund sufficient to cover...say...two months of no cash flow? Are they really all living paycheck to paycheck? Are they really having trouble feeding their kids because they missed one paycheck? Don't they have some extra pasta or soup in the closet? Are they all morons?

Humperdink said...

" Are they really all living paycheck to paycheck? Are they really having trouble feeding their kids because they missed one paycheck? Don't they have some extra pasta or soup in the closet? Are they all morons?"


Is the media playing this for all it's worth?


Fritz said...

What percentage of furloughed Federal employees do not have an emergency fund sufficient to cover...say...two months of no cash flow? Are they really all living paycheck to paycheck? Are they really having trouble feeding their kids because they missed one paycheck? Don't they have some extra pasta or soup in the closet? Are they all morons?

A friend of mine, who is a fed, moved up her new knee surgery so that it could be done while she was furloughed, thus getting paid (albeit delayed), and not needing to spend sick or vacation time.

Jersey Fled said...

My nephew makes more than $70,000 a year working for DHS, is 35 and single, but my sister insists on buying him food and paying his rent during the shutdown. Apparently you don't have to be a responsible adult to work for DHS as long as you have a too caring mother.

BUMBLE BEE said...

It's all clickbait. Failing print media and online chatter fighting for attention. Monetized Impeachment. Good for business, nothing else. Halitosis is better than no breath at all.

Fernandinande said...

Pinker -


“The [Bogus APA Men's Guidelines] report is blinkered by two dogmas. One is the doctrine of the blank slate” that rejects biological and genetic factors, Pinker wrote, adding that

The word “testosterone” appears nowhere in the report, and the possibility that men and women’s personalities differ for biological reasons is unsayable and unthinkable.

The other dogma, Pinker argued,

is that repressing emotions is bad and expressing them is good — a folk theory with roots in romanticism, Freudian psychoanalysis, and Hollywood, but which is contradicted by a large literature showing that people with greater self-control, particularly those who repress anger rather than “venting,” lead healthier lives: [long list]


iowan2 said...

So, I ask: is Ann Althouse powerless to prevent/control the links showing up on her site?

If so, how does she feel about being a Capitalist Tool?

How stupid are you? How is she supposed to follow her passion, with out interacting with the world around her? She blogs. A platform is required. That's just life. A platform sells ads, that's life. Trying to shame the host like this just exposes your biases.

Ann Althouse said...

" A platform is required. That's just life. A platform sells ads, that's life. Trying to shame the host like this just exposes your biases."

I don't have to have ads. It's not like Blogger imposes them on me. I could take the code out and have an ad-free blog. I am thinking of doing that, because I don't like seeing them either.

I like that the ads that I see are for things I look at on my own on line — like nice sweaters and shoes. But I would prefer no ads.

I do want to have income from my writing, but there is also Amazon and there are PayPal donations as well.

Ann Althouse said...

But for the hundredth time: I don't control which ads YOU see. That's a consequence of your browsing behavior. If it's insulting to you, I care about that, but I'm not DOING that.

Ann Althouse said...

"When I got an Ashley Madison ad here the other night, I was told it was a result of me going onto adultery services sites..."

Really? Who told you that? I think you misread. It's a result of Google's algorithm, which is mysterious. We don't know how Google gets the idea you're a good target for an adultery ad. It might be enough that you're male, married, and of a certain age.

Tank said...

I don’t find the ads distracting at all; I don’t really see them at all until someone mentions them.

rehajm said...

It takes less than sixty seconds to set up and ad blocker so you never see them. It doesn’t make sense to harass Ann because you don’t know how to take matters into your own hands. That personal responsibility thing and all...

Jaq said...

The word “testosterone” appears nowhere in the report, and the possibility that men and women’s personalities differ for biological reasons is unsayable and unthinkable"

It's my theory that the real reason that feminists hate 'boys will be boys' is that it's a rejection of their faith in the unproven theory that we are identical and perfectable blank slates.

gilbar said...

I do want to have income from my writing, but there is also Amazon and there are PayPal ...
Professor Althouse?
could you think about a subscription based version? keep the free on with the ads,
but have one that people would pay for that would remove the ads (and selected commenters : ) ?

Original Mike said...

"That's when you get to see the earth itself — its spheroidal curvature — projected onto the face of the moon just as if the latter body were a gigantic projection screen. Right there before your eyes lies the visible proof of the spherical shape of the earth "

I was reading a website of the Flat Earth Society a couple of nights ago. Apparently, lunar eclipses are caused by some mysterious object called the Shadow Object. So, not proof.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

"When I got an Ashley Madison ad here the other night, I was told it was a result of me going onto adultery services sites..."

It's the Scarlet A for Althouse.

DavidD said...

I doubt that anyone has ever seriously believed that the earth is flat.

The sun, the moon, the other planets, basically everything in the sky is round; why would the earth not be round?

Columbus differed from his contemporaries only in thinking that the earth was a smaller sphere, that there wasn’t another land mass, and another, huge, ocean between the west coast of Europe and the east coast of Asia.

Original Mike said...

"The sun, the moon, the other planets, basically everything in the sky is round; why would the earth not be round?"

Clearly, the Earth is special. From their website:

"If the planets are round, why isn't the Earth?

Planets (from Ancient Greek ἀστὴρ πλανήτης [astēr planētēs, "wandering star"], or just πλανήτης [planḗtēs, "wanderer"]) are orbiting astronomical objects. The Earth is not a planet by definition, as it sits at the center of our solar system above which the planets and the Sun revolve. The earths uniqueness, fundamental differences and centrality makes any comparison to other nearby celestial bodies insufficient - Like comparing basketballs to the court on which they bounce."

The best thing on the website was their take on NASA and the space program.

"The earth is portrayed as round in NASA media because NASA thinks it's round. They are not running a real space program, so they wouldn't know what shape the earth truly takes....The purpose of NASA is to fake the concept of space travel to further America's militaristic dominance of space."

Michael McNeil said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael McNeil said...

“That's when you get to see the earth itself — its spheroidal curvature — projected onto the face of the moon just as if the latter body were a gigantic projection screen. Right there before your eyes lies the visible proof of the spherical shape of the earth.”

I was reading a website of the Flat Earth Society a couple of nights ago. Apparently, lunar eclipses are caused by some mysterious object called the Shadow Object. So, not proof.

Naturally not. “Proof” per se in a mathematical sense — where an assertion basically, conclusively, logically demonstrates it's own truth or falsity beyond any eventual contradiction — well, such proof is unavailable outside of abstract mathematics.

Absolute proof doesn't even exist with regard to the mere existence of the external world — anything really outside our own individual mental consciousness and awareness — and even its (our mind's) sensory inputs (the world we see outside and around us) cannot be uncritically trusted — as any apparent sensory inputs could be being constructed whole cloth out of sheer fantasy below the level of our consciousness. We can never really know where those kinds of mental impressions ultimately originate and well up from! (Thus artists and authors who often speak of getting their inspirations — they think — from “another world.”)

No, what I'm talking about as “proof” is scientific proof: which is to say, evidence in favor (and also evidence against) a scientific theory — according to which the evidence (facts) gets interpreted, and which in turn makes predictions which require gathering new data to verify.

The last is absolutely critical in real science, because any ad-hoc theory can easily (ad-hoc-ily) explain all known facts — as indeed flat-earth “theory” can. It is only by insisting on new data being gathered (garnered?) from the World, that science can successfully winnow out the wheat from the chaff, and thereby eliminate the theories lacking a basis in reality.

Notice how flat-earth “science” avoids these critical tests: it not only makes no new verifiable predictions, but it ignores (together with a huge amount of arm-waving) the enormous amount of self-consistent data that astronomical science has put together over the last 2-1/2 millennia.

It does this by basically denying the existence altogether of planets, stars, moons, asteroids, comets, galaxies, etc., et al. — in lieu of “explaining” these phenomena by simply asserting they're merely meaningless shifting patterns of light, which are being projected onto the passive, projection-screen-like “firmament” above us, and which we should certainly ignore. To flat-earthers, there is only the Earth.

But to scientists — starting with Aristotle — lunar eclipses are convincing proof of the sphericity of the Earth. Though Aristotle attempted to justify his conclusion in this regard with logical arguments which, interestingly, have not held up well over time, his interpretation of the meaning of empirical observations is just as right-on correct now as it was when his work (On the Heavens) was composed during the 4th century BC.

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