My first year in northern Maine, we had 229 inches of snowfall. I went for 2 weeks to Oklahoma once, couldn't find my car under all the snow when I returned. Don't quite miss those days. Now I live in the Seattle area. They close the schools here if a snowflake falls.
Snow has begun here on Boston’s northshore. I’m inland enough (5 miles as the crow flies) that we may get all snow. Folks south of here are expecting a switch to freezing rain. I love this stuff.
I'm guessing 4 inches, though I'm still sore (well, sorish) from removing the detritus. I've got a steep driveway and the snowplow's offering at the bottom of the driveway was significant.
I also wanted a sticker, but don't put things on my car. The only thing that ever almost made me break this "rule" was a bumper sticker that said "Visualize using your turn signal" (a take off on "Visualize world peace").
"I was tempted to get a sticker, but I never put decals on my car, from past experience."
With MeadhouseCare, not only can you keep your sticker if you like your sticker, but you can put your sticker anywhere you like. Or nowhere at all if that's what you choose. With MeadhouseCare, we care about your freedom. Plus, we keep your privacy... private.
Today I am more than 200% convinced that the next POTUS is not Trump - no one in DC likes him, not a single Dem or GOP.
The next POTUS is Liz Warren. The next VPOTUS: Amy Klobuchar or Cory Booker
Beto will join in their cabinet. For now, he is unemployed. Harris will be finished or exposed as faux progressing. The same with Gillibrand. Castro will be back in the cabinet (to cover the hispanic/latino identify politics). Etc.
Women's march in DC shows that the future POTUS will be someone from NYC known the media as AOC. People think that she is the next Reagan, Kennedy, FDR, Lincoln, and all the way to Jefferson and Madison - all put together.
But, who I am kidding, Trump will be either impeached or defeated in 2020.
"I also wanted a sticker, but don't put things on my car."
Come on, Original, let me snail mail you a sticker. Give it away to the kid down the street. We don't care. (Well, we care... of course we CARE... but what the hell — we'll never know.)
Heh. Plus, Original Mike, if you let me send you a rat sticker, I promise I will never take advantage of knowing your street address to come over and shovel your snow for you.
For those unfamiliar with the tale, it is set in 1284 in the town of Hamelin, Lower Saxony, Germany. This town was facing a rat infestation, and a piper, dressed in a coat of bright cloth, appeared. This piper promised to get rid of the rats in return for a payment, to which the townspeople agreed too. Although the piper got rid of the rats by leading them away with his music, the people of Hamelin reneged on their promise. The furious piper left, vowing revenge. On the 26 th of July of that same year, the piper returned and led the children away, never to be seen again, just as he did the rats.
I too am pessimistic about a second term for Trump. The mid terms showed me that the American people are not paying attention to facts and/or they really are more dense than I had thought. Plus I just see no one in high office that supports him on either side.
There is a good chance he will pull a LBJ and just not run. His frustration must be quite high.
Don’t see any Republican who can win. Bush proved that no matter how decent and honorable, the media will trash any and all Republicans and the folk just believe all that they see on TV.
Gillette Ad is at 22 million views, 1.1 million dislikes and some of the commenters are stating that they have seen the numbers of likes to dislikes change in the course of a refresh, with 'dislikes' going down by several thousand.
This is close to the record set by Ghostbusters 2016.
Anybody else notice the MSM propaganda machine’s spin on the annual March for Life Rally in DC yesterday - headline in today’s Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel about the rally was “Anti-abortion activists rally at annual March for Life” which makes it sound like Pro-life people are not good people. Um, I don’t think I have ever seen “pro-choice” activists ever called “abortion” activists since it makes it sound like the negative connotation that it is. Liberals, er, “Progressives”, say they despise Nazi’s but take Dr. Goebbel’s Propaganda 101’s lessons to heart such as repeating a lie enough times it becomes the “truth”. But then again, Communists/Progressives back in the early 1930’s fought with the Nazi’s for the same voters in Germany and used the same propaganda tactics that they use today to sway public opinion sub-consciously.
Depressing video of punks wearing maga hats harassing native Americans. I’m sure trump had no influence on their behavior.
Considering how many 'activists' cried wolf by creating their own 'hate speech' stuff, I will defer from belief until you clearly PROVE they are Republicans, who supported Trump, who weren't incited into behaving badly.
You side has a really bad history of creating fake news events, wag the dog style. It goes to a lack of character and lying. See Buzzfeed, Dan Rather, Fake but Accurate, multiple retractions, enormous numbers of hate speech hoaxes and directly lying politicians (we call that the 'Durbin')
by Cassandra Fairbanks January 19, 2019 279 Comments
246Share 107Tweet Email
Failed actor Ben Hoffman took to Twitter on Saturday to offer a bounty to his 82,000 followers for anyone who would punch a teen Trump supporter in the genitals.
The 44-year-old man was upset about the viral video in which a creepy old guy with a drum confronted a group of teenagers who were in DC for the March for Life. The students had stopped at the Lincoln Memorial — as most tourists do — when they were harassed by the man who began staring down one of the teens and banging a drum in his face.
So the kids were standing there doing their own cheers and this man walked into their midst and began doing his thing. Then it was repackaged as them surrounding him and shouting him down. The young man facing the drummer is embarrassed, not smirking. Another day, another lefty lie.
steve uhr said... Sorry. I’m not good at links. -- FFFS, you can't highlight and control-C, control-V? As you see herer plenty, doesn't have to be an active link. However,. there is when you are ready.
So the kids were standing there doing their own cheers and this man walked into their midst and began doing his thing.
That's what I saw when I watch this "shocking" video. Old coot walks up to kid and bangs his drum in his face. Kid keeps a stoic grin on his face and just takes it.
We're in the two movie world of Scott Adams. I couldn't find anything offensive whatsoever, while leftists are going crazy and calling them Nazis.
So let’s summarize. Steve uhr got all butthurt falling for FAKE NEWS — the incident was instigated by the Native American who was harassing the kids, not be other way around as Steve would have it. At least this time the lefty FAKE NEWS features a real Native American and not a blonde, blue-eyed law professor with delusions of competence.
of all the clips of violence, shout-downs, bike-lock beat-downs, baseball game shooting,etc, THIS was the video that was the last straw for you? Unchaperoned, goofing kids on a school trip finally got you off your ass to post about this 'depressing' event? How is this more egregious? If not, why were the other worse ones not worth commenting on, yet this one was?
So much lying and deception out there. Can’t wait to pick up my blue eyed rat stickers tomorrow at the PO Box and some groceries for this weekend. MAGA
It was a viable ball of yarns, until someone made the wrong choice, then it diverged wildly, irretrievable. Even with the best planned propaganda, a baby will slip through, and there is collateral damage.
steve uhr: "Depressing video of punks wearing maga hats harassing native Americans. I’m sure trump had no influence on their behavior."
Another lie pushed by Uhr and the left just hours after Uhr lectured conservatives to stick to facts just a day after another in a long line of massive dem hoaxes were pushed across all lefty msm media organs.
wwww: "If you aren't invested in the March you will, most likely, not be able to understand my perspective." People who wesr silly hats aren't to be taken seriously.
“The group was looking for any opportunity to get violent” - from the original Tweet.
And yet they didn’t. Wow steve uhr. I guess the real “violence” was that they didn’t back down as a drum was banged six inches from their face. Racist! This reminds me of the story written by a New York Times reporter about how threatened she felt being at a Sarah Palin rally when nobody was anything other than nice and welcoming to her. The threat came from the idea that there were people who disagreed with the reporter. Same with this “depressing” incident.
What made it depressing was that people still feel free to publicly display support for Trump. Here’s a hot link for anybody who wants to look for themselves. Only takes a second.
Whatever. It looks like the old man waded into a pro-life demonstration and banged his drum inches from a kids nose attempting to drown him out. But steve’s panties are well knotted now!
Althouse asks how do we fight this kind of emotional appeal and looking like the bad guy to “more distanced” people, well, it’s a pretty tall order since the news report completely ignores the fact that the guy aggressively walked right into a demonstration with which he disagreed banging his drum. All we can really do is continue to point out outright lies like this as we can. There didn’t used to be movie cameras everywhere so the media no longer gets the final edit on reality.
Any time the left ballyhoos about "veterans who sacrificed so much for us ...," it is deep shit hypocrisy at work. Their actual feelings were shown on the piers of San Francisco when the troops returned home. Never to be forgotten.
And Indians can be as obnoxious as any "white" man.
Read this quote Ingachuck's from link: "This is one of the most horrific displays of ignorance, racism & disrespect. My god. I feel sick."
Now go look at the videos at his links.
steve uhr - c'mon, don't tell us that cutting-and-pasting is beyond your technical capacities. I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt that you saw some videos that actually align with your claim, and with the tone and content of the horrified commenters at the link. But all I'm seeing right now is garden-variety SJW cretins indulging in their usual hysterical fabulations.
Just searched "night Rally" by Elvis Costello on UTUBE. Lotsa republicans showin up in the videos, but no dumbocrats. The impermeable wall of the progressive propaganda shows that they know what works. Reliving the Weimar Republic. Kristallnacht in the making?
So no longer will there be "a great wall." Mexico is not paying for any wall.
As of yesterday, Trump is talking about "steel barriers in high-priority locations." He now acknowledges that his wall will not "a 2,000-mile concrete structure from sea to sea." 230 miles' worth now; some of which was already planned before Trump.
And in return, Trump proposed the kind of deal on DACA applicants and others, that Dick Durbin and Lindsey Graham proposed to him a year ago or more. Trump's position is now the weakest of all of the Republican proposals from before Trump came into office.
And Ann Coulter is pissed off, about this negotiation catastrophe.
“100 miles of border wall in exchange for amnestying millions of illegals. So if we grant citizenship to a BILLION foreigners, maybe we can finally get a full border wall,” tweeted conservative media commentator Ann Coulter, who has repeatedly antagonized the president for failing to erect a barrier along the U.S.-Mexico border during his two years in office.
“Trump proposes amnesty. We voted for Trump and got Jeb!” Coulter added, referring to Trump’s 2016 GOP primary rival, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who has previously criticized the president’s immigration rhetoric.
See more on the conservative critics of Trump at Politico:
This is precisely what I warned about before; that Trump's personal imperative to get his "wall" (defined down to near nothingness) would do nothing so much as greatly raise the negotiating price for anything that Republicans wanted. And that Trump would have to trade away long-held Republican positions in opposition to amnesty, etc., in order to allow Trump to be able to say to his rally crowds, "I promised that I'd get a wall and I did!"
There have been many examples so far of Trump's failure to negotiate anything after he claimed that he'd be negotiating a great deal. Health care reform; North Korean nuclear arms; NAFTA. Now we have an example of Trump's actually putting Republicans in a worse position than ever.
"I too am pessimistic about a second term for Trump. The mid terms showed me that the American people are not paying attention to facts and/or they really are more dense than I had thought. Plus I just see no one in high office that supports him on either side."
I think that the Republicans lost, esp in the House in Nov primarily for two reasons. The Dems were spending money like there was no tomorrow. Several billionaires apparently opened their check books, and spent like crazy. Watching TV in both MT and AZ, there were easily twice as many campaign ads for the Democrat as for the Republican being run. In AZ, in the weeks right before the election, you would often see two Sinema ads bracketing a McSally ad during a commercial break. And in MT, Tester, while running twice the ads that Rosendale did after the latter as nominated, also had a heavy rotation of feel good ads starting in January. Those two Senate seats were bought and paid for. The other part of the Dems winning in Nov was their unprecedented cheating across the country. We are used to seeing it in FL, but the Senate seat flipped well after votes were supposed to have been counted here in AZ. Amazing number of seats flipped Dem well after they had already been decided the other way. And, then, there was the now legal ballot harvesting in Orange County, CA, that flipped five House seats. The list goes on. Kill the cheating, enforce campaign finance laws, and do a better job raising money, and the Republicans probably have a good chance in 2020. One thing that they should do, in arts fulmar, is make sure that every precinct has Republican poll watchers, with a legal team in the background ready to go, and with sympathetic judges on speed dial. My suggestion is that the Republican Party list and categorize the various types of cheating encountered in 2018, and prepare to counter each of them, to the extent possible.
I saw an Amber Alert that steve uhr is missing. Because steve uhr would rather slink off in ignominy than admit that he was wrong or misled (or worse). Which says a lot about his character and the state of our union.
Come on steve! Be the best a man can be! I am calling you out for saying something wrong and stupid so that you actually APOLOGIZE and ADMIT YOU WERE WRONG so you can gather some shreds of respect back.
We will even pretend to believe it was a mistake. That is because we are gracious.
It is the state of being a man (certainly not a woman these days if Christine Blasey Ford and her Thousand Libelous Sisters are any indication) to have to dine on crow once in a while.
On a whole other topic, I'm just going to drop some copypasta here, as it's too early in the morning for complex thought:
If 2018 was the year in which the genes-versus-environment battle over individual differences was finally decided in favor of genes, then 2019 is already shaping up as a year in which a preemptive strike by the activist left in the battle over group differences is going to be launched. 'Is Science Racist?' is just a bit player in this spectacle. Most of it is going to play out in places like the New York Times, which in the past two weeks alone has gone after after James Watson (low-hanging fruit) and now — predictably after his courageous NYT op-ed back in March 2018 attacking the scientific validity of the notion of race as a purely social construct — even the formidable David Reich. The attacks will be shameless, involve diversions and strawmen like “white supremacy” — shouldn’t it be “northeast Asian supremacy” or “Ashkenazi Jewish” supremacy, anyway? — and, as always, be thin on the actual science. Politically-motivated hacks like Amy Harmon, the NYT’s hitwoman (a science reporter with no training in a scientific field), will interview third-rate scientists with deep activist resumes (or will simply avoid interviewing scientists at all) and avoid eminent figures (like Richard Haier or even James Flynn) who she knows will tell her things that she and her editors and readers don’t want to hear. Institutions like the Times may believe that morality and compassion are on their side, but their fervor and desperation suggest that they already know that science isn’t.
Chuck, who do you think shares your fantasy that the Republican party has ever had any intention of doing anything at all about securing the border and enforcing immigration law? Any rational observer of politics for the last few decades is perfectly well aware that the Donk-Pach uniparty wants non-stop mass immigration, legal and illegal. Any rational observer, at this point, knows perfectly well that any and all proposals re controlling or restricting immigration in any meaningful way are just bullshit and kabuki put out and put on to keep the chumps mollified and themselves in office.
So if Trump's actions re immigration are entirely impotent in changing the status quo, no rational observer would conclude that we could be any worse off than we would have been without Trump.
Nobody else believes the things about "the Republican party" that you believe, Chuck. You're like the fundie who thinks his Bible-quote based arguments cut any ice with atheists. Once or twice, it just sounds like a lousy argument. Repeated continually over time, it just sounds crazy.
Depressing video of punks wearing maga hats harassing native Americans
That one kid was an asshole, but that "elder" is a superstitious activist clown who wasn't in Viet Nam and who recites self-serving lies and probably deserves to be harassed:
"While I was there singing, I heard them saying ‘Build that wall! Build that wall!’, you know... this is indigenous land! ...were not supposed to have walls here, we never did—for millennium. Before anybody else came here we never had walls. We never had a prison. We always took care of our elders, we took care of our children. We always provided for them, you know. We taught them right from wrong. *Deep Sigh*[!!] I wish I could see that energy of the young mass, the young men, put their energy into making this into a really great country."
Amerindians most definitely did have walls, let their old people, er, "elders", starve to death, kidnapped children, raped women and tortured and enslaved each other and that was what they called "right".
The left are threatened by your ideas, so the left are allowed to trample you and lie about you. If you even show up with a MAGA hat, that is considered a threat. You should be jailed.
What makes a liberal want to punch a child? The progressive media doesn't care about what really happened when it has white boys in MAGA caps to hate. Daniel McCarthy
Daniel McCarthy
January 20, 2019
8:15 AM
If someone walks up to you and bangs a drum in your face, are you guilty of harassing the drummer? You might be if you’re white and wearing a MAGA hat. Just a day after rushing to judgment about a Buzzfeed story that claimed President Trump had instructed Michael Cohen to lie to Congress—a story Robert Mueller’s own office subsequently debunked, the blue-checkmark media elite had a new instant narrative to promote. It was a tale perfectly tailored to liberal biases: white Catholic teenagers in MAGA hats had harassed an old and frail Indian veteran during the March for Life, which was also the date of an Indigenous People’s March.
Buzzfeed had just two anonymous sources, purportedly in “law-enforcement,” for its story, which a few brave souls found to be rather too little to justify the attendant hype. The contrarians appear to have been right, but what Buzzfeed misreported was so perfectly attuned to elite and progressive anti-Trump sensibilities that no hesitation was necessary before accepting the tale as true.
No lessons were learned from the story’s collapse, either, to judge by the frenzy that next broke out from the same sort of people over the case of Covington Catholic High School and Native American activist Nathan Phillips. Once again, enlightened opinion did not wait on much evidence before reaching a verdict: a one-minute video clip of a teen in a red MAGA hat smirking right in front of Phillips while the elder beat a hand drum and sang was all the proof required. This was a hate-motivated outrage perpetrated by white Trump supporters. Case closed.
The narrative assumed that the Covington boys had surrounded Philips and stood right in his face, grinning in silent insult. When a second video seemed to show that it was in fact Phillips who had approached the teens, it received even less attention — much as those few voices of caution about Buzzfeed’s fable were ignored by the true believers. But there are more videos, including one that’s nine-minutes long and provides a great deal of interesting context.
The teen is not smirking in this clip, and Phillips has his an entourage with cameras. One of the Indian activists argues with a Covington teen, who argues back. This and other clips have shown the Indian activists racially taunting the teens, saying things like “go back to Europe.” Phillips has claimed that the teens were chanting “build the wall!,” but that isn’t in any of the videos that circulated Saturday. Based on what can actually be seen and heard, it’s looks as if Phillips and his crew sought out Catholic teenagers and tried to make them uncomfortable. And of course, they recorded it.
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I know: It's not that deep.
It's just the name of the café. The picture's a bonus.
My first year in northern Maine, we had 229 inches of snowfall. I went for 2 weeks to Oklahoma once, couldn't find my car under all the snow when I returned. Don't quite miss those days. Now I live in the Seattle area. They close the schools here if a snowflake falls.
I am cat soseki natsume
If you like your rat sticker, you can keep your rat sticker.
No lie.
Snow has begun here on Boston’s northshore. I’m inland enough (5 miles as the crow flies) that we may get all snow. Folks south of here are expecting a switch to freezing rain. I love this stuff.
I was tempted to get a sticker, but I never put decals on my car, from past experience.
The visuals wouldn't be as nice, but the times are right for a Deep Shit café.
I'm guessing 4 inches, though I'm still sore (well, sorish) from removing the detritus. I've got a steep driveway and the snowplow's offering at the bottom of the driveway was significant.
"I was tempted to get a sticker, but I never put decals on my car, from past experience."
"Is that a rat?! I hate rats!! Imma key this rat-lover's car!"
I also wanted a sticker, but don't put things on my car. The only thing that ever almost made me break this "rule" was a bumper sticker that said "Visualize using your turn signal" (a take off on "Visualize world peace").
"I was tempted to get a sticker, but I never put decals on my car, from past experience."
With MeadhouseCare, not only can you keep your sticker if you like your sticker, but you can put your sticker anywhere you like. Or nowhere at all if that's what you choose. With MeadhouseCare, we care about your freedom. Plus, we keep your privacy... private.
Today I am more than 200% convinced that the next POTUS is not Trump - no one in DC likes him, not a single Dem or GOP.
The next POTUS is Liz Warren.
The next VPOTUS: Amy Klobuchar or Cory Booker
Beto will join in their cabinet. For now, he is unemployed. Harris will be finished or exposed as faux progressing. The same with Gillibrand. Castro will be back in the cabinet (to cover the hispanic/latino identify politics). Etc.
Women's march in DC shows that the future POTUS will be someone from NYC known the media as AOC. People think that she is the next Reagan, Kennedy, FDR, Lincoln, and all the way to Jefferson and Madison - all put together.
But, who I am kidding, Trump will be either impeached or defeated in 2020.
"Is that a rat?! I hate rats!! Imma key this rat-lover's car!"
LOL! Good brave Freems.
"(a take off on "Visualize world peace")"
Thanks fer the explanation. We didn't get it sans such.
Carry on.
P.S. the 'whirled peas' sticker is cooler than the one you mentioned.
"I'm Pro-Rat and I Vote"
"I also wanted a sticker, but don't put things on my car."
Come on, Original, let me snail mail you a sticker. Give it away to the kid down the street. We don't care. (Well, we care... of course we CARE... but what the hell — we'll never know.)
I got your rat sticker right here.
In other news:
"I'm Pro-Rat and I Vote"
I like.
"I brake for anti-de Sitter space squirrels"
should have sent one to Ratzinger for his PopeMobile.
"P.S. the 'whirled peas' sticker is cooler than the one you mentioned."
Nope, though of course it was in the progression.
Visualize World Peace
Visualize Whirled Peas
Visualize using your turn signal
Plus, Original Mike, if you let me send you a rat sticker, I promise I will never take advantage of knowing your street address to come over and shovel your snow for you.
How could I turn down an offer like that?
For those unfamiliar with the tale, it is set in 1284 in the town of Hamelin, Lower Saxony, Germany. This town was facing a rat infestation, and a piper, dressed in a coat of bright cloth, appeared. This piper promised to get rid of the rats in return for a payment, to which the townspeople agreed too. Although the piper got rid of the rats by leading them away with his music, the people of Hamelin reneged on their promise. The furious piper left, vowing revenge. On the 26 th of July of that same year, the piper returned and led the children away, never to be seen again, just as he did the rats.
Meade, dont take any IOU's
I too am pessimistic about a second term for Trump. The mid terms showed me that the American people are not paying attention to facts and/or they really are more dense than I had thought. Plus I just see no one in high office that supports him on either side.
There is a good chance he will pull a LBJ and just not run. His frustration must be quite high.
I didn't know you guys were giving out stickers. I kinda like the idea. Way to spot someone else who's part of Althouse Nation.
Don’t see any Republican who can win. Bush proved that no matter how decent and honorable, the media will trash any and all Republicans and the folk just believe all that they see on TV.
"...part of Althouse Nation."
ie: Rat Pack, or the Rateratti (a secret handshake will be needed also)
Depressing video of punks wearing maga hats harassing native Americans. I’m sure trump had no influence on their behavior.
Gillette Ad is at 22 million views, 1.1 million dislikes and some of the commenters are stating that they have seen the numbers of likes to dislikes change in the course of a refresh, with 'dislikes' going down by several thousand.
This is close to the record set by Ghostbusters 2016.
Impressive stuff.
Sell the Rat Pack stickers on Amazon. I will order through the portal. A win-win.
yes-- dont want to get 'ratted out' by doxxing yourself by ordering the Rat Pack.
Privacy AND Ratification! Groovy, Baby!!
Everyone in Ohio was sounding the tocsin of Winter Panic.
We have some ice pellets and a touch of freezing rain, but it was not the blizzard of the century that was semi promised.
Kind of disappointing really.
Blogger steve uhr said..."Depressing video of punks wearing maga hats harassing native Americans. I’m sure trump had no influence on their behavior."
Seems like an incredibly easy way to run a false flag operation.
'Can you describe them for me?'
'Well, officer, they were all wearing maga hats.'
Anybody else notice the MSM propaganda machine’s spin on the annual March for Life Rally in DC yesterday - headline in today’s Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel about the rally was “Anti-abortion activists rally at annual March for Life” which makes it sound like Pro-life people are not good people. Um, I don’t think I have ever seen “pro-choice” activists ever called “abortion” activists since it makes it sound like the negative connotation that it is. Liberals, er, “Progressives”, say they despise Nazi’s but take Dr. Goebbel’s Propaganda 101’s lessons to heart such as repeating a lie enough times it becomes the “truth”. But then again, Communists/Progressives back in the early 1930’s fought with the Nazi’s for the same voters in Germany and used the same propaganda tactics that they use today to sway public opinion sub-consciously.
Depressing video of punks wearing maga hats harassing native Americans. I’m sure trump had no influence on their behavior.
Considering how many 'activists' cried wolf by creating their own 'hate speech' stuff, I will defer from belief until you clearly PROVE they are Republicans, who supported Trump, who weren't incited into behaving badly.
You side has a really bad history of creating fake news events, wag the dog style. It goes to a lack of character and lying. See Buzzfeed, Dan Rather, Fake but Accurate, multiple retractions, enormous numbers of hate speech hoaxes and directly lying politicians (we call that the 'Durbin')
Original mike. Watch the video. No way is it a false flag operation.
consider it tit-for-tat. Liz Warren has been up in Republican's faces lately.
Is there a link?
Sorry. I’m not good at links. Search for Native American and it’ll come up right away
steve, copy and paste the url. I don't need a hyperlink.
makes Antifa look tame. eh?
I expected to see Antifa-like violence. What I do see are children acting like children and LuLu thinking she has struck gold.
here's another one where Chief Dances With Gingivitis interrupts the kid's school song.
oh the humanity!!
if goofing kids on a field trip depresses you,
then leftist behavior should have you suicidal.
The visuals wouldn't be as nice, but the times are right for a Deep Shit café.
LOL! Tcrosse, will you marry me?
Another lie and over reaction by the left.
IGNORED BY LYING LIBERAL MEDIA: KY High School Kids Say Native American Man Banging Drum Walked Up and Got into Our Friend’s Face (VIDEO)
Catholic Pro-Life Children Now In Fear For Their Lives After Being Doxxed By Far Left Media
by Cassandra Fairbanks January 19, 2019 279 Comments
246Share 107Tweet Email
Failed actor Ben Hoffman took to Twitter on Saturday to offer a bounty to his 82,000 followers for anyone who would punch a teen Trump supporter in the genitals.
The 44-year-old man was upset about the viral video in which a creepy old guy with a drum confronted a group of teenagers who were in DC for the March for Life. The students had stopped at the Lincoln Memorial — as most tourists do — when they were harassed by the man who began staring down one of the teens and banging a drum in his face.
steve uhr: "Depressing video of punks wearing maga hats harassing native Americans."
...... as reported by Buzzfeed?
So the kids were standing there doing their own cheers and this man walked into their midst and began doing his thing. Then it was repackaged as them surrounding him and shouting him down. The young man facing the drummer is embarrassed, not smirking. Another day, another lefty lie.
I am in Mexico right now. No snow.
steve uhr said...
Sorry. I’m not good at links.
FFFS, you can't highlight and control-C, control-V?
As you see herer plenty, doesn't have to be an active link.
However,. there is when you are ready.
So the kids were standing there doing their own cheers and this man walked into their midst and began doing his thing.
That's what I saw when I watch this "shocking" video. Old coot walks up to kid and bangs his drum in his face. Kid keeps a stoic grin on his face and just takes it.
We're in the two movie world of Scott Adams. I couldn't find anything offensive whatsoever, while leftists are going crazy and calling them Nazis.
Will it really come to a shooting war?
"Will it really come to a shooting war?"
Cowpersons and Native Americans?
I can hear the wind roaring in the distance. We are supposed to drop 20 degrees in just a couple of hours tonight.
So let’s summarize. Steve uhr got all butthurt falling for FAKE NEWS — the incident was instigated by the Native American who was harassing the kids, not be other way around as Steve would have it. At least this time the lefty FAKE NEWS features a real Native American and not a blonde, blue-eyed law professor with delusions of competence.
No, no, no. Trump's fault. No other explanation possible.
I like my rat sticker. I'm keeping my rat sticker.
ever post on Althouse about other 'depressing' videos? Bet not.
Do numerous disrespectful/violent leftist/Antifa vids depress you?
Plus, we keep your privacy… private.
Meade is assuring us here that there's no file containing purchaser info. on any computer connected to the Internet? Ha. That's what they all say!
of all the clips of violence, shout-downs, bike-lock beat-downs, baseball game shooting,etc, THIS was the video that was the last straw for you?
Unchaperoned, goofing kids on a school trip finally got you off your ass to post about this 'depressing' event? How is this more egregious? If not, why were the other worse ones not worth commenting on, yet this one was?
we're getting our Althouse RatStickerz from another dimension,
so we're using the Althouse Wormhole. They're outta this world!
So much lying and deception out there.
Can’t wait to pick up my blue eyed rat stickers tomorrow at the PO Box and some groceries for this weekend.
It was a viable ball of yarns, until someone made the wrong choice, then it diverged wildly, irretrievable. Even with the best planned propaganda, a baby will slip through, and there is collateral damage.
steve uhr: "Depressing video of punks wearing maga hats harassing native Americans. I’m sure trump had no influence on their behavior."
Another lie pushed by Uhr and the left just hours after Uhr lectured conservatives to stick to facts just a day after another in a long line of massive dem hoaxes were pushed across all lefty msm media organs.
wwww: "If you aren't invested in the March you will, most likely, not be able to understand my perspective."
I never become invested in movements that are filled with anti-semitic leaders who are pro-destruction of Israel.
wwww: "Are you claiming the March for Life is anti-semitic? That is absurd."
The Womens March.
Nice try though.
wwww: "If you aren't invested in the March you will, most likely, not be able to understand my perspective."
People who wesr silly hats aren't to be taken seriously.
“The group was looking for any opportunity to get violent” - from the original Tweet.
And yet they didn’t. Wow steve uhr. I guess the real “violence” was that they didn’t back down as a drum was banged six inches from their face. Racist! This reminds me of the story written by a New York Times reporter about how threatened she felt being at a Sarah Palin rally when nobody was anything other than nice and welcoming to her. The threat came from the idea that there were people who disagreed with the reporter. Same with this “depressing” incident.
What made it depressing was that people still feel free to publicly display support for Trump. Here’s a hot link for anybody who wants to look for themselves. Only takes a second.
Whatever. It looks like the old man waded into a pro-life demonstration and banged his drum inches from a kids nose attempting to drown him out. But steve’s panties are well knotted now!
Althouse asks how do we fight this kind of emotional appeal and looking like the bad guy to “more distanced” people, well, it’s a pretty tall order since the news report completely ignores the fact that the guy aggressively walked right into a demonstration with which he disagreed banging his drum. All we can really do is continue to point out outright lies like this as we can. There didn’t used to be movie cameras everywhere so the media no longer gets the final edit on reality.
Whole lotta track covering last night.
Meanwhile Google demonitizes popular pro-Trump meme site because reasons.
Scott Adams' Twitter feed
Any time the left ballyhoos about "veterans who sacrificed so much for us ...," it is deep shit hypocrisy at work.
Their actual feelings were shown on the piers of San Francisco when the troops returned home.
Never to be forgotten.
And Indians can be as obnoxious as any "white" man.
Today is National Cheese Lovers Day.
Read this quote Ingachuck's from link: "This is one of the most horrific displays of ignorance, racism & disrespect. My god. I feel sick."
Now go look at the videos at his links.
steve uhr - c'mon, don't tell us that cutting-and-pasting is beyond your technical capacities. I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt that you saw some videos that actually align with your claim, and with the tone and content of the horrified commenters at the link. But all I'm seeing right now is garden-variety SJW cretins indulging in their usual hysterical fabulations.
It’s uppity deplorables syndrome.
Just searched "night Rally" by Elvis Costello on UTUBE. Lotsa republicans showin up in the videos, but no dumbocrats. The impermeable wall of the progressive propaganda shows that they know what works. Reliving the Weimar Republic. Kristallnacht in the making?
So no longer will there be "a great wall." Mexico is not paying for any wall.
As of yesterday, Trump is talking about "steel barriers in high-priority locations." He now acknowledges that his wall will not "a 2,000-mile concrete structure from sea to sea." 230 miles' worth now; some of which was already planned before Trump.
And in return, Trump proposed the kind of deal on DACA applicants and others, that Dick Durbin and Lindsey Graham proposed to him a year ago or more. Trump's position is now the weakest of all of the Republican proposals from before Trump came into office.
And Ann Coulter is pissed off, about this negotiation catastrophe.
“100 miles of border wall in exchange for amnestying millions of illegals. So if we grant citizenship to a BILLION foreigners, maybe we can finally get a full border wall,” tweeted conservative media commentator Ann Coulter, who has repeatedly antagonized the president for failing to erect a barrier along the U.S.-Mexico border during his two years in office.
“Trump proposes amnesty. We voted for Trump and got Jeb!” Coulter added, referring to Trump’s 2016 GOP primary rival, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who has previously criticized the president’s immigration rhetoric.
See more on the conservative critics of Trump at Politico:
This is precisely what I warned about before; that Trump's personal imperative to get his "wall" (defined down to near nothingness) would do nothing so much as greatly raise the negotiating price for anything that Republicans wanted. And that Trump would have to trade away long-held Republican positions in opposition to amnesty, etc., in order to allow Trump to be able to say to his rally crowds, "I promised that I'd get a wall and I did!"
There have been many examples so far of Trump's failure to negotiate anything after he claimed that he'd be negotiating a great deal. Health care reform; North Korean nuclear arms; NAFTA. Now we have an example of Trump's actually putting Republicans in a worse position than ever.
Someone got mighty timid overnight.
"I too am pessimistic about a second term for Trump. The mid terms showed me that the American people are not paying attention to facts and/or they really are more dense than I had thought. Plus I just see no one in high office that supports him on either side."
I think that the Republicans lost, esp in the House in Nov primarily for two reasons. The Dems were spending money like there was no tomorrow. Several billionaires apparently opened their check books, and spent like crazy. Watching TV in both MT and AZ, there were easily twice as many campaign ads for the Democrat as for the Republican being run. In AZ, in the weeks right before the election, you would often see two Sinema ads bracketing a McSally ad during a commercial break. And in MT, Tester, while running twice the ads that Rosendale did after the latter as nominated, also had a heavy rotation of feel good ads starting in January. Those two Senate seats were bought and paid for. The other part of the Dems winning in Nov was their unprecedented cheating across the country. We are used to seeing it in FL, but the Senate seat flipped well after votes were supposed to have been counted here in AZ. Amazing number of seats flipped Dem well after they had already been decided the other way. And, then, there was the now legal ballot harvesting in Orange County, CA, that flipped five House seats. The list goes on. Kill the cheating, enforce campaign finance laws, and do a better job raising money, and the Republicans probably have a good chance in 2020. One thing that they should do, in arts fulmar, is make sure that every precinct has Republican poll watchers, with a legal team in the background ready to go, and with sympathetic judges on speed dial. My suggestion is that the Republican Party list and categorize the various types of cheating encountered in 2018, and prepare to counter each of them, to the extent possible.
I saw an Amber Alert that steve uhr is missing. Because steve uhr would rather slink off in ignominy than admit that he was wrong or misled (or worse). Which says a lot about his character and the state of our union.
Come on steve! Be the best a man can be! I am calling you out for saying something wrong and stupid so that you actually APOLOGIZE and ADMIT YOU WERE WRONG so you can gather some shreds of respect back.
We will even pretend to believe it was a mistake. That is because we are gracious.
It is the state of being a man (certainly not a woman these days if Christine Blasey Ford and her Thousand Libelous Sisters are any indication) to have to dine on crow once in a while.
On a whole other topic, I'm just going to drop some copypasta here, as it's too early in the morning for complex thought:
If 2018 was the year in which the genes-versus-environment battle over individual differences was finally decided in favor of genes, then 2019 is already shaping up as a year in which a preemptive strike by the activist left in the battle over group differences is going to be launched. 'Is Science Racist?' is just a bit player in this spectacle. Most of it is going to play out in places like the New York Times, which in the past two weeks alone has gone after after James Watson (low-hanging fruit) and now — predictably after his courageous NYT op-ed back in March 2018 attacking the scientific validity of the notion of race as a purely social construct — even the formidable David Reich. The attacks will be shameless, involve diversions and strawmen like “white supremacy” — shouldn’t it be “northeast Asian supremacy” or “Ashkenazi Jewish” supremacy, anyway? — and, as always, be thin on the actual science. Politically-motivated hacks like Amy Harmon, the NYT’s hitwoman (a science reporter with no training in a scientific field), will interview third-rate scientists with deep activist resumes (or will simply avoid interviewing scientists at all) and avoid eminent figures (like Richard Haier or even James Flynn) who she knows will tell her things that she and her editors and readers don’t want to hear. Institutions like the Times may believe that morality and compassion are on their side, but their fervor and desperation suggest that they already know that science isn’t.
Via Mr. Sailer.
Chuck, who do you think shares your fantasy that the Republican party has ever had any intention of doing anything at all about securing the border and enforcing immigration law? Any rational observer of politics for the last few decades is perfectly well aware that the Donk-Pach uniparty wants non-stop mass immigration, legal and illegal. Any rational observer, at this point, knows perfectly well that any and all proposals re controlling or restricting immigration in any meaningful way are just bullshit and kabuki put out and put on to keep the chumps mollified and themselves in office.
So if Trump's actions re immigration are entirely impotent in changing the status quo, no rational observer would conclude that we could be any worse off than we would have been without Trump.
Nobody else believes the things about "the Republican party" that you believe, Chuck. You're like the fundie who thinks his Bible-quote based arguments cut any ice with atheists. Once or twice, it just sounds like a lousy argument. Repeated continually over time, it just sounds crazy.
Sorry for my bad link @7:12
Depressing video of punks wearing maga hats harassing native Americans
That one kid was an asshole, but that "elder" is a superstitious activist clown who wasn't in Viet Nam and who recites self-serving lies and probably deserves to be harassed:
"While I was there singing, I heard them saying ‘Build that wall! Build that wall!’, you know... this is indigenous land! ...were not supposed to have walls here, we never did—for millennium. Before anybody else came here we never had walls. We never had a prison. We always took care of our elders, we took care of our children. We always provided for them, you know. We taught them right from wrong. *Deep Sigh*[!!] I wish I could see that energy of the young mass, the young men, put their energy into making this into a really great country."
Amerindians most definitely did have walls, let their old people, er, "elders", starve to death, kidnapped children, raped women and tortured and enslaved each other and that was what they called "right".
Deep sigh.
Apparently that drum-banging Native American has form, as the Brits used to say. (Sailer again.)
I see wwww has dropped by for one of her periodic meltdowns.
Ya know, manically posting and deleting comments on some blog is probably not the best way to deal with whatever's ailing you, 4-dub.
The left are threatened by your ideas, so the left are allowed to trample you and lie about you.
If you even show up with a MAGA hat, that is considered a threat. You should be jailed.
What makes a liberal want to punch a child?
The progressive media doesn't care about what really happened when it has white boys in MAGA caps to hate.
Daniel McCarthy
Daniel McCarthy
January 20, 2019
8:15 AM
If someone walks up to you and bangs a drum in your face, are you guilty of harassing the drummer? You might be if you’re white and wearing a MAGA hat. Just a day after rushing to judgment about a Buzzfeed story that claimed President Trump had instructed Michael Cohen to lie to Congress—a story Robert Mueller’s own office subsequently debunked, the blue-checkmark media elite had a new instant narrative to promote. It was a tale perfectly tailored to liberal biases: white Catholic teenagers in MAGA hats had harassed an old and frail Indian veteran during the March for Life, which was also the date of an Indigenous People’s March.
Buzzfeed had just two anonymous sources, purportedly in “law-enforcement,” for its story, which a few brave souls found to be rather too little to justify the attendant hype. The contrarians appear to have been right, but what Buzzfeed misreported was so perfectly attuned to elite and progressive anti-Trump sensibilities that no hesitation was necessary before accepting the tale as true.
No lessons were learned from the story’s collapse, either, to judge by the frenzy that next broke out from the same sort of people over the case of Covington Catholic High School and Native American activist Nathan Phillips. Once again, enlightened opinion did not wait on much evidence before reaching a verdict: a one-minute video clip of a teen in a red MAGA hat smirking right in front of Phillips while the elder beat a hand drum and sang was all the proof required. This was a hate-motivated outrage perpetrated by white Trump supporters. Case closed.
The narrative assumed that the Covington boys had surrounded Philips and stood right in his face, grinning in silent insult. When a second video seemed to show that it was in fact Phillips who had approached the teens, it received even less attention — much as those few voices of caution about Buzzfeed’s fable were ignored by the true believers. But there are more videos, including one that’s nine-minutes long and provides a great deal of interesting context.
The teen is not smirking in this clip, and Phillips has his an entourage with cameras. One of the Indian activists argues with a Covington teen, who argues back. This and other clips have shown the Indian activists racially taunting the teens, saying things like “go back to Europe.” Phillips has claimed that the teens were chanting “build the wall!,” but that isn’t in any of the videos that circulated Saturday. Based on what can actually be seen and heard, it’s looks as if Phillips and his crew sought out Catholic teenagers and tried to make them uncomfortable. And of course, they recorded it.
Lemme see... wasn't it " if you can't take the heat stay out of the powwow" or something?
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