A day before Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was officially sworn-in, near decade-old footage of the congresswoman dancing as a student at Boston University re-emerged on Twitter, apparently in an effort to embarrass her....The attacks are so stupid I wonder if they're false flag, but I've seen enough to believe the AOC haters are this stupid.
"Here is America's favourite commie know-it-all acting like the clueless nitwit she is," one right-wing Twitter account, @AnonymousQ1776, wrote as they shared the clip. The account, which appears to reference the bizarre QAnon conspiracy theory, has since been removed.
"After Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is forced out of office after one term she can go dance on a stage that has a pole," said another.
January 4, 2019
"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Congresswoman attacked for dancing."
BBC reports.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 261 of 261Perhaps Heather Heyer died as a result of a "spark of divinity auto assault"?
I hear there's alot of those "spark of divinity" attacks going around.
Unfortunately for Heather Heyer's attacker, he isnt an illegal alien gang-banger so he doesnt have lefties by the millions setting up sanctuaries to shield him from law enforcement.
Note to self: prior to commiting heinous acts, be sure to convert to islam and become an illegal alien. Being a democrat helps too. Just ask cop-killer mumia abu-jamal.
Good times, good times...
Blogger Matthew Sablan said...
"It was bad taste when people wanted to hate rape Palin. Sexualizing this woman is equally bad."
Well, look. Palin performed in a beauty contest in a bathing suit (and she looked damned good in it!). And Ocasio-Cortez is definitely shaking what she's got in that video. So who is sexualizing whom? Nobody's trying to rip the burkha off that Palestinian HellSow. Although I think someone ought to pat her down before they let her bop around the Capitol in that thing.
The real question here is, how did O-C lose that rack, and get those crazy-eyes? Something happened to this woman, something terrible. What she needs is gentleness and understanding, someone non-judgmental who appreciates her inner beauty and can help her to heal. Allen?
Per precedent, Twitter is a known and progressive haven for rabid diversity and other bigotry, and should be deplatformed.
Zeus (or possibly Thor) said....
The real question here is, how did O-C lose that rack, and get those crazy-eyes? Something happened to this woman, something terrible.
The Real Real question is: Which is cart? Which is horse?
Did the tragic loss of rack, lead to adoption of socialism, which lead to crazy-eyes?
Or, did insane adoption of socialism (with its crazy-eyes), cause boob deflation?
OR! are crazy-eyes the Root Cause of all her problems?
Wouldn't a more honest headline be "Conservatives attacked for being assumed to be critical of Cortez dancing."? With no actual proof of such.
It just feels like someone with her public statements and qualifications should be getting me a beer. Anything more causes me concern. It's kinda like being on the operating table in the hospital and looking up to see your daughter's stoner boyfriend holding the scalpel.
She seems like a fun person in the video. I wonder what happened.
So, once upon a time, there was a cute little nerdy girl; named Sandy.
Sandy was into Science! and Engineering! She won awards! She won Scholarships! She had a nice rack! She used to know about Economics, and Stuff!
Then; Something terrible happened.... It was called U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy.
Suddenly, Sandy changed :(
Her life (and boobs) went flat. She tried to become a different person; a fun-hating person named Alex
Her eyes rebelled against her new life's Horrors; as Alex pretended to be a poor girl from the Bronx
Since Alex Hated herself (who was rich) and the rich people (U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy) that ruined her; she declared War on The Rich, and asked for a %70 tax on them (her!)
One day soon, an Orange Superhero will save her from her Life's Horrors. He (with his Beauty Pageants, and Supermodel wife) will help our Sandy (and her boobs) recover from The Horrors, and return to their perky selves!
The End
WK, i explain, it detail just below your post
I doubt that any of Ms. Ocasio-Cortez critics actually hate her. She says some truly loopy things, and one can look at her statements and either smile, or outright laugh at them. We seniors just shake our heads at the breathless fatuous ignorance of youth.
But she is easy on the eyes--I wouldn't call it exactly "blonde privilege". And folks cut her some personal slack because she is young.
But it is true that she has a lot of dumb ideas--and if she is going to put those ideas out in public, it's fair to comment on those ideas. At age 27 (or has she just had her 28th birthday) it's time to grow up and put her big girl pants on and debate with the adults.
Blogger Tim Wright said...
The best dancing post on your blog was back in 2011. I remembered it, went back and found it. Still entertaining.
https://althouse.blogspot.com/2011/09/very-entertaining-dance.html "
Yea, that has always stuck with me too, and I still think about it from time to time.
Another one was the "Randy Normal Jeans" video, which I can no longer find.
I don't hate Cortez. She's just young and dumb like most of us were. I am pretty disappointed in the people who voted for her. That's just irresponsible.
Sounds like someone has a chick crush on AOC!
you mean SOC, don't you?
A picture of her was taken from behind, and she keeps referring to someone taking a picture of her backside. Not what happened, and not what happened.
She's an attention seeker and used to getting attention for her looks. Fine.
Blogger Tim Wright said...
The best dancing post on your blog was back in 2011. I remembered it, went back and found it. Still entertaining.
https://althouse.blogspot.com/2011/09/very-entertaining-dance.html "
I love the way he looks bored, like it's just something to do while he waits. Though it obviously took many hours in front of a mirror to perfect.
""Here is America's favourite [sic] commie know-it-all..."
So the guy doing the "attacking" is British? Canadian?
Sure as hell isn't an American.
Nobody noticed?
Earnest Prole said...
Attack her? I think I speak for all of us when I say Let’s take a closer look at those breasts.
1/4/19, 5:56 PM
Wow ! Five hundred comments on that 2006 post.
Yes, I know she majored in economics in college.)
Actually she minored in econ, what, five classes undergrad? She needs to get it on while she can, it is well known that in southern european mediterranean decedent populations girls look like they are 17 until they are 30, then they look 50.
1/4/19, 7:39 PM
Ha Ha not decedent yet, merely descendant,
If AOC was ugly, this and every post about her would not exist.
tomaig said...
""Here is America's favourite [sic] commie know-it-all..."
So the guy doing the "attacking" is British? Canadian?
Sure as hell isn't an American.
Nobody noticed?
1/4/19, 7:34 PM
The BBC edited it. The original said "favorite". Not that this means they aren't British or Canadian. Or Russian.
The best this about AOC is that she is inspiring her elders (Liz Warren and Kamala Harris, for example) to imitate her which is truly cringe worthy.
The video itself is fun. If you want to see truly embarrassing BU video check this out:
All that matters is where she's at on the issues.
Trump says some truly loopy things, and one can look at his statements and either smile, or outright laugh at them. We normal folks just shake our heads at the breathless fatuous ignorance of Trump Cultists.
Wrong post, Inga?..or just spitting out a random/reflexive brain nugget?
Remember Inga, all it takes is just one link to demonstrate you were willing to criticize antifa OR islamic supremacists.
Just one.
Just one.
I said up front that this seemed like a bogus story.
More evidence: http://ace.mu.nu/archives/379013.php
We were played.
Obscure Twitter accounts are the lead story. Fake news anyone?
I think the false flag is that republicans had an issue with her dancing, no one really cared.
Thanx to Ace, I learnt a new word today! juglightful
shows Ocasio-Cortez in a more appealing and more juglightful light than I'm used to seeing her, and I reasoned that her big jugs and frisky attitude and also her big jugs would tend to make people like her more.
Can definitely see where he's coming from..
Just imagine if there were videos like that of Nancy Pelosi from 40 or so years ago. She'd hearten the cockles of men's warmth.
There are a few good ones. https://twitter.com/realTJRoberts/status/1081210437214105603
We don’t care that the spoiled little rich girl going to an expensive school was dancing. She obviously wasn’t spending her time studying economics.
We care that she wants to take away our ability to defend ourselves, our right to disagree with leftists, and take our stuff and give it to her wealthy patrons while she skims off the top.
She is just another enemy of freedom. A little tyrant that wants to destroy our country and make us all poor while punishing and persecuting her political opponents.
And she has tits.
Whatever. These leftist shitheads are going to be defeated one way or another. They will never get the gun control they want.
@jr565, now try explaining that to Althouse. For a woman who prides herself on “cruel neutrality,” she can be uncommonly gullible.
Oh I see. You didn't use the "derangement syndrome" tag because, well, conservatives are just naturally deranged. And their condition boils down to something much worse than just a syndrome.
Look, everybody! She's dancing!
What an affront to our 16th century Republican religious cult! Everyone knows that Americans should be just like the conservatives: Monks and nuns but without the morality or spirituality.
What a bunch of weirdos.
We don’t care that the spoiled little rich girl going to an expensive school was dancing.
For Ach "spoiled, rich girl" = became successful, was resourceful (despite being poor - non-deplorables care about their kids enough to find ways for them to go to the most decent schools they can because they value education, unlike conservatives) and did not marry a layabout wife-beater wearing schlub like Achilles.
She did something with herself and that really deranges the Achilleses. And her parents valued education and were willing to get her a better one, despite the expense. For this she must be a fraud! Everyone knows that only phonies would bother to sacrifice for their education! Real people should NEVER value education enough to sacrifice for it! They should forever be losers and never better themselves. Like Achilles!
Achilles really does exemplify the difference between the deplorables and the normals. Conservatards hate knowledge and view education as a form of elitism. Whereas normal, liberal/progressive people regard education as a basic exercise in self-respect and humanity. Just like our ancient Western forebears did.
Conservatardism is a disgusting, foreign cancerous carbuncle on the Western tradition. It needs to be excised.
Don’t worry pp.
When you and your little shithead friends try to repeal the first and second amendments we will remove the enemies of freedom.
Taking people’s stuff and giving it to your rich masters is what you get to do in Cuba and Venezuela.
Here we get to keep our freedom and our stuff.
So eat shit fascist scum.
Even "right wing" web sites are laughing at the claims that the Right are making fun of AOC. Read it and weep. Seems like the "left" wish we were making fun of her....https://therightscoop.com/the-idiotic-backlash-to-ocasio-cortez-dancing-video-seems-to-be-completely-made-up/
its all publicity
facts don't matter here
the more anyone talk about the troll, the more he feeds it
"She just the girl next door not a stuffy congressMEMBER"
OK, evidently she has a boyfriend:
Nevada Senator Catherine Cortez Masto could offer AOC some advice on how a gal in DC can keep her hyphen intact. Unless she loses it, the rough and tumble of Washington politics could bend it into a tilde.
I see everyone has already put to fake news to rest. Nobody, except the right has said anything about any dancing.
Now...A Muslim, dishonoring her faith, family, office, and nation...thats something to talk about.
Attacks on AOC are totally stupid.
You're not going to defeat socialism by personal attacks on her.
Socialism was gaining a lot of popularity among America's younger generation because of Bernie Sanders, before anyone ever heard of AOC.
We did all this in the 1970s. Conservatives found ways to *inspire* young people with conservative proposals on domestic and foreign policy.
That's what is missing today.
One of the many qualities of President Obama that bothered me is his habit of saying, "Some say...." then making a statement that virtually NO ONE actually supported. I always wanted the press to ask him to name names. (I also want eternal youth.)
This is the same, but with the thin reed of an actual tweet to anchor too.
I suspect we'll see a lot more of this.
NEW SOCIALIST “IT GIRL” CONTINUES TO PAY DIVIDENDS: Ocasio-Cortez Wants Tax Rate Of 70% To Pay For Her Green Plan. https://lidblog.com/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-70/
Oh yeah, wasn't it just a week or two ago that the left was complaining that conservatives were making OC the face of the left?
"Here is America's favourite commie know-it-all acting like the clueless nitwit she is."
British spelling of “favorite”.
Got it.
The real question is whether she still “dances like that,” or if she has “evolved” over the last decade (since she was barely hatched into adult ways of thought prior, if indeed after) such that that kind of behavior has now been relegated to the era of “That's not funny!” Wha'd'ya think?
aka "Footloose II: I Am a Victim!"
Lucid-Ideas wrote:
Blogger Lucid-Ideas said...
I'm going to go out on a limb - regardless of how early it is - and predict that her political career is going to crash and burn. My reasons are as follows:
- She's a walking-talking gaffe machine, on a scale I don't think we've seen yet
- Rumor has it there's lots of compromising stuff out there, just waiting for the right time to be released if you know what I mean. This is a consequence of the new-fangled-curated-life these millennials lead
- I'm dubious that she has any real loyalties, or understands what that really means. I.E. She'll turn on her friends at some point. She bounces off the walls, and people who support her aren't going to be able to catch her or simply won't
- Most of her success thus far quite frankly has been two factors. 1) luck and 2) media-puffing. 1) Is unlikely to happen again and 2) is growing less efficacious even to the Dems base
- Related to the gaffe-machine but different, her shoot from the hip mentality is going to get her in some kind of ethics violation. She'll end up doing something embarrassing or plain illegal
- Lastly, she's seems completely unable to take no for an answer
SO SHE'S TRUMP!!!! :-)
You always know it's time for Accccchiles to decrease his magic mushroom dose when he starts bellowing out his usual boring mass violence fantasies and going on about Venezuela.
I guess violence of the sort he imagines and pines for is only natural given how hard it is for his faction to speak for an actual majority of the population. His violence and fear is how his national minority speaks, feels and thinks.
Go suck a dick, Achilles. A white, closeted, male, double-life leading, deplorable, blue collar, lower middle-class dick.
Pee Pee, no doubt just back from the Mensa convention (or the free drug dispensary down at the shelter) writes: "Conservatards hate knowledge and view education as a form of elitism." Want to name names on that, Pee?
> Attacks on AOC are totally stupid.
of the Dem PR firm using AOC, a female David Hogg, as the face
Its a divide and conquer troll strategy to "other" conservatives
You put words in conservatives mouth - "They hate her DANCING" or "They hate HER dancing"
The middle says "her dancing is cute, I guess I am not with the conservatives"
Its works even better if nobody said "we hate her dancing" because defenses reinforce the meme
The hoped for result is fewer people identify as social conservatives
You can see this in every manufactured AOC tweet "Republicans are meanies"
Obama naturally trolled conservatives, "that is not who we are" or baiting Catholics with abortion, birth control, transgender...
Like a soccer team with a trick play, this will go on till it doesn't work.
How dare you attack AOC?
It's Twitter so most of the commentary is stupid by definition.
First day on the interne?
So the story itself is idiotic bullshit, best ignored as partisan stupidity based on random statistical noise.
Or, fall for it, and look stupid yourself. Your call.
"Internet" ...
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