January 31, 2019

"A defiant President Trump declared on Thursday that he has all but given up on negotiations with Congress over his border wall and will proceed without lawmakers..."

"... even as he dismissed any suggestions of wrongdoing in the investigations that have ensnared his associates. In an interview in the Oval Office, Mr. Trump called the talks 'a waste of time' and indicated he will most likely take action on his own when they officially end in two weeks.... Addressing a wide range of subjects, Mr. Trump brushed off the investigations that have consumed so much of his presidency, saying that his lawyers have been reassured by the outgoing deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, that the president himself was not a target. Mr. Trump said he never spoke with Roger J. Stone Jr., his longtime associate who was indicted last week, about WikiLeaks and the stolen Democratic emails it posted during the 2016 election, nor did he direct anyone to do so.... he interview was arranged after Mr. Trump reached out to A.G. Sulzberger, the publisher of The New York Times, and invited him for an off-the-record dinner. Mr. Sulzberger declined, saying he would prefer an on-the-record interview that included two of his reporters. The president agreed."

Writes the New York Times.


Sam L. said...

If it's in the NYT, I don't trust it.

Darrell said...

The Democrats held their established line and wouldn't move an inch.
Trump's fault, obviously.

James K said...

Trump needs to make the point that Pelosi and the Dems said they would negotiate if and only if the government reopened. They lied.

Darrell said...

They lied.

You fucked up--you believed us!!!!!

J. Farmer said...

Mr. Trump, build that wall.

YoungHegelian said...

...his longtime associate who was indicted last week, about WikiLeaks and the stolen Democratic emails it posted during the 2016 election...

I'm so glad that the NYT is so sensitive now to the ethics of "stolen" material. Even if the emails from the DNC were by definition not classified, since the DNC is not a governmental agency, it was wrong for the Trumpies to try & get them. I mean, think of how wrong it would be to publish classified material.

You know, like the Pentagon Papers.

Fuck these assholes. They're just evil.

mccullough said...

Trump lacks the focus to build the wall. Now he’s blaming Paul Ryan for reneging. No doubt Ryan did. He is a puppet of The Chamber.

But Trump only has Trump to blame. The Wall was his biggest campaign promise. If he has to farm out details and negotiations to his worthless son-in-law then it means nothing will happen.

The GOP wanted their tax cuts and their judges. Trump keeps getting rolled because he is all over the place. He’s more interested in Stormy Daniels bullshit.

I doubt any troops are coming home from Afghanistan either. Jared won’t allow it. It’s all up to Jared. Trump is busy talking to the Times about nonsense.

mccullough said...

And no one gives a shit about that silly Justice Reform. Thankfully 95% of crimes are prosecuted locally not by the federal government. So this let the criminals out early federal legislation won’t fuck with the crime rates. Maybe a Willie Horton will be let go and kill someone so Howard Schultz can beat Trump over the head with it in 2020.

Maybe Trump will realize then that his son-in-law is a worthless piece of shit.

narciso said...

That's neither here nor their Sean Davis points out how CNN and NBC misrepresented the intelligence assessment.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
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Inga...Allie Oop said...

Yeah, use money that should be used by our military to build his vanity wall. History won’t be kind to this loser. Big emergency, yeah right, abuse of power.

Michael K said...

Trump keeps getting rolled because he is all over the place. He’s more interested in Stormy Daniels bullshit. <

It's nice too see all these easily refuted allegations.

narciso said...

Very weak tea, you know they would be doing the same to boris Johnson, one can see the dereliction of duty across the pond.

Birkel said...

At least one of Royal ass Inga and mccullough will be wrong.
Probably both.

Wince said...

This article and it’s slant have to be read in the context of the NYT’s dismay with the Democrats’ early self-emolation coupled with the increasing likelihood of Trump’s re-election.

J. Farmer said...


You're a bit more spirited than I am, but we are largely on the same page regarding the wall and immigration. Trump has been blundering badly on the wall, and I don't see anything good coming from Jared Kushner's influence. People who follow the immigration issue closely, people by the way who have been early and reasonable defenders of Trump on immigration, such as Mickey Kaus, Mark Krikorian, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, have been the ones consistently holding Trump's feet to the fire on immigration.

effinayright said...

J. Farmer said...

You're a bit more spirited than I am, but we are largely on the same page regarding the wall and immigration. Trump has been blundering badly on the wall,


So, genius, what would YOU have done?


narciso said...

I dont think he puts that much reliance on kushner except overseas re Mexico and the middle east


David Begley said...

“even as he dismissed any suggestions of wrongdoing in the investigations that have ensnared his associates.” What has that to do with the Wall?

NYT is insane. What do trans in the military have to do with the Wall?

David Begley said...

I’m telling you people Trump is going to seize El Chapo’s money along with the money from other drug dealers to pay for the Wall.

Mattman26 said...

Pretty ballsy move by Trump to give the interview, to brush off the investigation, and to re-seize the initiative on the wall.

J. Farmer said...


So, genius, what would YOU have done?


For starters, Trump could have prioritized the wall when Republicans controlled both houses of Congress, and he had a great deal of leverage. Instead, he punted to the Ryan/McConnell agenda. He could have vetoed the omnibus bill. You can read Byron York's Trump's Huuuge, Board Wall Failure from March 2018 for more fair criticisms of Trump's approach.

J. Farmer said...


Inside Kushner’s immigration plans

FullMoon said...

President Bill Clinton said

As the value of the peso hit an all-time low, Clinton sidestepped Congress’ rejection of an earlier $50 billion loan proposal and exercised his executive power. Claiming that he was acting in the national interest and that national security was at stake, he authorized the Treasury Department to issue a loan through the Exchange Stabilization Fund. This was the first time the fund had been used to help stabilize a foreign currency. Clinton justified his decision by arguing that if the peso continued to fall, Mexico’s economy would crash and in turn negatively impact the United States. He warned that an insolvent Mexico might result in an influx of illegal immigration into the U.S., threatening American jobs and border security.

Paul said...
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Paul said...

"A defiant President Trump declared on Thursday that he has all but given up on negotiations with Congress over his border wall and will proceed without lawmakers..."

That was the plan all along... hahahahahaha.... now he will either use discretionary funds (remember Obama's White House Obamacare website? It costed more than the wall will!!!) or military funds. So I bet he will build that wall, without Congress.

Pelosi fell for it and the joke is on them.

Tough nuts.

Gk1 said...

It's interesting in that Trump is trampling on his own republican negotiators by adding static to the process. He does not seem overly concerned they won't reach a deal as he knows damn well the dems won't allow any sort of fence/wall/Normandy screen etc. to be built so why pretend? I wonder if he is going to do an end run around all of this and just give military aid to the Mexicans to build walls from money taken from El Chapo? There wouldn't be any legal challenges to worry about. Military funds are pretty fungible and could be part of an Aid package to Mexico.

mccullough said...

Farmer is right.

Trump signed the omnibus and tax cuts but didn’t get anything from Ryan and Mitch. 2 years with GOP control and nothing about The Wall. Nothing.

They played him because he lacks focus and farms out details to his worthless son-in-law. Kushner is a liberal who cares more about cosmetic bullshit like federal sentencing than The Wall.

He might as well hire Valerie Jarrett because Kushner shares her worldview.

It’s ridiculous. Trump should fire that piece of shit and hire someone who will carry out his promises.

mccullough said...

McConnell and Ryan didn’t want The Wall. So there is no wall. Trump should fire Kushner or just resign if he is that inept that he relies on Son-In-Law.

Trump can spend the rest of his term blaming Pelosi or federal judges but it’s his fault he didn’t put his foot on the throats of Mitch and Paul.

Gk1 said...

Is it possible that Trump expected to super charge the economy via tax cuts and taking the regulatory boot off the neck of the economy first, while he had those votes and would then game building the wall as a lead in to 2020? He has 2 years to do something, anything along the border. Trump is toast if he quits and buys into amnesty without getting a wall that is when he's doomed. I don't buy he will be punished by the base if there is not a contiguous 15' tall, spiked, steel wall along the border.

Howard said...

Mccullough: Trump won't fire his bagman. Uday and Kousay are too stupid and Revanka keeps clean hands.

Howard said...

Trump will surrender the wall, declare victory, and you people will be exchanging high fives

mccullough said...

When The Base realizes Son In Law is the president maybe they will revolt.

Trump’s attention span is too short. He needs someone reliable to do the day to day work. Son In Law is a liberal. Did Trump run on this silly federal sentencing reform? He did not.

Turns out people elected Son In Law.

mccullough said...

Hopefully Mueller indicts Kushner.

narciso said...

Wasnt this around the time of the (redacted) countries kerfluffle then another judge refused to read the law, I like alt history as much as anybody else but let's get real.

narciso said...

When Stephen Miller puts his foot down no one gives him the time of day, I guess if you brought in kobach but they wrecked his wagon but good he offered daca there wont be a better deal.

Achilles said...

The same people who are telling us there won’t be a wall are the same retards that told us there was Russian collusion.

Now we have a bunch of arm chair quarterbacks that think Trump could build the wall by himself and they have no part to play themselves.

Conservatives are generally cowards and naggers. They could always do a better job than the people actually fighting.

They tell us that all the time.

narciso said...

Our possum Congress pushes for forever war yet again, I guess its like marvel universe its been going on for a long time.

mccullough said...

So Reagan gave annsesty to 3 million Mexicans 30 years ago. Now we have over 10 million of them. Hand out DACA and we’ll have 50 million of them.

Amnesty, NAFTA, and DACA. We are a dumb fucking country rules by jagoffs and morons. California is a shithole. Maybe Trump could stop watching The Shows and playing with Twitter and keep his fucking promise.

narciso said...

Well if the courts had not stepped in re prop 187 we might have gotten somewhere, if the then house had any guts challenging Clinton even by sb 1070, we could gave limited the damage maybe.

narciso said...

Look at some of the wonderful folk who linger
Here, they aren't illegal just jackasses.

narciso said...

I dont mean buwaya dr k traditionalguy or the Steven's as well as Mr. Sylvester or Hayden.

narciso said...

Amnesty was in the 1980 and 1984 Republican platforms the first serious move was 187 then Clinton pushed for massive voter registration, then ws compassionate conservatism then amnesty two electric boogaloo.

narciso said...

Yes James lankford is not helpful but if Oklahoma has a joker on the deck well that's not good.

mccullough said...

Of course the GOP loves cheap labor. And Dems love 14 million new voters. They own California now. Mexicans are Natural Republicans. Remember that bullshit from the Bushes. Good times

There are over 10 million illegals here because that’s what the GOP and Dems wanted. Just like they love “free trade.” It has made them very wealthy. Look at McConnell. How much has his wife’s family made off their friends in China?

Trump has ADD. Kushner runs the Executive Branch. He’s a combo of W and Obama.

Trump will put out some tweets so The Base will be happy. His supporters are The Doormat. The Son In Law wipes his shoes on them and they are happy.

Drago said...

Howard: "Trump will surrender the wall, declare victory, and you people will be exchanging high fives"

"Trump will surrender the wall,..."

Whoa! You have previously asserted Trump has already surrendered the wall, now your modified limited hangout is Trump "will surrender" the wall.

It appears inevitable that your next assertion will be something along the lines of -Hey, I knew all along Trump would utilize previous dem president precedents to build the wall-

Crazy World said...


Bruce Hayden said...

Interesting. The article pretends that the investigation into Trump and Russian collusion is legitimate. They know better, of course. But are an integral part of the other team. Sen Lindsay Graham just asked the FBI Director why it took 28 heavily armed FBI agents to arrest an older man supposedly guilty of little more than lying to Congress, whom they know was represented by counsel, in a predawn raid, and asked who leaked to CNN. The latter, of course, being highly unethical, and violates DoJ guidelines. On Tucker Carlson tonight, it was suggested that if that standard were applied to DC, half the population would be likely caked up. Then, a list of exposed liers to Congress was presented, starting with Crooked Hillary having lied that there was no confidential information in the emails on her private server, followed by Dir Comey and DDir McCabe. Someone suggested that locking up this guy for something that half of DC had done at some point in their careers, was an admission that there is no “there” there in the Mueller investigation.

But what was really interesting was the statement about DAG Rosenstein assuring Trump that he hasn’t been and isn’t the actual target of the Mueller investigation. This is interesting because of the article this week in CTH that suggested just the opposite, that Trump being the formal target all along would go a long way to explaining a lot of resistance in the DoJ, FBI, IC, etc to any sort of transparency. That very possibly that is why so many documents remain hidden from Congress and the American people - because they know good and well that targeting their ultimate boss would make them traitors to the Constitution that they all swore to uphold and protect. And earn them the death penalty. Think about it for a minute - the only people who actually know the limits that Rosenstein placed on Mueller, and what Mueller’s mandate is, are Rosenstein, maybe a couple others at the DoJ, the Mueller team, and one federal judge, because otherwise he was going to throw out one of Mueller’s most visible prosecutions, after nearly two years of investigation, tens of millions of taxpayer dollars being expended, etc., all disrupting the Administration of their President boss whose office gives them the Constitutional power to do the investigation in the first place. A very smart friend of mine, after reading the CTH article, called this a (so far) bloodless coup. Which is why the NYT bringing this up (obliquely) within a week of the CTH article is interesting.

Bruce Hayden said...

Correction: “On Tucker Carlson tonight, it was suggested that if that standard were applied to DC, half the population would be likely LOCKED up.”

Bruce Hayden said...
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tim maguire said...

allegedly stolen emails

Fixed it for them.

Bruce Hayden said...

Imagine what it would mean if the CTH article were true, and Trump himself was the actual target of the investigation (which he obviously indirectly was with the FISA warrants). Candidate Trump couldn't take help, directly or indirectly, from the Russian government to get elected (which the Crooked Hillary campaign supposedly did by buying information from the Russian Government via Fusion GPS and Steele (a British citizen who has demonstrably lied to Congress, but was never indicted for the lying or for aiding the Clinton campaign)). No credible evidence, in almost two and a half years now, has appeared that would show collusion between Trump and Russia to get elected (as just noted, just the opposite of his opponent). After the election, Trump could, and no doubt does, collude with the Russians however he wants. That is his Constitutional prerogative, to collude with foreign governments and foreign persons, for the US. The Constitution provides for only one person to do so, and that is the President. And his dealing with foreign governments and persons is only reviewable by Congress (which we will no doubt hear more of over the next two years). Not by the federal bureaucracy, which is what has been going on since at least July of 2016, and maybe even into the previous spring. However, investigating the President for collusion with the Russians would not have become ultra vires, violative of our Constitution, and likely illegal, until he was sworn into office as President. Before that, the federal government, the DoJ, FBI, CIA, etc were operating under President Obama's Article II powers (but may have violated Trump's Constitutional rights under our Bill of Rights). After inaugeration though, they were operating under Trump's Articke II powers. He, and he alone, gets to decide which foreign governments and people the USA deals with. With whom we collude with, and with whom we fight. Not Congress, though they can listen over his shoulder, and specifically not the bureaucracy. And, yet, they (Rosenstein, Mueller, and his posse of Dem partisan prosecutors) somehow see it to be their job.

And yes, the bureaucracy is dirty as all hell. For example, former FBI DDir McCabe orchestrated a perjury trap on PDJT's NSA, Gen Flynn. He lied to Flynn about the purpose of the meeting, when he et it up, violated his Constitutional rights by telling him not to have attorneys present, sent his agents over the White House, under false pretenses, to lie to Flynn, to entice him into a perjury trap concerning a perfectly legitimate conversation between Flynn and the Russian Ambassador that was very likely illegally unmasked, and therefore the specifics known to the FBI, but not remembered completely by Flynn. And even when the FBI agents involved (including the odious Peter Strzok) didn't believe that Flynn had lied. Mueller indicted Flynn anyway. And why did McCabe and the FBI set Flynn up in the first place? Most likely, for bureaucratic revenge. And, yet, it was President Trump's NSA who was indicted and convicted of this, and the much larger actual crimes, by all the unelected bureaucrats, such as McCabe, Strzok, Mueller, etc., were studiously ignored.

tim maguire said...

I want Mueller to wrap it up and show us what he’s got. Ultimately this is a political question and the public has a right to know what’s going on so we can hand out rewards and punishments at the ballot box.

I think Mueller’s got nothing. That said, I also don’t think the fact that all the arrests and indictments so far are not Russia-related is indicative of anything. He may be moving ahead with those charges because they don’t go to the core of the investigation while he keeps a tight lid on the stuff that does.

Bruce Hayden said...

@Maguire - I loved how the Mueller indictment of Stone blythely assumed that the DNC emails had been stolen by the Russians, on the mere say so of Crowdstrike, a DNC contractor, esp since, at the time, the DNC was under effective control, via its finances, of the Clinton campaign (and thus probably its legal alter ego). The FBI had asked to look at the server themselves, and had been rebuffed. Which comes down to believing that the DNC emails had been stolen because Crooked Hillary had said that they had been, after her opponent had suggested that the Russians probably had copies of the emails from when she was Secretary of State that she had had deleted, instead of turning them over to the FBI, as she was legally required to have done. The Russians probably had hacked Clinton's server, years before, but very likely, the WikiLeaks dump of the DNC server was an inside job, and had nothing to do with the Russians.

tim maguire said...

Agreed Bruce. The Russians (along with a dozen other countries) likely had those emails, but they all had an interest in keeping quiet about it. The source of the emails could be any or none of them. What little evidence we have points to an inside job.

FIDO said...

Trump has sat in Washington patiently waiting for a counter offer.

He has not received any legitimate offer. Schumer and Pelosi have not outlined what 'Smart' security looks like nor put a price tag on it, frankly because they can't.

When drones, sensors and vastly expanded numbers of ICE agents to actually enforce violations of the border come out costing far more than a mere 5.7 billion, (or .14% of the budget), they have lost the 'it is too expensive' debate.

They have already lost the 'it doesn't work' debate.

But they cling like leeches to the 'we won't give Trump ANY win' talking point. The Media loves that.

After the SOTU, Trump will have made his case that he was open for negotiation...and the Democrats were refused ANY debate.

There is no counter offer. There is NO counter offer. There seems to be NOTHING that the Dems want as much as denying Trump a wall.

So who are the intransigent ones again?

FIDO said...

Trump has been more than open to negotiation. If, at this point, he uses the military and their budget to build that wall, no one except partisan open border democrats will blame him.

It is chump change. It costs one half of one carrier.

This is well within his executive powers.

Kevin said...

How do you know a Democrat is making an insincere argument?

When they bemoan the lack of funding for our military.

Leland said...

Well, he does have a phone and a pen, or so we were told. And, he won.

Ajnal said...

Scheduled emergencies are the best!

Robert Cook said...

"This is well within his executive powers."

Says who?

Robert Cook said...

"Yeah, use money that should be used by our military to build his vanity wall. History won’t be kind to this loser. Big emergency, yeah right, abuse of power."

Congress should strip the military of most of its budget and apply it to repairing the infrastructure of our nation, replacing the funds that were stolen from the Social Security trust fund and used for other purposes, and for many more worthwhile uses. Reduce the military's budget to, at most, no more than 25% of its current budget, but even smaller would be better.

stlcdr said...

Do those drapes look like a wall; The Wall?

Jim at said...

Big emergency, yeah right, abuse of power.

You mean like with a pen and phone?

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