Merry Christmas from President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump. @POTUS & @FLOTUS are seen Saturday, December 15, in their official 2018 Christmas portrait, in the Cross Hall of the White House in Washington, D.C. (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)— Melania Trump (@FLOTUS) December 18, 2018
This, from Jonathan Jones seems ludicrously subjective. He just hates Trump. I get that.
Multiple Christmas trees are currently a status symbol for the wealthy, but this picture shows the risks. Instead of a homely symbol of midwinter cheer, these disciplined arboreal ranks with their uniform decorations are arrayed like massed soldiers or colossal columns designed by Albert Speer.... Everything here communicates cold, empty magnificence. Tree lights that are as frigid as icicles are mirrored in a cold polished floor.The reflections of light on the floor are bothering him? Having more than one tree is a Nazi-ish thing? Aren't there always multiple trees in the White House at Christmas?
Equally frosty illuminations are projected on the ceiling. Instead of twinkling fairy magic, this lifeless lighting creates a sterile, inhuman atmosphere.... It suggests the micromanaged, corporate Christmas of a Citizen Kane who has long since lost touch with the ordinary, warm pleasures of real life.Are we to believe Jones would be calmed and cheered by Trump as "a conventional politician" in a woolly hat striving for cuddliness and using colored rather than white lights on the trees and projecting "twinkling fairy magic" on the ceiling?
In the centre of this disturbing piece of conceptual art stand Donald and Melania Trump. He’s in a tuxedo, she’s wearing white – and not a woolly hat in sight. Their formal smartness adds to the emotional numbness of the scene.
Trump’s shark-like grin has nothing generous or friendly about it. He seems to want to show off his beautiful wife and his fantastic home rather than any of the cuddly holiday spirit a conventional politician might strive to share at this time....
Needs the TDS tag.
Trump hate is the drug of choice from the insane left.
When Michelle decorated for Christmas, the left gathered in unified awe and sang praises of hope and change. All glory be to Obama on high.
Only recently, with Melania's blood-red trees or whatever, did I start to see the possibilities of comparing the Trumps to Gomez and Morticia Addams. I'm a fan of the Addams family, especially "Addams Family Values." They go against conventional thinking, but somehow they don't go too far, or their charm gets them through.
Charles Addams drew a lot of cartoons, but I believe the first one that established the "family from the dark side theme" related to Halloween: the family on the roof, ready to pour boiling oil from a pot onto the heads of trick-or-treaters. Aren't we all kind of sick of the trick-or-treaters?
The collective hate-filled left see racism and Nazi - even on a Christmas tree.
TDS really is a crippling sickness. When it takes this form, or when it makes the hippies bitch and moan about his legalization of hemp yesterday, it is merely laughable. When it induces the likes of Rachel Maddow and Noam Chomsky and Howard Dean to argue for perpetual American warmongering in the Middle East, it is truly malignant.
Every day, as a former Libertarian, I am coming to like Trump more and more.
Give it a rest. That warm smile by our President is the smile of an alert American host eager to make his guests welcome to his home. His only aberration noted is that he is not on a Xmas drunk like the English Aristocracy do it all when they put on noblesse oblige one day a year for their deplorables who are their servants.
More of a parody of TDS than actual TDS. Distinctly Onion-y.
Look how many fucking trees Michelle Obama had them put in the White House.
More of a parody of TDS than actual TDS. Distinctly Onion-y.
If the Guardian ever did irony or parody, it would be for the first time in its history.
The Guardian is a source of rabid diversity, indulgent of color judgments, and the progress of "white girls next door". Merry Christmas!
As for that hall of red trees, remember that dark haired brunette love being surrounded by red everything.
I hope the creepiness tag is for the jerk who wrote this.
This Brit trump-hater doesn't understand that the "fantastic home" (a/k/a The White House) is US Government property. It is not Trump property.
Does he think the WH staff would be happier if they worked in a dump?
The only thing I found disturbing was all the red balls hanging down to the floor, for personal reasons related to aging.
I like the simple use of red only ornaments. They contrast nicely with the green trees and the sparkling white lights.
**I denounce myself as a racist deplorable nazi, Amen.
dark haired brunettes love being surrounded by red everything.
I can attest to this. The chestnut-haired Mrs. Skookum is deeply in the grip of an obsession with having things colored scarlet red.
"she’s (Melania) wearing white – and not a woolly hat in sight. "
Gee, I wonder what his thoughts were on Mrs. Obama decked out in a combination circus tent/table cloth, complete with backup alarm.
To the Left, it is always creepy when a Republican is POTUS.
They will destroy the world. They are literally worse than Hitler - all of them.
This link has been posted chez Althouse at least twice (once by me...), but it deserves another posting here:
Melania Trump Criticized For Decorating White House With Skulls Of Her Enemies.
I sent this link to my brother, who posted it in FB. FB quickly censored it from his feed.
Althouse I agree that this is writing from Trump-haters.
But they are talking in terms of cultural observations, and the writing is literate if not also interesting. You don’t find it compelling and that of course is your right as a free-thinking reader.
What I say, is that this is a far more gentle and persuasive version of Presidential hatred, than we saw with a certain individual, acting out of nothing more or less than self-promotion and malevolence, when he claimed in a televised interview that he had dispatched his own team of investigators to Hawaii to look into the matter of Barack Obama’s birth certificate and they were discovering “things they can’t believe.”
I love the photo. And love Trumps hate.
He had a deadline and he needed a piece his readers could slip into like a warm bath.
Too bad Melania didn't throw on a pair of $4,000.00 sequin boots to add a touch of twinkling fairy magic.
Our critic prefers a more down-home, folksy look, like from a tiny home in Wyoming.
janetrae said...
"I hope the creepiness tag is for the jerk who wrote this."
The undisguised vitriol is what I find disturbing. It defies reason. it is the lack of reason I find chilling. It is the blind unreasoning hatred that filled boxcars with jews and kulaks.
At this time of the year, we should pause in our busy day and take a few minutes out to reflect on how detestable the Trump family is. It wouldn't hurt to also take a few minutes out to despise the people who voted for him. Let us remember that not everybody on earth is as blessed and morally superior as we are and that it is only fitting at this time of the year to revile and loathe them.
“If the Guardian ever did irony or parody, it would be for the first time in its history.”
I read Lefty websites everyday because, while I’m too old and dignified for Cracked, I still love a chortle. And hysterical Leftist self-parody is my favorite source of humor.
It is the blind unreasoning hatred that filled boxcars with jews and kulaks.
It is, indeed, Rusty. I've often thought this as well. Let us pray they never get organized under a strong leader.
...these disciplined arboreal ranks with their uniform decorations are arrayed like massed soldiers or colossal columns designed by Albert Speer....
Is the continuing decline in the quality of propaganda due to dwindling revenues (and thus inability to pay for talent), or is the journalist labor pool just so ignorant and badly educated that this is the best they can do?
I could create a creepier Yuletide scene without half trying. I would have Donald holding a severed head of Schumer and Melania with the severed head of Pelosi. That would be really creepy, especially if there were little pools of blood under the heads, and Melania's white dress was splattered with blood.
Pretty mich every picture with Melania in it is delightful. Looks like a very nice Christmas picture to me, love that whirte, really white dress. She is an angel.
Hate typing on IPad.
They, Schlump and the GOP, will destroy the world. They are literally worse than Hitler - all of them. I object to my tax dollars paying for Schlump to live in the lap of luxury. He doesn't deserve it. He has billions of dollars and is a bad, bad man who needs to go away, far away. Schlump is Scrooge, the Grinch, & Hitler all rolled into one. He's destroying the environment, the economy, the judiciary, etc. You're a mean one, Mr. Schlump!
let's see how i can tie this in? Oh here's a present for our Readers
AOC says that "Climate change isn’t happening in 10 years. It’s happening now.
she's basing that on a Bloomberg piece that says that Amtrak lines will be underwater be 2100
it isn't happening in 10 years! it's happening NOW! (if, you count 2100 as now)
merry xMass!
No one projects like a lefty projects.
PS- per a few other posts over the last month or so: Had this been a photo of Michelle Obama slogging mud in a pig sty, this same reporter would have been gushing over the bulge in her triceps and her fashion choice while shoveling shit.
I'm not sure if these people will every regain their minds.
Blogger Tank said...
Hate typing on IPad.
Got to you-know-who's Amazon portal and get a Bluetooth Keyboard for less than 20 bucks. We should chip in and get one for narciso.
she saw ai as a teenager and thought it was real, and day after tomorrow, which is like the worst corman schlock,
Trumpit said... [hush][hide comment]
They, Schlump and the GOP, will destroy the world. They are literally worse than Hitler - all of them. I object to my tax dollars paying for Schlump to live in the lap of luxury. He doesn't deserve it. He has billions of dollars and is a bad, bad man who needs to go away, far away. Schlump is Scrooge, the Grinch, & Hitler all rolled into one. He's destroying the environment, the economy, the judiciary, etc. You're a mean one, Mr. Schlump!
Nice parody of Chuck.
The Limey bastard could create a creepier Yuletide scene without half trying: Charles and Camilla.
Gosh we don't even have ming's weather machine, from the 1980 flash Gordon, with the hot hail and volcanoes, because why not?
Blogger FullMoon said...
Nice parody of Chuck.
Not really. I would never allege that Trump owns “billions.”
But when we see his tax returns, perhaps we’ll know better.
Some White House hospitality experts designed that display. They must love being compared to Albert Speer.
At least Trump isn't disappearing back into the leaves, like some people in some recent portraits I might name.
Chuck said... [hush][hide comment]
But when we see his tax returns, perhaps we’ll know better.
Let's make everybodys tax returns public. Any reason not to?
Trumpit said...
Proving my point admirably.
The Grauniad somehow overlooks the tweet literally wishing people a "Merry Christmas," sending the Julia Iofes into terminal depression.
I have a coworker who thinks and talks like the writer writes. She's always slipping anti-Trump knife jabs into her conversation. It's like working with Inga.
I strenuously object to to Trumpit using her Social Security dollars to feed cheeseburgers to seagulls.
They're really ramping up the Trump hate in Britain--if that's even possible. You get Trump digs in almost every TV show I've seen recently. "Trump is going to destroy the world" is the usual meme. But they were showing the Trump's 2017 Christmas card with all the white trees this year as one of the all-time Christmas Fails--implying outright racism in that message. Of course, they call Christmas "Crimbo." If they even use the name at all.
Aside from everything else, she’s not in white.
"...he had dispatched his own team of investigators to Hawaii to look into the matter of Barack Obama’s birth certificate and they were discovering “things they can’t believe.”\
Right. Invertigators found he was born in Hawaii, when they previously believed he was not.
Hard for some to understand, I guess.
Insert .gif meme of Robert Downey Jr. Rollings eyes saying "Do these people ever frickin' chill..."
Temujin: "No one projects like a lefty projects."
No one projects like a lefty or LLR projects.
After all, LLR Chuck toils tirelessly to advance the leftist cause. Not effectively of course, nonetheless the effort deserves recognition.
The TDSer completely misses the real symbolism in the picture: the subtle shout-out to red America.
We deporables appreciate it. Thank you, Donald.
P.S.: even if all First Ladies are beautiful, as our hostess claimed, some First Ladies are more beautiful than others.
Chuck is still having some difficulty adjusting to the reality that all of his fake TruCon heroes have been completely exposed as paid lefty agitators.
That sort of thing can throw even an experienced self-described smear merchant like Chuck off his game.
It has already been shown that the obambi, hen he wasnt weaponizing the federal govt against conservatives (to George Soros' and LLR Chuck's delight) also had many trees in the White House during the holidays.
There can be no question that LLR Chuck found them to be "magnificent".
As with all things obama, unexpectedly.
I'll say it again, leftists are the most miserable people on the planet.
The only good thing about it is they deserve their misery.
They crank up the misery until regular people get sick of the daily grind and vote them back into power. They do it worldwide. Because they can.
I'm thinking of Samantha Powers hogtied beneath the Christmas tree. Standing over her is Melania who's holding a chainsaw and smiling demonically. "Here at the White House we wish to again restate our commitment to the separation of Powers". I think the mordant wit would far outweigh the somewhat creepy vibe of using a chainsaw murder to celebrate Christmas, but tastes vary. At any rate, it would be definitely creepier than this current card, so the writer doesn't know what he's talking about.
I understand not liking Trump, and by extension Mrs. Trump, but the creep factor I don't see. Unless the "liberal" Hive is re-defining "creepy" to mean "Kept Queen Cacklepants from becoming president and thereby made it harder for our Gang to pick more American pockets and steal their guns.
Trumps super power is that he drives his enemies insane.
Meh, looks pretty to me.
The Guardian has always been hilariously wrong about the US and everything American. In this it differs little from left wing publications everywhere.
"Melania decorates the White House with the skulls of her enemies."
Is it just me, or is Trumpit one of our better commenters?
Individual train sets under each tree would be wealth-flaunting.
Tell us how much you hate him. Why else would we buy the paper any more?
One large train set going around and among all the trees would be okay.
People are always saying that the media sounds insane when writing about Trump.
This is a great example of that.
Make christmas great again.
chickenlittle reports: I have a coworker who thinks and talks like the writer writes. She's always slipping anti-Trump knife jabs into her conversation. It's like working with Inga.
Slip a whoopee cushion into her chair just before she sits down.
Jim at: "I'll say it again, leftists are the most miserable people on the planet."
Leftists and their LLR allies.
Slip a whoopee cushion into her chair just before she sits down.
Slip a pressure mine onto her chair just before she sits down.
Albert Speer is the "go-to guy" when it comes to Christmas trees, and the arrangements thereof.
"You couldn't create a creepier Yuletide scene if you tried."
Too easy.
Foreigners are so cute when they complain about the United States.
He could probably relate to something involving fairies.
>>"He seems to want to show off his beautiful wife and his fantastic home..."<<
That's amusing - Trump has said, in effect, that the White House is a worn down dump (presumably relative to his actual truly fantastic home.)
Pretty, but why the huge volume of red balls at the bottom?
Pretty, but why the huge volume of red balls at the bottom?
To fill in the empty spaces between the bottom limbs and the floor.
So the cats have someplace to hide and spring out and attack as Trump walks down the hallway.
To create a cohesive color palette all the way through instead of a mishmash of multi colored balls.
To make it look like a wandering pathway instead of a rigid hallway.
Because if they had a lot of packages under the trees people would bitch about the ostentatious flaunting of wealth.
The Dollar Store ran out of white batting with silver glitter stuck all over it
Pretty, but why the huge volume of red balls at the bottom?
Why not?
What a beautiful setting and a beautiful first lady. I keep forgetting how tall she is.
Its a well decorated scene.Its amazing the gibberish lefties come up.
P.S. Its too bad Trump dislikes pets, because the Barney-cam videos were the highlight of the Bush Administration.
Pretty, but why the huge volume of red balls at the bottom?
They symbolize Republican fecundity.
Nazis, will they ever stop being topical?
73 years and counting.
Where's Barron?
Chuck might know...he keeps tabs.
The red balls represent the bloody cut-off testicles of Trump's enemies.
The tiny, small ones on the far left are from Jeff Flake.
They symbolize Republican fecundity.
The couples of our eye. That said, the prime, [American] conservative directive: be fruitful and multiply. Alternatively: evolutionary fitness. Also: Duck Dynasties.
The tiny, small ones on the far left are from Jeff Flake.
Which are Michelle's?
The Left-wing British are the worse. Take the sneering, limp-wristed, anti-western, mindless PC arrogance of your typical American liberal and times it by 5 and you get the British Lefty.
I want to puke every time I see them on TV. The gap between their smug,self-regard and reality puts the Grand Canyon to shame. Look at the creep that heads the labour party!
'Tis the season of faith, religion, tradition, and celebration.
"Which are Michelle's?"
Cheap shot. Compared to Hillary - Michelle was a class act as FLOTUS.
Cheap shot. Compared to Hillary - Michelle was a class act as FLOTUS.
Lowest possible bar.
There are no bounds for the wanking spazzes that write for the Guardian.
"disciplined arboreal ranks with their uniform decorations"
It's called design. And taste. Most Christmas trees, let's face it, are hodge-podge disasters of clashing multicolored nonsense. Lovingly decorated, but not thought-out.
The most beautiful trees I ever saw were a pair of 20-footers in a Greek cathedral in Detroit, with only one kind of green metallic ornament, and tinsel. No lights. Classy and majestic.
Who knew, eh?
I'd hate to hear what this twerp would have to say about the falling snowflakes projected by laser onto the exterior walls of our house.
Let it rest for a couple of days people. Sheesh!
rcocean said...
The red balls represent the bloody cut-off testicles of Trump's enemies.
The tiny, small ones on the far left are from Jeff Flake.
...and the big blue ones are Schumer's.
The Guardian: You couldn’t create a creepier Yuletide scene if you tried"
Michelle: "Hold my beer"
I like colored lights, but I admit to a little trailer trash in the pedigree.
The Guardian combines the worst in the British labour and academic lefts.
rcocean said...
Cheap shot. Compared to Hillary - Michelle was a class act as FLOTUS.
Not when you see the lengths to which Michelle Obama has gone to hypocritically "other" Melania.
Aside from "Bye, Felicia", a big part of Michelle Obama's book tour has been to rehash and over dramatize "the box", the Tiffany box gift given to Michelle by Melania when the Trumps arrived at the White House. That awkward violation of protocol she had to endure!
Now, watch this video I've linked to before.
Laura Bush handled it with aplomb.
It tells me two things about Michelle Obama: she has a huge blindspot about herself, and she knows the press is completely in the tank and will never confront Obama with her own hypocrisy.
This article is a perfect example of TDS. The writer, and those that see this the same way, are mentally ill.
Dear Jonathan Jones,
Merry Christmas and Fuck You.
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
The Obama white house Christmas decor was easily as garish as Amy Sedaris' home. There were better looking second hand trees at the Salvation Army store. BTW don't forget to tip the bell ringers.
OK, on the real, I have feelings about this. I'll just let this video speak for me.
I discuss the way my tribe uses the Holocaust as their religion, how secular Jews like this shit on the culture that freed them, ultimately, from the Nazis and the Soviets. ok, here, holy shite, my process. Ella Dawson Social Media Wizard of Oz at TEDTAlks I.m not dropping this shit.
it's pretty, but why did they put things there for me to disparage?
'tis the season of giving.
Michelle: "Hold my beer"
Picture 9 looks like a dungeon.
How great it is that a writer as banal as Althouse wasn't around to blog 80 or 60 years ago. If she had been, we might have had to contend with such stupid labels as "Hitler Derangement Syndrome," or "Stalin Derangement Syndrome" -- passed off, as she does with her own tag for this post, as witticisms.
Trump is an abomination to the American way. The only things stopping him from becoming one of his idols above are his incompetence, his narrowness of vision and the resilience of the American system. If Althouse and her peanut gallery in the comments section want to pass that off as something to celebrate - how different Trump is from HItler or Stalin, how much better he is than they - then it just goes to show how low the bar what counts as leadership in their pathetic excuse for a national party.
The Grauniad somehow overlooks the tweet literally wishing people a "Merry Christmas," sending the Julia Iofes into terminal depression.
Of course!
If only she'd convert and/or bow down to the dominance of her masters' faith then obviously these more, um, passionate Christians might be placated.
You can blog about the unnatural conformity of the trees and their completely unimaginative decorations, or you could talk about how constipated Trump's face looks. Seriously. It looks like his face is going to expel a fart and he's doing all he can to constrain it and hold it in.
There's something wrong with that face. Just look at how unnaturally he has to twist it to make it look anything like an actual smile. It reflects something pathological about him, deep down inside whatever pulls the strings to that psychotically strained face.
If he would have written something similar about the Obamas, he would have been called racist. While I hated criticism of the Obamas almost always being called racist, it really did make people think twice about criticizing them. Which saved people from really spiraling -- wallowing-- in public displays of destestation such as this. (I made that word up and I like it)
I don't think it's healthy for people to indulge themselves quite so much. When you start seeing Christmas trees as Hitler's army, how do you pull yourself back from the brink?
There are multiple trees in the rehajm household.
Give Jonathan Jones his due, it takes a thoroughly educated man to write garbage like that.
Creepy is hiring to paint your official portrait an artist who paints black women beheading white women. It's also sick, racist, and despicable. Know what else is creepy? Honoring and respecting anyone who would do that.
Look at the ring finger on Trump's right hand. Zoom in and look at it. It's just dangling there without purpose, with nothing really American or multicultural about it. That fringin' finger is just so unnatural, hideous, and racist. It's a finger that couldn't pull a trigger on pistol. It's not even manly enough to flip off the Russians. That poor pathetic finger couldn't even open a beer can. That finger is all I need to see to prove this guy is a Nazi.
If I had the space, I’d have more than 1 tree.
"Albert Speer is the "go-to guy" when it comes to Christmas trees, and the arrangements thereof."
Some people just don't get what Christmas is about. Throw in a little TDS and you do get creepy and ugly, but we love you anyway.
Kathy Griffin's severed head would have made a fine tree ornament.
I read stuff like this and am so glad Trump is president.
Christmas is about loving Nazis and their Nazi ways. Just let them do their Nazi things. That's how you bring peace on earth and goodwill toward men.
Drumpf and Schicklgruber were just trying to do what they thought was right. Why do people have to be so hard on them?
Look at the red ball Christmas ornaments. Those look to me like the cannon balls fired on Fort Sumter. Not only do we have a Nazi as a president, we also have a Confederate rebel plantation owner with the nuclear codes. Thanks Obama!
And we have an asshole as a typical Republican commenter in Dave Duffy. Thanks Drumpf!
If you thought the "backlash" against Obama was fun, you ain't seen nuthin yet.
For the holiday season, why not pick out something colorful that you can get your fanboy prez that will go well with his orange or striped jumpsuits? He'd be happy to have you foot the bill, I'm sure. He's cheap! (But not when it comes to how he spends the American people's budget).
speaking as a photographer but not a portrait specialist, I don't particularly like the photograph. But the "critique" of the photograph oozes with hatred of Trump. I'm not a huge fan of POTUS but I think some people would be angry if Trump started performing miracles like walking on water and raising the dead and would give those actions "reviews" like the one given to this Christmas photo.
stevew said...
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
Unless BJ Clinton is holding it.
If this is what life under Hitler was like, then evidently Hitler wasn't as bad as I have been led to believe.
Our moral betters are normalizing the Nazi Germany regime 75 years later. Which is nice.
I am Laslo.
When Amy Sedaris gets done sewing yellow satin parachute dresses for Michelle, maybe she can help make the White House look less like the interior designer glitter bombing that seems to transcend recent presidencies. That Vogue series on the Obama Xmas decor doesn't look any different from this stuff.
Carter had a nice tree one year decorated by mentally handicapped people. But then he had to go write six or seven books about how good he was at celebrating Christmas compared with other people. And there was the unfortunate year of bicentennial decor.
I long for the days when Bill Clinton and his lovely wife Bruno decorated the White House for Christmas. Portraits of young interns hung by the tree with glee. Cigars as dangling ornaments, glistening under the lights. Presidential pardon certificates floating through air like glitter with price tags attached. It makes for a beautiful seen. Oh, for the good old days.
Government health care and a government education system is Nazi-ish
Stille Nacht, Kristallnacht
O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum,
wie treu sind deine Blätter!
Du grünst nicht nur zur Sommerzeit,
Nein auch im Winter, wenn es schneit.
O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum,
wie treu sind deine Blätter!
The Germans have the best words for EVERYTHING!
Pee Pee, how is the shelter on whose communal computers you post those incredibly clever comments decorated this year?
Jonathan Jones writes on art for the Guardian and was on the jury for the 2009 Turner prize
Obviously a powerful voice in American liberal circles whose opinion deserves this kind of attention.
I swear there's an entire industry devoted to trawling the most obscure corners of the internet to find trivial nonsense, which can be used as evidence of 'the way liberals think'.
Oh yes, how well I remember the wool hat Obama wore....
This guy is just upset because there is no Mao ornament on any of these trees.
Or maybe it's because he's jealous that we can say "Merry Christmas" in America without being beheaded, machete'd, or ran over.
You're right. It's a mystery that these store windows are still intact and the cars haven't been burned.
It is the blind unreasoning hatred that filled boxcars with jews and kulaks.
It is, indeed, Rusty. I've often thought this as well. Let us pray they never get organized under a strong leader.
...But you know, we know, that leader's coming. It is why human history runs in periodic cycles.
"not a wooly hat in sight"- I think this racist is calling obama 'nappy-headed'.
"not a wooly hat in sight" - I think this racist is calling obama 'nappy-headed' and lamenting the lack of such.
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