December 29, 2018

Twitter visibility.


rhhardin said...

It looks suicidal to me. They can be sued for defamation unless they're content neutral bulletin boards.

Ralph L said...

She might as well have gone with a red-violet dress for all the good the blue one did her.

ndspinelli said...

Attkisson is a very dangerous person. A smart, attractive, unbiased, investigative reporter.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Twitter's top totalitarian fascist leftwingers do all they can for the corruptocrats.

Matt Sablan said...

Remember when under the Obama administration her computers were potentially hacked into and she was bugged?

But, Trump Mean Tweets the press, so he's the real danger to the First Amendment.

Scott said...

Is Twitter a publisher or a common carrier or a place of public accommodation?

zipity said...

Yeah, a complete mystery that one.

There's NO way that Twitter could be messing with the visibility of her account.

They would NEVER do anything to stifle Americans voices that they disagree with politically....


I kills meself sum times.

Phil 314 said...

Just because I’m paranoid doesn’t mean people aren’t out to get me!

chuck said...

Twitter is a strange place that has done bizarre things like shadow banning. As the saying goes, "It's not paranoia if they're really after you."

Darrell said...

Barack Obama Is Afraid of Sharyl Attkisson: The definitive guide to the shenanigans of America's 44th president.

Yancey Ward said...

Twitter should be legally treated like it is a newsprint paper or ink manufacturer, not the NYTimes. Same for YouTube.

Yancey Ward said...

What do you think would happen to International Paper if it decided it was going to charge the NYTimes or WaPo 3 times more for paper than it charged The Wall Street Journal, or not sell to them at all?

Yancey Ward said...

Or what do you think would happen if ATT and decided it was going to charge Democrats 3 times as much for phone service than Republicans?

Earnest Prole said...

Or PG&E refusing to provide electricity and gas to someone’s house because he’s a conservative.

n.n said...

She broke the glass wall. Unfortunately, her story is politically incongruent. #HerToo