December 11, 2018

Trump "must have said the word ‘wall’ 30 times... It’s like a manhood thing with him — as if manhood can be associated with him — This wall thing."

Politico reports on what Nancy Pelosi said after her meeting today with Trump.

Also — incredibly — she said "I was trying to be the mom," and "it goes to show you: You get into a tinkle contest with a skunk, you get tinkle all over you."

During the meeting, in the Oval Office, with the cameras running, Trump got ahead of the Democrats' effort to blame a government shutdown on him. He acted like he wanted it: "If we don't get what we want ... I will shut down the government... I am proud to shut down the government for border security... I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I won't blame you for it."


rhhardin said...

Trump's spoiling the dem appeal to soap opera women.

Bay Area Guy said...

Lock her up!

Drain the swamp!

Build the Wall!

From a communications standpoint, very succinct and effective. Hasn't happened yet, but that's life. 30 years ago, Ronald Reagan gave that glorious speech in Berlin, telling Mr. Gorbachev to "Open this Gate" and "Tear Down This Wall!," which was really good too. And, a few years later, the Wall came down.

Sometimes you wanna build a wall, sometimes you wanna tear it down. Depends on the context and the individual threat concerned.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

This clearly is an issue that cuts in the republicans and conservatives advantage.

I anticipate a full court press by LLR Chuck and his fellow pro-Muslim Brotherhood lefty allies to try and negate the effectiveness of this key issue for republicans.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Trump might not be the man Nancy's raper-of-kids brothers were, true.

Nancy knows what real men like her father and brothers do (rape kids), and their mom's must always protect them.

Doesn't your mom protect all the child rapists in your family?

Nancy's mom protected her children after they raped kids, so should your mom!

wendybar said...

She is delusional. Her family should tell her.

Anonymous said...

Nancy Peelosi?

Yancey Ward said...

Pelosi and Schumer looked incredibly uncomfortable having to defend their position on this issue in such a public manner. Gotta give this one to Trump- it was brilliantly played.

You know, I don't even think a wall is needed- all you really need to do is to enforce the labor laws, and the immigrants will stop coming illegally. However, you can't even get the Democrats or the Republicans to do that, so a wall it will be.

stevew said...

Yeah, well, moms use the word 'tinkle' when piss is more apt. It's a pissing contest, or sword fight, if you prefer, Nance. For such an old hag she needs to grow the f*ck up and use adult language.

Trump knows how to play them, that's for sure.

Arashi said...

No, she just needs to go away. Far, far away..

chuck said...

Tinkle tapes or it didn't happen. Perhaps the Russians can help.

pious agnostic said...

I don't think Pelosi realizes which of them is the skunk in this analogy.

Arashi said...

Well, all that botox does take a toll. We shoudl all be glad she still manages to get fully dressed before appearing in public.

Shouting Thomas said...

I prefer to read after the fact about video political events. I won't ever watch this video.

I'm worn out from daily outrage and crisis. I'm not going to spend the next two years responding to that.

Looking forward to Althouse's post mortem after she's had some time to think about it.

gg6 said...

Yes, mama Pelosi knows all about tinkle, she's a self-made pissant.

rehajm said...

A tinkle contest is about how far right? Pelosi seems to be at a distinct disadvantage. I could be wrong, it could be about quantity in which case seems more fair...

FIDO said...

Schumer looked like opposing that Wall is a hill he is willing to die on.

I don't think he realizes how bad shutting down the government over ONE effective way to secure the border looks. "Mr. President, we can secure the border a lot of ways."

Good! We pick a Wall and you don't care. So we get what we want.

chickelit said...

Not having borders and boundaries must be a lefty woman thing for Pelosi -- I wonder if she was that loose as a young woman?

rehajm said...

It shouldn’t seem to matter if it was a skunk. The odorous skunk liquid isn’t tinkle in the traditional meaning.

Rosalyn C. said...

Pelosi goes for the ad hominem attacks and calls Trump immature. According to Scott Adams that means Trump won. Also Trump clearly demonstrated he wants results and Pelosi wants obfuscation and delay. She's the professional politician, he's just there to get things done for the American people.

rehajm said...

If they do the partial shut down the House can’t ‘investigate’ Trump. Advantage Trump. Should’ve demanded more.

Meade said...

Nanny Pelosi seems to want to be Tinkler of the House.

John Pickering said...

Ann and her tribe, front doors locked securely in sheer stark raving fear of Nancy Pelosi and the brown immigrants, see the hilarious antics of the sitting (as if he were on the toilet) President and say, that's my idea of a subtle thinker, a serious man, a great president; and see a $5 billion wall payoff as good politics, otherwise the Dems won't be able to form the House in January.
That's why Pelosi is so amazed at the cultural phenomenon that has left the fate of the nation is the hands of this person.
Thing about Nancy Pelosi, though: she gets up and about. Most normal people think she ran rings around the trumpster, just like a mom would getting serious with a toddler.

The Bergall said...


Birkel said...

If you're going to get blamed anyway, I hardly see the point of running from the inevitable.

Trump positioned himself as the protector of America and Americans willing to take blame (that he would take no matter the circumstances) to blunt the coming attacks.

Better strategy than his predecessors.

chuck said...

> Nanny Pelosi seems to want to be Tinkler of the House.

Wasn't Tinkler on the Roof a musical?

rehajm said...

Many months ago Trump offered to negotiate a long term immigration solution with the Democrats. Democrats wanted a wedge issue. They got it.

Bay Area Guy said...

The woman is 79 freaking years old. 79! Jeez, go out and play with your grandkids.

And yet she still clings to power - the power to boss us around, to tax the crap out of us, to rearrange the traditional societal mores on marriage. Never had a meaningful job in the private sector, just a rich, parasitic, leftist housewife who made it big. Large and in charge, that's our Nancy!

(p.s. -- she was quite hot in her younger days.)

Danno said...

Also, the administration determines what federal workers are essential. Keep the border patrol, ICE, TSA, parks people, CDC and lower level FBI on the job. Send home all of the D.C.-and wherever-based deep state people without pay and no retroactive pay upon return. Hope like hell they are out for months or years!!!

Guildofcannonballs said...

Actually, Trump was Alzheimer's (but evil not like just old dissorientated Reagan circa 1982-1988) first case of absolution of any agency ergo impeach is the SINGLE ONLY WHITE SOLUTION.

No black ever been impeached, that's a white thing.

He ought be impeached!!!

Just look at how San Fran Nan and Chuckie (800 x 2 SAT means is better than you then, and now, without any extrapolation, in every way, 'specially 'bout how you need to pay to live [sans nukes for now]) Minority Leader.

And how much a man (how many woman has Chuck stepped-aside for
? whilst speaking ostensibly upon behalf of those silly little front holes wholly) Mr. Senator Charles Schumer from NY).

chickelit said...

People make fun of Trump's looks all the time -- what about Pelosi? Look at the fake botoxed complexion & the fake hair color. There must be a tremendous amount of female insecurity at work inside that woman.

Gahrie said...

and see a $5 billion wall

Illegal immigrants suck that amount out of our economy every two years and send it down South. So we build the wall, and then deport the majority of the illegals already here, and everything pays for itself.

Original Mike said...

"Trump "must have said the word ‘wall’ 30 times... "

Yeah, well, he knows you're slow, Nancy.

Exhibit A: No matter how many times you say it, Nancy, Trump can not deliver the Senate without Democrat votes.

cubanbob said...

Danno makes a great point. All Trump has to keep saying is why are the Democrats obsessed with illegal aliens and are willing to sacrifice you the American people for their benefit. Not enough work for the welfare bureaucrats, cops and prison guards? Not enough work for prosecutors and the courts? Keep it shut until the next election. Private sector workers will hardly notice.

Earnest Prole said...

Trump lacked the balls to shut down the government when Republicans controlled the House, but perhaps he'll grow a pair now that he's facing Nancy Pelosi rather than Paul Ryan.

Guildofcannonballs said...

If i were Trumpit, a guise I don't admire but have come to slightly respect (I rewspect in this manner satan 100,000 times), in a (what I want to say is quantified but it just doesn't seem apropros?) lapidary 10 amendentmans but not quite Commandments then we call all agree certainly life here at Althouse was much much more high IQ with Doc Mike nd buwaya.

Bobber Fleck said...

I have a solution: Let's find the $6B that went missing in the State Department while Hillary was in charge. That will more than cover the current request.

Narayanan said...

Can Trump bust federal unions while he's at it?

Guildofcannonballs said...

Fact is, somehow I know I am Laszlo's saviour, but until I can spell the name I will refrain from my takings.

Of his )its( genuous with the i.

Danno said...

Blogger rehajm said...Many months ago Trump offered to negotiate a long term immigration solution with the Democrats. Democrats wanted a wedge issue. They got it.

With your statement, I envisioned Trump giving Peelosi a wedgie and pulling her panties up so high they folded over her head and doubled as a hoodie. Too funny!

Original Mike said...

Blogger rehajm said..."Many months ago Trump offered to negotiate a long term immigration solution with the Democrats. Democrats wanted a wedge issue. They got it."

This can not be said often enough.

Chuck said...

The Pelosi comments were private, and they have been quoted via numerous anonymous sources.

For the record, I believe that Pelosi said what was reported.

But my comment here on the Althouse blog is that the same situation pertained with Trump, in a private meeting, confirmed by numerous sources, that he used the term "shithole countries" in an immigration meeting in the Oval Office that included Senators Graham, Cotton, Perdue and Durbin, plus DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and others.

Althouse called that reporting a "smear." I was never clear on why, notwithstanding her attempt to explain herself. Some Trumpians claimed that Trump never said it. Some Trumpians said that Trump was right to say it. Other Trumpians claimed that it was wrong to have reported it since it was a private meeting, whether or not the reporting was accurate. And between Senator Perdue and the White House Communications Office, there were a half dozen other versions about what Trump really said.

I just wanted to compare Althouse's blogging of that story, to this one.

Rabel said...

We simply must do better than this as a country.

This is the Oval Office, the center of America's might and prestige and just look at those couches.

They're too low and way, way too deep. Nan and Chuck have their knees against the front of the cushions and their backs are still a foot away from the back rest. They look painfully uncomfortable. It makes my back hurt just looking at them.

What's her name, the blonde with the deranged husband, doesn't even try. She just curls up and sits on her knees.

I wonder if Nancy left a little stain? It happens.

Narayanan said...

What fight are they anticipating?
They send up a bill, Trump vetoes if no funds for wall
Can it be over ridden is issue. Fight if any is with Republicans not Trump.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Two scenarios:


Not me.

I belieive in me helping the not me be me.

When I introduced Laszlo, it was a scene-shifter.

The guy (a man with knowledge and cred) understood*

*understood means so much

that in certain ways, I am the king.

And those ways are = Laszlo films,

I gt a cut.

It's not about being able to create MdGuffan.

BUt being able to teach to be the next Orson Welles from Wisconsin.
:ole all Orson Welles have been.

Diogenes of Sinope said...

No sane person would voluntarily participate in a public debate with Donald Trump.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Trump got Iowahawk to bitch about not grammar but...

You still #1 Iowahawok.

Specially if we decleam Norm Bourlaq as iwan, not white.

iwan will keep all those (racist hater bigots) at bay.

They have done it b'fo.

Vance said...

Chuck desperately trying to change the conversation from Democrats demanding the surrender of the US as a country by eliminating the borders to a subject where he can criticize Trump.


And not surprising that Chuck thinks Trump's speech is more evil than Democrats happily selling out the country. Like I've said before, Chuck wouldn't hesitate to pull the "execute 100 million Americans" lever as long as Trump was one of those 100 million.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chuck said...

Diogenes of Sinope said...
No sane person would voluntarily participate in a public debate with Donald Trump.

Your sentence; I do not think it means what you think it means.

n.n said...

It's a rite of passage for women and men. When the hymen broke... fell.

As for the wall... emigration reform is necessary to secure the civil rights of Americans, and clear the privacy-impregnated veil that is a cover-up of the diverse first-order forcings of catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform.

Guildofcannonballs said...


Iowa liked Norm for sabinhg billion ot 8 lives.

Now they dislile, some though somall.


Just un-catholic jokes.

I'd murder every pedo convivtd on the steet vja murder legal routes.

Vance said...

Meanwhile, Chuck's best buddies in Iran, the ones he loves so much when King Obama just handed over billions.... they arrested 100 Christians today, while Saudi Arabia allowed a Coptic Christian mass for the first time in forever.

So Chuck says: "Let's ally with Iran and bomb Riyadh!" Along with his other pro-Iranian leftist friends, naturally. After all, Trump likes Saudi Arabia, so he hates them!

Not Sure said...

So does Trump start calling her Tinkle Belle?

Would that be an incontinent remark?

bleh said...

That whole thing was both highly entertaining to watch and an embarrassment. Like so much of politics and news in the Trump era, it’s junk food — tastes good right now but in the long run it’s bad for us. I don’t just blame Trump for that. He is who he is, a strange showman who somehow won a presidential election. The lion’s share of blame goes to the craven news media, Trump’s political adversaries, the rise of social media, and basically everyone in the country who eats this shit up.

I’m ready for a return to boring politics. Obama is also responsible for the current situation, by the way. He meddled in the smallest news stories and he injected himself nearly everywhere in pop culture. He was not really a normal president. He was more a carefully crafted product or brand that was pushed on the masses in no small part by a pliant, almost sycophantic media.

iowan2 said...

I just wanted to compare Althouse's blogging of that story, to this one.

Get your own blog you free loading leech.

Guildofcannonballs said...

If the conspiracy included Althouse and she is so Buckley-esque as to be want-able (strictly straight)'

Then my red harid make s me wantalbe.

Howard said...

Trump chopping open huge holes in his sinking ship. Not enough popcorn in the world

Meade said...

Trump should say "Nancy, you're going to tinkle in here? That wall just got 10 feet higher." A wall that's built of cannonballs. With rattlesnakes on top hissing "don't tread on me."

Guildofcannonballs said...

Tokmmy Makkum and the klandy


The CLancy Btoe=gers

Te leaving o Liverpool.

lThe Dlancy Brothers.

AZ Bob said...

I was very entertained by the three of them. People like to complain about Trump's manner. They say he's not dignified but I saw the same in Schumer and Pelosi today.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Most normal people think she ran rings around the trumpster, just like a mom would getting serious with a toddler.”

Not much normalcy among the Trump Cultists.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Trump chopping open huge holes in his sinking ship. Not enough popcorn in the world.”

Indeed! And it’s only going to get much more interesting.

Hagar said...

I don't know what Trump is up to with provoking this, but whatever it is, Pelosi and Schumer fell for the ploy.

Seeing Red said...

Blogger rehajm said..."Many months ago Trump offered to negotiate a long term immigration solution with the Democrats. Democrats wanted a wedge issue. They got it."

This can not be said often enough.

Right out of Chappaquiddick Ted’s playbook on national health insurance.

Hagar said...

And they both made it clear they are about inside Washington politics and not the national issues.

Chuck said...

Meade said...
Trump should say "Nancy, you're going to tinkle in here? That wall just got 10 feet higher." A wall that's built of cannonballs. With rattlesnakes on top hissing "don't tread on me."

Do you think Mexico can afford such a wall? Since they are paying for it, we better check with them on a budget.

Guildofcannonballs said...

My disporia is one ofe

cronus titan said...

Watching them argue about this is illuminating, far more than 100 talk shows. Pelosi and Schumer are used to being protected by the Democrat media complex in that format and never having to defend their positions. Tey actually had a discussion of substance an aired their difference.

Trump basically stated "You think we are fighting, I think we are finally talking."

cronus titan said...

Trump probably did refer to them as shit-hole countries. According to the Democrat media complex, tens of thousands are fleeing those countries and trying to break in and enter ours because they say they are dangerous, backwards and undeveloped, with no future. The essential argument is their home countries are . . . shit-holes.

Chuck said...

Vance said...
Meanwhile, Chuck's best buddies in Iran, the ones he loves so much when King Obama just handed over billions.... they arrested 100 Christians today, while Saudi Arabia allowed a Coptic Christian mass for the first time in forever.

So Chuck says: "Let's ally with Iran and bomb Riyadh!" Along with his other pro-Iranian leftist friends, naturally. After all, Trump likes Saudi Arabia, so he hates them!

You keep doing that thing where you make up a quote from me. I have warned you about this before.

I never wrote anything like what you just put in quotes. I don't ever recall writing much of anything about "Iran" or "Riyadh" in any way, shape or form. I have certainly never written anything favorable about Iran, or any "leftist friends."

Please confirm for everyone here that your quote of me was completely fabricated by you.

Chuck said...

cronus titan said...
Trump probably did refer to them as shit-hole countries. According to the Democrat media complex, tens of thousands are fleeing those countries and trying to break in and enter ours because they say they are dangerous, backwards and undeveloped, with no future. The essential argument is their home countries are . . . shit-holes.

Oh, I want to agree with you, that "Trump probably did refer to them as shit-hole countries..." I have no doubt of it, based on the reporting. But Trump denies it. Trump wrote on Twitter that “The language used by me at the DACA meeting was tough, but this was not the language used.”

It should have been a simple thing to confirm or deny. But the Press Secretary never confirmed it, and she didn't deny it.

Howard said...

It going to be fun watching Daddy throw Donnie Jr under the bus

Gunner said...

I am no Trump Hater, but didn't he say Mexico would pay for it more than a couple of times during the campaign? He should address how he is taking foreign aid away from them yo help defray costs.

Howard said...

The more shitstaine Trump makes, the more deplorables Lapp it up like a bowel of Chunkey Monkey

walter said...

Yes cronus,
Best bit was trump throwing Pelosi's high ground term of late, "transparency", in her face as she plead to take discussion behind closed doors.

Hagar said...

Some states with "majority Democrat rule" are engaging in openly seditious behavior. This will continue and grow more serious until some president will have to take action to stop it or face a real secession movement.

Meanwhile Pelosi, Schumer, et al. are playing at rearranging the furniture and ignoring the cries from their left flank: We don't need no steenkin' laws! We are gonna do as we want regardless!

The main problem is not the alien invasion; the main problem is on this side of the wall.

Hagar said...

And he said "shithouse," not "shithole."

walter said...

Sure Howie. Any day now. Like so many days and months before.

Hagar said...

A niggardly thing, but such as a professional reporter is supposed to keep straight.

Howard said...

We'll see Walleye

Guildofcannonballs said...

If it weren'y, if it werent'y

Th dog I was gonna save had abycicalist saving the dog.

I said

"thabks fer being a good person"

and got a grunt reply as if I ought hAVE OFFERED MORE.


Howard said...

Nice troll Hagar. Crack not here anymore unfortunately

Guildofcannonballs said...




narciso said...

He was here, earlier, the significance of the khashoggi narrative is who is pushing it fmr Obama administration officials, members of Robert Malleys icg niac et al.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Pelosi as sdisporia

speaiker Plsosi sounds rihrt

Mo Pelosi.

Mo Pelosi.

O ni,

Racidty bigot no Pelosi.

zAll zptrPeloddi sll yr yimr.

Gk1 said...

Do the democrats really want to play chicken with a guy that would be happy to shut down the government? This time the administration is in charge of making sure to furlough all non essential govt. workers, not shut down the Lincoln Memorial and kick out veterans trying to visit.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Whgwn Senatkor Tom Vovbuern Coburn says;


Have you ever met her?

THat iod YTom voburn.

Tom CoBURN Qaa rhw

Guildofcannonballs said...

tkom Coburn was the best we ever hDD.

and nancy taught him forever to hate ll hia stood for.

Nancy hated Tom.

Tom ojnly thought Nancy is nice.

Tom taugt

Original Mike said...

I want somebody to explain how the wall is "immoral".

rcocean said...

The Democrats are traitors.

They don't want a country. They don't want to enforce the immigration laws. They don't want to secure the border.

rcocean said...

They would rather shut down the Government then do what the American people want.

Build a wall, for a measly $25 billion. Which will take years.


rcocean said...

If the border wall is such a minor issue, why not give it to Trump?

But Nancy and Chuckie Schumer won't do that.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Please uncun5 qny desi54 to unun6. yow4lr.

Known Unknown said...

Guild with his/her own brand of drunk history.

Birkel said...

Original Mike,
Walls don't work -AND- they are immoral. The puzzle is much more complex than you suggest.

Who believes Democrats want to argue, decisively and at the top levels, that borders should not be enforced? Trump called them to account. They demurred and hoped to talk offline; does that prove the point? Democrats want surrogates to make the losing argument for the base. They need people like Occasional Cortex to make the dumb argument.

But now Pelosi and Schumer are forced onto the record.

And Trump accepts the danger of a government shutdown in order to protect America and her people.

The Left is a shithouse party.

Original Mike said...

"They would rather shut down the Government then do what the American people want."

I don't think the democrats have a winning hand here, but the media will get to frame it and that's a big advantage.

Guildofcannonballs said...

The litteral bsst and brightest of the Giop Tom coburn looked at Nancy and said "she's a nice person, have you met her" and that sums up why all white pe09p9le be u4dered in there seleep.


"have you met her, she's a nice [erspj

Original Mike said...

"Walls don't work -AND- they are immoral. The puzzle is much more complex than you suggest."

Sounds like one of those logic pretzels James T. Kirk used to melt down computers.

Titus said...

Pence's contributions were especially effective

Guildofcannonballs said...

If Matt w wS ddan gfe;;p

"hey uou cheated

then I support thay [ penultamate cuck beta justification: those who have and will rape want more than whgat I wont ergo go rape reap rapel" Sab...

Birkel said...

Original Mike,
The best hand starts with the truth or a plausible facsimile of the truth. You have to tell a story that scans as true.

Can you (or anybody?) tell me what the Schumer/Pelosi version of that is?

The press cannot grab the turd by the clean end, any more than can we. Have faith!

Titus said...

I was just reading the unfuckable post and reminded of the commenters here. Old, white, out of shape and completely unfuckable. What a way to live. Like when and if has rhardin ever been fucked?

Guildofcannonballs said...

Ulftifcuck koburn

Havey you met Trump?

Is he worse than Nancy becauae he ain't no nice cuck?

Tom you took the voew now answer Tom.

narciso said...

Not to mention, he was Rosenstein 1.0 recommending his friend Fitzgerald for special counsel even though he already knew Armitage was one of the leakers (and hence it easnt a partisan exercise)

Guildofcannonballs said...

Tom Coburn IU didn'dt neandn't meet Hitler"

I've determined he was bad.

Why does your money making not allow you that?

Why can't you allow the fact Nancy's actions are capable of labeling her "not Hitler but evil nonetheless" which is accurate?

Birkel said...

Titus brings the hatred and the bigotry.
Nothing like East Coast bias to end the day.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I'm ready for that Clintonian bullet in thge back of a brain that only needs suicide, because of only one eeson: Jesus.

Keep your focus, you're gonna need every last iota Satan.

Vance said...

Part One:

It doesn't matter if that quote was literally your words or not, Chuck. After all, you are the man that claims that Trump lied about Obama's wiretapping.... because after it all was revealed, Obama didn't literally, himself, crawl through the ducts of Trump Tower and literally tap the wires. He just ordered it, which is totally different in your brain somehow.

That said, it's time for some frank talk. Between you and me, only one of us voted for Trump. That would be you. I voted Cruz in the primary, and someone else in the general. So you are far, far more responsible for Trump than I am. That makes me smile.

But guess what: you are horribly wrong for siding with the left. Your only friends on this blog are Inga, Howard, and the rest of the leftists. They appreciate and defend you. Doesn't that make you, a supposed conservative, wince? That the only people who defend you are committed far leftists who openly hate America and want to destroy it? But you don't care. You like that you are supported by people who take a year to decide whether shooting Republicans is wrong. It must make you happy to have those people as allies.

I think that you don't see that this is a struggle against evil, with the new Democrats on the side of evil (Our lovely host is not down with the new Left controlling her party). Consider their policies: they eagerly support censorship, thought police, racism, sexism; they hate America and Christians and our liberties and our Constitution. They love Islam with the beheadings and Jihad and oppression. They want to destroy our way of life, steal all our assets (via taxes); and if any policy can be said to hurt America or the family, they support it. Inga and the rest gladly support political violence against conservatives, and they are your defenders.

So why do you side with and defend them so often, as an alleged conservative? The only thing conservative about you is your opposition, on good days, to forcible LGBT policies being rammed down people's throats. Everything else you side with the left on in an attempt to hurt Trump.

I don't like Trump as a person. He has flaws. But guess what: so did Grant, and so did Patton. I don't like what they did either, but as Lincoln said, "I can't spare this man.... he fights!" You prefer Bernard Montgomery and failures like Market Garden (done politely, nicely, and gosh darn it, we lost right sportingly!) I prefer Patton, and total victory, myself. You do not--you love compromising with, defending, and associating with evil.


Vance said...

Part Two:

This post, immigration: It is evil to seek to destroy America by importing a "new base" of voters that will happily vote for corrupt, all powerful government. Trump is against it, as are conservatives. You, however, think it's bigoted to not destroy America and put corrupt Democrats in charge to rob and persecute us. Heck, you no doubt agree with Inga and Howard that rural America deserves to be destroyed and replaced and persecuted. After all, that's the "elite" thing to do and you are all about being "elite." You know better than us peons, us idiots how we should live, right? As a slave to the elites, of course! How dare we peasants question our aristocrats, regardless of what party! Why, what did Washington and Jefferson and the boys fight for if not to enslave the population to the aristocracy and a king! You common people should be grateful for our political elites condescending from their ivory thrones to deign to rule over our pitiful masses--for our good, of course! And if they take 90% of everything, well, that's their just right and due and we peasants should be grateful to pay up!

That's the GOPe and the Democrat's motto, and view, and it's your view. It's despicable, it's horrible, it's anti-American and it's evil that you and your allies on the left think you have the right to rule, unquestioned, and unchallenged by the "boorish, crass, deplorable and bitter clingers" such as real Americans.

Hillary Clinton wanted to use government force to "change religious beliefs" she didn't like. Citizens United was all about using government to jail critics of the left. You think Hillary's defeat meant the left threw up their hands and said, "Oh well, guess that's out! Right then, let's lower some taxes!" Of course not. Of course freaking not! The left has gone all in on seizing power and destroying America.... and you gleefully, gladly, and openly support them--to "get Trump!" Is it worth it? Is it worth being a Benedict Arnold, in your attempt to salve whatever wounded pride you have that Jeb lost to Trump? At least Arnold fought well for Washington before he went traitor. When, or what, have you and yours in the GOPe ever done to resist the left? Nothing. You and your GOPe brethren have been worth less than a bucket of warm spit in the fight against the left. And you have the audacity to suggest it is wrong to throw you out?

Trump is not a saint, but sometimes you don't need a saint--you need a soldier. So go suck an Egg (McMullin) and just join the Democrats in your quest to destroy America, you worm. Orrrrrr, and I realize this perhaps is a novel idea: if you don't want America to become a Stalinist state, or part of the Caliphate like the left wants.... perhaps stop criticizing the only man on the national stage that's fighting them?

Of course you wouldn't ever conceive of resisting the left though.... there's a statement by Trump to criticize and someone to call bigoted! A Chuck Schumer or Nancy Pelosi to defend! An Al Sharpton! A Senate seat to viciously attack the Republican candidate so the Democrat will win! That's Chuck, great defender of the left, all in the name of "advancing Conservatives by preemptive surrender and openly siding with the left in their quest to destroy all influence, power, and even people who oppose them!"

You've yet to explain how, by totally embracing every policy position of the left--exactly how does that advance conservatism when we give up everything, stop fighting, and just meekly accept total defeat and far leftists in power forever. That's your prescription for advancing conservative policies.

And then you wonder why actual conservatives reject your ideas.

Guildofcannonballs said...


Guildofcannonballs said...

Learn from th eJews ance.


walter said...

Still fucking a "muzzy" boy, Titus?

Guildofcannonballs said...

Hayppy Chanaukkaaa


lEArn from teh Jewws Vance.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Channakeeuh is ovdr, diduu learn"

chickelit said...

@Titus: Talk about unfuckable. At least we don’t have HIV. Do you even tell your paramours or do you just seek like status?

Big Mike said...

It's what we Trump voters hired him to do -- when they get in your face, climb right back into theirs. To a Democrat "compromise" means we'll settle for 90% of what we want and you still get zero percent of what your voters want. That's gotta stop.

wholelottasplainin said...

No black ever been impeached, that's a white thing.

Alcee Hastings

wholelottasplainin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
walter said...

What a weasel Schumer looks like as he smirks and refuses to return eye contact with Trump.

William said...

This reminds me of the debates where we were told of how Trump was demolished by Carly Fiorina or Marc Rubio, and now he's finished. People don't like to publicly admit it, but they side with Trump when he's at his worst.......Shithole countries. Does that have anything to do with Daniel Ortega who not so long ago was being proclaimed as the neo-Che savior of Nicaragua? Daniel Ortega raped his twelve year old step daughter and has killed dozens of people in the streets. Much higher body count than the Saudi Prince. Daniel Ortega, father of shitholes. Someone should look up all the high praise he was given by the pundits of that era and contrast that praise with their cavalier dismissal of Reagan.

narciso said...

Yes and Tom Harkin jim Wright beto 1.0 Gary hart and John Kerry, among others celebrated him, there were some rogue officials like David mcmichael firmly of the company who supported the sandinistas and the salvadoran guerillas

narciso said...

Back then there was a small far left clique in the party that wanted to impeach Reagan over something as relatively minor like grenada

Guildofcannonballs said...

Guildofcannonballs said...
If i were Trumpit, a guise I don't admire but have come to slightly respect (I rewspect in this manner satan 100,000 times), in a (what I want to say is quantified but it just doesn't seem apropros?) lapidary 10 amendentmans but not quite Commandments then we call all agree certainly life here at Althouse was much much more high IQ with Doc Mike nd buwaya.

I told them over and over.

I gave examples.

Protein Wisdom was the best thing ing a long time, but...

Althouse has withstood this. Amen to her and hers.

It is a shame it has to come to this, and I don't blame victims so much anymore. Some fundraise, some face like an A********.

Over a decade of impressiveness. Harvard and Yale and Princeton and Stanford can deny, daily, and they have the influence and power to, but no honest observer over the last 13 years and then some can lay greater claim than Althouse to true Americanism.

Twain sense American.

Americanism. Very very few, not me fr instance.

narciso said...

Yes it was, of course a real nasty nazgul named debbie frisch threatened Goldstein s family and then some virus destroyed his comeback blog

Guildofcannonballs said...

I said Honey Bu Bu why was Sam Johnson wrong?

Answer the fucking question.

Smart and witty as he was, he was wrong.


Bu Bi tje great could'nt or as io si[ect wouldn't answer.

Many many brilliant minda come USA wrong projectionM

Why no care?

Guildofcannonballs said...

LL THOE vrecentials.

To avail of what? Talkoing shit aout folks workin' at Mcdonlds?

Your whole life ends up talking shit about less well-off thanyou?

Good God Judge Smails.

And Buywaya keep paying taxes or get out. Thanks for not tal=king. Pay or get.

You made it clear Ame4iaca is foreight even though your more American than me in most ways. Biut youu let tjhose ;ott;e way.

Guildofcannonballs said...

God Bless narciso and everyone.
'Cept Chinamen 'till tomorrow.

chickelit said...

FIDO said...Schumer looked like opposing that Wall is a hill he is willing to die on.

Rewatching with that in mind, he looks ready to die on that Hill with his smirk on.

chickelit said...

Who was the last Dem politico we saw light up the national stage with such a smirk? Peter Strozk?

Qwinn said...

Vance, that was an epic and well earned smackdown. Kudos.

Oso Negro said...

@GuildofCannonballs - congratulations! In more than ten years of posting I have never felt like cursing a fellow commenter until this very day! So here we go! What the fuck is wrong with you? Maybe it’s a joke I missed but please, knock it the fuck off.

SweatBee said...

Wow, way to insult Indiana and North Dakota straight to the cameras, Schumer.

Jaq said...

She used that “manhood” line on former speaker Mr Teary-Eyed too. It seems to be pretty forward in her thinking about men.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

It's nice that Trump will take the mantle, but maybe he should take the laboring oar.

Maybe when it comes time to start building the wall he could take the mason's trowel or something like that.

alanc709 said...

I bet the Israelis would disagree with the statement "walls don't work". They may not eliminate illegal border crossings, but they sure do reduce them significantly.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

I think a wall is a phallic symbol, but I can't say with absolute certainty because I don't have an MFA.

Skippy Tisdale said...

Guildofcannonballs said...

Lots of shit that makes no sense at all.

FIDO said...


Gretchen said...

Suppose Trump said Nancy acts the way she does because of hot flashes or menopause related senility?

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