December 16, 2018

"This week, Anschutz and McKibbin murdered The Weekly Standard, the conservative opinion magazine that Anschutz owned."

"They didn’t merely close it because it was losing money. They seemed to have murdered it out of greed and vengeance," writes David Brooks in "Who Killed The Weekly Standard?/The bureaucratic mind has a temporary triumph" (NYT).
John Podhoretz, one of the magazine’s founders, reports that they actively prevented potential buyers from coming in to take it over and keep it alive. They apparently wanted to hurt the employees and harvest the subscription list so they could make money off it. And Anschutz, being a professing Christian, decided to close the magazine at the height of the Christmas season, and so cause maximum pain to his former employees and their families....

I was on staff when The Standard was founded, by Bill Kristol, Podhoretz and Fred Barnes. They gathered the most concentrated collection of talent I have ever been around. The first masthead featured Charles Krauthammer, P.J. O’Rourke, Robert Kagan, David Frum, Chris Caldwell, Matt Labash, Tucker Carlson and the greatest political writer of my generation, Andrew Ferguson. Early issues featured the writings of Tom Wolfe, Gertrude Himmelfarb, James Q. Wilson and Harvey Mansfield....

It was and remains a warm, fun and convivial group....
Brooks says, "[T]his is what happens when corporate drones take over an opinion magazine, try to drag it down to their level and then grow angry and resentful when the people at the magazine try to maintain some sense of intellectual standards." And: "This is what happens when people with a populist mind-set decide that an uneducated opinion is of the same value as an educated opinion, that ignorance sells better than learning."

Let's use Brooks's phrase "This is what happens" and complete the statement: This is what happens when _________.

It's tempting to write:  This is what happens when Trump happens.

I'm also thinking: This is what happens when the elite feel too warm, fun, and convivial, and the warmth, fun, and conviviality doesn't flow through to the readers who are feeling greater warmth, fun, and conviviality coming from that horrible orange man the elite told them to eschew.


rhhardin said...

Weekly Standard annexes Austria. The Anschutz.

rhhardin said...

The staff can write for Outdoor Magazine, the one that comes free if you buy sports items online and which is hard to cancel. They're going strong, if the amount of spam in the mailbox is any guide.

Sharc 65 said...

Ah, those were the days. And their pants? Perfectly creased.

sykes.1 said...

It was killed by the lunacy of Bill Kristoll and his allies. Trump is the Republican Party. People like Kristoll and Kasich (the lying Ohio Democrat) who refuse to accept this have no place in the Republican Party.

rehajm said...

This is what happens when opinions are as common as assholes. Also: as valuable.

AllenS said...

This is what happens when David Brooks opens his mouth: stupidity with a layer of bullshit.

Humperdink said...

This is what happens when I (Brooks) try read someone's mind.

This is what happens when the Editor-at-Large of a conservative magazine goes completely off the radar screen.

This is what happens when the Editor-at-Large becomes part of MSLSD's supporting cast.

rehajm said...

You media isn't dying but it's rightsizing. It should be a humbling experience. Some are not easily humbled.

Paco Wové said...

Why is it that non-Christians seem to enjoy telling Christians "you're doing it wrong!" so much?

Tank said...

This is what happens when … Althouse steals all the thunder.

rehajm said...

Globe staffers upset with new proposed contract. Of course they are.

David Begley said...
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exhelodrvr1 said...

"try to drag it down to their level"

Well, yeah! The level of the deplorables!

James K said...

"They didn’t merely close it because it was losing money. They seemed to have murdered it out of greed and vengeance"

The "conservative" David Brooks seems to have a problem with the concept of private property.

exhelodrvr1 said...

This is what happens when the ostensibly conservative magazine tells Republican to vote for Hillary, and in the mid-terms to vote a straight Democratic ticket.

tim maguire said...

This is what happens when a magazine takes its readers for granted and the writers write for themselves.

Lyle said...

What if educated opinion is actually uneducated opinion? Wouldn't an educated person ask such a question?

David Begley said...

I’m thinking there is a sound business reason for the way this was done. Close the business in 2018 and book the loss. Sell the subscription list to newco to get it started right. A buyer of WS might not sell the sub list to newco.

Gahrie said...

The one central tenet of our Progressive elites is that they are smarter and better than you are. That's why they're elite and you're not, you ignorant Deplorable. Bow down and obey your betters!

Roy Lofquist said...

I find it useful, nay edifying, to replace all occurrence of "educated" with "indoctrinated".

BamaBadgOR said...

This is what happens when journos sell their work for a paycheck instead of striking out on their own like Althouse.

gilbar said...

would three days after Christmas had been better? why?
would 2 weeks into next year had been better? why?

Good reasons to shut something down b4 end of year, any good reasons to drag out?
Maybe, just maybe; a 'conservative' rag should have Considered appealing to conservatives?

BamaBadgOR said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hagar said...

There is so little content in the Albuquerque Journal these days that I am beginning to wonder if the comics page is worth the subscription cost.

LakeLevel said...

Certainly all these talented people could just start their own publication right? What? No one wants to invest? The writers don't want to even invest their own money? This is what happens when you take a good business model and tell your main customers to f off.

Kevin said...

This is what happens when you run an organization into the ground and are left arguing someone might have found it valuable enough to buy.

peacelovewoodstock said...

They lasted longer than "George", I'll give them that.

Koot Katmandu said...

This is what happens when _________. the deplorable people stop believing in us their betters.

paminwi said...

At some point the capitalists did what most capitalist do-decide to stop the bleeding.
Those so-called educated writers don't understand that basic concept?
Well, color them stupid instead of enlightened.
I knew there weren't enlightened when they recommended I vote for HRC.
I knew they weren't enlightened when they hired Charlie Sykes of Wisconson fame to host a daily podcast.
I knew they weren't enlightened when they told me to vote Dem during the midterms.
Maybe they can now look for work with a company that is going to tell them you must help us make money or sayonara.
Or they can spout their fabulous ideas on CNN or MSNBC.
Though my guess you may get one or two as contributors on Fox, especially Stephan Hayes since he was Bret Baier's college roommate.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

This is what happens when you are completely incapable of self-reflection.

They should learn how to code.

Kevin said...

Take it easy on Brooks. He’s grappling with the realization his ideas aren’t universally acknowledged nor are they destined to stand the test of time.

“Denial – The first reaction is denial. In this stage, individuals believe the diagnosis is somehow mistaken, and cling to a false, preferable reality.”

Curious George said...

This is what happens when you fail to understand that the Trump Curse is real.

Guildofcannonballs said...

This is what happens when the "murder" tag lags behind, as it should have appeared with the 18 year old suicide.

"The Big Lebowski" tag with a smashed up red corvette under the streetlights and loud laments regarding fu#$%&#$ a stranger in the ass are needed now also.

"This is what happens Larry, this is what haplens, when FU%& a stranger in the ass!"

Otto said...

Note the animosity towards capitalism - "corporate drones". All is pure commentary by an adolescent. Wait till it affects his wallet and reality sets in.

Wince said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Francisco D said...

I'm also thinking: This is what happens when the elite feel too warm, fun, and convivial, and the warmth, fun, and conviviality doesn't flow through to the readers who are feeling greater warmth, fun, and conviviality coming from that horrible orange man the elite told them to eschew.

That about captures it.

I was an original subscriber, but got tired of the magazine after 7-8 years. That was way before the Never Trump time. For some reason, the writing seemed tedious and uninspired.

Perhaps, their high esprit de corps fooled them into thinking that were a lot more special than the readers thought.

tcrosse said...

Shit happens.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

will something similar be said when the NYT drops their sports section?

Mid-Life Lawyer said...

This is what happens when justice is served.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

This is what happens when you assert things such as:

"This is what happens when people with a populist mind-set decide that an uneducated opinion is of the same value as an educated opinion, that ignorance sells better than learning."

In other words, "shut up deplorables!"

In the words of Ace Of Spades, Ahoy!

Wince said...

1.) I can just picture the NYT editors who inserted "seemed" and "apparently" to blunt the defamatory tone of Brooke's piece. Or did Brookes do that thinking, "that's why they pay me the big-bucks"?

They seemed to have murdered it out of greed and vengeance... They apparently wanted to hurt the employees and harvest the subscription list so they could make money off it.

But without the "apparently" does the word "so" mean "as a result" or "for the purpose of"?

And Anschutz, being a professing Christian, decided to close the magazine at the height of the Christmas season, and so cause maximum pain to his former employees and their families.

2.) The person at the bottom of the editorial masthead, a young Neomi Rao, has just been nominated to replace Brett Kavanaugh on the U.S. Court of Appeals.

Come on, David, say it: "appointed by Trump".

3.) Does Brookes anywhere mention paid subscriptions?

He tried to get The Standard to hire highly partisan shock-jock screamers.

Has Brookes read the NYT or WAPO lately?

Jaq said...

Remember "Brill's Content"? It was going to be a new voice from the center right. Hyped on Drudge. I looked at the first issue and the cover story was more Bush bashing. It's stupid to try to sell liberalism to conservatives by dressing up as a conservative.

wild chicken said...

This is what happens when pundits really think they are "thought leaders." Then find out no one's following.

Notice Limbaugh and Hannity figured it out in time.

Fernandinande said...

This is what happens when people follow a suggestion to "fill in the blank" to show their individual contribution to solidarity.

Anonymous said...

Otto: Note the animosity towards capitalism - "corporate drones".

Brooks, Podhoretz, Kristol, et al have no animosity toward capitalism when it's grinding down "deplorables". "Those people are losers. Not paragons of excellence like us. They should be replaced by immigrants. They're lazy. They need to retrain. They need to leave their loser hometown. The globalized economy has no place for lazy (racist! xenophobic! fear-filled!) losers like them who can't adapt."

That's what makes all this pathetic whining so despicable...and yet, so hilarious. "We're special! We matter! The world owes us a living! These philistine billionaires don't appreciate how wonderful and necessary *our* jobs are!"

Hey, maybe they have a point - who's going to fill the all-important niche for "conservative" voices telling deplorables that they need to FOAD when these paragons of excellent excellence are gone?

Dude1394 said...

This is what happens when you trun on your customers, call them horrible names, hope for their defeat and declare as too stupid to know what they, their betters, are telling you.

FOAD yourself kristol.

Anonymous said...

Tl;dr: Another entry in the annals of "people lacking in self-insight to a psychopathic degree".

Paco Wové said...

How dare those deplorables not value my Ivy League degree, my prestigious job, my pants-crease!

Patrick Henry was right! said...

I really miss William F. Buckley and the old National Review.
Not gonna miss these guys, at all.

tcrosse said...

One person's Greed is another person's Enlightened Self-Interest.

gspencer said...

Doing away with worthless things is exactly what a professing Christian should do,

"Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men."

(Answer to question that need not be examined, No, the WS never had any savour to begin with.)

And as to the timing, listen to your inner Cramer and celebrate, "It's a Festivus miracle!"

SayAahh said...

This is what happens when you don't understand the theology behind the sin of suicide.

Chuck said...

With her being a self-proclaimed non-Republican and a non-conservative, I can understand Althouse having no community with The Weekly Standard.

But in reviewing the Althouse Blog tag for "Weekly Standard," there is this post. Wherein Althouse argues with Andrew Ferguson about the subject of the imposition of gay marriage by judicial fiat.

Not long after that, Althouse was bellyaching about what she thought was the Weekly Standard's "bellyaching."

Jeff Brokaw said...

Brooks really likes to lecture people from his lofty perch. Like the rest of his MSM pals.

Do I need this? No I do not.

narciso said...

Ah chuck it's like your our mr. Brooks, why we would need one, ymmv.

Christopher said...

It was and remains a warm, fun and convivial group....

For him and TWS I'm sure it was! It was less convivial for Lee Smith, who got canned for submitting a story about the furtive Trump destruction engine at Fusion GPS, or for a variety of conservative Trump supporters who were ridiculed and verbally face-stomped by TWS'ers when they got thrown off Twitter, and I'll stop there because these creeps have not the slightest self awareness and I have never been happier to see a publication die.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Seriously, read this.

D. B. Light said...

Whaatever happened to Brooks? He used to be a half-way decent, but hopelessly bigoted, writer. Now he's just trash.

Howard said...

Another lonely tree fell in the forest. The sound of GOP bleeting is all that left

William said...

Nation has been in business for centuries. It's so much easier to find rich people to subsidize extremely liberal viewpoints.

Rick said...

decided to close the magazine at the height of the Christmas season, and so cause maximum pain to his former employees and their families....

This is stupid. There's no evidence the timing was intentional to maximize pain. All types of business decisions including layoffs happen disproportionately at Christmas because they are tied to budgets and other financial reviews which tie to the year-end. On the good side this also means Christmastime and shortly after is often the best time to look for a job because new positions are forming, businesses aren't solely looking for turnover replacement.

"They didn’t merely close it because it was losing money. They seemed to have murdered it out of greed

This is also stupid. If you're not closing it for financial reasons it's specifically not greed. Brooks seems to have internalized his adopted culture's practice asserting all events support the left's narrative without regard to whether the trigger could possibly have such a motivation.

In fact the outrage seems to be that the business is acting for ideological reasons instead of for financial reasons. It's interesting to watch how the left reacts when this occurs without even recognizing how it conflicts with their stated principles. Their reaction to Brexit and the book "What's the Matter with Kansas" demonstrate the same phenomenon. They act like they aren't driven by financial considerations (or greed in their own parlance) but then claim others prioritizing anything over money is outrageous and/or indicative of stupidity. This revealed preference shows that despite their self-branding it is they who prioritize money over all else.

Chuck said...

William said...
Nation has been in business for centuries. It's so much easier to find rich people to subsidize extremely liberal viewpoints.

Yeah well isn't it ironic; with all of the tinfoil hat WND/InfoWars claims that Bill Kristol is really working for George Soros (lol! Did they look at how the Weekly Standard wrote about Soros for years?), no Soros liberals kept the Weekly Standard alive.

narciso said...

Ah chuck it's like your our mr. Brooks, why we would need one, ymmv.

narciso said...

Yes its tied to the fiscal year, of course the nation rarely insults its donors and readers.

Christopher said...

From Ron's link:

Lee Smith offered a rich (well, at least he lives richly off other people's money) arrogant man whose ego cannot bear to hear any dissenting voices a story about the company he paid (or rather, used his donors' money to pay) for dirt on Trump and Cruz, and was canned.

I have repeatedly brought this up and I have not seen a single NeverTrumper, or one of the people eulogizing this magazine which supposedly fostered a spirit of contrarianism and dissent, so much as mention it, let alone condemn it.

So to all of those Weekly Standard people upset about losing your jobs -- Lee Smith lost his job last Christmas (he was fired in October, but generously paid through Christmas), and none of you said a goddamn thing...

Much more at the link. That's some real Peak Ace.

Jason said...

The Weekly Standard wasn't murdered.

It wasn't viable.

Sam L. said...

It's Brooksie in the NYT. A man I don't trust, writing in a paper I don't trust.

Jeff Brokaw said...

The magazine served a very narrow constituency: DC neocon policy makers.

That entire movement has been discredited. Hence, no need to continue losing money on the venture.

Maybe Brooks, Kristol, and the rest of those blowhards will come to that realization someday. Don’t bet on it though.

Leland said...

A totally expected oped by David Brooks. He's boring. NYT, all the olds that is fit to print.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

This is what happens when people with a populist mind-set decide that an uneducated opinion is of the same value as an educated opinion

Where does an opinion based on a man's crease in his pants fall on this spectrum.

Temujin said...

Brooks is right when he says that the original team of contributors was an impressive list. These were interesting people. But the times change. People get their news and opinions from multiple sources today. We have so many choices, and very little time. Brooks' comments about dumbing down the magazine and that people with a popular mind-set are attracted to shiny objects, well...that about says where they are. And by 'they' I mean everyone on both sides who is still trying to figure out how Trump got elected and why so many still stand by him when the entire government and press juggernaut has been firing at him from pre-Day One.

Brooks is decrying that they should be allowed to write for a small batch of brilliant people and that somehow the owners of the magazine should just keep paying for it, while losing readers, subscribers, and finally- when the mag came out for Hillary-everyone but those who wrote for it.

If Brooks is so convinced that they have something important to say, they can all get together and start something new and great. Use their own money or find someone who agrees with them and is willing to put up the money. But, if he just takes a look at the pressroom he works for on 8th Avenue he'll see that over the past 3 years or so, there has been a culling of the herd. Brilliance is not always right, and not always enough to sell. Never was. Even before Trump.

mezzrow said...

This is what happens when the elite feel too warm, fun, and convivial, and the warmth, fun, and conviviality doesn't flow through to the readers who are feeling greater warmth, fun, and conviviality coming from that horrible orange man the elite told them to eschew.

By Jove, I think she's got it!

MBunge said...

The Weekly Standard and the NeverTrumpers are like the professional athlete whose team just lost a big game to an underdog opponent and then tells the media "The better team didn't win today." Except while the sore loser athlete quickly moves onto the next game, TWS and the NeverTrumpers have not only continued to insult the winning side, they started openly rooting for anyone playing the underdog even if it mean cheering on their previously bitterest rivals.


JAORE said...

"Whaatever happened to Brooks?"

Perhaps the demise of those true blue "conservative" at the WS sent a danger signal to his subconscious mind. He MIGHT, though I give him too much credit, be realizing that the days of pronouncements from the heights of Mount Pants Crease are not falling on deaf ears, but rather on no ears.

walter said...

Apparently they couldn't shift to The Monthly or Quarterly..or Annual Standard.

Gahrie said...

Yeah well isn't it ironic; with all of the tinfoil hat WND/InfoWars claims that Bill Kristol is really working for George Soros (lol! Did they look at how the Weekly Standard wrote about Soros for years?), no Soros liberals kept the Weekly Standard alive.

Not really. It's the same thing as Megyn Kelly, John McCain etc. The Left will use you as long as you are attacking the Right, but drop you in a hot second once your usefulness is done or you become a liability.

Yancey Ward said...

I guess conservative readers realized that they didn't need The Weekly Standard telling them to vote for Hillary! Clinton and the Democrats. We already have the NYTimes for that.

Greg Hlatky said...

Brooks seems to think people who don't hand over their own money to their betters enthusiastically enough are given over to "greed". A very NYT viewpoint.

cyrus83 said...

This is what happens when a publication forgets who its readers are. The Weekly Standard's core audience, by design, was aimed at the American right. Bill Kristol made the suicidal business decision to go all in on NeverTrump, despite polls consistently showing Trump has the approval of the overwhelming majority of Republicans and those on the right.

The magazine's leaders apparently forgot that the publication was never self-sustaining, and as subscribers cancelled, they became even more dependent on someone subsidizing the operation. Anyone looking to "buy" the thing would also have had to be someone willing to eat the losses indefinitely. Surprisingly, there isn't a huge market for money-losing media properties with shrinking subscriber bases.

readering said...

These comments are what happen when a blogger devotes her energy to catering to Trumpists.

Big Mike said...

I'm also thinking: This is what happens when the elite feel too warm, fun, and convivial, and the warmth, fun, and conviviality doesn't flow through to the readers who are feeling greater warmth, fun, and conviviality coming from that horrible orange man the elite told them to eschew.

Brilliant analysis, Althouse.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Yeah well isn't it ironic; with all of the tinfoil hat WND/InfoWars claims that Bill Kristol is really working for George Soros (lol! Did they look at how the Weekly Standard wrote about Soros for years?)

But suddenly started attacking people who criticized Soros recently. Wonder why? But who you going to believe, Chuck or your lying eyes.

Laslo Spatula said...

I keep hearing about all these buyers that were evidently refused in their attempt to purchase.

Can one of them come forward and tell what their offer was?

If they wanted Kristol's folly you would think they would love to proclaim how their deal was "murdered".

The Weekly Standard was the rust-pocked Buick on the used car-lot with the oil puddle under it and the shit-stained upholstery.

Maybe someone kicked the tires, but...

I am Laslo.

Yancey Ward said...

There were no buyers- that was the problem. If there were buyers it would have been sold- the subscriber list isn't worth that much.

n.n said...

Plainly stated, the magazine was not viable, so it was aborted. The question is if the abortion was elective or due to market forces.

Earnest Prole said...

It used to go like that, and now it goes like this. The times they are a-changin'.

Wince said...

They apparently wanted to hurt the employees and harvest the subscription list so they could make money off it.

Gill doesn't want "those deadbeat magazine subscription leads".

"You're saying a fella could take those leads and sell them to Graff?"

Laslo Spatula said...

The Weekly Standard had the audience breadth of a Doors fanzine run by someone who hates Jim Morrison.

I am Laslo.

Michael said...

This is what happens when you get woke and go broke. See also the NFL, Boy Scouts, and Oscars.

Anti-Trump is basically a manifestation of snobbery, but it you point it out you are "anti-intellectual."

Achilles said...

Tools get all frumpy when their owners cast them out for better tools and they are no longer useful.

David Brooks feels the ground shifting under him.

rcocean said...

I always love it when non-Christians play the "You're not a good Christian" card. Or when #FakeCons like Erick Erickson or David French Play the "Jesus wouldn't do that" card.

What hypocrites. If the owner had been jewish, would it have been OK to fire them before Christmas? Its Laughable. Would Brooks be happier if they'd been shut down a month ago?

Its being shut down before year end. Probably for tax purposes.

And where's the love for the "Free Market" brooksie?

rcocean said...

Gloating over the demise of the Weakly Standard assholes who:

constantly sneered at average American workers as "losers"; and
chortled while they being displaced due to outsourcing, bad trade deals, and massive legal and illegal immigration

isn't just fun - its positively patriotic.

wildswan said...

They came for Donald Trump but they left with Bill Kristol.

Matt said...

This is what happens when right-side elites think that us plebes enjoy being lectured by them any more than we do left elites.

We have the worst elites to have ever elited and they prove this each and every day.

rcocean said...

Look at it this way. If the Weakly Standard Editors and Writers are as great as Brooksie makes them out to be, they'll have no problem getting new jobs.

If not, well that's the free market.

Certainly, Kristol has no problem getting one job after another despite no one liking him.

rcocean said...

Suddenly, "The Holiday" becomes "Christmas" when you want to slam the Christian owner.

rcocean said...

From I've read the Weekly Standard has lost $2-3 million EVERY YEAR for 23 years. Its never made a profit.

The owner didn't shut it down because of GREED, he just got tired of making a $2-3 million donation to charity every year.

The only asset of the Weekly Standard was its subscription list. So he kept that. Now, he'll start a NEW magazine with the Washington Examiner. Free of the Nevertrumper Kristol baggage.

Chuck said...

Is this going to be the new Birtherism? The new Pizzagate? We know how such things end.

Does someone want to try to document exactly how George Soros has bankrolled Bill Kristol? How Bill Kristol has served Soros’ politics?

Or should we go back to Obama’s Kenyan birthplace and the Comet Ping Pong Pizza Parlor? lol.

robother said...

Christopher Lasch was right. The Elites are revolting.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Does someone want to try to document exactly how George Soros has bankrolled Bill Kristol? How Bill Kristol has served Soros’ politics?


hstad said...

This is what happens when - - you ignore Markets! You have a product and you sell it only if there are willing buyers. Journalists who believe they are "Elites" - why for the life of me I don't understand. Writing, speaking, etc., is not as meaningful as building, creating, etc., something of value which moves society forward. Opinions are worthless because everyone has one. It takes a true entrepreneur to sell opinions when 7 + billion people have one.

"...Good reasons to shut something down b4 end of year.." - easy, tax deduction.

Chuck said...

Ron Winkleheimer your link contained not one single discrete link between Soros and Kristol. The author tried her best of course but she had nothing.

She alleged that Pierre Omidyar gave money to an organization which in turn gave money to another organization that gave money to a Kristol-led organization. And that Omidyar is often politically aligned with Soros.

That’s what I got. I think you got nothing.

Ron Winkleheimer said...


So you're admitting that Kristol received funds from a left-wing billionaire, but he isn't Soros. OK then.

Jim at said...

Got bitch-slapped by the invisible hand.
Nobody deserved it more.

Lydia said...

Something I didn't know -- Sarah Palin was Kristol's pick for McCain's VP.

Mark said...

Bill Kristol, Podhoretz, Fred Barnes, Charles Krauthammer, P.J. O’Rourke, Robert Kagan, David Frum, Chris Caldwell, Matt Labash, Tucker Carlson, Andrew Ferguson, Tom Wolfe, Gertrude Himmelfarb, James Q. Wilson, Harvey Mansfield, and David Brooks.

NOT ONE of them were ever must-read writers.

rcocean said...

Kristol is working with Sykes in a Non-profit that is getting significant George Soros money.

After all, they're playing for the same team now, and working to defeat Trump and the Republicans in 2020.

just like Chuck.

rcocean said...

"Bill Kristol, Podhoretz, Fred Barnes, Charles Krauthammer, P.J. O’Rourke, Robert Kagan, David Frum, Chris Caldwell, Matt Labash, Tucker Carlson, Andrew Ferguson, Tom Wolfe, Gertrude Himmelfarb, James Q. Wilson, Harvey Mansfield, and David Brooks."

Actually, Tom Wolfe, Wilson, and Ferguson were. PJ O'Rourke was funny 10 years ago.

Carlson, Himmelfarb, and Barnes had good articles now and then.

The rest were losers - especially JPod, Kristol, Frum and Brooks.

rcocean said...

Many of the good writers at Weekly Standard, were good BEFORE the W/S came into existence and were published in other Conservative Magazines.

And the ones that are still active will find a home somewhere else.

Jupiter said...

Buggy whips.

Paco Wové said...

Pathetic, readering.

At least try to make an argument sometimes. Don't be an NPC.

Sebastian said...

"[T]his is what happens when corporate drones take over"

But Anschutz, who supports conservative causes, is not a corporate drone. An actual corporate drone would have shit it down years ago.

Anyway, though Kristol et al. irritated me in the end, I am sorry WS died. Guarding the left flank of the right was not a bad role, until they went over to the dark side. Adding a patina of kultjuh to righty disquisitions worked fine. For the most part, I enjoyed reading it.

If I were mean-spirited, I'd say: This what happens when elites become deplorable.

Hanoi Paris Hilton said...

ref: They lasted longer than "George".

With all due respect, the editor/founder/main personality of George magazine, JFK Jr. (as in "John-John") died, along with his wife and his sister-in-law (the only two children of their own parents) in the crash of light plane he was piloting —apparently in worse weather than was within his skillset— en route to a Kennedy family wedding in Hyannisport. Major bummer all around.

Chuck said...

Blogger Ron Winkleheimer said...

So you're admitting that Kristol received funds from a left-wing billionaire, but he isn't Soros. OK then.

No I am not “admitting” that. I meant what I wrote and I wrote what I intended. Soros was the name that was raised. And Omidyar didn’t give Bill Kristol any money.

Birkel said...

Our resident fopdoodle thinks that if there are enough LLCs and corporations involved in the transfer of money, then no money has passed between the parties.

I did not know you were on Trump's defense team, RE Michael Cohen.

Narayanan said...

Oh, Irony, wherefore art thou!

**At some point the capitalists did what most capitalist do-decide to stop the bleeding.
Those so-called educated writers don't understand that basic concept?**

Comment in blog of professora who thought Obama would handle **financial crisis** better.
The crisis was political not financial ... How to conceal lack of credit worthiness of USA treasuries.

Rick said...

readering said...
These comments are what happen when a blogger devotes her energy to catering to Trumpists.

Althouse doesn't cater to Trumpists. She wants a better left: one that lives up to the image it promotes. Revealingly this is so atypical that left wingers can't even comprehend what she's doing.

hombre said...

This is what happens when pompous, self-indulgent journalists forget that readers are also customers who have preferences.

Narayanan said...

***Weekly Standard has lost $2-3 million EVERY YEAR for 23 years. Its never made a profit.***

Does this not apply for even longer to The National Review?
Also Never Trumper!
Who is the money bags there?

Earnest Prole said...

No journal of opinion ever turns a profit. They've all been dependent on wealthy benefactors.

wildswan said...

"Gertrude Himmelfarb ... NOT ONE of them were ever must-read writers."
Gertrude Himmelfarb wrote good Victorian Lit criticism and also wrote One Nation, Two Cultures. Which is a good description of the problem her son had.

rcocean said...

Weakly Standard and Bill Kristol couldn't make it in the "Free Market".

They were dependent on a Billionaire Sugar-daddies for 23 years.

Having been fired, there's nothing to stop Kristol, Stephen Hayes, and the W/S gang from starting their own magazine. Hell, they could hire David French too.

Call it the "Ship Ahoy Weekly" - But they wont, because they know no one would buy it.

Doug said...

This is what happens when journos sell their work for a paycheck instead of striking out on their own like Althouse.
Sorry, this cloying praise of a blogger is a little cringe-inducing. Want her to send you a lock of her hair?
Credit to Althouse for creating such a brilliant salon, where the commentors (some, anyway) are so much more interesting than the one- or two-trick pony that has her name on it.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

If your business model is to depend on the generosity of a billionaire for your livelihood and you're ok with that why should any of us think you've been cheated somehow if that billionaire changes his mind and decides to stop being so generous to you?

"Boo hoo, someone else could have bought us!" Well, no one did. No one is even reported to have made an actual offer--all they can say is some people were allegedly interested. That's nothing.

This is at best special pleading dressed up as a moral argument--more to the point it's just impotent whining. Pathetic.

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