No Kathy?! I knew that was happening, but they're not replacing her with a woman? There was a rumor that the replacement was going to be Leslie Jones (a black woman):
Griffin says she heard from a few different people a hosting rumor. “The hilarious @Lesdoggg (Leslie Jones) was in talks to co-host CNN’s New Year’s telecast with Anderson Cooper this year,” Griffin wrote. “I was elated when I heard this news. If I can’t get the gig, I will cheer for Leslie.”... But then Griffin says Jones was iced out of the hosting position...So we have Andy Cohen, gleefully smiling as he grips his phallic-symbol bottle of popping champagne. I actually don't even know who Andy Cohen is, but that laughing face just makes me feel really bad about the ousting of Kathy. That picture looks like something from the days of Rowan and Martin. Smirking, self-pleased white men in tuxedos.

and not just white - pasty white!
(I'm kidding because I really don't give a rip about the shallow skin color wars)
I'm thinking aliens, probably Kathy was the wrong species.
Nothing says "Happy New Year" like a couple of stiffs on CNN.
Two smarmy white gay guys doesn't seem particularly representative of the United States in general, but I care so little I'm not even going to finish this sent
Ann's right, this ad is right out of the early 60s. At least they could transgress it up by, say, having Andy Cohen holding up the severed head of Cathy Griffin.
Those aren’t white men... those are gays. One is even Jewish!
This is a repeat of CNN NYE 2017. That one was vulgar.
Increasingly no one wants these gigs because of the nasty politics -- see the Oscars and Super Bowl Halftime for reference.
Sometimes a tight grip around the thick neck of a champagne bottle next to Anderson Cooper is just...well you know the rest.
Smirking, self-pleased white men in tuxedos.
But at least one of them is gay!?! Isn't attacking them homophobic?
Look on the bright side: Andy Cohen may actually be funny.
Time for bitter hag Kathy to hit the bricks.
All of us guys in the trailer parks are really happy to see these two there. They really flaunt our privilege for us. Represent!
Smirking, self-pleased white men in tuxedos.
The horror, the horror…..
>>"that laughing face just makes me feel really bad about the ousting of Kathy."<<
Begging your pardon, of course, but that laughing face is just about what my face looks like right now at the ousting of Kathy. My face and millions of others.
that laughing face just makes me feel really bad about the ousting of Kathy.
No woman must be made to feel bad about, or responsible for, anything, ever.
Saw some old laugh-in reruns, and Rowan and Martin were mildly amusing. Even with the Smirks.
I wonder what Elizabeth Warren would think of this? White, bad. Gay, good. Privileged and Rich AF, bad.
Wait, she's 1023/1024 white and privileged and rich AF.
Soooo confusing.
Are the Rich White Men the bad people, or are they good people because of "whose cock they suck?" Oh, I'm sorry, the phrase is "who they love"...
You might get viewers with a woman's clothing descending at midnight. Just an idea.
White men are only cool if they are gay!
>>"Although Griffin apologized for the stunt the damage was done"<<
Tsk tsk. And then she belligerently unapologized and guess what...more damage was done. ESAD, Kathy.
I don't know whether to record WWV and outdoor gunfire as I traditionally do. It's interesting because of sound-speed delay from the exact moment of midnight. You get an increasing radius of softer and softer gunfire for a minute or so.
Works best on still cold snowless nights, that traps sound in a channel near the ground.
You get 1/r spreading instead of 1/r^2, so much greater range.
Here's an idea... if you don't like the racial/gender/gayness/diversity of the Rockin New Year's Eve TV program, don't watch the show. Good God these people are so full of triggeredness
Would it be offensive if I call them "triggers"? Good!
Fuckin Triggers
The gunfire experiment recently has been ruined by people launching fireworks for ten minutes or so.
Rural white problems.
I actually know who Andy Cohen is (and I'm not a TV watcher). I do, however, love diaries, and picked up his "Andy Cohen Diaries" in which he describes the minutae of his day-to-day life. So I know he's a TV host on ... Bravo? ... and a producer of the "Real Housewives" shows. He uses his platform to boost their shows and his. Guests get snozzled and act more like party guests than the shill-a-minute visitors of most talk shows.
He is gay and he and AC have gone on several all-guy trips. He describes the one they took to Rio in the diary. He leaves unsaid who's banging whom, for the record.
He comes across as a generally happy guy but emotionally distant from people. He'd love a relationship. He meets several men through the year this book covers, but he loves his fast-paced, celebrity-filled career and is unwilling to give that up.
One event that particularly struck me is that, throughout this book, he talks about Joan Rivers and how much she helped him in his career. At the end of the book, she goes in for plastic surgery and falls into a coma. He's saddened by the news, but he doesn't seem to reach out to the family, even though he knows them personally. A very cool response to someone who (it seems) meant a lot to him. But maybe I'm reading too much into it.
>>That picture looks like something from the days of Rowan and Martin.
Rowan and Martin were flamboyantly gay? I had no idea....
(I should add that she dies a few days after the book closes, so maybe in the sequel he shows more humanity then.)
Seek help, Bill.
Straight white men will absolutely tune that one out.
Color, sex, gender... diversity politics and other colorful clumps of cells.
>>Straight white men will absolutely tune that one out.
It's CNN. Most people never even tune it in.
"White men are only cool if they are gay!"
Code, cracked.
Guests get snozzled and act more like party guests than the shill-a-minute visitors of most talk shows.
Like an American version of the show Alan Carr did?
Could CNN be even more irrelevant?
Like Trump, I want to see the ratings for this show.
To think I've lived my life not knowing who Andy Cohen or Anderson Cooper are. I'll never fit in the status-anxious world in which the Althouse types circulate.
So, Gay White Guy > Black Woman? I need another World Economic Forum chart...
Nothing says happy new year to us deplorable white men than to see Kathy gone, gays criticized for being white men, and CNN reduced to irrelevance.
Is there an official list ranking the identities? It must be a complicated algorithm to rank identities. Normally, being gay would have a high rank, although where it ranks pitted against race, sex (do lesbians have a higher rank?), ethnicity, etc. appears to change. In this instance, race and sex trump (ha!) sexual preference. It would be very helpful to publish a guide ranking the races, sexual preferences, etc. We can call it a Guide to Identity Politics for Dummies.
So do they kiss at midnight? America's first live New Year's gay kiss on "national television"?
Is there an official list ranking the identities? It must be a complicated algorithm to rank identities
It is challenging algorithm, as well as an ever shifting standard, to boot. In no particular rank, here's a helpful chart:
White men > bad
Gay white men > good
Gay white Republican men > bad
Black men > good
Black conservative man on Supreme Court > bad
Women > good
White women who support Hillary > good
White women who voted for Trump > very bad
Hispanics > good
Illegal Hispanics > very good
Hispanics who support Trump > bad
White Hispanic who shot Trayvon Martin in self-defense > real bad
Ted Cruz > real bad
White man, who poses as Hispanic, and loses Senate race > good
Gays > good
Gays who vote Republican > Satanic
Lesbians > good
Lesbians who dislike transgender men > Mean
Transgender men > good
Transgender women > good
Does that help at all? Any and all supplements and/or corrections are welcome.
Guide to Identity Politics for Dummies
The political congruence of diversity (e.g. color, sex, gender) is a dynamic field, but is notably Pro-Choice, selective and opportunistic.
Diversity is a power play scam based on circular logic.
I didn't know who Andy Cohen was, but wondered if he was gay. And so he is.
As a side result, today I learned a new term: Gold Star Gay
What a time to be alive.
Wait, I read where Andy Cohen is having a baby. He shouldn't be drinking champagne! I know it's just a staged photo, but it's still poor role modeling for other men who are expecting.
My humble suggestion to boost CNN New Year's Eve ratings? How about Mr. Ed and Francis the Talking Mule?
Kathy Griffin, Joy Behar and Andrea Mitchell should join forces. The angry white proggy femmy bitter butt tour.
I remember laugh-in when it debuted in 68. I was literally (not figuratively) on the floor laughing. Funniest show ever. I loved R&M.
Saw some clips last year. I can see why I thought it was funny then. But it was so topical that it makes no sense at all now. Definitely notfunny. Just lame.
Hee-Haw started the next year as a countrified knockoff with music. It ran for 25 years and is still in reruns. Most, if not all, episodes can be downloaded from YouTube.
I find it even better now than I did in the 70s. Cornball humor delivered by people having a good time. Next to no topicality so it holds up forever.
John Henry
Does that help at all?
Transgender/homosexuals are the elitist color in the transgender spectrum, where uncorrelated natural and indoctrinated mental attributes are perceived as representative of greater purity than uncorrelated naturally and medically corrupted physical attributes.
Also, sometimes a baby is a hope and a joy, while other times she is a fetus and a burden (or profit), and a woman is a beast of burden that labors through her child's evolution from conception. In Stork they trust.
Adding some insult to Kathy Griffin's CNN firing, Andy Cohen was instrumental in ending her Bravo tenure nearly a decade ago. Before he was a network executive with his own show, he was just a network executive. Kathy Griffin hates Andy Cohen and isn't shy about it.
Regardless of the hosts, I won't watch. Lack of interest. Like, TOTALLY, mannnnnnnnnn.
@Bay Area Guy
The chart is a good start. The algorithm is needed when two "goods" or two "bads" bump into each other. In this instance:
Straight white women who support Hillary>Gay white men who support Hillary
Ranking the identities can get very complicated. Perhaps we should have an x and y axis, one representing ascending rank of identity, the other representing ascending degree of preference. For example, straight white men pin the lower left corner, black Hispanic Muslim transgender lesbians pin the up right corner. When ranking the identities, whoever is in the farthest right corner wins.
About 1.5% of the population is gay. 3% of men.
100% of the hosts are gay.
Yeah, that's some really fine diversity there. Truly representativ I guess if your target audience is chelsea bathhouses.
John Henry
Cooper was instrumental to the cover-up of abortion fields and immigration reform in social justice zones, of the children at both ends of the bridge, and waterboarded in the Mediterranean.
Maybe next year they'll try grimacing, diffident women of color in sweats.
I think your stats are correct but I recall that Fake News number of 10%.
For the first time in his life, Anderson Cooper gets to play the straight man.
Look for the Cohen-Cooper New Year's kiss. So, Kathy hates Cohen, eh?
That makes it sweeter.
IRC, Rowan and Martin were confirmed heterosexual degenerates.
Ranking the identities can get very complicated. Perhaps we should have an x and y axis, one representing ascending rank of identity, the other representing ascending degree of preference. For example, straight white men pin the lower left corner, black Hispanic Muslim transgender lesbians pin the up right corner. When ranking the identities, whoever is in the farthest right corner wins.
Thank you for your guidance and positive feedback.
We might need to engage a professional statistician to do some regression analysis, to provide the underlying data for a seasoned social scientist.
Much to my chagrin -- and thank you for pointing this out -- I omitted black Hispanic Muslim transgender Lesbians from this analysis. It is an often overlooked and underrepresented class. I'm thinking Linda Sarsour marries Alice Walker, has in vitro fertilization from Bradly Chelsea Manning (if he/she is still able). My bad.
LOL these are great: OT - the worst quotes of 2018:
20. "We’re not going to make America great again. It was never that great. We have not reached greatness." — CNN host Andrew Cuomo
19. “And it would be a short war [between the government and gun owners who refused to give up their weapons], my friend. The government has nukes. Too many of them. But they’re legit. I’m sure if we talked we could find common ground to protect our families and communities.” – Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.)
18. "'Don't vote for the ching-chong!" — Detroit Rep. Bettie Cook Scott on Asian opponent
17. "'But I can't afford to pay my employees $15 an hour! I'd go out of business!' Then go out of business. If you can't afford to pay a #livingwage & make payroll, you shouldn't be in business. It's not your workers' responsibility to subsidize your sh*tty business #FightFor15" — Civil rights activist Danielle Muscato
16. “I’m sorry, I know he lost his eye in war, or whatever.”— Pete Davidson on SNL mocks ex-SEAL Dan Crenshaw who lost his eye to an IED
15. "You're a slave to free thinking." — Blogger Perez Hilton
14. "Time for us white male Christians to take a step back and give power to others, and make ourselves dispensable." — Political consultant Matthew Dowd
13. "They'll say, 'Well, I'm not racist. I just voted for him because I didn't like Hillary Clinton.' And I just want to say that's not — that doesn't make you not racist. It actually makes you racist." -- CNN analyst Kirsten Powers
12. "Never trust anyone who doesn’t regularly french kiss animals." -- Actor Lena Dunham
11. "Guess who's perpetuating all of these kinds of actions? It's the men in this country. I just want to say to the men in this country, just shut up! And step up. Do the right thing for a change." — Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii)
10. “Divorce your Republican husbands.” – Attorney Jill Filipovic
9. "Almost every single person I’ve ever heard of with an AR-15 has been a mass murderer." — Author Nina Burleigh
8. “There's a new axis of evil: Russia, Saudi Arabia -- and the United States.” – New York Times columnist Paul Krugman
7. “To all Noble Undocumented ‘immigrants:’ We apologize for our bigotry and racism. It is Nazism to not allow you to vote in our elections. After all, national borders is Nazism. Nationhood is Nazism. In a just world, everyone should get to vote in any district. #WeApologize” – Canadian scientist Gad Saad
6. "White folks are going down. And Satan is going down. And Farrakhan, by God’s grace, has pulled a cover off of that Satanic Jew, and I’m here to say your time is up, your world is through." — Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan
5. "We have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right, and we have to start doing something about them." — CNN host Don Lemon
4. " We should rip Barron Trump from his mother's arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles and see if mother will stand up against the giant @sshole she is married to.” — Actor Peter Fonda
3) "The virgin birth story is about an all-knowing, all-powerful deity impregnating a human teen. There is no definition of consent that would include that scenario." — Minnesota State University associate professor Eric Sprankle
2. "I have noticed that [Trump] Junior here has a habit of posting nonsense about me whenever the Mueller investigation heats up. Please, keep it coming Jr - it’s definitely a ‘very, very large brain’ idea to troll a member of a body that will have subpoena power in a month. " — Congresswoman-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.)
1. "If you see anybody from that [Trump] Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere." -- Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.)
Those two will make fine stand-ins for Stanley Tucci's role in "The Hunger Games."
This doesn't seem very diverse to me. Why can't they have at least one host who doesn't take it in the ass?
There have always been gay people. Legitimately gay people, as in genuinely attracted to the same sex, not the vast majority that really just screw anything that has a pulse.
The legitimately gay population has been and always will be a demographic non-entity (pun somewhat intended). We're talking less than 1%.
We get it. Gays exist and have always existed. But being gay is not normal. IT WILL NEVER BE NORMAL. Ever. It used to be that gays kind of got off on the "not being normal" aspect of the lifestyle. Now they get off on the "abnormal makes us special" aspect of modern cultural zeitgeist.
They're here. They're queer. Their desire to drop your ratings is sincere. The overwhelming majority of Americans don't want to see this. Silo this stuff for the audience that gets off on it.
Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...Eric Sprankle
Sounds like simple past tense of "Eric Sprinkle."
Betcha he's a Sitzpinkler
It's time to weaponize the dumb scary totalitarian shit democratics say. Every one of the quotes should be used by Trump/GOP in campaign ads.
@Cronus, BAG:
You might be interested in the Intersectionality Score Calculator. It goes for a points-based approach to oppression rankings, rather than a comparison of dyads.
I think it is meant as sarcasm, but honestly I'm not completely sure.
@Bay Area Guy
Engaging a professional statistician to perform regression analysis for a seasoned social scientist is step 2. We would first need to rank the identities of the statistician and the social scientist. It's a chicken or egg thing. We can form a committee of 500, each drawn from college campuses and representing all identities other than straight men, to evaluate candidates. We would also need group therapy to assist identities not ranked at the top to get through the crisis.
There's a book in here.
I believe Andy Cohen is far more entertaining and engaging personally than Anderson Cooper. But as Ann pointed out Andy Cohen isn't as well known among people who are not into "celebrity culture." However if Cohen does well he may replace Cooper and then the network could bring in an attractive female actress or comedian or someone from reality TV to share the stage with Cohen.
Andy Cohen is just a bawdier, goofier, gayer Anderson Cooper. Strange choice, honestly, unless your idea of entertainment is watching a straight gay man riff with a comic gay man. Maybe that makes sense for a network’s coverage of New Year’s festivities. Sounds a bit narrow to me, but what do I know?
The lack of “diversity” also has to do wth sexual orientation. As long as we’re playing this game.
rhhardin said...
"You get an increasing radius of softer and softer gunfire for a minute or so."
Even with 1/r attenuation, you are not going to hear a gunshot from more than ten miles away. You are hearing the jitter in people's watches, not an impulse spike broadened by travel time.
the Future Is Female. Or at least gay.
At least Rowan and Martin were funny.
And let’s be honest. Kathy Griffin was never funny. Annoying, yes. Never funny.
@Paco Wove, BAG,
Thank you for the link. The Intersectionality Score calculator advances the scholarship in this important area. It is missing some key indicators, probably because it is intended for an international audience. For example, there is no category of Native Americans, even 1/1024 Native American, which could tip the scale when ranking the identities. Nor is there a category of identifying as something your not (e'll call the Rachel Dolezaal theorem). Also, it gives straight white women a higher intersectionality score (higher meaning lower rank in the pantheon of identities) than gay white men. As we know from our gracious hostess, that cannot be right. But it is something to build upon.
Last time I saw Cohen on TV, he asked Shaq, who wears a size 26 shoe, if it was true about shoe size. Shaq took off his sneaker and held it near his crotch and said "I guess so." Cohen had to cover his lap the rest of the show.
Ann, you're so damn white. Wisconsin white. Doesn't that make you feel terrible?
'The future is female'
I have no idea what that even means. Well I have no idea what the phrase fully realized, would look like.
Kathy Griffin was funny before she got political. She even married a soldier she met entertaining troops, Desert Storm era. I liked her show.
Cooper: "Shake that champagne bottle over here, Cohen! That's it . . . yeah, yeah, give it to me! Give me all you got!"
Diversity wars over a show you couldn't pay me to watch.
I'm already looking forward to 2019.
Well, I did find out what a Gold Star Gay is - a homo who has never tried hetero. Both Cohen and Cooper are apparently Gold Star Gays. There is even Platinum, which apparently means Gold Star born via caesarean. So, does that mean that most of us are Gold Star Straights (I.e. “normals”)? Maybe straight women born via caesarean can be Platinum Star Straights.
All stuff I hope to immediately forget.
Anderson could do a reach-around for that chamgaigne bottle.
"Even with 1/r attenuation, you are not going to hear a gunshot from more than ten miles away. You are hearing the jitter in people's watches, not an impulse spike broadened by travel time."
The atmosphere isn't dispersive so it all arrives with the right phase. You'd hear rainbow chirps from spikes otherwise.
Train whistles are heard much further away than ten miles.
I can understand why lefties enjoy Rachel Maddow and even Keith Olbermann, even though I do not, but I can't understand why anyone would like Anderson Cooper. Even his Democrat shilling is lame and uninteresting.
I missed a few categories that belong in our raw data set:
Native Americans > good
Native Americans as depicted in John Wayne movies > bad
Native Americans as depicted in Dances with Wolves > good
Female Native American as depicted in Harvard Faculty lounge > good
Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell from Colorado > bad
Time for us white male Christians to take a step back and give power to others, and make ourselves dispensable." — Political consultant Matthew Dowd
I love the"Christians" part. Wouldn't want to include any of Matt's Jewish Bosses in that rant.
And of course, Matt is talking about OTHER white male Christians. Matt's not giving up ANY of HIS power.
Anderson Cooper is the creepiest human being on this entire planet, perhaps.
"The Four of Us," by Matt Blaine. This is the complete playlist, five videos, a prologue and four parts. Enjoy. I am glad to finally finish.
DB@Home - thanks for the compendium of 2018 "worst" quotes. Many times I wanted to find a particular quote to use as a counterpunch on FB, but I'm always too lazy to spend the time trying to remember who said what at a particular time. I copied/pasted your list and intend to use widely.
BAG: "Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell from Colorado > bad"
Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell (D-CO) > very very good
Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R-CO) (remember, he switched parties) > very very bad
I recall Campbell commenting that he never believed his republican colleagues when they complained of media bias until after he switched parties.
Whereupon everything he had previously been been praised for espousing suddenly became the worst things in the world.
And let’s be honest. Kathy Griffin was never funny. Annoying, yes. Never funny.
She was sorta of funny there for a while, playing the outsider who was crapped on by the Hollywood elite, while taking a few shots at them.
But of course, it was all an act. And the act got tired and thin, so she just started playing her REAL self, which was no different then the Elite Hollywood assholes she used to make fun of.
Like Letterman, she turned from cute/subversive to a bitter millionaire ranting about Trump and deplorables.
"Anderson Cooper is the creepiest human being on this entire planet, perhaps."
If you just think of Anderson as a cyborg, it all makes sense.
Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
7. “To all Noble Undocumented ‘immigrants:’ We apologize for our bigotry and racism. – Canadian scientist Gad Saad
Despite his name, that guy isn't stupid, and he responded:
"Hey @PJMedia_com, you can't be so idiotic. You can't be so bereft of logic and reason. You've taken one of my SATIRICAL quotes and presumed that it was real. My sarcasm is truly unrivalled. You truly look like utter buffoons. I win the Internet 2018."
iowan2 said...
'The future is female'
I have no idea what that even means. Well I have no idea what the phrase fully realized, would look like.
think of the Sheridan/King experiment on the face of humanity, forever
Yes, you are correct about Sen Nighthorse Campbell's "political transition."
Of course, at the time, the Democrats called him Ben "Switchhorse" Campbell after his transition, which in retrospect, smacks of both racism and anti-transgender bigotry.
Rowan and Martin were flamboyantly gay? I had no idea....
Martin was pretty well known as a womanizer in his heyday. He married a Playboy Playmate. They divorced but remarried. Rowan was married and divorced multiple times.
"Don't vote for the ching-chong!" — Detroit Rep. Bettie Cook Scott on Asian opponent
Detroit Rep. Bettie Cook Scott be black. So she not racis'.
Campbell was on that list of 44 ex-Senators who were "Concerned about our Democracy" Op-ed in the WaPo.
On the list were 10 so-called Republicans. Campbell was on it. Also, on the list as "Republican" were Pressler and Durenberger - who both left the Republicans 10 years ago along with Hagel and Cohen - who both worked for Obama/Clinton.
”Don't vote for the ching-chong!"
And if you’reon the Harvard admissions committee, don’t let them in, either.
We hear duck hunters across the Bay, at least 7 miles. It's pretty attenuated. It also helps when the water is cold and the air is warmer. The cooler layer of air close to the water channels the sound.
'The future is female'
I think that it means that women will now run the world, or at least countries in the decadent west. She ignores, of course, that females for the most part are incapable of innovating. Probably gossiping too much. Dishwashers, microwaves, automobiles, airplanes, computers, the Internet, etc, were almost entirely invented and developed by males. It isn’t that females aren’t as creative as males, just that their creativity tends to come out differently. Females create new humans, of course - but that is much less critical when most live births these days live long enough to reproduce. And they are more likely to create around and in their homes. The problem is that that doesn’t help society as a whole, just their tiny corner of it. But, I do see why women tend to be more leftist than men - because it allows them to appropriate male effort and ingenuity without having to deal with male egos and the like.
I think though that Western Europe is showing why a female future is a really bad idea. Much of the Muslim world does not believe in a female world. When they get to the west, they laugh at such, taking the freedom of western women to dress as they wish as license to rape them. The female response to this seems to be to double down on love and understanding. This is what happens when a female dominated society meets a male dominated one - the male dominated society rapes the female one, and it is incapable of fighting back, because its males, whose traditional role was to protect its females, has been too neutered to fight back.
@BAG and growing crew:
Ranking the identities is not static. One can raise or lower one's rank. Changing from D to R will have a devastating impact on rank, regardless of identity. John McCain, who had a low rank as a straight white male Vietnam veteran, saw his rank crater when he ran against a Democrat (and not being a R gadfly).
BAG, does the algorithm include claiming Native American status if you are 1/1024 Native American and have high cheekbones? How do we account for such nuance?
I doubt any of the two could change a flat tire. So, as far as "men", the jury is still out. They do have a pinkish hue. Pink eunuchs is my description. Since that's a protected class, CNN is within the bounds of political correctness.
”Don't vote for the ching-chong!"
This shouldn't be on the list unless the list is funniest quotes of 2018.
“Ranking the identities is not static.”
Looking at it from the outside (I.e. as a straight white Republican male) this can be quite entertaining. Recently the feminist coalition seems to be falling apart thanks to giving Muslims, and esp Muslim women, overriding intersectionality points. The problem, of course, is that many Muslims in this country are virulently anti-Semitic (or, maybe more accurately, since Arabs are Semitic, “Judeophobes”). The Women is March coalition seems to have fallen apart over this, with the organizers who are Jewish having walked out. And that is before we even get to the effect of Sharia law on feminism.
think of the Sheridan/King experiment on the face of humanity, forever
"half of the male subjects and all of the females obeyed throughout"
Ss were 13 male and 13 female students...
I'd like to see those 6.5 obedient females.
I saw somewhere recently that Milgram had run many experiments, but only the one - out of 10 or so? - which made people look the worst got the press attention. The experiments were also only done on college kids, who are probably among the wimpiest, most obedient people on the planet.
6.5 obedient males. Sigh.
What is this? Gay and gayer?
It will be interesting to see how it works out for the Democrats to be a party that hates white people so much that to run for president, a white guy has to pretend he's Hispanic, and a white woman has to pretend she's Native American. Really, it's interesting. Sarah Jeong clearly approves.
Bruce Hayden said, "I think that it means that women will now run the world..."
Camille Paglia once said - and I'm paraphrasing - that if women went on strike the world would be inconvenienced for a few weeks while everyone readjusted, whereas if men went on strike attrition casualties would start to accrue precipitously in about 72 hours. Attrition as in dead.
"women will now run the world.." Yeah, this will never happen. Makes great t-shirts and Wonder-Woman fantasy movies though.
You cucks sound scared by our new feminine overlords.
Males ought to go on the offensive. Claim that not only are women brainless, but it's doubtful that women even have interior lives.
It's no accident that machines have taken up most traditional housework chores.
Your daily fare - NYT(3), Politico, SF Gate, Guardian,RCP, Then New Yorker, New York Magazine , The cheat Sheet. Seven left publications and one libertarian Publication.
Which one is the bottom? These hosting gigs always a have a top and a bottom.
I like the romantic idea of the American Indian as much as anyone, but why is claiming to be part of a stone age culture a good thing?
"Milgram had run many experiments, but only the one... which made people look the worst got the press attention."
That doesn't surprise me. That experiment, along with the Genovese case and the Stanford prison experiment, or at least the reportage and commentary on them, was mostly used NOT to warn against succumbing to this kind of illegitimate authority, but to get people to think that they're incapable of resisting it.
This was successful, at least to a degree, because it made people, especially the young and susceptible, who were taught this in middle school through college, believe it.
Rowan and Martin were actually entertaining.
Paco Wové said...
"You might be interested in the Intersectionality Score Calculator."
Interesting. I don't think they're being ironic.
From the website:
How can I improve my score?
Unfortunately, you are born with most of your intersectional factors. However, you can make some improvement to your score by getting more involved with Islam or Judaism, donate all excess wealth to charity, or explore the wild side of your sexuality. The easiest way to improve your score, however, is to champion the intersectionality of your more-marginalized friends. You may award yourself up to 5 points depending on the level of your activism.
Even though I was able to slide myself into a relatively high intersectionality score, I would like to improve my score. So, to all my more-marginalized friends: please let me know who you are so that I can champion your intersectionality and send you my excess wealth. Unless you would find it oppressively embarrassing for me to go around championing your intersectionality. I don't know. Maybe I should just keep to myself more. I'm already pretty marginal. No one really believes in me anymore. Except for a few gullible dogs, my kindly wife, and my 93 yr-old adorable mother. Poor me.
Jupiter said...
So do they kiss at midnight? America's first live New Year's gay kiss on "national television"?
Yeah, I'm for that. Gays everywhere get orgasmic over their Moment on live television, while CNN goes down in flames. Won't be watching, but someone tell me if the two nancy boys tongue each other.
"Self-pleasing white men," Dan Rowan and Dick Martin from another place in time, whose impossibly popular "Laugh In" show made million of dollars for sponsors and vaulted unknown comedians such as Ruth Buzzi, Goldie Hahn, Jo Anne Worley, and Henry Gibson to the top of TV ratings that caused some of us to really laugh out loud at our TV sets.
Somehow, Anderson Cooper 360 and anyone he chooses couldn't put Humpty Dumpty CNN together again.
I call it The Paradox of Intersectionality: the higher my intersectionality score, the guiltier I feel about not doing even more to increase my intersectionality score. The guilt becomes disabling, which raises my intersectionality score.
I'd like to see those 6.5 obedient males maybe not.
the .5 males are the ones hosting the CNN event
You know, if you go to China, you expect to see Chinese folks there, who tend to have dark hair and speak Chinese.
I don't think anyone disputes this.
Ditto for Japan.
Similar concept for Norway - although the folks there tend to have blond hair and pale skin, and speak Norwegian.
So, in America, well, you tend to see a lotta Americans who speak English and have pale skin.
I'm not arguing for or claiming racial superiority, it's just kinda obvious. Some folks have trouble with this set of facts.
" Claim that not only are women brainless, but it's doubtful that women even have interior lives."
well Kathy griffin, showed her Nazgul nature about 10 years ago, what a dumpster fire they've turned bravo into,
It's a niche market but just about every gay male watching television at that time will be watching these two. It might not be a ratings disaster. If you have one or two percent of the audience, that's pretty good for cable.......Anderson Cooper is the son of Gloria Vanderbilt and, I presume, the direct descendant of Commodore Vanderbilt who was the richest man in America at one time. How does that factor into his intersectionality points? Are poor, unattractive gay men more downtrodden than rich, handsome gay men and thus more deserving of the love and attention of the SJWs? You never see any fat, balding gay men on television.
"Claim that not only are women brainless, but it's doubtful that women even have interior lives."
Th progress of "two choices too late" lends credibility to the theory that women... lapsing into diversity. Correctly, some women, are, in the urban vernacular, "beasts of burden."
Most people believe that women have interior lives, beyond the simple, single cells and clusters of worker cells, for three trimesters, with progressive frequency over a lifetime. Some people believe that males, albeit of a feminine gender, do, too.
rcocean, you got that right, he doesn't pass the turing test.
Angry at Twitter Morons - Reflective Practice every behavior begins with an emotion (impulse) so when you can identify the precise emotion, you are already the winner.
oops - forgot to link the worst quotes of 2018.
William @ 6:16 - LOL.
I don't think they'll kiss at midnight, but I do think they'll do a brotastic hug.
The real question is whether they'll clink their champagne flutes and say "Bottoms up!"
The only way a bald guy can get a TV show is to suck his boss's Dick on a regular basis
CF: Brian Stelter - CNN Reliable Blow Jobs.
The guilt becomes disabling, which raises my intersectionality score.
Better to be disabled with guilt than functioning. We must all strive for that level of over-whelming guilt and shame.
All is politically correct with two white gay men. They do not threaten the ruling women. They do not ever marry the young women and raise competing families of white babies. They are harmless eunuchs.
If you saw KG in person, you should know who Andy Cohen is. She hates him.
They do not ever marry the young women and raise competing families of white babies.
I for one am glad they don't use valuable females as beards. OTOH, Andy Cohen and his partner are expecting.
“Better to be disabled with guilt than functioning. We must all strive for that level of over-whelming guilt and shame.”
Yes, but what a privilege that would be!
Bleh: Based on customary English adjective order, a "gay straight man" is a real thing (e.g., Stephen Fry playing Jeeves). However, a "straight gay man" is an oxymoron, unless you men he is free from curves, bends, angles, or irregularities.
the ruling women... [transgenders and cels] are harmless eunuchs
The matriarchy is an oppressive regime, which favors worker beasts and eunuchs. But the future is not feminine female, but bigender unisex. Gives a new meaning to love yourself.
Are the Rich White Men the bad people, or are they good people because of "whose cock they suck?" Oh, I'm sorry, the phrase is "who they love"...
Maybe they are just butt buddies.
Not reading anything above because I'm too busy watching CNN, a Diversity Channel.
Two height-challenged New York white gay dudes. Check in to New Orleans, hey, the gay black anchor with one of the white anchor babes, too dolled up for me to recognize. Later on, back on Times Square, the correspondent once found in Central Park naked with leather and chain around his neck and junk.
No room for a sassy ebony princess? Someone who thinks LGBT means liberty, guns, beer and tits?
Happy New Year New York and EST.
My bad, we are celebrating gayness tonight. I didn't get the memo.
Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...Better to be disabled with guilt than functioning. We must all strive for that level of over-whelming guilt and shame
Nietzsche conflated "guilt" and "debt." It was a philologist's joke, based in the German language.
Americans are at record levels of debt...and guilt.
Happy New Year My all friend
Top 10 Best Places to Visit in Malaysia 2019
Jack Ma Top 6 Motivational Speech ! What should you do now at this age
I pay off my debt every month.
I don't mind the Gays. It's those damn ching-chongs I don't like.
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