December 9, 2018

Snoop Dogg has some advice for Kevin Hart.

Addressing the ousting of Kevin Hart as Oscars host (because of some bad homophobic jokes years ago), Snoop Dogg says, "That ain't our kind of shit, no way. Oscars??! Yeah, right. Come do the BET Awards. Or Soul Train. They don't care. You're a comedian. Cracking jokes. Really? Y'all want me to host it now? Nah. I don't think so. I got shit to do. And I got way more customers before I get to you. Kevin Hart, smoke a blunt. Tell the Academy to suck a dick or die trying. Fuck 'em. We still love you... Fuck the Grammys too."

I enjoyed that little tirade, with very amusing comic pauses. It expresses something it's important to notice — the racial dimension of a strict enforcement of political correctness. As I said in the earlier post about the crushing of Kyler Murray's great moment — political correctness itself can be politically incorrect.


Chanie said...

You bleeped Snoop

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I wonder if Snoop understands that the Rich Elite WHITE Progressive LEFT pushed the black comedian Out, for his Wrong-think.

The Bergall said...

So judgemental!

wild chicken said...

"or die trying"? Um no he got Donald Trump in there.

Shouting Thomas said...

Excellent advice.

Sebastian said...

"the racial dimension of a strict enforcement of political correctness"

Yes. This works different ways.

PC Title IX enforcement disproportionately hits black men.

PC soft-on-crime decriminalization disproportionately hits black communities.

PC lax discipline in schools disproportionately harms black students.

PC pro-gay, anti-Christian speech restrictions disproportionately affect heterosexual Christian blacks.

Race trumps almost everything, but prog politics trumps race.

If the stupid party were a little smarter, they'd reach out to Kevin. Make him and Kanye the opening act for Trump's campaign speeches.

AlbertAnonymous said...

You left out a word Professor. Is that your own political correctness? Not even allowed to use the word when you’re quoting someone?

That’s some Viggo Mortenson Academy Awards backlash PC shit right there... said...

Did USA Today call out anyone for the Putin's cock holster remark? Or the leftist's using homophobic comments to disparage Trump's relationship with Putin?

Wince said...

It expresses something it's important to notice — the racial dimension of a strict enforcement of political correctness.

You should have said dimensions, plural.

There's the unequal enforcement aspect.

Then there's the cultural aspect of what's right and wrong, and what is "incorrect" in the first place.

"Come do the BET Awards. Or Soul Train. They don't care."

Paco Wové said...

"'s important to notice..."

...that when you obsess about group differences and grievances and petty slights, society devolves into a Balkanized, Hobbesian war of My Group vs. Your Group, and life ends up sucking for most everybody.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Gay Mafia and the Clintons are the top mind-crime police/ Corruption Cancer in America.

James K said...

As I said on the Heisman thread, this crap is only going to stop when people respond by saying "Tough shit!" instead of by apologizing.

The made-up term "homophobic" is ridiculous. It suggests fear of homosexuals. A father can express hope that his son is not grow up to be gay, just as he can express hope that he's grows up to be, say, a Christian, a good athlete, etc., etc. without any notion of "fear" entering into it.

Shouting Thomas said...

There's something Trumpian about Snoop Dogg's advice.

His "customers" come first, not critics, not the press, not even other artists.

Who are his customers? The people who pay for his work. Snoop Dogg's advice here is fairly profound.

Ken B said...

Political correctness is about white liberals fighting over a positional good. It's a power play.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Agreed - it is pretty good advise. The Oscars can shove it. Pack of gay, powerful, rich, white a-holes showing off their time at the gym in silly glittery outfits. Handing out golden cows to each other. Raping young boys in hot tubs behind the scenes all while they hyperventilate over Trump. They all voted white Hillary, too. Corruption excusers on parade.

Spiros said...

A lot of young folks are so traumatized that it is impossible to have a meaningful conversation with them. Why do the kids need to sensor Kevin Hart? What's the big deal?

William said...

"Oscars so white" and that's a bad thing. "Oscars are not our thing", and that's as it should be. It's difficult to parse. Scholastic political correctness. How many grievances can be celebrated at an award ceremony for jerks who are insufficiently people of color.........I'd like to see the ceremony taken out of the realm of politics. Perhaps if Michelle and Barack agreed to be joint hosts, proper dignity and decorum could be restored. They could revise that Cinderella/Rob Lowe thing.

chickelit said...

I have agree with Dogg: fuck the Oscars. They were never relevant, but they used to be fun. But that seems like ages ago. Perhaps like Nobel Prizes during WW II, they should just be suspended. They've become an expression of partisan warfare.

Ann Althouse said...

"You left out a word Professor. Is that your own political correctness? Not even allowed to use the word when you’re quoting someone? "

It's a distraction. I'm not interested in discussing my choice, the reason for which is obvious. Talk about what's there.

chickelit said...

Trump had the right idea by cancelling that WH Correspondant's wankfest

Achilles said...

So this is just Snoop explaining what the black man’s place is to Hart.

The left will never give up “separate but equal.”

Kevin said...

You cannot elevate homosexuals over black people, just like you cannot elevate transsexuals over homosexuals. The grievence hierarchy is fixed and you can't manipulate it just to produce continuous outrage.

They were teetering on the brink with this "women are the future" stuff, which was going to alienate half the black voters.

The minute you start telling black people how they must think and act to fit into your scheme, the jig is up. They're just going to smoke a blunt, tell you to suck a dick, and then use whatever words they want.

n.n said...

Political congruence is selective and opportunistic. So, is diversity or color judgments, which is one criterion for the PC fitness function.

AlbertAnonymous said...

“It's a distraction. I'm not interested in discussing my choice, the reason for which is obvious. Talk about what's there.”

Honestly, I don’t think it is a distraction. I think leaving out that word changes the context.

We can “talk about what’s (left) there” but what you left changes the context. Now it’s about political correctness in a vacuum. Instead, In Snoop-a-loop’s original form, if you’d left it in, it would be about black vs gay on the political correctness victim scale. Snoop sticks together with Kevin Hart, aligns black with black, against the gay faction.

Interesting dichotomy tho. Gay PC faction penalty against the black man that uses homophobic term... removal from Oscar hosting.

What would be the black PC faction penalty against a gay person using a racial term? Ass kicking?

What if it was a gay black person?

Now I’m getting dizzy...

When I was growing up I remember Eddie Murphy and other comedians constantly ripping on gays in their routines. I even remember one of the comedians (might have been Murphy) using a phrase “faggity ass faggot” which was so ridiculous it cracked me up.

Kevin said...

Trump had the right idea by cancelling that WH Correspondant's wankfest

Maybe the Oscars can get Ron Chernow to lecture to the crowd about the importance of free speech unless it's about gay people?

n.n said...

The transgender spectrum (e.g. homosexuals, transvestites, neo-sexuals) currently promises the greatest profit and leverage in the political congruence assessment.

William said...

I saw the Netflix special with Russell Brand. Russell Brand is self consciously Messianic. He's got the Jesus hair and the spiritual torment going on. He explains his mission on earth with eloquence and dexterity. The point of his routine is not to make you laugh but to make you a better person and provide the insights needed to face down the corrupt world........Lenny Bruce has a lot to answer for. Since when did a blue collar show biz job like comedian morph into the high altar bishop offering service at the memorial Mass.

rehajm said...

Ah the wisdom of Mr. Dogg.

Leland said...

As I wrote on an earlier post; I'm glad Kevin Hard won't sully his reputation by hosting the Oscars.

I got way more customers Heh

The Oscars 2018 had about 30 million viewers. In comparison, the premiere return of Roseanne had 17.7 million viewers and grew to 18.6 million viewers by the 2nd episode. Oscars had more, but the Oscars also cost a bit more to produce and market. On the other hand, the return of Roseanne was used to help market other things by ABC/Disney. And then ABC/Disney killed the show.

Snoop Dogg really doesn't have more customers with his last album not quite selling .5 million copies in the US. However, I suspect that if he promoted an event to run opposite the Oscars this year featuring comedians free to be funny; he'd make a dint in the Oscar ratings.

mccullough said...

Snoop bringing The Blacklash

Greg Hlatky said...

As I said on the Heisman thread, you were an enabler. Maybe the Red Guards should go through your posts. They might find something they can take away your pension for. "Cruel neutrality" is a nice stand when there's nothing of yours at stake.

AlbertAnonymous said...

Plus, we’re talking about the oscars, and Viggo got pilloried (to the point of forcing a ridiculous apology) for using “the word that shall not be spoken by the unworthy.” So your “choice” to leave out the word nigga (even tho you claim it was to avoid a distraction) was really just you kowtowing to the PC fight du jour...

Bay Area Guy said...

Snoop Dog has more common sense than the entire editorial page of the NYT.

hstad said...

Europe is rioting and falling apart! America is in the center of a large fight against Immigration and the MSM is still after Trump with non-stop lies. And we are to worry about somebody I never heard of getting kicked out of hosting the Oscars - really. Furthermore, "Snoop-Dogg" is accepted as a "profound thinker"? Really, that's the state of our Culture? Maybe a few riots against our "Elites" in the MSM and Government will bring back some sanity and common sense to our lives.

MayBee said...

I bet a lot more gay men have won Oscars than Black men. I bet there are a lot more gay men in positions of power in Hollywood than there are black men. So the gay people in Hollywood are in the position of power, and- like white people- should be confident enough to be the targets of jokes at their expense.

wildswan said...

Snoop was pretty funny. But I was surprised to see him get into it. I dislike the Oscars so much that it doesn't seem bad that they leave conservatives and half of America out. Anyhow I'm used to smug-lefty people saying "the whole country" when they mean only their own half. So, I didn't realize that the black community would see defenestrating Kevin Hart as a shocking piece of racist exclusion. Wrong!!!!! Snoop was criticizing the entire left Hollywood PC mind set and telling Kevin Hart to come on back home, his own people were still telling jokes. It was funny but it was very bitter. Very.

Jim at said...

Tell the Academy to suck a dick or die trying.


tim in vermont said...

He’s right of course.

tim in vermont said...

One of the things that distresses the white left the most is that they really only speak for the white left, no matter what they think. Look at France for another example. How many groups can the white left kick to the curb and still have political power. Maybee is right, gays have enough power that they should be able to take a joke here and there, but the white left knows that humor is their most powerful weapon, and they are not going to have it trained on themselves.

Kevin Hart’s biggest crime was that he didn’t grovel enough during his “struggle session."

tim in vermont said...

Trump, Trumbo, Snoop Dog, they have on credo in common: Fuck the prigs.

tim in vermont said...

Isn’t telling the people behind the denunciation and declaration non-personhood of Keven Hart to “suck a dick” along the same lines as telling Snoop to “fire up a blunt”?

tim in vermont said...

Hang out with some black people sometime and you will see that “political correctness” is less popular than [true fact deleted because we no longer live in a free country].

tim in vermont said...

One thing for sure, it’s less popular than Kevin Hart.

William said...

Blacks, gays, and valedictorian Asians may have their little tiffs, but white Republicans will remain firmly at the bottom of the pecking order.

n.n said...

white Republicans will remain firmly at the bottom of the pecking order

White masculine male Republicans. Although, white transgender/homosexual Republicans have not fared much better. That said, Hope Solo of "The Guardian" is reporting that the next target of social justice is "white girls next door". First, they came for the babies... It's not personal. Well, sometimes, selectively, opportunistically. It's politically congruent (PC).

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Never apologize, mister. It's a sign of weakness.

walter said...

walter said...

Unknown said...

Anyone who worked in a big office knows the rule of cliches.

Blacks back blacks and gays back gays

You can have a black friend but if you have a problem with another black in the office your black friend will take the black side over you.

A black criminal can count on Sharpton or Jackson to show up if you get media attention.

Snoop is playing office politics.

If Hart was white

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If the left could place all of the deplorables in Auschwitz, they would.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

shorter Snoop: " I am a Dogg, and an Oracle"

YoungHegelian said...
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YoungHegelian said...

For years I've been wondering which of the Democratic Party's foundational demographic groups will stray from the reservation first. There were two groups that were vital to the Party's future electoral success: Jewish money (about 40% of the Party's money from 2% of the population) & Black votes (generally, 90%+ of the votes of a group that comprises 12% of the population).

I had thought that the Jews would stray first. After all, it was a smaller group with less "social inertia". Indeed, 2012 & 2016, Jewish males under 35 voted for the two major candidates in percentages very close to their gentile male counterparts.

But it looks like I was wrong. The group who's looking high on the defection list is black males. They seem to be on the defection list for the same reason that Evangelicals voted for Trump -- they're tired of having white Lefties piss in their face & telling them it's rain.

The Democrats have got to stop this shit & stop it cold. The Cultural Left's obsession with gays & trans & other sexual minorities sits as poorly with Latinos as it does with blacks, two groups who are also the two most religious ethnic groups in the US. The gay rights struggle stands a very good chance of permanently fracturing the Democratic coalition.

Birkel said...

Young Hegelian,
I am trying to find the downside if your analysis proves correct.
I have nothing.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

is the interstitial smoke-blowing the ghetto version of pony-tail swish-swish?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

-- they're tired of having white Lefties piss in their face & telling them it's rain

You talkin' Pee Pee ??

YoungHegelian said...


You want to know something weird -- it's almost impossible to find the breakdown of black male vs black female votes. Just not ever broken out, it seems.

We all know about the "gender gap" for the general population -- males lean strongly Republican & women strongly Democratic. You can get gender breakdowns for college educated whites. You can even get gender breakdowns for Evangelicals, Catholic, American Jews (Jewish women are THE most Democratic leaning demographic). But, blacks, fuggedaboutit.

I suspect that'll change. I suspect as time goes on the M=R/F=D gender gap that we see among the the general population will replicate into the black demographic. I strongly suspect it's there now, with that 10% or so of blacks who vote R probably having a lot of overlap with black men in the military (there are A LOT of black males in the armed services...).

wildswan said...

"Young Hegelian,
... if your analysis proves correct."

I think you are correct but there's this. Remember being a kid and you wade in the lake, and further and further, and then for the first time your foot drifts off the bottom, and then, ohgosh-blub-gulp-pl, and in a wild flurry you thrash about, trying to get back that last three-inch step, and double up, and fling your arms out, and splash in terror back to the shore. "Oh, nothing," you say, when they ask you why all the splashing, "Oh, nothing, I was just drowning." Well, when a Dem realizes that for the first time his foot has drifted off the solid bottom of political conviction, the first thing is a wild panicky splash back to Big Momma Democrat Party safely on shore. It'll take awhile for them to learn to take their foot off the bottom without panicking.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Jared Polis(D) is a rich white leftwing crony capitalist. He spent 23 million of his own money to get elected as "the first gay!" Voters fell for it. "first-eez" and all that.

He wants his money back, and then some. His ObamaCare health care company payoffs are going to pay off.

The homosexual crony capitalists are on the rise. But - they want their nests feathered first. Universal tax rape for universal failure is on the agenda. We are too deplorable to understand how fantastic it will be.

YoungHegelian said...


You talkin' Pee Pee ??

No, I'm echoing an old Yiddish saying "You can't piss up my back & tell me it's rain!" Something like "Ir kenen nisht pis aroyf meyn tsurik aun zogn mir es s 'regn!".

Needless to say, counting on a Catholic Alabama boy for pinpoint accuracy in Yiddish idioms is probably not a good idea...

tim in vermont said...

Black women vote almost unanimously Democrat, Black men, it’s only the vast majority.

Bilwick said...

Yesterday I saw a tv news-magazine piece about Kevin Hart and the Oscars, and the news-reporter named three or four possible replacements for Mr. Hart. They were all African-Americans. Did I miss something, or is there now a law that the host of the Oscars has to be Black?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

5:5, YoungHegelian __
was citing Pee Pee, not pee pee. Urine the clear!

Etienne said...
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Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trumpit said...

Gay bashing is pernicious, and intolerable. Heterosexual uncontrolled reproduction is destroying the environment. It's not funny, so few jokes are made about it. Schlump is a bad joke, too. An orange jump suit is in his future. He will blend right in.

MayBee said...

Tim in vermont said...
but the white left knows that humor is their most powerful weapon, and they are not going to have it trained on themselves.

Excellent Point

Bilwick said...

"Watching other people win trophies is like fucking your neighbors little sister in the ass on the merry-go-round. It ain't natural."

Well, maybe not in your family . . .

El Supremo said...

"Never apologize, mister. It's a sign of weakness."

In personal relations it's a sign of strength. It shows you value people and can rise above your own ego, but in public arenas like this one with Hart, there is nobody who is really hurt by it. When they say they are, they are lying. I have seen no evidence that these public apologies for public words accomplishes anything. There is nobody really hurt to make feel better, and it does show weakness. It's simply considered a confession and nothing else. I would like to see just one celebrity say "Fuck off. I said it, and if you can't handle it, that's your problem." The dollars at stake make that pretty hard, but I'm not sure it would be any worse than with the apology.

Ken B said...

“Publish and be damned!”
All it takes is a bit of courage. So far I have only seen one teenage girl, attacked for her dress, refuse to apologize. Good for her. And guess what? The mob moved on to a more compliant target.

Ken B said...

I dug up an old school newspaper from the early 60s. Reporter Althouse quotes George Wallace: “Today. Tomorrow. Forever.” Never mind what she left out, it’s just a word, talk about what's there.

Ken B said...

Albert is correct. The omission changes the meaning.

Ken B said...

YoungHegelian 2:13
So, every cloud has a silver lining.
I have been saying for decades the GOP is brain dead for not making school Choice a priority. Bad schools are one of the most tractable serious problems AND one that can split the Democrats wide open. But even with DeVos, nothing, and they can’t get legislation now but they can still get an issue.
Now we see a teacher in Virginia fired over pronouns , and the board vote was 5-0. This is where your issue and mine intersect. But will the GOP make anything of it? Nope.

YoungHegelian said...

@Ken B,

I have been saying for decades the GOP is brain dead for not making school Choice a priority.

Rumor has it that black women supporting school choice was a big swing vote in the Florida governor's race. But, you're right that the Republican Party could use this among other issues as entry points in a push for minority voters.

But, the Republican Party is so fucking useless. It's another reason why Trump won. Trump not only looked less hideous than The HillaryBeast to a enough voters, he also looked less hideous than 17 (or was it 21?) other members of the sitting Republican Party.

n.n said...

A left-wing schism caused by a transgender commission and warlock hunt. It seems that political congruence is a first-order forcing of diversity, color judgments, and color supremacy.

Trumpit said...

"Watching other people win trophies is like f***ing your neighbors little sister in the ass on the merry-go-round. It ain't natural."

What a gross, deplorable comment. Have you no common decency? Have you no self-control? Your perverted sexual fantasies have no place around here.

sinz52 said...

Ken B:

"I have been saying for decades the GOP is brain dead for not making school Choice a priority. "

The GOP wrote off minorities long ago as unreachable. They don't spend a dime on advertising on Black Entertainment Television, nor do they ever dream of campaigning in black neighborhoods for as much as ten minutes.

sinz52 said...

YoungHegelian said: "The gay rights struggle stands a very good chance of permanently fracturing the Democratic coalition. "

Not only that.

A large percentage of the men in colleges and elsewhere who were falsely accused of rape by white women were black men.

That's why a lot of ordinary black Americans did NOT go along with the Left's piling on Judge Kavanaugh, even though most of those blacks are Democrats. White women falsely accusing black men of having raped them is a scenario that has a long, sad history in this country.

"To Kill a Mockingbird" was NOT a science-fiction alternate-universe novel.

chickelit said...

Trumpit said...Gay bashing is pernicious, and intolerable. Heterosexual uncontrolled reproduction is destroying the environment. It's not funny, so few jokes are made about it. Schlump is a bad joke, too. An orange jump suit is in his future. He will blend right in.

What a gross, deplorable comment. Have you no common decency? Have you no self-control? Your perverted vengeful fantasies have no place around here. Go feed some birds and consider self-censorship.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

btw- I'm not anti gay at all. But the idea that gays are supposed to be held up as a group who can never be mocked? PC-BS.
You know what - I bet most gays would agree. Just perhaps not the delicate leftwing crony capitalist ones. To that I say - Tuff.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Calvin there is a virulent bigot, total asshole, and big time Democrat party member. He is scum.

Chanie said...

"It's a distraction. I'm not interested in discussing my choice, the reason for which is obvious. Talk about what's there."

But then why blog it the way you did? You could've not blogged it at all, or blogged it without quoting from it, or quoted only particularly interesting statements. Instead, you transcribed all but one word. Considering the video is so heavy about race as it is, it seems silly to try to pretend the word can be avoided when it has been given so much attention by its exclusion.

Marcus said...

The hostess leaving out the word "Nigga" give it street cred it doesn't deserve. And as for her admonition to discuss what is left, fuck that. We don't lay down here like RINOs or give up and say "sorry" as Kevin Hart did. If you don't like what the commenters write, censor it, delete the posts or ban us. It may be your blog but without your commenters, it's boring. You won't even discuss the Mueller affair as a good law professor should. Chickenshit.


Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

I was trying to figger out which word she bleeped. Now I get it!

Big Mike said...

For years I've been wondering which of the Democratic Party's foundational demographic groups will stray from the reservation first.

@YoungHegelian, you’ve already seen it happen. The first foundational demographic group to depart is the union rank and file.

tim in vermont said...

What a gross, deplorable comment.

I will give you that it is pretty gross and even deplorable Strumpit, but at least it doesn’t feature a guillotine like so many of yours.

Birkel said...

Good point, Big Mike.
The union and working class vote has definitely bled away from Democrats, of late.
Hopefully more groups follow as Trump heightens the contradiction.

Known Unknown said...

"They could revise that Cinderella/Rob Lowe thing."

It was Snow White. Sigh.

Known Unknown said...


Chanie said...

It's not my intent to attack Ann over the self-censorship. The more interesting question is why does Ann need to (or perceiece the need to) conduct herself this way in these circumstances? There's something intellectually dishonest and empty in today's zeitgeist because certain things are apparently off limits for certain people. It's not just race, though that may be the most advanced example at this point. Bottom line is, we're living in a modern inquisition. If an accomplished, retired, financially independent law professor isn't free to speak, who is?

Freeman Hunt said...

I "heh heh heh heh heh"ed out loud.

Sprezzatura said...

"Talk about what's there."

Talk about a guy who is very opposed to a very racist POTUS.

IOW, someone who is opposed to apologist Althouse and most commenters here.

Naw, Althouse definitely doesn't want y'all to talk about that. She means that she wants you to talk about this black guy re black. Just don't use that one word.


Birkel said...

"...very racist POTUS..."

Ok, but why are you criticizing Obama?

Trashcan O Man said...

Dave Chappelle said before the 2016 election that voting for Hillary would be like smelling a giant fart-blast in your face during sex. That's something SnoopGramps knows a little about—fart blasts, not sex. His head is so far up the Democrat colon canal he thinks it's a wind storm every day!

walter said...

Shitter' confused as ever..

Tina Trent said...

Oh yeah, Ann. Snoop Dogg is a wise elder conveying the truth, per you, that black men are being specially monitored and persecuted by the forces of political correctness.

What bullshit.

The man who calls himself Snoop Dog is a murderer who got off thanks to a sleazy jury because he was black. The jurors openly swooned over Snoop during the trial, made it clear that they would not convict him, swarmed him for autographs in the frigging courtroom and partied with him afterwards. Try recalling his victim when you giggle at his faux edgy video. Try recalling the police who had to risk their lives daily to deal with him and his peers.

Snoop endorses gang raping women and underage girls and has pimped women. He made his fortune and his reputation by singing about women and little girls being pimped and gang raped. For several years he cohosted a gathering of pimps, once in Atlanta while we were trying to address the issues of 12 and 13 year old girls being routinely turned out, in what was then understood to be the underage sex pimping capital of the country, propped up by our local rap stars and the politicians and media who pandered to them. Have you ever looked into the dead eyes of a pre-adolescent who has been passed around in a motel room to break her in for a life of whoring on the streets? Snoop was treated like a celebrity by elected officials when he came here to celebrate pimps, and to criticize him was to be hit with accusations of racism.

Yeah, that political correctness is killing black guys.

If Snoop Dogg was white he would be rotting in a prison cell, where he belongs, idiot Martha Stewart's sick pandering -- and others' -- notwithstanding. He murdered. He pimped. He destroyed lives.

Real respect means seeing past skin color to judge someone based on their actions and words. Kevin Hart is indeed a victim of political correctness, and he seems like a decent guy. But race isn't the issue, no matter what the favorite flavor of pseudo-oppressed black pimp child rapist murderer of the day says. And do you know what Kevin Hart really, really couldn't say and keep his career? He couldn't say what I just said about Snoop Dogg.