December 16, 2018

"SNL" uses the stalest Christmas sketch idea of all and — because it's anti-Trump — gets treated as brilliant.

I'm glancing at "SNL asks ‘What if Trump were never elected?’ in a star-studded ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ spoof" (WaPo).

IN THE COMMENTS: Robert Cook said:
I saw a portion of that. Really lazy, pandering, and childish. Do they really believe things were better under Obama, or would be better under H. Clinton, or that Trump is the cause of the world of shit in which we reside? Trump is possible only because the world is in shit shape, in great part because of the actions of our rulers (the plutocrats behind the "people's representatives").
CORRECTION: There is one Christmas sketch idea that is more stale than an "It's a Wonderful Life" parody. That would be a "Christmas Carol" parody. But "SNL" doesn't get credit for avoiding that abysmal triteness because that's exactly how they went after Trump last week.


chickelit said...

Roiling on the floor larfing.

rehajm said...

“It’s a Wonderful Life” follows the story of George Bailey (James Stewart), a decent man who finds himself at the end of his rope on Christmas Eve. As Bailey considers suicide, an angel appears and shows him how the world would be without him in it.

Many of these people feel like George Bailey at the end of his rope. Key difference: If the angles showed up at all they'd encourage these people to jump.

Wince said...

Robert De Niro as Robert Mueller: "I know everything, everything..."

We'll see, but I don't think Mueller anticipated Judge Emmett Sullivan giving him a lump of coal for Christmas.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I find the criticism you, a non-comedian, have for SNL to be compelling and persuasive.

Oh wait -- no I don't! Hahaha! That was a joke! Get it? Hahaha.

As a non-lawyer, can I ask why a blog as oriented around politics as yours, is doing so much to bury the Michael Cohen story?

Or have you been advising Trump closely enough to be cautious enough about avoiding the possibility of 36 months in the slammer?

Hahahahaha! I should write these for a living!

Wince said...

From Ebony... politics is thicker than race?

Here’s What Reportedly Led to Robert De Niro & Grace Hightower’s Split

Initial reports claimed Hightower's alleged Trump support ended their marriage, but could there be more to the demise of their relationship?

Robert De Niro confirmed his split from wife of 21 years, Grace Hightower, last month. Because he refused to divulge the details surrounding their impending divorce, many believed reports that Hightower is a Trump supporter, which drove a wedge between the couple. Democrat De Niro has criticized the 45th president on several occasions.

Political differences aside, according to a new report, there was more to the marriage coming to an end. Sources at Radar Online claim Hightower’s controlling ways were the main catalyst.

“She busted his balls and controlled his finances and film production company, and had all kinds of rules he couldn’t live by. Grace micromanaged him to death and he deserves a medal for sticking it out so long.”

The source continued, “‪With both their names on so many charitable projects, she wanted him to look respectable in the public eye, and that meant shaving regularly and getting a proper haircut [he loves to go native] and not hanging out with pals like Marty [Scorsese], Leo [DiCaprio], Harvey [Keitel], and Keith [Richards].” De Niro reportedly also had to “call from the set twice a day like he was reporting for duty,” when filming.

tcrosse said...

Any mention of what a Wonderful Life it would be with Hillary as POTUS?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You know what's also funny?

Your blog's banner ad for Blaze TV says: "No censors. No liberal ads."

No sense of irony is lost on our country's conservatwits. LOL!

JAORE said...

Hahahahaha! I should write these for a living!

Yeah and I should dance for the Rockettes.

Wince said...

tcrosse said...
Any mention of what a Wonderful Life it would be with Hillary as POTUS?


n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Robert Cook said...

I saw a portion of that. Really lazy, pandering, and childish. Do they really believe things were better under Obama, or would be better under H. Clinton, or that Trump is the cause of the world of shit in which we reside? Trump is possible only because the world is in shit shape, in great part because of the actions of our rulers (the plutocrats behind the "people's representatives").

Matthew Hart said...

It must be miserable being an SNL cast member right now. You know these people want to branch out and really show their stuff, but the network squishes them into their little political box with no room to grow out of it. But, SNL is still a solid gig, so they just go with it. I'm only in my mid-30's and remember when SNL used to be edgy. Now they're about as ordinary as they come. Sad to see so much censorship in comedy. But there is hope. If you want to see the future of comedy, check out these new guys on the scene who don't care about having a career and just lets loose on the club circuit. Oh, man! Worth the two drink minimum, I promise you! Support your local open mic night.

Henry said...

What if Trump never found the land of broken toys?

Drago said...

Cookie: "Trump is possible only because the world is in shit shape, in great part because of the actions of our rulers (the plutocrats behind the "people's representatives")."


This Robert Cook bears watching.

Achilles said...

If Hillary was president we would have:

Higher unemployment.
Higher taxes.
Lower growth.
At least 2 more wars in Syria and a country yet to be named.
Korea would still be at war.
The government would still be spying on her political opponents.
A civil war.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Trump has kind of made it impossible for comedians to joke about almost anything else, Matthew Hart - given the unprecedented levels of self-parody to which that psychotic degenerate compulsive self-contradictor takes his unwanted attempt at presidency. When it comes to Trump, you can't make this shit up! Also, he can't stand not being in the news.

Most good comedians have expressed disdain for a Trump presidency on the grounds that real life is not a joke -- but I suspect that they also figure the low-lying fruit he provides them for subject material makes it harder to branch out. Not that they wouldn't prefer to. But the audiences must apparently realize how acute their need for ridiculing the naked (and toupee-wearing)emperor really is. It's not like comedians can ignore audience need. Charlie Chaplin and Warner Brothers did this when Trump's ideological predecessor, Schickelgruber, was in power.

gspencer said...

No spoof will top the Shatner-introduced lost ending to Wonderful Life, with Carvey, Lovitz, Hartman, Hooks, Miller,

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We'd have Hillary and institutionalized corruption, embedded for generations.
Or - what makes Hillarywoodlanders horny.

LYNNDH said...

Achilles, you forgot that us Deplorables would be in "Reeducation" camps and guns would be confiscated. All coal and natural gas power plants would be shut. Internal combustion engines would be banned. Without George, er Donald, we would have the kind of place the George prevented in the movie.

tim maguire said...

All anti-Republican material everywhere is tired bullshit that gets treated as brilliant because it’s anti-Republican.

tcrosse said...

Presumably if Trump weren't elected Jill Stein would be POTUS, since that's who everybody swears they voted for.

cronus titan said...

The funniest part is they still have Baldwin portraying Trump after Baldwin was arrested yet again for violent acts accompanied by homophobic rants. The lack of self-awareness is highly entertaining.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

True, Achilles.

(Or at least as true as Achilles' belief that he can predict the future - or one as catastrophic as he always fears).

Don't forget though -

we also wouldn't have a blackout rapist on the Supreme Court
a revolving door of ethics violators on a billionaire cabinet
water standards so poor that Trump is literally giving Americans infectious diarrhea

Hey! At least the rich donors were taken care of!

You know. The standard abominations that just go with living the kind of American life that you think is so top notch.

Your concern for rich people's taxes and economic growth is touching. Now if only you could get their stock indices to reflect any of that. I mean, Trump did after all pass the biggest hedge funder and real estate developer tax cut in history, so why isn't the market for those principle constituents just magically growing?

I thought every deficit-exploding hedge fund trader tax cut would lead to magical wealth creation? Are your kids' taxes going to our Chinese creditors for nothing?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's not too late for LYNNDH to stock up his doomsday pantry and canned goods. I mean, after all. It barely past noon on a Sunday.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

All anti-Republican material everywhere is tired bullshit that gets treated as brilliant because it’s anti-Republican.

Well that's because of how brilliant they are at consistently doing so many stupid and spineless things. Republicanism is comedy gold! (Apart from the real-life havoc it wreaks).

le Douanier said...

Althouse sees staleness going on. When she looks around.

Ha ha ha ha.

Achilles said...

If Hillary was president we would still be up for sale to the Russians and Chinese.

We would still be in Obama's strategic partnership with Iran to destabilize the Middle East and create more wars.

Achilles said...

President Pee-Pee Tape said...
True, Achilles.

(Or at least as true as Achilles' belief that he can predict the future - or one as catastrophic as he always fears).

Don't forget though -

we also wouldn't have a blackout rapist on the Supreme Court
a revolving door of ethics violators on a billionaire cabinet
water standards so poor that Trump is literally giving Americans infectious diarrhea

Those water standards were written by democrats and republicans.

They were written by all of the people in DC opposed to Trump.

That you think Kavanaugh is a blackout rapist who raped multiple women over a series of years without being caught just shows that you are a fucking idiot.

Achilles said...

President Pee-Pee Tape said...
It's not too late for LYNNDH to stock up his doomsday pantry and canned goods. I mean, after all. It barely past noon on a Sunday.

Trump is lowering our CO2 emissions and making us energy independent at the same time.

2 more things republicans and democrats in DC oppose.

It must really piss you losers off Trump is actually doing something effective to stop global warming. It just demonstrates stopping global warming is not your goal.

If it was you wouldn't be so ignorant about the science behind your stupid hypothesis and you wouldn't look like such a retard when you discuss it.

alanc709 said...

Pee Pee Tape is claiming RBG is a blackout rapist? Because I could more credibly accuse her than the accusasions against Kavanaugh, as anyone but a brain-dead turnip like PPPT would know

tim maguire said...

President Pee Pee, do you have any idea what is going on in the country right now? Taken a look at the economici indicators? Ever?

For all his appalling personal style, Trump has been a suprisingly effective and successful president. Far better than we’ve seen at least since Clinton and better than we are likely to see for some time again.

How many people are you willing to put out of work, how much suffering are you willing to cause for no better reason than to get a president you see as more presidential? If the answer isn’t “zero” then you have some serious soul searching to do.

Darrell said...

The sketch's "Pottersville" should have been five minutes of pitch black after three seconds of showing us that Hillary had won.

gilbar said...

Professor Althouse; i Tried to finish the assignment; but other than the Wisconsin joke, i found nothing funny and couldn't make it past the idea that his wife would have divorced him for not winning the Presidency; i stopped then. Please assign a makeup?

I Callahan said...

This Robert Cook bears watching.

In fairness, Drago, I think RC has been pretty consistent. He's always maintained that ALL of our past presidents (at least in the past 30 or so years) have been corrupt. He's given no more quarter to Hillary than he has to Trump.

He's a lefty, but a pretty principled lefty at that. Unlike some of the other ones who show up in these threads (including the one polluting this thread now).

Jeff Weimer said...

This isn't comedy; it's public self-therapy, seeking clapter.

gilbar said...

This Robert Cook bears watching.
Yes, the Igna's and LLR's of the world are so predictable; but Robert seems to be a genuine loose cannon.

I'm seriously curious Mr Cook; who WOULD you (DO you) want running things?

I Callahan said...

we also wouldn't have a blackout rapist on the Supreme Court

We don't have that, and you know that, so you're just a dishonest hack.

a revolving door of ethics violators on a billionaire cabinet

Because all prior presidential cabinets have been staffed with the previously poor, noble savage types.

water standards so poor that Trump is literally giving Americans infectious diarrhea

Which is happening exactly nowhere in the United States (the only way to respond to such nonsense).

rcocean said...

Awful. Cast is terrible, jokes obvious and mediocre.

You can attack Republicans and be witty about it.

But they didn't do it here. Example:

Kavanaugh: They didn't pick me, I didn't have the temperament. They went with that nerd Merrick Garland.

Audience: hahahhaha.

rcocean said...

Part of the problem is that Alec Baldwin is a terrible Trump.

Carvey was a great Bush, and Hammond and Hartmann did wonderful Reagan Bush II and Clinton impressions.

The current SNL cast stinks on ice.

rcocean said...

There's nothing wrong with a Wonderful life or Christmas Carol parody, its all in the execution.

narciso said...

Hartman's passing was a bitter pill, they have sunk past o'doghnohues tenure in 81

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Achilles said...

If Bernie Sanders was president, we would be eating our dogs, not walking them.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

If Hillary was president we would still be up for sale to the Russians and Chinese.

Under Trump, our deficits (which he exploded in "good economic times") still our! So don't worry. Our national treasure in the form of all those wasted trillions are still solidly in the latter's hands, and growing!

We would still be in Obama's strategic partnership with Iran to destabilize the Middle East and create more wars.

If you think Saudi-allied autocracy "stabilizes" the Middle East I'd love to know what you're smoking. Divid and conquer is exactly what keeps clients weak. You're propping up the Wahhabi terrorist financiers just because of how blindly you hate Iran. Iran is terrible. Weakening them to prop up Sunni terrorist states and tyrants is not smart, though.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Those water standards were written by democrats and republicans.

The improved ones were all set to take effect, until Trump decided to gift his big agri-business buddies with a four-year delay. Oh well! More infectious E. coli diarrhea for more Americans! (And all the greater cost THAT entails). It's just another day in Trump-land. Save big agri-business a few million, extract even greater millions by sickening Americans and poisoning their lettuce with E. coli. That Trump is quite a guy!

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Pee Pee asks of Althouse As a non-lawyer, can I ask why a blog as oriented around politics as yours......blah blah blah OK, I added the blah blahs because I felt they were appropriate :-)

I have never thought of this blog by Althouse as being oriented/centered around politics. In fact, the main reason that I have appreciated, over the years, reading and commenting is the eclectic, varied, quirky, amusing and original posts that you wouldn't see any place else.

Posts that encourage discussion and often evolve in the comment section into some very interesting and amusing exchanges between interesting commenters.

Politics are a part of our life and Some posts are about politics. However, IMO, the blog is not politically centered.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Part of the problem is that Alec Baldwin is a terrible Trump.

That's true, another issue is the insistence on portraying Trump as a dupe and dunce. SNL used to be able to lampoon Trump quite effectively.

Achilles said...

Robert Cook said...
I saw a portion of that. Really lazy, pandering, and childish. Do they really believe things were better under Obama, or would be better under H. Clinton, or that Trump is the cause of the world of shit in which we reside? Trump is possible only because the world is in shit shape, in great part because of the actions of our rulers (the plutocrats behind the "people's representatives").

You see the world correctly.

You come to the wrong conclusions.

There is no person or group you can give massive government power to that will not go bad.

It is the nature of rulers/government/aristocracy.

It doesn't matter what name you give it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

President Pee Pee, do you have any idea what is going on in the country right now? Taken a look at the economici indicators? Ever?

Not really. I'm not a billionaire CEO like you either would claim to be or confuse yourself with. Although I do know that their stocks are going around in circles and that actual economists disagree with your armchair analysis. And I also know that American auto manufacturers just clipped thousands of jobs and that outsourcing continues when businesses face trade wars that jack up the prices of their raw materials or costs for farmers to ship abroad. And I know that the opioid crisis continues unabated. People are killing themselves on the stuff due to availability on the part of those wonderful manufacturers and despair. And that health care costs are still unaffordable.

So those are the facts, but don't let them get in the way of your Trump propaganda! It's valiant stuff!

What have YOU done for your billionaire president, lately? Some who defend him at all costs are willing to go to jail for him.

But you, no. No, you're just willing to lie to everyone else about the phony job he's pretending to do. (While not watching cable TV all day long. President Couch Tomato. Unindicted Co-conspirator #1).

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"If Hillary was president we would still be up for sale to the Russians and Chinese."

Yeah - but the cast at SNL would ignore it COMPLETELY.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I have never thought of this blog by Althouse as being oriented/centered around politics.

Who cares what you thought? Not a day goes by without at least 25% to 50% of the posts being about politics. Fact. That's a political blog.

This is not Trump Reality where you just get to have perceptions not grounded in fact as if they are factually-based.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yeah - but the cast at SNL would ignore it COMPLETELY.

I'm sure they're not ignoring the fact that our U.S. debt and other national treasure is reaching higher and higher levels of sale to the Chinese. Doesn't that count for anything?

If you had kids, what would you tell them about the debt you're saddling them with? That cutting hedge fund traders' and real estate developers' taxes made it worth it?

Good thing you'll never have to have that conversation, eh?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I like that Ann has evolved to be more free speech-y. In a time where the left are cracking down on free speech, it's a good thing.

chickelit said...

rcocean said...Part of the problem is that Alec Baldwin is a terrible Trump.

Agree. I wonder in Forlorn Michaels is afraid of Baldwin somehow? Afraid that Baldwin will yell at him on the street.

I got a schadenboner reading that little Bobby De Niro and and his wife allegedly split for political reasons. She wasn't off the rails against Trump, you see.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

SNL is giving their audience what they want, Trump bashing. Humor is incidental to that undertaking.

ALP said...

Sigh. Been saying for years that you have to be smart to do comedy. SNL makes me wonder about that. Such a simpleton idea - all problems pinned on one solitary person on a sphere with 7.5 billion other people.


JAORE said...


Under Trump, our deficits (which he exploded in "good economic times") still our! So don't worry. Our national treasure in the form of all those wasted trillions are still solidly in the latter's hands, and growing!"

Another fallacy. In 2014 the Chinese owned 1.3 TRillion of the US DEBT. As of 9/2018 they own 1.15 trillion. Both a decrease in percent of US debt AND in actual dollars.

But, hey, you just keep being you.

James K said...

The "It's a Wonderful Life" takeoff doesn't really work, because Trump is happy with his life, while only in their twisted view Trump is a bad guy and we'd be better off if he hadn't been elected. Needless to say, it comes off as forced and not funny.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well, at least you're comfortable admitting that you're a pro-deficit spending Republican, JAORE. Most have gotten away with marketing the fiction that they're fiscally responsible for years.

Anyway, here are the charts. You officially think Trump's increased deficit expenditures in a supposedly good economy are awesome because of how you quantify them proportionately. And isn't that wonderful! But I'm sure once he tanks the economy and you get another 2008 and all the fiscal damage that wrought, you'll also be ok with it? I mean, I'd think a rainy day surplus makes sense in good economic times but I guess those hedge fund traders' and real estate developers' tax rates meant more to you. Not sure how much more they'd mean to the economy but I digress. I'm talking to a Republican after all. No one looks after rich people's financial concerns better than poor Republicans!

I guess all that debt accrued while Obama fixed Bush's economy really didn't matter after all, given how much Republicans are willing to add to it when they don't have to.

Once I become really rich I'll probably go door-to-door in red states asking for handouts. I bet I'll walk away with returns that even Bernie Madoff couldn't have realized!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Anyway, the topic of the post was humor. Here's a joke:

Q. How do you get a poor Republican to give you lots of money?

A. Tell him you're really rich!


readering said...

I didn't watch SNL but if it got POTUS to tweet inanely there should be legal consequences for the sketch it works for me.

rcocean said...

"That's true, another issue is the insistence on portraying Trump as a dupe and dunce."

Agree. Satire has to be grounded in truth - and Trump is not stupid.

You can satirize Trump for being vulgar or egoistical - but SNL is stuck in its "Republicans are either dumb or evil" trope.

Darrell said...

How do you get Ritmo/Pee-Pee Mouth to say something stupid?

Let him comment.
Free speech strikes again!

Drago said...

JAORE: "Another fallacy. In 2014 the Chinese owned 1.3 TRillion of the US DEBT. As of 9/2018 they own 1.15 trillion. Both a decrease in percent of US debt AND in actual dollars.

But, hey, you just keep being you."

The Lefties and their LLR allies were assured there would be no Patriarchal Tool Of White Oppressors Mathematics on this thread.

Your comment hits the left and LLR Chuck hardest.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ok, good point. If less of it go to the Chinese then the GOP should just continue tax-cut and spending away! Get that deficit up! Saddle your kids with more and more and more and more and more and more debt! The hedge fund traders you're in hock to demand no less!

Birkel said...

Althouse has always and consistently been pro-free expression.
And where she starts with a political topic, her mind very often turns to something unrelated that makes her voice refreshing, agree or disagree.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"I Callahan said...
This Robert Cook bears watching.

In fairness, Drago, I think RC has been pretty consistent. He's always maintained that ALL of our past presidents (at least in the past 30 or so years) have been corrupt. He's given no more quarter to Hillary than he has to Trump.

He's a lefty, but a pretty principled lefty at that. Unlike some of the other ones who show up in these threads (including the one polluting this thread now)."

Too dumb to know what Kamala 2020 means, you serve Satan.

Go on and excuse me for my consistency, I don't give a fuck, because I don't (always although of course at points I've wittengly and un not) serve Satan the more I think.

Guildofcannonballs said...


President-Mom-Jeans said...

You mad bitchmo? Again?

Why you mad bro?

Why don't you find a bridge and jump off, see if an angel comes to save your retarded ass. I would tell you to do a back flip.

Gunner said...

Doesn't this sketch hurt lefties by saying the only reason they cared about Kavanaugh "sexually assaulting" a woman is because he was nominated for SCOTUS rather than being a lower judge?

Guildofcannonballs said...


But those who die trying something decent/great ought be a warning to never shame those greather than uourself.

INstead we got these Darwin award fucks, probably even the greats like that daggum Hawk outta Iowa.

TO those, Hillary and Bill are the same, elections are just for idiots to idiot.

No more contemplation is possible.

Hope Iowa boys's dada was an atheist, othwerwise that might be a great dissappointmnet.

Guildofcannonballs said...

This sone of a cock as far as I know saud votingis for idiotst and Hillary ought reight then because, lkik my kike-nip budy nigger-wop idiots vote.

Any idealism you may have ought have been, and if not heretofore it will be, used aainst youu.

Guildofcannonballs said...

IOnky doe KOrson We;;es Cotozen Kane.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Thtat 1936 plrducction unwhite weren't good enough.

How could it have, if wuch a wing were possiblbe?

Guildofcannonballs said...

xyz anad oh xyz

xyz oh and xyz

xyz oh and xyz.

Oh and xyz.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Is denying Christianity a sin knowing what we see everyday?

Are refugees rushing to Muslims' and if not why not?

Cliched but needed spoke 100,000,000,000 more, why do white countries always have people demanding to bust in but never in our existence to bust out?

Why do the rich think they can escape?

I kknow.

Toldy you. Years ago. You gcosehe this awkwar path, not me.

As until he died at Soviet Communist Progressive hands, with the great Patton I will enjoy our next conflicts more than you know.

n.n said...

SNL performed a skit about "low talkers", where they highlighted that they will let you if you are rich or handsome.

Guildofcannonballs said...

You bet your ass he knowed.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Sucks nokt knpowing ou bet.

Far is suck

Guildofcannonballs said...

I guess if you brother ain't been killed by a guy, there ain't no such thing as a rat.

ood for prosecutors to know.d ALl, many thousands, are concerned only with Justice, never kother than altruism might lead one to conclude.


Lewis Wetzel said...

Althouse quotes Robert Cook: "Trump is possible only because the world is in shit shape, in great part because of the actions of our rulers (the plutocrats behind the 'people's representatives')"
If the world is in "shit shape," it always has been and always will be. For all of history, politics has been about one group of people making other people accept what they would prefer not to accept. Whether or not the group dominating the people has majority support, or actually represents "the people," somebody has to eat shit.
So you will always be unhappy if you think that the world is only the world of politics.
The world is beautiful place, and God has given the poor as well as the rich the power to enjoy or despise their time living on the earth.

Kevin said...

In other news:

"XXX" uses the stalest YYY idea of all and — because it's anti-Trump — gets treated as brilliant.

Ken B said...

cook is right in the bit quoted.

Birkel said...

Lewis Wetzel:

Not to mention that the world today is a better place for humans than ever it has been.

Sam L. said...

The Socialist News Line hits bottom, and keeps burrowiing.

Lucien said...

In the whole skit there was not s single line referring to some supposedly good thing that would have resulted from Secretary Clinton becoming President . . telling.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I don't believe in angels. But it's good to know that if we need a model for satan we have one: "President-Mom-Jeans". Which is really the stupidest screen name on the internet.

narciso said...

it's like simon and Garfunkel's sounds of silence, from the graduate,

Guildofcannonballs said...

Out of neccesityy,

Coutah jesd noy.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I've been jackasshish suumin' roung Denger is like the nor.

We aijn't,;

Denver is Exceptional.

People are cool.

That is why we are Denver.

I've hugged more Lesbian Athiest Wannabe Haters than you have your mirrored image.

WE all felt good.


Mike said...

Even as resident anti-Trumpist, I found the sketch predictable and unoriginal. A much funnier version would have had Trump not be elected and everything end up exactly the same.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Looks as though Black Afric ca '' merucans
Craig Rob rob rob whie

I come from trhe ladn down under

where whiwte women wlo2 and plucder


white me steal teh thunder

I come from the land down under

Guildofcannonballs said...

THew fadr od soklid.

Qhi3 men harte an we gotta hate them more.


So we have to reactielly hae yhr mo

Guildofcannonballs said...

We really, really gotta, 'cauwes yo kow, cause we gott a really really make FEeykt;t awyd OKiy

Matt Sablan said...

SNL is desperate for people to think they're as cutting edge as the Handmaiden's Tale.

Josephbleau said...

The alternate history I see with Clinton is the fact that she would have to make good all the Clinton Foundation Payoffs received payable in special interest government policy. HER would thus be in collusion with foreign powers contrary to the interest of regular Americans. Projection, thy name is Democrat.

Unknown said...

If Trump was never elected

SNL would be free of TDS

and free to be funny

Well, if The First Black President was in office, no political jokes would be possible

They would be free to be funny about Congress

Bad Lieutenant said...

Guildofcannonballs said...
We really, really gotta, 'cauwes yo kow, cause we gott a really really make FEeykt;t awyd OKiy

12/16/18, 7:24 PM

For the love of God won't somebody help Guildofcannonballs? When it comes to stroke, time lost is brain lost!

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