December 1, 2018

President George H.W. Bush has died.

(Screenshot from Drudge.)

ADDED: I have a feeling that tributes to H.W. are going to say negative things about Trump — those were the days, when Republicans had class and kindness — but here's Trump:


Greg Hlatky said...

In his time, the Democrats called him Hitler, too.

buster said...

He was a gentleman.

Lyle Smith said...

The Bushes are nice people. I would see them around Houston from time to time over the years. Barbara Bush had an awesome, positive spirit.

I read the news from a Deutsche Welle news alert. The Germans (DW at least) highlighted his time as President and German reunification, and the fact that Bush didn't vote for Trump and didn't have him at Barbara Bush's funeral.

David Begley said...

He was the youngest pilot during WW 2. He flew over 50 combat missions as the son of a Senator. Shot down and rescued by a sub. Captain of the Yale baseball team and met Babe Ruth at Yankee Stadium. His daughter Robin died as a child from leukemia. Won a war in record time as President. A great husband, father and grandfather. A great American.

AllenS said...

I remember when he said something like -- "This aggression will not stand" (referring to the invasion of Kuwait), and I thought, who talks like that?

Gahrie said...

R.I.P. President Bush.

Once written, twice... said...
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AllenS said...

George HW Bush, was another RINO. I don't much care for Baby Bush, either.

rehajm said...

I got to meet him. I liked his combinatoon of dignity and light heartedness. I wish there more like him.

Once written, twice... said...
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Once written, twice... said...

Another state funeral that Trump will not be invited to, leaving it up to President Obama to fulfill the role of being the dignified voice of the American people.

rhhardin said...

Awkward funerals are the best.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...
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Eric the Fruit Bat said...

How much does a guy get paid to spoon an old man and jump out of a plane?

Browndog said...

Gonna be a little awkward when they say he was a great President because he's not Trump. Trump being a terrible President because he sucks up to Saudi Arabia.

Temujin said...

A humble gentleman and politician from another era. Compare his accomplishments and manner with any of today's 'leaders'. Not speaking specific policy, just speaking the type of man. No selfies. No ego. Just country, family, people.

Who does that today?

Guildofcannonballs said...

Seems to me elderly peop!e should pass close to their spouse of decades and decades.

That is what my grandma did. Let's hope for unity.

Henry said...

It wasn't a kinder, gentler nation. It was just mean in different ways.

mccullough said...

Funeral will be real awkward if his girlfriend shows up.

mccullough said...
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Guildofcannonballs said...

Po!itically Clarence Thomas is a great legacy. Bush probably regretted the choice though.

Browndog said...

What I think of as President Bush:

-Gulf War
-Thousand Points of Light
-Read my lips
-One World Order

What I think of as George Bush

-Kind hearted
-Family man
-Top Notch

rhhardin said...

Being all those good things isn't rare at all, just rare in politicians.

It's the norm elsewhere.

MadisonMan said...

In his time, the Democrats called him Hitler, too.

Did they? I recall it for his son, but not for the father.

I have mixed feelings. I appreciated his service to the country -- but I'm a big anti-fan of Political Dynasties. So it takes some reconciling to appreciate him.

Sydney said...

I agree with Browndog. The country would have been better off if he had lived his life as a businessman and family man than the leader of our country.

William said...

He was a successful athlete, warrior, diplomat, bureaucrat, President, father, and husband. In many of these areas he was not just successful but gloriously successful. He truly led an accomplished life.

Trumpit said...

I'm only sorry that he lived so long. Not finishing the first Iraq war, and nominating ignoramus Clarence Thomas are his disgraceful legacy. He fertilized stupid sons, too.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Hitler dies. Again.

rhhardin said...

nominating ignoramus Clarence Thomas

I always used Thomas as proof that there are really smart blacks.

William said...

He's undoubtedly the favorite Republican President of the Democrats. In the coming days, we will be hearing much of his many virtues and accomplishments and how stark the contrast is between him and our current President.

AllenS said...

"upchucking in Japan" I had forgotten about that. I remember thinking back then, what's next?

AllenS said...

Daddy Bush always seemed to be out of his element as POTUS. He never could get a step ahead, but always seemed like he was two steps behind.

stevew said...

A good and decent man. RIP.

rhhardin said...

The coverage is going to be really tedious.

narciso said...

That's a given, the un had given a circumscribed mission, get Saddam out of Iraq, Thomas was a great find, sadly he wasnt

Wince said...

There's a lesson here.

In seeking comity with Democrats in congress, Bush agreed in 1990 to raise existing taxes.

In return for Bush's attempt a compromise, the media and Bill Clinton in the run-up to the 1992 election typified Bush as breaking his "Read My Lips: no new taxes" pledge.

And what did Bill Clinton do after being elected?

He raised taxes again.

narciso said...

And cut the military and savaged the intelligence services just as al queda was on the move. Clinton didn't call them jayvees but the response was underwhelming.

Jersey Fled said...

War hero, Conressman and Senator, businessman, Ambassador to the U.N. and China, Director of the CIA, Vice President.

But of course, Hillary was the "most qualified person ever to run for President".

narciso said...

Can you imagine the slobbering when Clinton goes:

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

What he and Clinton accomplished with their Aids Foundation was an excellent example of class in politics.

I wish all politicians would copy their model for post-public works.

narciso said...

Even in the last days chichijima was a particularly savage place, that's where he would have ended up if the sub hadn't rescued him.

Ralph L said...

He ran twice for the US Senate but lost both times.

Ralph L said...
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Rusty said...

Mary is full of hate. Must be a democrat. Tell ya what, Mary. Once he's in the ground and nobody else is around. Go take a steaming shit on his grave. That'll teach him.
Hes dead, Mary. Nothing you can do or say is going to make one whit of difference. You can choose to be gracious or fool.

narciso said...

Yes Texas was still a mostly blue state then, the first time in the gold water deluge thr second was in the 70 midterms but he apprenticed as congressman and later began his long string of appointments.

narciso said...

Everything has its place, but the cost was high, while al queda was on the move, Clinton dabbled in the Balkans and Haiti, there were some brushfires left over in iraq.

narciso said...

They insinuated skulduggery against him, October surprise, Iran contra (which were too mismatched operations, the nievete of an approach to the mullahs, and a critical supply line in the cold war,)

RK said...

Raise your hand if you're already bored with it.

Rory said...

AllenS said: "I remember when he said something like -- "This aggression will not stand" (referring to the invasion of Kuwait), and I thought, who talks like that?"


narciso said...

Yes Thatcher was sui generis, you heard the nazgul shreak at her passing and Obama's diss as compared to mandela.

narciso said...

I take the long view that's why their praise now is so hypocritical.

Guildofcannonballs said...

This is an apt link re aggression standing.

Not just anyone gets to be in a Coen Bro film.

Mark said...

In his time, the Democrats called him Hitler, too.

Did they? I recall it for his son, but not for the father.

They probably did. But what I remember is how the Dems viciously charged him with colluding with the Iranians to steal the 1980 election from Jimmy Carter.

Remember how he flew a secret SR-71 spy plane to meet with the Iranians in Paris?

Mark said...

The Dems have only one playbook. And in it is only five or six plays.

And they run them over and over and over and over and over.

LuAnn Zieman said...

What? No mention of his extensive and colorful sock collection!

AllenS said...

Nov 4, 2017 - Former US Republican President George Bush Sr has confirmed he voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election

Nothing says Republican In Name Only as this example. Dignified? Hardly.

Meade said...

William said...
"He's undoubtedly the favorite Republican President of the Democrats."

John McCain is the Democrats' favorite Republican president because he never became president. But, yeah, HW is their other favorite. They're both... favorites, so either one is good, but if you have both, they'll take McCain, because McCain is a little more favorite. But if they don't have McCain it's like, alright, its fine, cause HW's favorite anyway. He's like another favorite, but not as much. Not as much favorite. But they're both good. They're both good. For Democrats.

Francisco D said...

I'm only sorry that he lived so long. Not finishing the first Iraq war, and nominating ignoramus Clarence Thomas are his disgraceful legacy. He fertilized stupid sons, too.

What a sad and miserable character you are Trumpit.

If you didn't hate yourself so much, you might find some compassion for others.

Leland said...

Nice guy, but overtime, his legacy seems no better or worse than Carter's. Carter made lots of mistakes in office that were obvious while in office. 41 made lots of mistakes in office which mostly didn't manifest until after he left office. Both did good things in office and out. Both are/were political animals.

Winston said...


Survived while others died in WWII due to his white privilege? This is what happens when you leave your thoughts unrefrigerated.

Big Mike said...

Can someone confirm for me that the Post began it’s obit thus?

George H. W. Bush died of SPECIFIC MEDICAL CONDITION ...

But they are the best that 21st century journalism has to offer. Just ask them.

Big Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Leland said...

At least he will have the dignity of laying in state within a Capitol controlled by Republicans in both chambers.

narciso said...

I can't make that up, why would I even try?

Seeing Red said...

Don’t forget, Bubba sold us out to China, too.

Seeing Red said...

Ooohhh the things I could say about Peanut when he’s gone. Might dance a jig.

Mark said...

Why do some simply insist on parading their assholery all of the time? In fact, they go out of their way to do it.

FWBuff said...

He was a good man and a great American. I’m glad that he was President when the Berlin Wall fell and the Soviet Union collapsed.

alanc709 said...

There is a special place in hell reserved for Trumpit. Too bad he isn't there yet, the world would be a better place.

narciso said...

It's in their nature, like Dr. Strangeloves salute.

Bill Peschel said...

I always thought not toppling Saddam was a mistake on his part. What's the point of going to war if you stop before you win?

This has been the procedure since the Korean War, which means wasted lives and encouragement for future wars.

Now, the military is just mercenaries for the president who sends them into battle.

narciso said...

Yes they slobbered over Gary hart. He probably would have given away the store. He was beto 1.0

Mark said...

If a lot of other people had been president at the time -- including nearly all Democrats -- the Berlin Wall would still be up, the Soviet Union would still exist. And hundreds of millions of people would live in totalitarian dictatorship.

MadisonMan said...

They probably did.

I'm less certain. To call someone 'Hitler' when he actively fought against the guy?

Now that people who fought against him are mostly dead, it's a lot easier to paint with the Hitler brush, because he's just a concept now, not a reality.

I guess I could search -- but it would be hard to wade through all the BushHitler comments on W.

narciso said...

As opposed to seventeen years In Afghanistan i don't know the answer, all the world built up Saddam to fight Iran, yet they weren't willing to follow through.

Sebastian said...

"A humble gentleman"

Not really. Then again, he had much to be unhumble about.

But leaving Iraq to fester was a mistake.

gspencer said...

Now that the last CIA operative to have worked with LBJ in removing JFK is gone, perhaps all the docs about that assassination can be released.

narciso said...

Oh good grief the company was never that competent, cigarette smoking man was an aspirational figure.

William said...

Bush is not getting a lot of love here. It seems to me that he led an extraordinarily successful life in all the dimensions that a life can be led. He raised taxes and lost an election. For the same reasons that Democrats love him, Republicans are antipathetic towards him. "I like pilots who don't crash, and candidates who don't lose elections." There are other metrics.......I wonder how this will affect the career of Dana Carvey. Maybe SNL could bring him back for one last cold opening.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

They never learn. According to Insty, the NYT obituary used the photo of Bush being "amazed" at the grocery store scanner. That story has been thoroughly debunked. Even Snopes couldn't cover for the NYT with a "mixed" rating.

This was the Bush is out of touch attack line that did much damage and helped him get defeated. Yet it was fake news.

This is a big "fuck you" from the NYT to Bush, Sr and his family.

But Trump is uncouth for talking about media bias. Do you think any Bushie will push back the NYT for this little snearing victory lap. Of course not. They never learn.

Mr. Majestyk said...

Hmmm. I don't see any reports mentioning his "busy hands."

Howard said...

War crimes led to 911. New world order globalization. Godfather of the deep state.

Ray - SoCal said...

What he did to make the Gulf War possible was amazing politically.

Toppling Saddam at the time seemed politically impossible with the coalition he had assembled.

The abandonment of the Kurds was a blot on his legacy.

Ray - SoCal said...

Sebastian - great word choice of fester, to describe the Iraq Saddam quagmire after gulf war 1.

BUMBLE BEE said...

As has been mentioned upthread, GHW was opposed by the media and snarling leftists. I can't imagine the editorial response to a republican "finishing off" Saddam. Does anybody really want to win a war anymore? Excepting the the left, that is.
He did OK. Spectacular by today's standards.

William said...

Bush was in many ways a truly cool guy. He had all of the skills but none of the style of a cool guy. It was that patrician WASP thing. It's hard to be cool and well bred.

Ray - SoCal said...

Unfortunately we ignore those by Arabs...

>Howard said
>war crimes led to 9-11

Real war crimes that are ignored:
Al Qaeda / Taliban are/were not very nice people. Stoning, massacres, blowing up schools, protecting drug growers, assassinations, killing gays, destroying the Buddha statues, killing innocents, etc.

Seeing Red said...

War crimes led to 911. New world order globalization. Godfather of the deep state.

Go blame Charles the Hammer. He had the audacity to put force behind stop stealing our women, children and stuff.

steve uhr said...

If Bush was strong enough to win a second term, the Clinton dynasty may never have happened. Comments on this blog would be down 25 percent.

AllenS said...

Daddy Bush lost his attempt at reelection because of Perot. I voted for Perot. At the time I had enough of Bush.

Mark said...

If Bush was strong enough to win a second term, the Clinton dynasty may never have happened.

You can thank all those short-sighted people who registered their disagreements with Bush by lodging a protest vote for Perot. They spited our nose and ended up cutting off our face.

Mark said...

Yeah, it was dipshits like Allen you can thank.

narciso said...

Well that was a design flaw in letting Saudi general intelligence and isi choose which groups to favor.

narciso said...

The whole la riots, the Rio summit of self indulgence, Lawrence Walsh's lawfare

Ralph L said...

I assumed Bush assumed one of Saddam's minions would dispose of him, but they were too skeered.

Seeing Red said...

Until the ‘88 election, I had never heard, or maybe didn’t pay attention, but that’s when the Dems started using Mr.

Mr. Bush

They started lowering the bar.

mccullough said...

Perot lives

Darrell said...

Fatwa on Mark.

mccullough said...

Reagan was a tough act to follow.

tcrosse said...

Trump will attend the funeral.

AllenS said...

Dipshit, Mark? I'm pretty sure that I've put in my time and earned a right to vote for anyone that I want to. I can't possibly tell you how happy I was when Jeb didn't cut it. No more Bushes.

mccullough said...

Trump has to attend the funeral and the Bush family has to let him.

Presidents are not senators or Supreme Court Justices.

It’s a very small club. Only 44 men have ever been president. There are cut ently 100 US Senators.

narciso said...

True but at least then, bubba was the result with all that entailed, the narrative frame (the supermarket scanner, the recession,)

Bilwick said...

Not a fan, although of all modern presidents I thought that (just as a guy) he might be the one I'd most enjoy hanging out with. Wasn't a fan because he pretty much undid the Reagan legacy of making the fight against statism paramount. Instead of a thousand points of light I'd rather see a million points of liberty.

Big Mike said...

Does anybody really want to win a war anymore? Excepting the the left, that is.

@BUMBLE BEE, the rule is simple. The rule is simple: Republicans are not allowed to win wars. Bush senior won by keeping the war short. Note that no one in the press pissed and moaned when Clinton bombed the Hell out of tiny Serbia.

Bilwick said...

Trumpit probably thinks Clarence Thomas an ignoramus because --unlike really smart Eloi such as Trumpit--he never learned how wonderful statism is and how serfdom is the highest glory we should all aspire to

narciso said...

No but al queda cheered, we served as their airforce as with Libya a decade later

rcocean said...

Mixed feelings on Bush-I. Seemed like a nice guy, WW II vet etc. but he had contempt for the average Voter and was a typical RINO.

Read my lips no new taxes, Souter, Quota Bill, rescission, non-stop political gaffes.

Ran in 1988 as Reagan Part II; governed as Gerald Ford Part II.

That he voted for Hillary in 2016, doesn't surprise me.

Mark said...

Dipshit, Mark? I'm pretty sure that I've put in my time and earned a right to vote for anyone that I want to.

That's called a non-denial.

Seeing Red said...

Remember the stupidity of allowing Saddam’s army helicopters?

rcocean said...

The thing about Bush, is he never would've become POTUS if Reagan hadn't picked him as VP.

His record as a Candidate is mediocre to poor. Lost in 1980 and 1992. Ran for Texas Senate and lost twice. His only victories were getting elected to a safe Republican Congressional district (twice) and riding Reagan's coattails in 1988.

Remember his looking at his watch during the debates? Later, he was interviewed about in the late 1990s, and talked about how "humiliating" it was to be there. Imagine a POTUS thinking it was "humiliating" to go on TV and debate!

That was Bush.

Narayanan said...

Whatever happened to very sensible lady ... April Glaspie?
Entire war and aftermath could've been avoided. Bush may have had term2

rcocean said...

Bush should have been Secretary of State not POTUS

narciso said...

Unlikely, this was an instance when they fed a rabid dog and he came back to bite them, the baath had hungered to Kuwait since the 50s

narciso said...

For Kuwait, which was an Israel hating statelet who had been the sanctuary of Palestinians for a generation.

narciso said...

For Fatah Arafat as well as Hamas meshaal, another famous clan who resided there was ksms

Narayanan said...

Opportunity for Bush family to show their classiness ...
Have Trump yes/no

narciso said...

So imagine if Saddam had ventured into the kingdom and had faced al queda instead of American troops.

Yancey Ward said...

The recession isn't what did Bush in in 1992- it was the tax policies from 1990- without that mistake by Bush, Ross Perot finds no fertile ground on which to build his third party challenge.

Trumpit said...

"nominating ignoramus Clarence Thomas"

"I always used Thomas as proof that there are really smart blacks."

You selectively denigrate the intelligence of blacks based on your political bias.

Low-intellect racist white trash from the 50's is not qualified to opine on the intelligence of dumb dumb Clarence Thomas, George Washington Carver, President George Washington, the comedian George Wallace, the racist Alabamian, Governor George Wallace or anyone else. "In 1941, Time magazine dubbed Carver a 'Black Leonardo'"

Ray - SoCal said...

Judge Clarence Thomas is/has an incredible impact on the high court through his opinions. His clerks are a huge legacy. I would compare the unthinking hatred and putting down of him to trump derangement syndrome.

It makes the accuser look biased, to put it mildly.

Of all the current Supreme Court justices, he seems the most down to earth. Helping fix other rv’s while on the road is incredible. What he has achieved is admirable, a true American success story.

Not an oldster. said...

Yawn... Life goes on, kids
Even when rich old white men die. Texas 14. Oklahoma 6. They best keep that body on ice if they are waiting until Wednesday to put the body in the ground... Give y'all fan boys some time to stock up on the Kleenex...

Seeing Red said...

So imagine if Saddam had ventured into the kingdom and had faced al queda instead of American troops.

He did. He wasn’t just going for Kuwait.

Not an oldster. said...

No more Bushes.
Right on, Allen. The lineage done petered out. This will be their last grasp at the spotlight. America has moved on. The Washington swells will be out in full force this week. I wonder if Bill Clinton will even show his face in public in years to come.

Not an oldster. said...

It is fun to watch the piousness in both parties of those yet to comprehend it is Game Over now for all of them. Will Nancy Pelosi or Ruth Ginsburg be there publicly grieving, do you think? Have they hired the Mexicans to dig a grave and carry him home? Think we'll see Billy Bush if Trump goes?

Not an oldster. said...

whoop... Oklahoma scored. Texas is only up by 1. Final score here is the true news of the day. New America is smart like that.

Amadeus 48 said...

HW and W were both fine gentlemen who were much maligned by the moral midgets in the press. That was when I really turned on the press. But neither of them was Reagan.

Not an oldster. said...

Fine gentlemen to worm food. Happens to the best of em.

Not an oldster. said...

I voted Perot too. He was a smart businessman in touch with the people.

eddie willers said...

and met Babe Ruth at Yankee Stadium

NOW I'm impressed.

Mark said...

I voted Perot too.

No. You voted for Bill Clinton.

Perot was never going to win. And the votes for him hurt only Bush - as they were intended to.

JackWayne said...

I guess Mark never heard Read My Lips. Not the actions of a gentleman or fine person to break a promise made at the convention. I voted Perot twice and feel good about it. And contra Trump, count me as at least one person who is indifferent to Bush dying.

Big Mike said...

I voted Perot too. He was a smart businessman in touch with the people.

I’d call him a shrewd businessman, more than smart. But I never felt that his deck had 52 cards.

FullMoon said...

Was during his presidency that I first heard the term 'politically correct".
That is all.

Mark said...

I guess Mark never heard Read My Lips.

I heard it. And it pissed me off. But I sure as hell was not going to cast a vote that would have the effect of electing Bill and Hillary, two for one.

Apparently you were willing to elect the Clintons. Because you helped to do it.

Mark said...

By the way, I also was disgusted with the Access Hollywood remarks by Trump, who is a complete blowhard buffoon.

But again, I sure as hell was going to do all I could to keep Hillary from taking power.

Jim at said...

Another state funeral that Trump will not be invited to, leaving it up to President Obama to fulfill the role of being the dignified voice of the American people.

This has nothing to do with Trump, asshole.

Seriously. What the hell is wrong with you people?

langford peel said...

We should invade a Middle Eastern country in his honor and sacrifice thousands of our soldiers to glorify him.

Ralph L said...

If Bush had been reelected, the Republican congressional party likely would have collapsed in '94 instead of triumphing. One great and frustrating thing about our politics: it isn't winner takes all.

Francisco D said...

I voted Perot too. He was a smart businessman in touch with the people.

He made his money on government contracts. Does that require smarts or something else?

rcocean said...

I wasn't going to vote for Bush in '92. Too Weak. Too many lies and broken promises.

And when all and said and done, there would have been zero SIGNIFICANT difference between a Bush 2nd term and Clinton's 1st.

All that would've happened is Clinton would've gotten elected in '96 instead of 92.

rcocean said...

Same with Jerry Ford and Jimmy Carter.

What would Ford have done that Carter didn't do?

The Economy would've gone South and the Soviets invaded Afghanistan no matter which of these clowns had been elected.

Go re-watch the '76 debates, there wasn't a dimes bit of difference between them on the BIG issues.

Not an oldster. said...

Texas loses to Oklahoma. I guess a Win one for the Poppy! speech doesn't have the motivational heft of a Gipper. But than Perot was the Texan in the race. Bush 1 was thx second born son of the Ohio buinessman who was the family patriarch. Like his boy, Bush 1, Pressie Jr.s little bro, was a legacy too. More in common with the Kennedy's than they would like to admit. Hard to top the Kennedy dynasty myth Jackie helped to build. I wonder if they'll sing Danny boy at the funeral or stick with the African American spiritual Amazing Grace. Lot of time to plan a good show. Too bad about the Texas loss though. Maybe we will hear a new Mexican song of mourning. The pages of history have already turned like that.

Not an oldster. said...

I wonder if Mark knows Bush I voted Hillary over Trump. Looooser. That is one less vote for Her Highness in 2020, mark. Condolences.

Mark said...

How is what Mark knows at all relevant to you all helping to elect Bill and Hillary Clinton in 1992, thereby paving the way for 25 years of leftist destruction of the country?

In 1992, the Dems were practically extinct as a party. No one with any credibility wanted to run against Bush. And that is how Slick Willy was nominated. You then helped to get him elected, breathing new life into a dead party.

Not an oldster. said...

We were on to the bush myth back in 92 mark. The rich boy was carried his whole career. Bush 1 that is. Reagan could not help bush1 after he spent 4 years in the top job, out of touch and floundering. That was better hidden in his work at the CIA, in private business, and as veep. HE begat the Clintons. Just like his boy begat the Obama's. Perot was the alternative. Bush could not win. Incompetence cannot be hidden when there is no msm monopoly awarding gentleman C's as they say in the ivies, for civility and PC ways. He and his son never should have led the party but like with the Kennedy's, family money went further than it does now in buying votes. Why do you hate America mark? Today of all days, say goodbye to the past and get out your shovel and start cleaning up after what the bushes left behind. We will be cleaning up after them. And what they begat, for years to come. Did you vote Hillary too, mark. Sad. Do you wear a pink pussy hat when you comment here?

Not an oldster. said...

I DO agree with you that if no one had run against Bush 1, he might have won. Assuming no organized write in campaign. People voted against bush1, wanted him out of office, period. That might have been the first honest competition poppy was ever in, as Reagan's work and reputation elected him in the first go. Truth hurts, huh. Shed your tears through Wed. then no more Bushes until the boy one day chokes on a pork rind, hits his head, and we have to endure another show of reverence. Or maybe not, sincem times change and the new kids are more about honesty than reverence for its own sake.

HoneyBee said...

He voted for Hillary. Enough said. His lack of loyalty to the party that supported him seems to me to be extreme hubris. No loyalty to his party, no loyalty to America first, a neocon globalist whom I will not mourn.

Big Mike said...

Wife pointed out that following the 7.0 earthquake in Haiti (with aftershocks of 5.9, 5.5, and 5.9) George H. W. Bush went around with his good friend Bill Clinton shilling for money for the Clinton Foundation’s Haitian earthquake relief efforts. Except that none of that money was ever spent in Haiti. Bush I never called his friends the Clintons on it, and six years later he happily voted for Hillary. If I was a Christian I would assume he was right now down in Hell explaining his actions to Satan.

0_0 said...

Perot voters were like Stein and Johnson voters. They helped elect the underdog.

Birkel said...

A Vice President Jack Kemp would have been a great choice.
Bush was a Leviathan State pick.

He was a poor choice by Reagan.

Unknown said...

He sure loved Obama.

Never said a word against him.

What a gentleman

The greatest Uniparty President.

DeepRunner said...

George H.W. Bush was a President who was right for the times when he was elected. I think people had had enough of the "Me Decade" and were ready for a kinder, gentler America.

He presided during the end of the Soviet Bloc, the Persian Gulf War, and the second demonizing of a Supreme Court nominee (Bork was the first). Harris Wofford's message about healthcare and his election in 1991 changed the landscape. The alleged journalistic media, which will pine for the days of political graciousness, will conveniently forget how complicit they were in hopping on board with that and then massaging down Bush's stature in 1992. Everything was slantingly magnified. The Bush Puke. Bush and the Bar Code.

I voted for HW in 1988. In '92, I voted for Perot, don't regret it. I remember when HW returned to the White House after the election and saw a truly humble man calling for unity after the election.

Bush 41 was a great, dignified President. RIP.

Not an oldster. said...

I am glad he was humbled but let us not pretend he or his son was the right man in the job. Hiring freezes across the board for the old man's economic policies, and unpaid wars from the son. Both in the pockets of the house of saud. History will not be kind because history did not get a Kennebunkport invite or Christmas card to skew judgement.

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