December 14, 2018

"Outside Mr. Walker’s Capitol office, protesters marched and drummed and chanted fury at what they saw as an effort to weaken unions and diminish Democrats."

"But Mr. Walker pushed through the measure, survived a recall election and went on to guide Wisconsin on a conservative path, adopting a concealed-carry law, expanding private school vouchers, enacting so-called right-to-work legislation, passing voter identification rules and setting work rules for Medicaid recipients.... The final package of legislation that Mr. Walker signed on Friday came after defeats for Republicans in Wisconsin, a swing state that Barack Obama and Donald J. Trump both won. Republicans held onto the State Legislature but lost contests for governor and attorney general. The new laws will curb the authority of [the new Democratic Governor Tony] Evers in the rule-making process and give lawmakers, not the new governor, most appointments on an economic development board until next summer. The measures also will limit early voting, allow legislators to intervene in some lawsuits and limit the power of Josh Kaul, the incoming attorney general.... To Mr. Walker’s supporters, the bills Mr. Walker signed on Friday were pragmatic ways to shore up Republican policies and establish reasonable checks on the incoming Democrats. By signing the bills, he had secured his legacy, they said, not sullied it...."

From "Wisconsin’s Scott Walker Signs Bills Stripping Powers From Incoming Governor" (NYT).


Bay Area Guy said...

This is what democracy looks like!

Bay Area Guy said...

I mean the signing of proposed legislative bills by duly elected representatives -- not idiot leftwing protestors.

Meade said...

Great legacy! 4 more years would have been nice. Hundreds of thousands of new jobs, lower taxes, a balanced budget. Thank you for everything you've done for the great state of Wisconsin, Governor Walker.

Meade said...

By the way, the signing ceremony took place in Green Bay, not at the capitol where all the loons had landed.

Temujin said...

"...adopting a concealed-carry law, expanding private school vouchers, enacting so-called right-to-work legislation, passing voter identification rules and setting work rules for Medicaid recipients...."

So let's see: allowing you the liberty to defend yourself and loved ones (or strangers in need). Allowing underprivileged children and their parents a way out of the crap schools the gummint is forcing them to be in. Allowing workers the right to join, or not join a union at work- a freedom for individual choice. Securing the election process just a bit, by requiring citizens to show they are indeed citizens, and properly registered to vote. Requiring people to at least try to get back on their feet while their fellow citizens help pay for their care through medicaid.

Horrible, evil policies. I can see why you guys voted him out.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Wow. If these bills were such a good idea, I wonder why they never implemented them in all these eight years of Droopy Eyes' administration? Hmmm. It's almost like they wish they could have limited their authority beforehand, but just want to restrict the authority of the new peoples' choice. No appearance of impropriety or a power grab there.

There's nothing worse than someone who wrecks the party on their way out - especially under state escort.

BTW, the dipshit doesn't understand how a Venn diagram works.

Are these local "interest" stories your way of pretending that your lunatic president "Individual #1" isn't feeling the legal noose around his neck getting tighter and tighter? Even after his closest consigliere gets sentenced after pleading guilty to eight counts, more than a few of which involved legal wrongdoing specifically on the president's behalf?

That's a lot to ignore. Especially for a retired law professor. It's almost like you're intentionally avoiding what's happening to the highest legal executive office in the land.

Quite a strategy there. I'm sure no one will see through it. Just like no one sees through Trump.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

These bills are basically like someone selling their house, and then plastering over the doorways and trashing some of the appliances the week before the new tenants move in.

The rest of the country has come to expect Republicans to behave this way. They simply can't win in a competitive level playing field and feel the most they have to gain involves changing the rules to handicap their opponents and build structural advantages in government for their own party.

It's a loser move. Throwing the board game in the air after they've been almost eliminated.

American Liberal Elite said...

Of course he did.

Tommy Duncan said...

The bill signing is the last hurrah in a nice run by the Republicans in Wisconsin. Yesterday Tony Evers nobly said he would endeavor to preserver by reaching across the aisle to Republicans to get things done. I give him credit for at least recognizing the commanding control Republicans have in the Assembly and Senate. Democrats will be disappointed when Tony experiences 4 years of gridlock.

Tommy Duncan said...

Pee-Pee, why am I experiencing schadenfreude?

rcocean said...

Walker did an "end run round democracy" by signing legislation passed by the elected representatives.


If Wisconsin didn't want Walker to sign lame duck legislation that should change the laws and boot the Governor out the day after the election.

Matt Sablan said...

Honestly? I think this sort of changing the rules of the game on your way out the door bad form, but I also understand WHY it gets done. Because neither side trusts the other side not to do the same to them.

Meade said...

Worth saying it twice: Thank you for everything you've done for the great state of Wisconsin, Governor Walker. We will never forget you and always recall you.


Because he did what he said... not just a big fancy talker...

chickelit said...

President Pee-Pee Tape said...These bills are basically like someone selling their house, and then plastering over the doorways and trashing some of the appliances the week before the new tenants move in.

The bills are nothing like that. But what you describe is strangely reminiscent of White House occupants removing the "W" keys from keyboards, stealing the WH china, and pardoning Marc Rich on their way out the door.

chickelit said...

That's a lot to ignore. Especially for a retired law professor. It's almost like you're intentionally avoiding what's happening to the highest legal executive office in the land.

The butt-chafe is tender and raw with this one.

gilbar said...

what time does the recall election start?
Can we Tinker with it now? Or do we have to give Evers a Chance?

chickelit said...

I can almost forgive the theft of the WH china. The Clintons were dead broke after all.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm sure if you ask even more nicely, Limousine Conservative Meade, he might allow you to provide him with fellatio. I mean, unless he is more pro-billionaire than pro-grifter.

It's nice to know that you have as much contempt for the people of your state and their choices as he does, though. And very predictable.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The bills are nothing like that.

Actually they're worse. They're like trashing the house whose party they were evicted from simply because the owner changed.

But what you describe is strangely reminiscent of White House occupants removing the "W" keys from keyboards, stealing the WH china, and pardoning Marc Rich on their way out the door.

It takes a pretty tiny mind and a very small and ignorant person to equate executive power with keyboard keys.

Good to know you're as petty as these electoral losers are.

fivewheels said...

"So-called right to work", eh, NYT? Gee, that's not a dead giveaway for outright bias in a so-called news article, is it? I bet the NYT never refers to bills pertaining to "so-called gun control" or "so-called environmental protection" or "so-called abortion rights." Frickin' hacks.

chickelit said...

Remember the night democracy died? It wasn't when Trump won the election.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

chicken l. is an interesting example of how an emotionally constipated, socially retarded man becomes a raging wack job in late life.

chickelit said...

chicken l. is an interesting example of how an emotionally constipated, socially retarded man becomes a raging wack job in late life.

Whom do you pretend to address when you write stuff like that? Your imaginary friends here at Althouse? Meade is right -- you do need a life outside this blog.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Bitchmo, you mad bro?

Yeah, you mad.

Maybe Chuck can come by and you can impotently whine together.

Mark said...

That attempt at a Venn diagram is hilarious.

Clearly neither Walker nor his staff understand a simple venn diagram enough to understand how much this looks like a middle school attempt

Cannot even make a fake chart of half truths correctly.

chickelit said...

@Ritmo: I mostly just shrug off your armchair psychoanalyses of me and others. I figure that if you can be so ignorant (or at best so outdated) about me, you must be bullshitting about others as well.

What does bug me about you is that you hold back so much positive commentary that you could contribute. Never once an comment about music, literature, culture...even your comments about science are limited to trying to tear someone else down. It's a shame, really.

Meade said...

Really, Ritmo — as much as we love having you visit us here in assisted living, shouldn't you go out and make some friends your own age? You'll be there for them and they'll be there for you?

We'll fine here. If you want, you can stop by and say hello on Tuesdays. You can even stay and have dinner with us. Tuesdays is lasagna night. But then say your goodnights (by 8:00 at the latest) and let everyone shuffle off to bed. Okay?

FullMoon said...

Ah! Nostalgia. I discovered Althouse blog during the crybaby drum bangers back in 2014.
This old comment of mine speaks of my innocence and decency:

FullMoon said... [hush]​[hide comment]

Ya know, AA is one of the very few blogs where un moderated comments do not quickly devolve into same old cliches insults about politicians or into personal back and forth among commenters. It happens occasionally.
Other popular blogs, Ace and Hot air for example have a lot of predictable, boring , repetitive comments, sometimes as lame as Huff Po.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"chicken l. is an interesting example of how an emotionally constipated, socially retarded man becomes a raging wack job in late life."

Whom do you pretend to address when you write stuff like that?

Um, well in the example above - the douchebag who quoted it. In this case his name is chicken little.

Your imaginary friends here at Althouse?

Even the retrogrades are abandoning this blog's current wave of boosterism for the criminal mob boss president "Individual 1".

Meade is right -- you do need a life outside this blog.

Apparently not so much of one to feel a need to respond to his twelve-hour strategically delayed insult this morning. But my SO (and the SO's they would prefer not to know about) are more than ok with my fixation on electronically correcting the malevolent political retards who are ruining this country. Further, I already make enough money to not be in as convenient a position to grift or find as many people to grift off of as Larry does. So the sort of "life" he advised me to have wouldn't work out the way he envisioned as I already start off a bit better off in that regard than he did.

So there you have it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What does bug me about you is that you hold back so much positive commentary that you could contribute. Never once an comment about music, literature, culture...even your comments about science are limited to trying to tear someone else down. It's a shame, really.

I save that stuff for people who aren't invested in tearing down humanity with ignorance, fear and lies.

Be an honest person about the real world and I'll be more than happy to engage with you about its treats. Musicians, writers and other achievers didn't gain acclaim by lying about the human condition or what they described - so seeing them as a pleasant distraction from admirers who also don't care for BS is just fooling yourself.

chickelit said...

Now it's a party!!

Clyde said...

Jeez, it’s like the outgoing administration took all of the Ws off the keyboards as they were leaving or something!

chickelit said...

Be an honest person about the real world and I'll be more than happy to engage with you about its treats.

Honestly, it's not about engaging me at all. I've watched you long enough in enough other other places to note that you never engage others in a positive way about such things -- even people who treat you with a open mind. I find this strange. I sort of suspect that you might actually contribute positive things on the internet, but that you do so under another name.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Really, Ritmo — as much as we love having you visit us here in assisted living, shouldn't you go out and make some friends your own age?

What can I say, Meade? I get off on cleaning away the cockroaches who infest your nursing home.

Some of my friends would understand (and appreciate) that more than others, but what can I say? It's me. I'm weird that way.

Amanda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

I just watched the embedded video. I don't know enough of Tony Evers to have a opinion. But he did speak to Walker's legacy and I hope that he realizes that "the people's will" included an awful lot that didn't go the way of Tony Evers' party. That whole drum circle-driven lunacy was legacy as well -- legacy that people will not soon forget.

Perhaps Mark can be more specific about what's wrong with Walker's Venn diagram.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Honestly, it's not about engaging me at all. I've watched you long enough in enough other other places to note that you never engage others in a positive way about such things -- even people who treat you with a open mind. I find this strange. I sort of suspect that you might actually contribute positive things on the internet, but that you do so under another name.

I don't engage discovered liars. Period. There's no point, IMO. That includes the delusional, as well as the politically delusional.

I'd wonder if that last comment is a dig in defense of your psychotic friend, if I cared. But I don't.

Being a liar is one thing. Being a psychopath defended by liars brings it to a whole 'other level.

Try being less crazy or dishonest and we can have a conversation about intelligent things. I find that crazy and dishonest are both bad for the intellect. Or even for decent entertainment.

I'm not seeing how a decent person could disagree with that but I'm sure you'll find a way to do so.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

chickenlittle said...

Perhaps Mark can be more specific about what's wrong with Walker's Venn diagram.

In a Venn Diagram, the area where the circles overlap should contain what is common to both sets. In this case, that would be all of the text in each of the circles. Of course, there are some powers that have been removed from the governor, which should only show in the Walker circle, but those items were not listed on the chart

narciso said...

The peoples republic of Madison is on hold for the time being. It's a shame vos couldn't get off his duff earlier but those are the breaks

chickelit said...

Of course, there are some powers that have been removed from the governor, which should only show in the Walker circle, but those items were not listed on the chart

What are those items being excluded from Evers by Walker? I had to freeze the frame to read it.

chickelit said...

In other words, describe the sort of (correct?) Venn diagram that Evers would project.

chickelit said...

Walker's legacy was in confronting the utter greed of Wisconsin State Employee Unions. This was on full display for years. As I told garage mahal at the time, the Dems should have backed off just a little -- they shouldn't have projected such arrogance towards the private sector in Wisconsin. It also didn't' help that the Dems called in the Chicago sleaze to act as muscle --especially at a time when Obama and Rahm were the face of Chicago sleaze. Wisconsin people never liked FIBs and fibbers.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Just study the facts.

Are you kidding?

chicken has beliefs and feelings and gripes!

Never facts. They are just not as important to him.

Why let facts get in the way of his politics? Isn't he entitled to his own politicized facts? As "alternative" as they may be?

Mark said...

Chickenlittle, if all things mentioned are shared between the two things being compared, one doesn't use a Venn diagram. Just as one does not use one lone pie chart in a press conference to illustrate a single piece of data showing 100%.

A Venn diagram lists things that are not in common in the individual circles and shared items in the center. If Walker wants to claim everything is the same then there should be nothing listed except in the overlapping area.

If you wanted to do it correctly, the left circle should say 'stupid pieces of shit' and the right circle should say 'corrupt pieces of shit' and the overlap should show Walker.

Learn to Google or open a 7th grade math book, the answer is there.

chickelit said...

I get my facts about Wisconsin history from having grown up there and having gone to college there. IAnd rely on family and friends still there to supplement facts I read about from a distance. If I recall correctly, Ritmo, you're based out of the Philly metro area. So all of your facts are most certainly shaped by political opinion. I take the opinions of current residents more seriously.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Thanks Mark. Amidst all of chickenlittle's other ninniness, I didn't realize he too flubbed the whole concept of a Venn diagram.

I mean, I could explain it to him as a united intersection between two different sets instead of the equivalence of two different sets but why bother. The little turd just says and believes whatever he wants to anyway.

chickelit said...

A Venn diagram lists things that are not in common in the individual circles and shared items in the center. If Walker wants to claim everything is the same then there should be nothing listed except in the overlapping area.

I'll ask again: "describe the sort of (correct?) Venn diagram that Evers would project." Or better still, tell me what powers Evers is being denied.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I get my facts about Wisconsin history...

Translation: "Blah blah blah I am as incapable of discerning what WI did to get different outcomes than MN as Sam Brownback is when it comes to discerning why his tax cuts resulted in economic and budgetary disaster for Kansas."

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Or better still, tell me what powers Evers is being denied.


Is there anyone so obtuse in defending the very bill removing these powers that he claims to not know what those abrogated powers actually are?


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Opinions are like assholes. Everyone's got one.

Facts are different, and far better.

Here's a deduction: I'll bet you $20 that chickenlittle will never have a political argument where he begins or ends his "case" by appealing to something he describes as a "fact."

He simply can't do it.

chickelit said...

Don't just say there's a bad bill, Ritmo. List the the ways Evers has been diminished. In other words, flesh out how you think he's been wronged.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“The rest of the country has come to expect Republicans to behave this way. They simply can't win in a competitive level playing field and feel the most they have to gain involves changing the rules to handicap their opponents and build structural advantages in government for their own party.

It's a loser move. Throwing the board game in the air after they've been almost eliminated.”

Exactly so.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

There's no "flesh." It's a power grab - for the LOSERS. IOW they get to hamstring the incoming administration while their outgoing leader is no longer there to do it for them.

At least one of the ways I'm sure they'll lose in court anyway. You can't force a new AG and governor to remain party to a lawsuit to end the ACA just because Droopy Eyes and his former consigliere were pushing that stupid suit.

Those legislators don't know what they're doing. And neither does their chief Koch-sucker.

But they do know how they want to retain power. By allowing less of it to the person who beat their asses.

chickelit said...

I'll be back later. Hoping someone answers my question.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

If that bill was so important they would have done it in his term - the earlier the better. The timing is a basic acknowledgement if its purpose as a piece of political hackery. You have to be just plain stupid to basic human nature to not understand this. They didn't want to change the powers of governor while he was in office - just once his opponent gets in. THere's no clearer demonstration of ill motive than that.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“At least one of the ways I'm sure they'll lose in court anyway. You can't force a new AG and governor to remain party to a lawsuit to end the ACA just because Droopy Eyes and his former consigliere were pushing that stupid suit.”

Right again.

Mark said...

"I take the opinions of current residents more seriously."

No, you don't. You pick and choose just like you claim others are doing.

You have demonstrated the inability to Google what a Venn diagram is.

Clearly you are unable to also Google facts about these bills.

I already explained a Venn diagram. Either Google the rest yourself or perhaps it is best to step away from a discussion you are completely uninformed about and unwilling to look into.

walter said...

"The consequences of his policies finally hit hoe for Wisconsin families and workers."
Do tell..and tell what the hell Evers offers beyond not Walker.

So where do the Capitol Singers go?
Or do they suddenly switch to endless reps of "Hail to the chief"? we can get back to climbing tuition, UW slush funds and changing WI from open to business to "Fuck off business. Statism uber alles."

walter said...

Gas tax! Because..families!

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“If that bill was so important they would have done it in his term - the earlier the better. The timing is a basic acknowledgement if its purpose as a piece of political hackery. You have to be just plain stupid to basic human nature to not understand this. They didn't want to change the powers of governor while he was in office - just once his opponent gets in. THere's no clearer demonstration of ill motive than that.”

Most honest people understand this. It takes a special sort of disingenuous loser to take pleasure in such a low despicable move. But we decent people here in Wisconsin know what Walker has been all about since day one, just as we know what Trump is all about.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Chickenlittle flew the coop.

chickelit said...

I’m back!

Funny how nobody answered my question. Even alleged law students!

They did give answers to questions I never asked.

Tsk tsk.

chickelit said...

Oh and “Mark”?

Ask not for whom I google. I google for photos of birds.

chickelit said...

I was looking for a list of rights or executive privileges denied to Tony Evers by the Wisconsin Legislature — not grievances brought forth by disgruntled commenters. Please pay attention. See you tomorrow.

MadisonMan said...

Is it a bad thing for the Executive to be weak, vs. the Legislature, when the Legislature -- in WI, at least -- faces the voters every 2 years vs. every 4 for the Governor?

Or is is only bad because the Executive in question is a Democrat?

He asked rhetorically.

roesch/voltaire said...

Walker will be remembered but not for the reasons Mead suggest, instead he will be known as the divide and conquer guy who ran on a platform promise for the people and governed for his cronies and the rich leaving the tax payers to clean up the Foxcom give away. The irony is this lame duck would not had happened had Waker been re-elected revealing the utter hypocrisy in this Republican power grab.

Jim at said...

It's a loser move. Throwing the board game in the air after they've been almost eliminated.”

No. A loser move is running off to another state and hiding.

Big Mike said...

I see speculation online that Walker might be offered Secretary of the Interior, to replace Ryan Zinke. I think he’d be a better fit for Labor.

Big Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Big Mike said...

With Evers in the Governor’s Mansion there’s a reasonable possibility that education in Wisconsin can finally improve, if only because there’s a finite, nonzero, chance that someone competent might finally become Superintendent of Public Instruction.

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