Writes Maureen Dowd in "Curtains for the Clintons" (NYT).
Why did the Clintons think they could fill arenas — and at prices like that? It's so delusional. Dowd tries to answer the question, and the main speculation is that Hillary is running for President again. But the empty seats in the arena were so predictable, so it shows the opposite of what she would need — the sense that people are clamoring for more Clinton.
The Clintons refuse to be discarded. It has been their joint project for half a century to be at the center of the public scene and debate.... Nothing they have done lately suggests that they have learned anything, including their obtuse post-#MeToo comments about Monica Lewinsky..... Their pathological need to be relevant in America is belied by a Canadian arena, where stretches of empty seats bear witness to the passing of their relevance. It’s a pity.
Time to fade away.
I am not convinced she is running again.
Still, there must be some reason for all that travelling. Hillary! has never done anything just for the fun of it.
Quite expensive too, and she has never willingly paid for anything (except perhaps Chelsea's wedding) herself.
Bottom line: she paid $177, and she paid it early. She has way too much petty cash.
Maybe this is a theatrical production to create the message that that Killery is a Presidential Candidate against Trump. If so , it was done soley make her coming arrest seem like a mere political tactic.
I have no doubt the $177 was expensed to the Times, as was Ms. Dowd's airplane ticket and hotel room. All to watch this sorry spectacle. Better she should have gone to something meaningful, like a cockfight.
But introspection has never been within the Clintons’ range.
Nor conscience. They are sociopaths.
Whew. I was worried there for a minute. From the blog title I thought she was dissing the actual Maple Leafs.
After decades of being the Rock Stars of the Left, their power and influence seems to be finally waning. Only nobody dared to tell them that personally. I mean, who would want to be the messenger to tell Hillary to her face that she no longer clearly commands the unwavering devotion of millions of sycophants? That she's no longer relevent?
The only question now is will this reality penetrate the carefully curated bubble of delusion the Clintons are surrounded by.
Part of me is relieved that more people on the Left seem to be finally openly admitting some of the Clinton's deep flaws, questionable behavior, and generally awfulness. But I'm under no illusions about whether this will translate to a more honest and self aware left wing base (Spoiler: It won't).
Minor note: Both Hillary and Donald are too old. If I vote (doubtful) I will vote for someone not older than 55, with an active duty military background.
I'm tired of lawyers, capitalists, and socialists. Just give me a son of a bitch.
It's so delusional.
Like Hillary in Bosnia, the country dodged a bullet this past presidential election...
It's disappointing because Hillary carried Ontario by 10 points in 2016, especially in the wealthy suburbs around Toronto. But our antiquated, anti-democratic Constitution gives no electoral votes to Ontario, thus disenfranchising and marginalizing Canadians.
At this point, a Bill & Hillary cover band would generate more interest.
money laundering
The stadium (and the attendance) is just a way to get the real payment to the Clintons.
She's in Toronto? She should try the mussels. I hear the shells are particularly good...
If this "tour" is an attempt by the Clintons to keep themselves relevant in anticipation of the 2020 elrection, why did they start it in a foreign country?
Like a shark, if a Clinton stops grifting, it dies.
The original global warming hockey stick is displayed there.
The stadium (and the attendance) is just a way to get the real payment to the Clintons.
Sure, but why? Why are so many wealthly liberals so desperate to give these clowns money? How stupid are these people? Why bet so heavily on such obvious losers?
traditionalguy said...
Maybe this is a theatrical production to create the message that that Killery is a Presidential Candidate against Trump. If so , it was done solely to make her coming arrest seem like a mere political tactic.
That makes the most sense to me, too. At this point, running as a presidential candidate may be simply an attempt to keep out of the orange jumpsuit.
Is Scotiabank Arena where that recent video of Clinton fans fleeing questions about Monica Lewinsky, etc., was shot? I remember it was Canada but don't remember the exact location?
The Clintons perfected the art of corruption, character assassination and money laundering. The torch has been passed to their students, who will no doubt continue that fine tradition. The candidate field for 2020 includes men and women who clearly have ambitions to make the Clintons appear to be amateurs.
tcrosse observes: But our antiquated, anti-democratic Constitution gives no electoral votes to Ontario, thus disenfranchising and marginalizing Canadians.
No disenfranchisement or marginalization of Mexican nationals, though...
I'm with Paddy O. If it looks like you are no longer a candidate for anything, it's hard to keep the money rolling in.
The person my Facebook friends seem excited to see is Michelle Obama. These are mostly white upper middle class women, so there is a bit of My Black BFF-ing going on here. Like Oprah used to be our black BFF.
I guess it must be hard for her. Two years ago, she was the Queen of the Democratic party.
She was going to be the most powerful person in the world. 65 million Americans voted for her.
Now, the party is telling her to shut up and go away.
That must be very hard to reconcile.
RE: "What is the point? . . . It can’t be the money at this point. Have they even spent all the Goldman gold yet? Do they want to swim in their cash like Scrooge McDuck? The Clintons’ tin cup is worthy of the Smithsonian. They hoovered more than $2 billion in contributions to their campaigns, foundation and philanthropies."
Yes, it's the money and the adulation. How stupid is Dowd not to see this? How out of touch?
"I know now who he is, what he is. There’s nothin’ he won’t do. He’s immune to shame. Move past all the nice posturing and get really down in there in him, you find absolutely nothing . . . nothing but an appetite” -- Jesse Jackson
She is definitely planning to run again- if she weren't, she wouldn't be booking venues like the hockey arena- they would be much smaller. It is definitely possible that Clinton is over-estimating her chances at getting the nomination, and that the lack of turnout proves it, but I would just mention one thing- Clinton had trouble drawing large crowds during the last election cycle, and still was the nominee and came within about 100,000 votes of winning, too.
I would not bet against her if the field is large which seems to be the case.
What could they have to say that anyone really needs to hear now? Sure, they have inside information that would be interesting, but they will not be divulging that. I'd love to ask them some questions, but those questions will not be allowed, ever. As for speechifying, haven't they already said everything they got a hundred times before? I guess it's like going to see Cher or Wayne Newton. They keep singing those same songs every night becuase people keep buying tickets.
Isn't this a case where something is better than nothing?, and Althouse always says nothing is a high standard. The Democrats don't have anyone else right now. And, if it turns out nobody rises to the top, or this Mueller thing sticks, she can always say... "I never gave up on you, even though you gave up on me", or some such. I don't think she cares who shows up right now, or the money, as long as she still gets press. Everybody loves a comeback, and watching to see how she picks herself up, dusts herself off and gets out of this one. We all know the Clintons don't go away, and they've proven, there's always a path back no matter how bleak it looks at this juncture.
Well, I guess if Cher is still touring...
"The person my Facebook friends seem excited to see is Michelle Obama" Yes indeed. She is clearly the front runner, even if she is 'unannounced' Her biggest obstacle will be her husband, who is incapable of opening his mouth with out adoring himself. If she can get him to STFU, she would be the one to beat. The white liberal women and males without testicles are just waiting to engage in some epic self-flagellation. Plus, Opie would be all over it.
Of course, she'll never let it go. If she lost to Jeb Bush, or Rubio etc. Then it wouldn't matter. But, losing to Trump......that has to be vindicated, and the only was is through a rematch. Reboot. And, nobody in the Democratic party has the power to stop it.
They should have booked large theaters, 2000-3000 seats, which they would have filled and had to set up overflow sites. Then the story would be how popular they still are.
But they, esp. Hillary, are too arrogant for that. That's why she lost in 2016--arrogance. She was arrogant as a Wellesley graduation speaker, never in her life accomplished anything Bill didn't set up for her even as her ego grew with her lack of accomplishments, and in 2016 she ignored his political advice, which is rather absurd and may speak to psychological issues when one considers his record of political successes.
At 70+ years of age, people rarely change their fundamentals, she is what she is and has always been.
It's just too bad she probably won't live long enough to see Trump's face on Mount Rushmore.
Why did the Clintons think they could fill arenas — and at prices like that? It's so delusional
They are delusional because they were consistently admired and protected by the MSM. Any negative feedback they received was delegitimized because it was done by a vast right wing conspiracy of racists, homophobes, sexists, etc.
This is a problem on college campuses where alternatives to progressive views are treated as hate speech. Progressives no longer know how to debate alternative ideas because they do not have to confront them. Stereotyping and name calling Whites and conservative minorities is used as a form of "argument."
Living in the lefty bubble = shared delusional thinking
Doctor: Are you working with anything toxic?
Huma: Yes, Hillary.
NYPost: Donations To Clinton Foundation Plunged After Hillary's Defeat
This Investors.com article says during Hillary's term as SecState donations to the Clinton Foundation averaged $254M/year. In 2017 they received $26.5M.
But there is NO EVIDENCE that any donors were trying to buy influence with the Clintons. None.
Maureen--it is not "a pity". It is "reality". Hillary Clinton has become Harold Stassen in a pant suit. She's got a long way to go though. She's run for President twice now. I think Harold ran either 7 or 9 times. Can I imagine a 92 year old Hillary running for President for the 7th time? Well, maybe. When she dies, they will embalm her and keep bringing her out every four years. There will be some Dems that will always vote for "their Mummy".
Dowd quotes this guy:
“What scares me the most is Hillary’s smug certainty of her own virtue as she has become greedy and how typical that is of so many chic liberals who seem unaware of their own greed,” Charlie Peters, the legendary liberal former editor of The Washington Monthly, told me. “They don’t really face the complicity of what’s happened to the world, how selfish we’ve become and the horrible damage of screwing the workers and causing this resentment that the Republicans found a way of tapping into.”
Then she immediately proves him right by following with this:
"Indeed, in the era of Trump, greed is not only good. It’s grand. The stock market is our highest value. Mammonism rules."
Under Obama the stock market was the highest value because it was the only economic indicator in positive territory. Trump came in saying that wasn't good enough. Jobs and growth are higher values in the era of Trump.
Not only did few people actually show up to see BJ and Crooked Clinton, but The Crooked One had another one of her coughing fits.
Grifters gotta have something to grift with. Like the hope that if you give them something now they give you something back later.
Ha ha ha ha ha. I could bust a lung LOLing at this clusterfuck tour and the certifiable idiots financing it. If we can count on some Hillary humiliation along with it that’s icing on the (let them eat) cake.
Blogger PM said...
"At this point, a Bill & Hillary cover band would generate more interest."
That cover band is called The Obamas. They're younger & non-white to boot, more on trend than the Clintons were.
Hate on Hillary all you like, but you have to admit she did break the crass ceiling.
Hillary is running again in 2020 (if she is still alive) whether anyone else likes it or not.
"Nothing they have done lately suggests that they have learned anything,..."
Who knew they were Bourbons?
I thought her drink of choice was vodka.
MoDo and the Clintons: Their time is past. Get off the damned stage!
Is Scotiabank Arena where that recent video of Clinton fans fleeing questions about Monica Lewinsky, etc., was shot? I remember it was Canada but don't remember the exact location?
I'm surprised she didn't pay people to fill the seats. But maybe she's not all that free with her ill-gotten gains.
The Clintons perfected the art of corruption, character assassination and money laundering.
...and nobody of substance or with teeth has called them on it. They keep getting away with it. Most of the major industrial complex devoted to these activities- Think Progress, Premise Data (that brought you toddandclaire.com), the slime ball law firm that invented the Kavanaugh accuser, the numerous fundraisers...that whole pre-election crazy wall/organization chart of slimy lefties ready to take administration jobs- all still at work and still run by Team Clinton. Anybody else on the left have that much meat on their bones?
Dowd can try but she's no influencer. THAT'S why the Clinton's are still around and why Hillary is running again.
MoDo has to devote part of her column to ridiculing Trump, per the NYT style guide.
Don't worry - Hollywood elites and Rachel are still pulling for the Clintons. Even if they have to ignore all the insider deals the Clintons piled-high from the Russians while SHE-> was Secretary of State.
Rob Reiner is hot on Trump's tail! It's almost over! Fat lady is about to sing!
Rob Reiner✔
The biggest scandal in US history is coming into focus. On Friday Rachel Maddow made it clear. Donald Trump conspired with the enemy. Quid: Deliver the Presidency & build Trump Tower Moscow. Quo: Lift Economic Sanctions. The fat lady is warming up her vocal chords.
8:54 AM - Dec 2, 2018
Got that! Everyone. Trump was going to build something in Moscow but little did he know that doing business in Russia is illegal. oops - expect when the Clintons do it.
Is she running for office in Canada?
I do not find a lack of enthusiasm for Clinton depressing.
Who on Earth does? Who is Dowd writing for?
The little snag Hillary is facing for 2020 are the voters in her party.
That's why she and her surrogates are out there trashing any potential RIVAL. Also why the early primary for dems will be altered to favor places SHE-> would win. Places like CA, Ill, and NY. All the states that loathe her and want her off the stage, like Iowa and New Hampshire et.al, they will be ignored and skipped by Rachel's Red Queen.
Anther snag is that her Private Server (called -e-mail by the hacks) is still a problem. Perhaps the new head of the DOJ will re-open? Plus- there's Bill's #MeToo cumuppance.
Hillary needs a boat load of manipulations to become likable. Is Putin available?
Rob Reiner✔
The biggest scandal in US history is coming into focus. On Friday Rachel Maddow made it clear. Donald Trump conspired with the enemy. Quid: Deliver the Presidency & build Trump Tower Moscow. Quo: Lift Economic Sanctions. The fat lady is warming up her vocal chords.
8:54 AM - Dec 2, 2018
The enemy! Not the enemy while Obama was prez. No No NO. Russian was re-set button worthy, and Clinton Foundation Speech worthy.
Be cool if pussy hat protestors would gather outside the rest of their stadium never-go-away tour.
I'm still thinking of ways to organize. I want to wear a crown of cigars.
They are pretending to be relevant to maintain their cash flow. Once Gam Gam makes her retirement official, all the pay-to-play money dries up.
devastating photo
Just give me a son of a bitch.
We did just that in November 2016. Did you not notice?
Next time she goes to Canada can we convince Trudeau to keep her?
At first when I read "the Clintons refuse" I thought the Times had omitted an apostrophe
Relevance can be manufactured and choreographed.
Do they want to swim in their cash like Scrooge McDuck?
Scrooge McDuck is as honest as the day is long, and his word is his bond. If he has made a bargain, he will go to the ends of the Earth to keep it. Furthermore, he is virtuous and abstemious in his private life.
I know Scrooge McDuck, and Hillary Clinton is no Scrooge McDuck.
Link to SNL Cold Opening on the Saturday night after 2016 Election.
Best cold opening ever.
It ages so well.
Should be the theme song for the Clinton's March Back to the White House.
The Clintons have always been for sale but now they are being remaindered.
Is she running for office in Canada?
Aren't their a lot of ex-pats in Canada? All those liberals who said they'd move to Canada if Trump were elected? Or did they not make good on their promise?
I think she should have a coughing fit or maybe even a fainting spell during some of her appearances. This would introduce an element of suspense and danger to her talks. When the moderator asks her if she wishes to pause, she can say no, that the words she says are just too important to be left unsaid. Then the audience could jump to their feet and give her a standing ovation, and the press could write about her courage and fortitude......,if she wants to get really edgy, she could have an episode of bowel and bladder incontinence. People would say that her shit just got real. Politicians are always talking shit, but Hillary produces the real deal.
Interesting that they were trolling for money in Canada. Can even the Maple Leafs fill the Maple Leafs' arena?
What with the Epstein story, the Dowd piece, it's hard not to think that word has gone out on some organized list to nip the Clintons in the bud this time around.
Were those prices in Canadian dollars? So, like 70 cents on the dollar? Maybe the attendance was in Canadian also. 3,300 Canadian tickets sold = 2,300 American.
"Aren't their a lot of ex-pats in Canada? All those liberals who said they'd move to Canada if Trump were elected? Or did they not make good on their promise?"
Maybe there are 3,300 of them.
She-> must lord over someone somewhere. Her desire for power will not die until she does.
Most of that audience were media people, too.
Why did the Clintons think Canadians would be interested in the first place?
My understanding is:
Michelle Obama sold around 12,000 in Boston and wisely "papered" the leftover seats to her motivational, self-help book tour.
The Clintons haven't sold-out the 2,500 theater they will be speaking at.
The Obamas are positioning themselves to be king makers, after all the damage done to Democrats during 8 years in office. Hillary still wants to be king.
While both families are sucking a lot of oxygen away from others within the Democrat party, given the respective postures, it's likely Democrats will flock for Obama love and want Hillary off to the side.
When Hillary dies, Trump should offer to fly her remains to Canada on Air Force One.
From the article:
What is the point? It’s not inspirational. It’s not for charity. They’re not raising awareness about a cause, like Al Gore with global warming. They’re only raising awareness about the Clintons.
It can’t be the money at this point.
It IS be the money at this point. Hillary knows she is not going to be the candidate in 2020. But keeping the theory that she may be alive is critical to keep the money flowing in!
Sometimes a banana is just a banana, and in this case, fundraising is just fundraising.
For that same $177 MoDo could’ve bought a crappy seat to see the Rolling Stones on tour next year. What an idiot.
I would expect those Billaries to pay me to pretend to listen to them.
"It's a pity"?
Kidding, right, MoDo?
On second thought, for Trump and for us deplorables, it is a pity.
Michelle, even as unaccomplished faux Oprah, will be harder to beat.
When I was young, ambitious, with deep state access... The Clintons are politically incongruent progressing to irrelevance.
Pity for the Crime Couple? bleck.
She and Bill should give a talk at the Uranium One Bank Center in Moscow.
Part of me is relieved that more people on the Left seem to be finally openly admitting some of the Clinton's deep flaws, questionable behavior, and generally awfulness.
Sorry, but they're admitting nothing. The Clintons no longer provide them a path to power and control. They're no longer useful.
That's it.
After the White House, the money-grubbing raged on, with the Clintons making over 700 speeches in a 15-year period, blithely unconcerned with any appearance of avarice or of shady special interests and foreign countries buying influence. They stockpiled a whopping $240 million. Even leading up to her 2016 presidential run, Hillary was packing in the speeches, talking to the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, the American Camp Association, eBay, and there was that infamous trifecta of speeches for Goldman Sachs worth $675,000.
“What scares me the most is Hillary’s smug certainty of her own virtue as she has become greedy and how typical that is of so many chic liberals who seem unaware of their own greed,” Charlie Peters, the legendary liberal former editor of The Washington Monthly, told me. “They don’t really face the complicity of what’s happened to the world, how selfish we’ve become and the horrible damage of screwing the workers and causing this resentment that the Republicans found a way of tapping into.” He ruefully worries about the Obamas in this regard, too.
Why care about appearances of money grubbing when the entire Rachel Maddow press is covering for them?
What is most vile about the Clintons, is that ANYONE would pay to listen to them.
Shame on ALL of those scummy businesses.
We did just that in November 2016. Did you not notice?
Trump may be a 'son of a bitch' but he's our son of a bitch. There's a time for gentlemen to be elected to office and a time for sons of bitches. Trump again in 2020!!!
Unknown observes: Scrooge McDuck is as honest as the day is long, and his word is his bond. If he has made a bargain, he will go to the ends of the Earth to keep it. Furthermore, he is virtuous and abstemious in his private life.
I know Scrooge McDuck, and Hillary Clinton is no Scrooge McDuck.
Thanks for the info on Scotiabank, gahrie. Someone should post a link to that video here, as a visual to the MoDo article. (I would if I could but I can't.) Someone else should dub in the Beatles song--"See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they run"--as the soundtrack.
She didn't pay, she put on her expense account.
There's a time for gentlemen to be elected to office and a time for sons of bitches.
@mockturtle, you understand me perfectly. I voted for Trump because that was the best way to stop Hillary, but in 23 months I will vote for him because of what he has accomplished, and because of who hates him.
tcrosse - I'm trying to help the left understand but they refuse. Why_ Because Rachel.
There was a time when I yielded to nobody in my distaste for Hillary Clinton. Then I became aware of Dickin'Bimbos@Home, and my hat is off.
Trump refuses to be paid as prez. Hillary is the opposite - she demands the tax payer pay for all of her opulence, her lavish life and her power-perks.
A stale columnist from a dying newspaper covering a septuagenarian power couple whose power faded.
Could be a New Yorker short story.
Why are so many wealthly liberals so desperate to give these clowns money?
Obviously not enough of them in Tronno.
Comments here way more funny than the SNL cold open.
AND, as an astute observer pointed out on another thread, tickets as low as SIX dollars at other venue.
Nominate Crooked Hillary! again, I say. Let the Patriarchy wipes its ass with her one more time for good measure.
Why is it a pity? They are spectacularly corrupt. They are vicious. Sure, Bill had some good policies. But her?
How can we miss Bill and Hillary if they won't go away?
By chance, the Clintons are performing in Sugar Land, TX tomorrow night. It's been scheduled for awhile, but a slight change here or there, they could of either flown up to DC with 41's casket, rode back to Texas with it, or just stayed a night after the funeral. Alas, it is this Tuesday. Anyway, if you want to go, the $70 tickets are now going for as low as $8 with Orchestra seating below $50.
Bill and Hill should have taken my advice and pitched themselves as a sitcom. Come to think of it, aren't Barack and Michelle looking for a project?
“as an astute observer pointed out on another thread, tickets as low as SIX dollars at other venue.”
Let me know when the price goes negative. I’m not above a little payola for a dishonest day’s work. I might bring a MAGA cap though.
Why are so many wealthly liberals so desperate to give these clowns money?
To make up for having voted (so they say) for Jill Stein
So lets get this straight- RACHEL -the Clintons were paid by the Re-set Russians for speeches and secret Uranium deals, but since Trump was going to build a hotel in Moscow (the outrage!) and Putin was going to let him (the outrage!) this is grounds for impeachment? or was it the silly facebook ads that tainted our dumb brains against Royal ASS Hillary?
or did Putin hack the voting machines? Is that tonight on Maddow? Halp us Rachel!
"Well, I guess if Cher is still touring..."
She is. I've known her stage manager for years. Her home base is Vegas, and she just returned from the road.
"Tramps like us, baby we were born to run!!"
admit it, Double A-- you had that going in your head from the other post
My. My. Just drag six dollars through a Canadian arena and guess who shows up.
"18 Cents To Spend For Christmas" --remember that old song?
adjust for inflation, and you and a date could get front row seats to see Grifterpalooza
opening act: Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pantload
A lot of folks here seem to think that Hillary is well-liked and popular with many people. She isn't. There are maybe seven or eight people who like her. That's it. In the entire world. Everyone else, including those who have voted for her -- including Bill -- view her with utter disgust. Even Lanny Davis, who is so far up her butt as to be stuck in her throat.
Everyone is sick of her -- and have been for 20 years.
They have given her money and cast ballots with her name on it though because they think they can get some benefit from it and because they are totally lacking in any self-respect. They hold her in contempt but are whores themselves. But given a chance to go with anyone else, they will jump at the chance -- and have in the past.
What's the next level above Schadenfreud?
I want to know who the 486 Clinton Foundation employees are.
Clinton foundation employees are all people who needed her to win so they could REALLY cash in.
Fuck the Clinton's. Evil horrid DEMOCRATS.
They should take Monica on tour with them. That could boost ticket sales immensely.
If they don't look like they might win something
The Foundation has nothing to sell.
Didja hear Sharpton sold a book about himself to his charity foundation for $500K?
charity as a damn profitable racket.
You know, you can get an actual Maple Leafs ticket right now for $184.
Row 18.
And it's a month after the congressional elections -- the political offseason.
As to why the Clintons do it -- my guess is that it costs a lot to keep the Clinton machine going.
A lot of people have spent a lot of time advancing the Clintons' interests. They need to be employed whether a Clinton is in office or not, and Hillary needs to keep them on the team if she wants to stay viable.
Once upon a time, those people would be employed by the party. But we're in an era of private political machines, so candidates have to pay for their own party apparatus. Which adds up fast.
"I’m looking around Scotiabank Arena, the home of the Toronto Maple Leafs, and it’s a depressing sight."
Not nearly as depressing as the fact the Leafs play in something called "Scotiabank Arena" and not Maple Leaf Gardens.
Rachel is pulling for her corrupt benefactors.
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