"The former first lady, who was seen wearing a back brace this summer, looked fit as a fiddle as she boogied with the king of Bollywood himself, Shah Rukh Khan. Dressed in Indian attire, the 71-year-old swung her hips and threw her arms in the air with a beaming smile. Mrs Clinton was joined by former Secretary of State John Kerry and a host of jubilant guests at the $100 million bash in Mumbai" (Daily Mail):
Interesting facts: 1. There's a $100 million wedding, 2. Hillary is there and she's dancing with John Kerry, 3. Hillary is "dressed in Indian attire."
She's appropriating a culture!
Tags: Hillary goes away
Say again?
I do not understand the interest in this hip swinging, arm throwing and smile beaming creature. Has Al Gore also been swinging, throwing and beaming?
And John Kerry is wearing the same suit as when he ran for president.
All the oldsters look like a rerun of Weekend at Bernies ..
Pigs will feed at any trough.
Million dollars and up weddings are all the same "culture."
How much of that $100M was an appearance fee for Clinton. No wonder she was dancing.
Video (not photos) or I don't believe it.
John Henry
If Dante had described a tenth circle of hell, I think it would contain Hillary Clinton and John Kerry irreverently dancing amongst other self important plutocrats. I can scarcely imagine a more nightmarish eternal torment.
a host of jubilant guests at the $100 million bash in Mumbai
'Cause, there's nuthin' that says yer lookin' out fer the little guy like being a guest of honor at a 100 million dollar wedding on the other side of the world.
Always remember that what has been seen cannot be unseen.
Evidently, Bill decided to attend a different party. Doesn't look like he was missed.
Huma was there, too. Depends don't change themselves.
$100 Million for a wedding but No talk of income inequality in this story? Surely the Wapo or the NYT will get right on that I bet.
$100 million wedding and you get video like that?
I would expect Bill to be sharing a bridesmaid with a cigar.
Here smuggled video of Hillary dancing.
She’s so youthful and vigorous.
Darrell's link...
Ow it burns!!! I can still see it when I close me eyes!
The only real remaining question: has LLR Chuck turned these photos into wallpaper for his home?
Well that Indian guy just set the mark to beat on show off Weddings. The wedding guests all get expensive favors. I can just see Killery stuffing as many of them as possible into her oversized clothing.
Hillary is the most qualified Bollywood dancer there has ever been.
Also, she is a lifelong passionate fan of the Indian National Cricket Club.
When is she appearing Dancing With The Stars- you know she will, and she will win.
Yeah she can drink most under the table.
Today's theme: videos to which I must avert my eyes.
It must be nice for hillary to visit places that are still governed by caste systems.
Interesting facts: 2. Hillary is there and she's dancing with John Kerry.
"I'm John Kerry, and I'm... reporting for duty."
AJ Lynch said...
$100 Million for a wedding but No talk of income inequality in this story?
I assume they tallied up the carbon footprint of this event, including travel too and from. I must have missed it in my first reading of the article
Nonapod said...
If Dante had described a tenth circle of hell, I think it would contain Hillary Clinton and John Kerry irreverently dancing amongst other self important plutocrats. I can scarcely imagine a more nightmarish eternal torment.
I can. Imagine being an audience member forced to listen to endless speeches by leftist politicians forever while sitting in an exceptionally uncomfortable chair.
$100 million?
How could you even spend $100 million on a single event?
She was seen wearing a back brace before the election. MSM denies the allegation and persuaded us to not believe our lying eyes.
How could you even spend $100 million on a single event?
Hillary had to find some sucker to buy her unused celebratory fireworks.
Seems Americans are tired of giving the Clintons money so they need to beg abroad.
Is that a bottle of hot sauce in your purse, or are you happy to see me?
Hillary's North American tour has been a bust so far. She has a hard time filling a Chuck E. Cheese.
Well, booze is pricey in India and they are going for the good stuff. At least $50 a bottle or more. If they invited Sikhs or Punjabis, the cost could go into the millions.
They probably had a couple of Bollywood entertainers. They do not come cheap, despite what you may have heard. One girl charged a cool million to come out to Chennai and sing three songs before she disappeared.
Compare that to how much people will pay to NOT hear Hillary sing. Alas they ran out of money to keep her from dancing, but India is a poor country.
Carriage. Elephant. White horses. Several bands. Accommodations. Security for the dignitaries. Indian weddings of this magnitude last anywhere from 3-5 days. One can rent an entire PALACE to have a wedding. I think it costs $40,000 per day.
Mmm. I am still having a hard time coming up with $100 million though. Labor is CHEAP in India. And they are very unlikely to have rich imported steaks considering a not insignificant number of attendees will be Veg.
She-> looks awful.
Two of Obama's Secretary of state - traveling the world in style. ARe we still paying for it?
Meanwhile, The untouchables of India still exist.
Clinton Foundation Money will never help. Too much money goes into the payroll for its employees.
How could you even spend $100 million on a single event?\
Gold bars as party favors?
"Hey, don't drop it on your foot."
Check out the Leela Palace hotel in Bengaluru to see what some of these venues look like.
The bride's father is worth $43 billion according to Forbes, so $100 million would be .2% of his net worth. I wonder if that $100 million includes the dowry that the families of Indian brides traditionally pay to the bridegroom and his family. Sounds cheap.
Hillary and her boon companion Huma were on a fact-finding trip to study inequality.
Behold the face of pure evil
BTW- all this billionaire - what are they doing for the poor or for global warming?
No matter - worship the progressive corruptocrats!
Clinton and Kerry might be violating the Logan Act under the cover of this wedding.
If the Russians find out that they indeed are violating the Logan Act, then both Clinton and Kerry might be vulnerable to Russian blackmail.
And all the guests traveled halfway around the world on their private jets to lament the lack of progress on global warming.
People familiar with the planning estimated the expense at about $100 million, while a person close to the family said the amount is not more than $15 million. The people asked not to be identified speaking on a private matter.
Invitees to the pre-wedding festivities, in the central Indian lake city of Udaipur, range from international and local celebrities such as Beyonce and Shah Rukh Khan, to politicians like Hillary Clinton and business tycoons including Henry Kravis, according to people familiar with the matter. The guest list is so long that the Ambanis and Piramals have taken over at least five five-star hotels nearby, and a war room has been set up in Mumbai to manage logistics, they said. According to local media reports, more than 100 chartered flights will fly guests to and from Udaipur’s Maharana Pratap Airport.
As gratitude to the city of Udaipur, the Ambanis donated enough food to feed 5,100 people three meals a day for four days, and set up a bazaar to showcase 108 traditional Indian paintings, pottery and other art from local artisans, according to a statement from a family representative.
The main ceremony will be held at the patriarch’s home, the 27-story Antilia palace in Mumbai, and post-wedding events will be held in the city.
For the chairman of Reliance Industries Ltd., who overtook Jack Ma this year as Asia’s wealthiest man, Isha will be the first of his children to wed. After the festivities, the newlyweds are poised to move in to their $64-million diamond-themed mansion at the Gulita building in Mumbai, according to one of the people.
"she appeared fit as a fiddle"
She must have sacrificed two additional newborns for their blood this week.
Google CEO admits Russians only spent $4,700 on the 2016 election. He testified at a Congressional hearing. I guess the Press exaggerated it because only Inga would believe the real number caused havoc.
It is a strange thing.
An American, getting fancy sunglasses, will say 'I got these for 30% off' to be proud of their purchasing acumen.
An Asian will instead proudly boast about how much his sunglasses cost. "These were
$400!" to prove how rich he is.
So there might be a bit of inflation here based on culture. Just saying.
Data point #34,999 showing that progs don't believe their own BS.
Mrs. Clinton, however, was confused by the revelers dancing around her and chanting, "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn."
I didn't look but please tell me you didn't embed a video? I'm imagining something Elaine like (from Seinfeld), amiright?
"In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming."
According to local media reports, more than 100 chartered flights will fly guests to and from Udaipur’s Maharana Pratap Airport.
That right there would most likely exceed a million dollars.
My daughter's wedding cost about $30,000 and based on its percentage of my annual income and total net worth I am a much, much more generous father. So there.
Beyoncé charges $2 million to perform at a private event. Actually socializing...I don't know if that is extra or not.
Hillary knows how to brighten up a wedding.
Best video comment: "Frothing her colostomy bag."
"No country in the world has more open defecation than India, where one in two people defecate outside."
- Huffington Post.
So which one of the two, Hillary or John, took part in this quaint local custom?
From Howie Carr's review of John Kerry's book, "Every Day is Extra."
John Kerry – how can we miss him when he won’t go away?
But he won’t, and now Liveshot has a new book coming out, entitled “Every Day Is Extra,” perhaps because the more appropriate title – “Just a Gigolo” – is already claimed, by Louis Prima.
I’ll bet you can figure out how Liveshot came up with the replacement title. But just in case, the book is 624 pages long and Kerry manages not to bring up his service in Vietnam until the third line of the first page, in his Author’s Note explaining the title.
“It is an expression that summarizes how a bunch of guys I served with in Vietnam felt about coming home alive.”
Vietnam? Who knew that John Kerry served in Vietnam? You learn something new every day, don’t you?
How could you even spend $100 million on a single event?
The Indians have been partying since September. The groom's father is a pauper, valued at $10 billion.
I don't want to hear another god-d***ed thing about my carbon footprint.
Great! Our 'Poor Man's LLR Chuck' Gadfly is back!
Lets hope he/she has figured out how to read congressional committee transcripts over the past week lest we have a repeat of last weeks unfortunate incident.
Lurch and The First Female President trip the light fantastic.
"..for the world, which seems
To lie before us like a land of dreams,
So various, so beautiful, so new,
Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light,
Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain."
Hillary for President, RIP.
what are they doing for the poor
Three floors of their 27-floor home are for the servants, does that count?
"Click for more"
Funniest thing written today.
I am surprised that Hillary wasn't out back loading the wedding presents into her collapse van.
Also "tried her hand at dancing" sounds goofy, like trying your hand at place-kicking.
Hope to find a lover that smiles at you like the American press does Hillary.
stevew said: "My daughter's wedding cost about $30,000 ...."
My employee has a daughter who was about to be married. He told her the budget for her wedding was $20K. In fact he gave her a check for that amount. He then told her if she ran over, it was on her tab. If she came in under $20K, the balance was hers. He further added, if she wanted to elope, that was OK too. She could use all of it to start setting up her household.
She chose door #2 and walked away with a few bucks.
I apologize. It was totally wrong of me to suggest that Hillary is only mobile because she harvests newborn infants for their blood. Totally false. No evidence for it at all. My apologies.
She actually harvests them for their spinal fluid.
Apparently more people attended the wedding than will be attending any of the Clinton LoveFest Tour events.
How can a party cost $100,000,000? It sounds like hype and fake news.
She charged her usual fee, $2,000 for allowing people to speak to her or be in the same room but multiplied that by the number of guests and then she allowed for the possibility that the same person might speak to her more than once. They would not let her sign books on the dance floor so there was a one time fee for lost opportunities. The total was $10 million, someone told me. But India got all our codes from a Deep State friend of hers so they see it all as quite cheap. You can see the handoff if you look closely - Kerry to Huma to Clinton to Indian.
Where were you five years ago when planning began for my daughter's wedding!!!
Mrs. Clinton, however, was confused by the revelers dancing around her and chanting, "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn."
That is frigging hysterical
John -1st wife not rich enough - Kerry (sent her to suicide and married a really rich women) and the entitled lying hag_> from hell would like all leftists to continue to worship them despite appearances.
Thank you. Democrats in congress soon to make it illegal to say anything negative about a Clinton.
No one talking about who killed Seth Rich.
"She actually harvests them for their spinal fluid."
-- This is Spinal Tap.
$15 million ~ 1 billion rupees.
One Billion is also 100 Crore in Indian numbers. A Crore is actually TEN million not one million.
But considering the educational level of current journalists and the fact checking ability of Bloomberg, I can easily see them making that kind of mistake.
Just trying to figure out the numbers
Drunk as a skunk, and smells like one too.
Whatever the true amount it figures to be a lot of money. True Gilded Age excess. I'm sure Hillary picked up a few bucks for her appearance, but doesn't this hurt the brand, even with her supporters?.........I have mixed feelings about such self indulgence. Money has been spent on dumber things. Marie Antoinette was criticized for the amount of money she spent on jewels. Napoleon devoted a good chunk of France's national income to build ten thousand flat boats for an invasion of England that never happened. Who's the bigger fool? Marie Antoinette probably. She got beheaded.........Well, not to worry Hillary. If anyone ends up in a tumbrel, it will be Melania, That's the way these things shake out.
The Hildebeast and Lurch both dancing.
The horror. The horror.
Richard Dolan said...
Evidently, Bill decided to attend a different party. Doesn't look like he was missed.
12/12/18, 1:05 PM
I think the going rate for a 10 year old virgin in Bombay is about 6 rupees. I'm sure he attended a different party.
As for someone else's comment, you don't bring sand to the beach, you don't bring coals to Newcastle, you don't bring marijuana to Jamaica, and nobody needs to bring hot sauce to India.
Hil skips the light fandango
With turning houris across the floor
Beyonce waiting for her paycheque
but the crowd called out for more
Who knows who was humming Bill harder
as the elephants marched away
When we called out for another drink
For Krishna's sake, is that Kerry?
And so it was that later
as old Huma told her tale
that her face, at first just ghostly,
turned a Weiner shade of pale
So all the same old retreads.... yucking it up.
She looks ready to dance circles around Donald Trump in 2020. Just like she did in 2016 until the election was stolen from her.
"Shah Rukh Khan, when the walls fell."
It probably cost a couple mil just to get Bill Clinton to stay away.
What's the going rate for having the Clintons show up at one's wedding?
And what's the rate for having the Clintons not show up at one's wedding?
Well done D 2.
Are lefties criticizing her for dancing at a lavish wedding when so many in India are poor AND India is a huge producer of green house gas?
Instead they are smiling thinking she is so awesome for dancing dressed up in a phony Indian outfit with Lerch.
I loathe Hillary Clinton. That is all.
Hillary says ... That'll show Trump.
I get to go to Fab weddings even if I win or lose.
Q: would it have been possible logistics wise if she was President and the optics
She's standing, waving her arms a bit, and bobbing her head. That's not Bollywood dancing.
Muller would make a good Hillary Clinton dance partner. SAme with Comey
Hillary is in her natural element. Surrounded by dancing billionaires is the only time she is really happy and at peace with herself.
Over at Instapundit I read that our diplomatic relations with India are very important. Can't be true or somebody from State Department would have prevented Hillary and Kerry from going. This has to have set the Quadrilateral Security Dialog back years.
Dickin'Bimbos@Home: "Muller would make a good Hillary Clinton dance partner. SAme with Comey"
Same with LLR Chuck, or Max Boot, or Bill Kristol, or Pierre Omidyar, or any Muslim Brotherhood or MS13 member.
2016 election could be a great Bollywood musical.
Decadent excess.
Kerry looks very awkward. Hillary is just moving like any average person on a dance floor. Why is it called "Bollywood dancing"?
That 40 second snippet of Hillary in a frock which shows nothing but her upper torso definitely "proves" that Hillary is as fit as a fiddle. I know many a fiddle that can't hold a candle to the newly rejuvenated Hillary, based on that snippet
I know I would have no problem presenting this "evidence" of fitness to a court of law. How about you, Ann?
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