December 21, 2018

Glenn Greenwald calls Rachel Maddow on her hypocrisy.


MayBee said...

There's something happening here. What it is ain't exactly clear.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Maddow is a joke.

bbkingfish said...

If Jim Mattis, and a bi-partsan group of Senators, wanted to engineer a military coup, as prelude to setting up the President and his family, and maybe a few other crackpot billionaires, for prosecution, I would guess that a good time to do it would be over the Christmas holidays.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Rachel Maddow is Orange Man Bad dope for leftist loyalists hivemind females who are addicted to Trump-Hate porn.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

According to Maddow - everything, EVERYTHING, is a corrupt Russian plot. Her hive-mind *arf arf arf* seal-clappers love it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

A Russian Oligarch under every bed. Tonight on Maddow - breaking news!

tim maguire said...

Glenn Greenwald has seriously been risking his liberal bona fides lately.

Ken B said...

I disagree with Greenwald's politics, but he is honest and careful — rare in journalism. Maddow is neither.

Nonapod said...

Calling out a leftwing pundit for their hypocrisy is like yelling about the weather: You can point out that it's bad and be upset about it, but it won't change anything. It's not like Maddow will stop being an idiot just because you point it out. It's not like all the fools who regularly watch her will suddenly realize that she's being inconsistent and decide stop watching her. She's telling them what they want to hear, they don't want the actual truth.

Chuck said...

I wouldn't care too much about what Glenn Greenwald or Rachel Maddow think about military action.

I care what General Mattis thinks.

Craig said...

Trump Derangement Syndrome Derangement Syndrome.

MayBee said...

I care what Mattis thinks, and I like having him as Sec Def. He is incredibly competent.
But we have never left all military and Defense decisions up to the military. The people are supposed to have a say via POTUS and Congress.
The military leaders are always going to look for military solutions. That's what they do. They are like oncologists- they are going to do everything to cure the cancer even if it makes the body sick. Another doctor is in charge of palliative care.

Crimso said...

You can understand a lot about how people are able to take opposite positions at different points in time with no explanation whatsoever (and no one calling them on it) by realizing that in this alleged Information Age, many people below the age of 30 (and quite a few over it) have absolutely no idea what was happening in their world just six years ago. Unfortunately, so-called "journalists" are not an exception. Ben Rhodes fully understood this. Greenwald has been paying attention long enough that you might think of him as Benjamin the Donkey, just lacking the cryptic element in his cynicism.

Crimso said...

"I care what General Mattis thinks."

MacArthur too?

Kevin said...

It's almost like they're playing some sort of game where at every moment the goal is to say something bad about Trump.

Or similar.

LYNNDH said...

If you are upset because the Kurds will be decimated, do you propose that the US set up a perimeter around them with massive troops numbers for the next what 400 or so years. Because that is the only thing that might protect them.

Now, I think that the US has treated the Kurds shamefully. But we cannot protect them into eternity.

As for the withdrawal vis a via ISIS, I just don't know enough. Gen. Mattis would want complete destruction of ISIS, not one left alive. The troop numbers are really low, 2200 or so. I understand that we will still provide air support. The Brits and French are still there. Is it enough, don't know. And few people that are spouting off about know either. And Mattis might be wrong. It does happen you know.

Big Mike said...

I hope Mattis is wrong, but his track record to date does not make that a high probability event. Still, we have troops and air bases in next door Iraq; if ISIS resurrects itself we can respond almost instantly — didn’t the US military practice getting troops from here to Europe pretty regularly? Is the Mideast so much harder?

As to Maddow, if Trump cured cancer she’d bitch about out of work oncologists and funeral homes losing business. Sort of like Chuck.

Francisco D said...

Intellectual honesty has never been a feature of leftwing politics and "thinking".

It is all about gaining the power to control people's lives. They are true totalitarians which is why they despise even the tamest of Republicans.

iowan2 said...

The US can protect the Kurds. No one is willing the change the Rules of Engagement to get it done. Our military is designed to kill people and break things. Let them do that, and the Kurds will be fine. Understand that civilians will die in the mission.
So are we willing to protect the Kurds? I'll wait for the new updated RoE

Gahrie said...

What does his sock puppet think?

Sebastian said...

Libs aren't being "taught" anything.

They just oppose whatever the other side does or says. Doubleplus so when Trump is involved.

Primat der Innenpolitik, is all.

Gahrie said...

I disagree with Greenwald's politics, but he is honest and careful — rare in journalism

Has he ever apologized for using sock puppets to comment on his own articles?

Crimso said...

"Is the Mideast so much harder?"

It depends. Large nos. of troops require weeks to months to deploy. Heavy equipment in large nos. requires seaborne transport. That was the calculus of the Warsaw Pact in war planning: how far could they get and how fast until REFORGER made its weight felt.

Small nos. (e.g., brigade combat team) could be deployed in days, in some cases.

Robert Cook said...

"I care what Mattis thinks, and I like having him as Sec Def. He is incredibly competent.

But we have never left all military and Defense decisions up to the military. The people are supposed to have a say via POTUS and Congress."

That's why the President is the Commander in ensure civilian control over the military.

Paul Zrimsek said...

Not only does Greenwald make a good point, he makes it in a single sentence of reasonable length. Twitter improves him.

Bay Area Guy said...

What's our military mission in Syria?

What's our political objective?

If there's no clear cut answer, let's get the fuck out.

If the answer is to "provide stability" to the region, well, ok, but let's talk frankly of what is causing the instability and how much it will cost and how long it will take, and how many American lives will be lost, and how many civilians in Syria will be killed, etc, etc.

If there's no clear discussion or answer, well, let's get the fuck out.

Robert Cook said...

"Has he ever apologized for using sock puppets to comment on his own articles?"

You don't know it was him, and Greenwald denies it. He admitted it came from a computer in his house. My guess is was his boyfriend. Overall, an insignificant episode.

traditionalguy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael said...

Go get a copy of Maddow's book Drift. It's so different from her hyper-ventilating tone on MSNBC. In the book, she makes a very powerful case that the US has no cogent strategy for the Middle East. We just lumber about from one crisis to the next (and create a few along the way). The body count is horrendous and the trillions wasted are a huge misapplication of American wealth. I found it insightful and well argued.

traditionalguy said...

Now that ISIS is gone, and it is gone, the US Military in Iraq has two choices. 1)take our 2,000 Special Forces and leave, and sell our favored Tribes weapons,and supply them Air Power, or 2) send in 100,000 new American boys and build them expensive fortified bases with protective fire zones, depots and airbases that can destroy any Iranian forces who attack our favored tribes.

The choice only we DO NOT HAVE is to leave those extra valuable 2,000 men scatterd out among warring tribes they have been leading in the 100 small 20 man teams that have lead our favored tribes to victory over ISIS.

Ergo: Trump is a stable genius.

traditionalguy said...

If Greenwald is in the news, it means Assange cometh!

Jaq said...

It’s the difference between a man and a woman, to a man “principles” are abstract and fodder for abstract analysis, to a woman, principles are personal and are felt. So both are being consistent, “according to their lights” as James Fenimore Cooper would have put it.

Sam L. said...

Does anyone truly believe that Rachel Maddow would be consistent? Not I, anyway.

Jaq said...

I have a grudging respect for Greenwald. Even if he has some delusion that socialism is anything other than a scheme to place one’s fellow man under one’s own unquestioned dominion “for their own good."

Jaq said...

Blogger Sam L. said...
Does anyone truly believe that Rachel Maddow would be consistent?

Do you expect her Trump hatred to fade? I don’t, so yeah, I believe that she will remain consistent.

Bay Area Guy said...

Greenwald is probably the best liberal out there. Most of the liberal and leftist commentators are stuck on Trump, mired in a "Get Trump" fog. Exhibit A - Rachel Maddow.

Greenwald understands that a large portion of the "elites" in our country are rich leftists (see, Manhattan, Beverly Hills and San Francisco) who don't give a shit about the blue collar/working men and women of this country.

The current dynamic is not Republican v. Democrat, although there is some overlap. The current dynamic is not rich v poor, although there is some overlap.

The current dynamic is globalist elites v nationalist working and middle classes.

My 2 cents, I could be wrong.

Jaq said...

We just lumber about from one crisis to the next (and create a few along the way). T

Yes, the Forest Gump view of American success, and yet we have been top dog for some time. And suddenly we have more oil than the Saudis and don’t give a rip anymore, so let other countries play “the great game” with the lives of their sons.

Jersey Fled said...

What we don't know is what side deals Trump may have with Turkey re: the Kurds safety.

The way he has gotten Mexico to step up re: the caravan has taught me not to underestimate him.

gilbar said...

Dickin'Bimbos@Home said... A Russian Oligarch under every bed. Tonight on Maddow - breaking news!

I hear that Maddow has in her hand; A LIST of 205 Russian Oligarchs that have infiltrated the Trump Administration

tim maguire said...

Robert Cook said...
"Has he ever apologized for using sock puppets to comment on his own articles?"

You don't know it was him, and Greenwald denies it. He admitted it came from a computer in his house. My guess is was his boyfriend. Overall, an insignificant episode.

That's his story--it was his boyfriend. I disagree that it is insignificant, but his behavior since then makes up for it. There are few journalists today as dedicated as Greenwald to calling balls and strikes as he sees them, without fear or favor.

William said...

They used Kitchener's face on recruiting posters in WWI. He looked every inch the conquering general. He wasn't. Neither were any of the others, but he looked the part. Generals, even among the left, have more credibility than real estate developers, but that's no guarantee of success. We'll see what happens....It's quite possible that Mattis is right and Trump is wrong-- maybe even probable. However, the historical record shows that everyone has been wrong about everything in the Middle East. Maybe Trump will bring a fresh new kind of clumsy into our dealings there. .....I still find it hard to believe that the people of Libya and Iraq couldn't improve over the regimes of Saddam and Qaddafi. If this doesn't work out, I'd take the approach of placing primary blame on the people of those regions. But, of course, it's so much more satisfying to blame Trump.

gilbar said...

in re Syria: Like Richie in The Omega Man said; Cure 'em or Kill 'em
and 2,000 american troops aren't going to do much Curing, and pretty much the only Killing (what with the RoE) that's going to be do is To them, not By them.

If we're NOT going to do either; Why are our people there?
If we ARE going to it; IT's a job for the United States Air Force
Unleash the dogs of war, or put them back in their kennels

Jaq said...

I hear that Maddow has in her hand; A LIST of 205 Russian Oligarchs that have infiltrated the Trump Administration

The problem with jokes like that is that the intended targets of the barbs are too ignorant to even understand jokes like that.

Jaq said...

The sock puppet thing is a pretext to denounce the traitor to the cause. A traitor because he now and again spots a bourgeois truth.

Molly said...

Dickin' Bimboes has it right. Glenn Greenwald totally misunderstands the principle at stake here. Greenwald thinks that the principal is: No permanent war for the US -- and therefore thinks that Maddow is inconsistent in sometimes espousing this principle and sometimes opposing it. But the actual principle here is "Orange Man Bad", and Maddow has been perfectly consistent in abiding by this principle.

rhhardin said...

There's no hypocrisy, just narrative.

Every narrative is a small part of a Grassmanian space. It shares energy with other narratives to the extent it interlocks with them, but differs where it does not.

Trump bad is in the shared part.

Jupiter said...

Chuck said...
"I wouldn't care too much about what Glenn Greenwald or Rachel Maddow think about military action. I care what General Mattis thinks."

You care what your owner George Soros thinks, and that's about all, Chuckles. But in any case, Mattis made it fairly clear that his disagreement with Trump regards strategy, not "military action". Although it does appear that Mattis' preferred strategy involves a lot of military action. It's what he knows.

Steve M. Galbraith said...

You'll notice that Greenwald condemns US involvement - it's illegal and unethical - while completely silent on Russian and Iranian involvement.

Yes, he's right to point out Maddow's partisan driven journalism - who is really shocked by this? - but he has no moral standing to condemn the hypocrisy and inconsistency of others. Be careful here: just because he is correct on this point doesn't mean he's worth following. He's not.

gilbar said...

Molly said.... But the actual principle here is "Orange Man Bad", and Maddow has been perfectly consistent in abiding by this principle.

Yes! people always complain about some imagined 'double standard' there is NO double standard, there is just The One Standard

rhhardin said...

Something there is that doesn't love a wence.

gadfly said...

From Brookings:
Remember how, [in August 2013], British officials detained at Heathrow Airport [- David Miranda -] the Brazilian boyfriend of Glenn Greenwald, who has been facilitating the public spewing of secrets stolen by leaker-defector Edward Snowden? One heard hue and cry about this latest supposed overreach by security authorities, who were picking on not just a journalist but his domestic partner. Greenwald wailed that this was an escalation of “attacks on the news-gathering process and journalism,” that “to start detaining the family members and loved ones of journalists is simply despotic,” and that “even the Mafia had ethical rules against targeting the family members of people they felt threatened by.” Greenwald further complained that the authorities had taken his boyfriend’s computer and memory sticks and said nothing about returning them.

A couple of weeks later a senior national security adviser to Prime Minister David Cameron indicated in a statement submitted to a British court that the confiscated computer and memory sticks contained tens of thousands of highly classified documents, including secrets not only of the United States but of the United Kingdom. The adviser stated that compromise of the documents would endanger, among other things, counter-terrorist techniques and the identities and possibly lives of intelligence officers. British citizens, as well as U.S. citizens, should be grateful for the alert intercept at Heathrow. The Brazilian boyfriend was serving as a courier in an international stolen-secrets ring.

Not to enthusiastically defend Maddow but it is appropriate to point out that Greenwald's sins far outstrip a women changing her mind. There is a reason that Greenwald abandoned his American roots for Brazil and it was unlikely because his boyfriend lives in Rio - we simply do not appreciate turncoats here.

bagoh20 said...

Maddow is dumb - dumber than me, which is a horrible insult, but I know she dumb, becuase she doesn't.

Drago said...

The Poor Man's LLR Chuck: "Not to enthusiastically defend Maddow...."



johns said...

Rachel Maddow is our friend. She collects all the hysterical leftists in one viewing audience. This reduces the time they have to view reality, and reduces their effectiveness. Keeps them crazy

Drago said...

Maddow is of course, "brilliant". Not as "magnificent" as obama, but certainly "brilliant".

Why, any avid reader (past tense, heh!) of the Soros/Omidyar funded and FusionGPS collaborating Weekly Standard could tell you.

Sigivald said...

"Orange man bad" is no basis for policy.

Drago said...

Mattis is so very very very competent that Obama the "magnificent" fired him for pushing back too hard on the Iran Deal Sellout.

And obama fired Mattis without so much as a phone call.

But now Mattis so very very very brilliant and stable he must be kept in place to keep Trump in check or our republic will fall, the very republic the lefties/LLR's say has to be fundamentally altered to move forward.

Yes, the lefties/LLR's are that stupid and hypocritical.

Drago said...

Sigivald: ""Orange man bad" is no basis for policy."

For members of the LLR/Lefty/OpenBorders/IslamicSupremacist crew, its the only basis for policy.

Richard Dolan said...

I assume Mueller's crack team of investigators is looking into this latest proof of Collusion! Impeachment can't be far behind (and you know impeachment will be well ahead of any Congressional vote to authorize the Syrian adventure).

lgv said...

Trump has caused Rachel Maddow to become a neo-con.

Is there anything he can't do?

lgv said...

Blogger tim maguire said...
Glenn Greenwald has seriously been risking his liberal bona fides lately."

Yes he has, by being consistent in his beliefs. Our old liberals have become fascists (progressives) and progressives believe it is more important to denounce anything Trump does than follow their own positions.

Laslo Spatula said...

How many American soldiers are we willing to have die rather than use a single nuclear weapon?

I would think that number is in some government strategic-planning document, somewhere.

I am Laslo.

lgv said...

Trump gave Mattis 2 years to resolve the Afghanistan situation. Under what metric has he been successful? We are still in the position of having a military presence in order to prevent the re-emergence of the Taliban. If maintaining our current level of support forever is an OK requirement, then we should proceed on, but Trump and the American public do not want it.

Kevin said...

I wouldn't care too much about what Glenn Greenwald or Rachel Maddow think about military action.

I care what General Mattis thinks.

Anything to keep from thinking for yourself.

The lefty refrain: “The people I agree with don’t agree with Trump!”

Narayanan said...

Trump has caused Rachel Maddow to become a neo-con.

What about all the other Rhodes Scholars who somehow emerge as statists and imperialist.

Amadeus 48 said...

Re Maddow: hacks will hack. She’s a hack. No surprises here.

Chuck said...

Blogger lgv said...
Trump has caused Rachel Maddow to become a neo-con.

Is there anything he can't do?

Apparently, one gigantic thing that he promised to do, and he cannot do, and doesn’t even want to talk about, is getting Mexico to pay for “a great border wall.”

Chuck said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Amadeus 48: "Re Maddow: hacks will hack. She’s a hack. No surprises here."

Be careful there.

Those kinds of comments generally trigger LLR Chuck's Auto-DemDefense Mode.

Achilles said...

Marrow, like Chuck, is very consistent. She does what her employers tell her to do.

She is a tool. The Weekly Standard was a tool. The WAPO is a tool. NBC is a tool.

The goal is open borders and an end to individual freedom.

The script changes, the goals do not.

Darrell said...

I care what General Mattis thinks.

I don't--except when he's commanding troops in a battle or making a charge himself. His peacetime opinions seem to be off the wall. Like thinking that Kerry is brilliant.

Steven said...

In the book, she makes a very powerful case that the US has no cogent strategy for the Middle East.

If you believe Maddow actually wrote that book, I've got some great deals in real estate for you.

Kevin said...

The college experience of requiring expert opinion to back up any thought you might want to advance, properly cited of course, creates citizens incapable of engaging in public discourse without citing a media-certified expert to do your arguing for you.

The irony of ironies is when this is done to denounce authoritarianism.

Drago said...

George Soros Republican Chuck: "Apparently, one gigantic thing that he promised to do, and he cannot do, and doesn’t even want to talk about, is getting Mexico to pay for “a great border wall.”

LLR Chuck has wisely decided to cease lecturing us about how the gloriously wonderful Nancy Pelosi "schooled" Trump on whether Wall funding could pass the House.

LLR Chuck attempted to dip his toes in the Mattis conversation but that didn't go any better for him or his obama fan allies.

So, another day ending in "Y".

Kevin said...

I don’t recall all these people standing behind Mattis when Trump pulled out of the Iran deal.

His judgement seems valuable only to the extent it contrasts with Trump’s.

gadfly said...

My critical and valid post, concerning turncoat Glenn Greenwald, is 290 words long, but it was attacked because of a meaningless five word phrase.

Trumpist IQ's may be even lower than that of The Donald! Now we know why the traitor Michael Flynn is being defended for taking money from the Turks. Thank you for clearing that up.

Gunner said...

Isn't it fascinating how these lefty shitheads didn't give two craps about the Kurds during Bush's terms (in fact they made fun of Republicans for "pretending" to care about saving them from Saddam), but NOW Dems are concerned about them? What could have changed?

Bay Area Guy said...

In 2016, millions of Americans (myself included) were surprised that Trump pulled off the upset victory by turning Wis, Mich and Penn blue.

This caused much distress among the elites, the chattering class, the faculty lounges at Ivy league schools, the folks at Davos, the media and, of course, the Dems.

Two years later, they are still in the thralls of this distress.

For 2020, Predictit says, roughly, that it sees 60-40 odds of a Dem Prez victory, but without naming who that ACTUAL Dem candidate will be. This is critical, as Althouse has noted several times, because ya gotta run and beat Trump with an actual person.

And, once that person survives the DNC primary, and presents all his baggage, and offends whatever identity group he or she is not part of (Biden/Bernie/Beto -- all straight white males!), well, then the odds, I believe will slightly favor Trump.

And, then Rachel Maddow's head will explode on cable tv, as history repeats itself....

narciso said...

yes, that was when the guardian the times and the post, sang his praises, now after not engaging in the two minute hate against trump, Omidyar has people to do that, now he's persona nongrata, remember snowden was the archetype of the second captain American film, actually black widow played that role,

exhelodrvr1 said...

"The US can protect the Kurds. No one is willing the change the Rules of Engagement to get it done. Our military is designed to kill people and break things. Let them do that, and the Kurds will be fine. Understand that civilians will die in the mission.
So are we willing to protect the Kurds? I'll wait for the new updated RoE"

Ironically, less restrictive ROE would mean fewer civilian casualties in the long term, but the left doesn't understand reality.

Jaq said...

I remember when liberals cared about working people.

Static Ping said...

It's not just Maddow. There are quite a few "thought leaders" that have made complete 180 turns thanks to Trump announcing this, including some who argued the exact opposite this year. I think it useful that we all note down who these people are and subsequently treat them as useless.

Gahrie said...

Apparently, one gigantic thing that he promised to do, and he cannot do, and doesn’t even want to talk about, is getting Mexico to pay for “a great border wall.”

And Chuckles continues to show up and shit on the carpet.

Bad dog, Bad dog!

narciso said...

in other news:

Bilwick said...

Overnight, the Left went from "War is bad! Bring the troops home!" and "Leave Russia alone!" to "War isn't so bad!" and "The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!" I guess if you believe (despite Democide figures and the amount of money it rips off its tax-serfs) that the State is the greatest thing in the world, you can believe anything, and flip those beliefs as the Hive dictates.

narciso said...

they do see 1984, as a how to guide, the folks who buy every ridiculous insinuations in vice,
why are there only 2k troops, why did they not sign on to a new authorization of use of force,

Lovernios said...

"How many American soldiers are we willing to have die rather than use a single nuclear weapon?"

In our only example to date, I believe the calculation was 1 million casualties for the invasion of Japan. Since we dropped two, does that mean its 500K per? Or was the second one a freebie?

narciso said...

details left out of the rizzotto/journalist press:

steve uhr said...

Well at least ISIS has been defeated and it's now up to Russia, Iran and others to defeat ISIS.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Watching the left fall all over their hypocrisy. LOL

The biggest corrupt fraud to seek high office - the woman who lied about Benghazi and did nothing to help our men there, and the women who ruined Libya is concerned about consequences.

Maddow-Hillary hypocrisy. How much do you want to bet the Maddow is on the Clinton Foundation payroll?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Democrats are now pro blood for oil.

Molly said...


Trump continues to work his way through the list of promises he made during his campaign. This is another one.

I would think better of Mattis if his resignation letter had been a little less unpleasant. Unnecessary, unless he's trying to build himself a political position.

And if he's trying to do that, he should stop.

MBunge said...

Maddow was always smug and given more to propagandizing than analysis but I never in a million years thought she would go off the deep end with Trump like she has.

I guess that makes me the stupid one.


Diogenes of Sinope said...

Leftists have no principles just worship of government and hatred of Trump and his supporters.

FullMoon said...

Molly said... [hush]​[hide comment]


Trump continues to work his way through the list of promises he made during his campaign. This is another one.

Yep. I think the most important thing about the wall, in Trump's mind, is that he said he would do it during the campaign.

JaimeRoberto said...

I thought the reasons for intervening were all debated when Congress voted to approve our intervention. You mean to tell me that didn't happen?

Drago said...

steve uhr: "Well at least ISIS has been defeated and it's now up to Russia, Iran and others to defeat ISIS."

Well, Russia has quite a bit of our uranium, Iran got billions from obama, and every lefty/LLR this side of the Mississippi called every other Western leader the New Leader of the Free World.

Maybe they should get together and devise a plan that doesn't involve only American cash and American sacrifices.

Surely that many lefties/LLR's can figure it out......

Drago said...

Diogenes of Sinope: "Leftists have no principles just worship of government and hatred of Trump and his supporters"

Leftists and LLR's have no principles just worship of government and hatred of Trump and his supporters


Drago said...

The Poor Man's LLR Chuck gadfly: "My critical and valid post,....."


Seriously, that's as far as I could make it before losing it.

Michael McNeil said...

Well at least ISIS has been defeated and it's now up to Russia, Iran and others to defeat ISIS.

Ha ha! Mop up, you mean. ISIS lorded it over (with historic Caliphate pretentions!) half of Iraq and as much of Syria — together with cities of the stature and scale of Mosul (historic Nineveh) — for years on end (under Obama). Now under Trump (and Mattis) ISIS has lost all its cities and all its territory but a pitiful few remaining scraps of desert, together with many thousands of its fighters slain. If local forces — including Russia! for heavens sake — can't deal now with ISIS's remnants in those parts, they don't deserve the ultimate victory.

Narayanan said...

Lightbringer said ISIS is JV.
Trump say ... Ur right sir, JV can beat JV. I pull Varsity out.

pacwest said...

Trump gave Mattis 2 years to resolve the Afghanistan situation. Under what metric has he been successful?"

One metric could be the decrease in casualties and injuries to our personnel.

bagoh20 said...

America is still a great and powerful nation, but our politics and media makes us incapable of solving the problem of a failed or dangerous foreign nation as we have in the past. Mattis is the kind of fighting man who got that done, but there is no longer a place for such a man. If we had that spine again, he would be very useful, but rules of this current game cannot make use of him. I don't know if that is a good thing or not for the near future, but eventually we will need what we have lost. I hope we can find it again when that day comes.

bagoh20 said...

"Apparently, one gigantic thing that he promised to do, and he cannot do, and doesn’t even want to talk about, is getting Mexico to pay for “a great border wall.”

He actually does not avoid the subject. He talks about the wall every day, and I heard him make the claim about finding a way to get Mexico to pay for it again just recently. I never really expected him to pull that off, although he could make it happen for about 24 hours before the Dems would find a judge to stop it. More importantly, who pays for it does not really affect much, and certainly is not affecting my life. This is true of almost all the promises or "lies" that the left constantly harps from Trump, like crowd size at the inauguration and that kind of bullshit talk he's known for.

What does matter and affects me and every American everyday are lies like "you can keep your plan and save $2500 per year in premiums". Obama lied about policy, his intentions, what he was actually doing behind our backs, and its effects. Trump's lies are little more than shit talk that nobody invests in, or counts on.

chickelit said...

Liberals like Maddow have been morphing into John Birchers for some time now.

Jaq said...

I think that if Trump gets his wall, not a single one of his supporters will be upset about the 5 billions bucks that Mexico doesn’t pay. But it will be a non stop talking point for people who are angry that Trump got his wall.

Jaq said...

It’s funny that liberals morphed into red baiting war mongers so quickly that we should probably buy stock in neck braces.

Jaq said...

Imagine a future where immigration was regulated per the laws duly passed by our elected representatives.... Who am I kidding? That’s Nazi talk!

gilbar said...

Lovernios said...
"How many American soldiers are we willing to have die rather than use a single nuclear weapon?"
In our only example to date, I believe the calculation was 1 million casualties for the invasion of Japan.

i think the answer you are going for is Less than (or equal to) 1 million
All we know is; we thought that there'd be (about 1 million casualties), if we went in
We dropped the bomb instead. That doesn't say that we would have NOT used the devices if projected casualties had be lower; all it says is That was Enough, Then
{never forget the immortal words of S. E. Hinton}

Rabel said...

I haven't seen it mentioned in the analysis of Trump's decision on Syria, but last week he made an unscheduled visit to Arlington and walked among the graves in Section 60, where military personnel killed in the Global War on Terror since 2001 are interred.

Shortly afterwards he made the call to take our troops in Syria out of harms way.

Humperdink said...

It was reported tonight that Trump gave Mattis 6 months to wind down the Syria operation. He apparently was ramping it up. Bye-bye Mad Dog.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Greenwald occasionally has a decent point but in general he's a total nutter. There's a huge difference between staying in a full-scale war and occupation of a place, and just keeping a token 2k troops there to keep our Kurdish allies from being slaughtered, empowering the Hizbullah supply chain to pick off a few dozen Israelis year-to-year and turning the place over to the Turkish, Iranian and Russian dictators. Allies everywhere are accepting the fact that Trump's word is no good. He has no sense of honor and is a total bitch-ass pussy. Putin and Erdogan told him to bend over and he said, "How far?" We don't have an American president. We have Putin's bitch.

Trump is scum.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I have a grudging respect for Greenwald. Even if he has some delusion that socialism is anything other than a scheme to place one’s fellow man under one’s own unquestioned dominion “for their own good."

What a relief that you recognize the unalloyed wonders that unregulated corporations have done for your very economically mediocre life.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Rachel Maddow is Orange Man Bad dope for leftist loyalists hivemind females who are addicted to Trump-Hate porn.

This statement would be easier to take seriously if April Apple could describe for us in great detail the kind of maneuvers Trump would do when "grabbing her pussy."

Robert Cook said...

"Ha ha! Mop up, you mean. ISIS lorded it over (with historic Caliphate pretentions!) half of Iraq and as much of Syria — together with cities of the stature and scale of Mosul (historic Nineveh) — for years on end (under Obama). Now under Trump (and Mattis) ISIS has lost all its cities and all its territory but a pitiful few remaining scraps of desert, together with many thousands of its fighters slain. If local forces — including Russia! for heavens sake — can't deal now with ISIS's remnants in those parts, they don't deserve the ultimate victory."

Do you really believe that ISIS lost however much land and power they held at their peak in only two years simply because of some vague "Trump and Mattis" effect?

Robert Cook said...

"How many American soldiers are we willing to have die rather than use a single nuclear weapon?"

The question is, how many soldiers are we willing to have die rather than admit we've started (or entered) a pointless small war with no purpose, no validity, no clear goals, no legal basis...before we realize we should pull them out?

The other question is: what kind of insane person would ask why we're not using nukes in a small-scale conflict that we entered of our own volition, with no self-defense need or purpose?

Robert Cook said...

"My critical and valid post, concerning turncoat Glenn Greenwald...."

Hahahaha! It is to laugh!

Apparently, you think that performing real journalism--informing the American people of the crimes its government is committing against them, (paid for by their tax dollars)--is the act of a turncoat. Rather, it is those in government approving and carrying out these crimes against the American people and perjuring themselves when asked about it in Congressional hearings who are the turncoats...against the American people. Greenwald? He's doing what the first amendment was created for: telling the truth and exposing the lies and crimes of government.

H said...

Dickin' Bimbos: Maddow is Orange Man Bad dope
Molly: the actual principle here is "Orange Man Bad", and Maddow has been perfectly consistent in abiding by this principle
Sigivald: "Orange man bad" is no basis for policy.
Drago: For members of the LLR/Lefty/OpenBorders/IslamicSupremacist crew, its the only basis for policy.

This comment: There is nothing inconsistent with the view that OMB is the only principle that left/Dem agree on, and that (also) OMB is a terrible basis for developing a political philosophy. But OMB may be just strong enough to elect the next President, who (having been elected on the basis of OMB) will have no electoral basis for moving ahead on any policy position. (Except perhaps can't we prosecute a former president?)

Drago said...

Robert Cook: "Apparently, you think that performing real journalism--informing the American people of the crimes its government is committing against them, (paid for by their tax dollars)--is the act of a turncoat. Rather, it is those in government approving and carrying out these crimes against the American people and perjuring themselves when asked about it in Congressional hearings who are the turncoats...against the American people. Greenwald? He's doing what the first amendment was created for: telling the truth and exposing the lies and crimes of government."

Could not agree more, and I don't agree with everything Greenwald believes, but Greenwald is one of the very very few actual journalists remaining.

Jaq said...

The question is, how many soldiers are we willing to have die rather than admit we've started (or entered) a pointless small war with no purpose, no validity, no clear goals, no legal basis...before we realize we should pull them out?

Ha! I told you that anti-war types should be supporting Trump, as the alternative was Hillary, who got us into that particular pointless war, while Obama fiddled, I guess. But better to support somebody with no chance than to support somebody who is with you on the most important issue, because that way you get to remain pure and piss on everyone rather than making any progress!

The Democrats are going to have to metaphorically fumigate to drive out the war mongers from their party. The Clintons have implanted a pro-war infrastructure into that party that is going to be hard to displace.

Jaq said...

It is funny to see the left repeating the same criticisms of Trump that were leveled at Obama and which they so emphatically rejected at the time as baseless nonsense.

Bilwick said...

Has anyone asked Cindy Sheehan her opinion on this? Last I heard she had Absolute Moral Authority in matters pertaining to war and foreign policy.

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