December 31, 2018

Elizabeth Warren is running for President.

Here's the announcement:

I haven't watched that yet. Will update to give my reactions.

ADDED: My second-by-second reactions:

0:06 — EW begins in a dreary, ordinary kitchen. Dark cupboards. I'm just going to guess this is her actual kitchen. She intones the middle-class code words, "work hard and play by the rules."

0:09 — She's momming about with a baby and a birthday cake.

0:14 — The cake says "Atticus" on it. Does EW have a grandchild named Atticus? Yes!

0:49 — EW's family were able to make it economically, but things are much more difficult for families today. Is that true? We're shown a chart that shows horrible decline, but it's a depiction of the share of wealth, not real income. There are dismal chords playing on a piano, and EW's voice conveys controlled anger.

1:15 — "America's middle class is under attack." Closeup of EW's face saying this line. She seems very intense. She's telling us we are threatened. Who is attacking us?

1:19 —  Answer to my question: "Billionaires and big corporations."

3:01 — "An atmosphere of fear and hate designed to divide us" — with images of Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Steve Bannon.

3:19 — But "we can make our democracy work for all of us" — she says as the music becomes more soothing and we're shown the Statue of Liberty.

3:44 — Many images of EW in the sunshine, encountering people of color, hugging.

3:51 — She loves the America where people "play by the same set of rules." Images with rainbow paraphernalia (presumably representing gay people).

4:01 — She's announcing her exploratory committee, she says, followed by protesters chanting a chant that is very evocative here in Wisconsin: "This is what democracy looks like."

4:22 — "If we persist together, we can win, we can, and we will."


Gahrie said...

work hard and play by the rules

...and the best way to do that is to lie about being a minority so you can take advantage of Affirmative Action to get promotions.

Fernandinande said...

As a naive American, I'll vote for the forked-tongue-speaking white man rather than the more-forked-tongue-speaking socialist imaginary Amerind.

rhhardin said...

Elizabeth Warren opens scouting party.

Dave Begley said...

Atticus? That's the name of one of her kids? What about Scout?

How about Clarence? As in Clarence Darrow.


rhhardin said...

The Indians in South America walk in single file, at least the one I saw did.

rhhardin said...

She's out of the teepee.

rhhardin said...

Will her campaign make use of the wheel, even though it's a western invention.

tcrosse said...

Was this on HGTV?

Dave Begley said...

How about that middle class income chart? Why didn't Clinton and Obama reverse the trend? Maybe cheap imports and illegal alien labor has something to do with it.

Tommy Duncan said...

That's hard to watch, almost like Hillary. She doesn't speak to you, she lectures at you.

It's like a parody of bad progressive campaign commercials.

rhhardin said...

She could travel by horse, except that's a western thing too, thanks to Columbus.

Kevin said...

"work hard and play by the rules."

That’s not going to be good for Dems to say if Trump makes 2020 about illegal immigration.

AllenS said...

Quick, KamalaToe, Spartacus, circle the wagons!

Gahrie said...

Illegal immigration isn't playing by the rules. Neither is vote fraud. What are her solutions to address those problems?

Jimmy said...

My first thought...what is the angle here? How much can she personally profit from what is a ridiculous attempt at being relevant? Politicians always have an angle, and it usually ends up with them making boatloads of money. She is as clueless and greedy as the other 'front runners'.

Kevin said...

That's hard to watch, almost like Hillary. She doesn't speak to you, she lectures at you.

Harris is how Dems see themselves. Warren is how they are.

gilbar said...

It's like a parody of bad progressive campaign commercials.

yes, i think to paraphrase the words of W.T. Sherman :
If she wants to air that in america; the republicans should provide rations (or pay for airtime)

The Gipper Lives said...

Who is attacking us?


Dave Begley said...

I watched it without the sound so I didn't have to hear her voice. Odd pictures. Lots of gay pictures. Is that still an issue? I thought SSM was the law of the land.

Fernandinande said...

"Kill the Imaginary Indian, and Save the Country": similar to what Capt. Richard H. Pratt said on the Education of Native Americans[sic].

cacimbo said...

Too long and dreary to go viral. She seems to be trying to play off the Obama "yes we can" at the end - not very successfully imho. I did not know she was a brunette. EW appears to be in great shape, she is only two years younger than HRC but looks at least a decade younger.

gilbar said...

Kevin noted... Harris is how Dems see themselves. Warren is how they are.

what's with her head shaking? it seems like she's spastic. Her head bobs Way too fast to seem normal. Maybe she's on meth?

AllenS said...

Seems like a good time for the 2nd edition of the Pow Wow Chow cookbook edited by her cousin Candy Rowsey.

rhhardin said...

I'm in luck. XP won't play the video.

cacimbo said...

Kevin has a great point.

Bob Boyd said...

Althouse abbreviates Elizabeth Warren as "EW".

Accidental or deliberate?

rehajm said...

but things are much more difficult for families today. Is that true? We're shown a chart that shows horrible decline, but it's a depiction of the share of wealth, not real income.

Good observation. The polling indicates most families feel their economic condition has improved. Her talking points are so 2016...

rehajm said...

Now that she's in: any chance her or her supporters use her native american status as a positive political talking point? I'd reckon not.

Bob Boyd said...

"work hard and play by the rules."

Take my advice. I'm not using it anyway.

rhhardin said...

Piper should name an airplane after her.

rehajm said...

Every US Presidential election needs a candidate from Massachusetts. It's somewhere in the Constitution I'm sure...

Gahrie said...

but things are much more difficult for families today. Is that true? We're shown a chart that shows horrible decline, but it's a depiction of the share of wealth, not real income.

The Left would prefer to change the way we slice the current pie to take wealth from some and give it to others rather than increase the size of the pie so that everyone gets more.

mccullough said...

Lying about Native American ancestry to get ahead isnt “playing by the rules.”

Harvard is a big corporation that made Warren rich.

She is vapid. Old white woman with no sense of humor.

JRoberts said...

I noticed her "decline charts" only plot through 2013.

Outdated data to support an outdated political philosophy.

rhhardin said...

A rising economy lifts all pies.

John henry said...

Doe she know that wealth and income are not the same thing? Or even closely related?

Lots of wealthy people with relatively low incomes. Farmers, Jeff Bezos.

Lots of people with high incomes and little or no wealth. Professional athletes, actors, for example

John Henry

Dad29 said...

...but NOT the 'billionaires and big corporations' which support the Democrats, such as Facesucker, Googlop, and Twister.

A question Tin Lizzie does not answer: what about reparations????

Paco Wové said...

And the race for America's Hectoring Schoolmarm is on!

"Illegal immigration isn't playing by the rules. Neither is vote fraud.What are her solutions to address those problems?"

They don't exist, and if you think they do, you're a bad person. – A fearful hater, if you will. In the new order, you will be given therapy until you repent.

Sydney said...

"work hard and play by the rules."

Lots of people who worked hard and played by the rules got screwed by the last Democrat administration. Remember "too big to fail?" It was the people who worked hard and played by the rules who got the shaft while the government bent over backwards for the big corporations who don't play by the rules. Suck eggs Democrats and GOPe. (Looking at you, Kasich!)

rhhardin said...

If we subsist together, we can win, we can, and we will.

MadisonMan said...

I'm behind her 1/1024.

gilbar said...

i just rewatched her video; they mostly use still shots of her, or file footage of other people; that seems wise; in the few motion shots they have of her, she has her neck craned out (into people's faces) and her head bobbing up and down. She has a face made for the radio. The republicans should be Glad that she's on the warpath (running)

rhhardin said...

I worked hard but it was at a play-for-pay job.

Fernandinande said...

I'm in luck. XP won't play the video.

I clicked around and soon hit the obligatory whitey be racis' part. She manipulated her voice to indicate emotion based on the spirituality of her Native American™ culture, her strong reverence for animal life, the environment, and money.

rhhardin said...

Tippy canoe and Warren too.

The Gipper Lives said...

Still she perspired.

M Jordan said...

Three words: She Won’t Win.

Now how do you say that in smoke signal?

traditionalguy said...

She is a player for cash money. She played Harvard for indiginous American set aside awards. She played Congress for an independent Regulatory Branch of Government with its own private slush fund and perpetually tenured self reappointment power. And she plays Massachusetts voters as if she is their own super liberal Joan of Arc.

This gal can out play Hillary for cash money, and she can do it all without a Husband's political power. Don't misunderestimate her.

ddh said...

Piper should name an airplane after her.

How about Kickapoo?

John henry said...

Some thoughts on punctuation:

EW:She's running?

EW:She's running.

Ew, she's running.

John Henry

gilbar said...

rhhardin said... I'm in luck. XP won't play the video.

rh? you're Still using XP?
Are you still using a superregenerative receiver? How about a spark gap Transmitter?
(i think, from what i use for memory, that you're the Ham here; otherwise my allusions make no sense)

The Godfather said...

This is how you get more Trump.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

I wonder if this gives Althouse's dried up old panties that same tingle as the Bobby O. Maybe her thing is more for fake Hispanics rather than fake Injuns.

Phil 314 said...

It starts out with an interesting populist tone then devolves into the usual Dem, coalition approach. Strangely enough her parents would not have been in any of the featured coalitions.

But they still had their high cheekbones.

gilbar said...

We're shown a chart that shows horrible decline, but it's a depiction of the share of wealth, not real income.

1st, it shows a horrible decline; from 52% to 46% (not that horrible if you showed whole scale)
2nd, as they always say: In America, the Rich get Richer and so does everyone else

tcrosse said...

rhhardin said... I'm in luck. XP won't play the video.

There's a lot you can do with an Apple ][.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

How funny is it that she's adopting both the "play by the rules" line and the "persist" line when the "she persisted" quote was specifically about Warren NOT following the rules?

I know, I know, expecting consistency from a politician is a fool's errand and from a "feminist" even more so but it's still funny.

Sally327 said...

This is just a little bit prettier version of Hillary Clinton. Another old wealthy white woman who thinks she's entitled to be the one in charge.

Do that many Americans have Mommy issues? Because female politicians seem to think we do.

robother said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Clyde said...

God forbid.

Jess said...

I'm sure her donors will spend many hours wondering how their silly efforts will look to their tax attorneys.

Jaq said...

"work hard and play by the rules."

And yet she persisted in repeating lies on the Senate floor about a fellow Senator that she got off of. some left wing website.

Tommy Duncan said...

A great question for the Democrat primary debates:

Do you support reparations? If so, how much and why?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

1. When did teal become the go-to color for commercials? Doesn't matter. I just like pointing out how every freaking drug commercial and many TV scenes are dressed with so much teal. And now it apparently is invading political video too. Ugh!

2. Liz has the warmth of a sponge and a distinct lack of sincerity in her manner. These are not good attributes for a presidential candidate.

3. I give her 1/1024th of a chance to be in the last three standing. Ironically she may be too white for this year's mob next year.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I get it that many minorities, wimmen, and poor folks get to college and realize that they have a whole lot of privileged white classmates who got into college with no merit -- legacy admits, attended the best prep academies, never had to worry about paying for tuition, we're pushed into going to a good school by family & peers -- and they decide that is terribly unfair.
What I don't get is how that anger at injustice drives them to want to de-privilege hillbillies and Kinkos managers.

Jaq said...

If I claimed an Indian’s Affirmative Action slot to get into a better college because of something my kid brother told me, for example, would that have been “playing by the rules”?

What if I published my unsubstantiated opinions as scholarly research? Is that “playing by the rules”?

She is almost as clueless as Hillary was in her “The Children are Watching” ads. We all remember having to explain to our young children what a “blowjob” was.

Howard said...

I'm so happy for you people.

Darrell said...

Ask her how.

Jaq said...

What I don't get is how that anger at injustice drives them to want to de-privilege hillbillies and Kinkos managers.

It’s called will to power. There is a German philosopher, a favorite of Hitler’s, who explained it pretty well.

Jaq said...

What really drove home the difference between that privileged class and the rest of us, for me, was that discussion about resisting the draft in the ‘60s. That was definitely a different world than the one I grew up in, and yeah, there was a lot of privilege in display. Let’s send a message to the man by sending a poor kid off to die in my place!

Darrell said...

Persist. Insist. Exist. Resist.

William said...

As noted, the ad is more a parody of progressive politics than an example of such politics. The advantage of being a progressive is that no late nite comic will ever make fun of your politics, but, when you miss the mark, no one tells you that either. "My name is Elizabeth Warren, and my presence makes fat people quiver with joy."

Lewis Wetzel said...

De-privileging Christian cake bakers seems to be high on the Progressive's priority list.

Jaq said...

Of course President Bone Spurs wasn’t brave enough to attempt to bomb a dance of young officers and their wives/girlfriends/dates the way Obama close friend Bill Ayers did. That was real courage, taking the side of America’s communist enemies, who were then on a project of empire expansion, agains our own sons and daughters.

Bay Area Guy said...

Wrong reactions, folks!

Y'all need to be encouraging, the esteemed, highly talented Ms. Warren in her lofty pursuits.

Shouting Thomas said...

What are the rules?

Meade said...

MadisonMan said...
"I'm behind her 1/1024."

LOL. Needs to be a bumper sticker.

Charlie said...

That cannot be her kitchen. She lives in $2 mil house right off Harvard Square.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Democrat populist would be very difficult to beat, especially if they cut Trump's legs out from under him by supporting a border wall in exchange for amnesty. And give lip service to better trade deals.

It would be so easy. But impossible in this Democrat party.

There's an opening there for a Dem politician if they want it. Just like Trump say the opening in the Republican party.

Tommy Duncan said...

Has Liz published the results of a recent physical? I'm curious about her skin thickness relative to a confrontation with Donald Trump.

MikeR said...

Huh? _She_ is attacking us. Progressives care about everyone else but us, and everything they do for everyone else is supposed to be paid for by us.
That's why Donald Trump won. Does she think we're idiots?

Charlie said...

She can't win.....she's white.

Henry said...

A few observations:

* Being a white person in the 50s was awesome!
* Here's why that Wealth chart was cut off in 2013: Between 2013 and 2016, net worth increased 46 percent for Hispanic families, 29 percent for black families, and 17 percent for white families, according to Wednesday’s Fed report. Unless Trump presides over a sudden recession, expect the charts to stay cut-off in 2013.
* Not cracks, but traps. There's a campaign slogan for you.
* She beat a Republican in Massachusetts!

It's a retrograde commercial. Elizabeth Warren: Bringing the 1950s to everyone, not just white people! Maybe she can run against Holden Caulfield.

Jaq said...

Next she’s gonna be hawking Granny Warren’s Rheumatiz Medicine.

Lewis Wetzel said...

"Echo chamber of fear and hatred."
For a few seconds I thought she was referring to the 24/7 Trump hatefest you see in in all the newspapers, television news, Hollywood, and academia.
Then I realized she meant Limbaugh and the Fox News Channel.
It is impossible to be in a right wing echo chamber. I cannot imagine how a person can avoid being exposed to the moderate to hard left ideology that dominates pop culture. You can't go into a public space, other than some churches, without being exposed to dominant left culture.
I doubt if many people on the Left listen to Limbaugh or watch FNC.

Guildofcannonballs said...

This is a link showing what Warren is demanding. Here. Now. Yesterday.

Make your mind up fast.

Jersey Fled said...

It's going to be so much fun watching the clown show that will be the 2020 Democrat primary.

Meade said...

Too late now but using that clip from the Intersectional March of anti-Semitic Women, at 4:07, was not a good idea.

Henry said...

Warren sets a low bar for Harris.

AlbertAnonymous said...

What a crock of shit!

Politics by division and fear. And as hypocritical as ever.

“Big [fill in the blank] rigged the system against you little [fill in the color/gender/LGBTQWERTY identity] people. Fight back by electing me!

I’m “just like you”. A female Indian. That’s [fill in the number] diversity points!

cacimbo said...

"...more difficult for families today. Is that true?"

Yes. Thanks to the EW crowd. Many people who do not belong in college have been convinced to attend and take on debt to do so. As the professor/administrator crowd gets richer the middle/working classes burdened by their college loans struggle to stay afloat. Add in the cell phone bill and a wifi bill that did not exist 35 years ago.

tcrosse said...

It's nice that she still wears her Mom's glasses.

Rick67 said...

1:19 — Answer to my question: "Billionaires and big corporations."

3:01 — "An atmosphere of fear and hate designed to divide us" — with images of Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Steve Bannon.

Apparently irony is lost on Senator Warren. Which way to billionaires and big corporations lean politically?

cacimbo said...

"She lives in $2 mil house right off Harvard Square."

In expensive area's a $2million dollar house can be very ordinary. If you look through real estate photos the cost of the house does not necessarily correspond with good design.

Paco Wové said...

"I'm behind her 1/1024"

Ha! Excellent response. The bumper sticker could also read:

I'm behind her 0.000976%!

but I suppose that's more cryptic.

Anonymous said...

"An atmosphere of fear and hate designed to divide us"

The "they're trying to divide us" is probably the stupidest of all the stale Dem propaganda points. "There are hate-mongering evil people out there [half the freakin' country] trying to divide 'us', the *real* Americans". Uh, think you got the dividing up of "us" done before most of "we" even showed up, friend.

It's also kinda desperate and pathetic, coming from all those old white pols. They've spent a generation scapegoating and otherizing whites as a class for fun and profit, and yet still don't seem to realize that they're, um, old white people, whose refusal to FOAD is all that is preventing "us" from being "who we are". (You think this would have sunk in at least with Hillary and her supporters back in "08, when she wuz robbed by somebody who was just more "who we are" than she could ever be.)

Desperate and pathetic, and extremely funny.

Chris N said...

She’s got the down-home folksy charm of a native gal from Oklahoma, with a union man dad who hates ‘the rich.’ Who’s gonna ride her wild horses?

She’s got the post-ish Puritan, Patrician stiffness of Boston, and the hang out at the social club ease of a Harvard professor.

Elizabeth Warren is also ‘woke,’ empathetic to the plight of various groups, identities, minorities, minority identity groups and marginalized street identity group minorities. Very hip.

If this doesn’t work out, she can be the Left’s proctologist, getting ‘rich corporations’ to pay for endless exams.

Meade said...

How about: "1023/1024 white -- EW"

Meade said...

Or: "You didn't build that DNA test!"

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Boy you never hear about Pocahonky's husband either, which is weird. He is, of course, a privileged white law professor at Harvard, just like her, except he (Bruce Mann) looks a little too much like Michael "Gaffe" Kinsley in some photos. I always figured she was a spinster since she never mentions there is at least one important white guy in her orbit, and she acts the part of the cold scold so well. Progressive's obsession with race is causing them to elide their own families in these promo videos.

AllenS said...

Fake Indian Warren doesn't have that nice of hair, but I would consider it an honor to have her scalp hanging from the belt holding up my loin cloth.

Mike Sylwester said...

There are rules for immigrating into the USA.

Would she enforce those rules?

Henry said...

I was trying to place her rhetoric and at first I thought of John Edwards, but then I realized...

She's running as Al Gore:

Whether you're in a suburb or an inner city, whether you raise crops or drive hogs and cattle on a farm, drive a big rig on the interstate or drive e-commerce on the Internet, whether you're starting out to raise your own family or getting ready to retire after a lifetime of hard work, so often powerful forces and powerful interests stand in your way and the odds seem stacked against you, even as you do what's right for you and your family.... (my emphasis).

In that 2000 acceptance speech, Gore speaks of his mother and father in almost the same tone as Warren speaking of hers.

Hagar said...

Answer to my question: "Billionaires and big corporations."

But these days these are 80-90% Democrats. What is with that?

AlbertAnonymous said...

“Point the finger at anyone who looks, prays or loves diffferently than they do”? Except the good rich whitey types, like me, and all the other rich white dems. We can point our fingers at you Catholics, that’s allowed. And we can point at whites (cause you know you all have [whispers...“the privilege”]). We can point fingers at heterosexuals because ... whatever, I give up. These people are horrible.

tcrosse said...

Failing her presidential bid, maybe she could get the gang from This Old House to come in and remodel her kitchen.

Drago said...

The dems should temporarily placate her by telling her she has already won the nomination.

Then later, at the last minute, take it back!

The German native Americans have a term for that...

Bob Boyd said...

Question for EW:

If elected, would you be the first Native American President?

Mike Sylwester said...

Senator Warren persisted in violating the US Senate's debate rules.

FIDO said...

With those glasses, she looks like a ditzy, vapid, out of touch grandmother who needs things explained to her three times.

She won't be able to hide the imminent Parkinson's on the campaign trail. She looks very frail. Frankly, thinner and frailer than Hillary and that is not a compliment.

Has she shown a penchat for a good line? Hillary used to have them written for her and delivered the badly. Trump can just rip them off the cuff.

See, this is why the Indians did so badly, they lacked forked tongues. Her ancestry is an impediment to glib talk. Get some Irishmen in there if you want a chance, not some frowsy googly eyed grandmother.

Known Unknown said...

Whose kitchen is that?

FIDO said...

Didn't Armstrong Custer also send out an exploratory committee? I think it unlikely that they will like what they see either.

Bay Area Guy said...

Meade is on a roll!

I, for one, am going to resist the temptation to besmirch the nascent candidacy of Sen. Warren.

Nichevo said...

0:06 — EW begins in a dreary, ordinary kitchen. Dark cupboards. I'm just going to guess this is her actual kitchen.

I'll take some of that action. It's mind-boggling how you have cultivated such a reputation for intelligence. Why woukd you think that? Are you accusing her of poor taste? Of being white trash? Nouveau? Is that what your kitchen looks like? She has 10-100x your money. She wouldn't have a toaster oven from the last war on her counter.

chickelit said...

My first thought: She's gonna need Bart Simpson as a running mate to counter all the scold and prude she gives off.

No way in hell she Carrie's the nation alone.

Henry said...

Blogger Known Unknown said...
Whose kitchen is that?

America's test kitchen.

For test candidates.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

LOL - Bernie and Warren needed to crop the old "millionaires and billionaires" line to include only "Billionaires" because both Warren and Bernie are millionaires.

JAORE said...

Tossing your feathers into the ring so early they may get ruffled.

Balfegor said...

I kind of hope she's the nominee, if only because I am a horrible person, and kind of want to watch my coworkers squirm. I know they know she's terrible on a lot of issues that matter to them personally and professionally . . . but on the other hand, they're the sort of posh people who enjoy going to the Trans-Lux to hiss Trump.

AllenS said...

"... and that's all my fellow Americans. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to make some Cherokee clam dip."

Earnest Prole said...

So it's Donald Trump's message pitched to gays and people of color.

CWJ said...

"work hard and play by the rules"

And Gahrie responded. "...and the best way to do that is to lie about being a minority so you can take advantage of Affirmative Action to get promotions."

Perhaps what she actually meant was play hard and work the rules.

Martin said...

It is hilarious to hear a mainstream Democrat talk about everyone having the same set of rules.

Whether you support it or not, and all the Democrats do, affirmative action is definitely NOT that.

PM said...

The Clinton/Warren Dream ticket: Hillary and Hellary.

rcocean said...

Yeah, except for illegal immigration, MJ Laws, Election laws, and using the FBI/CIA to go after Trump -

Warren plays by the rules.

If anyone going to believe this rich NE Chick senator from Harvard who supports cheap labor, bad trade deals, and globalization is going to "stand up to Corporations"


Jaq said...

Elizabeth Warren looks like the kind of woman that had trouble having doors opened for her her whole life, so she needed Affirmative Action. You guys are heartless!

Jaq said...

"An atmosphere of fear and hate designed to divide us"

It’s all projection.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...




We on the right need to make more ads showcasing the scariness of Rachel Maddow, the rest of the on air talent at MSDNC, and most of CNN.

Big Mike said...

1:15 — "America's middle class is under attack." Closeup of EW's face saying this line. She seems very intense. She's telling us we are threatened. Who is attacking us?

1:19 — Answer to my question: "Billionaires and big corporations."

Do those billionaires she plans to fight include Tom Steyer and George Soros or any of the other billionaires who have collectively bought the Democrat Party for what they would regard as chump change?

Interesting that Warren leaves out regulators gone amok. I am certain that in her world it is incomprehensible that Trump’s deregulation efforts, fought fang and claw by Warren and her fellow Democrats, are leading to new levels of prosperity in the American Middle Class. Just like Reagan’s deregulation 36 years prior.

Henry said...

Big Mike said...
Interesting that Warren leaves out regulators gone amok.

The video specifically shows Trump's red-tape-cutting photo-op while Warren intones about lack of regulation. In her world, deregulation is incomprehensible.

Big Mike said...

”work hard and play by the rules"

Does “playing by the rules” include “gaming the system,” e. g., getting a minority preference by claiming to be a member of a protected group though there is no evidence (besides unverifiable “family lore”) for membership in that group.

Big Mike said...

@Henry, thanks. Better you watched it than I. Still, I find it strange that she is credited as an expert in bankruptcy law, yet doesn’t grasp the cost of regulatory compliance.

Sebastian said...

"Does “playing by the rules” include “gaming the system"" Yes. Or more precisely, gaming is the new system. In Lizzie's brave new world, white men need not apply. Them's the rules.

By the way, I'd like Althouse to decode the expression "running for president." Methinks (sorry) Lizzie can't actually "run."

rehajm said...

Blogger Known Unknown said...
Whose kitchen is that

Martha Coakley's

Rob said...

She has quite high cheekbones. I wonder if she has any Native American ancestry.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

If we persist together, we can win, we can, and we will.

Win!! Win WHAT? What do we win? Is there a nice prize? What is the end game?

We know what she is against. What is she for?

chickelit said...

We know what she is against. What is she for?

She is for crushing the paleface once and for all.

stevew said...

Who are the voters to which Elizabeth Warren is an attractive candidate?

Harris, Booker, and O'Rourke are young, up and comers that advocate for voters in much the same way Warren does, but without the smarmy, scolding tones that forever undermined Hilary's appeal.

I just don't see the kind of support for Warren that would cause her to think running is a good idea. What has she ever accomplished, I don't know what it is?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Considering how far the left the democratics have moved on the spectrum of racial leftwing - none of their candidates are appealing. They are all some flavor of phony nice nice, big government punishment, let all the illegals in, and promises of winning lottery tickets for everyone.

But if the democrats can finally shut the door on the Clintons... good. I doubt it and I won't believe it until I see it.

eric said...

She's sending up smoke signals that she wants to be a VP candidate.

tcrosse said...

Blogger Known Unknown said...
Whose kitchen is that?

It's the kitchen that if you can't stand the heat you should get out of.

Trumpit said...

I'm starting exploratory committee to access the feasibility of me/my running for president.

Which is grammatically correct? Me running or my running? I think "me" is the much more common usage.

I would make a great president in either case.

Maillard Reactionary said...

Didn't watch the clip, but in the still there... she's got that crazy look in her eye.
We've seen it before.

Estrogen and Marxism are a bad combination.

Known Unknown said...

Either she has the world's smallest microwave back there or she owns 2 toaster ovens.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Blogger Known Unknown said...
Whose kitchen is that?

America's test kitchen.

the test kitchen used at Los Alamos

Known Unknown said...

Four minutes and 29 seconds. That's the dead zone. The most successful videos are either under 2 minutes or over 5.

Maillard Reactionary said...

"Are you still using a superregenerative receiver? How about a spark gap Transmitter?"

Let's be fair, Gilbar. RH is no reactionary. He gave up his coherer for a galena crystal way back in the '60s. And his spark gap is energized by a very well-maintained Model T Ford ignition coil.

Bilwick said...

I see Pocahontas is also adopting that crazy-eye look that seems to be the in thing with Democrats this year.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Stronger together!"

oh wait - that one is a bit used.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Clintons play by a set up rules that no one else can use.

todd galle said...

I'll take my .45-70 off the wall if she wants to lead a buffalo hunt, but other than that, no thanks.

Chuck said...

This subject is so deeply uninteresting to me that I am not reading all of the foregoing comments. And someone might well have suggested this thought of mine: that this woman is such a bad candidate, she could be worse than Hillary. An historic level of Democrat fecklessness and incompetence.

stevew said...

Trumpit: I would argue that using either choice is redundant and therefore unnecessary. As Strunk & White would argue, omit needless words.

stevew said...

William Chadwick: I prefer the old school phrase of describing that look as being like "a deer in the headlights".

Known Unknown said...

Me with Her.

DavidUW said...

She played by the rules in flipping middle class folks' foreclosed houses.
She won't last a single primary.

Jason said...

She has a grandchild named "Atticus?"

So much for #BelieveWomen.

Bruce Hayden said...

“This subject is so deeply uninteresting to me that I am not reading all of the foregoing comments. And someone might well have suggested this thought of mine: that this woman is such a bad candidate, she could be worse than Hillary. An historic level of Democrat fecklessness and incompetence.”

Come on. You read the comments for their humor value. A bunch of would be comics here. Still, my favorite is:

“She's out of the teepee.”

Drago said...

"Dick Durbin Republican" Chuck: "This subject is so deeply uninteresting to me that I am not reading all of the foregoing comments."


Beyond parody.

JayDee77 said...

Wondering if using today's date for the announcment when absolutely nobody is paying attention was done intentionally or is as completely lacking in self-awareness as the "play by the rules" bit.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

She'd better hide Atticus, now that we know he was named after a racist.

Bay Area Guy said...

Because of the shafting of Bernie by Hillary in the Dem primary of 2016, a lot of rules have been tweaked. I'm too lazy to scrutinize them, but I understand them to be: (1) reducing the power of super delegates and (2) ensuring proportionate voting in the states.

Bottom line: with 16 or so candidates -- all of whom pretty much think and vote the same way -- the vote will be highly splintered.

The guy/gal with the most loyal bloc, will achieve front-runner status early (as Trump did).

That guy/gal is Bernie Sanders.

MeMySelf said...

And I should care... why?

MadisonMan said...

Having watched, I notice that the chart of white income and of black income ends in 2013. I can only assume that end point is the nadir.

Meade said...

Don't blame me: I voted for Nadir.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Good God, going by Althouse’s description her commercial is the same old tired boilerplate thats been trotted out repeatedly since Mondale’s campaign. That isn’t going to get an old White lady across the finish line. Lizzie’s sally will be half-hearted at best.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“"Dick Durbin Republican" Chuck: "This subject is so deeply uninteresting to me that I am not reading all of the foregoing comments."”

In fairness to Chuck, moby though he is, I didn’t read any of the preceding comments until after I commented. Warren is just deadly dull and faintly ridiculous in her aspiration here. The Jeb Bush of the Democrat Party. She’s just here to eat Hillary’s doggie bag.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's over folks. Warren is drinking beer in her kitchen. Proof- she can wade down with the deplorables and their beverage of choice.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Break Then up

Theranter said...

Blogger eric said...
"She's sending up smoke signals that she wants to be a VP candidate."


Earnest Prole said...

Her parched arid dryness persisted.

Tina Trent said...

Waiting for Kevin Spacey to pop in for a cup of sugar from his kitchen video.

Playing middle class is more offensive than playing Native American.

Clyde said...

The problem with starting a presidential campaign 22 months before the election is that means that there is a lot of time for people to get tired of the candidates. It's a lot of time for all of the candidates flaws, gaffes and venality to be revealed. It's a lot of time for people to become familiar with the candidates, and we all know that familiarity breeds contempt; the more we knew about Hillary Clinton, the less likable she became. Barack Obama got elected because he was perceived as a blank slate (and was an AA candidate). The slate will be filled in corner-to-corner for Warren and her competitors over the next 22 months, which won't be a good thing for them.

Nicholas said...

It reminds me of an attempt by Ed Miliband, sometime leader of the British Labour Party, to appear "normal" by posing with his wife for a picture in his kitchen. It backfired spectacularly, as it transpired that the modest kitchen in which they were photographed was the second kitchen in his £2m townhouse in North London's equivalent of Park Slope. This probably the maid's kitchen in Warren's house.

Unknown said...

> "work hard and play by the rules."

Play by the the rules of intersectionality

Although the rules of immigration need to go... We are all americans now, especially peasants yearning to vote Democrat.

Lieawatha's biggest accomplishment is unconstitutional frankenstein Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Funded by the Fed, the director can only be removed "for cause".

Sometimes you have to break the rules to save those who play by the rules. We are lucky to live under the rules of Professor Pocahontas' loving hand.

Ironic Trump appointed Mulvaney to run CPFB, and he could tell her (and Congress) to F**k Off. That was quick!

Bilwick said...

Does she really believe in working hard and playing by the rules? As a "progressive," wouldn't Crazy Eye Liz believe in working hard to take other people's stuff? And playing by the rules of "Need=Right"?

Joanne Jacobs said...

Elizabeth Warren may not be Indian, but she has three (half) Indian grandchildren, Octavia, Lavinia and Atticus. Daughter Amelia married a guy from India. Warren has a son too, also from the first marriage. She married very young (18 or 19), followed her husband around, taught, went to law school, worked from home when the kid were young -- not a wild-eyed radical.

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