December 11, 2018

"Columbia University denounces student filmed harassing black students in 'racially charged' rant."

Yahoo News reports.

Video at the link, obviously taken out of context. I don't know what cranked this guy up to the level that's caught on video, the climax of which is: "White people are the best thing that ever happened to the world. We are so amazing. I love myself, and I love white people. Fuck you, white people! Fuck you, white men! White men! We did everything! I don’t hate other people, I just love my white men. I love white men!"

The inconsistent lines — "Fuck you, white people! Fuck you, white men!" — would support the theory that the rest of it is sarcastic. I don't know. Maybe when he says that he's switching to saying what he imagines the black students would say to him (or what they did say to him). I don't like video that begins in the middle of things, especially when it is offered for the destruction of a young person. [ADDED: I've listened to this way too many times, but a commenter is saying it's not "Fuck you," but "Fuck yeah." That would make more sense, but after multiple re-listens, I don't know for sure. And I think "Fuck yeah" could be heard as sarcastic too.]

I'll embed the video:


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

You can be proud of your blackness, but you cannot be proud of your whiteness.

Those are the rules.

rhhardin said...

There does seem to be a worldwide migration trend towards countries run by white people.

chickelit said...

He's outnumbered for one. And he has to be in the wrong. I once heard from one of Althouse's more thoughtfully vile commenters that black people -- by definition -- cannot be racist. It's a numbers thing, you see. I hope he shows.

wild chicken said...

God bless him...he reminds me of the young geeks I knew in college ca 1967. Brutally honest, unguarded.

I hope he survives the shitstorm.

Lyssa said...

I don’t have an opinion on this, but couldn’t the inconsistency be resolved with different punctuation? Perhaps instead of “Fuck you, white people,” he intended “Fuck you! White people!”

Sean Gleeson said...

But he ain't saying "Fuck you, white people." Rather, he is saying "Fuck yeah, white people!"

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

What's next for this poor white skinny wrong-thinker? Off with his head! Guards, seize him.

Take him to google prison.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sebastian said...

"We did everything!"

Pretty much. Until Asians got serious.

Rick said...

I hope he survives the shitstorm.

It doesn't seem likely. My son will be going to school next year so one of my preparations will be showing him this and the aftermath. In regular life you don't often come across people like you find on campus - people whose career depends on finding someone to destroy.

Avoid political people like the plague. College is dangerous.

CWJ said...

Aala is "not surprised."

Of course not. It fits her agenda.

"Disappointed" That, I sincerely doubt. It gives her the opportunity to exhort Twitter to "do your thing."

rehajm said...

Prolly gonna see more of this. Might be able to start a new society from all the outcasts from the old one. Won't have to leave, just have to ignore...

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Perhaps instead of “Fuck you, white people,” he intended “Fuck you! White people!”

I think that's what he meant. His prosody was a bit uneven because he was worked up and almost out of breath.

Rick said...

His prosody was a bit uneven because he was worked up

It looks like alcohol euphoria to me.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

We did everything!

I hate this collectivist bullshit, whether it is done along racial or most any other lines. The ranting idiot in the video did just about nothing. Other people, many of whom happen to share his ( and my ) skin color, did most of the significant things throughout history.

That includes most of the bad things too. You can't claim credit for the good things white people did without accepting blame for the bad. In reality, you can't claim credit or blame for what other people did in any case.

I'm an individual. Judge me by my actions. ( And most likely, I don't give a flying fuck what judgement you render. )

Craig said...

Blogger Sebastian said...
"We did everything!"

Pretty much. Until Asians got serious.

12/11/18, 9:18 AM


This isn't even remotely true.

stlcdr said...

I seem to be seeing this more and more: a filmed altercation with basis or context, either edited or the phone comes out after the ‘trigger’ has already occurred.

This falls into the Fake News category.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Is that a video of a lone white man harassing Blacks, or of a gaggle of Blacks and woke SJWs ganging up on a Jew?

I think Sean got it right. He was saying "yeah", not "you". And he was right.

hombre said...

Feeding the confirmation bias of twittering morons, BLM and college infesters.

William said...

I got the sense that he had a few drinks and this was offered in the spirit of raillery rather than invective. It was in any case a perishable moment that modern technology captured for posterity. The anonymous people who posted this video seem far more spiteful and premeditated in their malice than he.

traditionalguy said...

Social Justice Warriors Uber Alles.

Racial Superiority Eugenics has suddenly been revived, but now it is all of the whites that are to be hated and must be eliminated to free the non-whites. So far, that is only the white men. But fortunately, the submissive White Women are only to be enslaved and not to be exterminated immediately.

And then there is the Dems plan for confiscation of firearms . The Non-whites say it is OK to send the Military forces armed with Nukes to kill any show of white resistance. The UN Global Government will certainly vote for that. And the South Africans are actually announcing they will do it to their 300 year Dutch white farmer citizens immediately.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Maybe he's not Jewish, but he needs SOMETHING to give him social justice points. Even better would a DNA test proving that he's as Indigian as Elizabeth Warren.

TwoAndAHalfCents said...

"Twitter, do your thing." Because it's just a given how the mob will/should react. Sigh. The future really isn't working out like I'd hoped.

n.n said...

black people -- by definition -- cannot be racist. It's a numbers thing, you see

It's a diversity thing, denial of individual dignity, a color judgment, including racism.

AZ Bob said...

College and young people: The combination is devastating.

Ken B said...

1. It's yeah not you.
2. He isn’t harassing anyone.
3. It looks like he is reacting to being abused for being white, or some attack on white people.

n.n said...

White? Jew? privilege was a popular concept in the early to mid-twentieth century. It is progressing again today under a different label. #HateLovesAbortion

gahrie said...

Everyone is allowed to proud of their race EXCEPT White people.

William said...

Until very recently white people had an absolute monopoly on the world's supply of good looking blondes.

tim maguire said...

Ignorance is Bliss said...
"We did everything!"

I hate this collectivist bullshit,...

I can forgive a college student making this mistake, but you're right. Western Civilization is primarily responsible for the relative peace and wealth of today's world (every major culture contributed pieces to the puzzle, but the West put it all together in a new way that those other cultures never could have), but most individuals did little or nothing to advance humanity. It would be silly for me to claim pride in the achievements of white people when I had nothing to do with the fact of my whiteness or with whites' successes.

Trumpit said...

He was screaming racistly, ignorantly, & drunkenly like a banshee. Do not give in to your inner racist demons. With intolerant Schlump as president, this type of behavior has become more commonplace. One young racist was recently sentenced for plowing into a crowd of anti-white supremacist protesters.

Howard said...

The puke needs to think white and keep his cocksucker shut. The first rule of White Club is...

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

"Columbia University Executive Vice President for University Life Suzanne Goldberg... said, “Statements of white racial superiority conflict with the University’s core value of inclusivity as well as the educational work and research that take place on our campuses."

I'm guessing statements of white racial inferiority are just hunky dory with Columbia and Goldberg.

"We did everything!"

'Pretty much. Until Asians got serious.'

Whites got the ball rolling -- planes, trains, automobiles, radio, telephone, the Industrial Revolution, the Scientific Revolution, the list goes on. Asians, despite their vaunted cranial vaults, were extreme underachievers for centuries, and probably wouldn't have done much by now if Europeans and Americans hadn't started it, and if they hadn't learned from the West.

The same goes for Jews, if we're separating them out from white gentiles.

AlbertAnonymous said...

“Keep his cocksucker shut”? Wow... classic.

Tell us what you really thing about the guy

JPS said...

Ignorance Is Bliss, 9:27:


I read, "We did everything" and I think, But that was other white people, not you. Which may explain his need to go out and do this: nothing much of his own to be proud of.

Trumpit said...

"but the West put it all together in a new way that those other cultures never could have)"

That's a racist comment and your neither drunk nor ranting. Your just another Trumptard bloviating and I'm pointing it out. I do agree, however, that Clarence Thomas is stupid, and most unqualified to be on the Supreme Court. I hope he dies from his greasy Southern diet, and his fondness for cigars. I doubt he'll be run over by a crazed liberal.

Craig said...

Blogger Char Char Binks said...
"Columbia University Executive Vice President for University Life Suzanne Goldberg... said, “Statements of white racial superiority conflict with the University’s core value of inclusivity as well as the educational work and research that take place on our campuses."

I'm guessing statements of white racial inferiority are just hunky dory with Columbia and Goldberg.

"We did everything!"

'Pretty much. Until Asians got serious.'

Whites got the ball rolling -- planes, trains, automobiles, radio, telephone, the Industrial Revolution, the Scientific Revolution, the list goes on. Asians, despite their vaunted cranial vaults, were extreme underachievers for centuries, and probably wouldn't have done much by now if Europeans and Americans hadn't started it, and if they hadn't learned from the West.

The same goes for Jews, if we're separating them out from white gentiles.

12/11/18, 10:41 AM


Hahaha right... This is some self-idolizing, history-ignorant, myopic bullshit.

Qwinn said...

Trumpit said "anti-white supremacist protestors".

I agree with this characterizarion, but probably not in the way you meant it

Bill Peschel said...

Poor Trumpit. Responding to facts isn't your strong suit, is it? A slide into petty invective and hate.

Joe said...

Why the compulsion to denounce? Why not just let it stand as it is and let people judge? That's the joy of free speech.

(Yes, it's because they're are intellectual superiors and must make sure we respond the correct way.)

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

"nothing much of his own to be proud of."

Majoring in Physics at Columbia, starting a tutoring business, and writing a book about mathematical physics and quantum theory while still in high school is probably all due to White Privilege, of course.

It's a good thing for him he didn't have a Tiger Mother keeping him from getting admitted to an Ivy.

Qwinn said...

I like how Craig keeps saying that pride in the accomplishments of Western Civilization is wrong (and racist, which I suppose means he feels that only whites contributed significantly to Western Civ... THAT seems pretty racist to me) but never once seems fit to edumacate us.

Jupiter said...

Well, I don't know if he really loves white men, but everything else he said is true. There was a time when the people who ran Columbia University would not have denied it. I understand that Manhattan has a rather limited supply of real estate, maybe they could find a better use for the land Columbia infests.

Trumpit said...

I noticed that I used "your" when I meant "you're." It is a common mistake. Its a hassle to write "you're" in my opinion. I suggest "your" serve as dual purpose for both "your" and "you're." I also think "its" should replace "it's" for "it is." Thats another needless hassle. Should we also replace "don't" with dont? Im not sure Im ready for that.

Anonymous said...

Ignorance is Bliss:

I hate this collectivist bullshit, whether it is done along racial or most any other lines. The ranting idiot in the video did just about nothing.

[Eye roll]

I can't think of a response to this less to the point than some white guy's po-faced virtue-signaling about Muh Individualism. Yeah, like the tweeter, or the people in the video, or the rest piling on, could really give a shit about that or your spergy indignation at a "ranting idiot" making factually incorrect claims. Lol, yeah, that's what he's doing here. Better tell him he didn't personally come up with Maxwell's equations, he might not know. (Uh, it's a drunk kid making drunk kid comments.)

On the "actually germane to what's going on here" front, at least the tedious tweeter got some pushback sprinkled among the affirmations from her fellow aggrieved thickies. Also, the guy (or someone of the same name) has a pop-physics book on Amazon, and the non-humor-impaired might be amused by the NPCs who showed up to express their objections to his RACISM!!! in the reviews (of a book about parallel universes). Gotta admire that kind of OCD SJW zeal.

Craig said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Craig said...

Blogger Qwinn said...
I like how Craig keeps saying that pride in the accomplishments of Western Civilization is wrong (and racist, which I suppose means he feels that only whites contributed significantly to Western Civ... THAT seems pretty racist to me) but never once seems fit to edumacate us.

12/11/18, 11:01 AM


Qwinn, you're an idiot. The accomplishments of Western Civilization are impressive and plentiful. That Western Civilization (which, you ignorant asshole, does not equate to white people) has accomplished a lot is not the same as "Whites got the ball rolling" or "'We did everything!' Pretty much. Until Asians got serious." Learn to fucking think.

Yancey Ward said...

The thing that bothers me is that Columbia's administration felt the need and obligation to denounce him. It shows you how far we have fallen as a society that punching down is considered proper form.

Not Sure said...

That video is so transgressive I'm inclined to believe it's the guy's MFA thesis.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Did James Clerk Maxwell have parents? Did they make his discoveries, or did he? Were they proud of their boy?

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Craig, please tell me where I was wrong. Be specific.

Rosalyn C. said...

What I understand about the current social justice trend, after witnessing it numerous times from liberal friends, is that if you are white you are expected to apologize and credit your success to white privilege. Once you publicly acknowledge that whites have oppressed people of color, then you can carry on being an egotist. Mind you my friends are not apologizing to any people of color but to other white peole. It's like a passcode, part of humble brag ritual.

Personally I tell people to stop apologizing for being white. I think it's ridiculous.

I also would love to see what happened before the video started or at least hear a description.

dreams said...

Did he say anything that was not true and also why can't white men take up for themselves.

dreams said...

White dude apparently thinks he still has free speech rights. He must be destroyed.

bagoh20 said...

"Craig, please tell me where I was wrong. Be specific."

He never does that. He's devoid of anything beyond name calling and making assertions he can not support with fact or argument. I suspect he's a teenager getting his rocks off being offensive. Who else does that shit in 2018? That wore out 15 years ago when he was in diapers.

gahrie said...

That Western Civilization (which, you ignorant asshole, does not equate to white people)

Then what does it equate to?

gahrie said...

and racist, which I suppose means he feels that only whites contributed significantly to Western Civ.

Please elucidate to me what and when non-Whites contributed significantly to Western Civilization?

Fernandinande said...

Craig, please tell me where I was wrong. Be specific.

You are morally wrong. And if you don't like my morals, I have others.

Please elucidate to me what and when non-Whites contributed significantly to Western Civilization?

According to google, who wouldn't lie[1], almost all American scientists are POCs.

[1] would they?

William said...

Most of the big, new things that were introduced in the Renaissance came from China. For many centuries, China was a better place to live than Europe. Genghis Khan knew what he was doing when he conquered China rather than Europe.......The absolute power of the Chinese (Mongol) Emperor inhibited the commercial application of Chinese ideas. The first mechanical clock was Chinese. It was installed in the Emperor's garden where the courtiers marveled at its ingenuity. It was not seen elsewhere, and there was no impetus to improve the design. The first mechanical clock installed in the marketplace of a German town was seen by the inhabitants of the neighboring town who wanted to do their neighbors one better.......The harmony in China was a kind of stasis. The disequilibrium in Europe led to insane competitions, wars, and the improvement of mechanical clocks........We took Chinese ideas and improved them. If the Chinese do the same to us, where's the harm. If some Chinese guy comes up with a cure for cancer, my self worth as a white will not be diminished.

Fernandinande said...

Did James Clerk Maxwell have parents?

James Clerk Maxwell was raised by a toothless, bearded hag,
he was schooled with a strap right across his back.

But it's all right now, in fact,
It's the kinetic theory of gas, gas, gas.

Static Ping said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Static Ping said...

Genghis Khan did not conquer Europe first mainly because China was directly to the south and the reigning Jin Dynasty had gone to meticulous efforts to make him very angry. But, yes, it was very much a "I rob banks because that's where the money is" moment as well.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I agree with Ignorance is Bliss @ 9:27

Really - spot on.
However, I do think that white males are so maligned and disparaged, that this is the sort of rant that comes along as a reaction.

Imagine if a black guy said "Black people are the best!" - It would be not big deal, and we'd all agree.

traditionalguy said...

The issue is whether or not to confront the war on white Men in public with bold speech. Is it time yet? One day after internet censorship is total, it will be too late to speak to the guards at the re-education camps.

Jupiter said...

Fernandistein said...

"According to google, who wouldn't lie[1], almost all American scientists are POCs."

Have you been hanging out at Color Supremacist web sites again?

HoodlumDoodlum said...

I remember when universities reacted so strongly against those "It's OK To Be White" posters.

Bilwick said...

If you flipped this, with a Black guy ranting about how great Black people are, you would have essentially the party-line of the Black "studies" crowd in college . . . at least when I was attending.

jg said...

It's okay to say it's okay to be white.

chickelit said...

If this damages Columbia U’s reputation in the long run, that’s a good thing. Remember, they were the school that stood behind “Mattress Girl” until the guy sued. Fuck Columbia U. I’m embarrassed to know people who teach there.

Kirk Parker said...


Your individualist approach is a nice ideal, and perfectly fine until it doesn't work anymore.

I have some interesting second-hand reports (from very reliable sources that went through the events) about how that went down in Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia. In some ways it was like that Hemingway quote, where a guy asks his friend how he went bankrupt. "Two ways", the friend replied. "Gradually... and then suddenly."

Jim at said...

One young racist was recently sentenced for plowing into a crowd of anti-white supremacist protesters.

No. He was sentenced for plowing into a mob of rioting leftists.

William said...

So how long until we find out this is some kind of a hoax or performance art?

gspencer said...

"There does seem to be a worldwide migration trend towards countries run by white people."

Always has been. Good money says it will always be.

I wonder if blacks ever think about things like that.

Clyde said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wildswan said...

What Came Just Before:
"I'm gonna go over to a crowd of women and blacks and I'm gonna say:"white men did it all, yay for us, no one's better. Yay. You'd be in caves but for us. Light bulbs. Us. Yay, us"
No. you aren't gonna do that.
I'm gonna. do. that.
[Puts on Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison.]

"I'm goin' to Jackson, I'm gonna mess around,
Yeah, I'm goin' to Jackson,
Look out Jackson town."

Heads out. Falls down stairs.
Doesn't hit his head hard enough.

I'm goin' to Jackson, I'm gonna mess around,
Yeah, I'm goin' to Jackson,
Look out Jackson town.

'm goin' to Jackson, I'm gonna mess around,
Yeah, I'm goin' to Jackson,
Look out Jackson town
'm goin' to Jackson, I'm gonna mess around,
Yeah, I'm goin' to Jackson,
Look out Jackson town

Ralph L said...

My alma mater recently swiftly removed from campus and expelled 2 ROTC students, apparently for posts on social media that praised the KKK and Hitler.
The Prez:
"Yesterday, the campus community gathered to discuss the ways we can support all members of our community at a time when the news may elicit anxiety and fear. unflinching dedication to our values as a community that rejects anti-Semitism, racism and bigotry and respects the dignity of every person."

Privacy laws prevented her from being more specific, she said. NOW they have a real grievance, but she claims there is no threat to the campus. Whether there ever was one is left unsaid.

She's the same stupid bitch who wrote women must be believed about rape in the Charlotte paper.

Guildofcannonballs said...

There is no such thing as "white" is the answer.

Hardin should think about it and agree with me here.

Perhaps Neanderthal (hard "t" is how my high school teacher said it) vs. non-Neanderthal will evolve?

Too damn bad I bought but didn't read Wolfe's The Kingdom of Language, I bet he has some thoughts you people need to hear.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Perhaps we can think of Flo from Progressive as a stand in for "white woman" and Flanders from the Simpson as "white man" from now on?

Flos and Flanders?

Trumpit said...

[One young racist was recently sentenced for plowing into a crowd of anti-white supremacist protesters.]
"No. He was sentenced for plowing into a mob of rioting leftists."

James Fields, Jr. was just sentenced to over 400 years in prison. If you were on the jury, you'd give him a million dollars reward for running over "leftists." Sad!

n.n said...

Flos and Flanders?

I attended their Christmas party. It's Flo and Larry, female and male, feminine and masculine, respectively.

n.n said...

Diversity, or color judgment, denial of individual dignity, progressing.

MayBee said...

Yes of course, Twitter. Do your thing. Don't let some private person out there in the world express a wrong thought.

AZ Bob said...

Nearly all universities have dropped any requirement of taking a course called Western Civ. I can see why crediting Western Civilization for an improved life for all is beaten down. And don't you dare praise capitalism.

Rusty said...

Howard is going to straighten that guy out. Teach that little shit a lesson nhe'll never forget. And he knows the key strokes to getn it done too.

Fernandinande said...

The encounter started, according to von Abele, during an exchange where "several students were accusing Trump supporters of encouraging sexual violence."

"I explained that I am a Trump supporter and I do not in any way encourage violence, sexual or otherwise. A large group of students gathered around me and told me that I had no right to share my views on women as I’m a white male with 'white privilege," von Abele said.

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