Said Trump at his Ohio rally Monday.
"I will never call a woman 'beautiful' again, and every man here — raise your hands — you will never, ever say your wife, your girlfriend, anybody — is 'beautiful.'"
Then, with mock puzzlement: "Oh? So, I'm not allowed to say it. Because, it's my daughter Ivanka, and she's really smart."
I'm seeing that at The Washington Post, under the headline "Introducing his daughter Ivanka at Cleveland rally, Trump vows never to call women 'beautiful.'"
Are they just pretending not to understand humor?
I feel a little sorry for them, the Trump haters. They're willfully deafening themselves to humor and missing out on some hilarious stuff.
The WaPo writer is Josh Dawsey, and he shows his laugh-withholding allegiance to the mores of The Era of That's Not Funny: "The remarks, part of an introduction of his daughter, Ivanka Trump, seemed a jab at the #MeToo movement."
The triggering cannot be escaped.
It is sad.
If Trump cured cancer they'd be moaning about all the doctors and researchers who were out of jobs.
The WaPo is the house organ for the Democrat Media Industrial Complex.
Unapproved jokes from the bad orange man will be misunderstood.
DJT just calls his women " incredidible." He grew up on Roy Orbison.
I understand why the left hate Trump - but for the life of me I cannot understand how anyone could hate Ivanka. She's lovely and yes - she is smart.
I guess ugly leftwing women are threatened by that. Hags.
#MeToo was to keep Coach K out of the Supremes. It's going to whatever hole Russian collusion was dumped into.
"a jab"
Trump doesn't jab.
I watched part of an interview with Charlotte Pence on C-Span. She has a book out. In the book, she writes about the trauma of having to confront the death of her beloved dog while campaigning for her father. This is not a book I will be reading anytime soon, but Charlotte is someone you pay attention to. She's strikingly pretty, not in a professional way like Melania or Ivanka, but more in a homecoming queen kind of way. She talks in a spontaneous, good humored way...... She reflects well on her father. I'd much prefer to have Donald Trump's vices rather than Mike Pence's virtues, but, on the other hand, I'd much prefer to have a father with Mike Pence's virtues rather than Donald Trump's vices. Poor Chelsea seems to have had the worst of all worlds.
Such a fine line, between stupid and clever.
Althouse, it isn't that people can't enjoy humor or have fun anymore. And by all means, I appreciate your "The era of it's not funny anymore" tag and themes.
The simple fact is that Trump's attempts at humor are so weird; so dumb; so uncomfortably off-putting. Surely you remember Trump's suggestion that if Ivanka wasn't his daughter, he might like to "date" her. And in Trump's own porno-speak, we know that means "I might like to fuck her." Because he sure didn't go on any "dates" with Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal.
Ivanka's beauty (and I think Ivanka qualifies as a beautiful lady, and I know that I am not swearing off calling women "beautiful" no matter what Trump does) should be something that a skilled comedic writer would just steer clear of in the case of Donald Trump, for those reasons.
And it really isn't a matter of Trumpism so much as the fact that there's nothing clever or insightful about this. It's just crappy comedy, no matter who it is.
Did Hitler have a sense of humor? Did Hermann Göring? Are most fat people except Rosie O'Donnell funny? Was Charles Manson? or Charlie Rose? Matt Laurer? Al Franken was a crack up. Does Donald Trump make you laugh? Or does he seem hollow and one-dimensional to you? I feel dumb when I don't get the joke. Donald Trump's a joke. Trump views women as mere sex objects for his pleasure. So he's right that HE shouldn't, and creepy when he does call a woman "beautiful." He creeps Melania out. He creeps me out. If you like him that's your problem.
Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
I understand why the left hate Trump - but for the life of me I cannot understand how anyone could hate Ivanka. She's lovely and yes - she is smart.
I guess ugly leftwing women are threatened by that. Hags.
I know of exactly one single comedy bit that was written at the expense of Ivanka. And it was actually very funny, and it stuck. It was the SNL faux-commercial for "Complicit."
WaPo is counting on people not watching the video or even reading the story. They want a glance and Trump hatred. Did you see what Trump did to his daughter?
Fuck the Left.
And you may ask yourself
How do I work this?
And you may ask yourself
Where is that large automobile?
And you may tell yourself
This is not my beautiful house!
And you may tell yourself
This is not my beautiful wife!
Chuck, you ignorant slut, don't you realize what a parody you've become? How can you be so incredibly unaware?
Trump-Haley in 2020. Give the People their choice of Indians.
Trumpit is channeling Joe Pesci (Tommy DeVito) in "Goodfellas". Now that was funny. Right up until Tommy got whacked.
LLR NPChuck has been completely triggered by tens of thousands of republicans singing "Amazing Grace".
He may literally never recover.
Today I am voting a straight anti-humorless scolds ticket.
"I guess ugly leftwing women are threatened by that. Hags."
Them, and eunuch cucks like Chuck.
One can easily envision LLR Chuck inadvertantly clicking off The Maddow Show to the Trump rally and then leaping out of his worn and tattered barcalounger to scream at those rally goers and then pledging at his Home Dick Durbin Shrine to work twice as hard to elect democrats.
The worst part?
All the coupon clipping he had been doing to get sufficient cash for Cap'n Billy "TruCon" Kristol's next Soros funded Cruise were scattered all over the room.
Yes Trump's lies and distortions are beautiful and funny that's why Fox News, the Trump station, pulled his last attack add. Because one doesn't see Trump talk as funny, as does Althouse, does not mean one is a Trump hater but simply as Max Boot puts it one who is..." sick and tired of a president who misses his office to demagogue on immigrations.... and is so self-absorbed that he thinks he is the real victim of mail-bomb attacks on his political opponents..."
If he called Ivanka beautiful, then they would write a headline suggesting he was sleeping with her. WaPo hate means they can't let Trump be human. They will damn him everytime they can. And their readers will soak it all in and repeat it.
I've given up on professional news.
"Are they just pretending not to understand humor?"
Please, no, not that again.
"I feel a little sorry for them, the Trump haters. They're willfully deafening themselves to humor and missing out on some hilarious stuff."
So you feel a little sorry for people who want to scorch the earth, destroy the culture, and seize power BAMN, do you. They're "missing out," are they. And who are you to decide what's humor? Get with the program.
And in Trump's own porno-speak, we know that means "I might like to fuck her."
I’m sure there’s a good reason that Chuck’s mind went right to incest.
(Well, not “good-good”, because Chuck is a miserable human being. But it does explain why he’s so outraged over the fact that Trump is a success while Chuck remains a small and embittered loser.)
You see people play dumb all the time. They really think it makes them look smart.
I was hoping Taylor Swift would post nude pictures of herself to entice me to vote. Instead, I have to settle for Chelsea Handler. Ugh.
If you are a "professional" journalist, and you've covered DJT for 3 years and you still don't understand how he communicates, you are either really dumb or deliberately obtuse because narrative.
Wow Chuck. Reduced to making up incest fantasies. Sad.
There's a reason I call it the WaPoo.
That is one of the stupidest things i have ever heard, from the Cheeto, that is.
Low Bar
Vicki from Pasadena
NPChuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, simply cannot help himself.
Seriously, his coding will not allow it.
It is narrative because it is a propaganda system.
If it was required for the party line they would deny the humor in Mark Twain.
Actually I have heard High School teachers say that Mark Twain isn't funny.
That is how they are indoctrinated these days.
The simple fact is that Trump's attempts at humor are so weird; so dumb; so uncomfortably off-putting.
His humor is off-putting to YOU.
That doesn’t mean his humor is off-putting to ME or others.
I got what he was saying.
The Left/media still doesn't understand that they are giving Trump in-kind campaign donations.
I don't have cable or broadcast TV and never would have seen the ad if not for the media keening and whining.
How has Left has become so censorious, Puritan and dreary?
Victoria: "That is one of the stupidest things i have ever heard..."
How about this one: Brett Kavanaugh led a public gang-rape gang for years!!
I guess that one meets the lefty/NPC-LLR Belief Threshold.
I always use "Beautiful", most especially when it refers to inner beauty.
LLR NPChuck: "The simple fact is that Trump's attempts at humor are so weird; so dumb; so uncomfortably off-putting."
Only extreme lefties feel this way...
Chuck can get into psycho-genital counselling when the law thing doesn't work out.
I have never heard Trump speak, but I see that the economy is going great guns, judges who uphold the Constitution are being appointed, Israel is being supported, Russia, China and Iran are targeted, and some of Obama's loony pen-laws are being revoked.
I live in the best of both worlds.
Are they just pretending not to understand humor?
No, they are for real. Humorless. They can only get a laugh from making other people's lives miserable.
"I guess ugly leftwing women are threatened by that. Hags."
Them, and eunuch cucks like Chuck.
Chuck the cuck.
That's going to leave a mark.
How has Left has become so censorious, Puritan and dreary?
Chuck may have an answer.
Your real civil war is cultural.
How those teachers are indoctrinated, and what they push on their students matters much more than an election.
This cultural extermination (and you see just a little symptom of it in this argument about humor) is what matters most profoundly.
This is destroying you.
Drago said...
Victoria: "That is one of the stupidest things i have ever heard..."
How about this one: Brett Kavanaugh led a public gang-rape gang for years!!
I guess that one meets the lefty/NPC-LLR Belief Threshold.
Leave me out of any Kavanaugh-hatred! Nobody was more supportive of Kavanaugh's nomination than I was! The difference between me and Trump was that I supported Kavanaugh without saying anything stupid.
And of course my vocal, unrelenting support of Kavanaugh was NOT IN PERFECT ALIGNMENT WITH THE LEFT. Does anybody know anybody who routinely claims that my views are in perfect alignment with the left? Anybody? Bueller? Bueller?
NPChuck's tiny little wee wee gets excited at the thought of Republicans losing elections, but is going to be very dissapointed when his lifelong exclusive intimacy partner Palmula Handerson denies him when the blue wave turns into a ripple and the Republicans win more Senate Seats.
Then he will rage and cry and pretend to be a lawyer on the internet, just like eveyr other fucking day of his miserable worthless existence.
How has Left has become so censorious, Puritan and dreary?
they are running out of bludgeons, and bicycle locks are bad optics
gerry said...
"I guess ugly leftwing women are threatened by that. Hags."
Them, and eunuch cucks like Chuck.
Chuck the cuck.
That's going to leave a mark.
Trashtalk like "cuck" definitely gives me a powerful feeling of entitlement to dig into things like Trump's women and his payments to them, and his idiotic attempts at NDA's, and his incompetent handling of the related tax and FED questions, and his own lying denials of what happened.
But just to show what a good sense of humor I have, I do think it is all really funny.
""cuck" definitely gives me a powerful feeling of entitlement "
NPChuck feels "powerful" and gets "entitlement" when living out his Cuck fantasies with his left hand instead of his right.
Look out, he might start going to his usual fetish about wanting to cram things down men's throats, calling children autistic, and masterbating to assaulting female television personalties.
Lots of emotions for NPChuck today.
I was hoping Taylor Swift would post nude pictures of herself to entice me to vote. Instead, I have to settle for Chelsea Handler. Ugh.
A good rule of thumb is that the women you want to see go naked for their political protest, won't.
President-Mom-Jeans said...
NPChuck's tiny little wee wee gets excited at the thought of Republicans losing elections, but is going to be very dissapointed when his lifelong exclusive intimacy partner Palmula Handerson denies him when the blue wave turns into a ripple and the Republicans win more Senate Seats.
My guess is that the Republicans WILL pick up a couple of seats! It is a year that should have been historically great for Senate Republicans. We should have coasted to easy, almost uncontested wins in Tennessee, Arizona and Texas but instead we have to pour resources into those states to hold what should have been safe seats. The map, and the economy, is such that we should have been cutting into Democrat seats all over the country. (FL, NJ, IN, etc.) We should have been able to get to a 56/58 seat majority.
And just look, non-Trumpkin Althouse readers; it's another thread where my first comment is aimed squarely at the subject of the post, and does not name or imply anything with regard to any other Althouse commenter.
The amount of personal attacks on me is directly proportional to my ability to enrage TrumpCult devotees on a very personal level, simply by addressing matters concerning Trump as raised by Althouse's blog posts.
Chuck is a fucking hero.
In his own mind.
Ken B is correct- people play dumb all the time for debate purposes, and like Ken, I don't quite understand it- it fools no one who matters, and it makes that person doing it look stupid, and in this case humorless.
President-Mom-Jeans said...
""cuck" definitely gives me a powerful feeling of entitlement "
NPChuck feels "powerful" and gets "entitlement" when living out his Cuck fantasies with his left hand instead of his right.
Look out, he might start going to his usual fetish about wanting to cram things down men's throats, calling children autistic, and masterbating to assaulting female television personalties.
Lots of emotions for NPChuck today.
Dude; I don't know if Barron Trump is autistic. How would I know? I've never met him. I've never even seen much video of him. I've never heard him talk. Has anyone who is commenting here, ever heard Barron Trump talk?
What I do know for sure is that Trump family lawyers sent a letter to the publishers of US Weekly, stating that Barron Trump is not autistic. We know that because the letter has been posted online.
So that's that, unless and until it may become clear to the world that Barron Trump is autistic, at which time the question will become what to make of the unsolicited letter claiming in no uncertain terms (and threatening litigation) that Barron Trump is not autistic. At that point, the main question(s) will be largely unrelated to Barron personally. The entire nation will wish Barron the very best in dealing with his condition. No; the real question will be why the Trump family went into official denial about it, including a legal threat.
Is it OK to say 'hot'?
"The amount of personal attacks on me is directly proportional to my ability to enrage TrumpCult devotees on a very personal level..."
No, Chuck, you don't enrage anyone. Your comments are mostly fingernails scraping across a blackboard, so just annoying. You're still the high school kid who spent four years stuffed in a locker and never figured out why. Nobody takes you seriously enough to get enraged, it's just that there's not a locker handy so the verbal abuse has to suffice.
Trump might not be funny, but NRO has some great comedy writers working over time today.
RINO's take their revenge tomorrow.
Republicans are going to lose because...
wait for it...
wait for it...
Republican voters really like McCain and Dole and Romney and didn't want tax cuts or a border wall!
And there is Chuck/Craig going on about how Trump wants to have sex with Evanka.
No seriously GTFO.
Nobody wants you people around. all 20 or 30 of you.
Did Hermann Göring [have a sense of humor]?
You tell us:
"Did I ever tell you that funny story about how I sent to Spain a ship containing mainly bricks and stones, under which I put a single layer of ammunition which had been ordered by the Red government in Spain? The purpose of that ship was to supply the waning Red government with munitions. That was a good practical joke and I am proud of it because I wanted with all my heart to see Russian Communism in Spain defeated finally."
Main stream leader in the democrat party Louis Farrakan, whose endorsement is sought out by every democrat pol, is in Iran chanting Death to America.
Moderate voters are going to go vote democrat because reasons.
"mockturtle said...
Is it OK to say 'hot'?"
Only if you're white.
NPChuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, believes that he (NPChuck mistakenly typed 'we' but I auto-corrected for it.) could have done a better job than did Republican voters. And he always will.
Furthermore, Trump could not have won Michigan in 2016.
NPChuck declared it so.
Hey, Achilles, glad to see you commenting.
I still want a bet on your prediction that Republicans will hold the House and take 60 Senate seats. We still have time! All I need is your confirmation as to my proposed terms!
LLR NPChuck: "The amount of personal attacks on me is directly proportional to my ability to enrage TrumpCult......"
Achilles, why dont you tell Chuck to add his weekly Brian Stelter Newsletter to the pot?
Something tells me Chuck will not want to risk that.
I have money on James Jones. 8 to 1 payoff.
Does Chuck, who knows Michigan politics like the back of his had, have any predictions on the Michigan Senate race?
538 is a clown show.
They went from Stabenow +13 two days ago to Stabenow +3 today.
I personally enjoyed reading Byron York's debunking of LLR Chuck's hilarious and obviously fake lefty talking point regatding Trump talking about the economy during this campaign season.
Look, I realize Chuck is genetically incapable of not parroting every lunatic lefty talking point that comes down the pike, but honestly I didn't think he would be so buffoonish to pick up on that one.
But he did.
Chuck said...
Hey, Achilles, glad to see you commenting.
I still want a bet on your prediction that Republicans will hold the House and take 60 Senate seats. We still have time! All I need is your confirmation as to my proposed terms!
got to
Put 100 dollars down.
We will see who comes out with more money tomorrow.
I am also personally hoping that the Stabenow Victory Party Chuck will be attending turns into a 2016/Hillary-like failure party.
It would be nice to see Chuck crying again.
Chuck, do us a favor and let us know if Maddow has a "brilliant" show tonight.
I mean a really "brilliant" show. Not just one of her normal shows that only you think is brilliant.
It's apparently OK for People magazine to call a man of color The Sexiest Man Alive.
"Achilles said...
I have money on James Jones. 8 to 1 payoff.
Does Chuck, who knows Michigan politics like the back of his had, have any predictions on the Michigan Senate race?"
I have one. ChucKKK won't vote for Jones.
CG: "I have one. ChucKKK won't vote for Jones"
There is no question that LLR Chuck will not be voting for Jones. Not even if Jones were running to assume leadership of LLR Chuck's "Dept of Black People", which Chuck assured us was, like, totally not racist or anything.
Blogger Drago said...
Chuck, do us a favor and let us know if Maddow has a "brilliant" show tonight.
You're the one fixated on Rachel. You talk about her every day. Perhaps because she looks like a fresh-faced 17-yo sailor boy?
Curious George said...
I have one. ChucKKK won't vote for Jones.
We all know Chuck is a racist and he wants democrats to win.
It is just fun to make fun of Craig's fake Michigan lawyer schtick. He probably just found out a black guy is running for senate in Michigan.
NPChuck, right on cue, smearing a 12 year old.
You rotten little cunt, there is no amount of mockery and vitriol that adequately sums up what a terrible person you are.
Why don't you follow up with some more "department of black people" racism and violent threats to Greta?
Go the full NPChuck for us today. I would pay a sizeable amount of money for the opportunity to express my opinion to your spergy incel face. Mocking you on the internet will have to suffice I'm afraid.
Barron Trump IQ score is estimated at 146, which is considered as a genius and in top 0.1% of the population in the world. Barron William Trump (born March 20, 2006) is Donald Trump's youngest child and his only child with Melania Trump.
Internet wisdom returned from a Bing search of "Barron Trump IQ."
Democrats wont vote for James Jones because they are racists.
Curious George said...
"Achilles said...
I have money on James Jones. 8 to 1 payoff.
Does Chuck, who knows Michigan politics like the back of his had, have any predictions on the Michigan Senate race?"
I have one. ChucKKK won't vote for Jones.
I voted already. And I voted for each and every Republican on the partisan portion of my ballot. Including John James. Nobody named "Jones" is running for Senate in Michigan, you fucking idiots.
And John James will lose. He will lose by, my guess, 6 points. That is giving him a big benefit of the doubt. Most polling shows a bigger loss.
He has run an interesting campaign. Mostly, his campaign has been, "I am an ex-military helicopter pilot who is endorsed by Donald Trump." Kind of a Republican Tammy Duckworth, with no other truly relevant experience. James is a political outsider who hasn't gotten much support from establishment Republicans within the state. I think Trumpists all over the country like him because he is so "Trump." He has remarkably bad name-recognition in Michigan. In his TV ads, he doesn't say he is a Republican, and he barely mentions that it is the Senate that he is running for. I think he is running for his next job, in another election.
Another Chuck meme -
- lacks "truly relevant experience" -
- why not simply say new comer, novice, virgin, uncorrupted etc?
this goes with -
- "I believe substantiated allegations against Trump" and will use them to smear Trump
If we're not going to use the word beautiful in regards to women, then we can talk about
Skinhead O'Conner; who said:
But truly I never wanna spend time with white people again (if that's what non-muslims are called). Not for one moment, for any reason. They are disgusting,”
It's sad that people can be THAT Stupid; Everyone Knows that non-muslims are called Indians
President-Mom-Jeans said...
NPChuck, right on cue, smearing a 12 year old.
You rotten little cunt, there is no amount of mockery and vitriol that adequately sums up what a terrible person you are.
Why don't you follow up with some more "department of black people" racism and violent threats to Greta?
Go the full NPChuck for us today. I would pay a sizeable amount of money for the opportunity to express my opinion to your spergy incel face. Mocking you on the internet will have to suffice I'm afraid.
You, "President-Mom-Jeans"; you and you alone brought up the topic of "calling children autistic" on this page. You did it at 10:46 am. Nobody mentioned anything of the kind before you brought it up. You did it all on your own. You brought it up, all by yourself, in an effort to demean me, and you just don't seem to understand that I am not taking that sort of shit from a worthless jackass like you.
Congrats, on your successfully re-raising an issue as to Barron Trump, when this page could have existed rather nicely without it.
You cannot possibly be so fucking stupid as to think that I would let you insult me without my firing back in the most personally hurtful (to anyone, doesn't really matter who) way in order to defend myself... Or maybe you are that stupid. I guess I'll go with, "Yes you are that stupid."
I am dedicating this response to the Emperor God Donald Trump, who taught me and all of us how to fire back viciously and even hatefully at any perceived slight.
I wonder what the Venn Diagram between members of the Rachel Maddow fan club in Michigan and Cooley Law dropouts whoe never passed the bar looks like. Shouldn't be too hard to find out.
NPChuck has been insulted! He is going to bravely fight back by smearing a child, because, reasons. In NPChuck world, if somewhat says something mean about him, his first go to move it to slander a 12 year old. That or cry like a little bitch to Mommy Althouse.
Also, NPChuck will continue revel in his "department of black people" racism and threats to assault female television personalities. This is because he is so brave with his "firing back."
Very brave, from behind his keyboard. Perhaps not so brave in other situations.
LLR Chuck clearly hates Barron Trump.
I wonder what it is in Chuck's past that causes such strange anti-child attacks?
You get that everyone? NPChuck is going to fire back to be personally hurtful to a 12 year old, because someone on the internet called him mean names. Not the person who insulted him, not NPChuck. That isn't true bravery.
He is playing that 8 dimensional chess, where true bravery is repeatedly smearing a 12 year old whose father has driven him batshit crazy. How NPChuck hasn't been given medals and awards for his valor and courageous actions shows just what an unjust world it is under Trump.
narayanan said...
Another Chuck meme -
- lacks "truly relevant experience" -
This is not a partisan complaint on my part. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) lacked truly relevant experience. She was a grievously wounded military helicopter pilot, before she ran for Congress. I'm not sure what else she was. She ran for Congress on the "war heroine" platform and lost. Then the Illinois Democrats gave her a VA administrative job until she ran for Congress again. All of that makes her, I suppose, more credentialed than John James. Again, that is J-o-h-n J-a-m-e-s, for those of you trying to remember names.
John James is a West Point graduate who did multiple tours of duty as a military helicopter pilot and then came back to Michigan to run his father's trucking and warehousing company. He would clearly rather be a Senator than be in the trucking and warehousing business. And he has never been elected to anything before running for the U.S. Senate.
And I had NO PROBLEM voting for James over the most perfect waste of human space in the Senate, Debbie Stabenow. You will rarely see Senator Stabenow on tv. It is because she is so susceptible to booting anything other than the most routinely-scripted questions. There is not a single original, creative thought in her tiny brain.
President-Mom-Jeans said...
I wonder what the Venn Diagram between members of the Rachel Maddow fan club in Michigan and Cooley Law dropouts whoe never passed the bar looks like. Shouldn't be too hard to find out.
Michael Cohen went to Cooley. I did not.
Darrell said...
Barron Trump IQ score is estimated at 146, which is considered as a genius and in top 0.1% of the population in the world. Barron William Trump (born March 20, 2006) is Donald Trump's youngest child and his only child with Melania Trump.
Internet wisdom returned from a Bing search of "Barron Trump IQ."
Hey that's great! Really wonderful. Thanks for sharing that.
PMJ: "Very brave, from behind his keyboard. Perhaps not so brave in other situations."
Not true.
Right about the same time that LLR Chuck was going to the mat in passionately defending Stolen Valor dem hack Dick "DaNang" Blumenthal, Chuck also shared with us the fact that he, Chuck, once, momentarily, courageously and heroically thought about joining the military.
Of course, the moment passed and he did not join but that didn't keep LLR Chuck from "reporting for duty" years later in defending and obfuscating and defending the Stolen Valor lies of Blumenthal.
The left will accept service of any kind towards the greater cause of establishing complete lefty political dominance and LLR Chuck is always "johnnie on the spot" when the dem need him.
Frankly, there is something to be said regarding LLR Chuck's consistency in supporting the left.
Yes Trump's lies and distortions are beautiful and funny...
It must be hell to go through life without a sense of humor.
LLR Chuck: "And I had NO PROBLEM voting for James over the most perfect waste of human space in the Senate, Debbie Stabenow."
wink wink
Trump is funny. He's always been funny. And he knows his audience. And his audience sure as hell isn't the Washington Post.
He does New York shtick, humor with a Jewish touch. Remember when he said Hillary got schlonged by Obama? That's a standard New York yiddishism, but the anti-Trump establishment, both parties, and all the media went insane.
Or meshugga, if you prefer.
Baron Trump is both physically and mentally superior to NPChuck in every way. If NPChuck were to run his cockholster in front of Primarch Baron Trump the way he does from behind his keyboard, despite his young age, I am confident he would beat NPChuck to a bloody pulp with his bare hands.
President-Mom-Jeans said...
Baron Trump is both physically and mentally superior to NPChuck in every way. If NPChuck were to run his cockholster in front of Primarch Baron Trump the way he does from behind his keyboard, despite his young age, I am confident he would beat NPChuck to a bloody pulp with his bare hands.
Well okay then!
Be careful when you approach the Secret Service with that proposal.
Drago said...
PMJ: "Very brave, from behind his keyboard. Perhaps not so brave in other situations."
Not true.
Right about the same time that LLR Chuck was going to the mat in passionately defending Stolen Valor dem hack Dick "DaNang" Blumenthal, Chuck also shared with us the fact that he, Chuck, once, momentarily, courageously and heroically thought about joining the military.
Somebody demanded to know whether I served. My bland answer was that I was of an age where they canceled the draft the year that I turned 18, and my draft status as printed on my card (they did away with draft cards two years later) was "1H." I then explained that I was not in need of college money as an undergraduate, and the U.S. military was obviously not in need of bodies as we de-escalated post-Vietnam, and so I did not join ROTC or anything like that. And I wrote that in hindsight, I regretted it. And that I think that in hindsight (easy for me to say), I think that military service would be a good thing for most young men. I think it would have been a good thing for me. But the mid-70's was a very different time in terms of national perception of the military. I am glad that the U.S. military, in the age of the all-volunteer force, has its (rightful) place of honor in the national conversation.
That was the gist of my answer, when somebody asked me about it a long time ago.
My time in the U.S. military is exactly the same as Donald Trump's. Although I never claimed "heel spurs" as a disabling condition for service.
I don't think they let sexual deviants in the military in 1973, NPChuck.
Your lifelong monogamy with Palmula Handerson, violent fetishes about shoving things down men's throats, obession with children, and threatening to assault women would have been spotted early on.
LLR Chuck wrote many many words that failed to explain his powerful defense of Stolen Valor hack dem Blumenthal.
The reasons for that are obvious.
I wonder if Chucks courageous failure to serve played a role in his attack against war hero republican Tom Cotten while strongly supporting and defending slanderer of the US military Dick Durbin?
I am no shrink but I would guess yes.
LLR NPChuck: "My time in the U.S. military is exactly the same as Donald Trump's."
How many military members have happily and proudly saluted you as their Commander in Chief?
Its no wonder ypu feel triggered into attacking Trumps child.
Just like the leftists....
Beautiful lady. Feminine female, that is.
Lindsey Graham who was there, said that Trump used the phrase "shithole countries." Jeff Flake says that Graham said so, and so does Tim Scott.
So does Senator Blumenthal, and so does Senator Durbin. I believe all of them.
DHS Secretary Neilsen coincidentally had to appear before a Senate committee on which Durbin sits just a couple of days later. Durbin had her under oath, and he worked her over, after the White House had denied Trump's using the language that everybody in the meeting heard. Neilsen admitted that cuss words had been used "by a number of people," and then Durbin -- effectively cross-examining a witness about an event that both of them witnessed -- demanded that she say who used "cuss words," and it got down to (1) the President and (2) Senator Graham, who was repeating back to the President the cuss-word phrase that the President had just used.
Then there was Senator Tom Cotton. A likable, mostly admirable Republican. Except that in his varying versions of the meeting at the White House, he said that he didn't recall the specific language used by the President, then he claimed he didn't hear the president say "shithole countries," nor any other disparagement of any individuals, then he said that he heard the language as "shithouse." And Senator David Perdue who was also present, made an even bigger hash of the lies and deflections, claiming that Dick Durbin was the only person who was claiming the language that was used. (Durbin was the only Democrat in the room, which was expected to be just Graham, Durbin and the President but which quickly grew to include Republican leadership when the immigration hawks in the Administration heard about the meeting that Trump had agreed to.) Durbin is clearly not the only person who heard the remark.
Those are the facts, and the only way that I have ever "defended" Dick Durbin was in my adoption of those facts.
Drago said...
Its no wonder ypu [sic] feel triggered into attacking Trumps child.
Drago, I am not attacking Barron Trump. Others have suggested that he may be autistic. I do not know if that is true or not. I have no way of knowing. What I want everyone to be clear on, is that the lawyer retained by the Trump family (who was Hulk Hogan's lawyer in the "Gawker" lawsuit) has written that Barron Trump is not autistic.
And you would have to ask President-Mom-Jeans why the subject was even raised today.
I sometimes wonder why NPChuck chose his online moniker. Did he predict that it would ryhme with Cuck? Did he want a C to start his name and psychic powers know that the NPC meme would come about? Or just that he is a cunt?
If he wanted to pick a one syllable name for an Althouse handle, he could have just gone with "Dick."
LLR NPChuck: "Drago, I am not attacking Barron Trump."
Tsk tsk
Chuck lacks the basic courage to own what he clearly has done.
No wonder he so effortlessly aligns with the far left.
Enjoy the shrimp cocktail at Stabenows party tonight!
Oh, right, you voted for pro-Trump conservative John James.
.......snort.......wink wink
Its a good think Chuck's real inner "courage" kept him from joining the military.
He saved us the hassle of fragging him before he went full "Bowe Bergdahl".
So, really, thanks are in order!
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