November 5, 2018

You know what Democrats are going to say if they don't win the House?

You might think Trump has set the midterms up as a referendum on himself, and I think that's true. But if the GOP wins, Trump antagonists are not going to give it to Trump and say his referendum passed and bow to democratic choice. They're going to say that racism won, and resisting and fighting is even more important now that we know so many Americans have been caught up in Trump's horrible scheme.

ADDED: I shouldn't have put a question mark in the post title. I really did mean you know. I'm not trying to be inventive. Sometimes there's reason to put the obvious down in print, to make a record in case anyone might doubt that we all knew. Also, it saves the trouble of having to write, after the fact, about not being surprised or wheel out the old "shocked, shocked" cliché one more time.


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Birkel said...

I assume you get the point even if you never admit as much.
I assume Royal ass Inga is incapable of getting my point.
I don't need to choose.

Big Mike said...

Anyway, Althouse; if your concern is related to the specific possibility of the Republicans holding their House majority, I don't think you have to worry too much about that.

@Chuck, that's why you don't belong in Trump's party anymore. You're whipped before you even start. Try to grow a pair, maybe.

Birkel said...

They don't think he's a moron.
They disbelieve he doesn't follow their received wisdom.
And if Trump is correct, what do the people who follow the received wisdom have?

What a catastrophe for the people "in the know" if they don't!?!

Sprezzatura said...

"They don't think he's a moron."

That's true, they've seen him be a F-ing moron, not a moron.

BTW, you do know that they know more about DJT as POTUS than you do? Right?

Birkel said...

It's cute that you think so. Have you been beside an organization experiencing rapid change? Failure or success, it really doesn't matter. The people inside are typically incapable or processing what is happening.

And here comes the ultimate political black swan. And he's making people justify themselves. He's not accepting their deeply held and mostly unchallenged beliefs. So the only way to explain that is to assert something must be wrong with this outsider.

It's not a unique situation, in point of fact. But in most organizations there are mechanisms to keep such people from ascending to the heights of power. Those systems are conservative, if not reactionary. And when the systems are upset the people inside blame everything but themselves for failures.

And D.C. is filled with failure. There is plenty to go around.

But I probably know nothing of bureaucracy or OB.

Sprezzatura said...

Birk for Foggy Bottom!

He knows.

Birkel said...

No, PB&J.
We should nuke Foggy Bottom from orbit.
That's the only way to be sure.

You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

(mixing movie metaphors)

Sprezzatura said...

"We should nuke Foggy Bottom from orbit."

May need to relocate Q2.

alanc709 said...

Love all the civility from the left, as well as the homophobic taunts. Do they ever look at what they say?

Birkel said...

I appreciate that you won't acknowledge an argument that challenges what you prefer to believe.
So tell me why the OB analysis is wrong.

Arashi said...
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Arashi said...

anti - de whateever -

Like yourself and your personal self-rightous all encompassing knowledge?

We will find out tomorrow about this time I reckon. And then everybody gets to say 'I told you so" or not.

Wait for it..

or not.

gadfly said...

The Wall Street Journal calls Trump’s strategy “Lose-the-House.” But in fact he can only select strategies designed by his advisors to “Make -Trump - the Winner.” In this case the advisor is his former Chief Strategist, Steve Bannon, who believes that the mid-terms represent an up or down vote on Trump himself. So you have to go with issues where his vote came from – the illegals and Obamacare.

What Trump cannot do is appear in 60 House districts to encourage turnouts and it makes little sense to do so if the odds are 1 in 7 of succeeding. So you need only to turn-up in 10 or so states, multiple times to help the Republicans win close races. This strategy is easier and chances are about 6 -in 7 of doing so.

In the end, Trump is egotistically sorry but he cannot be everywhere and his presence is necessary for winning. Yeah, a Democrat House means he has to put up with impeachment hearings - but he thinks he is safe if he owns the Senate unless of course, the Mueller probe turns the tables. But ego says that will not happen. And if the GOP gains even a single seat of majority it’s a Trump miracle all over again.

WSJ points out that: The biggest loser in all this would be a genuine conservative agenda. . . . If they lose the House this year, Republicans aren’t likely to get it back until the end of the Trump Presidency.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Further, I don't explain myself most of the time. And I don't mind that people miss my points.

Oh, Travis Bickle Birkel!

You're a regular Adolf Einstein.

A pioneering physicist of political philosophy.

Just too intelligent to be understood by the meager masses.

Poor you.

Michael McNeil said...
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Michael McNeil said...

I seem to recall that members of Lincoln's cabinet also had highly disfavorable opinions of him. Lincoln — another highly Abby Normal president. What a criticism of a President of the United States — that he's not normal. That would be hilarious, if it weren't so pathetic. This is what people like Inga are reduced to: advocating (like Senator Roman Hruska) that mediocrities (normals) deserve representation too!

Sprezzatura said...

"What a criticism of a President of the United States — that he's not normal."

No, that's not the criticism. Not that he's not normal.

It's that he's an F-ing moron. This is the sorta assessment that's come from people w/ firsthand knowledge (unlike you). Not to mention these are folks w/ top level experience and success re capitalism (presumably unlike you).

Interesting that the stuff between yur ears makes you feel that you know more than folks who actually do know more.

Yur not alone.

Gospace said...

Funny thing about all these people calling Donald John Trump. MBA from Wharton, President of the United States, a morn.

He's President Donald John Trump, by virtue of beating the smartest woman in the world, in a free and fair election. Where he brilliantly executed a winning electoral vote getting strategy while she concentrated on racking up the meaningless popular vote. He's POTUS, she isn't. He's POTUS, they aren't. I can only wish I was that moronic.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

...he's not normal.

You can say that again. A douchebag whose strongest psychological motivation in life is cloying paranoia that not enough people like him! Not enough people are fair to him! Boo FUCKING HOO!.

And so, he copes with his mental defect by channeling/communing with other losers who feel that not enough people are NICE to THEM, either! "Hey, look people! Everyone HATES us! I'M your champion!" he says to them.

Problem is, people don't like Trump or his crowd because they're hateful, unhinged douchebags - people who simply can't exist without someone else to hate. This is how they give themselves a sense of power, and how Trump garners what for him is the only way to feel love. Communing with people just as paranoid in how unloved they themselves feel. This is the only way he understands of being admired or relating to others.

So they gin up the hatred (since they know it so intimately well) against others. Asylum seekers, immigrants thousands of miles from the border... whomever. A synagogue with 11 Jews including 2 developmentally disabled adults, all gunned down because 2 Fed chairpersons and a billionaire Holocaust survivor seem "creepily" Jewish enough for the warped Trumpanzees to string together in campaign ads with ominous music about how they must be controlling these losers' lives.

How many more Americans will you need to see gunned down to feel better about your pathetic selves? How much more hatred and anger do you have to gin up and activate among the most motivated of your sickly flock?

Scott Anderson said...

Ann, did you vote for the democrats, or the communists?

FIDO said...


Unfortunately, PEW has done a study on where the left and the right are on issues.

What you consider 'moderate left' is far beyond the bounds of the majority of the nation. The Center and the Right are all owned by 'Republicans'.

Your beliefs might seem sensible and moderate within the hothouse of the Academy, where one keeps the Gender and Identity study people around if for no other reason than to feel better about yourself, but compared to the metric 'average American', the 'moderates' in the Academy are far left...but not FAR LEFT as so many OTHER faculty in the Academy is.

In fact most Democrats have moved to the far left, particularly among those who are politically Academics.

This was not the case even 2004.

But between 2004 and 2011 was Obama, the Great Polarizer.

This is 'science' as the Academy asserts. So are you going to dismiss 'science'?

I R A Darth Aggie said...

And here I was going to say that they'll blame the Russians.

The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!

E Hines said...

I think you've understated the case. The Progressive-Democrats and the Left generally will say Republicans won because so many Americans are racist. Progressive-Democrats have been spreading that spew since the 2016 presidential campaign and Hillary Clinton's slur. They spread that spew more subtly through Obama's reign.
Eric Hines

rsbsail said...

FYI, Ann, your post was discussed on the Michael Medved radio show today.

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