November 9, 2018

"Yet the current Democratic leadership has insisted that no one so much as mention the word 'impeachment.'"

"Instead, they have suggested using Mr. Trump’s abuses of power as bargaining chips in future negotiations. For too long, Democratic leaders have convinced their fellow elected officials that bland, nonconfrontational and incremental centrism is the way to win elections and make progress. In truth, it’s just the easiest way to protect the balance of power in Washington. But by trying to meet a corrupt Republican Party halfway, instead of taking clear stands for what’s right, they have failed to define the party and failed to protect their constituents.... Should the establishment refuse to give up conventional orthodoxy and take up impeachment proceedings when the new Congress convenes, freshmen members — many of whom ran and won because of their promise to stand up to the president — must challenge the establishment and demand a say over the agenda. An overwhelming majority of people in this country elected them to hold this president accountable. There is no majority without them.... Democrats must stand up for the safety of the American people and our entire democratic system."

Writes the billionaire Tom Steyer in the NYT, in "Why Democrats Must Impeach the President/They won the House by promising to hold Trump accountable."

The most-liked comment at the Times is: "Moving too fast on any of this will play right into Trump's hands. He thrives on exactly this. Don't immediately give him the power to accuse Democrats of overreach. This all seems like bad advice."

It's such patently bad advice that I wonder why the NYT wanted to print it. It gives energy to the "freshmen members" who are going to demand overreaching. And speaking of playing right into Trump's hands, Trump has been talking about wanting a new, softer tone and working together with Democrats to get things done. They shouldn't make it easy for him to say he tried and they wouldn't have it. The main argument against Trump has always been that he seems too wild and weird. To counter that, Democrats just need to be calm and normal. But that's exactly what Steyer is railing against.


Dave Begley said...

"a corrupt Republican Party halfway, instead of taking clear stands for what’s right...." Writes the epic hypocrite who made millions building coal fired power plants in Asia.

I hope this prick runs for President. I'll be happy to question him in Iowa.

Dave Begley said...

Has anyone seen any Articles of Impeachment against Trump? What is the factual basis for the impeachment? What are the particulars of his high crimes and misdemeanors?

I. Mean tweets.

II. Bad hair.

III. He was mean to Jim Acosta.

IV. He won't do what we want.

chickelit said...

Who elected Steyer as spokesperson? How much money did he blow on trying to elect Beto in Texas?

chickelit said...

Steyer sounds like a big donor with a bigger boner for getting Trump. Let’s help this guy part ways with his money. Let’s encourage his impeachment fantasies.

Jess said...

It appears the Democratic Party is all in lock-step, except when they're not, if it's convenient, or continues the narrative. Otherwise, personal opinions aren't necessary, or wanted, unless they're presented as described above. That, and being dead, or illegal, automatically makes you a member.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

But by trying to meet a corrupt Republican Party halfway, instead of taking clear stands for what’s right, they have failed to define the party and failed to protect their constituents....

Please name the corruption. Really name it. It has to be real.

I can name Hillary Clinton's corruption.
We all know how corrupt Menendez is in New Jersey.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

WE can NAME democrat corruption - we are watching it unfold right now in election fraud.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Ah, but the loony base paid for this Congressional majority. And they want what they paid for, consequences be damned.

Buying a truck load of Little Debbies might seem like an odd way to lose weight but I’m eating them anyway. I can exercise later. Monday. Or after the holidays. Before summer anyway..

Craig said...

What difference, at this point, does it make? Our society is 10 years from one-party Democrat rule and conservatives/Republicans being excluded from all "respectable" organizations. Trump's election may have delayed it a couple years, but the midterms just showed that the best economy ever and peace with North Korea is not enough to stop the train of progressivism.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

“All Democrats have to do is not be crazy, but...”

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Democrats should hold their fire and save it for when the time is right. Trump should continue to tweet and hold really long “lively” press conferences. Keep talking Trump. Haha, Trump is bashing Kelly Ann Conway’s husband as we speak.

BarrySanders20 said...

Step 1: Smite the Orange Man!

Step 2: ?

Step 3: Seize power!

Henry said...

For too long, Democratic leaders have convinced their fellow elected officials that bland, nonconfrontational and incremental centrism is the way to win elections and make progress.

Amazingly, their bland, nonconfrontational and incremental centrism just won elections and made progress.

Roger Sweeny said...

It's such patently bad advice that I wonder why the NYT wanted to print it.

Well, it will bring paying eyeballs to the Times. The NYT and the WaPo have halted and reversed their circulation slides by telling the country's left of center, "Trump is doing awful things and you need us to tell you what and to help you stop him. If you don't subscribe, terrible things might happen. 'Democracy dies in darkness.'"

So they have an incentive to demonize and make things seem worse than they are. But they also honestly want to stop Trump and elect Democrats. With impeachment, the two goals come in conflict.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

It’s such a classic political self-trap. Intensified by off-the-charts self-righteousness.

Bay Area Guy said...

Steyer is a rich crazy leftist. Too cowardly to actually run and compete against Trump in a National race, so he hides behind the scenes.

Bob Boyd said...

"These things must be done delicately or you hurt the spell." - The Wicked Witch of the West

Darrell said...

Some asshole Democrat on Wednesday was talking about impeaching Trump and Kavanaugh. Democrats and Media can't help lying.

Lucid-Ideas said...

"It's such patently bad advice that I wonder why the NYT wanted to print it."

Uh? Hello? Because Orange Man Bad. Duh. Also they had to meet their requisite OrangeManBad quota for the day. Don't get me started on that very tight OrangeManBad deadline....slave-drivers!!!

Diogenes of Sinope said...

My sock puppet self on the leftie sites is 100 percent in for impeachment and is well liked and respected on those sites. No brag just a fact.

Hagar said...

Probably Tom Steyer's opening move for the Democrat nomination.
And I do think their 2020 nominee will be a billionaire - Tom Steyer or another.

Dave Begley said...

Election fraud. Russia hoax. Media complicity and cheerleading. An innocent and good man slimed in the US Senate. Criminals like Menendez get re-elected. A cypher beats a West Point grad and successful black businessman in MI. Wife beating, anti-Semite and pro-criminal Dem elected AG in MN. Crooked Hillary never even got indicted. Mobs attack Senators and media people they disagree with. Open borders. Aliens over citizens.

The above is what the Democrat party has become.

Dave Begley said...


Steyer made his money the old-fashioned way: financer of coal plants in Asia.

MadisonMan said...

I see the word 'impeachment' but I never see a serious conversation on the charge.

Scrolling up, I see this has been asked already. Oh well. Bears repeating.

chickelit said...

The whole problem with the Dem party is rich vengeful donors like Steyer trying to buy influence. Trump told the Republican Steyer types to buzz off; he targeted them for derision. Dems have yet to have that sort of revolution.

JPS said...

Steyer: No, we have to go all out. I think this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part.

Progressive Dems: And we're just the guys to do it!

rcocean said...

Steyer seems to be full of hate. Maybe we should call him on it.

Meade said...

"Moving too fast on any of this will play right into Trump's hands."

I hope President Trump knows that 15% of these "freshmen members" (and Jim Acosta) carry the rabies virus. CDC gives the following advice on prevention of rabies infection:

Avoid wild freshmen members (and Jim Acosta).
Avoid any freshmen member (and Jim Acosta) with symptoms of rabies .
Do not approach or touch unfamiliar freshmen members (and Jim Acosta).
Block any openings into your White House that any freshmen member (and Jim Acosta) may get in through.
Keep tamper-proof lids on outside garbage cans so freshmen members (and Jim Acosta) are not attracted to your property.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The democrat party is the party of revenge. Sick-hearted revenge seekers. Sociopaths. Just like vile communists.

Howard said...

T^om Steyer is pus-filled bag of shit... kinda like the President, a rich d-bag with a big mouth except he fails to have the common touch

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“An innocent and good man slimed in the US Senate. Criminals like Menendez get re-elected. A cypher beats a West Point grad and successful black businessman in MI. Wife beating, anti-Semite and pro-criminal Dem elected AG in MN. Crooked Hillary never even got indicted. Mobs attack Senators and media people they disagree with. Open borders. Aliens over citizens.”
“Republican Reps. Chris Collins and Duncan Hunter, who are both facing federal indictments, were re-elected to Congress Tuesday night.

Both men were early supporters of President Donald Trump, who blasted the Justice Department earlier this year for investigating the two Republicans.”

Howard said...

Dickin Bibbos: I thought you liked getting it doggie style or are these protestations of ecstasy?

Lee Moore said...

It's such patently bad advice that I wonder why the NYT wanted to print it

Because Steyer is very rich and gives huge amounts of money to the Dems and liberal causes. If he wanted to place an article on dental floss, they'd print it.

Piper, tune, etc.

Breezy said...

Steyer seems deranged. He’s got some sort of envy for what Trump’s accomplished, coming from the billionaire club.
It’s a bit scarey, actually, how unfounded his pleas are.

Seeing Red said...


Howard said...

Steyer is another New York cunt who helped ruin California.

Gk1 said...

They might as well try, it's not like their cheerleaders in the press will hold them accountable while they overreach. It's like the Kavanaugh fiasco. That will only happen at the ballot box.

Dave Begley said...


In his capacity as President of the United States, unmindful of the high duties of his high office and the dignity and proprieties thereof, and of the harmony and courtesies necessary for stability within the society of the United States, Donald John Trump has with his statements done more than insult individuals and groups of Americans, he has harmed the society of the United States, brought shame and dishonor to the office of President of the United States, sowing discord among the people of the United States by associating the majesty and dignity of the presidency with causes rooted in white supremacy, bigotry, racism, anti-Semitism, white nationalism, or neo-Nazism on one or more of the following occasions..."

Yeah, that's well-plead. I'll vote for that!

wendybar said...

Talk about a crazy Billionaire. Steyer takes the cake!!

rehajm said...

How much money did he blow on trying to elect Beto in Texas

He's pissed away 10 figures on his climate change agenda alone, whit nothing to show for it. He's one of the worst investors in history...

tim maguire said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...Trump should continue to tweet and hold really long “lively” press conferences. Keep talking Trump.

Seriously? You think his tweets and press conferences are evidence you are amassing against him? I keep thinking at some point the cluelessness would stop astonishing me. But it never does.

Chuck said...

If you reverse the part-identities, Tom Steyer sounds just like Sean Hannity.

Leland said...

The Billionaires bank rolling the Democrats are demanding their new purchased representatives do their bidding.

narciso said...

That's why the dems are bankrolling Marc elias of fusion fame

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Seriously? You think his tweets and press conferences are evidence you are amassing against him? I keep thinking at some point the cluelessness would stop astonishing me. But it never does.”

Trumpit said...

If Schlump committed "high crimes and misdemeanors" then he should be impeached. The tax cut for the rich that he signed in 2017 qualifies for a long prison sentence. Greed at the public trough must be severely punished. No one should be allowed to be a billionaire, so both Schlump & Steyer should be taxed down to size. Schlump should die in prison, in my humble opinion.

narciso said...

Yes and he paid for this party as did soros,

Nonapod said...

Is trash talking on Twitter a high crime and misdemeanor now? Is it really Trump that has "sowed discord" in the American people? Is he the cause or the result?

And "majesty and dignity of the presidency" is a bit of a tell, the Left really does want a return of monarchies and feudal primogeniture (Queen Hillary to be followed by Princess Chelsea).

Big Mike said...

The main argument against Trump has always been that he seems too wild and weird. To counter that, Democrats just need to be calm and normal.

They can’t, and won’t. Look at the people who will be leading the House after January: Nancy Pelosi, Elijah Cummings, Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff, ... There were only two sane (relatively sane) people on the entire House Democrat leadership and Ocasio-Cortez knocked him off in the primary.’ At any rate Steyer, Soros, and a handful of other billionaires smart enough to maintain a lower profile bought the Democrat Party for what they think of as chump change. The politicians will do as they’re told.

Kevin said...

"It's such patently bad advice that I wonder why the NYT wanted to print it."

Assumes facts not in evidence, that the NYT Editors can tell bad advice from good with respect to Trump.

alanc709 said...

Tax the rich at 99%, starting with Tom Steyer. He isn't paying his fair share. Tax all the rest of the hypocrite liberal billionaires, they'll thank you for it.

Big Mike said...

@alanc709, why be a piker? Tax him at 110%.

YoungHegelian said...

It's such patently bad advice that I wonder why the NYT wanted to print it.

Because Steyer is a billionaire who gives oodles & oodles of money to Democratic causes & and if someone doesn't reach out & pet him every now & then he just might get pissed off & stop.

Bruce Hayden said...

"Steyer sounds like a big donor with a bigger boner for getting Trump. Let’s help this guy part ways with his money. Let’s encourage his impeachment fantasies"

My understanding is that he was the biggest donor. Ever. I seem to remember something north of $100 million. I think that those close elections that the Republicans should have won easily? Those Dem candidates probably have him more than anyone else in the country to thank.

Big Mike said...

@Meade, is there a point where that beautiful, normally intelligent wife of yours stops looking at the Democrats as they were when she was in her 30s and 40s and start looking at them as they are in the 21st century?

Bob Boyd said...

Hey, don't worry you guys!
There's no reason for concern. As long as Dems keep calling everybody racist, racist, racist, it will surely lead to one big happy world. I'm so confident about it that I have already memorized the lyrics to 'Kum ba yah'.

It's Trump. Trump is the problem. Obama and Hillary had everything on track until Trump stuck his big nose into it. But soon he'll be gone, because all the good people and the smart people want him gone. He's a racist. And gross.
The GoodSmarties, as they're called, think certain things. They do! Not only that, they think certain things together. It's really cool. It's almost like bees thinking. I don't know how they do it. And they have very strong feelings. Nobody questions that. Very strong feelings. GoodSmartie feelings are much stronger and more important than ordinary people feelings. This we do know. From science, I think.
The lesson here is, you can't leave important decisions up to a bunch of rando voters anymore like we used to. It's a different world today and we have amazing phones and stuff? Plus there's just too much at stake.
The GoodSmarties all agree they need a veto power to protect themselves from the imprudent decision making of the shotgun-pumping, cousin-humping hordes of drooling moron racists. They're working on it too, so don't worry.
I look forward to seeing you all at the big sing-along. I'd like to buy the world a Coke...of course I can't afford that. That'd be like, a lot of Cokes, but I feel it strongly.

Bay Area Guy said...

Steyer should run for President. Get into the arena, man!

I don't think he will run. But never say never. If conventional Dems Booker and Harris and Biden falter, I could see Dems turning to Steyer. A rich non-politician sometimes works.

Ken B said...

Dave Begley mentions res. 646

“On October 22, 2017, Donald John Trump made a public statement substantially as follows: “Wacky Congresswoman Wilson is the gift that keeps on giving for the Republican Party, a disaster for Dems. You watch her in action & vote R!” thereby casting contempt on an African-American female Member of Congress inciting hate and hostility, and sowing discord among the people of the United States based on gender and race.”

Inciting hate? He called her a gift!

Martin said...

Steyer talking about a corrupt Republican Party is really hilarious.

I would ask if he can be that self-unaware, but of course he is.

lgv said...

"An overwhelming majority...."

Not really. Let's say 60%, of that an overwhelming majority were incumbents, an overwhelming majority of those aren't interested in the radical left approach.

Reality, Pelosi knows where all the bodies are buried. She controls massive amounts of money and the entire pecking order in Washington. If you oppose her and lose, you will be crushed and sent off to the worst committees and languish behind all others. Oh, and don't expect much help in fund raising.

The key to the strategy is to keep talking about all that is wrong with Trump and continue to threaten to do crazy stuff. In the meantime, Washington settles into the corrupt business as usual reality. It important to keep pushing unfulfilled causes in order to raise more money, especially from people like Steyer.

Kevin said...

Tax the rich at 99%, starting with Tom Steyer

The rich don't care about the tax rate on income, as long as they can defer and shelter it using means unavailable to the normal worker.

If you want to hit them, start taxing wealth. Once that happens, the whole "we're for the people" thing collapses as they immediately begin moving themselves and their assets offshore.

Kevin said...

Steyer should run for President. Get into the arena, man!

Sure, let's get three or four billionaires in the race, each arguing about the right to see each other's tax returns.

MacMacConnell said...

Steyer makes his money financing Big Coal around the world while financing politicians in the USA to shut down coal.

Jaq said...

I would really like to hear some specifics on Trump “corruption” please.

Jaq said...

The New York Times saw fit to print it as a favor from Carlos Slim to Tom Steyer.

bbkingfish said...

No impeachment necessary.

Pelosi already has staffers working on bills shoring up Obamacare, infrastructure, a middle class tax cut, gun control, and other issues popular with voters.

Trump will like some of these measures, but they'll all be DOA in the Senate. Start by wedging Trump away from WPP Senate leaders, put the pressure on McConnell to come up with his own program (he won't 'cause he has none).

Then investigate, investigate, investigate. Start with Devin Nunes.

Pelosi will set it all in motion, then step down as Speaker in 2020.

n.n said...

In Stork they Trust. Democrats adopt a highly liberal normal in the wake of multi-trimesters of warlock trials, intimidation, stalking, and collusion.

cubanbob said...

Then investigate, investigate, investigate. Start with Devin Nunes."

No, first Barack Obama and the Clintons. many, many serious felonies between these rotten apples.

Michael McNeil said...

Some asshole Democrat on Wednesday was talking about impeaching Trump and Kavanaugh. Democrats and Media can't help lying.

It wasn't just “some asshole Democrat” but the ranking member — that is, soon to be chairman — of the House Judiciary Committee, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-New York. In other words: he can make it happen, personally.

Achilles said...

Tom Steyer made his billions defrauding tax payers in green energy scams.

Trump better do well picking his next AG

hstad said...

Michael McNeil said....".....Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-New York. In other words: he can make it happen, personally....." a bit of hyperbole! Nadler would need to acquiescence of Nancy Pelosi, assuming she becomes speaker, and Nadler would also need to get every Democrat on his committee to agree to impeachment. Quite a feat, "...personally...?"

Bilwick said...

In Georgia, he Democratic Party also pretty much went on the down-low regarding gun-control. Apparently this was not uncommon elsewhere: Instapundit remarks "Weird. They were pretty quiet on this subject in the runup to the election."

No kidding. Except for reading about it on Instapundit, I didn't know fat, stupid-looking Georgia gubernatiorial candidate Stacey Abrams was a gun-grabber (although I could have guessed). It only became known when her opponent, Brian Kemp, ran ads showing video footage of Fat Mama Stacey advocating gun control. Likewise with congressional candidate Lucy McBath. Again, I could have guessed it, based on her lockstep party-line stance on other issues; but I only found out she was primarily known as a gun-control advocate only in the final days of the election. Her massive (and probably Soros-funded) tv ad campaign didn't even mention gun control, as far as I remember.

dbp said...

Tom Steyer's advice is not just bad, it is based on objectively wrong information.

There are a couple of freshmen who are true leftists: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ayanna Pressley come to mind. In their cases they defeated veteran leftist Congressmen in primary challenges and were assured an election victory due to their districts being very safe Democratic strongholds.

Most of the freshmen Democrats are people who at least pretended to be moderate and won in swing districts. They could possibly have a decent career in Congress if they stay moderate. If they go left-wing, they will be gone in two years.

stevew said...

In terms of politics, Steyer is proven, by his lack of political success, to be incompetent. Pelosi is clearly quite good at the politics game. She will pursue impeachment if, and only if, doing so will return an advance of her and the Dems political agenda. Everyone understands that conviction in the Senate will never be achieved so long as the GOP is in the majority. Evidence of impeachment level offenses could change that calculus, but there's nothing there so far.

FIDO said...

Why did they print it? Because Steyer knows Carlos Slim and asked him to give him an article and Carlos said 'Yeah sure, why not?' and the NYT is a bought and paid for entity.

Just one Democrat hand washing another and if Steyer makes a fool of himself, well, he hasn't written the stupidest thing the NYT has every published.

The truly stupid ones they give Staff and Editor positions.

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